tv Hannity FOX News July 19, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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even better than johnny inr some ways. in sometracy and joelle from era new york. i am not a fan of waiting unti l pm to watch you. well, you know what? you can dvr me and watch first thing in the morning. speaking o f dvr the show,th that's it for tonight. >> and always rememberthis is i'm waters and this is my world. >> all right. welcome to "hannity". we're back. we are in new york city with a live studio audiencelive s. >> welcome, all of you. thank you for being here. and tonighg het, coming up, more from our human trafficking investigation with very own sara carter and tom homan. also, country musiarter anc supr jason aldean attack for a song about smal
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l values. kristi noem will weigh inm tonight. and then laterwill way in.. ic well, biden nomics in action. the federal government is now buying thousands of electric vehicles that nobody ictrin the population really seems to want. while millions scrape by living paycheck to paycheck because of his economic and energy policies. and 83 year old decrepit politician nancy pelosi is now gushing over biden's youth and vigor. we got that tape. we'll show you straight ahead. can't make that up. straight ahead. all right. but first, tonight's top story, special treatment foight's tr, the entire biden syndicate from your federal government. . while we have big breaking news today, it turns out there ar the people are above the law in this country. if you are a clintonif you a ife biden, all in the case of biden, you can buy drugs. yoe crack, you can hire a lot of, skip out on paying your taxes or even can filing taxes. a trcan dump a gun i dn a trash can across from a high school, not register as federal laws,
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require when doing foreign business deals and selgn businle white house through your vice president, daddy and biden'swilw doj will always have your back. isn't that great news too bad? your last names are not biden. now today to career irs officials bravely testified under oath that the united department of justice shielded both joe and hunter biden forr years, no matter how egregious whisr behavior. now, keep in mind, these two whistleblowers, they're not political actors. an they are risking their careers and their reputations and sacrificing their right to privacy, to expose what theyw saw as malfeasance and outright corruption. they're coming forward because it is the right thing to do. t and they want the american trh people to know the truth. just liste.n to whistleblower democrat joseph ziegler in his ow n. >> peo >> take a look. people are saying that i muspltt be more credible because i'm a t democrat who happens to be
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married to a mano . i'm no more credible than this man sitting next to me to me due to my excuse due to my sexual orientation or my political beliefs. the truth is my credibilityb comes today from my job experience with the ir witswlede and intimate knowledge of the agency's standard and procedures oency . democra >> i thought democrats loved whistleblowers. they like the hearsay whistleblower if they cany impeach donald trump. now, this isn't some kind of, vast right-wing conspiracy. according to irs agent joseph ziegler, there is a mountain of evidence that hunterf eviden biden committed s felonies. >> take a look. >> with respect to the 2014 tax year. hunter4 tax biden did not repors of the money he earned fromx burisma for the 2014 tax year,ye which would have which wouldar, atta been a tax loss to the government of $124,000.d th thus, as i read the public documents, as the department of justice action against hunter biden, there's nothing that
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indicates hunter biden will be required to amend his false taxs return for 2018, a false tax return that includesturn deductions, improper deductions for r, clubs and his child, and his adult children's tuition. d that it appeared to me, based on what i experienced, that the u.s. attorney in trney, del, in our investigation was constantly hamstrung, limiteinv marginalized by doj officials, as well as other u.s. attorneys. i still think that a special counsek thatl is for this investigation. >> there's something to write and club memberships. now, despite you just heard, any investigation into the bidens was apparently frowned upon at biden's doj. at is ziegler on cbs.zi >> listen to why distend you want to interviw hunter biden's adult children? >> so a lot ofhunter the busines deductions, expenses related to the adultductions children. did you get the approvals? so we never receivedr receiv
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the approvals to. >> to talk to to to those people. what did the assistant ate. attorney tell you that that's >>ing to get us into hot water ? is that in the irs handbook? avoiding hot water? nothat i but i mean, i was askia to do these certain things. and roadblock after roadblock mes put up in front of mlock afe protecting the biden syndicate. >> remember, according to multiplcting the witnesses, e investigators, they were set to interview hunter biden 2020 as part of their investigation, but they were ultimately i blocked from doing so after fbi federali officials tipped the bidens off. but even withoutalens off. an i there was a ton of evidence ofof wrongdoing, and that includesbar bank records and suspicious activity reports, eyewitness sun accounts, a ton of material on zero experience. hunter biden's laptop viewer warninhunter b g what you're about to see is quite graphic. the children may want to run and ge t cookies at this moment. >> take a look. when hunter biden paid for this
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woman to do this with him, to travel across state lines from california to washington, d.c. on june 15th, this is a violation of the mann act. this was. this this is an excerpt from azhar'su report that we've read in the treasury. and i thin will k you all have lookedg at these two showing that victim one was supposedly an employee of a. but but would like to point out this is not really what most do. >> okay. so why wasn'pat hunterrale chard with a felony after a five year investigation? ony aftewhy? just that slap on the wristth is the doj. they tha is they really now that politicized that corrupt, thattp abusively biased, that weaponized the democrats? now, according to the second whistleblower, irsing to, garyhe
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shapley. the department of justice. >> well, a lot of explaining to do. take a look. in november of 2022,e the statute of limitations was set to expire for the 2014 and 2015 charters in d.c., which included the 2014 felonies for the attempt to evade or defeat tax and fraud or false statement regarding burisma income earned by hunter biden in stateme thosd the statute of limitations had been extended through a totally with hunter by his defense counsel, and they were willing to extend. it passethey werd 2022.d thos weiss alloe w those to expire. i don't claim to be privy to united states attorney weiss or attorney general garland's communicationsun, but united states attorney weiss told us that he was not the deciding persoland n that he had reque requested and was denied special authority after d.c. declined a was, and that if california declines, he will have to request special authoritiecharges s again.rity i understood the gravity of those admissions, whether full responsibility lies with united states attorney weiss or attorney general garland. as for congress, the inspector generals, and ultimately
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the public to decide. >> all right. let's not forget this isn't about some kind of minor financial crime or tax mistake.o according to theseector whistleblowersge. and the house oversight chairman, james colmer will, join us in a minute. >> this shows a pattern of what a serious misconduct involving millions and millions of dollars in foreign cash witho a paper trail a mile long. watcreign r h this. >> how much money did hunterbide biden and his associatesn fro receive from the romanian company? you identifiede roan . so that amount would be from bef romania. >> so the approximate totarolotl transfers from the romania company would have been 3.1 million to 3 point 1 million. 3. how much did hunter biden and his business associates receive from state energy? hk limited through the robinsono walker llc. en so totathl from state energy hk to rob walker was 3,000,003 million. was there a $100,000 payment from cfo>> was infrastructure ta
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wasco pc? hunter biden's professional corp? >> yes. chairman corpo? approximately hh was transferred to hunter biden and his business associate through hudson west? >> three.ia sote the total transfers fromhun hudson was three to everyonemilo was 3.7 million. >> three point 7 million. how much money did hunten.r bidi and his business associate receive from the ukrainian companney burisma burisma paid to everyone involved? >> point 5 million. 6.5 million. burisma also paid blue strategies and a law firm. hundreds of thousands of dollars bringing the total burisma payments to over $7 million. is that correct?rrec >> that is correct. 7.3 million. brven point 3 million between 2014 and 2019. this brings the total amount of foreign income streams to approximately $17 million. >> correct. y $17 that is correct.t is c >> now, ultimately, we don't>> a officially know why foreign
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entities were paying the bidens millions and millions of in the dollars. no one in the biden family is willing or able to answer thatbiden faor able question. in so many cases, we know they had no experience at in th all in the partnerships that paid the millionerships ts. y and it certainly wasn't hunter's expertise in anythinghr at the time of these payments. he was an unreliable crack head . it also is unclear why anyit other member of the biden familythe bide was receiving foh cash through shell corporations. give through n their, quote, limiteded a abilities. and between joe hunterbilities. the weaponized doj, the politicized fbi, we are nofw in this country. the single biggest abuse of power scandal in modern american history and corruption . and yet congressional democrats, they don't seem they seee for them. protecting the big guy is way more important than doing the right thing. they lack the courage they have no moral compass from today's whistleblowers. and to think whistle-blowe it wt
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long ago when democrats revered whistleblowers, even hearsays. whistleblowers. ist all turns out, it was all an act. and now we're suffering throughe one of the most corrupt administrations in the history of thi hofs country. but i can tell you tonight that the walls are beginning closehe in very tight on the entire biden family syndicate. entewe expect maybe devin archk will be speaking next week. anyway, here with more, house oversight committee chairman james comer. >> sir, great to hav e you. thanks for having us. okay. so you hear from these two courageous whistleblowers today, one, a democrat, which was interesting. we heard from an fbi agent. whatave a 1023 form. we have whatsapp messages. you have suspicious activities, reports and shell companie s. tell us, map out where thisre ti is all headed. >> wel well, we've accumulated a tonl,a arenvidence that, something the democrats aren't used to.
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they're used to just people lik. ae schiff and jamiee raskin pulling stuff out of their rear ends, sayinjamie ragr it's fact, but we're trying to do it the right way, sean. we're providinigg evidence and you can't lie on bank records. and luckile ony, the irss whistl whistleblowers today verified what i've beenday veri for mont we found out on the housecommit oversight committee inh five months what the doj has founosedly been investigating over five years. we found that the bidens have taken millions and million the w dollars from our adversaries, and we don't know whyxplain they received the money. no one can explain o one simples thing the bidens did to receiv e those payments. now, that's just to the the president's son fromny three countries. >> there are many more countries where we're just no more core just w the bank re. we just now got bank records in pertaining to ukraine thater we're poring over. we're fixing to announcealso more from more countries. and you also have the president's brothee presidr i mean, this is millions and millions of dollars that
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they never pay taxes on, and they can't account for a single pennyny of wh of what d to receive the money. all roads lead to joe biden. and still the president won't even admit his family received this money. >> okay. now we all know about joe bragging we kn on tape that he leveraged 1 billion taxpayer dollars to get a prosecutor inre ukraine fired, which meant that his son's investigation in ukraine came to an endation uk s son continued to get paid for work that he admitte d goodning ame morning america. he had no experience in. i had noad idea that that was $6.5 million. i would think that tape wouldbeo be enough to to implicate the bidensug. then the total number you got not including china or if that exchange was correct that we just playe played,d, ths 17 million. china and russia are two bigtrih countries that they did a lot of business with. lotss withow much money are wew
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talking in business that you think that the biden familnn did with foreign entities, foreign countries? and why didn't they register? as the federal laws require? they didn't, richard t that's'so another violation. both the president's son andthln his brother have definitely committed the foreign agent registration act violation. that's a felony, congressman. well, that's a great question. and the irish whistleblower's thought they should be charged to this. this investigation by the irs has been obstructed from the start. and they confirmed what i've been complaining on your show for monthst and th, that the bin lawyers, the doj, the fbi they're doing everything they can to intimidate witnesses, to obstructte witne investigation. just this week, when we had the transcribed interview with the retiredtrintervie fbi t who confirmed what the whistleblower said right before he came in to do the transcribed interview, he got a letter from the fbi telling him not to cooperate with the oversight committee. i mean, there is example after p example of the government stepping in, covering up all of
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the corruption that the biden families committed. all right. i want to know how much money do you believe the biden family hod in these business deals? >> how much money are we talking about? are we and how much money do wk went to joe? because hunter complains bitterly, he gave half his income to pops and had to p pops as home repairs. and the big guy and i'm sitting here next to my father in fath. atsapp message do you believe you'll be able to tie this money to joetie th and how much money in total? my exit question. well, i think there'n tos goingy to be easily 25 to 30 million 2 plus and the big developmentanyo happened today that that i don't think anyone's picked upne hed yet. d th i asked the question the very last question i asked when i had timee quesst quest yieldee by representing burleson in missouri was would you behand willing to hand over the the paperwork with respectaction to foreign transactions? because it's been almosts. t
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impossible for my committee to subpoena bank records from foreign countries. tur the irs has that, and they're willing to turn that over to the the ways and means committee, who will then handed over to us. that's a big deal becaus that'se suspect that the bidens hadthat offshore bank accounts and that today was a huge developmento mo that will open up a new door for us to move forward in our investigation. r the walls are closing in. congressman, thank you for your hard work. than.k you for being here. >> a big day today. thank you. all right. joining us now, fox news analyst gregg jarrett, "new york post" reporter jon levineett,rter joh. >> let me that's interesting, that latest development, that last question. but he outlined 17 milliont and we're not even talking about russiaeven rus or china h. >> no, i mean, you know, a month ago i rememberllio they reporten ind 10 million ino 20 losses. now we're up to 17 million. and now and up to 35 and 40the u from russia. >> yeah, exactly. so the questioon is,n is what ws this money for at the time? this has to be repeated at the time. thiss mo money was coming in. hunter biden was an active crack addict, an alcoholic
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who provided no services to anyone. there was no reason for hi am to this money. and the only thing that he hadth of value wasad a access to>> se: his father. >> let's get your legal take. gregg jarretas get yt. >> well, americans, i think, should be fuming at what came out today. >> the whistleblowers laid out compelling evidence, seriousame crimes by hunter biden, culminating in a very importannt document, exhibit two signed ex. office indelawa delaware to charge himim with multipl wite. ltiple but it didn't happen. it vanished becaus fe david weiss, by his own admission in a meeting, admid that he was stopped by garland's, doj and two other u.s. attorneys appointed by joe biden and the whistleblower laws watched as the political interference unfolded . >> the search warrants they wanted were scuttled. hunter's lawyerswantede scuttl f investigators stopped from asking questions about the bige guys involvement in a bribery scheme. in schthey were forbidden from n
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looking at the laptop in their plan to talk to hunter. >> that was aborted. and of course, as you saw, the statute of limitations allowed to lapse. li wascial counsel rejected. and, you know, sean, roadblocks were set up at every turn. >> this is the definition ofcorp corruption by our own government. a cover up? yea. >> you know, let me go over jim jordan. put it really well todayl on. he said three different positions talking about the prosecutor wife' s in. 33 days, three different position days.s as it relates ty don't know where they're coming or whether or not he could indicte co california and d.c. and these whistleblowers have, to me, unimpeachable credibility. they are long time irs guys. they worked on the hunter bidein probe, the one that just came forward today. mr. ziegler was the lead investigator for the irs on hunter biden. he is a democrat. he he ha a democs he has a lot e by by coming forward in the sense that who knows what his personal sean: and professional what more irs whistleblowers that we know of.
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>> man oy more may follow. >> and it's a crime to lie ins a federal whistleblower complaint. so this is hime toe would face y serious consequences if any of this testimony was untruint.e. >> all right. 20 seconds. last answer, greg jarrett will joe biden be tied to this money? money be more and more every day like that, that's going to happen? think h i think he will, but he doesn't have be in order to have committed crimes. >> it is a crime for a public official to confer a benefit on a foreign entity in exchange for money to himself or his family. he doesn't have to receive to he anything to have committed a whole host com like crime. >> if you give ukraine $1,000,000,000, if they firear prosecutors so your son can make money in a field, there'set no experience, and i think that might qualify. it's a dilution of the foreigntc corrupt practices act. it's a crime. it's a felony. greg crime jarrett thank you, john.
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>> great to see you. thank you. coming up, the lef lt is tryingn to cancel jason aldean over his new anti crimeer. governor >> south dakota governor kristi noem has a message for woke mob. she will join us next. and we have a bi joit.g i. this is a big announcement coming up at the end of the show. theei'm not going to tell you you keep dog food in the fridge. it's not dog food. it's fresh pet, real meat, real veggie, a dog for hank, whatever her name is, it's just wrong. mom, you're so lucky you're single saturday. it's baseball night in america on fox. acuna jr and the braves battle yelich and the three for the white sox take on the twinst baseball night in
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try that. in a small town which calls outh the radical less violence during the 2020 riots and showse video footage of the summer of 2020. >> take a look . >> and take care of my dad. for i recommend you go from a small town town raised right fromn. now. jason aldean did put out a statement yesterday calling the accusations against him both meritless, dangerous. now, this after attacks from fellow country singer, not that she's really country sheryl crow and others. now, meanwhile, south dakota governor kristi noem blasted the left's attacks and invited aldean to perform in south dakota. i'd like to gosoh dakota and otr
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news earlier this week, soon to be cnn fake news host charles barkley made these boycotts and made these comments about america's americans boycotting light.ta >> take a listen. who don'tdnecks are want to drink bud light. willuke sounds, like sir charles barkley, will be a perfect fit and fake. no cnn. gov south dakota governor kristi noem is with us. noem i us.governor, great to hae you back. all right. thanks for inviting me thank y. let me i happen to be a fan of jason aldean. >> talented, gifted musician. he really is. and so if you look a tic the summer of 2020 in which he we have 574e from official riots, we had dozens of dead americans. we had billions in property damage, and we had thousands of injured cops that were pelted with rick bricks rocks,
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bottles, molotov cocktails and other weapons, molots. so why say in a small town where where people stick together, this doesn't happen? wh sticky that somehow a lynchis songom. it's not it's a lie. it promoted by who want to attack people who love america. and that'swh what jason is singing about. >> all he's singing about in that song is upholdinging abous, respecting people, loving our flag and loving america. we should all embrace that as people who get to wake up in this country everyis day and get to be free. so it really is an agenda to destroy this country. and it's sad to me that country music hay.s a part of that agenda. i've always been a big fan of country musidac. it's changed. the industry has changed. those two songwriters that itthough s song are dear friends of mine. i've known them for years, and this sonheg out in may, so it's been out for a couple of months. months take outenda t
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jason aldean with their agenda this weehik. becau and you know i, i spoke outse on it just because i think people are gettingthin persecute in this country for their beliefs and sometimes they need to knoey w we've gote some their back. they need to have some encouragement that there's people out there thaencouraghert them and are grateful for them, that they still love our country. i hope he take thuns you up on your offer and performs for the great people of your state. >>e of i would like to even gd visit myself. that would be a fun day. but you think about all the and time and attention given to one, right? because they could politicize that. neiotsright? you know, for example, we have all these deaths of innocent people, many of the minorities in chicago, new york city, w thi every weekend. we don't know their names because it can be politicizemese when it can be politicized. we'll learn the name and i'm looking at this particular case and all of this happened20 in the summer of 2020. why was there no committee and where was liz cheney ins? tigating those riot
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oh, exactly. that is the truth. remember how they were holding them up as peoplweree that wereu trying to promote justice and that they were tryinstg to promote something as equaling the leveling the playing asg field? it was it was insane, if you will notice or remember, sean, none of those riots happened here in south dakota. i had a very direcat at order with my folks here on the ground that the first water bottle gets thrown and we are going to shut that down. that is no longe down.r peacefuy protest, but many leaders in this country let it go way too l far. people were hurt. it was devastating, but it was used as a political tool used as and it is still being used today to scare people. and they are usingare peopnd fei to control people. they've done it now for several yeart for s. en it we've seen it blatantly play out across this country. people like jason, people likeel neil and kelly, who wrote this songly who w, they're not lettir control them. well, you know what? coose riots really happened. >> those 2000 plus cops were cop really injured billions in
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property damage and businesses destroyed and over 2000lled d americans killed during those summer riots. thgovernor i appreciate your courage. >> thank you for coming on tonight. we appreciate it. thank otonight.up next, an excy investigation into the dangers e of human trafficking. sarah carter with that exclusiv e, including childficking. sex trafficking. straight ahead. hi, i'm brad owen, and i've taking balance of nature for 20 years. and because i've been taking it, i feel good, i'm healthy, i'm happier. i am satisfied with the results that i get and i'm healthy. i feel younger people that know me think i look younger. i really recommend that you take balance in nature for a limited time this summer. get $25 off your first order as a preferred customer, plus a free fruits and veggies travel set when you use
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american up to what is the horrors of human trafficking, especiallof humany trafficking of young children, which is now, by the way, $150 billion a year industry. and sadly, it's so embarrassing for our countrryy. >> the united states is now quickly becoming one of the most popular destinations for smugglers. but even more disturbingow quick , according to the movie, they claim at the end of that movie, there are more people ere ar trapped in slavery today, many of them young people, than ever before in history. how is that possible in this day? t ible in and how can it be sto? and why aren't more people talking about it anyway? sara carter spoke with lieutenant craig cummings about the inhumane practice prat as our hannity investigation ic continues. >> and here's what he had to say. the children that are coming toto the united states, st they're being trafficked by the worst of the worst, aren't they? t theyand many cases they are. as a matter of fact, since governor abbott's operatione go lonestar began, we havveeoperat
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actually rescued oveior 900 children from human trafficking and human smuggling eventsd. that's incredible. so we have since march 20, 21, over 900 children under operation lonestar. how many more thousands do you think just disappear? the >> that's the sickening thought, is that we don't know how many more arkeninge getting, beyond that border coming up into the united states and being either labor trafficked or trafficked. and it's sometimes very deplorable conditions. >> and we've been hearing now that oves very dr even with hhs, the federal government, i mean, there were, the fe 85,000 childt ofve kind of disappeared into the fabric of america. we don't even know where a they're at. >> those were the kids that were accounted for. yeah. and that's the reaor l problemny kid here is how many kids are not accounted for and what's going on with thems . with and our focus is on saving lives. how much worse does it get for some of these folks? does it lead to death? absolutelyt . utely it absolutely it does. and that's the very tragic
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thing for us is that we don't know how many of those individuals right now are looking foviduals r that way ou. and we're trying to be that way. i mean, thisy out. is modern dal slavery, these individuals are here. they're nos .t allowed to leaveo some of them have had to pay large sums of money to gety, gee to the united states. others are indebted to these criminal organizations hese thatolk li treat these folks like a commodity. commodity. year sarah spoke with an actual human smuggler. >> look at thiiss. >> what is it that we don't understand or what is it that is so bad about what is happening, especially when we think of it, the trafficking of human beings, the narcotics that most people just don't understand. >>t understand john in the casef children, it really scares him to just the reality thato thro they can go to jail. and for him, it's pretty horrific to see how they are murdered in many cases. are they just so powerful nowow that?
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it's going to be it was goingrt to result in an all out war in an effort to stop it. sti mean, is it just aree they they just so powerful that jpern it's going to be impossible for any one person to stop this trouble? there's no way t back. muc >> they already have so muchh pe power, the cartels, that she thinksrtels, h it's too late too them. >> sarah joins us no w along with fox news contributor tom, homeowners with us. >> great to have you. ton is wit. work we have chronicled this. >> this is such a humiliating, embarrassed moment and it's morally so repugnant. represents evil that our country is allowing this to happey n in this day and agean and that americans some of the biggest, i guess, purchasers or viewers of this this child network thatpornog is more vast than anybody could
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even imagine. you've seen this. how bad is it? sean? it's horrifying. e in i'm here in houston and this is one of the major hubs of o sex trafficking and child trafficking in the unitex traffa states. i'm here at a park. people look like they're playing behind me, having a goopeoplek like they d. the weather's tapered down a bit. but right here i n this corridor, children are being trafficked. the cartels are battling overem our highway system. i-10 corridor, which goes from california all the way to florida. you have califor corridor 59, wh is the texarkana corridor, going all the way up the tex ino arkansas. you also have 45, which goes upo through the middle of america to oklahoma. and they're using all of these o are usi corridors to move children. sean, as you know, we have beenn covering this for a long covg t and i've seen it with my own eyes. i've i've talked to some of the children that have t comemao across the border. many of the young girls who are lost their innocence,
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who have been along the way, children who hav have been soldi it's horrifying. and i think the most tragic part is what that smuggler said in the end, that they are so powerful now that t over 150,000 children just last year, unaccompanied minors came intochildren america, over 60% e over 60% have probably been sold into or the drug trade. and slavery. so that's how serious this is. there is power and money behind it, and it's horrifying. >> and tom, really, the only sean: ty to this child slavery is going on in this day and age in america. and the numbers are massivica a >> is that a fair statement? and you've seen it with your own eyestement. look, i've done the job for 34 years. i put a lo for 34t of traffickey prison. the only thing i'm depressed about is i didn't put them thins on prison. but at 57, you have to retire. right. but look, i want to beretire clear president biden and alejandro mayorkas are complicit in the surge ofre trafficking across the border.
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and i say that forpen th three reasons. number one, they opened the border up to unprecedented raids which overwhelms the border patrol. when a border is pulled off the lineff the, it processes pe. that's where the trafficking happens. but i tell you something. >> i made a promise. i made a promise to president trump. he comeso back, i come back, we fix this. and the trafficker s, them the traffickers run for cover, coming for form 2025. 2025e taking back. >> all right, all right. [appla i could tell you we will have s: the countr yy behind you from home. and thank you for your passion. >> and we need to solve this. this can't happeven in our inrew our lifetime. sara, great work, as always. thank you toor. all right. straight ahead tonight, biden's economic policies are noonomict working for the american people and actually hurting many small businesse s. we we'll check in with shark tank host kevin o'leary. he's here to explainl in straiga ahearyd.
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one choice of online sellers. go to ship station .com slash, try and get two months free. all right. president joe biden, he has a new phrase fore his reelection campaign called biden. okay.wh why don't we just say any do utr disaster? e anyway, he seems to think the economy is doing well and that he deserves w the credt . but as usual, the facts tell a very different story. for example facts ae joe tweete recently, real wages are now higher than they werd recee befe the pandemic actually, turns out the exac.t opposite is truen biden's inflation has destroyed the valuofe of your money and te american people know it. recent monmouth poll found thate biden has a 62% disapproval
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rating when it comesval rati tou inflation. but small businesses are also bearing the brunsinesses at of m nomics, dealing with everything from higher labor costs to the credit crunch, soaring supply costs as well. while shark tank starta kevin o'leary has been sounding the alarm on ally of this, he uo joins us now with more. >> kevin, good to see you, friend. great to be here. thank you. . tall right. >> i see 60 plus percent ofplus the american people living paycheck to paycheck. i see the averagthe american wih $54,000 in debt. i hear about americans,e large percentage of them putting bare necessities on credipercenta pt cards and cn pensions at great penaltiess just to make ends that's notet the reality that he seems to understand. well, let's talk about nomicspoy his policy. this obviously was initiated throug h very large programs for tension around infrastructure,
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for example, the infrastructure act and then the inflationastru. reduction act. i personally think printing money causes inflation. doesn't matteri thin what. you call the act. but that's not what i'm worried about now. s on the 60% ofeconom the economy where the jobs are created domesticallywhere . those big acts like the chips act and everything else, they're focusetas,d at the s&p if you're intel, you're going to get billions of dollars to build a new plant, and that's just great. bu to built t they're only 40%. the s&p 500 only only employdomc 40% of domestic jobs. the other 60% are small businesses. and there'ls no biden nomics for them. i can't find a single program a out of all of those billions of dollars that have been printed ,much of it not spent it yet. ws that was initiated from biden nomics. the only program i can find right now for small business is callenomics.d the employee retention credit was put in place back in 2020, and that's about to run out in 11 months. i've tol
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d every one of my small companies, listen, we've got a huge liquidityies, lis crisiss obvious. >> and this was unintended. here's the bigthis wended. prob. when we had the silicon valley bank collapse and then the other two went under. all of a sudden, regulators said, wait a second, we've got t to look ato and examine the 460 small banks in america that are providing to small business. we may have to change their capital. w yet. we don't know yet. g we're going to implement policy. thosoinge bankers are frozen right now. so if you're doing 50 million of sales to wal-mart50 mil and r need a $5 million credit line, good luck. there's no biden nomics for you. you have to go to the shadow market. you used to pay 6% for thatyou'e money. now you're paying 17 to 23. small business can't afford that. i went up and down the hill last week in washington, banging on every door, taking evy meeting that anybody would take with me, saying, listen, houston, we got problem. oblem. we got a big problem here. you got to stop, folks.
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you got to stop focusing just t on the big guys. you got to stop looking at the small guys. >> 60% of jobs are in america. let me ask you, you talked about the silicon valley bank. okay. so we have fdic. everybody knows that they insure up to $250,000. i know people that have that kind of money, but they don't put more than $250,000 inside0, of anyin one bank account becaue otherwise that money is not insuret becausd. case but in this case, they build out. they paid out millionaires the and billionaires. and then the oklahoma senator, i forget a senato which one actuallylly a said, well, would people in my stateid be given that deal. now, why is biden bailing out millionaires and billionaires with that mone y? t wa >> what was attempted there was to really stem the contagion, and it worke d temporarily. what we now face in the months muchd is the 4600 small banks have as much as 40% ofon their commercial real estate on their balance sheets that the big banke bis don't have. and those are going to have inn the nextnced i
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24 months. and that's where there's going to be a liquidity crunch to be. and they're going to there's going to have to be some consolidation. but the accounts you're talkinol let's say you're doingli 50 million and you've gotl 100 employees. you need a payroll account on wednesday night. nesday nyou need more than $2500 cash. >> you need to draw that downy r and pay your employees all of these smal el incremental issues are piling up on small business. and nobody's about them. in biden nomics, i'm justbi denowaving the flag saying, hey, everybody, i am small business and i'm telling you, you've got to start focusing on the 60% ofe the economy where everybody else lives. well, it's juss. t to take care ofs the big guys, but the small guys are suffering. now, that's biden nomics for you anyway. kevin, great to seyou.e you.e ce >> great points. thank you. when we come back, bideniden stumbling througsth anotheren to meeting with another foreign leader, even though ed schultzug sheets with him. we have the tape. you'll be shocked. be shoca announcement coming up
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go change one in a fraction of a second. all right, cheat sheet. joe biden is back and he didn't even try to be discreet this time. recently, joe stumbled through a meetin g with the israeli president, all while looking downaeli pre at the nott are right in his lap because he can't remember what day of the week it is. >> take a look. and we brought israelis and palestinians at a political level and they and at the end of the ba ba ba ba ba ba ba. >> don't worry. nancy pelosi thinks your young president is>> doing just fine.d >> take a look. i couldn't be prouder of him.otb and again, we're very fortunate. that he is in that position. he's younger than i am. so is youn i look good to me.
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>> that was well, not exactlywel the epitome of cognitive health. here with reaction, co-host of the big money show on fognitive brian brendan turner. >> and also joining us is tricia lento is with us, gop strategist. good to see you. >> yeah, i couldn't understand. well, yeah, okay. he can't have a simple one on one conversation with the world leader. that that is chilling to me. a simpleit is chilling and we're laughing and it's incredibly embarrassing . rassing, but to your point, it's dangerous. and it's not just people reacting on twitter saying he's the bumbler in chief or saying that he's asleep at the wheel. this is the president of the freeth world meeting with te president of our biggest ally in the middle eastent of o. and the fact that this is the optics of what we're seeing, it's totally incongruousf what r what we want in a leader. >> what did you see the reaction of the israeli>> dd president? he's looking at the press like, are you getting this? is this really happening?
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are the lights on right now? and by the way, i think he wanted to avoid closest ally, somebody i'm friends with. admired. yeah. with moral clarity on the world stage more than any other leader. and that's bibi netanyahu. yeah. and so they're allies. you need a good meeting there. theim is, you know who else is watching this? china. and they're saying and russiad s and they're saying our hand is freer than it's eveiare sayin with this guy, which is why they're in cuba. they're throwing satellites up into space. there's nothing happening with stopping fentanyl. th it they watch this and they know what it means for them. >> the problem for us, we've hao got a year and a half to try to get through this. >> it is really so bad. you saw last week talking, charles. >> now you're really not supposed to be grabbing on to the kingo ba. king charles. okay, joe, let me guide you. let me hel p you walk along here. come on, make this look good. and then zelenskyy, he starts walking out, turns around, sees joe, has no idea where to go, has to go back. come with me
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, joe. >> i mean, like every world leader is bailing them out. how? humiliate him for our country. it is humiliating. and there's so many gaffesmany f with joe biden that it's hard to even keep up with them. and at this poinjoe bit, too, with nancy pelosi being a flying dog, former soldier. >> but go ahead. yeah, exactly. but even with nancy pelosi, i mean, she's bailing him out to everyone keeps bailing him out. it's a completm oue and total farce. >> at some point, do we say this is elder abuse? we have about 20 seconds. >> totally. and notice the sleight of hand by nancy pelosi. she says, oh, age shouldn't be a problem. nobody's concerned about his age. they're concerned about his capacity. and he's concerned about not, well, phy, cognitively, 80 year olds can be sharp as a tack. >> this one is not sure. >> good to see you both.. thank you. thank you. all right. programing notgood to e next tu, july 25th. we have an exclusive town hall . robert f kennedy jr in new york city. and don't forget, we have another live audience show tomorrow. ticketw york cs for both eventse
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free. you got to register at hannity .com it's that it's that basic it's that easy. unfortunately that's all the seme wthate left this evening. >> please set your dvr so you never ever ever ever ever miss an episode of hannity for news. any time. every time. all the timer . don't forget hannity .com and in the meantime, let not your heart be troubled. why? greg gutfeld is up next and put a smile on your face. all right. >> are good. oh, you are good. you are good g. you are good. i like you people. all right, that's enough. that's enough. e. dnesda, for god's sak happy wednesday, everybody. yeah, i'm pretty excited. so there's this amazing. new research suggesting the universeere is n
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