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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 19, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT

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investigation? >> generally speaking that would spur a criminal investigation, yes. >> let me ask you this question real quick. there was reference to the whatsapp text message referring to come everybody knows it now, i'm sitting here with my dad, tell the chairman to give me my money because we remember and we are not going to forget because we are the bidens and we have all of these questions, yada, yada, yada. we all know that text message now. >> the irs whistle-blower hearing is still underway on capitol hill, we will continue to monitor it. welcome to "the five," everyone peered i'm greg gutfeld come along with judge jeanine pirro, jessica tarlov, jesse watters, and kennedy. it's called "the five." ♪ ♪ the hunter headache getting worse for the white house. a second irs whistle-blower coming forward and testifying before congress right now. justin ziegler revealing his identity for the first time and
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confirming that the biden doj cooked the books in the hunter tax probe. stonewalling steps that may have led to president biden. >> it appeared to me, based on what i experienced, that the u.s. attorney in delaware, in our investigation, was constantly hamstrung, limited, and marginalized by doj officials, as well as other u.s. attorneys. i still think that a special counsel is necessary for this investigation. assigned prosecutors did not appear to follow the normal investigative process, slow walk to the investigation, and put in place unnecessary approvals and roadblocks from effectively and efficiently investigating the case. a number of times, we were not able to follow the facts. >> prosecutors instructed investigators not to ask about the big guy or dad when conducting interviews. investigators were not allowed to follow-up on whatsapp messages from hunter biden's apple i cloud backup where he says suggested he was sitting next to his father. >> greg: ziegler also laid out
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how he was writing off and rooms for his drug dealer while partying in l.a. and these guys were not allowed to look into it. >> hunter biden allegedly falsely claimed business deductions for payments made to the chateau marmont, a hotel room for a suppose a drug dealer, sex club memberships, falsely referenced on the wire as a golf membership come hotel he was blacklisted from at a columbia university tuition payment for his adult daughter. all of these items were used to support the willfulness element for felony tax evasion. these false deductions claimed by hunter biden caused a false return to be prepared that under reported his total income by approximately $267,000 and a loss to the u.s. treasury of $106,000. >> greg: now even though the whistle-blowers were called the irs a team, democrats still wound up attacking their integrity. >> we can conclude that this
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inspector clouseau-style quest for something that doesn't exist has turned our committee into a theater of the absurd, an exercise in futility and embarrassment. >> there seems to be a new level of hypocrisy here. >> we are here today because donald trump is exerting influence campaign. >> i know the american people are confused because we are all confused what we are doing here. nothing this majority has claimed about the president or his family has merit. >> greg: evidence confuses them. ziegler also made it crystal clear that he is not some right-wing stooge. >> although i do have my supporters, others have said that i am a traitor to the democratic party and that i am causing more division in our society. i implore you to consider that if you were in my position with the facts as i have stated them, ask yourself if you would be doing the exact same thing. i kind of equate this to the experience and feelings i encountered with him coming out it was honestly one of the hardest things i ever had to go
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through. >> greg: you know, judge, i think what is so infuriating about this is what you are seeing is exactly what the democrats falsely accused republicans and donald trump of doing. the only difference here, this is actual evidence, testimony from people who had to face the evidence and deal with the doj and fbi. >> jeanine: you know, we learned a couple of things today. we learned number one that the target was tipped off the night before. okay? we also learned that although jamie raskin really wants this to be about investigators versus prosecutors and never really agreeing, according to these whistle-blowers, the prosecutors and the investigators did agree and it was the doj that scuttled the plans to indict for a fe felony. also, we learned that every time they needed to do further investigation, which they would have done in any normal case, they weren't allowed to do so. they weren't allowed to speak to hunter's kids.
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they weren't allowed to ask questions about the big guy, as you just heard. and it was all about roadblocks and slow walking. but i want to commend these whistle-blowers. first of all, these whistle-blowers have nothing to gain and everything to lose. but they brought their a-game, and there was nothing that the democrats said that touched anything in terms of credibility and their expertise. and finally, when you hear about ridiculous things like hunter taking a deduction for a hotel room for his drug dealer, then we found out that hunter took a deduction for his father, a business deduction for a hotel room, i guess maybe they were in business together, and then finally a sex club come he called it a golf club, took a deduction. when he was with rosemont seneca, the whole idea he didn't take income but he took something when there was no promissory note, no repayment, no, you know, interest charged fear of it was just a different
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way they could treat the taxes, and of course it was part of his team to defraud the government vehicle this president wants 87,000 irs agents with guns no less to make sure that everyone pays their fair share unless it is hunter biden or the vita and family. and finally, let me just say that apparently ziegler said between 2014 and 2019, there was $17 million in foreign money that the bidens god. >> greg: so, kennedy. hookers, drugs, sex club spirits before my weekend is full. thank you so much for asking. i am making notes as the judge was talking, remind my accountant of things to avoid for suspicion. what really upsets me is this overly emotional conflation. you've got people on the committee who refuse to take apart or question these points,
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which, you know, and might be convenient if this is the basis for prosecution or investigation for an opposing party, when they are back in power, but instead, their dismissal of it, all that means is republicans, you know, they can dismiss anything they want when it is a republican trial of a president who is accused. it is so obvious here, they don't have a counterargument because they wouldn't be talking about things like breonna taylor and george floyd, which i think is actually really offensive, because when you don't have facts to go through or you don't have the ability to really question and examine those facts, then you go do something that is so completely emotional, not realizing, you know, there is no mutual exclusivity here. >> greg: that's a good point. jesse, it is not like they are disputing the testimony because of the witnesses and the amount of evidence, hundreds and hundreds of patience. they have accusations of it is
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theater or inspector clouseau. when it is actually the opposite of that. >> jesse: i used to hate the irs and now i love them! [laughter] >> greg: good for you. >> jesse: i can't add much to what the judge said. she nailed it. at every turn, they blocked the laptop, they blocked search warrants, they blocked the seeking of testimony from the biden family, they stymied any effort to ask the biden family questions and investigate joe biden. and then we find out this. this guy garland lied to congress, and garland has obstructed justice. so right there, he should be impeached. i didn't know this, but this guy, mr. x, great name. [laughter] mr. x, he was not told to look into hunter. he stumbled upon hunter when he was looking into some international porn investigation and noticed hunter was buying
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escorts and hunter was using his bank as basically an escort slush fund. and his corporate bank account as an escort slush fund. that sets alarm bells off with tax investigators that something is fishy. that is when he looked into it. and then he tried to bring the case to washington, d.c., and they move the case from d.c. to delaware and the minute it gets to delaware, everything goes wrong. the tires start flying off, you know, the buttons stop working. they drag this thing out like crazy. now, i just remember when they tried to nail trump for obstructing a crime he didn't commit, remember they wanted to charge him with obstruction? he handed over every single document vehicle they interviewed him. the interview to his son, his daughter, his son-in-law, they threw his campaign manager in jail, they spied on his campaign, they used every prosecutorial tool in the nail
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toolbox, and there was no crime there. look at how this was handled, they get tipped off. they are told no, you can't talk to this person, no, you can't talk to this person, run of the statute of limitation on the felony, three or four felonies, didn't even pay taxes on the burisma income. so they've got to go after garland. this guy is cooked. >> greg: i was in the green room with you earlier, jessica, and when the media labeled the whistle-blower a gay democrat, you said "isn't that redundant," and i was so surprised you would say something like that. how homophobic! they are impugning him now because he accurately predicted that now he is going to be the odd man out. >> jessica: i'm not sure, it seemed like they were just questioning him about his testimony. behind closed doors and what came out today. and i hate to disagree -- that's a lie, i love to disagree with the table. but there was a lot of new information elicited out of this. ro khanna, when he was questioning gary shapley, got him to admit that the "vast majority" of cases like hunters,
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that go before the tax counsel, they decide not to charge. he also got gary shapley to admit that he never said that merrick garland lied to congress. so that is a right wing talking point. there is always a timeline problem, and this happened with the twitter files, too, where i heard all about that pesky biden administration that wanted to censor everyone and then it turned out that the dates didn't align and that it was the trump administration. so, ziegler's testimony -- and there are mainstream news outlets that are posting snippets of his testimony, not admitting the fact the irs investigators, when they were talking to appointees in the doj about going forward, were trump appointees. it was bill barr. david weiss, also a trump appointee. it's true. he said he was someone who shared his vision for making america safe again. >> jesse: blocked from bringing felony charges on terigo separate -- >> jessica: he sent another letter saying --
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>> jeanine: at the time they made contemporaneous notes that are very important -- >> jessica: because mr. x, ziegler, wasn't even in the meeting that he is talking about between shapley and david weiss where this allegedly happened. that's pretty important -- >> jeanine: shapley was in it and he made the contemporaneous notes. >> jessica: he also today has admitted that garland did not lied to congress and garland said that he did not interfere whatsoever with david weiss' investigation. again, a trump appointee. >> jesse: when he says to congress that he had no issue with him bringing any charges anywhere, that's not true, so why didn't he bring charges in california and d.c.? >> jessica: that was his choice. >> jesse: they didn't make that choice! he lied on charges, presented the case to these attorneys, and these attorneys -- >> jessica: david weiss is a liar. >> jeanine: have to give up his job and be a special counsel in order to go all those other
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jurisdictions. >> jessica: another right wing talking point -- no, come on. >> jesse: presented both cases to both attorneys -- >> jessica: and he never -- >> greg: we got to move on peter with interesting cnn and msnbc did not cover this hearing, a reflection of how they want to keep this story co. it wasn't a big of a deal, they would have showed it probably but it hurts their side. swab next, nancy pelosi has a new defense of biden's old age after he bumbles through another meeting. ♪ ♪ s being the ceo of cashbacking mean to you?" it means cashbacking every opportunity. did you cashback on this? like i wouldn't cashback? cashbacking by the basket, i see you. ugh. i dreamt you didn't cashback this flight. oh good. if you're buying it, flying it, or wining n' dining it, then you gotta be cashbacking it. come on now. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited
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♪ ♪ >> jeanine: nancy pelosi is going to bat for sleepy joe biden, while other liberals jump ship. democrats are reportedly working behind the scenes to come up with a plan b, and some are worried that biden's advanced age will blow his 2024 chances. but pelosi is mocking those concerns. >> age is a relative thing. i think this president, our country is very well served by his leadership, again, his experience, his knowledge, and
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it counts for a lot. i was meeting with frank gary, 90-something architect, showing me new buildings he is building throughout the world, and they were like -- he's a kid. [laughs] its relative. he's younger than i am, so he is a kid to me, as well. >> jeanine: but maybe nancy didn't see joe biden do this while he was meeting with israel's president. >> and we brought israeli israelis and palestinians together. at the -- >> yes. >> and prime minister netanyahu yesterday, america's commitment is firm. >> jeanine: okay, greg, "the washington post" -- wake up. >> greg: that just knocked me out. he is like walking ambien. he is like one of those dogs you
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have that sleeps all day so you're never quite awake. >> jeanine: did you say dolls? >> greg: dogs. >> jeanine: "the washington post" abc poll says 6 out of 10 people think joe biden doesn't have the mental acuity or physical health to serve effectively as president and 86% believe a cut off should be 75 years old, and at that age, you know, maybe you ought to have a mental acuity test. >> greg: i mean, i am for younger people being in politics. nancy pelosi defense joe because they share the same life alert. we have a president who skips dinners, falls over the place, talks like he is stealing hunter's fence and all, confusing countries, that video was just painful. it tells me either the country runs itself pretty much or someone who is not him is in charge, i think that is the c case. the problem with this argument, though, age isn't everything and it can become a distraction
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because his policies are worse than his decline, you know? i mean, a lot of things have gotten worse. it is not just joe is. you look at foreign policy, crime, the border, obviously air travel, we talked about yesterday, and his focus is on what they feed him which is equity, trans issues, racism. these are things that do nothing to solve the big problems at all they do is exacerbate the small rifts into giant wounds. you could win this election if you talk about how bad his deeds are, not just how he fumbles his words. >> jeanine: jessica, this is the third time biden has missed a dinner with world leaders while he was on an international trip. accordingly -- according to the argument that he has a tough schedule, doesn't that make america work week? >> jessica: i'm not sure that that's what makes america look weak. do i wish he was at every single event? yeah, i do. i think that that would be great. but it doesn't mean that he can't do the job, and frankly that he is not doing the job
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well. greg said, you know, everything is terrible. they released the numbers, border crossings have plummeted. we have never seen so many people streaming across the border, where did they all go? where is the next caravan? >> jesse: they are counting a different. >> jessica: one toe instead of -- >> jesse: they are counting it differently. >> jessica: everything is the victimization of the perspective of conservatives, whether it is what is going on with the doj and the whistle-blowers, we have border crossings differently, we look at the crime statistics, they are measuring it differently -- >> jesse: they did. >> jessica: okay, anyway. we talked about this last week or the week before about the economic record and i am not going to rehash all of it, i am just going to add that this week now, goldman sachs and jim cramer both saying, clear as day, we are not going to have this recession, it is like the red wave that never came. >> jesse: wait, wait, jim cramer said there is not going to be a recession?
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pull your money out of the market. >> jessica: i'm talking about people who were fearmongering about it and are now admitting that we are not going to have it. we have the lowest inflation and the best gdp growth in the g7. we are not going to have a recession. you have republicans taking credit for infrastructure projects that they voted against that biden got for them, and you want to say everything is in the toilet? i don't think so. >> jesse: america thinks everything is in the toilet, i a pollster comes to tell the american people they don't know what they are thinking, -- i always tell emma age is just a number, it is about performance. would you rather have tom brady under center with the game on the line or some 22-year-old rookie? joe biden is not performing. if this country was doing great and he was falling asleep, you'd say okay, things are great. things are not great. open border, high crime, and the man is disengaged -- >> jessica: a border no one wants to walk through. >> greg: because we have high crime. >> jesse: he's not interested
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in anything that affects the american people. he doesn't care. he sits around, falls asleep, he's corrupt as hell, and bernie sanders has more energy. disagree with everything bernie sanders -- he is older than joe biden. he walks around the capitol like he is on coke, and he is at least more specific when he talks. no, but... here's the thing. after donald trump was president, people were looking maybe for a little more comfort in the fact that you had an old, tired puppet, and that was comforting to a lot of people, but when you look for comfort, you are sacrificing trans transparency, engagement. you know how many people come out to me, jessica, the first question, what is greg really liked. second question, i tell him he isn't idiot. the second question, who is really running the country? no one has ever asked me that
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before until joe biden was president. i say, i don't know. i don't know. >> jeanine: all right, kennedy, former disney chief counsel berks as part of biden's age is being a superpower, could you imagine this guy if he won reelection. what is he going to do in five years? >> kennedy: well, we might be eulogizing him, god forbid, but if you look at insurance actuary tables, that feared what? i'm not hoping for it, hope he lives forever. i do think he gets vitamin b. vitamin vitamin b 12 shots. sometimes the contrast in his energy level is staggering. we have to acknowledge that. sometimes when he gives speeches, to your point, he is on point, focused, clear, succinct, he can string words together, and then there are other times like yesterday -- [mumbling] president.
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"iraq got invaded by russia." it is not good, it is not healthy. i have to agree with jesse, people don't feel good. half the people say the president is too old. i don't think it is age. i agree with a two-thirds of americans who say the president is too incompetent to run again. that i agree with. i think it is fine to divorce ourselves from this idea that age is the driver. it is not the driving factor here, it is the fact he is a precipitous mental decline. it is cruel to keep him in office and to keep him propped up. the american people vote for a president. they do not vote for a committee. and if there is someone else running the country we deserve to know who that is. >> jeanine: should ask jill since she takes care of him. up next, cnn completely losing their minds after the trump special counsel ordered a sandwich. ♪ ♪ hi, i'm william devane.
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♪ ♪ >> kennedy: hello and welcome back. media for stereo reaching a new level of hysteria after news of a possible trump indictment. cnn settling the entire panel of hard-hitting journalists, to dissect every breaking detail, including what the special counsel ordered for lunch. >> jessica: even jack smith can't resist a $5-foot long. what is important is the imagery here. that image to be very different from what we saw in the former president post, that he is a deranged individual. >> kennedy: jack smith's tight-lipped. he was spotted today by cnn going to subway for lunch, picking up a sandwich, leaving come and not saying a word.
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>> jack smith going to subway today is a message to donald trump. donald trump tries to intimidate and bully people and scare people away. that was jack smith with no words, simple $5 sub in his hands, i'm not going away. >> the imagery was intentional. >> kennedy: not going anywhere. tough stuff. all right, is the message in the mail, serving a more tasty details on smith's sandwich? >> he stood in line just like everybody else. i couldn't tell whether it was a foot long or a 6-inch sub. but look, we now are on watch for when this potential indictment is coming. >> kennedy: we are on foot long watch, judge. i am of the mind this was not a 6-inch. i think he went all the way. >> jeanine: [laughs] that he would have to pay $10, right? it is $5 for 6-inch. if he is of the people, he fought the 6-inch.
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the fact that they have to go to that level to interpret this as a message to donald trump, they suffer from trump derangement syndrome. it was like the hearings today. you have these whistle-blowers, hunter biden, joe biden, taxes, but it is all about donald trump. they can't stop with the donald trump stuff. the fact that they spend time interpreting a guy going to lunch, all of us don't go to lunch every day if we are working, i mean, give me a break. i have nothing to say. it is so stupid it is not worth commenting on. >> kennedy: just know my jessica, you and i are both fans of casual dining. you and i both will die on that hill, no shame in that game. i'm just wondering, there could be some very serious fallout from this investigation, so what am i missing? why the sandwich? >> jessica: for jack smith? or for cnn? we are all familiar with that moment where people say, okay,
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you are on air for the next 20 minutes and we have no news. but they had gone over a lot of stuff, and because it is pretty serious, right? there are three federal statutes he is being accused of violating. we know the grand jury witnesses say this investigation is about what happened before the election. i saw this crazy clip of peter navarro who worked in the trump administration talking about, wrote about this in his book, steve bannon orchestrated all of this ahead of time and mike pence was the quarterback and he was a green bay packers, so maybe that is where he is from, i'm not sure, just laying out the whole plot. yes, i could have used more of that and less sandwich, but i have no subway shade. i like subway. >> kennedy: jesse. let's say there is an indictment. let's say this letter that was delivered to the president is very serious. does it hurt or help him at this point, given the alvin bragg indictments? >> jesse: i think it helps him in the primary but it could cost him in the general. it's a lot.
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and he is going to have to go to three different trials. >> jessica: by the time georgia comes. >> jesse: thank you for that. four different trials while he is running for president. it's a lot. he is going to have to win and then pocket pardon himself. ken starr is to be the special counsel in the '90s. he couldn't leave his house without getting mobbed. the head of state that wherever he went at they would get right up in his face and they'd scream at him and call him names and say he was a bad guy, he was hurting the country. they are treating this guy like kim kardashian. like they are tmz, oh, he stood in line like everybody else. they are trying to make him a celebrity and that is what they do, the demonize of the president and lionize the prosecutor. they did it with alvin bragg come remember cuomo, cassidy, the one who testified he was reaching across secret service agents -- they do this with people, they did it with mueller, weissman, book deals, never after buy another drink in
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their life. it is grossly unfair because the guy is just a schlep. >> jessica: jack smith? >> jeanine: record is terrible. >> kennedy: so lackluster. >> greg: subway, jared vogel, megan rapinoe, now this guy. >> kennedy: the next bud light. what message are they expecting that trip to send, he can't afford applebee's? john king saying, he is not intimidated from eating a sandwich. this makes no sense. it is good to see cnn returning to the hard news that made them so reputable 37 years ago. 7-panel segment on a guy getting a sandwich because the guys are so focused on trump -- what's next, a live town hall on stormy daniels getting a facial? i don't know, maybe she has outlived her utility so they don't need her anymore. you are right about trump derangement, but one part of it is they assume we all have it
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and if you don't have it, there's something wrong with you. we are also supposed to see the same message that they see or we are the crazy ones. they remind me of the people who use to see religious icons in trees and food. there is a likeness of jesus in my toast or mary in the tree bark. they see trump in everything. when we make fun of this, you've got to l look at yourself and me sure you are not doing the same thing with your opposition. you can have biden derangement syndrome. there are people that had obama derangement syndrome. who saw him as some evil outsider. and still do. >> jesse: i still suffer from it. >> greg: i know you do. i have some pills for you. >> jesse: thank you. i'll take seven. >> kennedy: jesse, show me the real birth certificate, wow. need in and out less. >> jesse: they never talk about -- >> greg: they don't. >> kennedy: we have to move o on.
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country singer jason aldean hitting back at woke critics trying to cancel his new song and video. it's next. ♪ ♪ for an erc tax refund. you should get a second opinion from innovation refunds at no upfront cost. sometimes you need a second opinion. [coughs] good to go. yeah, i think i'll get a second opinion. all these walls gotta go! ah ah ah! i'd love a second opinion. no. i'm going to get a second opinion. with innovation refunds, there's no upfront cost to find out. so why not check like i did for my small business? take the first step to see if your small business qualifies for the erc.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: they've got to rebrand. country music star jason aldean defending himself from vicious left-wing smears. lives accusing his new anti-crime song, "try that in a small town," of promoting racial violence nonviolence and even lynching. cmt even pulling the music video after the outrage. ♪ spit in his face ♪ ♪ stomp on the flight and lighted up ♪ ♪ yeah, you think you're tough ♪ ♪ try that in a small town ♪ >> jesse: the song's message is pretty simple and not controversial. l aldean argues blm crime would
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not fly in small town america. aldean is defending himself, because the outrage "meritless." i'm going to go to the former mtv vj -- d.j. or vj? >> kennedy: video jackie. >> jesse: why would cmt pull this? >> kennedy: they are afraid of backlash, a small and vocal mob rising up and contacting their sponsors and having their sponsors pull ads and revenue. you know, music video television actually isn't very popular right now. even cmt, people don't sit for long periods of time like they used to in the '90s when we didn't have the internet. there was no facebook. so it is hard enough getting an audience. it is just people rising up and getting these sponsors to pull out. >> jesse: greg, now he is number one everywhere. >> greg: i guess the c starts
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for cowardice. no, i think he learned in today's world, you can't depict reality because reality is racist. so you can't have mug shots. you can't have clips of rioting because that tells a story that has been shaped out of existence by the media. but please, play one incident by a police officer, a fatal interaction between a cop and a suspect 100, 200 times a day, until you believe that that is the reality and everybody assumes -- and studies show this -- that a thousand blacks are killed by cops every year. maybe it is even more. i think democrats believe it is somewhere between 4,000. the results are that is what we believe. and when you show that, you upset the left because you know they have made those images, those images possible. they degraded the cops. they defend of criminality. this is a media-driven, activist-driven problem that has been lasting since these riots.
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we have not recovered from this. and all he is saying is this wouldn't happen here. i don't know, maybe it wouldn't. it is a mirror, though, everything is a mirror, hip-hop is a soundtrack to violence in some other cultures, so if you are upset about this -- >> jesse: like a pro-crime hip-hop song not canceled, but an anti-prime country song canceled, judge. >> jeanine: well, yeah, you have these rap songs like, you know, f -- you get some of these rap songs for the actually talk about rape and killing cops come of that stuff never censored. cmt, for them to do this, don't they know who their audiences? don't don't they know who buy jason aldean's records? the whole idea of the first amendment and freedom of speech, the hip-hop rap artists get to say whatever they want, who literally has documentation
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of what is happening in america of the truth, of the facts, and he is not trying to portray them in any way other than how they are, and he gets canceled or the song -- i'm going to buy a bunch of those songs. >> jesse: usually the left, jessica, embraces free expression, art. how many times have we heard "it's art, you can't censor art?" >> jessica: i didn't think it deserves to be pulled. i think you can have a conversation about it because it is not just saying, you know, this doesn't happen in small towns, it's saying if it did happen in a small town, we've all got guns and we are going to take matters into our own hands which is vigilante as i'm -- >> greg: no, it's a good message. what stops it. >> jessica: i would also say that i do think it is a strange choice to perform this in front of a courthouse where a boy was lynched, an 18-year-old was lynched in 1927. he doesn't have -- >> jesse: so many music videos and so many films in front of
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that exact location. no one said anything. >> jeanine: don't you think he is trying to show there hasn't been that much progress and that, you know, black lives matter, violating the law themselves at this point? rioting and burning -- >> jessica: i'm just saying i imagine that there are available courthouses where an 18-year-old boy wasn't lynched. again, i didn't think it should be taken down, i think you should have these conversations, what sheryl crow is contribute into this, she actually grew up in a much smaller town than jason aldean did, and finds this to be offensive and promoting the use of guns. >> jeanine: that's great. >> greg: so brave, sheryl crow. >> jessica: now you hate -- everyone loves sheryl crow. >> jeanine: she doesn't set the standard, the american people do. >> jessica: fine. buy's record, enjoy it. >> jesse: you are right, it is fine. is that it? thank you. >> jessica: that's it. >> jesse: the real-life castaway. a guy and his dog survived getting lost at sea for three months.
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♪ ♪ our ears connect us to the moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. subway's slicing their turkey fresh like on the titan turkey. piled high with double the cheese and more meat. i proffer freshly sliced turkey. it's my favorite mouth guard flavor. mmmm. now available at subway. the sub, not the mouth guard. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes.
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each, with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. but i wonder if you just take a few seconds to pray with me real quick. in the name of the father and son, holy spirit. amen. lord jesus, come to us now. help us to surrender ourselves completely to you. help us to listen to your voice. even when we're distracted or tired, we pray this in the name of the father and of the son of the holy spirit. amen. thank you so much. i just want to encourage you that if you want to join me in more prayer, check out hallow it's the number one prayer app in the world. (ambience of room, crickets, scrolling content on phone) they're off from school, but not really home. images and videos. social media, fine-tuned to suck them in. and steal them away. alone you can't stop it. together we will.
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join us. ( ♪ )
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♪ ♪ >> jessica: move over,
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tom hanks, there is a new castaway making news. this shaggy-looking australian sailor and his dog getting rescued off the coast of mexico after spending three months lost at sea. surviving only on rainwater and raw fish, here is the incredible moment when he got saved. >> hi, sir. you okay? >> jessica: kennedy, excellent, right? >> kennedy: it's incredible. you had me at australian sailor. truly, i want to read a quote from him, "i would try to find the happiness inside myself, and i found that a lot a loan at sea." i thought that was very profound. he loved being on the ocean and by himself. his boat was completely disabled, no electric during the storm, but it wasn't just the heroism and the companionship of the dog, bella. it was the fact that he found something inside of him, and i think that is how people truly
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survive. >> jessica: jesse, what would your plan be to survive? >> jesse: i wouldn't go out there in the first place. but this is why the australian people are the best people, and i am not just saying that because this company is run by a great australian. i am saying if this had been any other nationality, this guy would have been dead for years it is because of the australian grit, determination and audacity that this guy was able to survive and i say that completely in an objective way appeared >> jeanine: absolutely. >> jessica: greg, what about -- >> greg: we don't have a lot of time, i'll just say this is fake. if it was real, he would have eaten the dog. if he wasn't in any danger, if e was in danger he wou would have eaten the dog. >> jessica: that was his person. >> greg: one month, tired of fish, would have eaten the dog. this was a complete frame up. this never happened. >> jeanine: let me tell you what's even more strange. he gave the dog away. why would he give the dog away? >> greg: this is not making sense. >> kennedy: the dog found him
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in the mexican desert and wouldn't leave him alone, screw it, took the dog -- go >> jeanine: that beautiful line that you just read, gets rid of the guy that kept him going? >> jesse: a mexican dog smuggler? >> jessica: the dog went willingly. >> greg: build a wall that is about this high. >> jessica: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ . ♪ . only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ about two years ago, i realized that jade was overweight. i wish i would have introduced the fresh food a lot sooner.
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after farmer's dog, she's a much healthier weight. she's a lot more active. and she's able to join us on our adventures. get started at
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oh, ♪ somewhere, anywhere... ♪ ♪ i just want to lie motionless in a chair! ♪, booking.yeah ♪ ♪ artificial intelligence. wow! it's something that everybody's talking about. and i think about that, but i think about the one who created all intelligence. almighty god, who created this earth, the universe, created you and me. but what are the problems? why do we see war, and famine, and all of these things? well, it's because of sin. the world is infected with sin. and sin separates you from god. but god sent his son, jesus christ, from heaven to this earth to take your sins. and he died and shed his blood on a cross for your sins. and god raised him to life. if you've never invited jesus christ to come
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into your heart and into your life, you can do that right now. just pray this prayer with me. just say, "god, i'm a sinner." i'm sorry, forgive me. i believe that jesus is your son. i want to trust him as my savior. and i want to follow him as my lord from this day forward, forever. amen. if you prayed that prayer, call the number on the screen.
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♪ >> greg: one more thing. judge? >> judge jeanine: okay. we are preparing for national junk food day, clean-up is this friday. after collecting data for a year they found out that sour patch kids is the run away favorite having been featured seven states' favorite snack. animal crackers in five states and kit kat followed behind. that's the end of that. >> jessica: i don't feel like animal crackers is.
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>> judge jeanine: i didn't ask you. >> greg: this is fake these are fake. he. >> jesse: happy weaner wednesday national hot dog day. here is fun fact about wieners. the national hot dog and sausage council says yes, a hot dog is not a sandwich. here we go. thank you very much. "jesse watters primetime" tonight, the barbie movie controversy. >> greg: rip it apart. >> judge jeanine: are you wearing a pink tie? brian. >> greg: are you having her on. goldstein charles payne bringing the pain kat timpf and great comedian who owns a sandwich shop downtown. yeah, jessica? >> jessica: i wasn't here last week. i know you were all super sad on the west coast and i went to see dad and company. their last series of shows oracle arena in san francisco. my husband is a big dead head. i get the community. it felt the love.
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everyone was obviously. >> jesse: did you [inaudible] >> i certainly did on national tv. it was really fun to go. there was a cute picture of clio on the hollywood walk of fame that got cut. >> greg: i made sure of this. >> judge jeanine: look at this. >> kennedy: ran the chicago beer run in 4 minutes and 30 seconds without a shoe. >> greg: there you go. that's it for us. >> gillian: good evening from washington. i'm gillian turner in for bret baier. another development in the republican investigation into hunter biden. a new whistleblower until now known only as mr. x testified today at a house hearing. joseph ziegler is an irs agent who said in his opening statement is he a democrat. he also said the president's son received special treatment and that the plea deal he ultimately got was not what federal investigators recommended. he and a fellow agent spoke out against the justice department in irs. committee democrats though fought them every step of the way today.


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