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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 18, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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and register. also, welcome our new lineup and thank you for being with us. please set your dvr so your, eve you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity the news any timisode every time all the time. and hannit foxy com in the meantime, let not your heart be put a smile. on your face. greg gutfeld takes it from here. have great nighthave a. yes. yeah. ye here we are. happy monday, everybody. >> what a big night. o >> we've officially moved to 10e p.m. earlier and earlier
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and earlier. talkin some fans are already talking about the impact of the change o . >> listen up, folks. greg gutfeld o.g gutfeln, a cabe network beats all of them. >> okay. >> because he's moderately entertaining. not unless you are an extreme righty. he is a toxi c little person. >> gre a toxic littleg: person. re easy there, fredo. why does chris always have thatd same desperate look on his face? es hishe's like a skydiver, reai that after jumping, he hadzing t packeder jum laundry and notd no a parachute. >> anyway, it's july 17th. you can now add fun and truth to this date history, because our show is a delicious sandwich of both. >> and boy does this world need that sandwich right now because it's fuldelil of unanswerede questions? some things will never get to the bottomit's cake.
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the curious case of the white house. coke curious. sode >> it's like an episode of scooby doo, but without the prowess of a talking dog. or i mean, how hard would it be for scooby doo to find outbeg whose coke that belonged to him? >> i don't think we'll eveedr w figure out whose coke it was. >> yeah. even the secret service couldn't figure out. >> so that's easy.couldn the coke is definitely hunter''s . >> he tried to smuggle it in zos with all the money he totally got from chinay it's. h al >> great work, gang. i guess that wraps things up there. gotwell, let's not let good cok go to waste, which sells delicious sugar. >> see how easy that. was >> but somehow the white house. there were no clues from? inside the world's most secure building. agents found no video, no prints, no dna, nothing. but, hey, they did the besting. they could, right?>> the
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>> they did the best they could to track down how it got there e and who it might have belonged to. and they just were not able to come up with any forensicerep evidence that that proves it. it's not the kind of thing we want to see happen. if there's things we cannd of te to prevent that in the future, we certainly will do that. >> of coursenthe , while he was talking really fast, did you noticelking that? what's going on there, anyway? so there you hav e it. >> the case file is as empty as our vp's head. d hire to maybe they should hire the view to investigate. hine >> so is this more fodder for the republican machine conspiracy , no matter what the the answer would have been? >> they were alway bs goingo bl to blame hunter biden. they are weaponizing hunter bin, his dad, as an effective tool to get his dad to lose his cool and to get his dad to,e you know, feel the heartache and thos. >> ande people who mit believe that it was planted for somebody so that then adey couldsomebo advance the hur biden narrative. >> yeah. did you catch that according to that lady that ?
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somebody planted the cocaine to frame hunter. >> because you know, what would he want with cocaine? >> yeah, if there were only if there were photographic evidence yea of hunter's drug u. now, maybe then could believe that coke belonged to him. >> yeah. se the lade, the ladies of the vi and use deductive reasoning is like watching bears tryasonin to do geometry. in fact, i think the viewers should get their ownk th nbc ses law and order special unit. yeah, but i guess the view does know a little about someone tryingtl plant coke. somebody keeps planting diet ones in their fridgeps. oka ity. was okay. o beac now consider the case of the girl go beach killer. d mada
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a task force examined 12-year-old evidence and made it a res ot on.of three murdered women. and the slam dunk was, of course fro, dna from a hair thas 12 years old. remember, people, if go to murder someone,t. always wear a hairnet. >> and just liked just in the io murder case, where the cops gotn dna off the sheath of a knifet at the crime scene, dna always at the crime scene. it's like brian kilmeade on the airwaves. acthhe's everywhere. and you can't get rid of according to reporting, the chance s of that dna not belonging to brian coe burger is an octillion to one that is a one followed by 27 zeros, which sounds like carol doe's twitter account. that was pretty good. good. one followed by 27 zeros. i'm kind oa onf proud of that. i just let it sink in foror a while. >> but that's literally more than every grain of sand on earth. more the chances earth that
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jesse watters ever picks up a bar taa bab. it's funny how that works when the investigators really want to catch someoneo catcsomeon. press conferences are held, task forces are formed, mysterieteries g s get solved. but apparently not in today's white house. seriously, how coke got there is a mystery. >> but really, how our current president got in the white house is an even bigger one. i mean it's harder to believe. >> 80 million people voted foro mills than it is thatines hunter was snorting lines off a bust in the lincoln bedroo of >> and so the great white house coke caper will soon be the coldest case, since my massage therapist never made it to his appo appointmentneveto. >> yeah. these days, i gues s. to kn owthey're just. things were never supposed to know. for instance, who wereinstano wl to epstein's island? >> well, there's this guy apparently, , linkedin co-founde reid hoffman. he was not only on epstein's guest listid hof, t only. n' >> also just gave joe's campaign 700 grand.
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so away goes that story,t because obviously, does biden'ss doj ever investigate people who give them thattiga of cash? >> will we ever know what hunter promised to chinespe businessmen when he demanded 5 million bucks from him, all whilhie the big guy, you know, the vice president was sitting beside him and back then, without the help of a visiting angel, r, he got the money a few dayswa later, by way. s ma will we ever learn why the wife of moscow's mayor, gabyoemillio hunter's company, 100 million bucks, and how much of it went and , joe, and how muchp directly up hunter's nose? >> will we ever know whyhunter y company burisma was paying hunter a million a year,a but only until his daddy left office. is there a rule in the fbiny handbook that says any case with the wor cd hunterouldn't b? the guys like the bermudguy'a of the beltway, things disappear and you don't have to wear panthese
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really answer themselves. you know the answers. a thbut there's one total mystery that i don't think anyone has solved. solvedwho exactly is running the country? >> because america. >> it can't possibly be thisposb guy here. and let's welcome tonight's guests. she's zany, brainy, bu guestst complaining. host of the kennedy saves the world podcast, kennedyennedy after the show tonight, his moms is taking him to see mission bensssible hoseet of the guy benson show guy benson. and she gets sunburned indoorsb . fox news contributor catch himki and he ate the in the room.
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my macho sidekick and the nw a world champion harris guy,r yo thank you for being here. >> it's a very special show for me. not for you, really. but that's okay. you today conclude the investigation? >> or did they just cancel it? it seems to me that they did.wa they didn't. it wasn't even a half assed effort. itf asse was a no asked effort. yeah. first of all, my mom. is no t letting me see mission impossible because it's pg 13. ho so maybe nextim year. it's insulting when the white house comes ouusd saidt and sail this was the best we could do. no, it's not. some people tre y their veryresident best, and it's not good enough, like the vice president. but for othe like r people like the secret service and other entities that we have in this government, if they wanted rnment, o ey don't figure out where this bad guyit came from, they would. they don't want to find it. w they don't want to spend the money. so this is what they've decidetd just land on like, you know, we don't care anymore. th what they'relly
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telling us. yeah. because if you do happen to find out, then you're obligated ligated t yokn say that, you know? >> so it's better just not to do it right. just right. sort of case closed. by the way, i do appreciate for all of his faults. chris cuomhe way io apo, usingee the technically correct term little person, i would sayrs tht little person you saw that he was going for the m-word h, m right? >> he was going for the n-word. anyone? he. ald i prefer toxic munchkin. yeah, i do.n sflo i do. i do. that's what we call each other. and i did itoi d. o'reilly say i was somewhat energetic, moderately so weirdoe is that he wasn't really thatir nice to you. >> yeah. yeah, exactly. wasneally nto his rebuttal form calling you, hu e said you'rehes moderately rich. no, no, no. he's toxic. yes. as if toxi tox.c. >> boring. yeah. toxic. that's not true. no not tru nobody looks that like the most toxic relationship they've ever had. toxi and is like,t man, what a boring time. >> yeah, that is so true. yeah. pareg: so >> ken: pam anm, tommk
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yeah, they're all still meeting greg brian. kill meeting greg. that was an idea for a show.wasr i was dressed as a little i just follow them around. >> kennedy. why do all of thesl e weirofd unsolved mysteries go in one direction? k you know, it's like epstein will never really know. and, like, the servee r will never really know the dossier. we'll never really know. 'lit only goes in one direction to protect elites and people in power. >> no, i'm surnl onee are. >> a lot of people who have p gone to prison for cocaine and now cannot get jobs who wish that law enforcement had just gone. well, you know, we couldn't figureadlp w it out.d closed we just went ahead and closed the case. but their lives were ruine d for much less and turned upside down. so i'm looking aso i'm lookingt, man, this is just an epidemicpi in d.cdemi. and obviously theree some some threads that connect here. and it's very clear that the person ver who leaked the ds
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decision from the supreme court is a coke hound who was taken into the white and is veryr powerfully connected. >> mm. >> notice how they never find the culprit in either of those cases? yeah, that'sg: yeah. . directio that's why it only goes in one direction. only in one direction. you can figureyou ca. rus, >> you can figure out who's behind any thing like this. tyrus, if you try to figure outo who it helps. >> yeah, i don't. i meann't --, as a scooby doo a >> yes. no, he was. you were in scooby doo scooby, doo movie, but the answers are already there. sci feel like it's a bad fortunl cookie. yeah, we know whose coke it is. weayikur. it was the strippers that he murdered buried in the new construction room. e cokeknow exactly what that is? >> we know the answers to allho these riddles. it's just that they're not going to. they're not going to eat their own. mm-hmm. les, theot goingeat theiown.the service couldn't come out and blame somebody they couldn't findand bl a fall. because anyone who leaked. so they justso the said, we don. know. and then we talk about it for months. we kno s w it was hunters.y sa
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anyone who saw him on the balcony that night, they saw him think he had tell, two hits during that time. and you know why he was you know, you tell you don't have to watch him, watch the mom watc momh good doctor staring at the husband likegher teeth, like just goin him off the s you don't want to totally dothat something with you'sr son.yrus:o that's all we need to know. yes. so we can all restrest. we can relax. we know whose the coke it was.wh wewa know who did it. it's just they're not going to eat their own. they're going to say they don't know everyd thei time. the >> they don't say.on they don't know. you go, okay, thank you. that's all you need to know. 'te goi don't like the coke shag cat. >> it's not about the coke, is i>> gret? you always say that. yes. yeah. also, i thin >> katk it's interg that they decided to say we give up after two. what, two weeks? yes. twt. they never do thar nobody ever does that. they're like, okay, that's enough time. they what they could have done,o just said, we're working on it until people forgot about it, which is what they do with it. >> usually we're that they're l, nope, this what? f they case is just too tougith to crack. he bes yes, the best in law enforcement.
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we put i lawn two weeks and we can't do it. >> there's no way we ever will.r well, to be fair w when you're holding an investigation and you pull the entire white house staff in there and you sit them down individually and you put the spotlight on them and you say, who is itt, ? >> and they all give you the a same rehearsed answer. it's frustrating. who was it? hunterndl gave s. >> hunters? who was it? hunters. the best.was clip fromhunt the monologue was the view, because joy behar sayser, thiss is just the republican conspiracy machine and literally seconds later the other one goes, i bet you the republicans planted it ye themet, right?e >> like, no. self-aware. no, that is beautiful. it's so trueans planit. f that.eoe video o wait, a republican just around.g didn't last time that supposedly happened. yes, it was a bunc ound, dih of arrests. >> yeah. i mean, i mean, shouldn't we be worried>> k that in the white house where anyone can enter the home of the presidenntere th where the public has access, literally anyone from an in the world can get inside? >> they don't have security cameras ther, theye. yeah. yeah. and they got news for big
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anthrax. yeah, exactly. >> exactly you n get in there. all right, we got to move on. i know this is news to. g ane people on january six,ot where you got 20 angles of the same face. up next, stupidity diagnosed at "the washington post", the wsop to play and presents the wsop. thrilled to the wsop tournament is starting in the thrill is crazy girl team is pumped and getting ready don't feel left out you can feel the wsop on the wsop free to play app, play real poker, win exclusive bracelets and compete in tournaments. download the wsop free to play and get that wsop thrill in your hand for free. >> hello, i'm former arkansas governor mike huckabee. >> did you know that a lack of sleep can lead to very serious health problems? i know it's scary. you can't fall asleep or you're tossing turning all night. you can't get the sleep you need to stay healthy. you use relaxium sleep relaxium.
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you're not even trying anymore.g >>re it's time to roasted "the washington post". last week, it published a piece about country singer luke combs covering tracy chapman song fast car. r holmesthe author highlighted the remake's popularity more than 30 years after the original.. a a feat that just couldn't be accomplished by a black woman. today. and to help make the point, she spoke to the founder of the black opry hpoint , a blacky music organization. quote, it's hard to really lean into excitement knowing thatt tc
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tracy chapman would not be celebrated iny the industry without that kind of middle man kindn. ond, s may >> wait a so is this idiot sayings id tracy songio wasn't famous until it was done by a white guy? b fast car was nominated for three grammys. it won one helped her debut album, sell more than 20 million copies worldwide. spent 21 weeks on the billboard hot hundred, meaning she was almost as popular as me. but leave to the washingtonwh post to make it about race when it could have been a story. >> and why thien ia sty s godfon song is still popular. it makesn my bleed. >> i'm sorry. anyway, here's i look singingth the cover version. you've got a fast car. i wanted to get to anywhere. maybe we can make a deal. maybe together we can get somewhere. >> anyplace is better.
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>> starting from zero. got nothing to lose. maybe we'll make something. me, myself. i know a rough. see what i mean?i me memean, i don'ant remember it being that bad, but it's bad. meanwhile "the washington post" had to issue a hugely embarrassing correctio issn aftr their columnist whack job, jennifer rubin completely screwed uprethei another story. >> this person is amazing. in an op ed titled florida a might pay for maga cruelty and no nothing ism, she citedmas a debunked report debunked report from businessm. insiderh which claimed that more people moved out of floridad mo thaniao california or new york in 2021. >> but business inside ir, the numbers reversed. florida was actually getting the most newwalys. >> the facts would have totally contradicted rubin's that magaa is ruining florida and making people flee. is floriwhich is why she chose to ignore it and embrace the debunked datnda.
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>> anyway, the story screwed the story screw up with you fors the post. but rubio didn't care and didn't bother checkingt bu . and that's because getting the right data would require actual word g the rik, which she doesn't do. seriously, if she got any better at avoidingy if bet work could be vice president. but. >> but you got to wonder, wheree werere the washington fact checkers and editors that missed the stats that had already been debunked? you know, maybe they movedknow to florida, kyra. so we did. e >> we did. the tracy chapman story on the five. ht up the fact thatn said tracy chapman said she learned how to play and write music by watching hee haw. yeah. somusic by, like, it's this wei. circle. >> full circle. it's a full circle. i. it'slli the audience at home ant audience here to remember this particular story the later in wo the evening about somebody woul remembet know the whole
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story and then write about it. anyway. let's just remember that we're going to com we'r that. i want to put little pin on that and we're going to come back to that at the last segment of the shock tthatw. ho. but again, when you write with feelings facts, justy. get in the way. it just feel it juss right to a pollster to say, everyone's running out of florida because of maga and everyone's moving into california because it. oit just feels right and it feels good t to say that tracy chapman didn't do anything with her career untilaa chubby white guy song or song. feels right. s feels. feel the fact is that her song wass so goor sod. t an still good today. and if you look at any songwriter in history with the prince his song was great when she did it. it continues. dolly parton o, she had thatn great song. whitney houston did it. so are all those people greadid because somebody elseid on the cover song. it's a testament to their greatness as an artist the covet someone is willing to sing their cover song. that's facts. i guess. that's not acovesong is feelin.
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>> so we need to stop paying attention to these stupid feelings that people have. being at mtv, candy, you probably had your fillf entertainment reporters. >> so this woman is in more ways than one. gregent repo>> kenne oh, i hopen innuendo. it's 10:00 now. kennedy no jokes anyway, what's going to happen to lizzo we've done but the show. this person is an entertainment reporter, and i always maintain that the least capable reporter on the staff because if you're reporting on entertainment, you won't kill anybody. you' reporting o a medical reporter you could, but you're no one's going to die if you get the aerosmit h lyricsrics w wrong. so the dumbest people in the paper are always the entertainment reporterrongt >> yes, i think that's true. and they also have the most>> t limitehat'd of history. yes. you know, we we don't talk about tanner and the skillet lickers when we should when we talk about the song courtney,ou
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joe, you know, and they're the onese took the song from the 1900s and made it very, very popular. g fromand early part of the 20th century. but it wasn't until those colonialish t swedish techno c rockers rednecks turned it into a hit in 1994. so, you know, there they are on the backs of actual american rednecks. and jill tanney r and the skillt lickers don't get any credit for that at all whatsoever. getand get me started on carlie frazier and rattling bob, which is now a gen-z and early millennial drinkinlandg song. but do those folks get any credit for it? no, they are the tracy chapman.i their bodies are littered. they are. they're path to that so manyso new, non talented musicians o step on in order to enrich themselves. >> wow. o themswell put. you know, kat, do you want to talk about jen rubin or is it be is a pastor sell date? should we just stick to the. she's just she's i don't know y she's still there.
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like, how can somebody get thingsy t thinen wrong so oy and still have a job? >> does she have pickets? it's it is inspiring. it is. bu>>t everything i did kat: ev and was like, well, and do that bawed. just qud so the tracy chapman thing just quickly in the article, tracy chapman herself said that she was honored to seeto see so on the charts, that she was very happy for this. luqman mm-hmm. wheand that wasn't whoever he is again. >> so i don't think he's feeling that much frosteal >> her i still have no idea who he is, but that was non t in "the washington post" article until the ninth paragraph. >> exactly. and then als no it talked a loto about the national the nashville community, and iyq exactly one quote from a persono identified as being a nashville. native. >> i feel like if the community were roiling and they could re found at least two.. >> yeah, exactly. some it goes back to that. some mightoe. yeah, it said some it said some in the nashville music scene. okay. well , where's the stop?wh >> yeah. yeah. you need to have two. yeahere's me?, like one is one,s
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some are two is a couple. you need like three for some.ri yeah. right. i .k so this is i'm telling you, this is how editors think and they won'to go any furtherc than what they need to do. fir takyou have the race filte ,you can turn any story guy. you can take a coffee mug g and you can go to google and you have coffee mugs, racism. >> and i bet you'd pug like are coffee mugs races. >> look at the color of that coffee mug. greg yea? >> guyh, i'm pro >> well, there is a little >>ite there, but now a little white. >> is that a reference to yourself or guy: a nis thao i'm actually. i'm sad that you don't like this song becausuy: e, like, ths song and most americans do. >> and the other thing is part of the reason that tracy chapman is probably happay that this is going down is because she gets money for royalties are coming her way. way.. me is getting google there was someone who was saying, like her biggest fan who runs the fan sito runsee
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said explosive growth and interest in who she is. this is , is a goldmine for her because people are rediscovering her talent. and yet "the washington post" turns this into a racial story t that somehow negative. that is a really special move by theby washington post.w wh >> you know what it does? it shows you the difference between now and thenes d. say then they didn't say she was black and. no k and w they're saying she's blk and , and that should matter more than the song. >> but forthat s talked about i, i know she was black or and am black and. >> not really. but anyway, you get by., you're not black now. but you knowyou'ers and what? deam? >> i am in the old definition of it. yes we were. we're just weird that i would if that was a good wordk back then. >> that's right.u lame >> are you lamenting that you can't use the word the waynt you wantth to? ys. yeah.
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you're the real victim. yeahm it . >> all right. up next, a liberal ad that's really bad. >> meet kerry and cheri. they started the apparel company for women who ride. when business took off. they it alone. smart business. found them a bank which got them an sba loan with aer ni great rate. without smart guys, we probably wouldn't have gotten a loaghn. e >> a place where business .com blasted. hey, i jus.t got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor. her neighbor. >> he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons, right? sadly, not anymore. wo sore sudden. sore sudden. we're not about to have the we need life insurance need life insurance conversation having though. >> we are getting coverage so >> we are getting coverage so we don't >> conversation. so (jonat you're calling abou5 a month plan from colonial penn? i am. i am. we today. is it time for you to call about the 995 plan? noi'm from colonial and lifecan
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hearing aids .com. that's 800 677695 four. a story in five words five words dummies democratic campaign ad ever. do you have a comment? yes. , you >> sorry, you can't use what are you talking about? who are you? y i'm oua republican congressman. now that we're in charge, we'reo banning birth control. >> is our decision, not bed yours. >> get out of our bedrooroomm. i won the last election. i'm not going anywhere. i'm just goinganywhe you >> and make sure you don't dohig anything illegal. >> you know, that's how they should do the mypillow ads. you know, he's always in the medicine cabinet. he should just walk in while they're having. >> who have? you tried to shoot with the blue sheets.
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kennedy that wso, kennedy, that democratic political ad in ohio from a lobby group who was upset about the upcoming ballot measurt thupcominge, which theym republicans would exploit exploi optionnedy: lized of abortion. >> what are your thoughts whenwh you run of ideas show?>> greg: >> but yes, i think that's what we've learned and that was a good but not so great. but great. yes, i kennedy at was an enviab. but yes, it was obviouslybl camera ready and worthy ofhy a political ad. the rest of it, the acting wasd kind of garbage. and i have a really hard timey a hearing abourdt progressives p moralize when our own president won't even moane his seventhh grandchild. >> nicely done. yeahdchild.. >> yeah.g an a every time he doesn't speak about it, he's doing an ad for planned parenthood. hea think about it.wher it's in your head somewhere.e. s demoat, there's no way that those actors and actresses are democrats. they were. >> they were too attractive. hmm. i mean, if thoseactual were actl
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liberals, they would be out of shape. fat. they'd have a really bad haie ar job and some very crude piercings. but that'sr dy a republican bodt she works out. that's i the. >> i'm sorry, you didn't get any applause there. bu there.t what for your red meat? no, i just i'm not sure that the ad will have its intended effectat, because i think that there's probably a lot of men out there that would love to tell women were against the law. >> yeah, it's. i know. they're like, all right, actuvote republican noow.w. >> well, guy, you know ifo do they actually had to do the legitimate it ad they couldn't do it like it's not about it's about abortionit'sabou. , ho so if they actually wanted to do the skit, how would they do that ski dt? >> because they'd have to actually show somebody being abortion guy get>> kenne thes at thought but probably a correct one. and that's just ridiculousne. it's one is trying to ban birth control. it's not happening. ng.lepeople even having in ohir
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many years had no problemsected protecting unprotected. no one's interfered. there is not someone dressed a republican congressman who's going to show up to interrupt your . >> and let's say very specific . you said. i di cd. probab and there's probably one or two republican congressmen who would probably come and play thalyt role for >> yeah, but other than that, it's not happening. dy: ji >> yeah. i mean, jim jordan and warren davidson did not name names, though. name names. just let us let our imagination rut namee n wild. tt goths >> matt gaetz. you're kidding. i . y,a joke. i see lindsey graham shirtless on horseback, showing up at an isolated farm, and i'm raking. >>wing do you rake on farms? shut up now.i th you know, tyrus i found. i think that democrats would find this nd this video offensie because they're celebrating heterosexuality and physical thg fitness. >> no, i think it's great goingl back open. >> they should have to body positive sh >> obese women should haveou bew
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brmping up and down on each other. and one of them was a breastfeeding maeast feedi n a breastfeeding man. wow. chest feeding. >>: chest t i'm sorry. i don' breastfeeding. thank you. you know, i don't aboutt i done about any of that. i just know that i'm offended. yes, i was so offended. we have d masculinity men in this country to the point where a dirty old man is in and my wife did all the talking and i just lay there. you know what? well, because that guy didn't want to use a anyway. >> yeah. you know what he wor. us: or he? he was because he came out too soon. i told you to stay in ju, jump the gun again.t but no, i mean, you justat imagine that the man is into your house and you're about to g o a happy town. t the lights turn on and wifeo saves the day. yeah. you know what it says once
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he's out of the house. do you thinkyou th t you're goo back to a happy town? no. you're going to divorce court? yeah>> greg:h. wha. and you know what it says.s? democrat men are. yeah. oh, yeah. first time i've ever use thatyrs word. >> really? diving into the 10 p.m. hour. exactl: yeah.y. exact >> all right. >> praise toe're animals that have made. i started teaching my grandkids archery, but i wasn't feeling very spry and peppy. i've been taking balance of nature and it's definitely giving me an energy boost so that i can keep up with the grandkids. well, they're always going to have more energy than. i do. but balance of nature definitely has given me more energy for a limited time this summer. >> get 20 $5 off your first order as a preferred customer, plus a free fruits and veggies travel set. when you use discount code. fox news are you constantly turning up the tv or asking people to repeat themselves? millions of americans suffer mild to moderate hearing loss,
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animals right kat you go first weto. >> greg: >> thank you're welcome. we have a video of an elephant being cute eo. >> you'll see. a so let's look at that littlean baby elephant chasing and clearly, it's not going to work. hot all the older elephants aree ,like, just let them. >> let them figure it out. who cares? and like, hold on. >> here comes.. here comes the only one now. oh he', and then he's like, oh,p hey, look, i kind of messed that up. yeah. ha ha ha. t >> i think that's really just a beautiful moment. and it proves that elephant elar just as dumb as human ones. yeah , elephant kids. kids. that's a pretty funny hoo ha. i just tired of a kid thatwh looks like an elephant. yeah, that's not very nice, >> gt, kennedy? yes. we should make fun of children who look like elephants. t >> you go next. i think the fact that we don't make fun of anyone anymore e do is why society is crumbling before our very eyes. greg. well, thank you. othere are two animals in this world that look cute, but you can't trust them. hippopotamuses
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or hippopotamus and squirrels. here's a cute vide o of a squirrel playing with a woman's hair. she's a woman who's so lonel squirrely she's given up on life and she's given up on cats. and she's started raising gis. d rais >>in and the only interaction and intimacy she has is when this girl plays with her hair and she reaches the height of. >> oh, exactly right. her. oh, ohts . and that's what's and she's probably getting rabies at the same time. so she rabie won't be with us mh longer. but it was fun while it wa it l. greg it's beautiful. it's very beautiful. it's sad nd. it's beautiful. a squirrel has no idea what he's being used forused fo guy. and that's really the sad part. and squirrel trafficking got. but for those for who just tuned in, that's a callback
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segment. us saving your job, my friend. an >> oh, there you have so, cat, i see. your elephante video and i raise you an elephant video. this is alsoelepha a baby eleph, ten months old named brazos. and he named is bubbles. and it is the cutest thing i've seco in the last 30 seconds. and he is just delighted with this entire situation. >> and that's all i've got. how how we're.where' >> how is he blowing bubbles? where is it coming from? g >> guyi keep the trunk. >> no, it's not blowing the bubbles. there is a bubble machine. s the previous frame. i prefer to think that i'm fact checking you blowing bubbles. >> i think it's the man inm the yellow hat that's actually. those are unicorn. and i hopee our ourman teslain the near future. >> well, you know what happened the last time i bubbles, he quit the circus.
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yeah. i don't know how you want say it this time. >> nope, nope. >> all right. tyra's close it out. oh, they're not watching any sere of seeing. >> i was on a plane.s on i'm sure, which could havea gone. so if i can get a hint. is it my good buddy? yehinty go s. dd awesome. so, my good buddy, a godfather exotics, has just hatchedrst, s a first. these are some of the rarest strands of ball python breeds ever. they're some of the craziest color. and this the is cinnamon pied ball. and there and there's a banana. cinnamon pied d ball and there's a super cinnamon pied ball. and then finally he up with onet that has yet to be seen. and itbe is we scroll down to make sure i get the name right. it is a scale lists pinstripe island pied ball. >> it's amazing. so when you breed snakes ama try
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to get exotic, different cool to and.e this guy has hit the jackpot and he had six unique babiest yi that you will not see. and it's like a fingerprint. lis are the same.. >> so it's pretty cool. i think they're called snakes of color. tyru do>> gres, that's why cuomo doet like you. i'm >> i'm a toxic little person. ee >> somebody make me a shirt. t l hashtag cuomo l0ll am fa0, that's what the kids do. all right. u >> up next, are you okay? i didn't.e >> i didn't get home last night till very late and. yeah , having problems.olin you're drooling. i'm drooling. s bubble>> gs. he drops, he goes by bublé.
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hundred 251353888025135388 y . >> you're watching tales from fo the road. >> yeah, we were on the roadiv traveling in jets. i'll had live shows. e ofall three of us pretty mucha
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sold out every show, separatrata not together. >> take that outnumbered tires. i think we have tape of you. i know what you said, but it must have been funny. >> yeah, said no. little people. >> oh, and here's cat jock jams? . always. why not? you can't go. you can't be depressed. >>: always>> jam gre. exactly. you know. and thene depresd i. >> i showed up a little early and, uh. well, just roll it. >> oh, it breaks out that he'dhe going to some. tease oh oh, oh, that hurts as youd
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got it. >> you got to hear and listen to the soundlisten that do it a oh, hurts.reg: wha >> what is wrong with me? like, did every something bad>>r happens to me it is be fair for you. usthat's the first time you ever hit your head on something. >> something. also. you ge >> oh, i don't know wheret you get away with sayingaway tht happened to you. >> yeah, well, that thing camean out of nowhere. i was not paying attention. and then that happened. likelike a h half an hour before the show. my head was throbbing. thri bubbles was there, you kn, to i tour with. i tour with tommy shallow. he opens for me. you believe what he so he wo i hope you can. hyou this.
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this is him doing his his chanting. these are nice. >> i mean to be responding the 96 get my name just continue the team is that is that that was i was sitting behind him drinking and espn nascar was on and he was doingas gregorian chants. >> that's true. doing o gregoriane t chant. yeah it's incredible. he does all this weirdhe i stuff guy i think he might be . this >>we we i don't get big crowds >> gring for me except and yeah not bad guy you you just make it in might make it in tv yet, s all right don't go away.
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eight seven central on fox. >> final thoughts, tyrus. so one of my stops on my standup comedy tour ended up going back to my old university carney, nebraskay , and wheny ma i graduated 1998, i left without my degree and i couldn't affor d my cap and gown. one of the people in administration remembered thatah ,and they brought my degree to me at a special event that they had planned me. kwar i didn't know about. the only thing that made it awkward was the man i've bee ma with for seven and a half years. congrats. planningwi a tigress. >> you are now a loper. i did not graduate this weekend. i graduate d in 1998. gutfeld was very sweet and theyt gave me the key to. the city was very nice, so i always wondered if those keys to the city work on anything. i have four now and they do every day. you go to people's just openo to up. their houses are like a safety deposit box.
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yeahs . or a box >> ginger and kathy don't have to wait for a table at a restaurant if you have the ke he toy, you just walk ino people's houses, interrupt their . >> yesrestaurant., actually thet have. yeah, i hope that's actually i'm the opposite. i comesed make in throwing. fellas, trust meo on. all right. thank you, kennedy. go. better get theeporter:mingraham >> hi, everybody, this is the "the ingraham angle" from washington. for those new to the angle at 7 p.m. eastern, thank you for watching. everyone who watched at 10 p.m., you will like us better earlier. these are my rules, okay. we're going to keep learning, keep laughing and keep winning together. it's a great privilege to be here every night. now where things stand


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