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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  July 25, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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not showered in a long period appreciate it with us. >> thanks for that report. all right. two quick programing notes tomorrow hall with robert f kennedy jr. tickets free hannity .com wednesday, tuesday, wednesday and thursday night live audience shows tickets are free please say dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. let not your heart be troubled here's great. >> en nity gutfeld yeah, yeah, ha ha ha ha. have by every birthday sos ne it's near the end of july and you know what that means. >> there are so many stories too upsetting to look into
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a bunch of news that just makes you want try. is everything the most depressing? could the change season be the reason why some news helps you avoid this? but you know, that's right. noti >> it's the time of year whereng nothing is going. and by nothing i mean women's soccer. so as we h hear constantly toda, is a deeply polarized nation, black versus whitesize barbie versus oppenheimer, bud light versus drinking the toilet. the only thing we seem to agree upon is my smoldering magnet is i mean, that's okay. but traditionally,t one of
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the places the country's collectively left politics asid left e is in sports, especy international sports, because,as you know, it's us against them. anyone oany onf a age will never forget the miracle on ice. and no, i'm not referring to that time i discovered vodka . it's when the olympic u.s. men's hockey team beat m soviet red army. bernie sanders is still demanding a do over, but it was 1980 and the team and the country celebrated. it was a victory as a freedom over a decrepit communist system that in a decade would fallecrei like one of nancy pelosi'st sy faceliftsts. >> but my how things have changed instead of celebrating the values that still draw people from all over the worldte to this country. some of today's athletes appear to treat the natios tn that gae them all of this freedom the same way. brian stelter, a beach chair, lo let your imagination run wild. it kicked ofurf with professionl
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benchwarmer colin kaepernick, but it quickly spread to the nba. that wnba and a whole other the bunch of places, including the women's us soccer team. soce last week, they did not so muchr as put their hands over their hearts during the u.s. national. anthem >> a few did, but most o af them didn't. reportedly, whilt pr their opponents proudly sang the vietnamese anthem like a team fulou tl like jane fonda. >> that's a throwback to, of course, retiring soccer star megan rapinoe pledged never to sing the national anthem, which is. better seen and not hearde, i right guys. >> mean sexist would b say to what's happening here. well you're watching effects of a self-absorbed culture that made patriotic gestures seem out of place. and every day it judges our country more harshly. stures of so why salute a placea such bad shape usually. thanksllo them and you see ithi creep up everywhere,nc includine that one sacred place, women's soccer?
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yep, women's soccer. now, i don't reall. y know what tournament they're in or where they're playing. the trutish, the sport is there for the players. it's not for the fans because te at last count, there were 114 drew. soccer in general is the only sport where the announcers provide more excitement. >> he's on the naughty step say he's not going to say holy. ip i repeat. no. , he's i think i really did check. on him. bue int just like in soccer. i didn't even see him get injured. and,and yes, they love soccer in europe, but they also eat. mm-hmm. yeah. mm-hmm. makes yomakes you think, doesn'w which is why here controversies. . more interest than the games. sure. the u.s. women's soccer team
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may be greeted warmly at the white house, and it should. jones is happyt he's not the only person falling on the ground for no reaso >> okay. but rapino ge and thut rapine re just trying to parlay their brief moments on stage n stag. s amerecognition yod god bless america. it works. you coul ad do anything in america to make a buck, including condemningck america for making a buck. obviously, these players aren't risking life and limb making a statement. they're living a goostatement. d lifeizes and the media lionize them to no end. so thi ts evil monster they're challenging doesn't exis they't. t but you don't have to sing the anthem. you can kneel, dance. you friggin headstands. i don't care. that's what's great abou, do h tbut yo america. but you know what else is great about america? me getting a ragow i on. >> you because it's a slow newsg day. yeah. in your face. thank you.. besides, the site doesn't evenei
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matter as more and more of those people previously known as men enter women's men sports. guess who is going to get those endorsement deals? how long before leah thoma somas is telling us old spice is what keeps her smelling nic old e and right behind trans, a whole new grouright bep. athletes, robots. don't believe me. take a look. if i'm gambler, okay. money i know what side my money is on. onit's ones that can't pull a hamstring. it's pretty scarhamstry. >> and you can't even see their . the only part that's transt is their transmissions. n >> so the way things are going, we can forget the u.s. versu usb holland or belgium or wherever. soon it'll be humanity versus th. .otse and i'm going to watche the hell out of that. because when the time comes, you knowcos yo , the robots will stand for their anthem, just like human robotsthem won't stand for hours. look at that. i guess he owns a chain of bigsn
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and small shops in the northwest. former acting attorney general matt whitaker see talk. so fast. hoshe has rug birds on her tongue. oh, it's true. crime podcast aboue fot your teachers would wash his mouth out with soap until they realized it turned him on. comedian it turn, co-host of ufr unfiltered, whose interview with president trump is available on the ufc youtube page. jim naughton and finally, her voice was the inspiration for noise canceling headphonese . fox news contributor got it right, jim. >> we had that pre-taped tale hk where i over all the stories you with you. i was really surprised when you told me how much of a fan you ar told mea fae of women's >> absolutely. i had no idea. i love it. it's excitinidea.>> jim: it,g u
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equal pay, even though fewer people pay to watch it. i love women'salgh four soccer. it's a lot of yes, it is. and they really are heroes. le s. >> and i look like a , yeah, exactly. exactly. do is patriotism unnecessary in wy sports? i don't care about it either way. i think the fact that people focus emeoplcu on it like, you know, how embarrassing it would be if somebody they saying that they made a big statement and everybody was like all right, yeah g statk and nobody acknowledged it and nobody got mad. it's almost like if a kinoit ord and screams, yell, go ahead, yell and scream. it has no effects, go d,. abou could care less about it. yeah. yeah. and that's usually what happens >>g: t. haat >> jim: it. >> no, no. they kick and scream. they make me close. my coachse, he sells watches. yeah. them >> i don't want to tell you where i put them. no , the expanding wrist mats. wait, no. s yeah. matt, welcome to the show. it's good to be back. bathoughho matt: it, i had beenw
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banned. >> oh, yes. so what donned.g: what you of >> is this a big deal? i mean, i'll be honest with you. i really don't car ie. i yeah. as an american, as someoneeric that. cheers for our national teams when they compete internationallinterny. m an i mean, if you contrast what vietnam and that team that they beat three, nothing did in the way they were so happybeen to be in the world cup. t they hadn't been there. they belted out the song and.cor they were just proud of their country. compare and contrast. that was some and. their hearts, some kneeling. but, you know, i just read this great book. a dawn's d this early light by by a guy named walter lord,y and it's about the war in 18 12, a war of 1812. >> and it's about franci 181s st key, who wrote the national anthem, the star-spangled banner. and yo anthemthu look at the sacrifice that the generations before us hav e for this country and then to have, you know, really the the most sacred things the national anthem, the flag is respected in that y. we're better than that. we're better as a country.
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yeah t , i feel that way about this song, summer breeze. look what we did to that. mmer e emily, did you read a book and? >> you read a book? did you read a book? i mean, yes, yes. >> not.ccer. did you ever play soccer? yeah. yeah. i bet you were pretty good: i ws huh? >> four years of varsity in high school. so you probably could've played pro. >> you wanted to get a job oy i okay, here's how i feel about whole situation that, you know, it is such a luxury to playivin. a sport for a living. >> and let's focus on megan rapinoe for a second, who was awarded the presidential medal freedom. thd when you look to the bio on the white house's website, that describes why in the very short explanation wh shorty it it's because she's an advocate for gender equality, pay, pay et rights and all that stuff. and i want to knowly exactly wh. is it because she filed a lawsuit? deseen, ifo why aren't the cheerleaders in the nfl also deserving of the presidentialg of pre of fre?
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so she took advantage of here the justice system herine inan e the united states that affords every american the opportunity t to, yes, ensure equality. that's what it's there for. so she used it it'. dit she >> yes, she was successful, but that's why she gets the medal of freedom. i would cheer fo r sport whatsoever if the american flag was being represented. all n't mattere americ if it's , but she's all over it because she has the luxurysh of doing sf the afghanistan women's national soccer teammen', exist. they don't exist. fifa doesn't recognize them because their owsn't recn doesn. they had to be airlifted, evt. sportsu and in their country women are not allowed to play sports, let alont ee get an education. the men can play they are now hiding in australia playing the refugee team. >> they would get anything.apine to play at the world cup. >> seso megan rapinoe and the rest of that team who didn't at least show the respect up to those womene woo risked who d their lives actually by even existing to me underscores a what a travesty and what a lackt
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of respect they have. >> they have no idea what inequalit y is.ter] >> you just changed my mind on afghanistan that a lot ofa lo people don't know this, bute every morning when you wake up, you do you sing the national anthem, yo nationa. but you >> i do.k and every night before i go to bed. yes, that's it. but you don't do you don'tt bra' about, you know, brag about it. >> no, no, that's good. no. well hones, i got to be honest, though, when i'm at an event,n' i don't t the national anthem. but that's out of respect for the national level that would get everyone to stop s playing a it. but i do put my hand over my heart and all, you know, all of those things, becauseose i look, obviously, i kind of agree with mr. naughton over here in the sense that if this had not happenedis had, i would. have known the women's world cup was happening. yeah, that's exactly greg: ts e. this is how i found out. yeah, of course it's it's so
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great that we have this country where we're allowed to do these kinds ofs of protests and not be killed. yeah, right. but alsobut alsod my husband a course as a half veteran, my husband says, always says, you know, i would have died for those people. >> yeah, but then he gets kind of gs kind o. lip? >> yeah. yeah, it, you know it. we have a clip you guys show, yop an irviewed, you interviewed trump tonight, and it's going to be on tonight or it's on. it's o then the ufc's youtube p. we talked to him for 40 minutes about nothing but fights. zing t was amazing to hear him talk about something other than politics tout some and his fighy is people thought it was scripted. his memory for fights was so goodscripted, hi . av we have a clip, you guys. g we got a oh, i hope you know, i look at like ufc or boxing or any ofts these things, even generally, a it's sort of a microcosm of life, but it's quicker. it doesn't take year taks to determine, you know, i it's over in 12 rounds or it's over and five rounds orthre three rounds. yeah, bue rounds.t it's it's rey a microcosm of life. >> it really
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>> he was greatly if you're beating the out of that, they played a little accordion. that was me and matt. asarah terry? yeah, sarah. former welterweight champion. yeah, but yeah people are goo amazed how good his memory was. and people were like, it was so weird to see himwas an fighting. yeah. to see him having a conversation about something he loved. yeah ve a nversation about. compare that to who's currently in the office is he's got two brain cells fighting. all right, that was cheap, but that's pretty good, huh? >> yeah. i'm next. n wh what witnesses are unveiling may explain why hunters, arwyers, inhaliny g. >> ieaf you'll be in the new yok area and would like free tickets to see tic gutfeld, go o fox slash gutfeld and click on the link to join our studio what is the biden business you're dealing with? a web of deception. i saw on the orders of joe biden a kickback scheme, giving money to hunter biden, the former national
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who allegedly bribed hunter biden allegedly has audio. can you just say once and for all whether the cocaine belonged the biden family? it's not just about hunter. it's about joe, who is hunter biden? part four streaming now on fox nation. >> sign up at fox nation .com. hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas. and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american. sleep deprivation. that's why you need to know about relaxium sleep you see getting a good night's sleep helps support a healthy immune system, helps maintain a healthy blood pressure, healthy cardiovascular system, and a blind placebo. clinical trial relaxium sleep help fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer and wake feeling refreshed. >> when i take relaxium sleep i sleep better than i have in years. >> i wake up feeling alert like i've had the best night's sleep. >> call today and get your very own risk free bottle of relaxium sleep.
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all right. an is hunter's lawyer pot smoking enjoy or and yet the media won't say what was in the bong that day. time a new segment that i'm calling what's in the bong was in the bong. this is kevin morris. an an attorney and adviser for hunter biden. apparentlylling,, 99% of his job is yelling. hunter, keep your pants on. a but he was spotted smokingursdao a bong on thursday on the balcony of his malibuim home while hunter paid him a visit. easy to believ a. e hanging with hunter would drive anyone to use drugs. but get thist get th, so far, te hasn't been able to determintere what in the bomb. so what do they think it couldk be? >> i mean, it's a pretty safe bet it wasn't granny's ashewasn't gs. n dubb morris has been dubbed hunter's sugar brother after apparently lendinunter'g him money to pay f
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his taxes and landing of a private jet to fly to hi s toi child support hearings. >> which is amazing. the nicest thingd lawyer hasy done is shave my back. but that could be the least ofb' biden's problems. hunter'slems former business partner devon archer expectedn to before congress this week about how hunter would deal in his dachearcherd when he was vpr meetings with foreign business partners. apparently, hunteral his dad pui on speakerphone at least two dozen times. d on joe insisted on using the speaker phone. that way you could talk and eat ice cream atr phon way the same. >> but that now makes people on hunter's speed dial. his dad and his dealer. could they be the same now?g oh, joe has repeatedly said he knew nothing of his son's overseas dealings. but i wonderis if now he'll change his tune. >> oh, no, no, no, no. >> look, i didn't do any phoneon calls. these guysy one speakerphone.nn >> i don't even know how to use those machines.
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>> i mean, these phones are so complicated. and nohavew i use the old dialy phone with my my finger and allt i got. and then they came out a push button phone due to boop, boop, boop, boop. >> e.t. phone. no , my man. e.t., i to play cards with him.. good guy. then he killed himself h. ver. >> the river and i. two part question. you are a lawyer, an attorney? >> a what was in that bar and what do you think was in the bar? and number two, when la your lawyer is getting high. is that part of the billable hourrt os? >> that's called double billing. hmm. i mean, the irony and i don't>>e in my in the states, but i mean, i look at you know. yeah. is that what happens? ve, thand i'm thinking first rui improv. the answer's always yes, i can dos noo what, sir. is that. riu know, the substance abuse
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problems are rife inrticul our particular industry. and so it's ironicarustry to mt he's enjoying three feet from the street, his recreational . marijuan my bet is just on marijuana. thah, probably just marijuan ju the optics here are obviously a joke, but the joke unfortunately is on the american people because it's our tax dollars that have americaoplecontinued to pay fo. >> well, his clients, this waste of flesh misuse of our funds and of his influence peddling of his dad, to me, this is the typical, you know, like eighties movie riche rich . who's the dad is the daddy son. he enjoys, you know, throwing a cell phone on the middle of the table. >> let's get the vice president on the horn. everyone vi that's his partyty trick. and he enjoyed it at the expense of millions ofillio dollars of our taxpayers dollars and then billions of dollar s of private and otheriall countries funds. whenof is this going to endil and when will it actually be taken seriousl ay by the liberas
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or by the democrat party? and then marjorie taylor greeneh is the one that's referred to the ethics committee because she dared to show photographe da him. >> that's like karine jean-pierre that shamed reporter, shamed s daring to a' questions about her lies and the president's lies. why are we being shamed for asking about it or showing howing t when they're the ones that are doing it? >> this is exactly what happens when i showed nake ehod of me ak got i didn't take thosee picturesth. amed why should i get blamed for that? >> so cat hunter has an adviser . >> that's pretty amazing. imagine if he didn'tine if h li. >> that's true. thwant an adviser. think about how much more fun and interesting my life would be. >> yeah. >> ky i am also wa more interested in the corruption stuff than i am the weed habit. >>uf about >> and also, i. it is kind of weird to talk about weed in front of guy
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and no offense, but i feel like no matter what i say, you're going to have me arrested. e pu >> put people in jail for that.l i know, i know. but just remember, like we, have the same birthday. we're birthday twins, all right? now that we know that. twin birthda. which means astrology can't be real, right? >> k, but i. i am still going to commentd on his weed habits and say about this lawyer, sweetheart. yeahabout th. >> no, the lawyer, the lawyers, weed habits. the lawyers. weed habitlawyerees. a that is a giant bong. yeah. if you if you are able to take a bong rip like that and stillm conduct a meeting with a client, it might be time for a tolerance break. >> yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. eah.i mean, he looked liket like he needed his face. was like. ous ri >> i mean, it's like. not that i bad, but serious. the the face. yeah, but he's just like, get me through it makes me thme thi what hunter doing int h there that this guy goesatt: man get out. >> i got to get out. you know, many of us to
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ourselves as attorneys and counselors at la at w, i thk he's more counselor. i'm trying to forget it. buforgeti t i mean that, you knh again, that's paraphernalia and that's what wealthave,y people have because that is a large piece of paraphernalia. ds but remember this one hunter biden owes him possiblhim possyt millions of dollars. yeah, he's the one that got hunter out of the tax problem.ll >> let's call it problem. e on but he's also the one that flew hunter to his hearing in arkansas, where hunterkansas w , i don't have enough money and i need my child support lowereneed thematically. and so you spentpend $110,000 to fly him back and forth to say that he can only afford to $4,000 a month. i mean, that's that's rich.? >>, i mean it rich, like int: im quotes. >> yes, i get it. hollywooean, "richd, when your looks like nick nolte head shot is mug shot. remember that mug shot sho?
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oh, my god. should the boy put the say inat >> j? put side by side? is that great? i know. but as a professional comedian ,i just had mug shot and said,pt hey, why do you trip at the finish line? lijim go tell me about it. i don't mind hunter biden. i i mean, i don't want him in trouble. >> i have sold crack to hunterva biden like my father was president. >> i would esident, be just as and if i had a huge, hunter biden has a huge. i didn'ten has a see. i've never seen it come back box that they put over it. please i think by the box might be a large one. well, the box is a long one. >> it's like a shoebox. yes, it's it is. yeah. soe, like he behaves exactly le i would behave if my father was president. i'd be swinging it in a circleit and get my dad on the phone. >> that's exactln y. thank god your dad's not president. no, i still do those things. yes, that's true. you need it fo ande thinr you n. adviser. all right. up next, will we applaud up orr demean a movie that we haven't seen?
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a movie we didn't see. we think there's a chance that when we push that button, we destroy the world. nothing. our research only three years of movies that conclusion excepth th as the most remote possibility now remote chances e are near zero. >> mm it's a clip from the movie oppenheimer, whichep. came out. did i say it right? yep. thank you. >> gk, and out this week, and imovi haven't seen it, but it's the greatest movie ever. i also didn't see e barbie worst movie ever made. i think i took the boxes herevi? right. cat, did you see this movie? what did you make of it? se okay, i did not see it, but i still. >> oppenheimer. yes. at: wh why would i see that? i'm a girl. >> did you like barbie?>>
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i really did. >> did you enjoy it? i did enjoy. i went with my sister. di>> gd you go to the mall? >> i i went to the movie and i had a nice time. ohvie? kat: i that's amazing.>g >> you get around the show, right? i direg:s amd get off. >> i saw oppenheimer. oh, you did? it was very good : what. er yeah, it was. it was well-acted. there was no, no people of wom color and no women, which i made note of. >> oh, finally. >>ahwhich notof.. who was that? i mean, terrible feminist, academic m got mad that there was. took 20 minutes for a woman to talk, and i'm like, what ta, a? ng dud, you are in the movies sitting there. watch with a clicker waiting for a woman to talwithk and mard it down. shut up. you know i lie. i didn't say ie itt the way. >> yeah, yeah. it's like once she said, no of o people of cololo r appear for at least 30 minutes. and i believe there e arehat two black men also. right. that didn't speadik. i'm like, why is she talking about that? about the movie or the theater? can i can i juste a racismovitd say, can i watch you, jim? >> can i say something about this lady really quick?
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yeah. compomeng about no women being represented in this. okay. obviouslthe righdey right side n the war usa forever. >> okay. yeah. also?also, a, as a woman, i do why she's trying to rewritee had ake it look like we had more to do with the dawn ofe we atomic warfare. >> yeah. yeah. because we get the best of both word women.benefi now we get to enjoyts the benefits of having won the war. t comen it comes to the d destruction and death, we get to be like, don't look at us. >> yeah, we had nothing to donoo >> go with it. >> >> we were in the kitchen, we kt were dropping eggs: >> we were dropping babies out of our wombs emily and that's a hero. >> yeah. emily so, yeahero. this is i wat to recap. just this was a feminist academic ridmie who complained that there were no women in the movie or whatever, and there was, like, no wome spi until 20 minutes in,ther and there's a scene before ite' and. >> there's not any people of color. all of these things are true the because that's how it happened. >> should we change things? should should you have samuelou jackso havn play helen keller?
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>> actually, i think that yes. >> yes.>> i mean, yes to the i get it. and i think that that's the whole that's a fallacy of the liberals argument, because their whole point is authenticity, right? yeah. the whole point they keep saying is thatfallacy. only a s person can play a person from spain. only a cuban-americaron can play a historical figure. that was cuban-american. right. it's s o tight, there's no room for anyone to actually act. apparently, accordinght nog to. so then that's the whole point. well, if this was the authentic story of , that particular perspective, are we supposed to just throw in the whole diversitposed y? yeah, for diversity sake. is that the whole point of their original argumenisn't tht if she wants to see a bunch ofno women, then put a film aboutmen building about a tanks, which we all done by women on the home front, right? there's son many historical,t exciting things that women did instead of complaining about this particular, wh why doesn't she highlight
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another one? but i don't think any of us would read whatevert anothe f writes, because clearly women actually built the sherman tank. yeah, wellou rea i know. sherm it's amazing. they're incredible. what do you mean? well, mean. ta>> gre i had great because i drove one and it was amazing. and so i learned all about it. y whileh, women were bus being awesome, right, guys?s asi >> women are heroes. as i coined the term. you go, girlined the. i th that's right. yes, i have. i think they should have had, you know, for barbie to maker ot more authentic, they should have had klaus barbi authente. i mean, look at cipro while i can't even remember who he is, but he was big in the newst' . matt, how's your history on oppenheimer? hings >> do you think that we needso to change things so it's like we hav- also te it was also the, guy who did what was the movie? >> christopher ws th nolan yep, and it was tommy dunkirk, and they had people complaining they were no good. memento. he's done a lot of things, but dunkir di
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k, the same, same criticism where, where the black people wear the womeon on dunkirk do people because somebody explained dunkirk is thasomebodyt fishermen and bs were overrepresented in. >> yeah. yes but you know i haven't seene eitherit that does not prevent me fromute saying what i want to because i'm on the gutfeld sholdd w. >> what, you do it every night? yes, i would say i'd commendf fr everyone to go see sound of freedom. you know, it's raiseee d important issue. it's an issue to issue i've been working on for almost 20 years. >> for i brought the first groun iowa when i was u.s. attorney together to talk about human trafficking. and i think it's only becoming a bigger problem not nl to this segment, but it is a really important film. it's already over $100 million. with these or movies, the box office. >> and it's just an exceptional film by some really greait'st people. yeah, a lot of people are confused by human trafficking. it's not wheople are humn you'rg
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>> stop reporting. >> right. yeah. like, okay. so you're a lawyer? yes. that. here's the background story, too. that that was a just sto topstoo protester getting punched and kicked afteril reportedly pe causing a pregnant womangn to crash her carn to. so what would happen to that person who beat that beat up, t that that protester who caused that? is that person going to go to jail? granteo d it's england where they have weird laws to wear, funny hats. ts.att: firwell, i mean, first e can't condone violence getting to the fullest. i ca greg: in. , have however. have they not accomplished enough with thei tnot ugh withr ? i mean, they have evs that nobody wants to buy. nobod the forcing this environmentalist down our throat s. >> yeah.n and at the same time, now they're blocking traffic. i can understand whyunde why sh. mm-hmm. this is.
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and this isn't the only examplye . i've seen several instances where these people sit across the roadere thess to protest g which isn't going away anytime - soon, because, again, there's- how many 2 million evs in the united states antwd over 350 million gas burning cars. not going away for a while, greg. that is true . er >> jim, have you ever been in a a situation like this where you're in a hurry and a front is running down dragon? no, but i have been punchea u ru >> a man who is in a hurry.n yeah, i was just crossinge the street slowly and my face slow. y part >> the funny part of that videov is the fact thatideo all of his friends just kind of sit there. it's like they're brave enough to site brave in the street, bd cowardly to defend their friend when he's getting his t kicked. it was very fun to watch. f they all just kind of satun there. what are you doingwatch,? >> is he. but yeah, i think you have the right to you just punch hav somebody. but if a woman's gote to get tos the hospital wherever she's going. >> yeah. what if she ended up having a miscarriag ended up carriageee
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>> couldn't they arrest these people for murder? lawyer? >> i'm not a lawyer. ge i just feel like there's so much anger these days. i mean, there'. s always beenally i anger. but now on social media especially, i think you sethinke anger. you see people getting attention for anger. all the videos are likanger.vidt this fight or, you know, look at this meltdown. men screaming, yelling, fighting. >> and you forget that there's there are normal people.ever yeah. but there's never videos that are like this man calmly drive n work listening to creedence clearwater revival. like, they getce made fun of.>>t he loves his kids. yeah, he loves his. it, >> his wife. it's nice to her. and i can do it. you know? i can do it, too. ity ton y. focus on like, oh, all these people are yelling at me or all these people are so mad, and i'l le are s m never like, you know t what? thanks to everyone who's not yelled at me. yeaho ever's not it's a good t. it's a good point because, like, if that's how the police brutality videos got out of hand because they just playendd one over and over and over
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again. but you never see videos of police doing good things doing gobecause. nobody films that. and they'rundred e outweighed be 100 million to 1. >> that's a statistic. right. or if the good.'s a samaritansdh and good samaritan is filmed, then he's charged. >> yeaenish, i'll see this. >> you know, when you said the protesters see themselves as brave see sitting in the higy and they're not defending their friend, the whole point is there is nothing braving is e it- they are all they are. first of all, that's illegal. ,t any type of blocking a highway that is illegal. and to me, they're jus and to mt are >> what are they actually accomplishing? they have accomplished ty actuat a pregnant woman's fetus's life. they've accomplished millions cr of dollars worth of damage of all the car accidents. >> do you remember the the protests on the highwaacnts.t on the united states when a guy who was on parole or probationni ? >> i remember that. yep. was driving to his job and hd he the restraint not to beat them up, which he should have because there's a tolerance policy. so when he arrives late at his job that arr zero tolerance and he goes back to his incarceration. i heard recently of anotheincarr protest like this and the woman got out of her car, draggedshe a
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woman off by her hair, and then did it again when she came back. i applaumek. d the law enforcement is clearly having their hamstrings. they know they're not ablengs so to do anything about it. so it's up to us. all they are is being rewardeds otherwise. i frankly, the only issue i have is the fact that i wase. beaten because actually hee he deserved a lot worse. >> mhm. yeah. that's how i feel. bu deserved t t, but they are bn i don't agree with them and i don't like them and i'm glad the guy punished them. buhe guy b if t if you're sittit the street and a car could hit you for whatever reason, even if the reaso n me, it's still a ballsy thing to do. >> it's foolish though. sure like there's nothingth brave. like brave is. i mean, and that's the whole point abouere's nothin andt megn thing. there's nothing brave about not standing and notg. the anthem.em but people call that brave. they say, oh, what a brave woman for taking up her spaceac or, you know, using her voice. what exactlye or ur ha is brave? >> you sat on the highway and sang it. she'd be brave if he gets chart ,he gets charged with assault. >> and i was their lawyer.
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i would say that thalawyert was blocking my fist with their body. good defense, counselor. thank you. yeah, it's. it's a defenses defe. l thank you. that's all i needed. that's all i needed. all righi t up next, a beautyy pageant in rome tells trans hey, just got a text from my sister. my sister. you remember ric, her neighbor ? >> s he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathonsudde, right? sadly, not anymore. wo"we needw. "we're so g sudden. we're not about to have the we need life insurance so youe $9.95 again. >> ah, we know we're having though. we are getting coverage so we we are getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it. >> conversation. soonathan) you're calling about5 a month plan from colonial penn? i am. i am. we put it off long enough. we are getting that 995 plan. today, is it time for you to call about the 995 plan?'re age i'm jonathan from colonial pen i'm jonathan from colonial pen life insurance.
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that's 85135388. >> a story in five words.
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story in five words, miss bansns the trans jim. the miss italy beauty pageant has clarified that page be a woman must from birth. after the miss netherlandstransn pageant crowned a transgender winner, putting the nether and netherlands. o me >> is this unfair to meno who want to be miss italy. i knowwato b you have plans. >> greg, you know, i'm a big big fan of the trans gals and so on. and you ar of te pageantry and i'm happy to watch. yes. i don't really care about this. miss italyatch. they should just do a miss transgender italy. and that's be the one i watch because it'd be a lot more fun. transgender girls. yes, that's true. you know, if you get the ms.d o together, they really are a barrel of laughs, by the way. it really is. it's a stupis d contest, but it's italy. yay! and then what? an.y those miss ore whatever contests are dumb anyway, so i don't caree what the rules are. they're just idiotic. you know, i would say i'm with i would
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jim amelie in the sense that they should have trans pageants shou the trans.the do you know what i mean? i do. i, i don't. i i love this because clearly italy knows what a woman is. >> hmm. womani'm sicilian. hea >> no, but i think i seewhat y your point. i hear what you're sayinou're g >> that's something that, like caitlyn jenner has advocated for, which is no. onone is saying you can'tn't compete, but it's when you compete with biologically similayou r people so that it'sn even playing field, which is the whole point. >> yes. speaking of point cat, i thinkpo that you could argue that trans are cheating because they haves an advantage politically. >> mm-hmm. >> do you see what i did there? i don't think this is even about thatthis i tha, because id the article. >> and if you're going to do this show,on't you read the article. >> oh, i know i'm not supposed th, but it said that they actualleyblandey any womend plastic surgery at all since
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2012. you're not allowed to have body piercings. you're not allowed. have tattoos. you're not allowed to wear revealing swimsuit. sor clearly, they're very strit about wanting likeer vativea conservative, traditionl look. >> so i'm not surprised that that includes no. esmm. dux because i have a friend of mine who has a pierced tattooed ,maybe for amsterdam. yes. you don't have to say a friendms can you just say jim, i didn't think it was my place to go to. >> matt, is this too strict?o ou regulations. t >> that was just. please don't throw it to me. please don't throw mrehat was e >> just like biological men should compete. women's sports. they shouldn't complete compete spr. auty pageants eithe's it's that simple. you know, the only reason they win is becaus thae your po. miss netherlands was a trans. because of the political vote,ws not because that was the most we
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whatever the qualifications required to win that competition. and so that'r s that's that's what what is, i think, the most upsetting about this. but, you kno w, they're italian women. iani, by the way, goes on to mh universe. if you read the article e, know, knowing miss italy would compete in miss universe. >> oh, i didn't read theto article. i was just i was too busy for the contestants to.. >> i salute that you're an american. but i guess if you look. >> oh, emily, i guess from now on, the only contestants with mustaches will be women. i mean, i know you know what i just thought of? that would be great. but what tes t for? >> that would be fine. you want to be transgender? enter. but you can't tell. f yo anyone? yeah. and then? then if. if you win. if you were really, you know, then t wouldna poli it wouldn'ta political. >> there you go. that's a really good point. trul gooy secret.
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but i don't know how you get for that. but i that's interestingthat's y >> i think that happens to a lot of guys when they go to asia. i'm there day pretendingno they didn't know. >> ow.>> greh, what's this? oh. oh, my goodness. well, i already. bull, t dinner.ever b trust me, i've never beeneefool fooled. i alwaysed. knew that's the tite of your memoir. i always knew. >> you'll go.s and we'll be rightap back. >> if you'll be in the new york area and would like free ticketfreeto sees to gutfeld, gl news .com slash gutfeld and click on the link. join our studio audience. it's a show has americans on the edge of their seat and has criminals thinking twice. americans are standing up to protect their rights. crime came 24/7 with sean sticks larkin, your new true crime obsession, hosted by the man who can break it down like no one else. one of the craziest things we've ever seen on camera
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>> greg: one final thought from yours truly, greg gutfeld, host of this show. my new book, the king of late night, comes out tomorrow and tonight the audience just got themselves a free copy [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: and i want to let everybody know, if you're looking through that book, that i licked every cover. [laughter] >> greg: thanks to emily compagno, she got a book, matt whitaker, jim norton, kat timpf, our studio >> laura: hey, everyone, i'm laura ingraham. this is the ingle angle from washington tonight. thanks for joining us on a very busy monday. the lies that blind. that's the focus o tonight's angle. f tonight's angle. all right, joe biden is th joe biden is a congenital liar, about little things and big things. >> senator joseph biden held a news conference wednesday to announce the end of his presidency in


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