tv Hannity FOX News July 17, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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i am thinking that a small dinner between 5:00 and 8:00. >> jesse: we have to go, mom, this is how things are at home. good-bye. sue from new hampshire. we taped "wheel of fortune" and jeopardy to watch you at 7:00, now we will tape our favorite 8:00 p.m. shows because we love you too. i am watters, this is my world. >> sean: thank you, jesse. welcome to "hannity." my monologue in just a moment. first, we begin tonight a fox news alert. breaking just earlier, more evidence that hunter biden was given special treatment during the federal investigation into his criminal activity and the family syndicate. according to a brand new report just released from john solomon at just the, we have confirmed with a house oversight committee chair james comb era recently retired supervisory
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special agent is telling congress behind closed doors that the bidens were tipped off about a surprise interview with hunter biden that was set to be conducted in december of 2020 but was ultimately thwarted, this as the house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan is threatening to hold fbi director wray in contempt over noncompliance with house investigations. here with all of the breaking news, investigative reporter, editor in chief, just the, john solomon. that's a lot to digest, john. >> it is. it's been a busy day. more of the portrait becoming more clear. hunter biden got preferential treatment. there was political interference into his taxes and possibly into his father's interference in some of these matters. what we heard today is behind closed doors, told james comer's committee, the plan to interview
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hunter biden december 8, 2020, along with the irs agent, gary shappley, and the night before the fbi tipped off the secret service and then the fbi tipped off the biden transition team, joe biden's transition team, waiting to become president in a few weeks. that scuttled the plan. the next day agents were told you can't approach hunter biden. if he comes to get you, but otherwise don't bother him, the interview plan fell apart. it is the latest of revelations. there are three agents with a half century experience in law enforcement telling congress that nothing about the hunter biden investigation was normal, that search warrants were turned down when probable cause was met. that charges were denied even though the prosecutor signed off. questions were not allowed to be asked, interviews not allowed to be conducted than in any other investigation would have done in the normal circumstance investigating bombshell testimony. this corroborates some of the most important
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testimony that gary shanksville, pennsylvanialy and fellow irs agent whose name hasn't yet been released gave congress a month ago. the american public get to middle meet them, an important step kro corroborating and creating a fact pattern for wednesday's hearing. >> wednesday's hearings, we hear from a second irs whistle-blower. earlier today, we have the fbi supervisory agent recently retired gave out the information you just spoke about, and jim jordan on the judiciary committee is threatening to hold christopher wray in contempt. that's more news for today. we should know more by wednesday night. >> we should. expect devon archer next week, stood between joe biden and hunter biden, got the bar is ma deal, early china deals, he is talking about cooperating in an interview next week. that would be another major milestone and advance for republicans,
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getting a biden insider to flip is a very important moment for this investigation. >> great work. john solomon, just the thank you. and trouble in paradise. panic in the democratic party. joe biden's re-election is anything but certain. multiple challengers now threaten to derail biden's campaign from within and that includes robert f. kennedy jr., activist scholar dr. cornell west who joins us in a minute, also causing anxiety with biden lobbyists and loyalists, and after announcing a run for the green party, cornell west will join us and tell us why. he is now blasting biden over his, quote, crimes against humanity, but it is not just rfk jr. and cornell west, apparently biden's re-election bid is so fragile, many on the left now are losing sleep over emergence of a new self described moderate political group known as the no labels party, and
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today, west virginia senator joe manchin headlined an event with the no labels party in new hampshire, fueling speculation that the democrat may in fact run as a third party candidate. by the way, when asked about it, he said, well, he has no answer at this time. now, that includes the intellectual heavyweights at abc's hard hitting political news show "the view," they're deeply concerned. take a look. >> this no labels third party group getting in will only serve as spoiler to one side. i think it ends up being a spoiler against biden in favor of trump. >> this will hurt i think president biden. this is dangerous because this put things in context, this is not a normal thing. this is not bill clinton versus george herbert walker bush with ross perot playing spoiler. no. this is donald trump. he is a threat to national security. this is insane and you cannot do anything, anything that could possibly help donald trump
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become president. you cannot be an accomplice on that. >> now, if joe biden end up making it to election day as the nominee, that's a big if, he can't afford to lose two or three points to a third party candidate. there's virtually no room for error, and for joe biden in states like arizona, georgia, wisconsin, pennsylvania, michigan, and given biden's strange and very creepy behavior that's only getting worse, look at this tape. look at this poor girl recoiling. he is becoming a serious lienlt day by day. last week was a disaster. naturally, democrats are lashing out with the same dishonest political strategy, the old play book, scare tactics are back. just in time for 2024 and they're now more dramatic than ever. you decide. >> sorry, you can't use those. >> what are you talking about? >> who are you?
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>> i am your republican congressman. now that we are in charge, we are banning birth control. >> this is our decision, not yours. get out of our bedroom. >> i won the last election. i'm not going anywhere. i'm just going to watch and make sure you don't do anything illegal. >> sean: no republican wants to be in your bedroom that i heard of. the democratic party are lying to you as per usual. republicans are not coming for your birth control. they don't want dirty air, dirty water, don't want to throw granny off a cliff. if democrats want to combat racism, sexism, they may want to start from within. after all, it was the democratic party that founded the kkk. they're the ones that fought against school integration and are fighting against school choice. in fact, joe biden himself worked with segregationists, including his mentor, former clans man, robert byrd, remember slow integration in public schools? he didn't want his kids to grow up in a, quote, racial jungle.
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in 1993, it was biden that cosponsored the crime bill that resulted in mass incarceration of african americans that biden referred to as predators on our streets. leftwing scholar dr. cornell west is openly accusing biden of committing crimes against humanity, against african americans. dr. west is seeking the green party's nomination for president in 2024. he joins us now. sir, always good to have you back. how are you, my friend? >> oh, indeed, appreciate you having me back. hope you and your family are doing all right. it has been awhile, my brother. >> i love when you call me brother sean. you're always welcome to do so. you're saying biden committed crimes against humanity, against black americans, and you said his record on race issues, you called out the democratic party history. let me ask you this. why overwhelmingly do minorities and african americans, hispanic americans, why are they continuing to vote in
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large numbers in the democratic party? >> one is, more and more fellow citizens are reaching the conclusion that the whole system is so rotten, you've got both parties so corrupt with politicians who are tied to big money. true for republicans, it is true for democrats. you were talking about brother trump himself and biden's connection to ten is and they are man, trump's only father is tied to the klan. his language about black people. >>. >> sean: hold on. never heard his father. professor, i never heard that allegation. never once. >> no, my brother. you have to do more, won't go into all of that now. not saying the son has to take responsibility. oh, no, we have empirical evidence of that in terms of not just how he treated black people in queens but the fact that he took him
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to klan rallies. this is in the history. we are not talking about his father. god bless his soul. we talking about trump himself. look, you don't use that with one of the central park brothers taken to jail. i was blessed to support him, i live in harlem, he is now my councilman. what did he say about brother youssef? i want a fair trial for trump. i want a fair trial for trump. did he want a fair trial for that black mother? no. that's racism, too. >> excuse me. i don't rush to judgment. i'm the one says everyone is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. you said black americans are not a priority for joe biden. that's what you said. >> that's right. >> sean: how real is your run for the presidency and what is the likelihood the green party is going to be on the ballot in all 50
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states? >> we are in the process of gaining that ballot access. my run for the presidency is the run for truth and justice since i was 15 years old, which is to say real as a heart attack. if i remain silent about mass incarceration, silent about reservations, silence about poor white and black folk, both trump and biden on the boss' side when it comes to hollywood and ups, when it comes to amazon. i stand with working people. i stand with poor people. i don't care what color they are, brother, they could be your cousins, my cousins. i stand in solidarity with them. a moral and spiritual issue. that's what it means to have a candidacy trying to be the corporate duopoly of both parties tied to corrupt money at the top and militarism abroad, my brother. >> you said it is clear joe biden's cognitive powers are in decline. professor, you're stating the obvious.
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why won't more people on the left, you're to me on the left, why won't they -- >> i'm definitely on the left in the name of jesus. >> you love bernie, i know all about it. >> bernie is my brother but not my mentor. i come out with martin luther king jr. >> all right. i will stand corrected. but you like bernie sanders a lot. >> he is my brother, no doubt about that. >> here's what i want to ask you though. i think this is an important question. and i think we should get to the bottom of it. you talked about extremes at the secret service, could not identify a bag of cocaine in the white house. you talked about the slap on the wrist for hunter biden. now, they stopped that investigation in ten short days, dr. west. ten days, professor. they didn't interview a single person. that just wreaks to me of a coverup. why do i believe if it was
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your white house or trump's white house, somebody else's white house that that treatment wouldn't fly, am i wrong? >> no. i think you're right about that. i don't know about trump's white house, i can't speak for the brother. for my white house. i'm not even going to the white house until every american citizen has a house, i want to abolish poverty and homelessness, a living wage, i want everybody with health care across the board in terms of trying to be fair. let me say this, though, brother. every father has a right to love their precious son. it is just your son cannot have unequal protection, he has to have equal protection across the board. i understand the brother's predicament, we have to be able to bring criticism to bear. i hope you bring it to bear with love now. >> a lot of love in my heart. you've known me a lot of years. you love me more than you
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want to admit publicly, just say it. you can say it. >> oh, no, no, i am a christian. i love everybody. i love everybody. i love you, too. you against the wall, any racism, homophobia. >> i am against any racism. i find it repugnant and evil. end of sentence. no conservative thinks that way or says they think that way, i want nothing to do with them. we will follow the campaign. thank you for being with us. despite general lack of enthusiasm for biden's re-election, many in our government are apparently shielding the bidens, for example, retired rear admiral john kirby from the national security council recently congratulated the secret service for their amazing ten day investigation into cocaine gate at the biden white house that turned up nothing and interviewed absolutely nobody.
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take a look. >> i can't really speak to the investigation that was done by the secret service. they did the best they could to track do you know how it got there, who it might have belonged to, they were not able to come up with forensic evidence that proves it. but of course we take this seriously, not the kind of thing we want to see happen. >> biden's best insurance policy is not the deep state, it is his vice president. to be blunt, no one respects kamala harris. she's become a laughing stock in washington, d.c. in the swamp and around the country, but of course she considers herself a deep thinker, the aristotle of our times, a real word smith. the vice president likes to say she can imagine what can be unburdened by what has been. three and a half straight minutes of this. take a look. >> i can imagine what can be and be unburdened by what has been, you know? what can be unburdened by what has been. what can be unburdened by
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what has been. what can be unburdened by what has been. what can be unburdened by what has been. there are those who are unable to see what can be but there are many more who are able to see what can be unburdened by what has been. >> the rnc compiled her repeating that same rehearsed line over and over and over again for three and a half minutes. they don't repeat it once, it is no wonder the vice president is the only person in elected office more unpopular than joe biden, and record low approval rating for a vice president. here with reaction, ari fleischer, kellyanne conway. ari, start with you tonight. let's get to the bottom of kamala and joe and cocaine and sorry they didn't interview a single person, really? >> yeah, but sean on this
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one i will defend the secret service, i won't defend the biden white house. their job is to protect the president of the united states. they're not the drug enenforcement administration. their job is not to search for drugs. >> then bring in the fbi. >> hold on. why not bring in law enforcement? >> that's what joe biden and his chief of staff need to do. secret service reached the decision there's no threat to the president. at that point either the white house wants to sweep it under the rug or do something about it, and they do not take it seriously. they're happy to sweep it under the rug, not the seeksz, but joe biden and his white house. this is a political issue for joe biden, it is a leadership issue and it is a failure to protect the white house by joe biden and his chief of staff. >> there's no way i see kellyanne conway ever, joe biden, asking law enforcement to get to the bottom of this.
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ten days, no interviews. they have videotape of every single person that went in that door. every one. and they could have easily interviewed all those people. that was not an investigation. that was a coverup. >> it was hardly an interrogation, the crime is worse than the coverup, but the coverup is bad. ari and i walked through that area probably thousands of times, we know where the lockers are. we know everything in the complex, 24 s/on camera. i don't think it is difficult to narrow the circle of people in that area, not the west wing, in that area. could have been somebody on tour, anybody. fact is, you don't close something this vile to the national interest in the west wing, close to where the president works and lives within ten days. why. we looked for russian collusion three years. couldn't spend three months on an investigation? 193 kids under the age of
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five died of accidental fe fetanyl poisoning. because grains are left behind unbeknownst to them. this could hurt somebody. this is an illicit drug in the west wing, it should be taken more seriously. sean, i think that -- >> could be laced with fetanyl. >> could be any of that. by the way, we don't know that. sean, why don't we hear we tested the cocaine, here's what we want you to know. we know nothing about the substance. you know j? this is an sdings suffers from nothing to see here. everything is a distraction. c cornel west, hunter's legal problems, they want everything to go away, never to talk about it again. these guys pose a threat to biden's candidacy and presidency, they're taking away from him in polls and letting trump beat him in
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swing states by 8 points according to echelon inside. >> ari, good to see you, kellyanne, good to see you. live in arkansas, breaking news, home state of the granddaughter the bidens refuse to acknowledge, asking residents what they think. also, mark levin has a lot to weigh in on. also, couple of programming notes, tomorrow night we are in cedar rapids, iowa for an exclusive town hall with former president donald trump, that airs tomorrow night at 9:00 p.m. eastern. two live audience shows wednesday and thursday. tickets are free. for information and how to register. martial arts is my passion. i work out whenever i can. but with my moderate- to-severe eczema, it can be tough. now, i'm staying ahead of it. dupixent helps heal your skin from within. so you can have clearer skin, and noticeably less itch. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision,
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say. >> i'm here in town to get perspective of the people that live here. how do you feel about president joe biden and his son, hunter biden, denying this grandchild of theirs, this beautiful granddaughter of theirs? >> honestly, i think they need to man up, be the men they're supposed to be, godly men. to deny any child they brought into the world is a disgrace. i don't see how they can stand for it in this country and deny their own children and grandchildren. >> the fact that president biden is not i guess not accepting his seventh grandchild? >> no. that's wrong. >> take responsibilities, if you create it, you've got to own up to it for sure. >> there aren't a lot of people in the media defending the child and the mom, they're kind of left on their own because the grandfather is president biden and the father is hunter biden.
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>> and how will that child feel when they grow up and feel discarded by the family. that wouldn't feel good. >> how do you feel about president biden and his son, he has a son that apparently doesn't want anything to do with the child that he had right from here from this town? >> i think that's pretty sorry, especially to not make your child own up to what he's doing, not having anything to do with the child or the mother. i think that's sorry. >> i wanted so bad to go in the courthouse and tell that man what i thought of the what he is doing because that ain't right. >> everybody in arkansas seems to get it, sarah. >> yeah. sean, there are so many people in this community. what a wonderful community to be here in baseville, arkansas. i'm on main street now, on the street is the independence county courthouse. that's within hunter biden was fighting london roberts to reduce child
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support payments. i met so many people in town, some i couldn't put on camera, they're friends with her and her family, they describe the family as just a wonderful family and a beautiful grandchild. they told me despite that president biden denied his grandchild, refusing to acknowledge her existence, that hunter biden is doing what he is doing and denying this child the right to be the father of this child, they said that they will not, they will stand by this child's side, that they will support this beautiful little girl that is from their community and do everything they can to acknowledge her and to honor her. sean? >> sean: great report. sad, though. sarah carter, thank you. here with reaction, host of right wing podcast, lara trump is with us. talk about cruel, cold, heartless.
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i can't think of anything worse. he is the president of the united states denying a four-year-old little girl, laura. can you imagine if your father-in-law was the one doing this? >> of course my father-in-law would never do something like this. this is disgraceful, it is heartbreaking. you heard from some of those people, this little girl will one day grow up and realize she was rejected from her entire paternal side of her family. she will hear about all of this one day and it's really disgusting to see. but sean, this sort of behavior is very indicative of the democrat party as a whole. these are people that don't feel like anyone should have any personal responsibility. take out a student loan, don't feel like paying it back? don't worry about it. joe biden said for a long time he has you covered. are you a guy out there isn't excelling in sports, change your gender to be a female and then you'll be a champion. or maybe you create a life with a woman and you don't
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feel like taking responsibility for that child. no problem. just do what hunter biden has done, turn your back on the woman and child. it is disgusting to see. of course, of all people, joe biden and his family to do this, joe biden was sold to the american people. don't forget, scranton joe, the family man, a statesman that would bring dignity back to the white house. you have this situation, you have cocaine showing up in the white house, transgender activists fully expose breasts on the white house lawn like we've seen. the administration official from the biden administration who has some sort of a fetish and steals women's luggage, i used to think "weekend at bernie's" was probably the movie best to describe the biden white house. i now think it is like national lampoon. you cannot makeup some of this stuff.
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it is insane. >> he is saying all children, they're all our children. he won't recognize his own granddaughter. hunter gets a 75% reduction in child support payments in a private jet which i am sure cost a lot of money he could have given to the girl's college fund. one last question about joe. this tape of him nibbling at this little girl. we have tape of what we call creepy joe, a lot of it. what is your reaction, the girl recoiling, he is nibbling at her, trying to lean in, smell her hair. there's so much on that tape. what is that? >> who isn't telling joe biden when he goes in public, joe, don't do these things. shouldn't somebody remind him that this makes him look even worse in the eyes of the american people and he continues, sean, to do it. he can't help himself. it is kind of sad. >> i feel so sorry for that kid, but i won't even show the other tapes of
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other times he is sniffing young people's hair, touching them in a weird way. i'm sure parents don't want to see their kids on tv again and again. great to see you. >> i think they tagged this one the right way. >> thank you. >> when we come back, mark levin is here with the latest on a disturbing trend in the democratic party. tomorrow night, our town hall in cedar rapids, iowa, with former president donald j. trump, no topic off the table. we have live shows in new york wednesday and thursday. tickets for all three events are free. is where you register.
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artificial intelligence. wow! it's something that everybody's talking about. and i think about that, but i think about the one who created all intelligence. almighty god, who created this earth, the universe, created you and me. but what are the problems? why do we see war, and famine, and all of these things? well, it's because of sin. the world is infected with sin. and sin separates you from god. but god sent his son, jesus christ, from heaven to this earth to take your sins. and he died and shed his blood on a cross for your sins. and god raised him to life. if you've never invited jesus christ to come into your heart and into your life, you can do that right now. just pray this prayer with me. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe that jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. and i want to follow him as my lord from this day forward, forever. amen.
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eastern alley israel is ongoing as the chair of the congressional progressive caucus just referred to israel as a, quote, racist state. she has since tried to pull back on her comments, claim it was the prime minister she's talking about. she's not going to say a mean word about other middle eastern countries that attack openly and persecute christians and j jews. no wonder the no labels organization is gaining traction with democrats. this illusion by their own increasingly radical party. here with reaction, author of the big upcoming book. look at this book. this book will be number one for weeks and weeks on end. the democratic party hates america, host of life, liberty, levin, we call him the great one. mark levin. all right. your reaction to both. >> i guess the new labels won't like the title of my book.
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by the way, sean, call themselves no labels. that's the label. they're no labels. and they have a great platform, they don't know what they stand for and you don't get to find out, only that they want to get things done. what i notice, these are washed up millionaire x democrat inside politicians, huntsman, manchin, and they say we're going to get things done. people are sick of g gridlock. i notice, sean, you're going without a tie. what's that about? >> sean: you're a trendsetter. >> all right. let me go on. save on the shampoo, by the way. here's the thing. our constitution is set up to slow everything down. they keep saying we want to get things done. the problem in this country is we're getting too many things done, too
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many things done that are k damaging our country and society, damaging the rule of law, damaging immigration. you have a lawless president in the oval office who is signing executive orders, doesn't k know, the next one, next one, signing them out. you have lawless courts imposing their will. you have a massive administrative state putting out regulations left and right. they want to get things done, in a hurry to get things done. what do you want to get done. the constitution is set up not to get things done, it is to let people live their lives, to let the states have authority. we have three branches. you've got some people are chosen for life, the judiciary. you have some people elected every two years, some every six years, the other half of congress. the executive branch, president, vice president, elected by electoral college, but no labels. which is called no labels, they have an idea, common sense. oh, okay. and there's a juggernaut
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supporting oh, no labels, no nothing. washed up politicians. i want to know the principles of candidates that want to run. and there's not a democrat in the world right now i would ever vote for because they embrace this marxist agenda. they're destroying our kids' minds and classrooms, destroying race relations in the country, citizenship. in fact, so many in the democrat party with exceptions of course are now jew haters, anti-semitism in the democrat party. what do they call them, the stooges, the women called, i forget their names. thanks, guys. the five or six of the democrats. anyway, they're blatantly anti-semitic and what does hakeem jeffries do about it? nothing. you know why? his uncle is an anti antisemite, and he defended him. he is absolutely silent. he is not saying a word.
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they're so scared of these people and they're disgusting. but jay pal, omar and the rest, this is why labels are important. you want to know evil from good. you want to know liberty from tyranny. you want to know immigration enforcement, open borders. there's nothing wrong with labels. there's nothing wrong with two parties if they both love america and one of the parties in this country hates america. there's nothing wrong with any of that. what's happening now is the radical left, the american marxists, all found a home in the democrat party. i want to talk about biden when it comes to anti-semitism. other than obama perhaps we have never had a president who was more hostile to the state of israel. the only jewish state on the face of the earth than joe biden. he is secretly negotiating with the neo-nazi, there's another label, regime in
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tehran for a deal where tehran would get nuclear weapons but joe would be able to manage the region and so forth. he doesn't like bibi netanyahu, didn't like ma hat ma, his administration is filled with israel hating antisemites, the way franklin roosevelt's was, at the state department and in other places, in the oval office, the democrat party has a history of this at its highest levels, a history of this. so labels are important. to call people anti-semitism who are antisemite is very important. to call them out and i don't think we are doing enough of it, quite frankly. the democrat party needs to clean up its act. but it's not going to clean up its act. remember, the constitution is there to prevent, to prevent centralized action by know nothings at no
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labels and their ilk. that's it. >> sean: look forward to the book. demo democrat party hates america. we will let you know when it is in bookstores around the country. mark, great one. thank you, as always. coming up, the horrors of human trafficking real, it's happening, are being brought to light thanks to a new film that's blown all of hollywood away called "the sound of freedom." a low budget but extremely powerful movie crushing harrison ford's latest high tech budget installment of indiana jones. the film star joins us next. live audience shows this wen wednesday in new york city. cedar rapids, iowa tomorrow with donald j. trump.
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the new hit film "sound of freedom" is taking the country by storm. it has quickly become a box office hit exposing the horrors of child sex trafficking. at the end of the film they featured these shocking statistics. take a look. take a second to read them. this is a topic we have been covering for years, our own sarah carter shared stories of human trafficking at the southern border. she sat down with a human smuggler last summer that told her even he is uncomfortable with the amount of children smuggled into our country. our border is broken, children are being sexually abused, nobody seems to care in joe biden's white house because open borders is facilitating all of this. look at the disturbing story out of tennessee. soccer coach charged with raping multiple minors was in this country illegally for decades. right now, with reaction to "sound of freedom gold
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medal is-- freedom" is jim caviezel. i want to make a point, you're not going against that, is that correct? >> those are my brothers and sisters of sag. i support them, but we are not part of the amptp. we wanted to be but they didn't want any part of this film. >> sean: here's the thing. the film was made five years ago, based on a true story. in your first week out you blew away the new version of raiders of the lost ark with harrison ford. the second week, you did better, 37% increase in theaters, and far less theaters than all of the other movies over the first weekend. that means to me, jim caviezel, we have been friends a long time, word of mouth is echoing across the country. i found this to be a powerful movie that everybody needs to see.
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>> sean, i want to thank you and the american people for coming out and supporting this film. you were one of the first that addressed this with us and helped get the word out. when we were down in car at that haiyan a, guys would come up, traffickers, right in front of us, ask if we wanted ninas or ninos, little boils or girls. people think that's not something that happens here in the united states. well, absolutely it does. over 300,000 children under the ages of 18 were sucked into the deepest recesses of hell. and it is disgusting that the media hasn't covered it like they should. there is obviously good media like yourself, but others completely ignore it. i think people need to understand the american people are starting to understand what is actually going on and are sick and tired of it,
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especially with the south border. >> sean: i mean, it is amazing. i think the budget was 14 million, i think the budget to the latest raiders movie was near 2, $300 million, and you beat them handily both weekends. it is the true story of tim ballard, a former department of homeland security agent who literally left his job, gave up his pension to go into the business of rescuing these children that are either sex slaves or in slavery in some way, shape, manner or form by the cartels. i mean, every rescue, his life is on the line, and you portray this perfectly in the movie. >> yeah. i get to play an absolute real bona fide hero in tim ballard. he, you know, did everything that you read about in the gospels where he essentially, like the character i played jesus in "the passion". >> sean: that was a
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popular movie, too, that you played. watch it twice a year at least. >> but he sold everything he had to go down there and to find that one precious pearl which was this little girl, and i think americans understand that they also have precious pearls in their children and don't want them taken. and they're looking at the government now going what are you doing? what are the three agencies doing, they're not doing their jobs when 85,000 children crossed the border this last year disappeared. where did they disappear to? >> sean: yeah, very well said. i want to remind people, this is part of angel studios, if i'm not mistaken, have the hit series "the chosen" about the life of jesus. i was rivoted by the four episodes, and his only son about abraham in the bible. this studio is taking i think the future of movie making, i may be wrong,
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you're doing phenomenal work. i hope people see the sound of freedom this weekend. it will open your eyes and people need to know this evil exists. jim caviezel. thank you for a great job. great movie. all right. when we come back, shocking footage from inside a seattle homeless encampment. jason rantz will be here, he got to be near the swimming pool and more exclusive photos straight ahead. (ambience of room, crickets, scrolling content on phone) they're off from school, but not really home. images and videos. social media, fine-tuned to suck them in. and steal them away. alone you can't stop it. together we will.
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>> sean: all right, so the city of seattle has yet to do anything about the large homeless encampment that recently installed a beautiful swimming pool t community is becoming increasingly concerned especially as senior citizens are now scared to leave their homes. jason rantz visited the encampment earlier today and spoke to one of the homeless women there and here's what she had to say. >> the reasoning for the pool was something that i decided to put in for, for the people here in the encampment to enjoy to keep us cool. we are working hard to keep this place up. >> did you think it would become controversial? >> no, no. they can't take these type of things away from us.
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we could be doing a lot more worse than putting in a pool >> sean: joining us now jason rantz is with us. you spent time down there. obviously it's not a built-in pool they've got however they have set up home there and for the residents there, how many people in that community, if you will, are doing drugs and are potentially violent or may have some mental problems that they're dealing with? is that a big problem? >> we don't know if it's a huge problem. i do know that some of the folks i spoke to did acknowledge that they are, in fact, addicted to drugs for a variety of reasons and the woman we just heard from, monica, said that lots of the drug use is done in private, that they're doing it in the rvs or the cars that they're basically living in. and what we saw here, in a community of about 20-25 people, this pool i think part of the reason why it's caused so much concern is that it shows a sense
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of permanency and they don't intend to leave. they are being pretty clear that they're going to stay there as long as humanly possible. they don't think that the city nor the county or state, which owns the land has the right to remove them and they take the position that they've been good neighbors and have not cause 2d problems that have been alleged by the folks who are living across the street. a phrase that keeps coming up in my mind is there's this tragic delusion where she's well intentioned. the people i met were friendly. but they think that they're okay where they are, that they don't actually need help. that this is a clean encampment >> sean: why isn't the city at all concerned about people that spend a lot of money on homes and pay taxes and expect their neighborhoods, their towns, safe and secure, why does that never get considered by government? >> because we're the saps who actually pay our taxes. we're the saps who pay our bills
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and we're the ones than don't push back and say this is simply unacceptable. here's how bad it's gotten. we used to be able to say and i say this all the time, the city would wait until there was a murder at an encampment before they would go in and clean up. we can't say that anymore. at this particular sight there is a suspected homicide currently being investigated and yet the city, county, and state, no one wants to get involved until we get these individuals homes. not shelter space, but we're supposed to get these foams homes >> sean: it would be nice and there would be nice if there was drug counseling offered or some type of assistance that would go a long way at solving it permanently. jason appreciate you being with us as always. thank you >> programming notes before we go. tune in tomorrow night, 9:00 eastern, town hall with former president donald j. trump cedar rapids iowa tomorrow night 9:00 p.m. live audience shows in new york city wednesday and thursday, tickets are absolutely free. just go to and
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register. also, welcome to our new lineup and thank you for being with us. please set your dvrs so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity, for news anytime all the time and in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled, put a smile on your face, greg gutfeld takes it from here. have a great night. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: it's true! it's true! [cheers and applause] >> greg: yes! yeah, so here we are. happy monday everybody. what a big night, huh? we've officially moved to 10:00 p.m. [cheers and applause
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