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tv   FOX News Saturday Night  FOX News  July 16, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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it in 24 hours and so you can get credit and don't forget to text, right here the number right here, story ideas or just to say hello, you want no pictures, good night america. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> hello america, and this is fox news saturday night. ♪ ♪ >> first of all, i am sorry the nobody invited you out tonight but it's okay because going have a great time right here especially if you like watching people grow fail because saw a lot of that this week. regular server name on the summer fighting over zuckerberg new app got a twitter that
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everybody's has more than a million users yes without threads app. the number that we were expecting what district and i know i'm none it myself and honestly i just do not think adjoining other social media app, would be the best thing that i can do for my intakes right now people on social media, or mean i got mark for wearing a tank top on the fourth of july, during eight heatwave in texas and sometimes coming it is even worse when the trolls are nice like me weirdos i like that tank top, a little bit too much and looking you larry be, anyway, the ladies of the view apparently, they love the new threads x watching the guy got up because i did not want to be tricked. not anymore and you tell me on this is okay i am doing but i'm supposed to be doing and are you tell me that i have to pay you see i do not want to do that. >> joint because it is not owned by jan musk that in the south was enough for me to join.
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>> while i think that is become so toxic it and this threads is connected to instagram this firm is a happy place and you can see dogs and animals. [laughter] kat: dogs and dysmorphia depression and jealousy, and really we are to comments if you are tank top anyway, this is right news for zuckerberg, anyone musk is handling it the that any rational adulthood, by tweeting about stock, the caulking i am not one to take shame but i do not think the news articles need to be caned defining either. and like today the beast, which felt the need to explain what it means to its readers, and recent article about the show down. anyway after calling zuckerberg a cop, mark also challenged him to a literal deed measuring contest and women do not do that a nobleman is ever demanded av
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measuring anything come of us some of us, we do this. [background sounds]. kat: that's amazing, but i'm kind of disappointed and, i mean, from all of this people were just sitting around filming it, not doing anything to find out why they were fighting the lobby of the casino in las vegas, that's a very classy place. his journalism is a dead enemy there were so few questions, you would think of those two women were fighting a war in ukraine. and that we may never know it and speaking of it, house lawmakers this we come up teeing off on fbi director christopher right, over claims that he is politicize the fbi. >> are you protecting the biden. >> absolutely not have the fbi to you won't answer the question about whether or not, that's a shakedown and anybody knows why you won't answer it and are you are you step were exhilarated race but isaac the fbi consumer
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people. >> absolutely not, the idea that i am biased against conservatives some of this seems somewhat insane to me sweetie well that is not the only political kept fighting town, donald trump is fighting with chris christie, again editor of spokesperson said this week, chris christie this in a perpetual fantasyland, where he thinks that he can be president very different from front, who always gracefully accept the reality of any situation but the former new jersey governor, is shying away from this food fight. >> to me well if you trump got in the ring fighting coming •-ellipsis usc is about that republic if it was you and him, who would win. >> come on, the god is 78 years old and i would kick his butt. kat: speaking of cranky guys, report found that joe biden is nothing titled original grandpa but he plays on tv. >> a lot of you are tired, your
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tired. i get it. try being 110 years old and doing this again. >> i know i'm 198 years old •-ellipsis back. >> getting aside, think about that. >> call me old, i call it being season. kat: in reality is extremely angry about the raging out of the staffers and policing things like, dammit and help me afforded do you not know this and don't have come of the word and get those words out of your any's also really into doing weird stuff like this. [background sounds]. kat: between all because the people out and nibbling on the kids or whatever that was, so when the time i see him coming look so tired and here i that
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was because all of the cocaine in the white house got confiscated by the wake of the cook investigation fairly, that is overcome of the secret service said they found no fingerprints, no dna, they do not have any suspects, seriously because of claiming that it is a cover-up. >> tell me in the white house, and surveillance by a situation and you don't know we did this. kat: and speaking of snow, we also have donald trump versus a very clean blizzard. >> if anybody was a blizzard, what the heck is it to you about is a fast food like trump no longer with a solitary tweeting home george santos, was the most offended by the saying, that he mom died in a blizzard you should respect her memory because she died in 911 and george again is also making headlines for something else except watch.
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>> rosa parks nothing in the back and neither will life in the back and that's just the reality of how it works. kat: okay, santos is not the only one living in a fantasy. >> we are girlfriend and boyfriend. >> to do what. kat: crickets. >> i am actually dodger me schumer said that she turned down the barbie movie for not being feminist enough. >> i think that the reset of a scheduling conflict. >> okay that is what we said yes it really was just like creative differences but you know there's like a new team behind it and it looks like it feminist and cool so i will be seeing the movie. >> wasn't that did not feel feminist uncle when you were involved in it t-mac yes. kat: this is opposed to me, who did not start the movie, because nobody asked me again i would do it in a heartbeat and i will do anything come i don't care what it is, call me and we have a fantastic show for you and "fox news" saturday night, the brilliant rip piers morgan is in
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the house and i'm going to try to get it working in a food truck and yes seriously, and was the author blew up on tiktok mortar is here and finally avoid a break it down and get real, don't miss it.
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so, you've got the power of xfinity at home. now take it outside with xfinity mobile. like speed? it's the fastest mobile service around. with the best price for two lines of unlimited. only 30 bucks a line per month. that's hundreds in savings a year when you wave bye to the other guys. no wonder xfinity mobile is one of the fastest growing mobile services. you really shouldn't walk out the front door without it.
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switch today at see john kerry is full of mobility that are present sandwich, the white house climate sark was embarrassing himself again and he is making these ridiculous claims on capitol hill and watch. >> we don't own private jet and i don't own one and i personally have never owned a private jet and obviously, this pretty stupid to talk about coming in a private jet from the state department appear and it just will be honest, if that's where you want to go, go there. >> mr. secretary december the testimony that you have not owned. >> i personally yes my wife on the plane,. >> did you find the plane. >> well done in a number of years that i have flown it. kat: will do, we all know that
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you fly fly private is like your spirit airlines guy, that will because you started off like this be ♪ ♪ i believe, the time that it takes me to get summer and while i can't sell across the ocean i have to fly to be with people and get things done sweetie looking at possible possibly even a place without one first better pleasant present joining me now to discuss it, the host appears morgan uncensored piers morgan and okay, why don't know my husband right will be purchased this couch in my apartment would be for to say that i don't only catch ♪ ♪'s is anything but misleading of asked if not flying. >> oh my goodness, so i was a private plaintiff will made me well yes will my wife has one and it is crazy and the problem if it with it is not only as a hypocrite because he constantly used his private planes whilst lecturing everybody else that should not do things like use prep plans in a man's the big
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hairy worse, for double standards honeycomb issues, also returned to bring people with you, on this current campaign, on people probably thinking about it seriously maybe persuadable to sit there and just brazenly why when they know that you use private planes, is the worst possible way to persuade people doing anything. >> a to go for suggesting such a thing, but the politicians all too often right, they say one thing in the due another come of the keep getting away with this t-mac it is the center think it would throw it politicians, never practice what they preach and they have john. this decoy prior and then of whom he really wants employees that it pops up this that china and places and it lavishing praise on the train is going to make is the sky and what is he actually doing was paying for it i many private planes, is he using because we know that he is
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lying so how many does he actually is no many times that is why explain is he trying to pretend that is wipe use of the plane all the time and is never honest i do not believe that. kat: i don't either i love that you say is he doing and another thing going to meetings and they took over the claimant but what is he doing. >> he stares at it is that you must must watch her carbon footprint and then next thing we know that apparently family by their own jet company and his wife certain to last your own one herself and so is up to his neck in the exact thing and is lecturing us all not to a great starting point for the great eco- warrior. kat: yes, i think of anything, kind of diminishes the cause right because these are the faces of this do supposed to take it seriously. >> if you have him chris bring the campaign the public sees the right and they're not going to be persuaded so the ultimate the victims of this are anybody and genuinely who care about the
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environment, about climate change and about the planet, believe is most people do, there's there's some energy to this argument then he is one of the worst people they can possibly put in front of it as a front man. >> yes demonizing others, we all bring their while i breathe air cleaner but well i really just what i do not see how he can continue to do this and people to call him out on it because a lot of people. >> he's angry and is really prickly and he was reminding me of white house press secretary saying how everything is incredibly irresponsible of journalist to ask, within the bidens are responsible for cocaine in the white house and actually come up just say that they were not, deny it but he likes to attack the media or whoever may be, for daring to suggest he uses private planes but you use private planes any probably angered sweetie we saw
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a lot of this in covid-19 people really hard on it by the restriction going out themselves gavin newsom and same thing. i don't know what we do here we have to 500 by the politicians, genuine politicians with genuine principle of actually practices what they preach at home refreshing with evie sweetie that would be amazing and might actually vote for republican or democrat for the first time in my life. >> anybody you just made public statements and in the private world, they actually did what were telling us to do and that would be a good starting point. kat: would be in the bar is low enough up over it okay thank you but don't go anywhere, coming up the panel is here reported the hottest new summer vacation destination and is homeless camps, were disney world. and first-come i took some captive times were to ask the strangers for advice, watching the friend an attractive baby with no shame is really unattractive, look like an open and i know ahead - will surely
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tell my friend that she is an unattractive baby. >> no. >> no there always beautiful. >> i can't tell her. >> yes my not. >> but that's what i. >> just be honest like well just tell her and accepted. kat: and your baby, not good looking baby. >> yes
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kat: if you're looking for a way to be the summer be, you might want to try, seattle's glamorous luxury homeless camps, residents of the city's highland park community, fuming at the camp which is covered which a hotspot for fentanyl, is now waterfront property in this right, they put it ended in a pool said when new yorker, the place looks nice can you give me and so, what is worse, homeless camps or homeowners associations, let's get into it with the panel and host appears morgan uncensored and fantastic gentlemen, he's back. >> you. kat: here welcoming "fox news" anchor different about the lovely and talented and of
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course, comedian and international symbol, joe mackie. okay, so pierce, i wonder if there's, and the homeless pool area if you like all the meth and crack moms are yelling at the harrowing bumps, you're just starting up next to a. >> what if you were living anywhere near their you would be obsolete sense, like really your own little paddling pool and as you doubling your front fentanyl in front of us it seems extraordinary vesting allowed to happen but that is where the world is going incidents. >> yes. >> you free little rights to anything and yet you can have your own private pool and rights to thanks but that is workable is going. kat: julie would you go if you are invited. >> absolutely but whatever the, thought it was funny because i actually refer to it as an aboveground pool so my my name thinking wow, that is fancy and it is basically it can be blow up a pool which i know how
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eradicate this problem just about like 50 kids over to the pool those drug dealers will run my. and i'm just think of i think i may run. kat: send the kids towards the fentanyl. >> yes, will the printable drug users run away because nobody was to be near a pool full of kids there very loud do not agree like i see the kid an employee run and i don't even use fentanyl. so just leave them there with floating devices. kat: what about you. >> i would go but i would wear a t-shirt but it will see what, i don't know what is worse for the property values there, the opener junkies aboveground pool. the thing i'm concerned about is the fight and so the problem by putting it in they don't understand you have some sort of consequences because it will just continue. kat: that is true and right both now onto another quasi- place, disney world to wall street journal, his prisoner is presently empty the summer. see you bob said that he
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albany's blaming the low ticket sales on covid-19 and hot weather hundred people just starting to realize that just think of the joint waste of money and map you know i've been on this for a while the bid on the disney that is not a good place and it also go there without the kids are weird people somehow damaged or probably how people are just been filing this in their cynical i'm there with you, but i will say this, and you can blame somebody lower attendance on some flight cancellations but i think the problem is that disease making products that do not resume with families as of of ever come of this out because keep it up in the arts but maybe make them mulvaney biography in that way on up to buy a fast pass sweetie like the charter $10 per record dog is ridiculous their while disney world in orlando at the end of june and it's awesome so me and my three
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and basically third hard start college tuition when source one day going to college but they got to write some really fun roller coasters also epcot another fortune to second mortgage out of my house and i thank you so discussing how much they charge. >> i think the problem is so the bar at the happiest place on earth. >> whenever you do that, you know is literally to be the most hellish place on earth. be honest but also living covid-19 blames covid-19 anymore that is all gone and i just got a horrible premonition about 50 years type of these committees like disney will be forcefully, sold out to covid-19 is like will it has nothing to do with covid-19 but i'm suspecting that having a breed of a backlash to culture for sediments very stupidly getting engaged in and ron desantis tenant for that stuff. there's supposed to be a profamily company any other like is a safe good place for your family and they are fighting these wars we like governor
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desantis, about demanding to have transfer eyes dominating school curriculums and so on and i think the parents are well really thinking is this thing that i thought and i think that is a reason but i suspect is a few american families go, it won't work for me to what about the aladdins trails limits the part of the movie. [laughter] speaking of spending a lot of money to find happiness a woman him to come from is offering $5000 to anyone he can find her husband and watch this. >> like a couple of years ago and added some of the friends but open it up to the general public because the offer us if you introduce me to my husband i marry him come give you $5000 speech of julia going to you for no reason in particular. >> personal she said that she would be happy dating a rock with charisma actually the pebbles so i would like to do the same $5000 is very lobo like
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bo not going to like about my date was placed a phone call to a dating agent. they charged $25000 so she's going to end up getting like bottom of the barrel for $5000 might whatever it just a bit. kat: do think this will were pierce. pierce: she sounds quite nuts that video. you would not want to date or if you were single see what well this mad i woman squeezing her way out of the car window into a video and i think that it is what, for the hope of love which ever way you can get it and if her friends come forward with a good candidate because they know already well suited will in the end of cement making introduction whatever that old your breath pretty suspect the $5000 deposit would be a minimum only to the divorce bills which come for the deadline. kat: but divorce is on so i say she go all in. >> twenty of displacement this is clearly a desperate cry for
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attention from tell us how quick is like people karaoke and i will say this, i thousand dollars, knotted up winning the risk sending one of your friends up with the potential crazy person. kat: while that is true and she said this was a buddy between 27 - and 45-foot 11 inches or taller british sense of humor have a strong affinity for sports animals and kids. pierce: while i am british so and i'm over 5 feet 11 inches tall and also i like sports and obviously well very youthful so hang on a very youthful printed also sports loving yes. maybe i should preach my headed rain but i don't know about my wife. kat: okay speaking of dating, and shopping but as a shocking new study suggest the nearly two thirds of people on tender from their already in a relationship a lot of them, are married printed on the top of that, half of them are not even looking for
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a match and researchers say that those people use tender for self validation and entertainment because of all of this people were looking for a rely connection of tender, the finding it is also, everybody socks. does this surprise anybody. pierce: i am personally started i assumed everybody of the sites, were always turning the tricks and knew exactly who they thought they were so effective some of them might be lying there for the various reasons and not just for the purity 11 romance i am stunned i don't know about you guys to do i don't point tender but when i couldn't to believe is that people up to the age of 74, or other. like what is that pretty some goes to show that viagra is alive and well and now i know were defined. >> when i'm 74, my bioassay hookups only looking for something casual and i know 74 year olds benefit on tender are
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saying there not ready to commit pretty they even know how to use tender and i'm impressed. >> i'm did not know that you could get tender on a jitterbug read on the women suffer team so you don't come if you're just looking for love in all of the wrong places i safe unified a keeper go to church on craigslist and women giving away free couch, is a keeper just catch money. [laughter] kat: yes mommy look, tender obviously people's ability to swipe of these people like me but they do not really like you, nobody really likes you at the end of the day see what many people see on it because they want the validation is two people swiping their way this is pretty soulless is not an illustration of these fertility of modern social media addictions like you're looking for some random stranger to look like they may like you in some way than any real connection. this is madness and is not proper interaction world basically going not. kat: i agree is discussing to seek validation on this i blame in a covid-19.
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>> we should blame this on covid-19 see what most people are screaming abusively i find that much more how they. kat: i much enjoy it twitter get off tender seeking validation coming it is gross and follow me on instagram. [laughter] [laughter] and stick around, because coming up, up will try to learn a new school in a skilled in the market one of the busiest a person new york city and did i succeed, stay tuned above her smart sincerely cat on the street. >> do you think i should get pregnant. >> yes why not. >> how old are you. >> i am 34. >> it might be a good time to start borderline geriatric. >> don't get pregnant. >> if you have the opportunity to bring somebody else up in this world. >> no. >> okay why not. >> your do you already have kids will you don't okay go ahead. >> are you married. >> yes cement been okay.
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kat: most people say yes so it looks like i need to get pregnant. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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one more time before you wake up in the wild in your eyes i see a flower slowly dying
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together with the nature conservancy, you have the power to make a difference for unspoiled nature, for beautiful wildlife, and for people everywhere. together, we can find a way to ensure that all life on earth can thrive. oh, in the wild you're gonna make it the moonlight is here to take you. our natural world needs us now. every day we lose more lands. waters and the wild species that depend on them. to learn more, visit today.
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kat: welcome back to fox news saturday night and now you might remember the summit hosted the show, i successfully learn how to do a car will look at that, somehow the base of this big attribute will get a food truck, just any food truck them over to the busiest one in new york city, watch. >> i'm in the world famous ball guys i'm going to try to work at a food truck. do you have any advice for me to become the best food truck employee possible. >> just make it however you like it.
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doing nice. ♪ ♪ >> there we go, have chicken and combo. >> the first thing is to add the let us. kat: you see i almost blew it. >> like half-price and half salad. kat: of course it does matter. >> exactly. >> no, i've got it. >> now you have a platter and how you feel about that. kat: i feel great. yes, i'm going to do a really good job. so i asked them if they wanted a chicken platter.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ kat: there you go and thank you. >> cash for card. >> i forgot about the money part. >> if you would to grade me one out of ten. >> will for you i would give you an eight. sue have you probably did not see me cutting up the chicken. >> will it is nice. kat: i should not have chewed nicotine gum. and so i do feel lots better and thank you. ♪ ♪ kat: that was my main mistake is the chewed too much nicotine gum before headed my hands were well
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as always put my hands were to shaky to cut of the chicken. pierce: and money that was abated for problem. kat: what what is the worst job you ever had. pierce: immediately, he went on the pallet, the worst job, i was 19, my brother was on the cusp of a british army when the 37 year career as an army col., he was 17, we went into the field mushroom compost for one hot stinking summer that her job was to beg the mushroom compost we literally had to wallow in bleep bleep the entire time and we would end up sweetie well if you said quietly, you still hear it because you are wearing a microphone. [laughter] [laughter] pierce: we stinking to high heaven were boiling hot anything about us it was compost that point we would always have a fight so prepared my brother for various tools for iraq and
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afghanistan. that was right up there with anymore being fought but it was the most hellish job ever known i think the history of planet earth. kat: what julie what about you. >> will mine was on his bed but i was scooping different well i worked as a concession a steady movie theater is a can only imagine how popular i was. and all of my friends were the movies and i'm wearing her not assuming them kobe popcorn and better figures but that was my worst job because it was pretty depressing to know that i was a movie theater with a head. see you before you were comedian and international symbol. >> cabin i was 14 i looked exactly the same as i do right now, and i was a little league and the kids were brutal things to say like will you are being bribed i said no i was not paying attention. [laughter] unique glasses and saying yes my vision is terrible you writing do sweetie but i'm glad that
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everything is looking up for all of us and thank you panel ed thank you and coming up, the best story of the week and offer going viral on tiktok, instantly becoming amazon's number one bestseller, a book coming up some when you ask him for it by that is next to buffers, more sincerely cat on the street. >> i had a friend aggressive boyfriend he smells really bad and to the point where we don't want to hang out with them anymore and what do we do. >> just talked to him that he smells. >> toilet taking the side another front of anybody and say, i think you might need to have a little bit better hygiene. >> you need to tell him. >> everybody just tell mike is easiest thing in the world. >> it has. >> have you were told anybody that they smell i am a teacher, of course i have. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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see my next guest went viral on tiktok, for all the right reasons another shot mortar his experiences help the sales when he was approached by a stranger. >> did you write the book.
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>> i did, is a novel about a teenage girl who teams up with a ghost with multiple personalities to solve the mystery of her parents murder. >> that is also. kat: yes so the stranger having to be notice read any's it tiktok or who boasts over $3m followers and he said that he knows the author sitting alone with a look at the feet on his face a few days later, the tiktok video went viral and were spoke was the number one seller on amazon in the book, is called lee howard of the ghosts simmons pierce manner with me now, get the upper your and sean warmer, i think you shot and welcome to the show cfo thank you for having me. kat: of the story and i love when amazing things have at nice people you're very nice person anywhere nice texas guy, fort worth and i i was just there and what were you thinking when you saw your book quite of climbing the charts. >> will the initial reaction was confusion and i did not know
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what was happening and it just took me totally by surprise. kat: i want to give you one of my book so we can trade. >> thank you so much. kat: wealth when he died suppress and avoid on a tour the starts this weekend in north carolina which is well here right now but i am going to go to texas and michigan and mississippi, idaho oregon tennessee, alabama kansas, missouri california kentucky florida new york obviously deter michigan and how will it get people to buy tickets for my show the way that you by your book. >> you know, i do not know how all these people buying my books to be honest be back because you deserve is the level i don't know it is usually the kind of this the red has, i'm just sitting there and he was just going to have to brighten my day and from there, everything just exploded and so was just generosity of everybody. kat: but guess, you're very kind person so you attracted the kindness you know. i don't always well i don't have the friendliest face myself.
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i think this is great and amazing and fort worth i wish that i could move there just went there a few weeks ago and i spent well a lot of money on a cowboy hat like a lot. >> you can do that easily speed up but you know what, the owner of the shop look to me and he said, even staring at yourself here for 20 minutes of what advice would you get to first-time author that just enjoy writing and kind of like you like well is it worth it much would you tell people. >> with the think that until first-time offers anybody needs to remember that i am a first-time author of this my debut novel but what i tell people to study the craft and get good books and read i just know within a symbols are good story and surround yourself with a good critique group that will have the courage to give you honest and constructive criticism to do, this ago adult fiction correcting obviously fiction. [laughter] i don't know about everybody if you have not gotten this will
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come up on amazon i think the time the shows over we should have it even higher after this i think it's amazing so she's a ghost of multiple personality issues risk everything to finance and this is absolutely amazing and you know what, i think that you going to write more. >> yes, i am working on the sequel to this funny story about this book is as i was working on another book of bad this idea came to me like a song in my head that just would not leave me alone so i had to write this one to get it out of my system finished the first book to do about that before the 70s you know what tiktok was. >> no. [laughter] and i will is no secret, and they've announced this on tiktok this all happened on sunday night and i did not have tiktok account my own until monday morning. kat: this amazing i still do not have tiktok account some of you that. >> well apparently is a huge thing and clearly the people on it are very kind about your. >> no telling. kat: you should think about it i
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think it would be great so everybody right now amazon's book and then if you're one of those many six image of you go to my website, the cat tiktok .com and get tickets my show i think you so much on caruso great to meet you. this is such a happy story. >> it is sweetie thank you coming up about we've guy is maybe not always nice me the king of late night craig gutfeld but were going to get real about moving to prime time at first or on the street. kat: i have a friend whose boyfriend blocked me on instagram and she does not know but i know what i did not do anything. >> to assess the question. >> okay. >> just ask why. >> will say don't know. kat: please do not tell me to talk to them about it. >> no walk away. >> i would say take their friend out for a drink to talk to them to find out what is going on.
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kat: this monday is the launchot here in fox news, or ingram is moving to 7:00 p.m. eastern interesting waters is that income and silverlining car felt as many to 10:00 p.m. eastern fox news that night will be right after that it 11 so my friend greg gutfeld his poems and i invited him come into my office to get the scoop on his new timeslot was give him some tips of the does not screw it up and watch. >> she was really really great to have a casual conversation without you that comes around. >> that we can be basically talking about anything to do are you excited about the move 2:10 p.m. >> against women life is not
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going to change that much. kat: people were worried about change of the sweetheart that you are just known for being the nicest most stable it even killed guy. >> will be will change some things i think we will have like more on-screen panels like maybe ten or 15 people per segment and so will do a topic and for two like a panel of experts and we will try to get there commentary and tomorrow hard news, just digging deep to the stories that people care about. kat: is impressive coming of brad pitt for yourself george clooney, they both said yes and they reanimated walt disney present brain because you can do a debate with ron desantis on your his think it's incredible also kevin costner. and he's a plumber yes. >> he is huge and tiktok. >> and george clooney bird is
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also kinda busy. kat: vico goes by george clooney is hard for him have to get a member yes, going to have a lot of sprites address a price guess this would be amazing and animal segments going to be incredible and skydiving and i will probably do a surfing segment with i don't know, with the surviving members of the osmond family. kat: are you nervous at all. >> i never get nervous, my blood is ice cold. kat: i think this could because just because a lot of people so you cannot do it does not mean you can't do it. >> a lot of people evincing that. >> yes chris homo it does not mean your life will fall apart. >> but we have been people have been missing you talk about eric shawn. [laughter] kat: public, going to change a look at all like you maybe. >> who said this about me to do but grow a mustache. >> i will never grow a mustache and i will wait until i'm 80
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years old. kat: speaking about do you think they move you you earlier because you're getting older maybe they think you need to go to bed sooner. >> i don't appreciate the tone and nature of these questions. >> okay just because you're moving you to 3:00 a.m. and i love it that you are to the park and will they slowly move you earlier earlier until your hosting fox and friends big sister you are right, you're absolutely right i don't mind because i do go to bed quite early in the sleep during my own show when i am taping it and i can barely stay awake we are doing the fight. kat: a lot of people want to know because it's earlier will there be less loop. >> will good b12 up there will be more loop this way to change bleep bleep in life is short and one hour difference, we will all be dad. kat: that's an uplifting message. >> that will be a great show and it will be a very great show and always will be a great show because we do not care about the
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assumptions regular television that's why this always works. kat: catch me on gutfeld at 10:00 p.m. as part of the new fox news primetime lineup that is all for "fox news" tried to set your dvr 2:10 p.m. eastern, every saturday right here on "fox n ♪ good evening, i am guy benson along with lawrence jones and tomi n. president biden is the only one tightlipped about the baggie of cocaine. >> mr. president, when you return to the campaign trail? who brought cocaine to the white house? >> according to a report the secret service refused to intervie


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