tv The Five FOX News July 14, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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another six women and a toddler were bound. we will see if he had any connection with those killings. he pleaded guilty to murder, and . they won't stop until they solv all the killings. >> there is that human that walks among us, a predator that murdered family. if not for the members of this task force, he would still be o the streets today. even with this arrest, we are not done. >> cops linking him to murders through dna on a discarded pizz
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fox. he is married with a daughter and a stepson. that guy has been quiet and never really bothers anybody. they were shocked. it is crazy. it is mind blowing. i had small talk with the gentleman because he would do his work good he's just an average guy living in a simple neighborhood. >> of this case was called for long time it how did detectives put together. >> it was resurrected a couple of years ago by a task force in long island in suffolk county. they'd linked together some circumstantial evidence that included a green truck that he drove that was registered to hi brother. they finally linked it yet dna evidence, good old dna evidence. that seems to be resurrecting and identifying a lot of these perks from these cold cases.
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i talked to paul mauro on my fo drew time podcast. he's a detective and worked in intelligence to the task force back in 2010 when they were first searching for a body. they called the families and taught that them. up is always the same time of day, the same time of week from a payphone around midtown so back then authorities were trying to ascertain and trying to triangulate where these call were coming from. at the end of the day advancement in forensic evidenc brought us to this point that w saw in green river in the spokane serial killer. i want to .1 thing, while this is cause for appreciation for law enforcement celebration, this is one step in the road to actual victory and closure. this is a resident identification, not a convictio yet and we don't know about all the other bodies that were discovered with different types of manners of death of the different types of victims.
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we saw that things could change with the spokane killer. this was no plastic bag. and most develop a serial learn and develop what ratifies them. for what they think they can ge away with and what manners are most efficient so here it might be one person and he involved i the manner of his gruesome killings. i just put out there are no law-enforcement works tirelessl to ascertain who is responsible for all those bodies and i know that we can count of the community support as well for continued support to identify any additional murderers behind all the discoveries of all of these bodies and we get in the reason -- it goes word detecting the two in cold case researched it it i not about -- not all about beat street. >> what did you make of the neighbors just shocked that they'd been living next to an accused serial killer for over decade?
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>> it shows and i would agree with emily's last point around this is the first step in the dominoes will keep falling here. i listen to your point b he looks like someone that could b your neighbor at work. he could be your neighbor in th community you live. it could be your neighbor in th community where you take your kids, wherever it may be. it's frightening and startling in that regard. watching all of those police officers, federal and state the local officials at press conferences, it was a long pres conference and had to be painfu for the families. off my condolences to the surviving family members and i was moved as all of them talked about the cooperation that they all had at this lengthy investigation. police officers and those on la enforcement never gave up.
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their faithfulness and their thoroughness in this case, if there are others out there that participated, that someone else was involved in this, they should know that this task forc and this community and there wa all not be exhausted here and w will find him if he is not the only one. >> emily said that he made call to the victims families from work how sadistic do you have t be to do that. >> how sadistic do you have to do tote google child pornograph and torture as he often did on his computer, 200 searchers in just four months. and why hasn't long island serial killer been caught tryin to figure out how they were narrowing the cell phones. incredible police work from a thousand phones twooch under phones to a handful of bones an as emily mentioned the dna evidence. the guy is described as a demon
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how eerie that is when you talk to some of his colleagues he is described as social, a big talker, stand out, ap wasn't real human, he would seek out him and there is something weir and odd about him. we feel for his wife and his kids. their lives are changed forever. in is that until proven guilty but what i've victorious i have victoria stay put those young women's families. >> this has been a big case in the new york area for quite som time. >> it is good news for fox because this is the same neighborhood that brian kilmead is from and he is now no longer a person of interest, which is good. >> are you saying we can cross them off our list. >> i'm not joking. i always like watching when the do the press conference because they think everybody and remind me about the oscars on the best picture except these people are real and they are heroes and yo can see how much it means to
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them and they are not a bunch o pompous actors. there actually the real thing. this guy went to burner high school. that is the high school that billy baldwin went to so i thin that of winter is billy baldwin would say he's not the biggest loser from burner high school. being a failed actor is nothing like being a serial killer. you know what this reminds me of , you know say the tv show law and order, those stories are ripped from the headlines. this is like a headline ripped from law and order because really the serial killer in law and order always turns out to b the white middle-class architec and everybody went for the wron person this is the tp twist where it's like he was known to be quite personable and probabl for smarter than the average bear. he kept a low profile and there is. >> another tall serial killer, by the way.
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we talked about this. >> the reason why they become serial is because of that lack of memory that everybody has in the speed associated with them there they are someone that stands out salt that is partly why they are able to fly under the radar because they are sort of mundane. and that is also why when you upload your dna, at ancestry .com, you have to toggle and choose to release your dna so you can help cold cases like this because otherwise they've extinguished all of the law enforcement efforts in that regard. >> greg: i think this is the promo with sex work. essentially we made them apart from society. may be they are estranged from their families and they are specifically chosen for that reason. easy prey. >> growth in technology and how that cannot be understated
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either. >> greg: do you think we should give our dna? >> i believe firmly you should. >> i don't know if i toggle don't tell the beds about it. did we toggle me? >> we will ask johnny. >> jesse: if i ever commit a felony, they've got me. coming up, ai disrupts another industry. hollywood actors going on strike . providing for your family is a top priority. but what happens when you need affordable health care? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community
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at double strike in hollywood could ruin your favorite tv show . thousands of actors screeching to a halt. joining the writers who have been there for months. tense negotiations with the studio seem to have suddenly broken down. right as the summer's hottest movies hit the big screen. the a-list cast of one of those left there big premier to write
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up some strike signs themselves but so what is this be all about ? that has to do with artificial intelligence. actors are worried that their likeness will be replaced by a robot -- robot. fran drescher explaining that. >> if we don't stand tall right now, we are all going to be in trouble we are all going to be in jeopardy of being replaced b machines. >> is that the been nearly enough to provide to the consen -- the idea that this company should be able to take somebody's voice and their fait in their body and control that and use that without meaningful consent is unacceptable. >> technology was heavily involved in our last -- technology seems to be involved here as these actors are worrie about money from streaming and ai. >> but what they are talking about some ways is if you are a
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extra, you get -- you only get paid one. it's, okay, i'm in about ten movies this month. they might just take your face and make you an extra and everything else and you don't get paper that petey might've not been paid at all if you don't get that job. it is a fair point the thing is the writers have been on strike since may and then you've got the actors. it is hard to tell if people ar noticing it. it's not like somebody went on strike. everybody notices it. we created such a silo and a bi ration of entertainment. why do you need mediocre tv whe you can watch colombo, which is amazing for the rockford files, which i would do. there is so much stuff that may be a strike is necessary for al
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of us to catch up i will say "the five" is safe. you can't replicate this. i'm not normal. none of us are normal. and it is because ai is based o predictions, being able to predict human behavior and do i as mathematically as possible. we are too unpredictable as humans, at least we are, not th view. >> 1860 for the last time the actors and writers were not straight together. sixty something years now, it was all over, movies playing on television how actors would get paid. here we are now. some people have told me that m timing is impeccable. days before i go to 8:00, every writer and every actor that goe on straight, i have no competition.
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their jobs are going to china, mexico, and all of these factories believing. and nobody set a thing about it. and they just watch these peopl lose their jobs and livelihood and donald trump came along and said let's bring these jobs bac and they hated donald trump tha and if you read fran drescher, she saying the exact same thing that donald trump said peaches out there say this is a moment of truth. these big businesses in this ne technology is taking jobs away in his time to stamp together she didn't stand together when everybody else was losing their job the miners in minnesota, an ethical archives, all of the jobs that went to mexico.
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it's a little too late coming i my opinion. and this is probably the last you know that's been affected with this kind of a radical change. >> hollywood actors want to be paid more. this is ridiculous but but i don't watch hollywood horror shows because it is just pattin themselves on their own back. the infighting is what this is that affects the caterer most, the members the most about the people who depend on their paycheck for the little bit mor money is what comes down to pet i think think it is crazy. not only that we can expect further delays in upcoming film releases. okay. upcoming film releases my famil will survive if you don't need hollywood. but you know we couldn't have survived, the healthcare worker showing up during the pandemic and the meatpackers showing up during the pandemic and doing their job. fran drescher called herself a victim today and she called hollywood actors of victim i want to say --
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[indiscernible] >> that of the reason why so ma people find the actors are getting so unpalatable because they are saying crimea river. they are now becoming the figurehead speakers for the guys , the writers that are showing up every day on making very little money. if you put this conversation to the crimea river, it is entertainment. it is creative arts and performing arts. just keep it there for a second greatest interest thing to talk about the notion of whether the big studios can use your likeness and you show up for what day and the use your image. you get paid one day. if you are hired out as a scriptwriter anymore but as an editor for a script that ai generated, and interestingly sarah silverman and a few other are spearheading a lawsuit wher they are suing the big studios think the reason you have the compilation ai does is that the use my content, that the reason
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ai mathematica generates this content is because that has mined the internet for the content. it was my content to begin with the senility is just a derivative but it goes to this new streaming ecosystem is sort of undermined a lot of these gu salaries and the question is wh cares and also america probably doesn't because to your point, i'm fine watching reruns of the same stuff that i'm fine read again i'm watching some youtube video. these guys say i'm an artist an this is my carafe. they tend to care all hole a lo more than we do. >> i think that was on purpose. no one asks you any questions. i know what is going on here. >> i'm on your side.
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>> literally identical. >> the last hundred years you took those born outside america's country and they talked about american movies influence them to un-american way of life that i hope they ge to the bottom of this. even though american people don't care about it they shouldn't be able do this, even if they are disingenuous at times and it may be wrong this is happening. i want to see some new movies. >> joe biden getting question about the way he wrapped his overseas trip. diabetes can serve up a lot of questions, like, "what is your glucose?" and "can you have more carbs?" before you decide... with the freestyle libre 2 system know your glucose level and where it's headed. no fingersticks needed.
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>> kayleigh: it's been one stubble after another. president biden's five they offered sees trip. it ended in a particular way. nibbling on the shoulder for fright model girl pitlick that pettit has everyone cringing. but it comes bit how the president's antics got democrat worried. donors are said to be quietly looking for a replacement candidate. there worried over the slow pac of joe's campaign on how he has even set up a campaign headquarters. there's one democrat candidate who isn't slowing down. talking to fox and friends this morning about polarization in america. but they are tired of the polarization they're tired of anger and tried to focus on the values that americans share wit each other. rather than focusing on those issues of polarization is so
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toxic send venomous. i think it is more dangerous than at any time since the american civil war periods. >> kayleigh: pushes unity in the media continues to divide us . >> one of the things that disturbs me is with a portion o the american people. that for me is just hard to tak in self what exactly is this hold that trump has on a portio of the american people that their representatives are comin to washington and acting amok i this way whether it's ignorance stupidity, or craft, something more nefarious. >> i'm pretty sure that was the same lady who was upset by the american flag. to put that aside, jesse, what you make of the sideline events
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phone calls to perspective candidates from big democrats saying joe is not the running. >> jesse: the smart money is hedging right now because if yo have a lot of docomo with you just plow it all into the biden campaign? no. you would look for an alternative because he is not campaigning. jesse's prime time has more staff then joe's reelection staff pay or there's one event that he didn't pay for any underperformed in his fundraising. vis-à-vis barack obama pretty doesn't even have a campaign headquarters senate finance chairman. last time i saw the guy he was laying back like this listening in the sun with his eyes closed for that doesn't look like someone is running for reelection. that he is going to this, pretend you are a baby. and then he is doing the snippy or if you are a donor, sorry, harold. i will send that to the drycleaner.
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i do that to my child in the privacy of my own home but i don't do it to a random finish baby in the middle of europe. >> greg: in the middle of your periods. >> kayleigh: ethic we should go to our present and child for that one, gutfeld. >> he put the hell in hell sink sinky. >> how do you like that for a little wordplay. out of think you can keep going on. he is quietly dead predestined than anything he doesn't know where he is. i don't trust people that can't show any restraint this guy, it is just creepy. i get when people talk about kids, you just want to eat them up. you're not supposed to. it don't actually do that. you don't do that.
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>> remember, i want to just point out that what's interesting about her commentar she says people are. this is the woman who took bloomberg's $500 million presidential campaign war chest and said you could've taken it and given a million dollars to all of the 370 million americans . quite possibly one of the dumbest thing that's ever been set on television. she has lost that right she can no longer say that. >> i quit asking about the presence of an eating a child shorter i will ask you about hi fundraising, and trump in the same. my kat 100 million and obama ha 80 million. so it is kind of lacking. >> when you run for reelection, you've got to do two things. you've got to lay out what
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you've done the last four years and then on behalf of yourself and your team why you need another four years to fill in that success. the two things that underlie or animate that our economic success, economy, the market. president trump rightly talked about the success of the stock market being an indicator of ho things are going our economy ha proved to be pretty for sleet and the stock market has proven to be pretty resilient so he will talk about that. i've not seen that until now with the kid and i read that in the script before hand but i thought he had a decent time in the sense that -- you put it back up there. ritter rated his commit to ukraine. me clear that ukraine will find its way to nato after we find some -- don't immediately want them to be a war paid so i would say i thought was a decent week. i call balls and strikes on thi
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show. >> you are fair. >> copyrighted. i think he had a better week than perhaps rfk junior for the things he's talking about are things democrats are behind so be interesting to see how president biden incorporate som of that narrative into his campaign. >> kayleigh: that at anna how this is going to move foreign voters but ivanova will. what happened in 2016? we talked about this. says that the american flag flying from a truck is offensiv to infected this a security threat and by virtue of your presence, if you are a patriot and you dare to fly the flight from your home and you are the threat that this is exactly why americans feel totally -- totally alienated and that's wh it resonated with people think about the now unemployed don lemon who made by the people from the south voting for
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president from prepared james tepper is that they be biden's mom, she has been associated with people on the right. what does that mean here to fiv vote conservative that i'm not fit to be a mother. is that with that comment means? they're ignorant and the like could what is a current of all policies that result in limited government and higher unemployment rates and thriving about economy and the things that people care about including , for example, the multifaceted hispanic populatio that for some reason i things b putting it different accidents that that will somehow attract very diverse population that cares first and foremost about the economy and safety and education. for all those recent that's why they are flocking to the gop policies. against of those media figureheads they just call it trump's some of the call a security threat. >> the president is off to a vacation.
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nicole: my daughter, natalie, she is the youngest of my five children, and she has neuroblastoma. she really didn't have any symptoms until one day she just stopped using her arm. andrew: by the time we realized that she was sick, it had grown into about a softball sized tumor and spread through her bone marrow, her lymph nodes. so it's a very fast, aggressive cancer. nicole: so we came to st. jude and learned how much hope there was and learned how much they could do for natalie here. [soft horn music playing] narrator: you can join the battle to save lives by supporting st. jude children's research hospital. families never receive a bill from st. jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food so they can focus on helping their child live. andrew: money wasn't even an issue.
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welcome back, time for the fastest. her stop, check out a day on th life for this snake hunter. >> all, my god. dude. >> i know you carry tape. >> he is not even wearing armor. that is less shocking moment when a 22-year-old snake hunter wrestled a 19-foot bernese python that the said to be the longest ever found in america. you when i purchased talking about the snakes in your home i florida paid. >> my daughter present her pack and plan my mom is watching her my mom is in the kitchen and as snake like this big is in the
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kitchen. my mom called the police. as snake was found by police. nothing like these snakes. well done i think his name is jake. well done, jq tao much do you have to be paid to be a snake hunter paid. >> this reminds me about what happened to sharks after jaws paid everybody when after shark because jaws painted them as evil but they weren't. snakes got a really bad rap fro the bible. the bible did to snakes what jaws did to sharks. we've been doing this for 2,000 years food when you think about it, they've really screwed the serpent. >> i was going to say women got a bad rap from the bible period before that is true could you did a great job covering that, sham -- shannon bream, with her book, women of the bible speak. >> emily: that's right.
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you guys, wait. grant relocation i don't want t say -- we locate the burmese python to budge back. >> is locks that don't have to do that with a python. the first easter system was given file woman, mary magdalene . >> thank you, harold. i can't even watch snakes. snakes and shellfish, i'm allergic. votto he needs to be -- wow! he needs to be honored at the white house paid. >> up next, it overjoyed me to say this but speedo's are makin a comeback there there once again rocking the one time swimwear. sales are booming in america an across the world. i know that you are excited i'm sure appears. >> i just find it strange that we are doing a segment on a speedo after we are doing a
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segment on the python. you know that the speedo is not a prop itself to it is actually called a racing brief. exactly. you are so right. but my problem is no matter what , if you wear a speedo, i can't look at you the same. if i went to a picnic or something come up fox's annual fourth of july picnic, which wa amazing this year, but we were at the ceos pool lounging and outcomes mike ducey in a speedo. i'm sorry. does it matter? it was a doozy it changes the point you look at people if you see them in a speedo. >> would you like me differentl because i grew up wearing speedo 's paradise swam competitively and it was my bes sport. does that surprise you? i have pictures at my home up
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myself proudly wearing a speedo one holding up trophies like this. i look great in a speedo. idu. >> emily: it's -- i grew up seeing speedo's also and is no big deal. you don't get this ridiculous t lines of men that wear those huge shorts. they sit down and it is a white hideous thigh. >> somebody who has a white hideous by, i'm from memphis i never saw people doing this. >> emily: jesse n great-looking. to be of type or another -- before you redeemed yourself. >> emily: on that note, friday is up next. i was told my small business
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all right. that is a good question. you need to inspire a group of -year-olds with one sentence. go. harold. >> work hard and don't be afrai of new ideas. >> kayleigh: we need your vote that we will give you -- [indiscernible] p3 wake up early and work out. before that's what i say. >> greg: i would say are enough. you've got this. before i would say do not do drugs until you are successful because everybody i know that does drugs before they are successful never are. always have to report yourself. that's what i'm here for. johnny asks what do you wish still existed, and item, a show
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a food, a product. i know you use a lot of hair products what was that, aqua net ? aqua net. >> jesse: i have a new product , it is an orange thing that sprays that is called extreme hold. >> greg: that this fantastic. >> jesse: i still have everything i need. >> kayleigh: i guess the wonder years, the hit show. that was wholesome. >> emily: i would say the manual default in cars that people -- men can be many kennett women can be women again by driving them. and of course, common sense because we are all lacking at. before you should do the open like this. everybody has to do that. everybody has to put their arm of, conservatives, with their arms like this harold.
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>> you know this. i love happy days and joanie loves child she. i love this kind of shows. i love jack some lemon cookies as a kid paid you can't find those. >> greg: there so many snacks. i missed deviled ham. it was in a container, it was deviled chicken. it may be the safest thing today . what is the most unbelievable true story about being late for that is from frenchy. i guess it has to be a fantasti story about missing something. emerald he, you are never late, are you. >> emily: ion the way to the middle of tahoe broke down and had had to go to the drivers ou and found him 15 years later. i found out that he was buildin the same car with his son that drove. there's more to the story.
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before jesse, do you remember what the question was? b3 i thought you'd looking at the clock. i'm not usually late. i'm prompt. >> greg: you are never on time . i was late for work for 2-3 hours last friday because i was locked in my bedroom. >> jesse: q art -- 's before i scream for help for 3.5 hours and nobody came. the doors shut behind me i neve thought of that. i didn't have a phone. >> this is a true story. i was late for a wedding back i november of 2004 but i get to the wedding hours late night go seated next to a woman who i married four years later. >> greg: and then you get married again. sorry. all right.
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>> kayleigh: the barty show in law school could i was stuck in a snowstorm really. >> he still talks about that. i'm never having kayleigh mc enany on again. one more thing is up next. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu. ♪
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♪ one legendary icon deserves another. get in. ♪ the future of chevy electric suv's has arrived. see barbie only in theaters july 21st. and experience the all-new chevy blazer ev ss. ♪ subway's slicing their turkey fresh like on the titan turkey. piled high with double the cheese and more meat. i proffer freshly sliced turkey. it's my favorite mouth guard flavor. mmmm. now available at subway. the sub, not the mouth guard. your wyndham is waiting. ♪
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when bucket lists need checking... points need redeeming... work trips need crushing... or anniversaries need... celebrating? no matter who you are, where you're going, or why. with 24 trusted brands by wyndham to choose from... your wyndham is waiting. get the lowest price at ♪ ♪ >> jesse: time now for "one more thing." greg? >> greg: tonight carley shimkus, kat timpf, jim florentine. >> this is a funny one. two shows this weekend one in clearwater and one in fort myers. almost sold out go to g
2:58 pm for tickets and shows lifted in providence and reading home of the peanut bar. let's do this. ♪ i don't believe i can fly news. [laughter] >> greg: this guy tried to give the pigeon a pep talk by singing because it couldn't fly. let's watch. ♪ i believe i can fly ♪ i believe i can touch the sky ♪ come on. come on. good boy. [dog barking. >> oh, no. >> greg: he told him don't do drugs until you are successful. >> greg: don't do drugs until can you fly. don't miss this fox nation series crime 24/7 my man sticks larson hosts it. police lieutenant full of moments like this. >> greg: i like sticks. >> jesse: we don't got it. whatever, they are going to go catch some bad guys. tonight, "jesse watters primetime," we got. >> harold: look at that.
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>> jesse: cocaine gate. biden was asked about it. hear his response. harold. >> harold: watch this: [laughter] >> greg: we need to have a talk, mom. there are 1, 2, 3 -- six packages at this front door. you happy about this? i hope so. i love you. i'm not judging. i'm just saying. six. all right. i'm done messing with you. i love you, mwha. >> harold: that commentary about shopping. retrieve packages at their front door too, young man. >> greg: emily liked that package. she said. [laughter] >> kayleigh: hundreds of golden retrievers bred in scotland 155 years ago. i'm sure that smelled good -- i'm sure it didn't -- for 12 countries. i wouldn't have gone for the dogs but they were bagpipes. that's it. >> jesse: emily? >> emily: barbie believes everything should be pink. that shouldn't apply for
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burgers. and, also, i hosted a podcast where you can get it anywhere podcasts are downloadable. i would love for you guys. it's really awesome. >> greg: you so like detected me in that. >> emily: i'm doing the arms crossed. >> jesse: that's for for us have. a nice weekend. fun show. ♪ >> shannon: good evening, welcome to washington. i'm shannon bream in for bret baier. breaking tonight, a suspect is in custody in connection with to a series of murders along a long island beach more than a decade ago. a manhattan architect allegedly implicated in potentially up to 10 killings. lauren green starts us off tonight from new york. hello, lauren. >> hey, shannon, the case has been unsolved mystery for years. a string of deaths known as the gilgo beach murders named for the sandiy shores of long island where several bodies were found. today police finally identifie
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