tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News July 17, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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next "fox news sunday." ♪ ♪ ♪ if. ♪ ♪ for watching. we'll see you next weekend. mark levin starts now. hello america, mark levin. and this is life. liberty and love in. i want to thank you for being here. i know you have other things you can be doing on a sunday night. but i think this is time. well spent. i believe you all agree with him when i'm completed. christopher wray gave testimony last week for five hours, and in five hours we learned nothing from
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the man he plays rope a dope, he obstructs. ah and he is intellectually dishonest, if not worse, and i don't care that chris christie vouches for him. that demonstrates that chris christie has his own issues and you ought not be president of the united states. the fbi is out of control. it's been out of control. it was out of control before chris wray and it's out of control now. i've just written this book, the democrat party hates america. it's 400 pages long. it's over 100,000 words long and it could have been twice as long and there's an entire chapter. on liberty on the constitution on the first amendment. very, very important. our first amendments under attack and it's under attack by this administration. it's under attack by the democrat party, and it's under attack by the fbi under christopher wray. all these reforms he's put in place baloney. in part here's what i say domestic monitoring and surveillance of communications against american citizens has
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been growing. but they're now exploding under the biden administration. on the same day as his testimony. and i, r s agent visited the new jersey home of one of the journalists. matt talib. remember him? what was he about ? he was hired by elon must take a look at the twitter files, and they found what absolute unbelievable coordination between the fbi and every major federal department of the biden administration to censor political critics to protect joe biden and his campaign to undermine science knowledge, experience information related to anything they opposed, including vaccines. also april 2023, the department of justice inspector general, michael horowitz testified before a house committee that quote more than 1 million secret searches of americans conducted by the fbi were made erroneously when
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he was asked about this race, said i don't know if it's a million. i don't have. that figure is testimony under oath by the inspector general. around 30% of the approximately 3.4 million searches were done. in error. 1 million. the search is in question were conducted by fbi personnel with authority under the foreign intelligence surveillance act, facer. the bill enables us authorities to gather information on u. s citizens suspected of being involved with possible spies or terrorists. 3.39 million searches were conducted by the fbi in 2021 under christopher wray. christie's buddy. u s. intelligence officials have indicated that was up from just 1.2 million. in 2020. that means the biden department of justice and fbi massively increased secret domestic surveillance by over 300% and a
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third of the searches that were sought by the fbi and secretly authorized by a federal judge. we're supposedly in error. this is a stanek. it is unprecedented seasons have fbi agents have turned whistleblowers? they have bravely come forward to report agency abuses to congress. they've been severely punished by fbi brass. that's christopher wray in a report titled fbi whistleblower. testimony highlights government abuse, misallocation of resources and retaliation whistleblowers have had their security clearances revoked didn't suspended without pay. some have been left homeless for speaking up on abuses, their witness reports the daily mail. instead of hundreds of investigation stemming from an isolated incident on the capital on january 6th. the fbi and doj officials point to significant increases in domestic violence, terrorism and extremism around the united states. the threats and retaliation by the biden administration against
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whistleblowers reporting abuses of power are widespread. the washington examiner reports so that the i r s a second irs whistleblower has alleged retaliation for raising concerns that justice department leadership was acting inappropriately on the vesting gatien into hunter biden. you're familiar with this? the allegations from an i. r s case came a month after an irs supervisory special agent revealed the congress. politics and interfered in the case involving joe biden son hunter. where did it come from? the department of justice. both whistleblowers were removed from the federal investigation in the past 100 biden tax violations communications obtained by the first whistle blowers. lawyers show that the second whistle blower was threatened with allegations of criminal conduct after raising concerns about the handling of 100 biden's case, of course, as we now know, these agents report so the department of justice could cut a sweetheart deal with hunter would ask chris christie and other apologized for this behavior.
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is everybody lying? all the whistleblowers from the fbi. the whistleblowers from the i r s are they all lying? no, i don't think they're all lying. let's continue. there's more from my book. although the fbi director christopher wray and attorney general garland claim ignorance and distance himself from another scandal, this time specifically targeting traditionalists and the catholic church, here's what we know thanks to kyle surfin, a former fbi special agent, federal whistleblower u s. air force vet. one covered a now infamous january 23 2023 document. he uncovered it. you said the fbi's richmond division would like to protect virginians from the threat of white supremacy, which he believes has found a home within catholics who prefer the latin mass and intelligence analyst within the richmond field office of the fbi released in a newly finished intelligence product dated, generate 3 2023 on racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists. and their interests
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and radical traditionalist catholics or are tcs. they call them? the document assesses with high confidence the fbi can mitigate the threat of radical traditionalist catholics by recruiting sources within the catholic church. well, most americans are familiar with criminal investigations, which explore the allegation or information that a crime has been committed . many are not familiar, ready with intelligence investigations. in contrast to the linear nature of criminal case. counterintelligence and counterterrorism cases follow a circular path that can continually continue indefinitely without any articulated goal. in other words, you don't need probable cause you don't either the predicates you just want an investigation. indeed information is the goal of these types of cases, many counterterrorism cases, never articulator on coverage single. criminal act. if they continue in order to develop more understanding of the threat, landscape or threat pictures, as quoted in this document. intelligence investigations
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often beget more investigations . now the relevance of this product should not be lost on the reader. he says. the danger presented by the fbi initiative is grave. he explains that products like this can be used to support opening of information only cases and there's no reason to expect radical traditionalist catholics are the end point of this train. they will be the beginning. any points out. the beginning. orthodox jews, muslims, whatever they want. that's why they need a building bigger than the pentagon. with all kinds of new technology and so forth. since this is what a politicized fbi looks like it should not be tolerated if americans expect to enjoy the protections of our bill of rights once again. biden and the democrat administration. i argue, plead ignorance member that someone off. i don't support that product product like we're selling apples here. and there's the case of mark
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hawk department of justice center, approximately 20 heavily armed fbi agents to arrest how early in the morning and in front of his family, including several young children. for allegedly violating the freedom of access to clinic entrances. the face act and this is what the abortion has said the department of justice are using to go after pro lifers. the show of force was ordered by the department of justice despite house lawyer informing, federal authorities said. how could surrender voluntarily? how was charged with two federal council violating the face act for allegedly pushing it pro abortion activists in front of the abortion clinic after the activists had allegedly shoved this 12 year old son biden's department of justice deliberately distorted the law. in order to persecute how threatening to land how with up to 11 years in prison. he was acquitted on all counts quickly by a jury in philadelphia under christopher wray. wanna hear more? i got more october. 4 2021 christopher wray's director of the fbi. this infamous memo.
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from the attorney general, the united states targeting parents with the fbi. with national intelligence with the criminal division. with all the u. s attorney's offices. he says. i am directing the fbi working with each u. s attorney to convene meetings with federal state, local, tribal and territorial leaders. and each federal judicial district within 30 days of the issuance of this memorandum. these meetings will facilitate the discussion of strategies for addressing threats against school administrators, board members, teachers and staff and we'll open dedicated lines of communication for threatening reporting assessment and response. first of all, the fbi and the federal government has no authority in local matters like this, none. secondly it was an inside job by the national school boards and soc ation. the teachers unions working with the department of education and justice department to come up with this crap against our parents.
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parents protesting pro lifers, the catholic church. a million . i'm sorry monitoring under christopher wray under chris varick, then we have this unbelievable decision. over 150 pages by a federal judge in louisiana. what does he say? he says, my god, i've never seen anything like this. the violations of the first amendment by this administration by the fbi, the department of homeland security and virtually everybody in the white house and in federal law enforcement at the senior levels. with twitter. with other platforms. silencing. american silencing scientists silencing doctors silencing of political opponents. being investigated being wiped off a social media. at the direction in the urging of the federal government, a clear violation of the first amendment. has anybody read it? it's right
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here. it's unbelievable. you have judges. who are honorable. and i was about to say the exception to the rule. but maybe i will. we're trying to tell us you're losing your country. we have a dorm report here. where he's trying to tell us. we're losing our country. it is appalling. what's taking place here? let's look at the dorm report more on the fbi. what does he say? and this is over 300 pages long, which is why the democrats and the media attacked him with the democrats and the media. defend what zuckerberg did it at facebook and what others have done at twitter. why they attack the independent journalists who came before an investigative committee and even threatened to put one of them in prison and sick. the irs on one of them. this is serious. business america. this is elite police take a state tax considered taking place. what did joram say? what did he say? in march,
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2019 special counsel robert mueller concluded his investigation in the rescue government's efforts interfere in the 2016 presidential election, including any links or coordination between the russian government and individuals associated with the trump campaign. that investigation did not establish that members of the trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the russian government in its election interference activities. but the democrats said he did, pelosi said he did, hillary said he did, biden said he did their media said he did over and over again. adam schiff wants to be senator from california lied repeatedly to the american people. are they to be held to account? no, no way, but there's more. he says . our findings and conclusions regarding these and related questions are sobering. says more based on the review of crossfire, hurricane the investigation of trump and all the rest with respect to russia
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and related intelligence activities. we conclude the department and the fbi failed to uphold their important mission of strict fidelity to the law in connection with certain events and activities described in this report, as noted former fbi attorney kevin kline smith committed a criminal offense by fabricating language in an email that was material to the fbi attending a fisa warrant. surveillance. in other instances, fbi personnel working on that same fighter application displayed at best, a cavalier attitude towards accuracy and completeness. fbi personnel also repeatedly disregarded important requirements when they continue to seek renewals of that face of surveillance. while acknowledging both then and in hindsight that they did not genuinely believed there was probable cause to believe the target was knowingly engaged in clandestine activities. it's amazing our investigation also revealed that senior fbi personnel displayed a serious
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lack of analytical rigor towards the information that they received especially information received from politically affiliated persons and entities a k a. the democrat party. this information is part triggered and sustained crossfire hurricane and contributed to the subsequent need for special counsel mueller's investigation . in particular, there was significant reliance on investigative leads provided or funded directly or indirectly by trump's political opponents. the department did not adequately examine or question these materials and the motivations of those providing them. even when at about the same time, the director of the fbi and others learned of significant and potentially contrary intelligence. what are we to make all this? it's not america anymore. that's what to make of it. the democrat party owns the department of justice. you don't hear republicans doing this sort of thing and a republican administration. this
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is why i take the time to go through the attacks on donald trump. because he is illustrative of a problem. people who protested washing clinics. parents who peacefully protested school boards. traditional catholics. the internet. free speech. they are all under brutal assault. by federal law enforcement. and there sits the attorney general, the united states garland. like a mob lawyer. quietly directing everything behind the scenes. she can't see him. you can't hear him. you can't watch them. comes out like mr magoo makes a few statements and shuffles off the stage. he is diabolical. the people working for him or diabolical. what's going on with the special counsel is hideous and unconscionable.
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this is why this is such an important issue. this is why the pollsters can't understand these republicans. they won't move off target here. why do they keep supporting this kind so forth? because they know tyranny when they see it. and i know totalitarianism when i see it. and as long as i have this platform and every other platform, i'm going to speak out against it. i've got more material here. stacks of material that indict the fbi, the department of justice, the white house and the whole bunch of them. and if we have republican candidates, i don't have a problem with this. i think chris raised a good guy. he's put reforms in place. there's no hope for them. there's no hope for us. they become present. i'll be right back.
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mark: will come back america were here with her buddy leo terrell one of the great lawyers in the country. isn't it interesting that the media almost never put defense lawyers on tv. it's always former federal prosecutors and then they look at the indictment and they say this is insurmountable. we never seen anything like this in my life. on my god is going to go to
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prison for thousand and 12 years look at this charge, don't mess with the federal government that's the lesson. i want to go through a few things mr. attorney so the american people understand there's two sites here when it comes to this the president's lawyers had multiple opportunities and another thing i mentioned last sunday here are 40 leaks including grand jury leaks, investigative leaks, all the leaks to help the federal government and their case a motion in front of a judge to order an investigation of the office of professional responsibility in the special counsel his staff get his text, e-mails and bone loss because it violates a fist in sixth amendment to the due process, am i right. >> your 100% correct, let me tell you why why are all of these be leaked to the left-wing media immediately. they are the prosecutors of the left-wing shows novel evidence. it is been leaked from jack
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smith's office, the part of justice, to the media these leaks are detrimental in trying to influence the jury pool. that's what i would follow if i was trump's attorney. mark: the presidential records act. governs the relationship former presidents have in the archives not the espionage act. let's get this set up in the constitution on statutory discussion going now let's cite the obama judge in the clinton judicial watch with classified information in his sock store let's get that going and get that resolved what about that motion. >> came over, that is the most important first motion president trump legal team can file. the president acts is andre's president trump in this case is on file to show that support,
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what can the protestant fusion used in response president trump had the absolute right to declassify any and all documents in his custody control and possession. there was no response by the prosecution. i'll tell you why they do not have one. they're going after this man for one reason everyone of them leading republican candidate. in my opinion the next president of this country is trying to be derailed by the prosecution by joe biden by merrick garland, by christopher wray and the democratic machine and the left-wing media. they are in trouble free they cannot beat them at the polls they want to tie them up in the legal system the presidential record act to my opinion is an outright dismissal of this frivolous charges against donald j trump. mark: the search warrant is a general one the master reinhart
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full-fledged judge allowed the government to seize similarly package material in the visibility of boxes contained in documents marked classified that is a limitless general warrant that authorizes the fbi to rummage through mar-a-lago which is exactly what they did you have seen search warrants before what specificity and probable cause is that. >> none, 0. the thing that is so upsetting about the entire case, the presidential record act into a criminal charge. where is the cooperation i could've been resolved to a normal subpoena in a process to the civil process. they have weaponize this particular case in order to punish president trump and incarcerate president trump they are trying to prosecute president trump and on the other
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hand the trying to protect in doing a good job of joe biden who does not have the right to use the presidential records act in documents stored everywhere in this country and by the way what is the current status of that case. mark: assuming president trump's team has a full unredacted affidavit which they must have because i was used to support the warrant. why would they go to the court i guarantee you there's information of affidavit that is helpful to president trump that is not been released to the public at, why not ask for a motion for a franks hearing, what is the franks hearing i'll get to you after the break. a judge will deny a request for search warrant based on insufficient facts a defendant seeking sufficiency of an affidavit has to file a motion. the warrant is invalid if a judge finds any consequential statement in the warrant affidavit was a lie.
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your client but it was not used in a way including by the court and by the way the master who ordered the warrant is not the one that is supposed to look at him ordering the warrant somebody else has to look at that. >> america markley ben is spot on that term is a game changer did the only thing i disagree he said it should've involve a couple of days ago it should've been filed six month ago that is an evidentiary hearing that allows donald trump it is prosecuting team to examine the credibility and liability of the information in the warrant as he has a right to challenge. he has a right to challenge in a hearing and if there is not substantial evidence to support the basis of the warrant, all the evidence is thrown out. this is something that a defense attorney would file. this is something that should be filed immediately because it would in the case today right
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now. mark: there's a guy in the department of justice that leads the justice department counterintelligence division. he's been heading up the investigation behind the scenes. the little guy has a napoleonic complex he thinks is a tough guy. and uses the resources the government against the former president and there is an allegation against him by not a cockamamie lawyer but a highly respected lawyer in washington, d.c. and he says and somebody words to the lawyer is representing the codefendant in this case. in aid to donald trump we know you're seeking to be a superior court judge in washington which is a competitive competition. he says it probably one her if you could get your client to testify against donald trump.
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where i come from a philadelphia with called extortion that's what that's called extortion there is a secret hearing going on behind the scenes. here's what i would do not bring up another one, abrading motion trade that is a legal tool to compel evidence from the prosecution you can use a legal motion for exculpatory and impeachment evidence for the prosecution. i want every bit of information on this. i want to know if the lead prosecutor was shaking donald lawyer and he apparently said he was in order to get somebody to testify against me what do you think the formal federal prosecutor, what do you think about that. >> i love being on your show abrading motion is a constitutional obligation for the prosecutor to turn over everything to the trump team. abrading motion is automatic it is not produced by the prosecution.
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a motion demanded the information another game changer is over. there should be a total defense strategy to get all this information and this is the reason why anything happens in the first day of trial all these motions to be filed immediately the brady motion is a constitutional right to president trump in pursuing affirmative defense against frivolous charges. mark: i would remind america the first segment of the program i went through how corrupt the fbi has become a political on one way of the democrat party owns the d.o.j. leon the prosecutorial decisions which is wide none of them are objective they are all cheery in the sun they are cheering on a corrupt da in manhattan who campaigned that he was going to get trump a democrat in new york who
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campaigned that she was going to get trump, da in georgia who has apparently her entire career pinned to making some charges related to january 6 i do second federal grand jury ran by the damn department of justice related to gender e-cigs whether the trying to concoct arguments about a generally sick selection which is handled politically by congress not by prosecutors. i want to make a people to understand that you don't roll over and play dead because the prosecutor throws almost 40 charges against you piles on charges that could've been one or two, we could've made them 37 in violate attorney-client privilege to boot another motion that needs to be filed and brought all the way to the supreme court. your final words. >> can give very much for that question the democrats hate the
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constitution and liberty. they hate freedom, you talk about all the time they ignored the rights and privileges of donald trump if they ignore his rights they ignore all of our rights that's why there's a fight for our separation of this horrific approach by the democrats to tear down the constitution to take away our freedom. our country is at issue right now. if we don't save it were to be a deep problems with losing our freedom. i'll tell you this president trump is really standing for every american right now because his fight is our fight. what you're doing and what i'm doing until the american people our country is at issue we have to protect her legal freedom. our liberty and rule of law separates us from every country on this planet and that is why these battles right now that trump is facing our battles we americans are facing as well.
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mark: welcome back america the great christopher rufo manhattan institute senior fellow. city journal contributing editor, this man has been fighting for decades to draw america's attention to crt and how the radical left are destroying our culture and now he's put in a fabulous book america's culture revolution how the radical left conquered everything, christopher rufo really terrific book let me ask you a question they control the culture. >> they do this as part of a long-standing on the left. the late 60s and early 70s the radical left thought they could overthrow the u.s.
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government that certainly collapse during the nixon administration and then they revise the new plan the long march to the institutions taking control of all of our elite cultural production from the inside and that's exactly what we done this book traces it from the beginnings the origins of the late 1960s all the way to the explosion and the revelation of these trends during the summer of george floyd. it is not by accident conservatives feel besieged marxist ideology and all these institutions this is part of a plan something that i worked to expose in the book. >> this plan was really developed by an italian communist, german communist that had an enormous influence on our communist and university and colleges that you pointed out here, the plan was to not violently overthrow america or any democracy that would be great if you could. tell me if i'm wrong the people that are not going to rise up
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and overthrow this place. lenin said had to be top-down we gotta conquer their cultural institutions and isn't that what they are doing. >> that's exactly right in the 1970s the top you marxist row explicitly that the working class and the middle class in the united states was not just non- revolutionary and anti-revolutionary meeting most middle-class americans and working-class americans were happy with the country and happy with his principles they said we need to lead an elite resolution that unites intellectuals on university campuses on the underclass and under cities to put pressure into waste on the america public. into launder the revolutionary and radical ideas through the institution, these are explicitly anti-american, these are explicitly anticapitalist, they have a racial dialect that is explicitly antiwhite ac that is a potent rally cry for the
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revolutionary movement and when you see the evidence from 2020 you look back on that and in astonishment it's been a cycle that's been repeating for decades there really no surprises, you have to see where it comes from you what i hope to defeat it. mark: a lot about your book america's cultural revolution. i had people come up to me all the time how do we lose our classrooms, how did we lose our language, how did we lose women sports, you go through it and you explain it, how did we lose it all. >> the education system is key marxist, radicals all over the world in order to control the future of a country you have to control the transmission of values in a large public school system like we have in the united states comes in the public school classroom and they were very explicit they got 100
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neo-marxist intellectuals working in the field of indication and they spread their ideas to the k-12 bureaucracy and what they've done perilla ea is concretize enforces ideas through diversity equity and inclusion programs. to the point when i discovered the marxist literature of the 1960s from radicals from the "black panther" party in the weather underground is not exactly the same that is often the language as many of the k-12 curricula in states like california, washington, oregon and illinois and we seen this remarkable traveling from the fringes of the radical literature all the way into your child's kindergartner classroom. you need to know your history and where it comes from and see beyond the manipulative language. if you want to get this out of the classroom and re-instill american principles in america
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♪ ow! whoa! watch where you're going. yeah mom, pay attention. what if it's a concussion? hang on, i'll look it up. uh... i'm probably fine... probably? we noticed something wasn't right and got her to a doctor. i thought i was okay, but i had a concussion. sometimes, it's hard to tell on your own. don't mess with your melon.
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make sense, the book is america's cultural revolution how the radical left conquered everything. you can get at right now. it's going to come out in 48 hours, grab your copy so it's delivered, crucially important and you be able to get in any retail store as well. christopher you talk about the counterrevolution coming. that is we the counter to them. explain what you mean by that. >> is really important for conservatives to understand that we aren't the establishment anymore, we don't control the institutions. perhaps that wasn't the case but it's not anymore we find ourselves very much on outside in. we can't simply conserve all the institutions and patterns that are the status quo we have to disrupt them. we need to have a counterrevolutionary mindset if we want to defeat the ongoing in the insidious neo-marxist
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revolution that is capture institutions. it is a call for conservatives to re-inspire the great principles of 1776 and that's the antidote to the revolution of 1968 the revolution of george floyd in 2020. we have to get serious and top and demonstrate leadership, this book is a blueprint not just for understanding the derangement of our institutions that we see every day. it's a blueprint for recapturing institutions and making sure we can have our values and our principles and their ideas innovative public life and transmitting to our kids in of course the most import asset that we have and we have to take great care in order to raise them to be good american citizens. mark: personally you've taken a lot of hits from the new york times and the radical left media. can i assume, i will assume i wrote a book on the new york times and the media in this country are really all in in the
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marxist movement. they're all in with the radical left, just like the democrat party. you agree with that. >> here's why, a lot of people on the center-left are uncomfortable with the revolution but they don't have the courage, the confidence or the strength to resist the far left infractions, it's essential that has conservatives we push hard and strong in order to make the far left so unappealing and so toxic. so dangerous to support that we can do it richard nixon did and 68 and 7280 was the first counter revolutionary president he had a plan that was derailed but he understood the dynamics at play and i think we could do the same today but we are at a great loss, the radical left has conquered everything it is going to take those of us who still believe in the american dream in the markets. to take great risks, you and i have both taken them. i have been attacked, harassed,
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threatened, spit on recently in the state of florida and it is all worth it we have to have the courage to fight and that is the spirit that we need it we want to be victorious. mark: i talk on radio and hear about the difference between those who stand up and engage in a cultural war and those who dismiss as a distraction. you are a perfect example of somebody that has courage and stands up to it. when i see some of the candidates say we need to talk about economics and so forth. i say to myself can we talk about economics to? we are losing our country. and they know they conquer the culture, academia, the media, the classroom, all these things. we can talk about the price of gasoline until were blue in the face but our country is awkward to be the same. i want to thank you, you fundamentally understand this for somebody republicans including elected republicans that simply do not. the book is america's cultural
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>> what event, those are two great guests with another hope williams i get the booking lawyer over there attribute to find number 48 america which comes out in september but there's a good diskette over there there was on any of the other sources that have links. this person limit issue in chapter in my book that we of the last paragraph said the section public most of an authoritarian oriented political parties, the property interest freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, religious liberty they are will receive's obsession with control and power. intimate conformity and uniformity about w's federal police powers more aggressively, as time goes on.
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you mark my words about this. this is exactly is taking place in this country and is not in a vacuum come the party owns a culture, owns the justice department announced the fbi. and until they, are taking up a date apart, it is going to continue. i will see you next time life, liberty & levin. trey: good evening and thank you for joining us and i am trey gowdy is sunda >> trey: good morning, this is "sunday night in america." christopher wray was on capitol hill this week, director wray does not grasp the level of frustration from the inspector general to special counsel to fisa court, criticism has reigned down on the fbi from bungling cases to insertin
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