tv Hannity FOX News July 12, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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with robert f. kennedy junior. i had an extended interview with him available only on fox nation he's a great character. sean hannity. >> say hi to piers everybody. we are going to have a big debate on two topics. guns and baseball vs. cricket. anyway great job. great show. >> thank you sean. >> we are back with a rowdy new york audience. thank you all for being here tonight [applause] >> we begin dumb and dumber at it again president biden continues to embarrass him received and our country on the world stage. meanwhile back at home vice-president kamala harris is somehow even worse. we will explain. stay tuned. kamala's brilliant lessons on artificial intelligence, which she doesn't know anything about, and transportation.
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we will give you that coming up. but first the house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan and congressman gaetz will be here on hearings on capitol hill with fbi director chris wray who should be fired and under wray and his predecessor mr. comey, the once premier law enforcement agency has been transformed into nothing short of an arm of the democratic party. they've become politicized and weaponized. the bureau is rot from the top down with extreme political bias and based on wray's non-answers cavalier attitude today he seems like he doesn't care at all. now it's well established that the fbi puts sindzer blocks on the scales of the last two presidential elections in our country. in 2016 after detailing a litany of serious crimes, top secrets
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there was no raid of hillary clinton's chappaqua home. not at all. james comey said no reasonable prosecutor would prosecute hillary clinton. remember the 33,000 subpoenaed deleted emails and destroyed devices? no consequences there either. at the same time the fbi was perpetuating what was the worst russia collusion conspiracy theories against donald trump without a shred of evidence, and using hillary clinton's dirty dossier to defraud a fisa court and knew it was a lie from the beginning and author the author christopher steele a million dollars and he couldn't collect but they used that information before that fisa court and application. four years later in 2020 under christopher wray now fbi director the fbi continued to float the russia hoax all while
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pre-bunking what the fbi knew was a very true hunter biden laptop scandal to every big tech company in the country. they did it weekly. they met with big tech companies in the lead up to that election. they knew the laptop was real. they first had it in december 2019 and purposely misled social media companies telling them they may be victims of a misinformation campaign to shape the outcome of a presidential election. but this is just the tip of the iceberg. take a look. >> eight days go july 4th western district of louisiana the court found that the federal government suppressed americans' first amendment free speech rights. opposition to president biden's policies statements that the hunter biden laptop was true and opposition to policies of the government officials in power. all were suppressed. it is quite telling each category of suppressed speech was conservative in nature.
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the court further writes, the united states government seems to have a sued a role similar to and orwellian minister of truth. specific to the fbi, the court said this: the fbi's failure to alert social media companies that the biden laptop story was real and not russian disinformation is particularly troubling. >> the fbi wrote a memo talking about radical catholics. >> you're referring to the richmond product which was a still product by a single field product. >> you thinks priests should informants inside the church director? >> we do not recruit open or operate confidential human sources to reports on religious organizes. >> sounds like were you trying to do it in richmond, uva. >>, no sir. >> you can assure us this didn't happen? >> that product did not, as best as we can tell, result in any
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investigative action a result of it. none. >> now, the abuse of power does not stop there. just listen to how the fbi and at least one major bank worked together to monitor the accounts of certain law abiding americans, especially those who have purchased firearms. by the way, all without a warrant. take a look. >> the fbi ask financial institutions to turn over deberry it is and credit card purchases in the washington, d.c. area for january 5-6, 2021? >> i don't know the answer to that as sit here right now. i am aware that bank of america provided information to the fbi. >> let's read it. to recap our morning call we are prepared to customers trance acting credit card debit card . . . that's scary enough. the next bullet point more
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scary. any, any historical capital letters, any historical purchase of a firearm. you guys asked bank of america. america. we think more. did you guys ask phlegm? >> i don't have the full sequence. >> the fbi can find a complicated work half around to monitor bank accounts from thousands of americans without a warrant. but they couldn't be bothered to preempt i havely protect the capitol before january 6 from threats that were detailed in other words actionable intelligence, even nbc news and lester holt reported on this actionable intelligence and the failure of law enforcement to act on all this that they had way before january 6th. while the fbi labels concerned parents at school board meetings domestic terrorists and defames conservative catholics and percent kuts pro-life americans
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they raid on mar-a-lago was no problem and unprecedented search they don't call a raid. then what was it? the bureau seems uninterested in serious allegations against the biden family against hunter biden in particular and especially, joe biden's potential involvement and we know he lied to this country when he said he never talked to his shop about his foreign business dealings. he was active meeting many of his foreign business partners. anyway, here is congressman matt gaetz of florida. >> i'm sitting here with my father. i will make certain between the man sitting next to me and every person he knows and me ability to forever hold a grudge that you will regret not following my direction. i am sitting here, waiting for the call with my father. sounds like a shakedown doesn't it director? >> i'm not going to get into commenting on that. >> you seem deeply uncurious about that.
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don't you? almost suspiciously uncurious and are you protecting the bidens? >> absolutely not. the fbi does not and has no interest in protecting anybody politically. >> that's had a shakedown and everybody knows why you won't answer it because to the millions of people who will see this, they know it is and your inability to acknowledge that is deeply revealing about you. you continue give straight answers. you give answers that later a court deems aren't true and at the end of the day you won't criticize an obvious shakedown when it's in front of us appears you're whitewashing. >> the number of people devote their lives working for us is up over a hundred per cent. >> we are deeply proud of them and they deserve better than you. >> wow. checkmate. [applause] >> as far as we know there have been no serious investigations into crimes documented on zero
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experience hunter's laptop, no extensive probe into that bribery allegations into that 1023 by a trusted fbi source, no investigation into joe biden at all whatsoever anything that could implicate the big guy in a serious crime has been suppressed or it has been ignored. naturally we heard almost no complaints from the democrats on the hill today, on the fbi's abuse of power, always seems to cut one way, in favor of democrats against conservatives. and by the way, the bureau's unconstitutional government overreach is on going animus end. according to a broond new report from the house weaponization subcommittee the housework with the kprain is compromise's intelligence agency trying to censor social media accounts that day to say the wrong thing about the war in ukraine but chris wray can't be bothered to address these concerns at all
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whatsoever? he didn't give a single straight answer all day. he ducked he donald he weaved and took vectors absolutely nothing. it's all one big political game to director wray. take a look. >> again i'm not going to get into that here. >> did you request the information. >> i can't speak to the specifics. again i don't have did numbers as it sit here right announcement there have been instances in which individuals have had disciplinary action. i can't get into it here. again i can't speak to that here. >> do you know what the motivation was? >> i again i think that's what our internal review will find. >> i don't know if that number is accurate. >> i can't get into discussions that did or maybe more importantly did not happen between the fbi and the department. >> how about replace i can't, i can't, i can't with i won't, i won't, i won't? that's a more truthful answer? according to a poll trust in fbi is down 20 points in five years. chris wray doesn't seem to care
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at that time. he's doing nothing to right this shipment no one has been held accountable for perpetuating the russia hoax. no one held count any for the abuse is detailed in the durham report, no one in the fbi held accountable for the security failures on january 6th with actionable intelligence, no one held accountable for defrauding the fisa court, in fact fisa abuse apparently taking place on massive scale. take a look. >> how many illegal fisa weatheries have occurred under your leadership at the fbi? >> well, there are reports that have come out with different numbers about compliance incidents. >> more than a million illegal ones? that's what the inspector-general said. the inspector-general said in the 3.4 million of these weatheries more than a million were in error. do you have any base toys disagree with that? >> i'm not sure that's a correct characterization of the inspector-general's findings on
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that. >> the internet will remind you of that moment but let's go now to what the court said. the court said waits over 200,000 occurred on your watch. do you have any base toys disagree with that says. ? >> i don't have the numbers as i sit here now. >> seems like a number you should know how many times the fbi is breaking the law under your watch. >> ouch. the fbi has been politicized. chris wray has no business leading the bureau. here with me the house judiciary chairman jim jordan and congressman gaetz. chairman jordan let me start with you. he ducked donald on fuse dated and out right lied and did not tell the truth and came with no intention to cooperate or give answers. >> yes. that's why we got to use the power of the purse and propose relations process to limit how american taxpayer dollars be spent. that's why we should look at moving the headquarters, not
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give him a new building in the d.c. area but moving the headquarters to huntington, alabama. so we are looking into all that the his answers weren't answers. i think the big take-away sean was when he talked about how americans' privacy how their data is being swept up. he was asked twice, is the fbi buying private data from brokers in the private sector? are they buying this information? something they couldn't get with a warrant. both times he said i'll have to get back with you. then there's what he did with the bank of america, what the nyb did where they got that information from bank of america about their customers and purchase history hand information related to whether they purchased a firearm. >> let me go to you matt gaetz. you brought up the what's app messages. i'm sitting here with my father. what also happened is call must
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have gone through because if i viewed it the way you did sounded like a shakedown and read like one and magically $5 million from the chinese energy company, my understanding from jim comer made its way to the biden family in less than a week. that you are understand something. >> it is, and no one ever pays a bribe to not get something in return and in this case, we saw the department of justice under joe biden dissolve the china initiative that president trump set up to go after chinese influence buying off our politicians infiltrating our universities and what we got from director wray was really a cascade of lies and he lied about not repositioning assets to investigate speech at school board meetings we had whistleblowers tell us that was true. he lied about how fisa was used leemt about how people associated with january 6 with treated and i want to something
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chris christie said on fox news today. he said that christopher wray had delivered extraordinary results. the problem is they're just extraordinarily awful. like chris christie criticized us for engaging in fundraising theater for this committee and i'm not going take my notes on fundraising from a guy who was a lobbyist and was snout down in the lobbyist financial money laundering situation when he was raining money from them as governor of new jersey so i'm more likely to take chris christie's exercise plan than his fundraising strategy. >> he left office with a 14 percent approval rating, is a clown and is better off sitting on that beach in a beach chair on a beach they closed dpound for the rest of the people much new jersey. let me ask you about another line, jim jordan, that the fbi director used today's that the fbi does not moderate content. excuse me.
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what were they telling? what did we learn in the missouri case in terms of former integrity site had told us in weekly meeting with big tech, in this case twitter but others as well, that the misinformation you have to be on the look out for may be about hunter biden. didn't he say that? >> yes, a federal judge disagreed with what christopher wray testified to today and did that decision on july 4th. that's exactly what happened with the decision, the -- when it came to the decision with mr. -- i drew a blank there, sean. i apologize. i got a huge echo in my ear. i can't hear. >> sorry about that. pick up. >> yes, that's exactly what happened. they pre-bunked this story and facebook specifically asked the fbi, is if hunter biden story
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russian misinformation and the fbi said, no comment. this is after they had the laptop for entire year after they had been telling all the big tech companies, get ready for a hack and dump operation. it's coming and it's going to involve hunter biden and then it happens and they get that fundamental question, no comment. and this is from the foreign influence task force director the lead on that, that foreign influence task force that christopher wray created. >> i think one of the defunding efforts matt gaetz needs to be defundsing the salary of christopher wray. >> i agree. it was disappointing and colleague ken buck from colorado a conservative said he wouldn't support our efforts to defund the salary of christopher wray. >> he's making big mistake and anybody in congressman buck's district watching needs to call his office tomorrow and say, defund the salary of the fbi director, who has shown nothing but pole fix being played at the
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bureau and also the weaponization of the bureau. >> similarly the judiciary committee should take action against christopher wray in what chairman jordan and the rest of us have to sort out is whether to proceed next with a contempt action against christopher wray for not answering questions that he has a statutory obligation to answer or whether to proceed with a criminal referral to the justice department where he works, for lying in the very few questions that he actually did answer. he told err final lies to senator lee previously about fisa on january 6, he told lies to congressman nells when asked about looking at these school board parents so they have toldly come untethered from the constitution at the fbi and we must bring them to heel and this is one step there that journey. >> thanks for your time.
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editor of just the news tomorrow, investigative reporter john solomon. you broke news moments ago the secret service is asking to update lawmakers in a private area tomorrow regarding the kean in joe biden's white house. what does that mean? what do you mow? >> it signals there's been a development. the original timetable was for the house oversight committee to be briefed the week of january 246789 they kreechd out to which chairman comer and moved that to 10 a.m. in a intelligence briefing room normally reserved for classified information can go in and get a briefing on. this this comes as we know the secret service was running fingerprints and dna analysis on the bag of cocaine to get evidence from it. lawmakers are scrambling to show up tomorrow. but moving it up signals there's been some form of development in the investigation.
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>> let me ask you, you broke another story that u.s. attorney weiss signed off on bringing felony tax evasion cases against hunter biden, felony, dating back to 2014, but weiss never filed the charges who he signed off on bringing. can you explain to me? that makes no sense. >> yes, what we know is his office signed off. his top deputy a person of interest for a lot of the congressional investigators approved bringing a multi-felony indictment accusing hunter biden of tax evasion going all the way back until 2014. in fact, on $400,000 of income he didn't pay on his burisma money that came from ukraine. we know about that now. so she signs off on it, the irs memorializes that in a recommendation prosecution recommendation memo that was in the original documents that house ways and means committee put out a couple weeks ago.
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it takes on so much more significance announcement over the last few days what has u.s. attorney weiss said? i had the authority to do whatever i wanted. here's the question. if your office signed off on it and you didn't bring the charges, what happened? that's going to be the big question next week. james co comer is going to have the whistleblowers. >> you told me comer irs whistleblowers will be testifying next week. my understanding is a total of 6. i have 30 second. >> two will be testifying. six people in a room witnessed david weiss's conversation. two will testify next week first time the american public will see them in a congressional setting. >> john solomon just the coming up biden spent another day embarrassing our country on the world stage, programming notes tomorrow another live
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putin. >> what? >> no, i'm not making it up. >> vladimir and i, i shouldn't be so familiar. mr. zelenskyy and i talked about the kind of guarantees we could make in the meantime. >> yes, then he had to rely on zelenskyy to find his way off the stage after an event. take a look at this. >> this concludes the program. [laughter] >> god help this country. we cannot take four more years of that. anyway, all this after biden took last night off to prepare for today's big events. he was a no-show at last night's dinner with our nato allies so does any of this inspire confidence? of course not and neither does the leadership of biden's democratic pals in california, get this a there just blocked passage of a bill that would
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have increased the penalties for repeat child sex offenders. repeat offenders. reaction governor of a state where common sense matters christie nome of the state of south dakota. [applause] >> all right. i find it humiliating for our country. i love america and to see this em barrett i find it hard to watch. >> i watch these summits and i look at biden up there and i get nervous because of the picture it sends to the world's of the strength of our country and he can barely get through a sentence or barely find his way off stage. i'm surprised zelenskyy helped him off the stage and it just is an example of the ways this
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administration is failing and we are failing at even the basic what it is takes to be president and that stand up be strong on a world stage, lead the world in peace and strength and he just can't do it. >> governor, you're a mom. what would your reaction be if people in your state were blocking passage of a bill that would increase the penalties for repeat child trafficking offenders? what would your reaction as a mom be, never mind governor. >> yes. i'm horrified. i can't believe i'm a mom. i'm also a grandma of two kiddos and i can't believe this would happen that leaders would say this traffickers deserve a pass. they should be punished to the fullest extent of the law. now what goes on in california every day blows my mind.
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i feel like it's another world that operates out there and another mind september i'm so grateful that south dakota is not like that and we have people that love each other take care of each other understand personal responsibility and make wise decisions and up hold the law. >> governor let me ask you, you started a campaign to bring jobs to the state of south dakota. paf it it includes people that say, nurses or doctors that have licenses that they would be transferrable to your state but more importantly, you talked about having the lowest unemployment in the country of any state, and you are looking for people who employed there and you have an apprentice program, correct me if i'm wrong, that starts people out at over $80,000 a year? >> yes, we didn't we started to recruit the state of south dakota. we have the lowest unemployment rate in the history of the nation. we also have the fastest growing incomes over the last 5-10 year
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period. people here are doing well. we need more workers and we have businesses expanding people moving here and we have seen the marketing campaign become the most successful marketing campaign our state has tackled before. the number one state they're moving from is california. after that, it's florida, texas, arizona, new york. we are thrilled that people want to come to south dakota and be a part of our way of life and they're coming here for freedom so to hear they could keep more money, make a high income, pursue their dreams and make the best decision for their families. it's a story our country needs to hear rights now. we need to talk about the value of a work ethic what a work ethic does for you. we were created to serve each other. when we do that we are happier better on spiritually mentally. it's something that america needs that vision of hope again. >> i think that's well said. i think we are designed to serve
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in whatever capacity. we have talent from god. last question. i've got to believe in this presidential race when we get a nominee you'll be on any candidate short list and would you consider being vice-president of the republican candidate if the president asked you? >> you know, we will see. i'm focused on south dakota. i do think we need the republican president. i think we need the best republican p. we need the best person that understands this job and will go out and fight for the american people every single day and not quit. so we need our policies back that bring blows perty back and deal with protecting our national security. my begges challenge is what china is doing to my state hand this country. we will fight to defend it. >> great to have you. congratulations on that successful program. [applause] >> republican governor huge plan to conquer early voting. we check with the governor of
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hi, i'm michael, i've lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. but since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. thanks to golo and release, i've got my life and my health back.
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[applause] >> all right, so while most of the country is focused on the 2024 presidential election this year very important contests are happening in virginia that could determine control of the the state legislature there, and now republicans control the house there looking to flip the senate. they need 3-4 seats to do that the governor glenn youngkin is leading that effort with
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initiative to encourage republicans to vote early, vote by mail, and this could be a game changer, for this election and those that follow. now, it's not the system i prefer. i prefer paper ballots but we don't have that. you have to win more elections to make that happen. governor youngkin joins us now. sir house, are you? [applause] >> great, sean. thank you for having me. greetings to everybody in the studio. >> okay. i have been screaming this from the mountain top almost every day. republicans have to get over they are reluctance and resistance to voting early voting by mail and where there is legal ballot harvesting laws they've got to match democratic efforts. what are you doing in virginia and what should we be duplicating? >> yeah, so first sean you're exactly right we have critical elections this year. it's the midterms in virginia so our entire house and senate is up. we have a majority in our house. i want to get a majority in our
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senate we got to get republicans off the sidelines and get them to vote early. i'm tired of going into elections down thousands of votes on election day. and so, we have launched secure your vote and we are asking republicans, come to our web site, sign up to get and absentee ballot, sign up to be on the perfectly net absentee ballot or plan to vote early but come vote. we cannot sit on the sidelines longer. you said it exactly. the rules are the rules. so let's compete and win. we had a robust early voting program in 2021 when virginiaians lyrid me and others on a statewide election and shocked the world and we are doubling down. i'm asking penal to go to secure your vote make a plan to vote early and lets win this thing. >> what you're saying. you go battle with the arm you have not the one you wish you
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had, this is the system like it or not but it's not just being down thousands of votes, in some cases it's hundreds of thousands of votes on election day have to be made up. the republican national committee have started their effort calling it is bank to vote. i applaud their effort there but they have yet i have seen match the ballot harvesting initiatives that democrats are using which allows them to hide and not dead bait and not even campaign or shake hands or kiss baby or do town halls or press avails. so that's got to stop. republicans have to match the democratic effort in that regard as well, right? >> yes. so first of all we are still going to campaign like crazy and kiss babies and go to town halls and on top of that, we are going the compete to win. the rules are the rules and we are going to play hard. that's why this initiative is so important. it's a big collaboration from the rslc from our state caucuses from my pac-and my office and we
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are going to drive early voting absentee ballots and we are not going to be behind on election day. these are critical elections for us and we got a lot done in virginia. when i came to office virginia was 47th in the nation coming outs of the pandemic. now we are top 5. we are competing. we are whipping but there are so and frustrating things. the senate that's controlled by democrats, they block common sense bills like allowing virginiaians to decide what kind of car we are going to drive as opposed to currently they've given the right to california to dictate what kaurs we are going to drive. i want to penalize dealers who is drugs kill victims with a homicide felony. they block that i want to protect our children from social media companieslar vetsing their dam they block that i i want to lower taxes further. we are running a huge surplus. we have to get our senate back. this is how we are going to get
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it done. we are going to campaign like crazy. >> i urge every republican in every state follow this initiative and add the ballot harvesting if it's allowed in your state. thank you sir. appreciate it. another word salad from your vice-president. go to, next week tuesday night, cedar rapids, iowa with a town hall with president donald j. trump.
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yesterday another word salad with the explanation to transportation take a look. >> i again want to thank the secretary for your work, the issue of transportation is fundamentally about just making sure that people have the ability to get where they need to go. it's that basic. but we know the obstacles to that goal can be great. [laughter] >> she followed gem up with a brilliant description of artificial intelligence earlier today. take a look. >> and i think the first parted of this issue that should be articulated is a.i. is kind after fancy thing. first of all, it's two letters. it means artificial intelligence but ultimately what is, it's about machine learning. >> wow. i learn something new every day. here with reaction, fox news contributor lisa booth, kaley
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mcpeek white is with us. i don't even have a reaction to that don't know who we are worse off with, joe or her. >> to understand what she is trying to say, she has broke ten glass ceiling. she's officially the most unpopular vice-president in american history so has that going for her but i was trying to figure out because i thought that joe biden shows because she's black hand a woman, now i think it's by comparison she actually makes him look good. and if you're trying to search around the country is, there anyone else that could make joe biden look semicoherent besides kamala harris? great point. >> democrats are going to be terrified to get rid of joe biden. so if you think about it it was a brilliant selection to pick kamala harris. >> i think it's fitting she was chosen throb the a.i. czar because if anybody needs help it's kamala but it's sad because
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we are not governed by serious people. every day joe biden and kamala are in contest to see who can embarrass themselves more and it's em basing for the country, we are a joke on the world stage as a result of our poor leadership. >> i think with all these stories being leaked from the white house about joe biden's vicious temper and it's bad, the stories coming out, maureen dowd how they won't recognize their own grandchild, which is heartless and and you can't have a soul if you act like that. >> it's a blessing for her not to have their last name. she might be the winner in this. >> the point is, is there now an effort to push biden and kamala harris out? i believe there is. >> i mean, perhaps but i think what breaks it is more difficult for them is that democrats did better in the midterm elections than we thought. historical norms don't really apply normal because we are in
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and era of ballot harvesting. i think they like to get rid of them. would you want them to be head of your party? he's an idiot. >> i think the person they want to everyone gavin newsom. what you do you think? >> i think democrats have backed themselves into a corner where they feel obligated to run with joe biden because of the democrat midterm successes but the democrats see kamala as a liability so the most effective republican message into 2024 is to make it clear to voters that a vote for joe biden a vote for kamala harris. there is an alarming chance if he is elected to another term she will be the oval office before that term is out. that's what voters need to understand. >> chilling. are you going to throw us out? >> i've always wanted to do there. >> coming up, bud light remains under fire after their controversial collaboration. we've got the latest and now the
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14th biggest beer seller. they were number one. programming note, next tuesday town hall with former president donald trump in cedar rapids, iowa. you wants to join us, it's free. go to for your tickets. right where it hurts. and did we mention, it really, really sticks? salonpas, it's good medicine.
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this is your summer to smile. to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and savor every bite. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. don't miss enjoying a moment, with our onsite labs to help you, fast, and 20% off your denture care. so, whether you need a new look or a quick fix, you can celebrate with a smile all season— always at aspen dental. book today.
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. >> sean: but light is now the 14th most popular beer according to a new poll but is still trying to recover from their dylan mulvaney disaster. the beer company just released this ad but it quickly became the laughing stock of the internet. and meanwhile joe rogen recently had rapper ice cube on his podcast to discuss the controversy. take a listen. >> people are sick of this [bleep]. they're sick of social things like that that are controversial getting stuffed in your face and you have to accept it. >> yeah. >> people aren't going to want
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to accept it. >> politics really shouldn't be in somebody's beer mug. >> sean: great line. here now with reaction, host of the big money show on fox business brian bremburg gop strategist trisha lento is here. they were the number one selling beer now according, they're 14th. they've lost a market cap of, what, five, $7 billion. >> i think it's closer to 25 billion. >> 27. >> sean: 27? >> billion. >> sean: an insane amount of money. i feel bad for the workers, but i don't think this is going away. this is game over for them. >> no matter what they do, every single commercial, every single ad that comes out, it's almost a mockery of the consumer and it's just getting worse and worse and this one is the latest with a woman sitting very stoically while the wind is blowing around her almost like the chaos at the anheuser-busch headquarters. yes i agree no politics propaganda or anything in our products.
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we're all tired of it. >> it's a disrespect for their consumer for years they hired people who evidently didn't care about bud light drinkers for what the company stood for. these ads don't come from nowhere that's where they come from but the problem is people who drink bud light or any beer don't want activism in a can they want beer in a can because they want to enjoy themselves. the point of beer isn't activism it's enact vichlt you just want to hang out. >> sean: what is the real point of drinking beer brian? >> you like going to ball games. >> sean: i do. >> you like barbecuing, that's what you want to do right? >> sean: exactly. i'm with you, i was just joking. why do i feel bad? and i said to people in the beginning, my entire career i've never supported a boycott or a cancellation or a firing. never called for that, and i never will. why do i feel bad for the people that work for anheuser-busch, the guys that paid those expensive beer routes that they bought, the guys that work in the factories that make it, are they going to be the ones that bear the brunt of this and get
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fired? >> well, because, yes, unfortunately, it's not their fault, it was a few marketing executives, just two of them, who really made the call here. >> sean: the ones that are "leave". >> yeah, on unpaid leave or any sort of leave at this point. but dylan mulvaney is directly insulting the united states more recently saying that he/she does not feel safe in peru. >> sean: i think she went to peru. >> yeah. >> sean: i don't feel safe here but i moved here to feel safer if you want to find me. brilliant move. >> exactly. so i think it's very, you know, even peru, that goes directly against dylan mulvaney's comments because they don't even have transgender rights and there's all sorts of rights that they don't have there. but it's clearly an issue that is not going away and the company will continue to decline. >> but here's the good news. everybody's watching what's happening here, companies all across america and the world are saying consumers aren't who we thought they were. we thought they were sheep they would go along with anything. they're not. and so everybody's having to
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reevaluate and they're going to make a choice, they can go down the bud light rout or they could do something different. >> sean: every hr department should have this simple page. love god with all your heart mind and soul, love your neighbor as yourself, treat others the way you want to be treated. you do that you kind of cover all the rules, no? can it be that simple? >> i wish it could be that simple but we're living in the day and age of wokism. this will unfortunately --. >> sean: it's corporation, people sit through these seminars one after another after another. >> all these acc anymores. >> you're talking about companies not trying to give people their identity. that's the problem. >> sean: some states mandate it. new york state mandates it. >> it's government and business mixed together. what you need are companies who make great products ploy their people, keep their promises. the beer distributors had a deal with bud light they knew what that company was about and bud light betrayed them. >> sean: brian krysa thank you >> unfortunately that's all the time we have left this evening.
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programming note next tuesday night hitting the road town hall with former president donald trump in cedar rapids iowa. ticket are free go to another live audience in new york tomorrow. please set your dvr, 9:00 eastern, 6:00 pacific so you never, ever miss an episode of hannity. but in the meantime let not your heart be troubled, laura ingraham, the ingraham angle starts right here right now. laura, hi. >> laura: are we sad? how is everybody in the studio? how are all of you? >> sean: by the way, tomorrow night, because we have what's called no toss fry. >> laura: what? >> sean: tomorrow night will be our last handoff. >> laura: i don't know if i can take this. honestly, i'm --. >> sean: you abandoned me, that's the way i look at it. >> laura: i'm very upset about this but i'm also excited about my new time slot. but i'm very sad because i feel like there's a distance growing between us that i'm not so comfortable with. so i'm just hoping that somehow we'll be a
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