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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 24, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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standing next to them having not showered in a long period. appreciate you being with us. thanks for that report >> two quick programming notes, tomorrow town hall with robert f. kennedy, jr. tickets free, wednesday and thursday night live audience shows, tickets are free. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. let not your heart be troubled. ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: yeah! yeah! yeah! ha ha ha ha happy monday everybody. so it's neared the end of july, and you know what that means,
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♪ ♪ ♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: that's right, it's the time of year where nothing is going on. and by nothing, i mean women's soccer. so as we hear constantly, america today is a deeply polar sized nation, black versus white, barbie versus oppenheimer, bud light versus drinking from the toilet. the only thing we see to agree upon is my smoldering sexual magnetism, and that's okay. but traditionally one of the places the country's
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collectively left politics aside is in sports. especially international sports. because, you know, it's us against them. any one of a certain age will never forget the miracle on ice and no, i'm not referring to the time i discovered vodka. it's when the olympic us men's hockey team beat the soviet red army. bernie sanders is still demanding a do-over. but it was 1980 and the team and the country celebrated. it was a victory for freedom over decrepit system that in a decade would fall like a nancy pelosi face lift. my how things have changed, some of today's athletes appear to treat the nation that gave them all of this freedom the same way brian stelter treats a beach chair. let your imagination run wild. it kicked off with professional
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bench warmer colin kaepernick but spread to the nba, the wnba and all over place including the us women's soccer team. last week they did not so much as put their hands over their heart during the u.s. national anthem a few did but most didn't. reportedly while their opponents proudly sang the vietnamese anthem like a team full of jane fondas. that's a throwback. retiring soccer star megan rapinoe pledged never to sing the national anthem. which is fine, better seen and not heard, right guys? >> a sexist would say! >> greg: so what's happening here. you're watching the effects of a self absorbed culture that make patriotic gestures out of place. so why salute a place in such bad shape usually thanks to them. and you see it creep up everywhere including that one sacred place. women's orb.
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yep, women's orb. now, i don't really even know what tournament they're in or where they're playing. the truth is, the sport is there for the players. it's not for the fans. because at last count, there were 114. [laughter] >> greg: true, soccer in general is the only sport where the announcers provide more excitement. >> he's not gone on a tour of japan. >> greg: rip. no, he's fine. i think t i really didn't check on him. but just like in soccer, i didn't even see him get injured. and, yet, they love soccer in europe but they also eat snails. yeah. makes you think, doesn't it? which is why here controversy generate more interest than the game. sure, the u.s. women's soccer team may be greeted warmly at
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the white house, and it should. joe's just happy he's not the only person falling on the ground for no reason. [laughter] >> greg: but rapinoe and the rest trying to parlay their brief moment on stage to greater recognition. and god bless americas it works. you can do anything in america to make a buck, including condemning america for making a buck. obviously, these players aren't risking life and limb making a statement. they're living a good life and the media lionizes them to no end. so this evil monster they're challenging doesn't exist. but, hey, you don't have to sing the anthem. you can kneel, dance, do head stands i don't care. that's what's great about america. but you know what else is great about americas me getting to rag on you because it's a slow news day. yeah, in your face. thank you.
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besides, besides, does it even matter if more and more of those people previously known as men enter women's sports, guess who's going to get those endorsement details. how long before lea thomas old spice is what keeps her smelling nice? and right behind trans a whole new group of athletes, robots. don't believe me? take a look. if i'm a gambler, okay, i know what side my money is on. it's the ones that can't pull a hamstring. pretty scary. and you can't even see their penises. the only part that's trans is their transmission. so the way things are going we can forget the u.s. versus holland or belgium or whoever. soon it will be humanity versus the bots and i'm going to watch the hell out of that. because when the time comes you know the robots will stand for their anthem, just like human robots won't stand for ours. >> period! >> greg: let's welcome tonights's guests. he owns a chain of big and tall
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shops in the northwest, former acting attorney general matt whitaker! [cheers and applause] >> greg: she talks so fas she has rug burns on her tongue, host of the fox true crime podcast emily compagno! [cheers and applause] >> greg: teachers would wash his mouth out with soap until they realized it turned him on. comedian and cohost of ufc unfiltered whose interview with president trump is now available on the ufc youtube page, jim norton! [cheers and applause] >> greg: and, finally, her voice was the inspiration for noise cancelling head phones. fox news contributor, kat timpf! [cheers and applause] >> greg: jim, when we had that pre talk where i go over the stories with you i was surprised when you told me how much a fan you are of women's soccer. >> jim: absolutely. >> greg: i had no idea. >> jim: i love it, it's
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exciting. they deserve equal pay even though four people watch it. i love women's soccer it's a lot of fun. >> greg: and they really are heroes. >> jim: yes and i look like a lesbian, so... . >> greg: exactly. is patriotism unnecessary in sports? >> jim: i don't care about it either way. i think the fact people focus on it, like, do you know how embarrassing it would be if somebody didn't sing or made a big statement and everybody was like, all right. nobody acknowledged it or got mad. almost like if a kid kicks and screams, go ahead, scream. it has no effect. i could care less about it. >> greg: that's usually what happens to you in the park. >> jim: no, no, they kick and scream. they make me close my coat. >> greg: he sells watches. >> jim: yeah. i don't want to tell you where i put them, though. >> greg: the expanding wrist. matt, welcome to the show. >> matt: it's good to be back. i thought i had been shadow
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banned. >> greg: what do you make of this? is this a big deal? i'll be honest with you, i really don't care. >> matt: i do t as an american, as someone that cheers for our national teams when they compete internationally. i mean, if you contrast what vietnam and that team that they beat 3-0 did and the way they were so happy to be in the world cup. they hadn't been there, they belted out the song and they were proud of their country. compare and contrast to some hands on their hearts and kneeling. i just read this great book a dawn's early light by a guy named walter lord where the wore of 1812 and about francis scott key who wrote the national anthem, the star spangled banner and you look at the sacrifice that the generations before us have given for this country, and then to have, you know, really the most sacred things, the national anthem, the flag, disrespected. we're better than that. we're better as a country. >> greg: yeah. i feel that way about the song
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summer breeze. look what we did with that. emily did you read a book? you read a book, did you read a book? >> emily: i mean, yes. >> greg: did you ever play soccer. >> emily: i want yes, yeah. >> greg: i bet you were good. >> emily: four years of varsity in high school. >> greg: you probably could have played pro but you wanted to get a job. >> emily: here's how i you this whole situation. you know, it is such a luxury to play a sport for a living. let's focus on megan rapinoe for a second who was awarded the presidential medal of freedom. and when you look to the bio on the white house's web site that describes why, in the very short splang why, it says it's because she's an advocate for gender equality, pay, pay rights, and all that stuff. and i want to know exactly why. is it because she filed a lawsuit? and then, if so, why aren't the cheerleaders in the nfl also deserving of the presidential medal of freedom?
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so she took advantage of the justice system here in the united states that affords every american the opportunity to, yes, ensure equality, that's what it's there for, she used it yes she was successful but that's credit she gets the medal of freedom. i would cheer for any sport whatsoever if the american flag was represented, doesn't matter if it's boring but she [bleep] all over it because she has the luxury of doing so. the afghanistan women's national soccer team, they don't exist. fifa doesn't recognize them because their own country doesn't. they had to be airlifted, evacuated out. and in their country, women are not allowed to play sports, let alone get an education. the men can play. they are now hiding in australia playing the refugee team. they would give anything to play at the world cup. so megan rapinoe and the rest of that team who didn't at least show the respect to those women who risked their lives actually by even existing, to me, underscores what a travesty and what a lack of respect they
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have. they have no idea what inequality is. >> greg: you just changed my mind on afghanistan. [laughter] >> greg: kat, a lot of people don't know this, but you, every morning when you wake up, you sing the national anthem >> kat: i do, and every night before i go to bed. >> greg: but you don't talk about it, you don't brag about it >> kat: no. uh-uh >> greg: that's good >> kat: i have to be honest, though. when i'm at an event, i don't sing the national anthem. but that's out of respect for the national anthem. that would get everyone to stop playing it. but i do put my hand over my heart and, you know, all of those things because, look, obviously i kind of agree with mr. norton over here in the sense that if this had not happened, i would not have known the women's world cup was happening. >> greg: that's exactly right >> kat: this is how i found out, through this. of course it's so great that we have this country where we're
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allowed to do these kinds of protests and not be killed, right? but also my husband -- again, as a half veteran, my husband always says, you know, i would have died for those people. he gets kind of pissed off. >> greg: yeah. do we have a clip? you interviewed trump and it's going to be on tonight? >> matt: no, it's on the ufc's youtube page we talked to him for 40 minutes about nothing but fights. it was amazing to hear him talk about something other than politics and his fight memory -- it wasn't scripted, his memory for fights was so good. >> greg: do we have a clip guys? professional. >> i look at ufc or boxing or any of these things, even sports generally, it's sort of a microcosm of life. but it's quicker. it doesn't take years to determine. you know, it's over in 12 rounds or it's over in five rounds or three rounds. but it's really a microcosm of life. >> greg: it really is. he was great. >> you're beating the crap out
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of people. >> greg: they played a little accordion. >> jim: that was me and matt. people were amazed how good he was and so weird to see him not fighting but to have a conversation about something he loves. >> greg: compare to the who's currently in the office, huh? he has two brain cells fighting. [laughter] >> greg: that was cheap. but pretty good huh? up next, what witnesses are unveiling may explain why hunter's lawyer's inhaling. [cheers and applause] >> if you'll be in the new york area and would like free tickets to see gutfeld go to and clink on the link to join our studio audience. ♪ with downy infusions, let the scent set the mood. feel the difference with downy. i'm saving with liberty mutual, mom.
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♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: all right. so was hunter's lawyer a pot smoking enjoyer? and yet the media won't dare say what was in the bong that day. time for a new segment that i'm calling. >> what's in the bong? what's in the bong? >> greg: this is kevin morris, an attorney and advisor for hunter biden. apparently 99% of his job is yelling, hunter, keep your pants on! but he was spotted smoking a bong on thursday on the balcony of his malibu home while hunter paid him a visit. it's easy to believe, hanging with hunter would drive anyone to use drugs. but get this people, so far the media hasn't been able to determine what was in the bong. so what do they think it could be? i mean it's a pretty safe bet it wasn't granny's ashes. morris has been dubbed hunter's sugar brother after lending him money to pay his taxes and a
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private jet to fly to his child support hearing. which is amazing. the nicest thing my lawyer's done is shave my back. but that could be the least of biden's problems, hunter's former business partner devon ar archer expected to testify before congress about hunter would dial his dad for meetings with his partner. apparently he put his dad on speaker phone at least two dozen times. joe insisted on using the speaker phone that way he could talk and eat ice cream at the same time. now that makes two people on hunter's speed dial, his dad and his dealer. could they be the same? now, old joe has repeatedly said he knew nothing of his son's overseas dealings but i wonder if now he'll change his tune. >> oh, no, no. look, i didn't do any phone calls with these guys. speaker phone, i don't even know how to use those machines. i mean, these phones are so
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complicated now. i used to have the old dial phone with my finger, you know, and then they came out with the bush button phone. et phone home. remember him? et? i used to play cards with him. good guy. then he killed himself in the river. >> greg: emily, two-part question. you are a lawyer, an attorney. a, what was in that bong, what do you think was in the bong. and, number two, when your lawyer is getting high, is that part of the billable hours? >> emily: that's called double billing. i mean, the irony, and i don't -- in the -- >> greg: look at you. is that what happens? >> first rule of improve, the answer's always yes. this is not going to go well. >> emily: sorry. it's that you know, the
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substance abuse problems are rife in our particular industry so it's ironic to me he's enjoying three feet from the street his recreational. my bet is just on marijuana. probably just marijuana. the optics here are unfortunately a joke but the joke is on the american people because it's our tax dollars that have continued to pay for this -- well, his client's waste of flesh misuse of our funds and of his influence peddling of his dad. to me, this is the typical, you know, 80s movie rich kid who's the daddy's -- the daddy's son. he enjoys throwing his cell phone in the middle of the table, let's get the vice-president on the horn everyone, that's his party trick. and he enjoyed i see at the expense of millions of our taxpayer dollars and billions of dollars potentially of private and other country's funds. when will this end and be taken seriously by the liberals or the democrat party.
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and then marjorie taylor greene she's referred to the ethics committee because she dared to show photographs of him? that's like karine jean-pierre, that shamed reporters for daring to ask questions about her lies and the president's lies. why are we being shamed for asking about it or showing the photos when they're the ones doing it. >> greg: this is exactly what happens when i show naked pictures of me and i go, i didn't take those pictures. [laughter] >> greg: why should i get blamed for that? so, kat, hunter has an advisor. that's pretty amazing. imagine if he didn't. >> kat: yeah. that's true. >> greg: i want an advisor. think how much more fun and interesting my life would be >> kat: yeah. look, i am also way more interested in the corruption stuff than i am the weed habits. and also, it is kind of weird to talk about weed in front of this guy.
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[laughter] >> kat: no offense but i feel like no matter what i say you're going to have me arrested. >> matt: i've put people in jail for that >> kat: just remember we have the same birthday we're birthday twins which means astrology can't be real. [laughter] >> kat: but i am still going to comment on my weed habits and say about this lawyer. >> matt: hunter's weed habits >> kat: no, the lawyer's weed habits. that is a giant bong. if you are able to take a bong rip like that and still conduct a meeting with a client, it might be time for a tolerance break. >> greg: yeah. he looked like he needed it. his face was just like -- i mean, it's not like not that i know >> kat: that is a serious rip to the face. >> greg: he's like get me through this. makes me think, what is hunter doing in there that this guy goes i've got to get out. i've got to get out. >> matt: many of us refer to
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ourselves as attorneys and counselors at law. i think he's more counselor on this and he's trying to forget. i mean, that's paraphernalia and that's what wealthy people have, because that is a large piece of paraphernalia. but, remember, hunter biden owes him possibly millions of dollars, because he's the one that got hunter out of the tax problem, let's call it a problem. but he's also the one that flew hunter to his hearing in arkansas where hunter said, i don't have enough money and i need my child support lowered dramatically. so you spend $110,000 to fly him back and forth to say he can only afford $4,000 a month? that's rich. >> emily: great point. >> matt: i mean, "rich" like in quotes. >> jim: not a good sign when your lawyer looks like nick notey's head shot, his mug shot. remember that mug shot. >> greg: oh, my god.
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in post, put side by side. isn't that great? >> jim: as a professional comedian i should have said mug shot instead of head shot. why do you trip at the finish line jim. >> greg: tell me about it. >> jim: i don't mind hunter biden. i don't do drugs, i don't want to get in trouble but i have sold crack to hunter biden. but, like, if my father was president, i would be just as bad. and if i had a huge penis, hunter biden has a huge penis. >> greg: i've never seen it. >> jim: oh, come on. >> greg: because of the large box they put over it. >> jim: well the box is a long one, like a shoebox. he behaved like i would behave if my father was president. i would be swinging it in a circle and getting my dad on the phone. that's exactly what i would do. >> greg: thank god your dad's not president. >> jim: yes, and i still do those things. >> greg: that's true. you need an advisor. up next, will we applaud or demean a movie that we haven't e seen? [cheers and applause] for an erc tax refund.
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>> gutfeld movie review! of a movie we didn't see. >> but are we saying there's a chance that when we push that button, we destroy the world? >> nothing in our research through the years comes to that conclusion, except there's a remote possibility. >> how remote? >> chances are near zero. >> greg: a clip from the movie oppenheimer, which came out -- did i say it right? >> yep. >> greg: came out this week, and i haven't seen it. but it's the greatest movie ever made. i also didn't see barbie. worst movie ever made. i think i checked the boxes here right? kat, did you see this movie? what did you make of it >> kat: okay. i did not see it but i saw -- oppenheimer? >> greg: yes. [laughter] >> kat: why would i see that? i'm a girl. >> greg: did you like barbie >> kat: i really did like
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barbie. >> greg: did you enjoy it >> kat: i did enjoy it. i went with my sister. >> greg: did you actually go to movie? >> kat: i did, i went to the movie and i had a nice show. >> greg: that's amazing. get her off the show >> kat: what i did. >> matt: i saw oppenheimer. it was well acted, there was no people of color and no women, which i made note of. >> greg: finally. i mean terrible. >> matt: feminist academic mad that it took 20 minutes to talk, i'm like what a dud you are in the movies sitting therer with a clicker waiting for a woman to talk and mark it down. i lied i didn't see it by the way. >> greg: no people of color appear for at least 30 minutes and i believe there are two black men also that didn't speak. and i'm going is she talking about the movie or the theater? a racist would say. >> kat: can i say something about this lady really quick complaining about no women being
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represented in this? okay. obviously the right side won the war, usa forever, okay? also, as a woman, i don't know why she's trying to rewrite history to make it look like we had more to do with the dawn of atomic warfare. because we get the best of both words, we get to enjoy the benefits of having won the war but when it comes to the destruction and death we get to be like, don't look at us. >> greg: we had nothing to do with it >> kat: we were in the kitchen. >> greg: we were dropping eggs. we were dropping babies out of our wombs emily. and that's a hero. emily, i want to recap. thises wa a feminist academic who complained there were no women in the movie or whatever and no women speak until 20 minutes in, and there's a sex scene before it and there's not any people of color. all of these things are true because that's how it happened. should we change things? should you have samuel jackson
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play helen keller? >> kat: actually. >> emily: that question. yes. >> greg: yes, okay. >> emily: i mean, yes to the -- i get it. and i think that's the physical fallacy. and that. only a spairn person can play a person from spain. only a cuban american can play an historical figure from cuba. it's so tight no room for anyone to act according to them. if this was the authentic story of that particular perspective are we supposed to throw in the whole diversity for diversity's sake. isn't that the point of their original argument. if she wants to see a bun of women put a film about building the sherman tank which was done by women on the home front. so many different historical things women did, instead of complaining about this particular one, why doesn't she
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highlight another one, but i don't think any of you read anything she writes. >> greg: women built the sherman tank. >> emily: yeah. >> greg: wow. you can't tell. >> emily: what do you mean? >> greg:. >> jim: guy ahead greg. >> emily: because i drove one and it was amazing so i learned all about it. so women were busy while the guys were -- >> greg: women are heroes as i coined the term you go girl. i think for barbie to make it more authentic they should have had klauss barbie. i'm goat to let that sit. i can't even remember who he is but he was big in the news. matt, how's your history on oppenheimer? >> matt: good. >> greg: do you think we need to change things so it's like we have -- also the same guy who did, what was the movie. >> emily: nolan, yep, and it was tommy. >> greg: dunkirk. >> matt: he did memento. >> greg: but dunkirk the same
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criticism, where are the black people, where are the women on dunkirk. can somebody explain dunkirk. >> matt: that fishermen in boats were overrepresented. >> greg: yeah. >> matt: but, you know, i haven't seen either movie but that does not prevent me from saying what i want to because i'm on the gutfeld show and i watch you do it every night. but i would say, i would commend everyone to go see sound of free do. it raises an important issue [cheers and applause] >> matt: it's an issue i've been working on for almost 20 years. i brought the first group when i was in iowa when i was the us attorney together to talk about human trafficking and it's only becoming a bigger problem. not to ruin the segment but it's a really important film, already grossed a hundred million dollars, so it's on par with these movies at the box office and it's an exceptional film by really great schnabel a lot of people are confused with human trafficking. it's not when you're facing a
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lot of people in a condensed congested area. remember how confused we were about that? >> jim: absolutely i was like why are you charging me with theft. >> greg: exactly. not good. and i'm disgusted that you would laugh at that. all right. coming up, they're tired of being gentle with protesters who are mental. [cheers and applause] introducing the new swiffer powermop. an all-in-one cleaning tool that gives you a mop and bucket clean in half the time. our new cleaning pad has hundreds of scrubbing strips- that absorb and lock dirt away, ( ♪ ) and it has a 360-degree swivel head- that goes places a regular mop just can't. so, you can clean your home faster than ever. don't mop harder, mop smarter, with the new swiffer powermop.
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[bleep]. >> stop recording. >> yes! >> greg:. >> greg: okay. so, matt, you're a lawyer. >> matt: yes. >> greg: here's the background story to that, that was a just stop oil protester getting punched and kicked after reportedly causing a pregnant woman to crash her car. so what would happen to that person who beat that protester who caused that? is that person going to go to jail? granted it's england where they have weird laws and still wear funny hats. >> matt: first of all, we can't condone violence, i have to give a full disclosure. >> greg: i can. >> matt: however, have they not accomplished enough with their green agenda? they have evs that nobody wants to buy, they're forcing this environmentalist down our throats and at the same time now they're blocking traffic. i can understand why she's upset. and this isn't the only example.
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i've seen several instances where these people sit across the road to protest gasoline, which isn't going away anytime soon because, again, there's how many -- two million evs in the united states and over 350 million gas-burning cars. not going away for a while greg. >> greg: that is true. jim, have you ever been in a situation like this where you're in a hurry and a protester's in a front and you run them down and drag them? >> jim: no, but i have been punched by a man in a hurry. i was just crossing the street slowly and my face bothered him. the funny part of that video is the fact that all of his friends just sit there. they're brave enough to sit in the street but too cowardly to defend their friend when he's getting their ass kicked. it was so much fun to watch, they all sat there like what are you doing? but yeah, you can't just punch somebody, but if a woman's pregnant and you have to get to the hospital or wherever she's going. >> greg: what if she ended up having a miscarriage, kat? couldn't they arrest these
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people for murder? lawyer. >> kat: i'm not a lawyer. i just feel like there's so much anger these days. there's always been anger but now on social media especially i think you see anger and see people getting attention for anger. all videos are like look at this fight or, you know, look at this meltdown, this person screaming, yelling, fighting, and you forget that there are normal people but there's never videos like this man calmly drives to work listening to credence clear water revival. >> greg: they get made fun of >> kat: he loves his kids and wife. he's nice to her. and i can do it, too. it's easy to focus on all these people are yelling at me or all these people are so mad and i'm never like, you know what? thanks to everyone who's not yelled at me. so thank you. >> greg: it's a good point. because that's how the police brutality videos got out of hand because they just played one over and over and over again but you never see videos of police
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doing good things because nobody films that and they're outweighted like a hundred billion to one. that's a statistic. >> emily: right or if the good samaritan is filmed then he is charged. i will a say this. when you said the protesters see themselves as brave for sitting in the highway. the whole thing is there's nothing brave about it. all they are -- first of all, that's illegal, any type of blocking a highway, that's illegal and to me they're just [bleep]. what are they actually accomplishing? they have accomplished risking a pregnant woman's fetus's life, accomplished millions of dollars worth of damage in car accidents. do you remember the protest on the highway in the united states when a guy on parole or probation. >> greg: i remember that. >> emily: yep, was driving to his job and he had the restraint not to beat them up which he should have, because there's a zero tolerance policy. so when he arrives late at his job that is zero tolerance and he goes back to his incarceration. i heard recently of another european protest like this and the woman got out of her car, dragged the woman off by her
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hair and then did it again when she came back. i applaud that. the law enforcement is clearly having their hamstrings so it's up to us. all they are is being rewarded otherwise. the only issue i have is that it says beaten because he deserved a lot worse. that's how i feel. >> jim: they are braichlt i'm glad the guy burned them but if you're sitting in a street and a car could hit you for whatever reason it's still ballsy. >> emily: it's foolish, home. there's nothing brave -- and that's the point about the megan rapinoe thing. there's nothing brave about not standing or singing the anthem but people call that brave, oh, what a brave woman for taking up her space or using er had voice. what is brave about that. >> jim: if she sat on the highway and sang it, she would be brave. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> greg: if he gets charged with assault and i was their lawyer i
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would say that that person was blocking my fist with their windy. >> emily: good defense. right counselor. >> matt: yeah, it's a defense. [laughter] >> greg: that's all i needed. up next a beauty pageant in rome tells trans women to stay home. [cheers and applause] eczema still disrupts my skin. despite treatment it disrupts my skin with itch. it disrupts my skin with rash. but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. it's one pill, once a day. many taking rinvoq saw clear or almost-clear skin while some saw up to 100% clear skin. and, they felt dramatic and fast itch relief some as early as 2 days. that's rinvoq relief. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal, cancers including lymphoma and skin cancer, death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred. people 50 and older with at least one heart disease risk factor have higher risks. don't take if allergic to rinvoq,
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♪ >> a story in five words
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♪ [cheers and applause]. >> greg: a story in five words: ms. italy bans the trans. jim the miss italy beauty pageant clarified all competitors must be a woman from birth after the ms. netherlands pageant crowned a transgender winner putting the nether in netherlands. is this unfair to men who want to be miss italy. i know you had plans. >> jim: you know i'm a big fan of the trans gals, any pageant they're in i want to watch. i don't care about this ms. italy thing. they should do a ms. transgender italy and that's the one i would watch. they're a lot more fun. >> greg: if you get them together it's a lot more laughs. >> jim: it is a stupid contest. ms. italy. yay. then what? any of those ms. whatever are dumb anyway. i don't care what the rules are. they're idiotic. >> greg: i would say i'm with jim, emily, in the sense they
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should have trans pageants and accentuate the trans, do you know what i mean? >> emily: i do. >> greg: i don't. >> emily: i love this because clearly italy knows what a woman is. [cheers and applause]. >> emily: to your point, i hear what you're saying, that's something like kaitlyn jenner has advocated for which is no one is saying you can't compete but why don't you compete with by logically similar people so it's an even playing field, that's the whole point. >> greg: yes. speaking of point, kat, i think you could argue trans are cheating because they have an advantage politically. hmm? do you see what i did there? >> kat: i don't think this is even about that because i read the article. [laughter] >> greg: if you're going to do this show, you don't read the article >> kat: i know, i know. not supposed to, but it said they actually blanded any women who had plastic surgery at all since 2012.
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you're not allowed to have body piercings or tattoos or wear revealing swim suits so clearly they're very strict about wanting a conservative traditional look so i'm not surprised that that includes no penis. [laughter] >> greg: sucks because i have a friend of mine who has a pierced tattooed penis >> kat: maybe for ms. amsterdam. >> jim: you don't have to say a friend, greg, you can just say jim. >> greg: i didn't think it was my place to out you. matt is that too strict regulations. >> matt: that was just please don't throw it to me. just like biological men shouldn't compete in women's sports they shouldn't compete in beauty pageants either. it's that simple. the only reason they win, to your point, ms. netherlands wins because it was a political vote not because of whatever
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qualifications required to win that competition. so that is what i think is the most upsetting about this. but, you know, italian women -- by the way, it goes to the ms. universe, if you read the article. ms. italy would compete in ms. universe. >> jim: i didn't read the article. i was too busy peep bleep to the contestants. [laughter] >> greg: and i salute that. you're an american. >> kat: are you okay? >> matt:. >> matt: oh, goodness. >> greg: emily i guess from now on the only contestants with mustaches will be women. i don't know. >> emily: no. you know what i just thought of that would be great, would be, fine you want to be a transgender, you can't tell anyone. then if you win, then it wouldn't be a political -- >> greg: there you go that's a really good point. truly a secret.
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that's interesting. i think that happens to a lot of guys when they go to asia. [laughter] >> matt: jim?. >> jim: they're pretending they didn't know. >> greg: exactly. >> jim: oh, what's this >> greg: oh, my goodness. well, i already bought you dinner. >> jim: i've never been fooled. i always knew. >> greg: that's the title of your memoir, i always knew. don't go away, we'll be right back. [cheers and applause] >> if you'll be in the new york area and would like free tickets to see gutfeld, go to and click on the link to join our studio audience. ♪ [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: and i want to let everybody know, if you're looking through that book, that i licked every cover. [laughter] >> greg: thanks to emily compagno, she got a book, matt whitaker, jim norton, kat timpf, our studio audience, fox news at night with dreamy trace gallagher, he's going to get a book. love you america. >> jonathan: good evening everyone i'm jonathan hunt in for trace gallagher 11:00 p.m. on the east coast eight in los angeles and this is membering's late news, fox news at night. >> and breaking tonight, mass protests in israel after lawmakers there move to limit the power of their supreme court. our panel will discuss. a missing paddle border has now been identified as an employee of the obamas, the former first family is speaking out after the man's body was recovered


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