tv The Five FOX News July 22, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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♪ ♪ hello erin i'm dana and jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it is 5:00 in new york city. this is the 5. a very combative hearing on capitol hill over government censorship republicans trying to lay out evidence that the biden administration and big tech work together to silence americans. but democrats use it mainly to bash star witness who happens to be president biden's top challenger robert f. kennedy jr.. he was there to give personal testimony on the topic.
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after some of his covid vaccine tweets were taken down by twitter, after a push by the biden white house. but the presidential candidates struggled to get a word out throughout the entire thing. watch. >> i know that with witnesses usually have five minutes i see ten minutes on the board is it going to be ten minutes? >> if you want to cut him off and sensor him you're welcome to do it. >> that's not my job why don't you threaten a witness so that they can -- not want to be a witness. >> cleveland clinic schists -- >> reclaiming my time -- reclaiming my time. >> usc medical which is -- >> the time is mine reclaiming please ask the witness to stop talking. >> you asked the question. >> do not sensor the witness. i'm not censoring the witness he's still talking. >> truncated -- version of the -- i was describing. >> hold on. a full question here now going on reclaiming my time. >> rfk jr. pleading with fellow democrats to just hear him out.
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>> we need to be talking to each other. this is many of you signed, many my fellow democrats i've spent my life in this party and devoted my life to values of this party. it is 102 people sign this. this itself is evidence of the problem that this -- hearing was convened to address. this is an attempt to sensor a censorship hearing we need to be able to talk and the first amendment was not written for easy speech. l it was written for the speech that nobody likes you for. >> but top democratic leader hakim l jeffreys not receptive to that message. >> the republican hearings -- that have unfolded over the last few days -- and throughout this entire congress are a ma malignant clown, this is a living,
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breathing false flag operation. his whole campaign is being run by right wing political operaive its with one objective. try to take down president, joe biden. >> there was a place today where robert f. kennedy jr. allowed to get his words out. and that was on the story with martha mcallum watch here. >> distorted to make them seem like i said these -- controversial things it is simply another way on that, you know, that i'm being -- that the dnc et cetera and its allies are using to silence me to marginalize me to make me look crazy to make me look like a, you know, a bad person. i was not allowed to talk or defend myself. i was read a series of these slanders without being allowed to reply to any of them. >> greg, first thing that happened in the hearing after
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opening statements the democrats moved to adjourn hearing to take into executive session so it was private and censored at the censorship hearing. they tried to censor a hearing on censorship i don't think what you think about rfk jr. he says things that are out there because things are out there. right -- i just came up with that. >> that was very good. >> he has free speech he's using it in the public space. he's an american citizen -- i find a lot of these people very repulsive. they tbork us. and they have to respect people's opinions. but they don't. what drivings me crazy is, when rfk jr. has these theories whether they -- whether you agree with them or not he does them among adults. right? we can handle it. like if he says if he used say anne frank in an analogy and he does it poorly and apologizes it is a hyperbole and bad one he
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apologizes but i'm an adult i live with it. i can do it because it's age appropriate. the dems have abandoned that concept. instead they use in their world of censorship book bans and right to privacy to let radical sexual content roam free in schools and into the hands of children. who cares if rfk has theories on vaccines that you disagree with. he has every right to talk about them. you have every right to say that's bs. but you don't have a right to shut him down and you don't have a right to try to destroy reputation because you disagree with them that is the real practice if you look at what real censorship what was the word that time used when using media allegedly destroying reputation of people who had mentioned the laptop. so that was actual censorship because they pull that story out
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and if you dare mention it, you're out. >> jessica i did think that the strategy for democrats today was over the top, i mean, are they really that worried about robert f. kennedy jr. and biden? >> no. why like why not let him talk and move on they made such a spectacle of themselves even i felt -- like uncomfortable for him because i've watched a lot of hearings they were so obnoxious. this was really tense like sitting there a little nervous about what was to come. this is -- i'll say this because rfk jr. spends his time in conservative media first time a lot of democrats got to talk to the guy. he's not showing up on msnbc and going to cnn he's not doing a local news interview he wants to hang out with joe rogen. there's no possible way that there vngtd been invitations. speak at a public hearing. i've said a million times it is really guys that you all like him ho is running for my party's
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nomination more than i do and more than other democrats do. i will say and he led with this in the hearing and he said it to martha as well that the trump administration censored him before the biden administration got in. this isn't a story about what joe he said it your guy he said it live on television. he also just told a boat load of lies in his testimony. he said i've never been anti-vax he was in a podcast points of pt the by nbc reporter who covers this and on podcast he said i go up to people in grocery stores and people who have babies and plead with them not to vaccinate their children he told fellow anti-vaxers to come out of the closet to come into the light with him and vaccinated all of his kids hosting parties in hollywood with his wife where you have to be vaccinated to be able to come it is completely hypocritical. he has -- not he's not being destroyed right now. this has been going on for decades his anti-public health stances, you think that the
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kennedys want to have to release statements saying please don't take what he's saying seriously either on a health level or his comments about the bioweapon and martha pressed him about this as well. he said i'm being misinterpreted we watched this video on the record dinner he lied about that and saw it come out of his mouth and i don't hear people defending him happy to talk about it coming out and saying what he chooses is deplorable they're moving on with it because they like he's chipping away his 15 person points in the primary he's down to i think.4% in new york guy is not going anywhere but he's totally -- >> that was my point because logically he's not going anywhere. i thought their reaction was over the top. >> it is over the top you know what i don't know -- that much about his position on vax by kids are vaxed he said i've had vaccinations -- can i finish? i don't to have a scientific debate with you. but you can't just be general
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about vax, there's vax, vaccinations and others he doesn't that's his right his privilege and you don't see him on other channels because they don't want democrats to hear from him guy started out with 20% i don't know if he's had 17%. only time he gets a chance to say something is on an opposite channel. and the truth is you saw the democrats greed him and shut him down taking their minutes back, saying i'm not sen censoring hem and shut him up while he was trying to talk. look here's the bottom line. the democrats will do anything and history has proven this they did it during a 2020 election and with the laptop. they continue to do it if you say anything it that is anti-joe biden or look like you might be able to impact joe biden in any way they're going to shut you down. that is not the america i grew up in, and the fact that he is
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saying, you know, i have these beliefs. he's entitled to whatever he wants to say and if people want to believe him fine they can volt for him. they don't have to volt for him but this is where we are. democrats have decided everyone is a race cyst if they don't like you, you're a racist and then censor you like the fbi went into social media and said you know that laptop is it's russian disinformation when the fbi had already said it is verifiable it is his laptop we know that now. now the white house is literally appealing the decision of the district court judge who says you, you cannot talk to these agencies anymore. from the white house -- and finally, what i see coming next is after the censorship we're going to have hate speech in america. just as they have in the european union. when they don't like something you say they're going start prosecuting you for hate speech this guy has a right to say whatever he wants to say and it
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is not anymore if you don't agree with me you can't say it. that is not america. >> add quickly laptop came out so tell donald how mad you are about it. >> she's so upset about rfk jr. so what if he believes certain things about vaccines if he believes certain vaccines are dangerous so what jessica. so what -- why are you so -- so passionate about what he believes about vaccines? why is that such a threat to you personally? >> are your kids vaccinated? >> yeah so what? >> why did you make that smart decision? >> because my doctor said to get him vaxed somewhat if he believes that about vaccines i've never seen you upset over anything on this show. >> dobbs rule -- >> about what he said about vaccines one time, it is absolutely kind of weird that you're so upset about what one democrat thinks about vaccines.
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you can do whatever you want with your body. you can do whatever you want with your kids body your doctor can decide with you what to do with your body. what does it have to do with rfk jr.? >> advocating for roe. >> and to have a democrat question a -- pharmaceutical con conglomerate you guys have been railing against big business for decades. he comes out and questions big business and you say you can't say that. these guys sold us a bill of goods on the vaccine. i got vaccinated. okay, they said you couldn't get it if you were vax or couldn't trance transmit they were wrong about that. why do you think everything these companies it will you every time big tech tells you something do you think they're telling you the truth? >> no. >> no one tells the truth xepght me. i think everybody should read this opening statement by rfk jr. it is moving, it's powerful and the fact that he's
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questioning the war in ukraine -- big business -- big tech makes him a threat so they're calling it an anti-semite he says passionately he's done for more for the state of israel than most of the people sitting in congress today. >> you watched what he said and you know about the anti-semitic tropes about jewish people? >> i think what he was trying to say is i'll tell you jessica he said viruses affect different people differentlies. and then he cited a study and then you basically said he's aipght -- okay i don't know if the study is right. >> they were wrong about -- >> it is just a study you can't cite a study with everybody going crazy. just a study. >> okay going to keep going we are off to the races here. coming up the outrage getting more intense over jason aldean new anticrime music video a democrat calling a prolynching anthem.
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♪ ♪ [laughter] >> woke outrage over jason aldean music video is getting even more extreme. remember that left wing state lawmaker who got expelled for storms tennessee's capitol building over gun control? well, he's back and smearing aldeans a racist. >> this song is about normalizing white nationalism. this is a lynching anthem it's an anthem that reminds me of the stories of young men like about
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trayvon martin this is not about small towns because if it was about small towns where was jason aldean when murray county people fighting for their clean water. >> looks like outrage backfired on the left despite cmt yanking the video for a try that in a small town and aldean shot up to be number one song on itunes and we're learning more about where the woke outrage is coming from. a gun control activist is actually gloating about how she got jason aldean's video pulled from cmt. okay, so the democrats are amendmenting attempting to cancel aldean number one on itunes when will they learn? that the american public are sick and tired of these woke leftist values especially when you listen to the words of that song. jessica? >> i'm not sure this is about woke leftist values.
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i said yesterday i don't think that it should have taken this song down. that i think you should always promote more conversation about it. i do think it was a mistake to do it at that location. i now have found out there was a christmas movie also filmed there. but i think your advance people should do better than to go in front of a courthouse where a kid was lynched almost a hundred years ago and i think that is worthy of an apology about that if he wants to make the point about the lyrics of his song. he also -- didn't write the thing alone there's so much more to this as a four person song -- i think an articulation of what it really is about with sensitive pushback acknowledging that the cite of it was perhaps a mistake you can see where people are coming from will go a long way but i don't tend to love boycotts. >> the truth is jesse they showed all truthful accurate video and video in front of that courthouse.
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so it's not like they made things up. you know, the fact that there was a protest and burning in front of that courthouse it's not accurate -- >> that's why left doesn't like it. jessica i'm pretty sure that a few native americans were killed right out there in manhattan maybe we should never film a movie in manhattan it's okay. okay -- there's violence against black people in atlanta. can we never shoot another movie in atlanta? are you kidding me? i mean -- >> are you kidding me? >> no one looks 100 years ago when they're filming something and asks if someone died there. >> lynching is not just dying. scouted the movie from paramount and shot a christmas movie in there. you're saying paramount pictures is should have done more homework and now that's a lynching christmas movie? but, of course -- you don't. jessica -- there's violence all over the country. this country has a violent history.
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you can't point to a place and say you can't do this there. you can't do this there your husband proposed to you somewhere where someone was shot are you going to give back the ring now, absolutely not. >> absolutely it is huge. >> let's not prengdz you're upset about that. if you read the lyrics i hope car jack an old lady -- hold up a liquor store, spit in a cop's face. if you do that in a small town, we're not going to let that slide. >> what do we do? grab your gun and -- >> prosecute -- they're going to stand next to the cop. and they're going to defend their community. it doesn't have to be we're going to go and put a bullet in some guy's head. that's what you think. >> all right dana let me tell you about a song no one has protested. that we certainly are not talking about at this table. called f the police by nwa i'll read two of the lyrics two sentences. beat up police officer out of
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shape when finished bring the yellow tape. tape off the scene of our slaughter now i don't hear anyone talking about that. why? why is it so different now? they want to see something that's not even in the video. >> it's an interesting -- comparison, and i was, i remember few weeks ago i mentioned maybe on the show but certainly to greg because we l built and i listen to music and exposed to many things and there's expolitician sit rides and even i want to close my ears because i cannot believe they would say this. but i didn't put it on twitter and try to get anything taken down, and we -- i well let me speak for migs. i know a lot people who work in nashville especially on the writing side of things not the big stars, and one of the things that they have said for a while is that executives at the big labels and certainly at cmt are quite liberal. and they are out of touch with their fans. that doesn't mean that --
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[laughter] any -- that i'm not saying that people don't have a right to say wow. that video is offense offensive to me you can say that but cmt takes down the video and number one eve this themselves to blame for that to what and last week we talked about fast car story and the op-ed that was in "the washington post" saying how outrageous that covered tracy chapman story and maybe liberals should not talk about country music for two weeks give it a rest. >> why don't you see antifa in a small town if what jason is saying is so racist? >> density it is easier to hide in cities i think. this is a really interesting flip if you look at first block or succeed block. it's the left it's the liberals that are coming out after either speech or art and it's the right that is defending it. this is a complete flip of the
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whole -- freedom of speech movement of the 1970s only in this current race baiting media culture can an anticrime message also be seen as antiblack. why does your brain say black whether you see crime? and i'm not asking people at home i'm asking the media, right? there's no race imagery in that video and lynching imagery in that video but the liberals and media, they see black people in this. they feel black people in this that's because the media has said it is -- it is racist to condemn a violence. they are the ones doing the con con -- by excusing name of social media we have the next natural step airnght violence now means antiblack. apparently if you -- are disgusted by looting our mob violence or smash-and-grabs, and it sickens you and you think second amendment protects you from that you're a white supremacist you see what
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happened there? who is saying this this is the idea i don't fault people who say this video is racist because that's not their opinion. right it's not their opinion. it's been drilled into them. it's an opinion that has been put into your heads, it is shaping narratives and it is not their own the same people calling out this thing that this was a location for a lynching. you think that was their original opinion? do you think that every person that's been on tv goes oh, my god i recognize that place. it is from a hundred years ago no, no, no -- nobody has original opinion about anything it comes from somewhere else. so -- take yourself righteousness shove it up your ass nobody had that point. and it ain't aldean's fault they didn't know. did that star miley cyrus hannah montana that's a worst thing hannah montana should not be in movies just joking. but the thing is now it's down to the location. >> yep. so they're --
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their narrowing it undo to like well now it's their location. i think if they knew maybe they might have thought about it but i don't think they knew. the media just -- the media has created this environment where now if you actually think that this behavior is wrong, they're the ones linking behavior to race not you. >> you know what it was like hearings yesterday. all of a sudden television about race. >> everything. yeah. coming up, liberal media lying through their teeth with the ridiculous new attack on conservatives. [laughter] meet the future. a chef. a designer. and, ooh, an engineer. all learning to save and spend their money with chase. the chef's cooking up firsts with her new debit card. hungry? -uhuh. the designer's eyeing sequins. uh no plaid. while mom is eyeing his spending. nice. and the engineer?
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zones media want you to think it is red states that are terrible and getting blastinged over a article that names texas and florida has the worst states to live and work. [laughter] cites laws protecting unborn life so-called targeting of lbgt people and the states issues with inclusiveness. strange not a i tay about how left wing policies are causing folks to leave liberal areas in droves. jessica we'll go to you first. jessica: generous of you. jesse: do you think these states are bad places to live? everyone is moving there. jessica: a lot of people are moving there and definitely not going to try to sugar coat exodus a lot of rich people leaving a lot of corporations have left. but i do think that -- making a decision of where you want to live as a single person especially as a family is a really big one. you're going to be looking at all sorts of factors considering what education system looks like and you're thinking about -- what kind of access to health care if you have a daughter that you're going there a lot of
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people have said in erm its of pecking where you go to university for instance you end up in a state where you could be pregnant 20 years old and you're not going to have access to reproductive health care there. that does matter. climate change matters. we're seeing record temperatures going on right now texas has been under heat advisory forever, in florida, they had a record on monday 109 in miami. where a lot of people moved to -- 16 days in a row of at least 105. >> they say they have affordable energy. [laughter] >> sure. come on. that was a joke. jessica: but there was a study out from the council of criminal justice nonpartisan look at data of 30 u.s. cities including l.a., philly, chicago, new york, the first half of this year, and the homicide rates have dropped by over 9% and now homicide rate in miami is three times of that new york city with a gop mayor think he's going to be president of the united states of america and a gop governor who also thinks he's going to be president of the united states of america. so go blue states.
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jesse: so high that's -- when you get that high it has to come down at some point but anyway -- jessica: does it i thought killing never stops. greg: seems that way. jesse: greg -- greg: this is why the united states is great, though, it is federalism dana. it's a terrain for bay tay testing every state can try out stuff. they should be trying out more stuff. there should be sanctuary cities for people who want to have guns. right? you come here with your gun we'll take like we have sanctuary cities for a legal act so why can't we have sanctuary cities for other things but a sanctuary city up for not paying taxings? i mean there should be comparisons that things that -- >> called delaware -- greg: but weirdest thing is the same time it came out a study that cnn was promoting i don't know if it was cnn original stuff saying mass shooting among blacks is occur with more blacks and blamed it on structural
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racism thrftion not a shred of evidence in there and maybe in these urban dense areas, that should be factored in. maybe move to these, you know, small towns because guess what that stuff doesn't happen in small towns. jessica: but jobs aren't there to have them. greg: that will change over time and more remote yeah. greg: dana. dana: people more moving to the states don't watch cnbc here's criteria they use, it wasn't can you caffly raise a child here. but can you get abortion there? it wasn't -- can you sue your employer it is can you for nonsense but do they ask for voter id as if that was are a bad thing and they asked things like -- in tennessee it is hard toe live in because lelgtture ban drag shows for children. i don't know why that's hard to live there but people started voting with their feet during covid but it is continued i love the experimentation especially when they look at their
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paychecks and go i got more money in any pocket. jesse: that's true. judge jeanine. jeanine: i agree with dana it was all about voting, reproductive freedom and reclusiveness nothing to do with buying a house, safety, tree register all of that stuff no that was not part of it. but every one of the states that they say are the top ten words they're all republican. they didn't even try to throw one blue one in there. you know? but the truth is, this top ten states or people are fleeing, nine out of ten are democrat states and they're fleeing for a lot of reasons. and it is a lot of because of the taxes and because of the fact there's no safety there. so you know, i think that criteria was ridiculous i think -- that they, obviously, made a big mistake what i thought was interesting also when i was doing the research on this in moscow idaho, just today, that town had to pay $300,000 dollars
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to 3 catholics who apparently were arrested during a religious service outside and they weren't wearing a marveg. you know, that's the kind of religious freedom that's important too. jesse: jessica 0-2 and try to turn it around in the next block. jesse: john kerry thanks a lot. >> just humiliated john kerry or global warming demands. ♪ ♪ uuuhhhh... here, i'll take that! woohoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar. enter the $10,000 powered by protein max challenge. ♪ ♪ for people who are a little intense about hydration. neutrogena® hydro boost lightweight. clinically proven. 48-hour hydration. for that healthy skin glow.
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>> we had very frank conversations. but we came here to break new ground which we think is important at this stage. and it is clear that we are going to need a little more work to be able to complete that task. greg: it's jesse:ing leak he wants to be in hall of presidents he acts like it right but he'll never get there. but he acts like a robotic kind of statesman. how much co2 did this blowhearted put into the air with his trick? >> he flew 300 miles and daniel turner mentioned on twitter as i saw, he's basically begging china to reduce emissions and president xi has said -- we will get the new before, we want to get to the new but we don't want to discard old before we get there. greg: yes.
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jesse: it is logical. in the meantime america job creators they have reduced emissions so much here. dana: but also they're not rewarded for their innovation, they are beat about over the head with more regulations that prevents us from getting to the us in in a faster way. see that problem the circular logic. greg: there you go jessica like a john kerry you're tall. jessica: fair. greg: is that why he's so arrogant explain? jessica: tall people have a lot of advantages in life if you want jesse to agree to that. i don't see this as a tremendous embarrassment necessarily. odds are that chinese are not going to say you know what you're right we're responsible for a third of the global emissions. we'll sign on to whatever you have to say i was just glad he didn't get kicked out on day one because chinese since we've kind of been strange about taiwan and we had the, you know, we're
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going to go in and not going in et cetera last year has been frosty so i think having at least the conversation is a good thing. but yes, if this is your job to fix the climate. it is, obviously, not great if one of the -- biggest superpowers and emitters doesn't want to do anything with you. greg: so jessica says it is obvious he failed it was embarrassing humiliating for america and we have to keep paying let's go have a conversation but nothing happens and you and i pay for it. jessica: i pay a lot of tax. greg: you do but you love it. jeanine: that's why you want people to stay in new york so more can pay taxes. look i did kind of a spin off of what -- what dana did. okay, so he takes plane to china. he gets nothing done. so he flies home. so he flew for about 40 hour, jet emissions were 25 metric tons. okay, it is a same as 64,000 miles which is 30 round trips back and forth from new york to
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las vegas 30 times. and this guy says he cares about climate change. really and the truth is we keep telling him we want these electric -- vehicles and lithium batteries and they're going a cold plan every day to satisfy the needs that we have. and then we go over there like we're talking out of two sides of our mouth saying oh but to give us some clean emission reduce your emissions but give us more battery and if you build a coal plant every three days it is okay. greg: jesse i think it makes trips to offset his vices you know he spends a lot of money -- on copious material yachts going around having fun and this is his way of giving back. jesse: czars are going to czar and then they negotiate, and they wear silk ties. john kerry's whole career i'm not surprised that chinese told him to stuff it. why would they?
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what are they going to make less money because kerry said so and stop growing so fast because kerry said knock it off. come on countries don't do things that slow them down or that make them less money. it is just human nature. kerry should know that. because he's this close to being human. greg: nicely done. coming up, it turns the that i'm 100% right on everything. [laughter] jesse: what a tease -- ♪ ♪ you should get a second opinion from innovation refunds at no upfront cost. sometimes you need a second opinion. [coughs] good to go. yeah, i think i'll get a second opinion. all these walls gotta go! ah ah ah! i'd love a second opinion. no. i'm going to get a second opinion. with innovation refunds, there's no upfront cost to find out. so why not check like i did for my small business? take the first step to see if your small business qualifies for the erc. when i first learned about
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♪ ♪ jeanine: awful -- dana: admit it is on live television a new study has found that greg gutfeld is absolutely right about all of those studies we've bombarded you with. greg: we don't have a lot of time i'll say this fake -- unreal. this is fake. this is fake. these are fake! jeanine: no they're not. dana: what do you think about the nostalgia? greg: i don't think this is a real story but i'll go along. >> not exactly but get a load of this. stanford president will resign after discovered that several academic records he authored contain falsified information and a harvard professor accused
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of fabricating results including within on honest behavior. king of being right -- what do you have to say? greg: i think it is like easy for you to see when something is made up if it is to on the nose which is the phrase when it is -- and i read i don't know tens of thousands of stories as a magazine editor and i can smell anything. you know what's really fake these stupid one more things -- it is national corn dog day or national chocolate day. those aren't real. those are press releases. we get press releases from press outfits that just sending us and say maybe we'll get free food an we do it. but it's -- it's not real. >> free food is exciting. but every fake story has incentive otherwise it wouldn't exist. jeanine: you are so smart. greg: thank you. jeanine: oh, you're welcome. >> dana i love this a kid that broke the story is peter baker
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of "the new york times" and suzanne glasser of the new yorkers son -- and i do -- >> that the president of stanford has handled this pretty well there's a big investigation initially story was like he's a total fraud that's not the how it turned out but credibility did take a hit so he's deciding to leave. jessica: retracted it. dana: university of chicago a new guy coming from university of chicago friends of mine who work there that are on the conservative side of things are excited because that's really considered a pretty good university on the beach so pleased to see what happens there. jessica: jesse what are your thoughts? jesse: this is how you fake a study i own all of the sirloin west of the mississippi and i pay stanford university a quarter million dollars to their science department and perhaps i suggest to the researchers that we're looking for a study that says that meat is really good for you. voila, a studies comes out a year later that says meat is good for you.
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greg: done for 40 years. jesse: done in the food and pharmaceutical -- greg: no such thing -- jeanine: that goes back everything to that we've been talking about during this show. where people try to shut down all of the people for misinformation, disinformation. new thing is mall information which is true but doesn't jive with what administration wants. people should figure things out for themselves and that's the end of it. jessica: you're not going to -- jeanine: depends how you want it. jessica: one more thing is up next. ♪ ♪ no fingersticks needed. manage your diabetes with more confidence. freestyle libre 2. try it for free at the america's best celebrity sale is happening now.
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great comedian jim brewer, kat is going to be a good show drive time to do this? why not. started a new cable network is called greg's television take a look this is a cub stumbling around. mom sits back and enjoys a snack of bamboo but she's going to be mad when the panda goes off the college. [laughter] clerks and other pandas and finds out that maybe i don't know, maybe it's not a straight candidate could be a bite can it could be lgbtq and a request was to be five requests which will be fine. >> one of the se seven sisters r the stroke must go on. check out singer bryan adams kept his cool with things and not go as planned during his performance in selleck city. ♪ ♪ ♪ was the summer of 69. >> i love how he just kept going. you should not do that t to stas when they're doing that. also short questions with a
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dated this week with charles paint is up. judge, your turn perfect love that. that guy was having a good time. chocolate lab is being praised by local police in pennsylvania for helping lead to the arrest of a fugitive and a murder suspect. this is might have a dog sitting outside his house, he sees someone strange starts barking and running toward the creek's oasowners follow him, recognizee fugitive and circling on the local news outlet so what happened was was give it a years worth of tennis balls, a new collar and a juicy ribeye steak regrets as awesome good job. books about indian mansion on a skyscraper let's take roll the tape this is where i will be retiring after i win the lottery. there is 40000 square-foot mansion. two stories, infinity pool, yard, you are up there tonight jesse what is primetime at 8:00 p.m. the bite in a bribe
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document has been declassified for jessica be sure to tune in at 8:00 p.m. for. >> just got 20 seconds regards really quickly, not your average teenager 15 note recently made in cancer research gradient slammed the entire island of manhattan. we've got it all in that is it for us. >> have a great night. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ country music star trip jason aldean his try that in a small town video as he prepares to perform for a warm crown of supporting fans in wisconsin. good evening i am jon scott and this is the fox report. ♪ ♪ ♪. jon: jason aldean is aut
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