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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  July 18, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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catch us live set your dvr 6:00 p.m., 3:00 p.m. on the west coast. thanks for inviting us into your home tonight and every night. that's it for this "special report" fair, balanced and unafraid. it's a new schedule if you haven't figured that out. the ingraham angle is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> laura: hi, everyone, i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingraham angle from washington tonight. the biden administration is not done with the political prosecution of president trump what else would they do if they were. in a truth social post today trump revealed that special prosecutor jack smith sent him a letter stating is he a target of the january 6th grand jury investigation. now, noting that it almost always means an arrest and indictment. now, just how much of a legal stretch is this? even a "the washington post" columnist noted that the januarp
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is likely to be much weaker as a matter of law than the documents case. goes on to talk about the novel application of the law here. well, in other words, this isn't just -- this is just another instance of the biden doj making a total mockery of our legal system. this is what speaker mccarthy pointed out earlier today. >> under a biden administration, biden america you would expect this. if you noticed recently, president trump went up in the polls and was actually surpassing president biden for re-election, so what do they do now? weaponize government to go after their number one opponent. it's time and time again i think the american public is tired of this. they want to have -- see equal justice and the idea that they utilized this to go after those who politically disagree with him is wrong. >> laura: bingo. this is not about protecting democracy. this is another publicity stunt. maybe they want to try to intimidate trump from, what, running for, you know, re-election?
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unless you need more evidence to that fact, watch tmz earlier today. oh, i'm sorry, oh, wait. i'm being told this is actually cnn. >> this is new video that we have just been getting to cnn special counsel jack smith getting lunch at subway spotted on this historic day coming out of a washington, d.c. subway. >> jack smith going to subway today is a message to donald trump. that was jack smith with no words and a simple $5 subin a sack saying i'm not going anywhere. >> the imagery was intentional and spoke volume. >> laura: you have got to be kidding me. don't you love the simi circle of experts on that panel? first off, john, the $5-foot long? i don't think it's been a feature in years. and, second, you guys even listen to yourselves, ever? here now is timothy, a former attorney for president trump. timothy, the subway excursion notwithstanding, can you explain
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to us what a target letter is and how it applies in this case? >> sure, target letter is something -- it's a tool that's used to send people a message to say you're about to be indicted. if you want to avoid being charged, can you either try to go before the grand jury yourself, which you don't have a right to do in the federal system. but more often than not it's used to try and take low to mid level people and get them to the table to try and work out a deal, to cooperate against the higher ups. >> laura: so they are trying to put pressure on lower level people to get trump, correct? >> exactly. exactly. but to send a target letter to, you know, to the so-called boss of anything is not something you would generally see. so it's definitely -- it's definitely odd. it kind of strikes me as a publicity stunt more so than anything else. >> all right. here's what former fbi deputy director andrew mccape had to say about the potential charges trump could face. watch. >> there are some basic charges
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that are more presentable, easier to understand to the jury and those would, of course, include conspiracy charges, obstructing official proceeding there are charges around insurrection. those are just three of the potentials. i can think of about another maybe three or four that are also possibly on the radar here. >> laura: speaking of threats to democracy. that guy. tim, what do you expect president trump ultimately here to be charged with? >> well, i have said from the beginning i don't see him being charged with anything in januar. it requires corrupt intent that he knew that was no fraud. that he knew that he was putting out all these false claims and that joe biden had won the election. and they are just never going to be able to prove. whether you agree with that or not, you are never going to prove that he believed that inciting an insurrection, again, if you look at the language of
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his own speeches, that's not going to get anywhere. you know, and i think that one of the problems with the obstruction case and why it would be impossible for them to really legitimately go forward right now is that that's the up on appeal right now. the appellate court is looking at that as it relates to other cases to see does this statute even apply in this scenario, so, if jack smith were to run forward with an indictment right now, he runs the risk that an appeal in a separate case results in its immediate dismissal. >> laura: okay. you just took us through a lot. tim, great to see you. thanks so much. and now pulling back the curtain. now, from biden's allies in the doj to its collaborators in the press, we're going to get to phase 2 of the operation get trump because it's already underway. so, if the doj can't indict him out of the race, it's going to be up to regime media to step up and wound him badly politically. that means framing his president
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as an existential threat to democracy. how many times have you heard that? imagine if that were a drinking game. now, enter the "new york times" with its piece titled trump and allies forge plans to increase presidential power in 2025 and limit the independence of federal agencies. now, reporters maggie haberman and charlie savage and jonathan swan essentially want readers to believe that a huge swath of the federal government should work not to carry out the president's mission but to act as a check against the president's mission. now, the times warns that trump intends to strip moment protections from tens of thousands of civil servants making it easier to replace him if they don't carry out his agenda. i know what you are all thinking out there. you are thinking wait a second, wait a he could is. do you mean that the president of the united states can't fire federal employees who aren't doing their jobs?
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>> if this didn't send a chill down the spine of those who care about democracy i don't know what would. >> this is textbook fascism. >> if you love lewis lieny you will love what donald trump is talking about for 2025. donald trump, the first major candidate in american history to say outright i want a presidential dictatorship. >> laura: morning jokes. i guess an historian does not know the constitution. remember the founders only set out three branches of government. the judicial, the legislative and the executive. article 2, read it fellas, gives the president the authority over the executive branch. after all, he is the nation's chief executive. still with me. the left depends on a fourth branch of government, don't they the administrative branch. they expect that branch will stop policies they don't like and they don't want being
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implemented. and forever grumpy scribblers like ann applebaum at the atlantic are very worried that taming the bureaucracy as trump and desantis said they both want to do would mean losing the expert class. expert. alexander vindman and anthony fauci? >> this is a playbook that's designed to destroy whatever checks and balances there are in the system to remove potential critics ombudsman anybody who can check presidential power and also designed to remove experts. >> and naturally the times is also horrified that a republican president would work to end the weaponization of the intel agencies as well. he plans to scour agencies for political bias. what a scandal. i can't believe donald trump would actually do t that the rel question here is.
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this who governs america? do the govern america or does a permanent bureaucracy that significantly con strains the power of elected officials run the government? now, the "times" pov is if you elect liberals, great. but if a conservative wins the presidency, then the bureaucracy should be able to resist the president's agenda with everything they've got. now, the administrative state worked against trump 24/7 and not just at justice. when he tried to push through executive orders on immigration, lawyers and bureaucrats in the agencies tried to step in and stop him at every turn. and when he told the pentagon -- i remember, this that he wanted to end the war in afghanistan, oh, they all balked, delayed, and stymied his decision-making. it was so obvious. now, president reagan ran into the same trouble. his state department worked against his agenda in many days. and this has essentially been the case in almost every republican administration since.
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but, when biden issued a blatantly unconstitutional executive order to forgive student loans, there was not a peep from any of the lawyers at any of his administrative agencies. at least nothing reported. no leaks, none of that ditto with his stop evictions move to try to help renters. and by the way, this game, i want to point this out tonight, it's not just rigged to hurt trump or maybe desantis because both of are serious about civil service reform. it's about you the american people. let's be very clear about all of this. everyone now should understand that the career civil service at state, the dod and doj support the democrat party across the board and most of the agencies as well? is why trump at the outset had trouble getting dhs to stop illegals at the border.
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obama moved some critical appointees to career portion ofs before he left office you know why because is he smart that's why he did it. he didn't hear any objection. none of us did from people like maggie or jonathan then at least i don't remember. correct me if i am wrong. i wonder why we didn't hear much of an uproar about what obama did. i will tell you why. they prefer that the permanent liberal bureaucracy has the final say in everything. for us conservatives, democracy is a process. you vote, you hope your vote is counted. then elected officials are supposed to do what the voters want, what they campaigned on. but, for the left, democracy is an outcome. if it's not dedicated to the goal of the global elites, it's a dictatorship or it's fascist. it's all so predictable. joining me now is congresswoman marjorie taylor greene a member of the house oversight committee. congresswoman, first, your reaction to the doj's target letter against president trump?
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>> it's outrageous. i can't believe that this is going on. this has been happening for eight years to president trump. and every single time over and over he has proven innocent. and the american people will not tolerate. this i mean, look at jack smith. he is such a lousy attorney. he has got overturned cases, mistrials and judicial rebukes. and he has his target set on president trump it's all to basically change the 2024 election. >> laura: do you think it's election interference. >> i do. it's the same with the hunter biden laptop. they want to control the narrative in the news. they believe if they can paint president trump guilty of some kind of seditious conspiracy they believe they can convince the american people that they can't elect president trump and that they have to reelect joe biden. >> laura: how significant is this problem of that entrenched bureaucracy of career civil servants working and burrowed in against any -- i don't care if it's trump or desantis or someone else, working against
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his or her agenda in the future? how critical is this that this be finally tackled once and for all? >> it's the most dangerous thing happening in our country, laura. i listened to everything you just laid out. and i want you to know it should be a lesson for every single person in washington, everything you said is exactly how people in my district feel at home. it's how the american people feel. they don't want the career establishment, washington federal employees coming up with the policies and making the decisions on their behalf. they want the people they elect. they elected president trump and these career bureaucrats, the unelected bureaucrats are the ones that stopped his agenda. and it's wrong. it's absolutely wrong. >> laura: people feel like they have no voice. anywhere you are go. people say it doesn't matter how elect. you have no voice. no, you actually do have a voice if we actually have a paired down bureaucracy that is what the founders wanted. and they didn't want all this cranes everywhere in washington. just cranes building out the
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bureaucracy. here's what the white house said today about our independent justice system. watch this. >> the president respects the department of justice, their independence. he has been very -- very steadfast on making sure that the rule of law comes back in this administration, comes back in the white house and clearly the administration more broadly and that's what you have seen. >> laura: your reaction given what we know about the interference in the hunter biden case with what she just said. >> we haven't seen the rule of law. we have seen our borders ripped wide open. we have seen our tax dollars sent over to another foreign war that people are not invested in. we want peace. we don't want another war. the biden administration is lawless, actually. we have seen crime increase. we have seen inflation at near 40-year highs. >> laura: biden household. >> exactly 100 percent. let's talk about who the real criminals are. it's the biden family. >> laura: how did they get so rich. >> i will tell you how. i'm on the oversight committee.
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our investigation is incredible. we actually have bank records. we have sars reports that show wire transfers coming in from foreign countries all over directly into llcs and then paid out to biden family member after family member. >> laura: imagine if that were don jr., wire transfers. connect the dots, people. marjorie taylor greene, great to see you. >> thank you, laura. lawyer the democratic party hierarchy is trying to kill any while it's still in the proverbial crib. show you all the ways and then someone who knows a thing or two about making him really scared. tulsi gabbard, next. ♪ to raise your glass and reconnect. to reel in the fun and serve up great times. to help you get ready your aspen dental team is celebrating 25 years of affordable care with an epic summer of smiles event. right now, new patients without insurance get a free full exam and x-rays. plus, everyone can get 20% off their treatment plan. but hurry, because while these summer savings won't last, the memories you make together will.
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>> democrats who hope to levitate biden into another four years of office, they are melting down over something called competition. you know, that goofy group no labels is teasing a possible presidential run by two mega rich guys. senator joe manchin, moderate and former ambassador to china jon huntsman because they call themselves moderate they must be good. >> i will ask the obvious question is this the presidential ticket. >> what we are here is basically to explain to you we need options. >> governor, the senator said he is considering a presidential run. are you considering a presidential run? [laughter] >> no.
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>> everybody wants to know what joe is doing. it's the horse race. >> laura: oh my god. so boring. now a competent campaign would see this no labels for what it is it's a performative exercise designed, i think, to probably revive manchin's sagging re-election prospect maybe help him after he loses the senate seat. but biden's blustery boosters are having hot flashes of anxiety. >> it's maddening. it would most likely hurt president joe biden. >> that will be his legacy for the rest of his life. >> joe manchin helped elect a fashionist. >> to me the only lane they are operating in right now is the ego lane. >> laura: and others are worried that cornell west might peal away a few percentage points. suspicious grow about r.f.k. suspicion biden, just flagging. and we have seen what they have done to r.f.k. jr., of course, who is running as a democrat in
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polling at 20%. i was thinking about this tonight. i am not sure what would be uglier to watch musk vs. zuck in a cage match or r.f.k. vs. biden on a debate stage. joining us now tulsi gabbard, former democratic candidate for president and fox news contributor, great to see new studio, tulsi. >> great to see you. i would like to go to both of those events. >> laura: i don't know. zuckerberg is looking pretty buff but musk got him on the pin. so what do you think about this? why are they freaking out about this? is this a real threat to a, i guess, weak president? >> i think they definitely do see it as a real threat which is why you are seeing all of these headlines pop up. they are showing exactly how concerned they are. the sad part is anybody who knows cornell or bobby kennedy jr. knows they are good people and they are doing what they are doing because they care. i don't agree with everything that they stand for. but, they are motivated by desire to serve. serve the american people. >> laura: you would think they are the worst people ever.
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forget the whisper campaign. it's all just an ego exercise. maybe it is a little bit for the no labels people. but certainly not for r.f.k. jr. that man is vilified morning, noon and night. i don't agree with him on a lot of issues. but i do on some of thinks stuff is he worried about the medical cartels and all that and perhaps on the war issue. but, i mean, they are vilifying him in the same way that they fill vide me back at 2020 ran for president and same way they vilify anyone they deem a threat. i have no doubt that they will get started encore nell west here shortly. >> laura: they don't like his as scott? >> that's the problem. they will find whatever they need. to say they will make up whatever they need to to smear and destroy people because they don't have a conscience. they don't care who. >> they don't have a record they can't make that case to the american people. >> hologram president doesn't help. to your point i think it speaks to why the left is freaking out about him, let's watch.
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>> the people of ukraine right now who are suffering i'm in deep solidarity with their suffering, they are caught being caught between this proxy war between the american empire and the russian federation. >> i just spoke with the foreign minister of ukraine you are saying that they are just victims in this proxy war. he would say you are out of your mind. >> laura: that's a thoughtful question. it's defensive, again, they won't put president joe biden up side by side with these other people who are challenging them and saying you are just a spoiler shows how arrogant and entitled president biden and his whole administration is. >> laura: they are afraid. >> including the propaganda media pushing this whole narrative and doing their dirty work for them and trying to smear these people saying yes, i'm raising my hand because i want to serve our country. >> laura: the last poll we showed it last night i believe
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44%, a plurality of those polled most recently said that we have given too much in the way of arms and aid to ukraine. not too little. >> right. not willing to have that conversation. immediately they go towards labeling penal, you know. >> laura: you are pro-russian, russian sympathizer and can't hold two thoughts in your mind at the same time. putin is a terrible person but perhaps this needs to come to an end. >> my hope is the american people can see through all of this nonsense and recognize that the declaration of independence, our government is given their power by us, we the people. so these elections that come up, we have the ability to bring about the kind of change we need to see in this country and frankly in the world and we have got make that happen. >> laura: they don't have the consent of the governed on. this definitely not. >> laura: great to see new studio, no less. one member of the cincinnati reds ground crew had a bit of a rough day at the office when the game was hit with a rain delay. >> someone else get eaten by the tarp? >> oh, look out! >> close. >> got to move.
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>> close. >> high stepping. >> oh, boy, there we go. >> mayday, he got eaten by the tarp. >> he's under there. >> they are not even strong, no pause. >> somebody has got to get him out of. >> there left behind. >> he is doing the crawl, he is under there somewhere. >> laura: that looks like my little dog zoey at the end of the night crawling. he eventually did crawl out from under the tarp and resumed his on field duties, no problem. coming up, when you hear the phrase military readiness, do you think readiness to fund abortions or maybe transgender care? the biden administration certainly does. well, senator tom cotton will react to the latest in moments. and, remember, when thousands of prisoners were released during, you know, the covid problem for our safety, well, did one of those in oregon become a serial killer. the shocking report, next.
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>> laura: murders of four women in oregon have been linked together and police have zeroed in on a person of interest. it's an individual who got released out of prison early thanks to a far left governor's covid policies fox news matt finn is live in the newsroom with details. >> hi laura, tonight jesse lee calhoun is being reported as a possible person of interest in the deaths of those four women. call sean a portland hand whose rap sheet goes back 20 years and turns out he was schedule dollars to be in prison until 2022. weighs released in 202 is when kate brown clemens to prisoners in during the pandemic. calhoun was in prison on violent criminal charges stemming from a 201 incident in which a swat team showed up to his house and he ended up choking a k-9 and kicking an officer calhoun
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working as self-employed car dealer who used meth daily. investigators from nine law enforcement agencies have determined lengths between the four missing women. calhoun is reportedly of interest but at this hour no formal word of any official charges. the victims are 22-year-old ashley reel. 23-year-old brigitte leann ramsey webster. charity lynn perry and 22-year-old kristin smith. all four were discovered in remote wooded areas. police did not release how they were killed. oregon public broadcasting governor brown pardoned or commuted the sentences of 38,000 criminals during two terms in office. republicans tried to stop her. >> shouldn't have to die because democrats have followed a failed policy of letting criminals out of prison and giving them a second chance when their victims don't get a second chance. >> and a short while ago, we
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confirmed calhoun is back in custody right now after the senior d.a. wrote to the governor's office that he has been involved in criminal activity that violated his commutation. laura? >> laura: matt, that is a stunning report. it's beyond disuring thank you. >> sure. >> laura: military readys in, the china threat, the war in ukraine, all items of great american interest and, of course, for many national security. now, john kirby didn't commit one tenth of emotional output to those threats. well, but he did to this. >> why is the new dod policy on abortion critical to military readiness? >> i'm really glad you asked that question. it's about female service members. one in five or female family members being able to count on the kinds of healthcare and reproductive care specifically that they need to serve. that is a foundational, sacred obligation of military leaders.
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not to mention it's just the right darn thing to do. >> laura: that is one of the most shameful appearances by john kirby i have ever seen. sacred? by the way that was just part of a three-minute plea, pleading to the press on the big abortion priorities of our dod because that's what the democrats are running on in 2024. joining us now tom cot ton of the armed services committee. senator kirby said the u.s. military as i said has a sacred obligation to murder children in the womb. that is -- that's what christians across this country faithful muslims, jewish americans they want to send their kids in the u.s. military for the sacred obligation to being able to assure that more babies are aborted? that's where we are in the united states today. >> laura, that short clip is stunning. as you said that's part of a 3 minute ode to abortion. calling it a sacred obligation to provide abortions. john kirby is not talking about
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some arab men who is in guam and discovers a rare but treatable cancer of course we would bring that person back and pay expenses. he is talking about elective abortions and the democratic party has such skewed priorities that the policy of our military is enough to that they are going to pay 15 days of leave. not charged against your annual leave and your travel and your lodging and your meals so you can go get an elective abortion. if your mom or dad dies, you get to take leave out of your 30 days of annual leave and you have to pay all your expenses. that's the democratic party priorities. >> laura: clearly whether a they're running on fear-mongering over the dobbs decision. we have to think about this for a moment. the democrats talk about existential threat to democracy. trump or desantis, whatever. existential threat to democracy. i think this is existential threat to our military. because i don't know how you in good conscience can ask all these people across the country, middle america, especially in the south, send your men and women, your boys and girls into the u.s. military because these
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are the values that we want to export abroad or you're going to have to pay for this? >> then they turn around and accuse us of trying to politicize the military when it's the admini biden administrn paying for elective abortion and sex change surgeries. >> laura: does mitch mcconnell care about it. >> i don't think chuck schumer is going to do anything about it. i was pleased last week that the republican house passed a defense bill that defunded a lot of these matters. and i hope that our final bill does that as well. we had good success over the last two years of stopping the democrats, surprisingly when we were in the minority. >> laura: this is happening. >> turning these things into law. i'm hopeful by the end of the year we can have a bill looks more like the house defense bill than the senate defense bill. >> laura: all of you stand together standing for big priorities and stand together and saying stop doing this to our military. taxpayers are not going to put up with this. they are not going to do the trans care. they are not going to do the abortions. they are not going to put up with it. all of these senators should be
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up there speaking about this directly to camera. all right our own jennifer griffin today asked the secretary of defense if the current dod policy on abortion travel is a violation of the hyde amendment, senator. watch this. >> they deserve to have access to non-covered reproductive healthcare and that's what this policy does. it's not illegal and we have made that point a number of times this is a readiness issue. >> laura: i mean, he should lose the job just for that comment. this is a readiness issue if you can't have an abortion in another state, our military is not going to be ready? >> which you are perfectly allowed to do with your 30 days of annual leave. it is a violation of the hyde amendment did not only paid paid non-charged leave but to pay for travel and lodging action and meals. john kirby and lloyd austin and all these democrats reproductive healthcare. this is abortion. do you know who doesn't think
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it's reproductive healthcare? the baby. it's like ronald reagan used to say i noticed everyone in favor of abortion has already been been. >> laura: they should start their comments speaking as a former embryo, senator, i'm looking forward to seeing what the senate does on this. because i love our military. i care about them. but i think we are up -- we're going to find themselves up against the wall here on these issues. thanks so much. great to see you in studio. rachel lavigne has made a lot of shocking comments during the tenure as assistant secretary of health at hhs. the latest is perhaps the most disturbing. raymond arroyo reacts next. stay there. ♪ salonpas, it's good medicine.
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>> laura: the democrats new frontier a sick promotion of a twisted world view. tonight we will bring you two stories that the media should frankly be ashamed of the first hit air friday night. abc featured a series on nightline focusing on transitioning minors. in it they interviewed transgender assistant secretary of health add admiral rachel lavigne who unsurprisingly spouted antiscience nonsense. >> what would you say to spokes that think they are being reasonable by saying why can't
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children wait until 18th, adolescents and pursuant is hard. what if you are going through the wrong pursuant? what if you inside feel that you are female but now you are going through a male pursuant. gender affirming care is medical care. gender affirming care is literally suicide prevention care. >> laura: joining me now raymond arroyo, fox news analyst. raymond, expert guidance there an abc wants parents to trust that the question is why are they motivated to, you know, cover for all these lies? pursu? what if you are giving the wrong advice, okay? the fda has never approved, laura, these cross hormone drugs or the pursuant blockers for young people. and when you look at france, sweden, finland, they have all discouraged using it at all. they walked it back. why? cardiac issues. immunity issues. >> laura: how about mental health issues? >> that as well. but to suggest that this is somehow care that's necessary to
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stop suicide. this is antiscience as can you get. >> laura: they are fear-mongering on the suicide. this is a constant drum beat on the left. >> nih spending $17 million to investigate the side effect of these gender altering drug. >> next shameful story bloomberg commissioning an opinion piece by noah burr lou ski about the series sound of freedom. the true story of the former fed agent tim ballard rescuing kids from sex trafficking. critics have linked the movie to pro-trump qanon conspiracy cults, tropes trafficking common in main theme. sound of freedom isn't qanon exactly but it shows how closely quaw than mirrors common popular pulp narratives is it a dog whistle or just another thriller, it functions as both. oh, i mean that is raimondo, come on. who is this noah enter laths
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ski. >> start with the piece contradicts itself boy ryu totally the piece qanon, sound of freedom. >> laura: click bait. >> we did a deep dive. a group called protasia he worked for this group as communications outreach. guess what it does? it lobbies against bans on child pornography. it also features minor attractive people. minor attractive people clubs. this guy also noah berlatsky wrote a piece in the new republic in 2016. do you know what it was titled child sex workers biggest threat the police. no, noah. >> the child sex. >> laura: i wouldn't let him near my kids. >> the client, the pitcher and the trafficker.
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this guy this is outrageous piece. do you know why they are doing this, laura? do you know why they are writing these pieces and. >> laura: killing blockbuster. >> audience reaction like this. watch. >> it's a great movie, heart breaking. >> i saw you wiping your eyes when you came out of the theater. what happened? , it was just so intense. it was like, you know, real life, just right in front of the screen. >> the story is very sad. we could do that to people. >> it was shocking because it's true. >> she is right. it's true. $5 million. it made on monday sound of freedom. >> laura: i love it? >> week over week it's growing. >> laura: there is hope in the culture. i find there is hope. where there is hope they want to vanquish it. >> this problem for the first time hollywood, a mass audience, millions of people are focusing on child trafficking. this is not no small enterprise $150 billion a year industry. >> laura: makes you wonder. >> i have a little surprise for
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you, laura ingrament. in the 7:00 hour. blow out your candles. >> laura: thank you so nice. >> your assistant haley made this beautiful cake for you. i will not be able to light all seven candles. >> laura: we are running out of time. >> go ahead and light. lawyer, what's going on? no, no blow the cake out laura, what is happening? >> laura, what are you doing? stop it stop it raymond. >> i'm doing nothing. blow the cake out, laura. >> okay, you are a problem. >> i'm going to leave it. i will hold it for you laura, i'm going to go. >> something is wrong. what's wrong? you can see the string this is like the worst camera shot. >> you have to give away all my tricks i was going to do the levitating cake. >> this is the raymond raimondo reveal the wide shot with the wire. congratulations you killed it last night and do it from now on. >> laura: we miss 10 but love 7:00. the left doesn't want to get them young on the trans stuff but also on climate change.
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we're going to explain. is joe biden okay? now, we really mean that. is he okay? jimmy failla gives us his thoughts on that and a the prop cake this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you.
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[music “this little light of mine”] in the world's poorest places, children with cleft conditions live in darkness and shame.
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they're shunned, outcast, living in pain. you can reach out and change the life of a suffering child right now. a surgery that take as little as forty five minutes and your act of love can change a child's life forever. please call, scan or go online to give a new smile. thousands of children are waiting.
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>> all right. now it's time for wtf. what the? joining me is jimmy falla, host of "across america." >> what happened to my cake? >> oh, the cake. >> listen, i love raymond, but
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if it was a magic act, it would be siegfried and nah. i can't knock raymond, because he knows i love him. i look like a creepy magician. i'm not much better. we got to work on it, ingram. >> we need fishing wire. >> welcome to 7:00. >> yeah. well, what can you do? the budget is tight. jimmy, joe biden met with the israeli president today at the white house, and it seems, i think, like it might have kind of short-circuited. watch this. >> the israelis and palestinians, join them together at a political level. as a firmed to the prime minister yesterday -- >> you could almost see the mouth move there. i mean,de nod off mid-sentence? >> you know, laura, if only
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there was some kind of white powder at the white house that could perk a guy up a little bit in between sentences right there. so embarrassing. number one. number two, the poor israeli prime minister doesn't know what to do. do i wake this guy up? what's diplomatic protocol? do you poke him with a stick? it's very embarrassing. it really is a hard thing to watch. if you would have taken a step further, also feel bad for the sign language interpreter, because he says five things there that aren't english. joe biden is the only guy you know who's made a sign interpreter shrug. making signs, and then he's, like, i got nothing. come on. >> they thought middle east peace was tough. actually getting through that oval office sit-down with biden, that was tough. >> easier to blow out a cake than it is to get through a biden meeting. >> it was a moving cake. jimmy, remember a few years ago
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when obama traveled to scotland, lecturing young climate activists. watch this. >> where are the places that met our interceptions? it turns out that it's the countries where there was pressure, where there was political mo mobilization and activisim. it's going to depend on you guys to apply that pressure. >> is he doing his part from martha's vineyard? >> that's the point i was going to make. he's being honest. it's going to depend on those guys, because he's off on steven spielberg's massive yacht. you guys are on your own. >> and teaming up with the ucla lab school to teaches ages 4-12 about the climate crisis, saying i'm proud to help create a
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program that will help guide the next generation of climate warriors. it's like the baton has been passed from obama to leo. what next? in utero? >> well, to be clear, 4-year-old kids like the idea of being a climate warrior, because flying private is cool to them, too. you don't have to be an adult to know that a private jet is awesome. shame on leonardo dicaprio, because he's talking to 4-year-old kids. why? because they have 20-year-old moms. he's trying to clean up his carousing. catting around again, i'm saving the planet in the process. he's a dirtbag. >> oh, no. didn't he get rescued -- no, he didn't get rescued at the end of "titanic." i always forget. jimmy, i have to talk to you about being a 7:00 p.m. host when i'm used to 10:00. you're a late-night guy. i've always been a morning person doing a nighttime show. i'm having to get used to this. i would like to say it's a
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transition, but that would be making news on the show tonight. >> you'll get the sponsorship. hang in there. >> any moment now. jimmy, we like having you on either at 7:00 or 10:00. the thank you. >> you're the best, laura. >> jimmy is on the road. check him out everywhere he is. and remember, that's it for us. it's america now and forever. watters takes it from him. >> welcome to "jesse watters primetime." tonight -- >> where did the white house cocaine go? now we know. >> joe biden ordered his top political opponent to be arrested. that's me. >> donald trump arrested. again?


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