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tv   America Reports  FOX News  July 20, 2023 10:00am-11:00am PDT

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heading to florida keys next week. [laughter] >> that is a hostile environment. you want to be able to relax into what they do. >> harris: don't forget to dvr the show if you can't be with us. now, "america reports." thanks a lot for watching. ♪ ♪ >> there is something that stinks about this path that you are on right now. because it is a surrender. and it is all about the money. having said that, i am concerned as you are that saudi arabia's human rights run counter to the tour's stated values of inclusion and respect. speed to members of congress not holding back when it comes to the controversial merger between the pga tour and saudi backed golf but another major american sports league getting a pass? its ties to a u.s. adversary. >> john: house republicans to get adam silver to testify for
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months about his latest connections to china and allegations of corporate complicity. former nba star recently expose those ties at a congressional hearing and he will join us to talk about that straight ahead. >> sandra: we are looking forward to that. meanwhile, we begin in philadelphia live at this hour where president biden set to deliver another big speech on biden economics and this has pole and suggesting americans are not buying what he is selling hello, welcome everyone i'm sandra smith in new york. >> john: another busy day but the best part it is friday. i'm john roberts in washington. this is "america reports." the white house argues biden agendas growing the economy for middle out and the bottom. voters still believe the economy has bottomed out giving the president low marks across the board especially when it comes to inflation. >> sandra: they say they are not feeling it, robert will doug
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willden will join us on the president's ongoing sales pitch. >> john: bryan llenas is live for the president is about to speak and give us a preview of what he's about to say. >> john good afternoon, the president is about to townhouse how his administration is into green energy and will lead to expansion offshore wind farms in the gulf of mexico, an investment that directly leads to a thousand union jobs at philadelphia's shipyard as they get set to build a brand-new ship called "the acadia," the first of its kind to build offshore with wind farms off the coast of the united states. now the president said this is an example of so-called bideneconomics. the white house feels bullish on bideneconomics with the recent good economic years. look, the for the first time in years people's paychecks grew faster, the inflation the odds of recession has fallen and cool
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down 12, straight months. americans are not buying it. in a university poll shows americans are split on biden's handling of jobs and employment 33% of handling transportation and energy infrastructure and even lower 34% approve of his handling of inflation. the white house insists, look, they need to continue explaining bideneconomics to people, and they will come around. speak with the polls don't tell the whole story. they don't tell the whole story. and we understand that. we will continue to have those conversations with the american public. >> now, critics point out inflation is too high and since iran took office, hourly wages down 3%. a conservative group americans for prosperity launched a new campaign called bideneconomics has broken. >> president biden is trying to convince americans's economic agenda is working. he has even named it the
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bideneconomics has made it unaffordable for americans. >> now this is president biden's six visit to philadelphia so far this year. that is more than anywhere else he has visited other than his home and we a and a big city, swing state for the 2024 election, john, sandra. >> john: we look forward with the president has to say. the shipyard in philadelphia, brian, thank you, sandra. >> sandra: the panel, robert wolf, the speech is expected to be underway in a short time from now. robert we know the president will step up to the podium and he is going to yet again told the people things are great, yet we still keep hearing this from workers on the ground. this is workers in philly on bidenomics. >> everything is so high and expensive right now. >> let's get the hell out of
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office. like before like when covid-19 started. people couldn't get no jobs. >> it is really, really high and people can afford that. >> a lot of inflation and stuff. i think things will go up also so. >> you can come here world the money is. they say we are better. we are not. >> sandra: rubber come why it does the administration keep denying people feel this way and it is a reality for them? >> john: they had a great poll today, sandra that 74% of the people think their personal economics situation will be the same and/or better here that poll also had incredibly high marks with respect to infrastructure prescription drug pricing so there is a lot of things going on but yes, inflation is still here. it has come down as the prior speaker, i think, brian said 12
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straight months, gdp outperformed the labor markets. wages are doing better than inflation. we are gaining purchases of power. we are at an inflection point and not a time to spike the football. i'm glad he's telling his story, we have $500 billion coming in for manufacturing and infrastructure. >> sandra: let's be clear, he is spiking the football. his use of by denial ma bidenoms economic success and economic policies. jerry baker from "the wall street journal" writes this, "how to think about bidenomics, the legacy of bidenomics is clear of searching public debt, degradation of the nation's energy capacity. bidenomics should be judged not on inflation and unemployment rate in a year's time but economies potential in a decade." what exactly is that? >> i like jerry, but his facts are wrong. >> sandra: we will take that on with douglas.
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>> we look forward to it. >> i think the record is not a good record. to wrap himself in bidenomics is to play ship battle because there is no commitment to strong growth or recession, which is still quite likely and the second half of this year. they inherited an economy that was growing very rapidly, 6.3%. it is now growing much, much more slowly 2% over the last few quarters. and inflation, we have larger inflation that will take years. so people understand that. >> sandra: lets deal with facts because we can hear alternate reality for the president and a moment. to your point, doug was my real gdp growth founder of the president 6.3% in 2021 to 2% in 2023, okay. we are talking real wages in real wage growth. it is getting cobbled up by inflation with this president. it is down 3% the wages pier the president was deepening. listen, standby with us. >> president biden: you know,
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can't be here today but i want to thank governor shapiro who is doing one of a job. and bob casey, and senator fetterman who have been great partners. [applause] folks, i also want to think representative mary kay stem who fight so hard for this district. the other members of congress, madeleine dean, joe courtney. i tell you, donald across the way. i always kid donald. [applause] you know, delaware is small so we have to fight for every inch of territory. so, there was a debate whether or not the state of delaware owned the delaware river along the delaware shore up to the high watermark of new jersey. and they said, no, we went to
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the supreme court. yeah, we do. anyway, i'm just kidding. [laughs] all the time. folks, look, before i begin my want to say i'm praying for those who lost their lives in the flooding in the county. the idea there is not global warning cannot be denied by anybody. anyway, we are grateful for the first responders. continue to look for 2-year-old patty and bro baby brother. by the grace of god. i want to thank schapiro and bucks county officials and leadership during that tragic time. you provided all we could from pima. there was a lot to be done. i'm here today to talk about what we are doing to invest in america, and fast in pennsylvania, invest in clean energy future and to talk about the progress made for the economy of the middle out in the bottom up. i came to office determined to
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strengthen the middle class but i often say and i mean it sincerely, wall street, good folks down there but they did not build the middle class. they didn't build america. no class was built by the middle class b or the union is built by the middle class. the change in the economic direction of this country. we got tired of trickle-down economics. i've never been a big fan of your the wealthy, i'm a capitalist and i like the wealthy to be wealthy. the mere fact they do well doesn't mean everybody else does well. i watch my dad growing up. not a whole lot of benefit trickle down on his kitchen table at the consequences of the economics to do whatever from "financial times" and "the wall street journal" has become my change of my philosophy. i don't think started off trying to be complementary as they start calling it bidenomics. our plan is working right now. [applause] we are here --
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we are here and 13 million jobs across the country and nearly half a million here in pennsylvania just in the last two and a half years. 800,000 manufacturing jobs. 28,000 here in pennsylvania alone in the last two and a half years. that is more jobs in two years in the president has created in a four-year term. unemployment below 4% pure the longest stretch of unemployment below 4% in the last 50 years. we are beginning to come back, folks. because we are giving workers a chance. unemployment is down, but to the surprise of a lot of economists, so was inflation. remember the story, in order for inflation to come down we have to cut wages from hardworking folks. you have to have employment up in order for inflation to come down. guess what? i never about that. i don't think the problem is too many people are working or the people are making too much
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money. instead, we focused on getting americans and the workforce by fixing a broker supply chain. lowering the cost of product from everything from health care to the products we purchase. the fact is, companies made record high profits during the pandemic. and by the way, a lot of companies and i come from the capital of the world. more corporations in delaware than any other state in the union. everybody should pay their fair share. everybody should pay their fair share. now they were coming down and so was inflation. we need to keep bringing it down and the markups on the margins of the profits. it is one thing to make a profit and be accessible. this is one of the most important ways to continue to make progress on inflation. we have to do more and inflation is slowed every single month in the last 12 -- on a yearly basis for the last 12 months. how many times do you read that recession is coming?
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and the wall street today, they will say a recession is coming now. it is the lowest point in inflation in over two years. u.s. has the lowest inflation rate of any major economy in the world and so-called g7. less than two-thirds of what it was a year ago. down from 9% to 3% going to go down lower peer at the same time, pay for low-wage workers has gone up at a faster pace than over two decades and wages growing faster than inflation. that means a lot of folks will have just a little bit of breathing room. and according to the surveys, job satisfaction in america is at 36 year high. we've got more work to do. people have come off the side lines to work and to share working aged americans and the workforce is as high as it has been in 20 years including during every single day under my
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predecessor. folks, it is not an accident. it is my economic plan in action. it is bidenomics. since i took office, we have attracted over a half a trillion dollars, and a half trillion dollars. of private investment in america in clean energy. that is attractive to engage in these issues. instead of a sporting job, it used to be find the cheapest market in the world, send the job overseas, and bring the product back. not on my watch. [applause] we are creating jobs in america and boring american products. [applause] but the leadership and democratic congress with reduction act and few republicans did supported. the largest investment to combat climate ever, ever anywhere in the world. over $368 billion. we know the urgency.
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i don't hear many naysayers on climate denied that floods, heat waves, wildfires impacting so many americans just this week alone. it is spontaneous. we also have solutions. a lot of my friends know when i think climates come i think jobs. i think union jobs. it is not a joke. it is not a joke. [applause] this law is creating millions of clean manufacturing jobs, including offshore wind. when i took office, i set a goal of producing 30 gigawatts of offshore energy wind by 2030. 30 gigawatts is enough to power 10 million homes. now, that will put us on a path to 100% clean energy by 2035, by 2035, all electricity will be
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clean energy. it is not hypothetical. construction is already your way into comajor products off the east coast. just the last month the department of interior advanced with two more wind projects on the east coast. and the philly shipyard, also stepping up to help beat the clean energy goal. here today, workers nine different unions will start building a vessel called acadia. it will place heavy rocks at the basin offshore wind projects to stabilize them when they put these down. it is going to protect against erosion. it will be the first vessel of its kind that is made in america. american-owned, american operated. [applause] and rocks will come from american quarries. we load it in american ports. still vessels being made for the united states steel workers in
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indiana. an engine will be made in the united states of machine workers in pittsburgh. the cruise will be american mariners. from seafarers international union. [applause] turbines, themselves, will be as tall as the building center city, philadelphia. that is how big they are. and the blades, 110 yards long. i want to see them being made in colorado. it is breathtaking. and standing with the other guy who said, when meals do not cause cancer. look, some folks may not know there is a law in 1920 called "the jones act" that was fast. [applause] that shipped between the u.s. ports have to be american, built american owned an american cruise. but there were some content to
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rely on ships built overseas with top and not again on my watch. we are strengthening american shipbuilding, supporting good unions to bring it offshore, wind supply chains back home. before the pandemic supply chain was not a phrase. most americans ever thought about, but today, after raising products, everybody knows what the supply chain means and why they matter. our investing in america agenda is bringing eric clean energy supply chains home. since i took office, you have seen more than $16 billion in new offshore wind investments, including 18 offshore wind vessels, 12 manufacturing facilities, 13 ports. today, we announce the first ever offshore wind sale in the gulf of mexico. going to the golf. you think i'm kidding.
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[laughs] who ain't seen nothing yet. across the delaware and across new jersey, the steel foundation is a large scale wind project peer that will create or than 3,000 good paying jobs. the project off the coast of newark with the shipyards in louisiana and florida to rely on electrical substations, engineering and kansas, maine, texas. inflation reduction act offers tax credits for products used american-made iron, steel, manufactured products. made in america! [applause] i mean it! and all of this investment, you know better than in the group, all of this investment means good, paying jobs here at home, here at home. we are making sure these new jobs come free and fair and the
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ability to join a union if you are not already in a union. [applause] >> sandra: all right, you have been listening to president biden there, once again, touting his economic policies. he says they are working to grow the country, grow the economy, bring down inflation. he says wages are pacing inflation. the panel doug and robert wolf. thank you for joining us as mentioned. we will listen to what he had to say and obviously bring in the facts here. we with gdp growth under this president is up 2% in the latest quarter 2023. it was up 6.3% when he took office. that growth has come down. when you are talking about wage growth, real wages meaning accounting for inflation that has gone up under this president, real wage growth is down, down 3%. $11.39 an hour and 2021.
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these are just the facts, headline inflation 1.4. pushing what is not the case for the american people living through. what is your reaction to what you heard? i think one of the reason bidenomics is not popular it is not for everyone but his favorite constituencies. in support of the jones act one of the worst piece of legislation pieces we have ever seen here at the jones act make sure it stays high for every american consumer. great for union guys. it cripples the response in the event of a natural disaster and great for the union guys but hey what happened in puerto rico? nothing. this is a policy that says okay come i don't have something for everyone. i want to make sure you know are good. he is not for you. so these are not policies that
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are for america. they are for favorite constituencies of this administration and not for the average american. >> sandra: we will get robert responding to that. because federal reserve raised interest rates to tackle inflation under this administration, you know have got a significant drop in new home sales, for example. they have come down by almost 200,000 over the past two years under this presidency. meanwhile, average home prices are up. the average home $416,000 in this country. sales of new and existing homes and existing home sales are down 85% pure and why is it that this administration thinks that embracing this term bidenomics is going to help them as this president is running for election here? >> is that to me? >> robert wolf, yes, sir. >> great. i think i must have heard a different speech. i thought he said we have more
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work to do. we have to continue to bring inflation down. and that is best in america, made in america. i mean, look at this purple states georgia and arizona spanning over $100 million in new plants with respect to batteries and climate action. i mean come i think this president i know you will disagree but i think we will have the wind at our back. i don't think we will go into recession. i actually think we will have stronger jobs with infrastructure, manufacturing. i think that is what we are seeing. >> sandra: nobody is making a prediction here. we are not making a prediction here. we are talking about an alternate set of facts that the president's town stomach counting on the state's. >> sandra commit is not alternate. we have 13 million jobs and inflation came down 12, straight months. supply chain is the best in years. >> sandra: you pointed out, doug, go ahead. >> john: can i ask a question?
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>> robert, robert, can i ask a question? >> it goes and ebbs and flows and you know that. >> sandra: go ahead, douglas. >> the best majority of jobs in the sector but why does the president not care about them? there was nothing for them. >> what do you mean? the service sector is 80% of our economy and it is where wages -- >> yeah, there is nothing and bidenomics for that. you listen to the speech. he said nothing. nothing. >> this speech today is on -- okay. >> sandra: it is a fair point. >> i disagree. these projects are actually coming to fruition faster than years past peer that is why 35,000 of them. what is happening in kentucky? look at these red states that are actually all of a sudden vibrant in manufacturing. those are different things.
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>> sandra: i think that is the point. >> that is the point. >> sandra: just like the eb push, touting these turbines. who makes those, robert, china? a majority of them? >> a different speech, it sandra but he said colorado. >> sandra: that is right. >> but is not colorado -- colorado, didn't you hear? colorado is making the turbines and the panels. >> sandra: very small percentage of them. i don't know the numbers but -- [laughs] >> sandra commit inflation has to be made in america. >> sandra: that inflation reduction act, how was that going? douglas, how is that coming? >> what is going down 12, straight months. >> sandra: inflation is not down. >> down, down. >> speeches and the fences of bidenomics are examples not evidence of good policies.
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>> sandra: i appreciate the debate. inflation is up 3% year-over-year. that is the facts. i understand. >> down straight 12 months where it was 9%. >> sandra: important debate, important discussion and it does not agree with polling but we are on the ground feeling something different than what is being touted by the administration. >> today's lawyers pole 70% people are happy and satisfied. be to copy that, gentlemen come appreciate that. we will have you back soon. >> mr. kennedy, you are recognized for your statement and we will go down the length. >> i know the witnesses usually have 5 minutes and i see ten 10 minutes on the board. >> we will give you 5 minutes but we are pretty lax with this. >> we are? >> in past history. >> we will watch the time for the witnesses. >> if you want to cut them off and censor him some more, you are welcome to do that. >> that is not my job. why don't you threaten a witness so they don't want to be a
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witness? >> john: a debate between democratic delegation and house committee jim jordan witness testimony this morning. later on, presidential hopeful robert f. kennedy jr. told lawmakers executive branch colluded with big tech to silence him. jacqui heinrich is live at the white house. jackie, that was quite a hearing? >> sure was, john and it still going on. democrats have wasted no time calling out republican voters for bringing robert f. kennedy jr. to testify think this is nothing more than a ploy to spotlight and elevate president biden's political opponent and giving him from as they put it, democrats a dangerous microphone for what they call bigoted misinf misinformation. ranking members kicked off a list of the most controversial claims about the pandemic and vaccines, including his remark that covid was ethnically targeted to caucasians and black people, sparing the chinese and
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jerws citing papers out there and the dash congressman debbiedebbiedebbie wasserman scs with she said a violation of the testimony that things degrades republicans rejected it. >> the republican hearings have unfolded over the last few days and throughout this entire congress are a malignant clown show. robert f. kennedy is a living, breathing, pulse flag operation. his whole campaign is being run by right wing political operatives who have one object appeared to try to take down president joe biden. >> sandra: kennedy called the accusations against him in an attempt to silence him and focus testimony on what he calls an
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unacceptable censorship of views and convenient to the government. something he calls mall information. claims that the first amendment rights have been trampled. >> i have never been anti-vax. the truth of what i believe is not -- i had a conversation with the american people, which i believe vaccines should be tasked with the same rigor as other medicines and medications. t>> all those with subcommittee of the weaponization of government, youtube and instagram took down rk jr.'s platform citing long-standing business practices and a tweet a biden stagger flag for removal reportedly never taken down, john. >> john: all right, jacqui heinrich at the white house, jacqui thank you, sandra. >> sandra: john, thank you. this just end much within twitter to subpoena elizabeth warren appeared it is
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still unknown at this moment, but we are hearing it may read domestically to drop ftc consent order tied to data breaches. order filings are suggested -- court filings requested communication from senator warren's office and the ftc or ftc about twitter or elon musk. senator warren has meant pulling on the ftc to investigate elon musk companies for conflict of interest. that just end to us and we will continue to learn more, john. >> john: that is interesting. senator chuck jeff and come at the fbi's record alleging then vice president joe biden engaged in a bribery scheme. we have a copy of that form and kim's trestle is here to help break down what is in it. she is coming up next.
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cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. nah, i'm working on my six pack. switch to a king suite- or book a silent retreat. silent retreat? hold up - yeeerp? i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. cashback on everything you buy with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. >> john: moments ago,
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fox news digital obtaining fbi's 1023 form that alleges biden's coerced ceo to pay millions of dollars to help get ukrainian prosecutor fired. the form was released by senator chuck grassley today. this comes after two irs whistle-blowers came forward with allegations that federal officials interfered with the hunter biden investigations. kimberly strassel a wall street journalist and she is here in washington today, not alaska. a wonderful surprise. >> but it's great to be here on set. >> john: here it is. this is the big prize. this is 4 fd 21023. chuck grassley's office released it a little while ago. i guess he said, look this is not classified and i will put it out there. here is what it says in part according to a confidential human source, "they, and this has buries men, hunter biden to protect us through his dad with all kinds of problems.
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it cost $5 million to pay one biden and $5 million to another biden. "confidential source, who was the founder of burisma might have difficulty explaining suspicious wire transfers to elicit payments to the bidens. he responded he did not see funds to "the big guy." you have read through this. what do you think? >> even though we had not seen the 1023 pair there was an allegation of bribery and we knew it was $10 million. we knew supposedly the source had recordings of the joe and hunter biden talking to him about the scheme. now we know it is burisma and the bribery scheme was allegedly in order to joe biden to get this prosecutor fired. and of course, he was investigating burisma at the
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time. a couple of other things we found out in here, too, just past and nadine. he said he was coerced to get these payments, meaning it was not he that approached and said hey, can you give me some help? he makes it sound like a shake down. i don't know if they would have encourage more investigation if he didn't get the money. we don't know any of this is true. we have other confidential human sources most infamously as part of the russian collusion hoax. but this is very detailed. i think it is incumbent on the fbi to at least explain what steps were taken to either verify or to buy it. >> john: in this fd 1023, he is saying why do i need to keep biden on board? although hunter biden was stupid and the dog was smarter, he needed to keep hunter biden on board so everything would be
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okay. so, it sounds like he was not hiring hunter biden for his expertise but purely access to his father. >> it makes it clear in what is noticeable about the 1023, we discover this was not one conversation but apparently appears to be many meetings between confidential source and this was talked about in nearly everyone with the same thing or information being made each time. i was coerced. hunter biden is there to help us. i had to do this and i'm not happy about it, et cetera. >> john: i want to mention you have a brand-new book and here it is in which you basically say the biden administration is jimmy carter 2.0 only carter did it much better. then biden did. >> there are all the similarities. the book goes through those but it is actually making the case that is an under comparison to jimmy carter. and it has to get into what jimmy carter inherited. he had a much tougher hand than
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joe biden did. but intent, jimmy carter to wrap on him he was a good guy and wanted to make things better in over his head and somewhat incompetent. this makes the case joe biden knew exactly what he was doing most of the policies have been put into effect and got inflation, high energy prices. he wants to transform the country into something else. >> john: it is a great read and so good to see you in person. i'm jealous of that fishnet show. >> thank you. >> excellent welcome anytime. >> john: great to see you. now this. >> this is ridiculous, folks. they do exist, but they don't exist. we will get to the bottom of it whatever the truth may be. we are done with the caveat. >> sandra: the houses going up for a major hearing on ufos. it is still facing resistance from the pentagon. both parties are doing to try to get answers. >> john: plus come all the
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talk in washington over the pga tour with liv golf ways the mb eight relationship with china not facing the same scrutiny over mba canter of freedom who has been outspoken critic of china. he was shadow banned from the league for it. he is here to talk about all of that next.
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china's human rights violations. some are wondering when the commissioner adam silver called to testify. something the republicans have been demanding for months. enes kanter freedom joins us now and great to have you here today. what is the answer to that? why is t nba and relationship wh china not facing scrutiny as we see this golf feel planned? >> i had a conversation with my friends and the congress and senate. we have been trying to get in touch with the congressman adam silver to testify about this. he has been denying it. it is a shame, you know. billions of dollars of contract and he does not want to hurt the relationship with their biggest market. also the biggest dictatorship in the world. it is a shame, but you know what's coming in the end we will bring adam silver and the ceo of nike. and we will bring the mvp player because enough is enough. americans are sick of it.
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>> sandra: really interesting when you look at the numbers. we are always following the nba's business deals with china. nba nba valued and owns 90% of e tv deal and 1.5 billion feel. ten plus billion dollars in chinese companies. quite clearly it is there. flash back to this moment june 2022, enes kanter freedom and this is silver defending china and the relationship at the nba. listen. >> virtually, every fortune 100 company is doing business in china. a good enormous relationship with china. people are suggesting that they should no longer have trade relations with china. and i don't think they are peer that is a huge global issue on which we will follow the lead from our government. >> sandra: this is spiraling
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up as a major campaign issue in the 2024. and until there is some sort of broad agreement with the president xi, there should be no business done by american companies with china. how far do you think that we should be going and when will silver eventually sit down before congress? >> you know, while we are talking right now, heels are happening. two or 3 million -- look at what is happening taiwanese people, and so enough is enough. things that are happening in america but when it comes to china, they know it will hit their pockets. i'm just glad that we had this hearing. and we expose them in america. >> john: really interesting and we would like to have you back soon. it is a great conversation.
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we would like to continue and enes kanter freedom joining us, john. >> john: military raising major concerns on capitol hill. >> this is more speak softly and carry a big stick. we need to speak loudly and carry a big stick. we need to have these conversations but peace through strengthening the bullies need to respect the strength. >> john: the pentagon calling china's willed up second-to-none. more on the china policy and if it leads the u.s. military in danger of falling behind. you know you have a team behind you that can help you. not having to worry about the future makes it possible to make the present as best as it can be for everybody.
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>> john: another busy day on capitol hill. house lawmakers pushing biden administration how the u.s. is encountering. part of the biggest competitors, china. it comes after biden officials traveled to beijing to thaw the cold relations but came back with literally nothing to show for it. the state department spokesperson and founder of polaris national security. good to see you. >> thank you, john, good to be here. >> sandra: it is our thing to do. >> john: a little bit of controversy right now. the indo-pacific commander john echo leno said this about the growing threat from china. >> what we are seeing is a military buildup second-to-none
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at the speed and rate at which it is being delivered. it is not just hypersonic but all capabilities. its capabilities in maritime environment, and the domain, in space. in my concerned about the buildup in capabilities that are being delivered? absolutely. >> john: so china is trying to get the most powerful military in the world. is the biden administration doing what they can? >> an incredibly impressive admiral and people don't realize the united states navy is no longer the largest navy in the world. the pla the chinese navy is. when you look at what bidenomics said and looking into many questions that relate to china but is the biden administration doing enough? no, they are not. principally when you look at the budget that they submitted to congress for the pentagon commit doesn't even meet inflation
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standards. so i sort of feel like when you listen to aquilina and other admirals and generals talk about this and it feels like the slow moving train wreck that we are watching. we all know that xi jinping has said, john cummings would like the chinese military to be ready to take over taiwan from the military perspective if they need to buy 2027, right? we know and we are watching this train. we were watching this bullet train heading towards us. a lot of people are correctly diagnosing the problem but we almost seem paralyzed to do the things that would actually be required. to seriously fight back against the chinese. >> john: apparently the head launched that mutiny not against putin but russian military and showed up the first time in belarus addressing the troops. when you take a look at what happened with that where
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vladimir putin mired down in ukraine and the fact that nato is expanding at his doorstep with a number. he would seem to be under pressure these days. >> he should be. ukrainians are starting to feel more confident that they may be able to take back. reportedly, they are using to date that the biden administration looked over. the promotion story of the whole thing was so weird, breaking news, he's not dead. we thought that putin in that meeting but one of the things he said on telegram that was very interesting and is coming out party today is that his troops would not be involved anymore in the fight in ukraine. instead, they want to be involved in africa where he makes a lot of money from african dictators. spoon he does. the mercenary group. it is great to see you in nashville. you are invited and the time. >> thank you, sir. >> sandra: great to see you, morgan. pulling the plug on singer jason
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l dean's country music video. "try that in a small town" peered over left-wing activists concerns it is racist and promotes gun violence. despite all of the "backlash," the song's hitting number one on the charts. dagen mcdowell, jessica tarlov will be here to weigh in on the controversy plus missouri congressman, chris rufo will be here and all of that coming up in a brand-new hour.
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