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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 15, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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friday evening. thank you for tuning in. thank you for making the show possible thank ow. >> this is our last tossus to laura. but because ofe of our times, ws call it no toss friday. >> so let not your heart be trouble. laura's next. and laura? yelaura's nds, i will miss our u tosses, but there is an on that coming soon. thanks for being with us. laur >> i'm laura ingraham. >> this is a special and final 10 p.m. edition of the "ingraham angle" from washington tonightgton . n th >> all right. in the biden carrie allen worldview. >> any random trump voterfar mo is far more dangerous to mankind than the despotic regime in china ever could china now that much rather deal with president xi and his top brass t than, say, with speaker mccarthy or senator toh speakemh they'll travel around the globe to work with and glad hand with
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the ccp, but they'll barelyrn return the. >> the phone calls coming from across town from these gop leaders. then next week, kerry is traveling to push his global climate framework that the green radicals are desperate to establish . all of course, it's all a sickening up and it' ss a completeicited humiliation for the united states after china not only has beent harassing our aircraft ia international waters, but also hacking our government's emails. >> this hack only wa>> this hace to gain access to the unclassified side of us systems, but it did provide them with some insights wos leag into the secretary of state's visit. secretary of commerce gina raimondo, who is also compromised in this hack. money >> she is planning to visit beijing in the coming monthswho >> you can't make this up,nningo right? and for doing her this favor ofo hacking or emails. >>a is of course, they've invited her to join the parade of biden officials to prostrate themselves
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on a visit there. it's a dream come true for and of cours a de, he has no has ketention of abiding by any kerry approve climate rules. >> never. but it will continue clima rolln what its in, its in its economic and its strategic rest. st that's what china does, period. and the numbers do not lie. e numberout this revealing grapt matthew iglesias of bloombergrnd tweeted. k >> unfortunately, the people who warned back then thathent us emission cuts would be swamped by chinese emissions growth were correct. >> now, global greenhouse gass and draconian targets would simply end ud p hand stringing the united states by destroying our energy independence. >> a lot o indepnce, af it's beo and then along with it, our wealth and, our freedom. think about it this way a with kerry's assistance. its g >> china would be closer to its glob of eclipsoae ing america status as a global superpower, and it would doing
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it all without firing a shot. >> all financialcial too, must disclose all lobbying and policy engagement activities and lending and the writing and the investments in vestmentcoal financing and invet for exploration for new oilansin and gas fields and the expansion of oil and gas reservesoi. >> of course, the u.n. secretary general there, this inthere. saying sabotage., firs first of all, our power ver is being driven by very powerful interestsy po and theye basically given up on the idea of a representativepresente demy where things to them move too slowly and where the voters of the united states will elect real disrupter like donald trump. >> they can't risk that happeniney can't risg. biden' now, john kerry, biden's frimate ambassador, would to leapfrog the entire democratic process if he could r ,and design a new world order with other global leader ls. enh >> after all, there's so mucanh more intelligent than the rest of us.
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now, that means we would taked orders and just end up working longer hours and have a lower standard of livinga lowe. and kerry is not about to letsoo some old republican derail his plans for quality time with the president called xi donping, called him a dictator . do you believe he wields the power of a dictator today in china? >> i just frankly, all of thatcs is sort of like water off a duck's back. and i don't think we ought to get tangled and i dt up in, you know,ames labels and names and whatever. what we ought to do is look at the heart of what we're trying to d >> laurao at the heart of what we're trying to do. we know what you're trying p to do. all right? you and your palals have mads he very clear here in the unitedhe states has, he has said that 50f all the vehicles that we're t selling by 2030 are going to bef zero emission vehicles. do you ever want a definition of insanity in some ofr the behavior that the world is falling into at this pointhat
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and not responding to this crisis? >> and while our green czas cri rt to is super careful not to offend aluctanure benefactors in chin ,he has noce such reluctancedesi when describing americans.a's th remember, you're the enemy. china is the ally as biden'sttio first term winds down. his green machine is getting c t creative, too. they aim to change anch administrative rulange ae that d give emissions veto power to a british climate group. p it's a london based group called the science based targets initiative that's p funded by the democratic party's main dark money networ's m k. and it would be responsible for approving the carbon emissions reduction planions reducs of large federal contractors, just as many as 670. thi or don't you think that this organization that i just referenced was just incorporateds just london two ws ago? a >> now, of course, o the congressional back and forth on this particular change ,it was pretty ferocious, if you believe, as the administration, that climate t
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change could destroy the frickin planet. nal then it's worth saying that that's a national security atepartm least equivalent to china. >> the department of defense's climatensee adaptation plan includes radical proposals to reducs radicae greenhouse gas emissions at the expense of our warfighting capabilitiesou. we should not be pursuing this politically motivated climate fetishization that underminest h our national security. >> and it's not just the militarymili they want to radically undermine here. it's your own comfort as wel yo >> now, if you like the concept of air conditioning, you know, modern refrigerato r. . >> the epa has some news for you. they're about tot make bothnsiv more expensive and less useful inanin to abide by the new gloo rules to cut carbon emissions before they're just phased out altogether. they don't want any carbon a they dont all. now, the exact same agenda that the un secretary general has a.
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>> oh, what a coincidence. the problem is not simpl>>y fue. emissions. it's fossil fuels. the solution is clear. hase the world must phase out fossil fuels in a just equitable way. moving to leave all and gas intl the ground where they belong. >> l joke there, but i'llt refrain from saying about what belongs in the ground. out whatthall right. tr well, when the administration isn't trying to hoodwink you with toeen propaganda, they're going to try to convince you that your standard of livino convingt getting hammered in the biden economy. >>g hammer americans for well o 18 months now have said that theycountry is seriously the wrong track. and they cite the economy c and inflation as theirit number one concern. >> remember, energy costs are a big part of that. but rachel maddow is little mad brother wants to convince you that down is up.up >> we have one of the strongeste possomies in of the entire wor, possibly one of the strongest economies we have seen. itthstronges is one of the most
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impressive macro intervention, macroeconomic interventions in recent american history. >> in the last hundred years. rh >> perhaps mr. hayes is not. ha aware of the current oecd projections. >> look, it doesn't takeit doesn a ph.d. in economics from stanford to know that under bide n, americans are poorer. spoorational debt ha skyrocketed and china continues to threaten our position in the world. so no amou no amount of spin, nt of happy talk from their press attache is that the other mak cables are going to make those inconvenient facts >> here to discuss, arier fleischer, former white house pres white s secretary, and benlarge of domenech, editor at large of the spectator. both are fox news contributors.t >> ben, let's startchin on the china question. >> what's going on here? i mean, there couldn't reallyrro be more affronts to america that occurreveeed over the past three or four months from the hacking to the spy balloon of to the buzzing of our aircraft. other are just opaque threats
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regarding taiwan and so forth. >> what's going on with kerry and why the desperate need to send the parade ofrrib horribles over thereles . pend laura, i would not want you to s spend the last 10 p.m. hour of your tenure before you movethrog to seven. just having to go through the list of all the differene lt ways that china has insulted us. >> but you could, if you wantede to, under joe biden, the chinese and the chinesecommn communist party has beenis nothing but completelyed state disrespecting the united states and the united states power in so manr iny respects. we can go all the wayniti back to that initial meeting in alaskaal m where they deployed the language of blm and critical race theory against tony blinken and thet to rest of our state representatives and drive lineel to the way that they feel about us today. we are not an entity thathe they respect. and under joe biden, they really viewy ec us as beina entity that they can do anything that they want to. they canny want just about any.
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they can move anything around according to their wishearounds they can completely disrespect us in ways that we really haven't seenven't se withint thy the american experience. and yet they believe tha tadmini they get away with all of thatin because they know that the biden administration is nogo t any going to make themal actually deal with any real consequences for their.k th and i think that particularly with this most recent hackticul the fact that this hack was taking place at the same time that the biden administration was congratulating itself, each o on the back for, you know, achieving some kind of diplomatidiplomc t some kind of thaw in relations. it just shownd os how ridiculous this whole situation is. they're disrespecting us. they're pulling things out o>>ho our back pocket even as they're shaking our hands. and unfortunatelutr ba y, thisf administration is out of washington. i think that's going to just waaccept be the regular, just accepted way that we deal with the biggest adversary that we have around. all right. john kirby, though, has been
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out there sayingugh, hashere. look, this hacks, these hacks,. essentially, they happen all the time. it's it' it's n that s not something we. want, but it's just a fact of life. it shouldn'tdn't stop us from continuing this great path off togetherness with china. your reaction just to that? n al yeah, i mean, he's right. these hacks do happen all the time, but it doesn'te t happen e time that america gets embarrassed by china so sed by cregularly and.joe bide that's what's happening under joe biden's watch. you know, we do this to chin watca. to china does it to us. nations do it to other nations r around the worldld. >> but the embarrassment factor, the problem with china for the lastthe years sinceas a they started to emerge as a global power increasinglys neve with every year, there's never been a door. they metr they. a >> they didn't try to see if it was open. and when they made an open rush door, they rushed through it and exploit it and take everything they can. the problem with joem, joe bided administration is every door seems to be open and china chinm through all of them and they don't think it's proper policy to sla tr,e m the shut the doork the door and not let china
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enter. >> and that'd that's whas what h to do when you're dealing with china. and you've got to be strong. you've got to be determineav to be you haved. you've got to lock those doors. and then we've got to be tough with them, build alliances.d it's been an era ofan american weakness toward china. the only credit i'll give joe biden is he's kept donalakness d sanctions on china. and that's important. donaldm gi changed our procedur are our tariffs on china. >> hche donald trump changedhe the world's behavior toward china, but especially america's behavior toward china. >> yeah, well, we'll see if rera: we'l to a second term. i i think all bets are off about whether those tariffs going to stay on. i think that's one of the problems are your point spst raisen that's oneths ben h. speaking of this, john kirby, spokesmajohnn for the white houw he was asked about the national defensasut te authorization acto just passed through the house. watch this . >> do you see the president signing a national defense authorizatiosigning n act that t that limits transgender rights, that out, diversity training.
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it's very difficult to see the president supporting legislation that would make ito harder forserv americans to sert in uniform and to not be able to do so with dignitity,y, not be able to do so with the proper care that they need. >> well, van, we just called ups 30 3000 reservists sending them to europe. we're 25% down on armyf recruiting. other branches of the military are alsoth shortfalls and they'c worried about the dignity ofof s trans folks feeling better about themselves in unifor >> >> what are they going to die on? well, let's let'cleas be clear about what they're talking about here. what they're talking about is using t abouts us taxpayer to pay for for, you know, participants in our armed forces to travel to other states in orderaveother r to gen abortions that they want. they're talking about using taxpayer dollarst to allow who people who are, you know, who sign up to transition on the on the backs of the ofs o
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the earned dollars of the american people. that is not what the militar ths is meant for. that is not what the ndaa is supposed to be abou t. eric it's supposed to be about defending america at home and abroad. not a just a toy to be playedayw with by the faitr left views it as just another aspect of social engineering and. ari, really quickly on this. i think he's done enormous damage to the military, milita is trying to turn the tables on republicans, but i don't think that's workingturn . >> while also the media's hypocrisy on this media downmesn on republicans for inserting culture wars into the militaryth who put the provisions in there in the first place with the acquiescence of the press that it's okay to use taxpayer dollars to pay for militar y abort abortions and transgender procedures. >> it was the democrats this cs didn't used to be the case. they put it in. and then when republicans trieer go back to neutrality, republicans are accused of a culture war. a ep areaccuse this is the demos inserting a culture war into dod and trying to stop it doing huge national security damagearn
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to the country. i might add, ari and ben. see you at 7 p.m. soon. thann 7k. >> all right. last night we profiled a democrat representative wh pro left party after their stance on school choice. bu ance ot left's perversion of bae education is at issue as well. a look at california. its board of education just. approved new mathematics mat framework that uses equityhemaxt and social justice as a learning tool. cu our next guesa formt is formr teacher from california and current congressman kevin kiley. abou congressman, how do you feel about the state's nes new math e framework? >> what do we need to know? well, i don't feel gool good d it but two welcome to california. i mean, you know , two plus two is a four. laura, there really isn't a lot of room in the equatioin then fr politics or social justice or woke ideology. and by the way, that equation is about the level of rigoisr kids are going to be getting under this framework. they're trying to bring everyonefr try to hold kids bact to stop them from going into advanced mathematics calculus,o
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to stop them from being prepared to go into stem fields, which is whyp the framework has been condemned across the board by real mathematiciansk has be and scientists and engineers. but make no mistake, this is part a broader o indoctrination strategy for california schools. t jib. just two years ago, gavin newsom signed a bill to makene crwsome t a high school graduatn requirement. and at the same time , attacking the schools where students actually are learning the moment off he took office, e declared war on charter schools, even thoughhough a new study shows that charters are outperforming traditionag tradid schools in reading and math. and they do that b by having hih quality, rigorous instruction, setting high expectations for students and having accountability. they don't do it through justic hroughe, math or otherwise politicizing the classroom. >> well, all the viewers havecongre to understand this, congressman, that the test scores in,n in math and reading are way down. wadownso they want to shiftaway
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the subject away from f their failineir fag teachingin and their failing educational framework in the governmen te go schools. and that's what we're calling them, the government schoolsmene and then just lower the bar for all these people who are stuck in the public schools because they're all against it. of course, the teachers with the teachers unionsco, teache against school choice. so they want to lock these kids in underperforming schoolsds i s and then further lower the bar. >> so who who's for the the minority benefit ine fo the united states, the school choice folks or the governmentha folks? >> yeah, that's exactly right. i mean, in california, even beforeen bcovid, h had the secor performance of any state for, bs kids in low income communities, some of the biggest achievement gaps in the countr y then gavinwsome ke newsom kept schools closed longer than any state and made those achievement even wider. you know, and certainly then he's going after schoolsn likeschool charters or private schools where students are actually succeedinere stud areg >> well, of course, these people will always have >> laura in schools that still teach pre-calculus as the cas. 3%ore
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california, they're only 33%ha are proficient, proficient in mathematics, according to that survey. bu sut and melinda gatesew foundation, they're all for these new standards. st. k you congressman. keep fighting. thank you. >> ng , i grant raymond arroyo another three wishes on friday follies. >> first, new poll numbers reveal that the left is losingee big on one of the biggest emerging fights in america today. plus plus could a third party derail a biden second term? chris bedford, doug schoen join us for another pulse of america next. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep. you see, getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system, and a blind placebo. clinical trial relaxium sleep help fall asleep faster, stay
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>> joining us now to helpth us take the pulse of the nationn ,bedford executive editor of the common sense society, and doug schoen, pollste senietp former adviser to president clinton. chris, this is one of the most significant turns in popular wh culture that i can remember. >> now you, what do you think is going on here with this sirket shift in public opinioni? ? >> well, it's it's the most significant turn since the acceptanceican, the trans agenda in the first place. i think that men and women's sports and women playing in men's sports is a real gift from m god here, because it's almost like a controlled experiment. there are people outalmost thhere who say there's absolutely no difference between men and women. it's just a socialerence construct. tak but then you take a man who places 300 or 400th inr hund men's bicycling, and you put him in a women's rac mene where people have been working really hard and they absolutely dominate. where themaybe they went by 5 , 3 minutes, 4 minutes. it lays barerking ha the absurd. >> yeah, the showering nexts to girls.
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i mean, none of that is going to work, doug. this doe none os, though, seem like doe it's a hill that democrats areli willinkeg to die on or aretheiro they going to cut their losses here? >> well if i was making the decision, which i am not for the party, i would tell them, this is not going to die on. this is not an issue on which l power at the highest levels should be determined. seems and it seems sort of axiomatic i to me that biological sex at birth should determine where people compete. why would you put a party and an election at stake for something like this issue?tand . >> i can't understand. all right. no aura: now can move on to 2024. and i think this story thi is pretty interestinnkg. democr democratic jitters are apparently growingters a over c west, third party bid for the white house, especiallecialf a recent nbc news poll found that 44% of registered voter 44g
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say they're willing to consider supporting a third party orandida independent presidential candidate if it's trump versute if its part . so that prospect is so alarming to the dnc chair, jaime harrison. he issued a warnin hag. >> the stakes in this election could not be higher. yo, you think about, you the contrast that we have right now. you have a partyhart is fighting for freedom, for more rights and not less. d and you see the most extreme republican party that i've ever seen in my lifetime. this is not the time in order to experiment. thisthis is no not the time to a around on the margins, but beliefaura freedom except freedm of speech, freedom of worship during covid. yeahg , chris, a lot of freedome >> but should the democrats be concerned here about west de obviously rfk jr. the problem here is not that cornelobviou is presidential mal or even that rfk jr who is talking some very interesting stuff is presidential material. the problem here is that the candid th the democratic party is hoisted on their voters is not. and they know that whend wh
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you have npr coming out and saying that a significant quote, significantr comi majorif the american people are concerned about the president's mental health, then maybe erneds he's not the person who's going to lead this revolution who's invigorating to their base. pelead all right, doug, this is quite something. basew, because you have to prety you know, they're kind of charismatic in their own ways, right? rfk jr certainly is. he's not a dum b he's very smart, i think. and cornel west has been around for decadeon hs, you know, soung a lot of these themes that the democrats have really latchee d to when it comes to reparations and other race issues. so have they gotten themselves in a box holding on to biden? so tightly?? in a word, yes. laura. rfk jr. j and marianner. williamsonry a right now are getting up to 30% of the vote. i forgot that. >> li you.and on, thank yeah, and i think that could go up as biden's numbers continue to erode as i thinkibl.
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is at least possible. and look, i've known cornelt west since college. we disagree about everything, but he is t a smart guy he's ano articulate guy. his worldview is not close to mine or that of many, many people, but for a small segment of the democratic left, they will find him compelling, particularly as joe bide, partn. remains an unpopular president. and we go back to 2000 and 2016 when third party left wing candidates, nader and then the green party probably played a major role in the defeat ofd n both al gore and hillary clinton. so, of course, right now, not to worry. yeah, ross perot in 92 as well. but chris, do you think that p biden is going to have to make, you knowerot, , some an alliance with these candidates? ha
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>> can he? i mean, i don't see how they he can make one with rfk jr. e it's going to what is goingt' admiake him a hhs secretary? don't think. but mayb beee bun trt that's no administration. should iran moderate and appear to retur n. but his white house has pushedlg a lot of more of the more radicathl agenda of the of the left wing of the democratic party, not the middle roaden mot more than those people. i'd be worried about ch, manchin if i was joe biden n the question about joe manchin is, does he want to retire doacefullyand become the president of west virginia state? ore does he actually want to torpedoth the party? how angry is he? because he's speaking now at a no labels conference. if he's willing to go out thereh and put his name on it, if he's that angre'y, the democratn party and how much is left behind the state of west virginia and the old workingd ts class coalition, well, then the democrats are in much more seriousious. >> chris and doug, we'll see you next time. i'm sure it's 7:00. i loo great to see you both. thanks. i look forward. thank forwk. that >> now, msnbc is saying that biden is a lot sharper than
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my alzheimer's diagnosis was ta >> early detection gave us time to adapt together. lkher. noticing changes. it could be alzheimer's. talk about seeing a doctorthat together. >> it's friday and that means it's tim e for friday follies. for that, we turn to fox ray contributor raymond arroyo. all right, raymond, for the lastr th friday follies at 10 p.m. eastern, we have covered biden's nato trip all week. but i think it ended as badly as it began. >> laura, i want to save this by playing analysis from msnbc . >> watch. i just always told people that he's thewapeople very sharp talk to foreign leaders that havehimh had conversations with him that said that he was on top of every issue. >> the reality is nothing like the the dystopian picture thaton the republicans are trying to paint of of thit s now
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doddering president. and he's a sharp as a tack, sharp as a tack. t in laura, now hold that in mind. this is the president's final press conference yesterday. >> you judge the sharpnessester tablinland took his place at the table as as our newest ally. which prime minister store? norway. she we've had a great relationship. and frederiksen ofy we denmark d and the ministry ofd, the daughter of ireland. daughter of ireland. you can tell that's a freudian slip. >> i'm thinking of home. slipd. the daof iceland >> and now maybe morningug joe says behind doors he's winston churchill. but the problem is, laura, he caproblem n longer speak with f, even on a teleprompter. wi flun campaign like. this? >> well, remember what they ho a, right?threagan the reagan for the left was, oh, he couldn' rt talk. >> reagan was masterful until the end. okay he was unbelievable.
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>> and i saw i ut and nbeliei wd with my own eyes in person. >> s ho and what used those crutches is all those little crutches. well, what i meant to say is, oh, yeah, his little crutchesnd he uses verbally now and i good . >> the much maligned white house staff has madened some td accommodate the president's condition. >> he nocondw and exits air fore one via the shorter service stairs at the rear of the aircraft. >> and he still stumbles. then when greeting then and a waiting crowd in finland he mistook a little girl a please preflight snack. >> hmm. i bet he has a trademark slaw. you know, trump gives you the thumbs up. biden sniffs, your kids?biden
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no, no, raymond. the best is that the child world is like a proxy for the american electorate. r ththey're just turninge their backs on him. >> the child's like, looking right? like, ard's him like you a freo you love the, you know, subliminal thoughts of that chilhildd? >> the child could so expressri them. hilarious. all right. ous. >> poor , chilall, >> now, horrific that raymond, i'm granting you on our last 10 p.m. show. thres. iwishe mm-hmm. well, the good news is, none of them involve sniffing. lauralaura, so i'll put that ft to rest. my first wish after seeingm britney spears latest instagram postings is perhaps the conservatorship deserves a second chanctorship e. y >> okay, guys. so my book is coming out very,.k very soon. ed mleep] i my off for this boo. i had a lot of therapy to get book done. i'm going to bring you the hammer. come on. prettyto. yeah. go, magic. go, baby. why don't you go to my ..
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>> you get coco. coco, marcos. that's much too much. laura, it's gotten weird at the spears household. she does these dance videos every day. very weird. verywas involved a situation with a rookie at the san antonio spurs. she went the, to touch him on the shoulder, claims she was battered by his securityer clai herns out the cops say she hit herself with her own hand. i meanrs brittany needs a little oversight, i think, at this point. yeah. it overs this was the rookie right? it was the rookie of all rookies this year she liket. back faster save the face. i don't know. someone pushede. someone and someone's fist went into someone's face, i guess. i don't know. face i knowright. what else would happen? she needs oversight. the second wishes, really, on behalf of gop presidential hopeful asa hutchinson. if you're going to run for president, i wis. h were able to draw more than six people to your events. now, this is mr. hutchison in iowa on tuesday. laura. okay. now, lest you think we're being selective or cruel her e, thishink is the crowd hutchison
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attracted in greenville, south cr, this week.he >> i know it's like a waiting room for a doctor's office, butr look at me. >> you is shut out's of events. then this poor guy comesi ovekr here. rad at it quickly. i'm like, is this an old episode of the group on the bobe newhart show? maybe an event?s an maybe it's an intervention in i the votersnterve who say, maybee you shouldn't do this. >> oh, god, this is this a looks like a god bless them, an aa meeting or something. it's lik like,e i'm i'm john an' i'm a hutchison supporter. help me! >> finally, laura, i wish companies would stop hiring spokespeople completely unrelated to their audience. maybelline sent this ad out to their 12 million instagram followers this week. >> why not see if maybelline has any deals going and look at that super save vinyl inknyl is 30% off and my favorite colors are in stock and readyol
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to ship by amazon would arrive the next dayors ar. >> and here i am filmingg a makeup review. ing laura is there a burgeoning market for beard, bearded and lipstick that perhaps we know nothing aboutrhap? ? i mean, who is the market here? naturally, the people who got this ad were upset, many off thm them the regular patrons oft made. >> does he not know that you put the lipsticke li on your nails and not on your hand? i mean, women know that, okay? t he's just like, look, it's nom my hair. looks like my kids when they were little finger painting. all right. are the media and the biden d ministration colluding to keep our borders open? we're going to explain with texas lieutenant governor dan after thi opes. >> hey, i just got text from my sister. >> you remember rick, her neighbor? her neighbor? sure he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? right? sadl >> wow. soar sudden.
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your lungs screened now. visit screen your lungs, dawg. >> today on fox news, primetime the right voices at the right time. laura ingraham. real americans need to be heard. jesse watters. we cover the stories. nobody else will. sean hannity. i believe in faith, family and the usa. greg gutfeld. this to actual entertainment. fox news. primetime starting july 17th on fox news. america is watching. >> you're welcome. america. >> all right. what happens when anght, protmpetent administration
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is in charge of protecting our border? >> wel border?l at that point, e leaders have to step inok and matters into their own hands. >> well, look no further than texao furt s governor greg abbott hase tried his best to protect the southern border while simultaneously counteract attacking biden's policies with the national guard and dps working together. they are putting mile after mile after mile of concertina razor wire, border barrier right on the border itself. we're securing the border at the border where these bodies will allow us to d. o is to g prevent people from even getting to the border. >> well, instead of reporting on the unfolding tragedy at the border, the houston chronicle is trying to drive a wedga wee between border patrl and texas. that's actually helping, quote,p razor wire put up by the stateu of texasstat along the rio granr
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is blocking border patrol agents from reachingatro at rist migrants, including families with infants and unaccompanied and increasing the risk of drownings. according to a customso ing us and border protection document. >> joining us now is texas nowlieutenant governor dan patrick. >> dan, it's obviously they're trying to keep the border. open and keepd keep traffic free and they and the flow of humanity free and unencumbered as you and your government are trying to say nowe trying, this is sovn territory. >> absolutel tey. o >> and the person to blame is one person for the aid. cros hundred people who died crossing the border lastiniego between san diego and brownsville, many of them into texas, becausownsville we s two thirds of the border and many of them have drowned. and who is that person? t presiit's the president ofe the united states. he doesn't care that people are crossingossing the border.
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he encourages them to cross the border come. he doesn't car e if they know how to swim. >> he doesn't care how swift the current is. to theurrent you, laura, any onh the mexican side, do you think any of the cartels are ? mone oh, no. we're going to give you your money back. don't. you might drown. and so what we'r ght dr ouis protecting our state. protecting our country. the concertina is working. the boys that we are just now deploying going to work very w well. >> we don't want people to comae illegally. wn we don't want them drowning ini. the river. we even had national guarda pa member who was at a park last year with his family off duty, and he saw someone out in ri, illegal.owning i he dove in the river to save them and he lost his ownhi lifea and so this is done. joe biden, this is joe biden.ou >> and he puts our law enforcement at risk, e our citizens at risk. and all of these people, if they don't drownifdrown in the, if they don't die in the heat, slen many of them go on to child and slavery in this country or juss cot indentured
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servants sending their money back there. >> dan, there have been some reportso th of border patrol agents cutting the razor thatup your states have put up. now, this is lieutenan tri chris olvera. >> that's how he responded to watch. yes. by cutting wire.e >> by cutting the fence that we have placed at the state b to repel mass migration. rapp completely undermines ability to secure the border. that's the whole purpose of why we place that wireer alongo re the rio grande river is to widirect, to deter any mass groups crossing that dangerous river, especially now with extreme hea extt right nows >> yeah, well, you heard thosess reports. i mean, now this is the upsideen down here. people >> it is upside down. we want to stop people from crossing. r bu we don't want anyone to drown the river. but biden is the person who' ths saying he's coaxing them literally. you know, he's never come to the border. but if he dihe's td see a dive. it's okay. the water's not that deep. nono, this, this is a very dang situation that he's created, by the way. i knoweated. there was a letter
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by some border patrol personnel on the border. let me tel pel you.d look, laura, i've been down there many times, and i can tell you the border patrol you overwhelming majority, they want our help. itbecause biden has turned them into desk clerk at a holiday in you know, we're actually securing the border with our national guaroud. we in our budget that we just w passed in may, we spent $4 billn billion, 4 billion. and our budget of our taxpayer money to protect the border. anand wed we shouldn't be doing' until we get someone new in the white housree e. ee we're going to see people drown. we're going to see people go into o we're goinafg to seefi goi people trafficked and we're soing to seeng american lives in this country impacted. so, we're we're doing everythig we can. and the overwhelming majority, would they support us? >> they knowey who makes a paycheck. >> here's how one texasau congresswomara: hown dan respod to the issue of these boys justh a few days agoese is on cnn.
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>> watch. yes, these are boys that are apparently going to create a floating barrier and the rio grande. >> barrier i think it's really r important for americans to understand just how dangerous,dd reckless and deadllyy the governor's decision is. we know that governor abbott doesn't care about federal personnel or the personnel: on the border anyway. >> so, danso, the boys are more dangerous than the cartels, apparently. yeah. look, there are a lot of people watching right now that are on a beach somewhere if ng n and what we often see inn a beach area, there are boyse out there that say don'tdon't go go beyond these because it's dangerouse . ming we use we do that in a swimming pool. don't go on the deep end. go ideepthese boys out there are sending a strong message this , this dangerousis. don't try to swim across the river. it break. our hearts we see children or adults drown. but thise biden's fault. he does not care whether it's fentanyl or a
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people drowning. he doesn't care about humaboutnr lives. grea >> lieutenant governor dan patrick, great to see you. thanks so much. ye.thankss, a message to all of, the viewers next. now in become death, the destroyer of worlds, there was this looming specter. we can't let hitler have a nuclear monopoly? oppenheimer was one of the leading theoretical physicists. he's got to figure out how to make an atomic bomb. there are scientists engaged in making weapons of war. no one knew if this was going to work. it's always an unstable go history change one in a fraction of a second. a lab diamonds. >> the jewelry exchange has five carried a fiesta for 6499. that's over 97% off wrap. do care at high grade (femal studs, 599 thousands guaranteed. attent medicarthe lowest pr. >> the jewelry exchange direct attention medicare expanded
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scoping out the country's premier lodges. everything a hunter could dream of and more. luxury hunting lodges of america hosted by keith. >> season two streaming now on fox nation the ingram angle>a 10:0 to believe launched at 10 p.m. eastern over five andagn a half years ago on october 30th, 2017. >> now you think about all that's happened since then. obviously the presidentiale pres pandemic. we've had staffers get married, have multipl e babies. >> there have been triumphs and sadness. but i had a message for the first night for all ofimpo >> it's as true now as it wasthw then. day to dayhat do. what do most of you worry about paying the bills , sending your kids to a decent school, saur health care, maybe saving something for retirement? most of usor, i think wantt th three things. prosperity, safetyree liberty. and that includes preserving our history.
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what we believe, our love of god, family and.ic these aren't trite relics of the past, but are at the verye core of who we are as americanso . this show is going to be about , cul of this, and certainly the political, the legal and the cultural battles oattle the day. but something more. how all ofall of that affects your life and that of your families, our childremily'n have a right to be fully informed. a right to a complet ae of what went before. and yes, the chance ask themselves in time, what ist wellica to mise? >> well, all of you have been so good to thi have bes, to allg it's a huge group effort every night. eveand from the messages of support to the committed viewership, you didn't just make us number committ at 10 p.t in turn, you made me the watch. most watchedake host in cable history. unbelievable. thank you. >> i owe it to all of you.d and i'm going to hold true
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to that mission that i laible na back in 2017. wid i hope you know that message it's one that i will continue to provide starting monday p at 7 p.m. we're very excited. in so thank you fo watchinr. >> watching this final 10 p.m. edition of the ingraham angle. remember. , is america now monda and forever. i'm going to see you monday, 7 p.m.. >> gutfeld this next one, did fr you see that? >> turns out his favorite flavor of ice creaitavor om is. yes,


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