tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News July 19, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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it felt the love everyone was obviously. did you drop out? i did not. i certainly didn't. on national tv. i waeally n tos it was really fo and to be part of that. oh, there was a pictur hole of i on the hollywood walk of fame, but that got cut somehow. >> yeah, i made sure of that. oh m., look at this. >> oh, there she is. and she's on her own beer dy: greatest athlete of all timm for glamour. ran the chicagerico beer run in 4 minutes, 30 seconds without issue. there you go. that's it fo jesstakes itr us. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time tonight. >> we'll try that.t. in a small cell country music canceled. i know. i got itbu. but not this whole the with the blow, the whistl bloe with e whistle blowers expose hunter biden, barbie, china and ted cruz. plus dwarf nation. ion. that's it. it's like i that is a there
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have been a lot of controversial things on tv. >> janet jackson, super bowl nip slip. >> sinead o'connor tearing up a picture of the pope on snl. will smith slapping upg the spit a chris rock the oscars. that's real controver."y. and the media talked about it for weeks. today, the word controversat's y is back in the headlines because of this jason aldean song . >> listen. look for somebodydewalk on the sidewalk carjacking a lady at a red light who gota on the owner of a liquor store . >> you think it's cool that i move your goodt'♪ cuss and comes fitness fees snowball the flag a little. you like to try that in a small town? >> that's it.
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all he the sma said is you can't jack an old lady spit on a cop or slug a stranger. >> where he's fromit on a . doesn't fly. they're not going to let riots, looting and violence slide in their hometown. it's a song about values that are in every a song small townh america. a huge part of the country relates to that on everycountr . but it got yanked off yan the airwaves. country music tv caved cav and canceled the country sonedg, paramount, a giant company in a a big city, decided you're notwn allowed to hear about small town values. you're too violent. and racist, too, to defend their viewers. >> now they listen to a handful of critics who'd never watched their channel. insteadful of d of millions of customers. michael bloomberg funded the country music cancellation. mike bloomberg's group, everytown for gun safety, s peppered paramount and cmt with tweets. dthat's all it took. and they're not done yet. they want to ende ye deen's car. now they're trying to get the grand ole opry to cancel
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its shows. the fans aren't going to let that happen. they'll watch aldeanshows.t goie a parking lot if they have to. his song just hihit number one n itunes. these country music executivesed have lost touch. they don't understand scale. they putundersta a handful of ce online over millions of loya ol customers. >> those critics are powerless if you don't cavthose powee. the mob just moves on to the next soft spot. bus more upset about a song about deadly riots rian the actual deadly riots. riots that killed overd ov two dozen americans and cost $2$ billion in damage. the medi2 a says aldean's promoting violence. but i thought the riots were mostly peacefug violenl. eful. >> all aldean's music videos show is the truth about what happene music v thed in thf 2020. leftwing anti-police violence. the message of his music was anti-crime, and nowsic is he's canceled. but pro crime music is everywhere. >> before we talk about mob
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go out, so we'll show what we♪ about really came to. >> i know i got a lot of ya, u but i bought it and i passed a single melody so you can brabu about committing crimes in music, but you can't say you'll stop crime. you can even pretend to shootth the president. >> the media doesn't care media >> just fine. okay. >> illegal guns,, drugs, robbery. paramount's fun with it.s they've been broadcasting hip-hop videos on mtv for decadeery, par wits. but you can't say, don't slug an old lady in my small town. you can say carjack, but you can't say don't carjack. the media just confess. they're pro riot. ack.well, depending on who's dog the rioting, if you know what i mean . aldean song, which never even mentioned race an racet all, isg
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called a lynching anthem in the mainstream media. watch this. >> critics have blasted try that in a smal cl town, saying i has a pro lynching undertone. in the videongone., images are projected on a building, some showing clips of protestsdo ,looting and tense police encounters. critics have also taken issu,e with the building shown in the video. the maury county courthouse vid where a young black man was lynched by a white mob in 1927.o >> do you think al deen aldea knew somebody was lynched there? a hundred years ago? of course not. whoever was scouting locations for the video thought it was a good looking courthouse. d ths that's it. a lot of people have used this exact courthouse as a backdrop for their music videos and movies. disney shot the hannah montanan fron movie in front of the lynchingng courthouse court. w hannah i didn't know hannah montana was racist. and paramoun wast shot a christs movie at the racist courthouse. watch this now, y'all know
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how my wife. >> >> oh, so that was a pro-lawd inching christmas movie. paramount has to cancel it immediately, butancel it the prw is really laying it on thick. aldean isn't just racist. >> he is the worst person on the planet. has >> in the past, the singer has taken heat for his views, buten he's been anti-vaccine. anti-mask in and anti-trans and now pro-gun, pro ramming people out of town. >> so what are masks and vaccines have to do with the song? where are they getting that from? wherwell, we looked and aldeanng said he was against vaccine mandates for little kids. >> that's it. and a month after joe bidend vit claimed victory over the virus, aldean told the concerort crowd, it's nice to see everybody without a mask on agai
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n. . that's it. and i was told artistsi was shouldn't be censored. >> the media told us there's nothing more paramount than an nothe expression.e able >> we were able to make w whatever movie we wantedha, pait any picture we want, write any song we want, read any book we , want w. and that's what makes america great, right? apparently not. >> paramount can produce movies promoting violence, but country musit c stars can't write songs against it. >> the underlying threat here is that this is a small, well-funded moe threatb trying p away at your values and right to self-defense. , it's the same thing they didtenu to kyle rittenhouse in kenosha. ane mccloskeyssea. and saint louis and the marine in the subway scare you out of defendinn th g your land, family and property. and once you're scared, you're easier to controld prop i and then it's open season on all of us here now. n country music legend pat boonepw . >> patis h, what is happeningape to country music?
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it's gotten sick. i can't believe it's country music i'm thinking about. trace adkins. s, you know, and of course, many songhose songsof those were thee very supportive of opposing america's enemies. what we're not taking into accounwhat we t is that many ofo our enemies are in our own hous houe and they're in our own countries, in our own streets. i live in a small town called beverly hills, and believe it or notverly hilieve it, just up. not long ago, broad daylight three hoodlums broke into a house. ou the street, and the police had to remove us from our house while they searched because two of the criminals they caught. bebut one got away down the bact alley over here. and they thought hhougghe mighte gotten into our yard. meanwhile, a neighbor, a tough little italian lady named josephine rosendo, she had taken some shooting lessons and had a gun sitting in her la lapp. and i called her to see if shehp was aware of what was
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happening. it was right next doorenin heree beverly hills, the small town of beverly hills, and sheru said she was sitting there in the kitchen with her gun in her lap, hoping the guy wouldhea come ip,n. e want >> she wanted to she wanted to discourage him in a veredy positive way. why she had gone to alle the training to usgonetrainie tn to defend her house. but but but the guns weree. defense. i you know, this is a gun. jason talks about a gunhis his grandfather gave him. this is a colt 44. i've had this a long, long time. my grandfather, prichard, gave me this gun. i don't know if he ever used itc ,but i've never used it except once when i shot a 22 bullet just to see if it would work through the scree n door of our house. and sure, he made me put it away. i've never used it since, but these guns were to defend families, to defend property and small towns all over this country. in our earliest days, our most
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productive, positive days knew thanet what we had theset guns for was not for offenseof and usually not even for fornima animal hunting, because shotguns or rifles were for that. but for a pistol, if somebody broke into your house.o grew i had four little girls who grew up in my housmye right here in beverly hills. i never had to defend them with a gun, but i had a gun and another gun. i won't show you yet or now because i was going to defend. i was going to defend. well, maybe i will. this is a sithisg saue is r. this is a 45 and it's a license. and i know how to use it because if somebody is going to come into my house in this smale intol town of beverly hil, he's going to meet me because i'm going to defend my house my and my daughters and my wife. and that's what small town america is geared for. they're not wanting to kil lt to anybody in the streets. they don't want to break into stores. they don't wan break stt to deprive any citizen of whatever color of
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anything they're entitled to. but they would do want to defend their lives and their honor. and for anybod honory, country e or not, to take a stand againsta that, against us taking a stand for our own rights and our own protection is sick. it's just really a moral sickness. >> i can't believe anybody is criticizing jason. ncisno one can believe i mean, it's absolutely absurd and pat, thank you so much for that. colorful and extremely for descr articulate description of smallf town america and values, even though if you're sometimes talking about the smal l town of beverly hills, i think everybody needed to hear that tonight. well, we're going to defend ourselves here like little jazzl josephine racine. you know, i'm glad you mentionai her name. >> tell josephine i said hellos. . >> well, thanks, jesse. than>>k you.riot >> riots have real yonsequences, aldin songs about
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preventing them, not letting your town get burned down, property get ripped, their family get hurt. and dawn is a widow of david.rn dawn, who was murdered by a blm rioter in 2020. >> and when you saw the song the and you saw the controversy around the sonong andg, what wet through your mind? it was absurd. i just i just watched it today.i i just watched the video today and it speaks of small town values. it speaks of community valuen vs that speaks of, you know, standing up for ourselves. you know, when did it become illegal in the united states of america for us to stand up for o ourselves? uresthat's that's our that's our our give it rights to to haotect ourselves, our life, liberty, pursuit of happiness, and to have people criticizeavpu that. a son you know, when he puts it ing,is a song, that's basically what he's saying. it's a sense of communit ay. tn it's a sense of neighborhood. it's a sense of taking care ofg each other. otherand we've gotten so far a
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from that that it's actually very scaryawayt'. and, you know, after losingafte my husband, you know, being, a police officer for 28 years always carried a gun. but now losingialways him to gun violence, i make sure i have f gun on me to protect mysel and my family. >> that tragic night ilyn. the summer of 2020. did you wish there were some more small town minded people around? i do. you know, there's there's a loto of disrespect now and there's no sense of community. >> and people don't stand upheir fo comr their community.e th they don't stop these things that happen in a smallingsappene just like jason says in his song. you know, you're not going to do that here. not the community is not goingo to stand for it. the committee is not going to allow you to come into our town and destroyallow yoe i. we're going to defend it and we're going to defend it with our lives. ifwed it wit we have to. and in these bigger cities, that'shese big what the police e the police stand between the criminals and the citizens.c you know, they're there to protect them. and for their for the police
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to be disrespected like they are. and the police need the community behind them to help them. and when you have a really good sense of community and the co communityd your stand against this tyranny and against this terroristic acts that are happening on u.s. soilar, you know, it's all about accountability. you're holdingabou your governmt accountable. your citizens are more accountable. you're you know, everything is just more accountable along the lines ofhing is of common . >> and we're so sorry about hape what happened to your husband. and we honor him here tonight on jessened watters primetime.t and thanks for taking the time to join us. ak and discuss him and his legacy and this aldean song that's. very powerful. thank you,hank you jesse. >> fox news alert. the secret service has just responded the prime times freedom of information request. last week, we asked for any and all surveillance footage f relating to the coke bag found
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at the white house. that includet white hos footage fromom the w the white house library outside librsituation room and any cameras near the cubbies. we also asked for any documents or reports re in the case file, but the secret service is telling us no. they're not releasing any tapes. or documents. theyte telling us releasing i would interfere with the investigation. but the secret service shut down the investigation last week. the inthey even blew up the bagf coke. did they blow up the case filedy to. did they erase the surveillance tapes? there's no ongoing era surve investigation, so that doesn't justify withholding the documentation. so we'll be filing another request, just like paul pelosi'anothequest,s dui c we're going to try our best to get to the bottom of it. >> ahead, ted cruz dwarves barbie and whistleblowers.
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we're cut in half. just like that. go to ship station .com slash try and get two months free to irs whistleblowers in the hunter biden investigation went under oath toda: y and itur was the first time that the democrats at least since i can rememberigation th, attacs agent. >> let's hear about that crusa crusade that they were on to n promoresident bidede by promoting the same baseless conspiracy theories that this committetisamee serves up as moy leftovers every day, like every try by our colleagues to concoct a scandal about president biden. >> this one is a complete and total bustompletl bust. >> last time i checked, the democrats wanted to hire s, give themnt all guns. but it got a little awkward for s because one ofof the the irs whistleblowers was a democrat who is also. >> prosecutors did not appear to follow the normal investigative process. so walk the investigatio
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n a ind put put in place unnecessary approvals and roadblocksve from effectivey and efficiently investigating case. the u.s. attorney in delaware in our investigation, was constantlyorney ind ar was hamsd and marginalized by doj officials. e-blow then the whistleblower goter more specific. >> hunter biden allegedly falsely claimed business>> hunte deductions for four payments made to the chateau marmont, a hotel room for a supposed drug dealer. ppos memberships falsely refered on the wire as a golf membership. hotels he was blacklisted from and at columbia university tuition payment for his adult fr. wer they were recommending for approval a felone reys fo and misdemeanor charges for the 20 1718 and 19 tax years. that did not happen here. >> think about it. they were ready to charge hunter biden with felonies, but they weren't even allowed to crack open the lab top.
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>> was there other evidence in this investigation thate you were denied access to? >> yes, there waed access the hr biden laptop. so it looks like the biden administratione huaptop. blew uf laptop like a bag of coke. and how much money are we talking about here? >> the approximate total transfers fromabout?roximate thm company would have beeann 3.13.i million to everyone. total transfers from state energy educator rob walkerlleves 3 million. the total transfers from hudson was three to every one was 3.7 million. brie's to everyone involved 6.5 million between 2 2014 and 2019. this brings the total amount of foreign income streams received> to approximately $17 million. >> correct? that is correct. corten members of the bidens ot family, including grandchildren,he raked ind in 17 million from corrupt foreign nationals. >> but irson fro agents weren'tn allowed to interview hunter biden. any member of the biden familyto ,and they weren't even allowed to pursue leads that led to joe bidewee leadn.
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>> assistant united states attorney leslie wolf cited the optics of executing a search warrant at president biden's residencexecuo as a deciding factor for not allowing it, even though she agreed thar t probable causewill existed. prosecutors instructed investigators not to ask aboutyr the big guy or dad when d conducting interviews. so irs agents weren't allowed to interview the bidens, weren'alloweew thet allowed to e evidence leading to joe biden, weren't allowed to look in the laptop ding, weren't allowed to execute search warrants, weren't allowed to charge exect to bringn' cases in washington and california. and the bided to bring casn famd off every time they tried to make a move. that's called obstruction of justice. and merrick garland lied under oath to congress when he thatn ofrlansaid this investigat obstructed. merrick garland should be impeached immediatelyn wasn't and the judge shouldn't sign off on the hunter biden plea deal. in light of this new testimony. congresswoman anna paulina luna was at the hearing and she joins us now. >> what are we doing nowa to follow up on this? >> this was explosive testimony, congresswoman. the c
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well, as you heard, chairman colmer also confirmed that nothg only was the separate investigation conducted by the irs where they confirmedatte tht roughly 17 million was received by foreign entities, those foreign entities a, jesse or china, ukraine and romania and colmer, also went on record to state that we have received in t transactions from ukraine . so that's going to be the next step in the investigation. but i coul.d not agree further that there needs to be, i believe, impeachment ofat the individuals that are involved in regards to obstructing these involve ths investigation, as well as the fact that hunter biden pleadactt deal is nothing more than a sweetheart deal, as you saw. this as is not a partisanfrom investigation. and from what we're seeing with the information what we a t forward, he's also too potentially guilty of violating the mann actntiall, which act is something that representative marjorie taylor greene brought up when she provedom prese that hunter n had engaged in not only human trafficking, but acrost onlys se lines. >> so tell me about that. if you pay a-n escort or a plan
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fee to fly halfway across the country to engage in, you're not allowed eng to do thn under federal law. >> is that right? that's correctot. and as you saw in that testimony of which the democrats immediately triedr to say that this was revenge and had these just egregiouyis claims that were being made when we are presenting evidence. but representative greene also provided, to my knowledge, from witnessing a ticketed stub from hunter biden paying for that escort. and mind you, these are was all things that he also was allegedly trying to say wa s a write off for his business is. >> so he's writing off escorts. that's greats writinrts.. and a polina luna,una, you're sitting in this committee with democrats. have the democrats said anything worthy of this inv investigation? >> no. t, it was actually pretty comical, jesse, because they kept trying to either to e bac back to trump and or they kept trying to bring this back to the issue of race, which i found incredibly ironic because, yes, race what is race havef.
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e to do with the hunter biden cover up? >> they were saying that republicany were ss were tryinge this about a two tiered justice system of which we were robbin g black and brown people oftwo-ti the acknowledgment that there's a two tiered justice system against black and brown people. so i brought uertand browp the t during my questioning that isn't it ironic that per their definition, hunter biden, a privileged white male who's been given special treatmentr pt by the department of justice, the fbi and the irs, of whic he they're then going to bat for, is the exact same person that ye are trying to criminallson wa investigate. >> and yet they are saying that this is an issue about race. >>, we had on hip hop artists who served prison time doing the exact same thing on their taxes, his honor. so that doesn't fly. u >> all right, congresswoman, thanks so much. keep us posted. >> youk you.s. >> god bless. coming up, ted crucoming uz ande . >> when you're with your friends, do you think could possibly happen? >> that's that's exactly right.
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the creation of the atomic bomb. indiana jones part atomi 78, isg all right. and the sound of freedom, the trafficking film just cracked 100 million. but there's a lot of talk about barbie. >> hey, barbie. can i come to your house s tonight? sure. i don't have anythinure.g big planned. just a giant blowout party with all the barbies and planned choreography and aa bespoke song. you should stop by. so cool. some things have been happening that mightp by be related inwer. my house. cold showe r, falling offf. my roof and my heels are on the ground. >> oh, i. >> it's just about everything. margot, robbie, ryan gosling, and chinese propaganda. >> and that's why senator ted s cruz is mad at the barbie movie. his beef with barbiez is centers around a map you see right hereo next to asia shows the nine
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dashes. now, those dashethe nis signify chinese ownership of the ocean islands and reefs. oceathe chinese believe they own the south china sea, but they don't. so why did the barbie movie bow to china? it's a business decision. warner bros. boils down to china more than janet yellen. >> senator ted cruz joins me now. >> so, senator, did you even see the movie or did you just mod d map?e pi >> yeah. no, i have not seen the movie. i've just seen the stupid map.y look and i got to say, look, i mean i mean, as you just the maprawn is is drawn like in crayons. as's roughly a map of the world. but china, you know, asia is just this big crayon box. but then right to the east of where china is, are the nine dashes. and to anyone who's not reallycs focused on geopolitics, those lines don't mean anything. but what thoseedon't me lines ii is the communist party of china thosndrty of c out official maph those nine dashes and they are
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asserting sovereignty over the entire south china sea.l of they're saying all of that is china's. and by that is the all ofagree. their neighbors disagree. vietnam disagrees, the philippines disagree s. e actually, the country of vietnam has banned the moviey barbie from their nationdashes because these nine dashes are replicated so they can't see. margot robbi e, that is a hugeobbie. mistake. >> does does warner bros. have to pus ake.h this propaganda so that they allow the movie to be showcased in china, which is what,in like 1.8 billion potential customers? yeah, look, that's exactly what's going on here. goinously, the little girloings that are going to see barbie, none of them are going to have any idea what those dashes mean ,that this is really designed for the eyes of the chinese censors. and they're trying to kiss upupo to the chinese communist party because they want to make moneus selling the movie in china. and sadly, jesse, this is awe pattern we've seen of lots of su hollywood movie studios allowing china to censories.
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american movies. and i got to tell you, i'veo te calledgislation the script act that says the federal government wouldvert not allow movie makers to use u.s. government assets, thingsj like jets or tanks or ships or helicopters. e good. if they allow the chinese government to censor their filmment ts. tion a and my legislation in substantial parts passed in decemberntials pass of last yeat a few weeks ago, the pentagon put out the officialicia guidane saying, if you let china censor your movies, you're not gettin g us assets. sadly, the barbie movie,e e an they didn't have any f-35 with barbie flying them, so it babie. have leverage over that . >> so you haven't seen barbie. did you see the whistleblower testimond you y today? y and it seemed like merrick garland's guilty oseemed lf pery and obstruction of justice. >> jesse, you're exactly right. the whistle blower testimony today was. e whisestimonyyou have two diffr irs employees who go forward and they testified before the house at great risk to themselvere the hs that mer
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attorney general merrick garland has committed multiple felonies indn particular, numbet one, that he lied under oath to congress, actually, in response to questioning from me merrre the senate judiciaroy committee, merrick garland testified that that there was no political interference in the investigation of hunter biden. that's directly contraryr biden to what the whistleblowers testified. and let me read you a couple of excerpts that are really excerpt striking. here's one thing they testified to. any time we potentially wanted to go down the road of asking questions relate askind to the president, to joe biden, it was that's going to take too much t approvals. we can't ask those questions. here's something elshose que is they testified to, quote, investigators were not allowed to follow up on the whatsapp messages from hunter biden when . he suggested that he wasxt sitting next to his father. to hiand here's a third one ths even more . >> quote third, the justicethe r department allowed the president's political appointeeses to weigh in on whether to charge the president's son.
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i watch the unitede states attorney wise tell a roomful of senior fbi and irs senior leaders that he was not the deciding person on whether tharges were filed whether. that was my red line.ine. that is stunning testimony. and if that testimony is truthful, it means merrick garlanful,d, joe, joe biden's attorney general committed multiple felonieal,s. eached he should be impeached. and the department of justice should appoint a special adepare counsel to investigate prosecuting him for lyin g under oath and obstruction of justice. >> we couldn't agree >> j more. senator ted cruz, thank you very much. thank you, jesse. >>, by the way, of: thank the ad o'clock hour. >> a big deal. thank you very much. i appreciate that,uch. senator. >> coming up, robots, castaways and seven dwarfs. >> why should man try ageless mail, max? because it has ksm, 66 ashwagandha shown to help
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become so advanced that they will eliminate the need for real womente. do you believe that on one level, yes. let me explain, because i've seen them and these things are so realistic. fro >> only way to stop them fromve wanting to have with you is to marry them. h yohey, i love you, yu but now here's the truth. you know, i can't get away with saying that, this i. and this is why i believe the hype. because if you're hooking up with a robotwith a , a woman was nevern was an option for you. right. so they're not goingne to know that it's for the celibate dude. he's. he's the hype, man. his job is to hype ie t. what did he say? he's like, you're going to get on the headset. there's going to be no way to tell the difference. yes, there is. the fact that you're wearing a headset. as i say, you brought a girl home and you're like, i throw this on. >> so the robots are for people that aren't having anyway. that's facat what i mean.aving >> like you felt. yeah. they, they go greg has boom what else we got? >> an australian sailor was just lost at sea forian sail rey two months before he was discovered on tuesday. >> he had his dog with them. yep. watch him.h.
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hi there. yuck. s lost a >> i would hope that if i washt lost at sea for two months with rookie, someone might notice. apparently not. here's the best part about the story. okay. he gave away the dog. why? because apparently he doesn't want a movie made appare he abot his life. >> i'm like, you idiot, keep the dog. you just blew the wholhe dogyoe. your whole fame is tied into the the dog. can you? that's what i mean. i and it's like. it's like the lone ranger getting rid of tonto. imagine the movi ranger e bound with the pets. make it home. and you're like, yes, we did this with you guys. meone sorry,wa we'rerd out of h. it's gotten us blue, the whole screenplay. it's like noah'se pets ark up. they're all going overboard. sorry, thatheyt just one offie. the selfie didn't want to keep these animals. >> okay, what else? we't want a miss gendering at n risk. now, ladies and gentlemen, s haf "newsweek" says half o of people under 35 think calling someone by the wrong pronoun ord
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gender should be a criminal offense. you shouldn' b offenset apologi. >> they should just be sent directly to prison. okay, well, here's the good news. >> okay? if these people ever have their way, the police will be thfunded so no one can arrest us anyway. >> these people are idiots. but the reason this could nevees be a crime be on the government enforcing speech is because sometimes you just can't tel l. ear na okay, what are you gonna do? make people wear nametags? think of a guy like sam brennan. yeahme. >> okay. sammy sticky. sammy, sam britt. the bad guy, bald head, h orange mustache, orange dress. you look at him and call him. stacheorangewhat a. do. yeah, that's how you call. you wouldn't know what to call him off the bat. so without a name tag, there's no way. all right, so basically, in the future, if i call you a ma n ,i'm going to prison. >> yeah, big charles warner i is coming in, see?overweig and coming after the overweight figure skater collection. i don't appreciate because of the shirt. i had to do it. well-deserved. thank you, fairey. welcome. >> ratings vary. the ratings very flys away. the racoming up, dwarf nation is outraged at disney.
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now in the come death the destroyer of worlds, oppenheimer has got to figure out how to make an atomic bomb go. history change one in >>fraction of a second. our country's had many trailblazers. jackie robinson comes to mind, s broke baseball's color barrier and changed the game forever. you know what jackie robinson didn't do? win a world series and tell other black they can't play baseball. but that's exactly what's going on in hollywoo d. t th look at the new reboot of snowde white and the seven dwarfs. you've seen the set photos that came out. .they got rid of the little people and cast taller people. n >> but, you know, the reason why apparently the wildly successful actor, peter dinklage got upset that. d >> other little people were getting work. and he thinks the movie's offensivhe movie. a st take a step back and look atwhat what you're doing there. yeah y, i know.
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that makes no sense to me. oh, so you're progressive ine one way, and then. watbut you're still making tha backward story about the seven dwarves living in a cave. what can you do? [ >> and man and disney caved. no more little people. what other movie could shine a better role on little people? lepeople.t alone? >> cast seven of them as leads. seis could have made seven unknown actors household names and given them huge careers. >> let's look at snow white's magical friends. do you have a black one? a latina, snow white? a couple of women, a lat they sr were seven dwarves. not diverse enough for disney? t >> think about what's better orow white and thete seven dwarves or snow white and the six unemployed dwarfs. and why is disney excluding little people in the name of inclusio uded litn? ion? joining me now, model and actress brittany guzmanmoth and her mother, also an actreses ,lena goddess. >> okay, ladies.
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tell me what you think disney is doing here. well, i mean, let's be honest.e you knowho, disney hired the one looking at the picture. disney hired one little person e and then six average sized people. so then they could people them down. so you're still using the whole snow white and the seven dwarves, but you're taking six jobs now away as actors. assix jobs as or seven as stunt people, seven jobs as photo doubles, seven jobs as stand ins. at 2 does that 21 jobs you're taking away? becabsbecause one actor says you're not being progressive.? so tell tell bob iger, head of disney right now because he watches. sneywhat would you like him to know? >> that you're taking jobs away from people? you know, yes, we're littls, wee and don't have one voice for little people.not on no one has. right. no one has. you knowrson, not one person has
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a voice for everyone. >> you know, we're big, small talkre, green, blue, yellow, whatever we are. there's not one voice.vo so just because thatice. actor doesn't want to do that and he's been fortunate. he's a great actor , don'tas an get me wrong. you know, he was an elf and he didn't play an elfelhe didn'. ie but there is little people out there that play elves, that play leprechaun, that doit's t all that. but it's their choice to say, yeheir cs, no. tha you know, it's not that all little people are actors eitherl little. you know, there's doctors, lawyers, veterinarians, teachers, mechanics,but th everything. but the little people that e little choose to work in this industry should have that choice for a role. not have someone take it awa, no and be the voice that, oh, you know, we shouldn't do that anymore. tdo you agree with your mothere >> let's be honest. yeahe with i just think that whente peter dinklage said he had to say that he is not the leader for all of us, so i don't agren'e. we can just everybody in
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the world can just follow what he says, because who is he? yes, he is an actor and he's. well known in the industry, butj you can't just basuse it off of just one person. >> one person. and he's very wealth: any, has f successful. >> do you feel like he's kind of kicking the laddeee you t, you know, before you guys can climb up? >> right. and i mean, honestly, all the roles that he's done, they're not the stereotypical little person and good for him. like brittany was given an opportunity to dance for miley cyrupportunis as a little perso. she saw her as a great dancer. that it's not as being a little person. but not everyone that doesn't open their eyes to that. yes, we likeaid, w i said, we cd be doctors, lawyers, dancers,ryh whatever. but in the entertainment industry, this is what we are giveis n and this is what we're going to take. i'm not doing anything. and for myself, i choose what io want to do. but if i'm offered the opportunitoffer thy but it'n
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someone else's choice make for me. brittany, i'll give you the last word. go again. >> i said i'll give youlast w the lastor word. go ahead. a >> again, it's one everybody should have own opinion, and we >>ouldn't just base it off of one person's opinion. >> right. and that is his opinion. but no tt opinion of every singe other person. little persoen out there, right >> owhr a little person. like, i don't speaessek on behaf of all tall people. >> yes. >>right. >> i wish i did, but i don't. right., bu exactly. >> jes >> all right, ladies, thank l you so much. and we hope your cast thy, because i can tell>> how talented you are. >> seven or 21 other little people. it doesn't have to be us. exactly. have bthank you, guys. >> thank you.
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>> you remember how i've been eating dinner here now, in between five and the eight,n and i had to eat off of a dish.t >>he we had a little question. who was going to wash the dish? we asked, should johnny watch it? >> and then he happened to go on a cruise during the first week of the show?nded u launch. so now we have a resolution. the interns are washingand do the dishes and they're doing a fantastic job. but i just found out the internshipa fas over next wg so we're going to buy johnny and apron a rubber glove and ad scrub brush and leave it for him on his chair when he returns monday. >> text time . >> doug from arizona. well, i'm not a country musicja fan, but i am now. jason aldean, you are man songst at number one. greg wesumber ont all small towe are with jason aldea an. don't try it in our small town. charlie, new jersey. small town is now the number one song on itunes. >> thank you. th. e time
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>> you're welcome. but it wasn't me, brad, from north carolina. so biden blew up a weather balloon, the economy and now a bit of cocaine. >> that', now s right, joe the sharpshooter. we got andrew from oklahoma. res jamie raskin said there was no evidence. aren't those two whistleblowers right in front of them? >> evidence? exactlnt of him y. om ohi terry from ohio, are you goingou to watch barbie or not? >> i'm going to try to watch the sound of freedom. they're sending it"bar to me so i don't have to go to the theater. >> i'm a little busy freedom. john from new mexico, where is cowboy jimmy by his shirts? >> he told me i forgot the name of the brand. next time i told him he has to cut his sleeves off like that. you know, like ken from barbiedo and california. >> my daughter sarah is one of your interns. i told her to watc e my daughter sah the dishes, and sarah does a great job. and it was great meeting you in the green room. and you have raised an amazing yor. bettedaughte
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even better than johnny inr some ways. in sometracy and joelle from era new york. i am not a fan of waiting unti l pm to watch you. well, you know what? you can dvr me and watch first thing in the morning. speaking o f dvr the show,th that's it for tonight. >> and always rememberthis is i'm waters and this is my world. >> all right. welcome to "hannity". we're back. we are in new york city with a live studio audiencelive s. >> welcome, all of you. thank you for being here. and tonighg het, coming up, more from our human trafficking investigation with very own sara carter and tom homan. also, country musiarter anc supr jason aldean attack for a song about smal
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