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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  July 26, 2023 4:00am-5:00am PDT

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suffering a cardiac arrest. >> prayers to bronny, here for you guys like you have been here for me. >> why did this happen to a young, healthy person. >> i want to know who is at risk. >> is there other life in the universe and are there truly ufo's. >> we have had a heck of a lot of pushback about this hearing we are done with the cover-up. >> tend to flourish where the federal government is silent or not transparent. >> commander wind the dog and not the commander-in-chief attacked discreet service members 10 times in a four month span. >> white house complex can be very stressful. >> i don't know what kind of family friend would want a dog that's bitten six people. maybe the emotional support dog needs some emotional support. >> steve: this is a fox news alert. you are looking live at the caleb boggs downtown wilmington, delaware where we are awaiting hunter biden wants arrival at the federal court where he is expected to plead guilty twice to tax charges in three hours
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from now. >> that's right, steve scrap the so-called sweetheart deal as biden's legal team is accused of misleading the court's clerkens office. >> ainsley: mark meredith is live at the white house with the latest. >> are they going to get an image walking in there or shoot him through the back door. >> pretty likely we are going to see the first son hunter biden show up three hours from now. biggest yet in the investigation that's stretched on since 2019. the 53-year-old is due in court today to plead guilty to two misdemeanor counts of failing to pay income stacks also reached an agreement to enter a diversification program. we don't expect him to be sentenced today but the deal between prosecutors and hunter's legal team makes it unlikely he is ever going to serve any jail time. the white house says the president and the first lady still love their son that they are going to continue to support him; however, the aides are not
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getting into basic questions or detailed questions back and it forth and ins and outs of this case. up on capitol hill the republicans claim the first son getting special treatment. point to the testimony of two irs whistleblowers who claim prosecutorial decisions were influenced by politics and this morning interest is more drama ahead of today's hearing all by the chairman of the house ways and means committee. the brief said this, the defendant, hunter biden, appears to have benefited from political interference which calls into question the propriety of the investigation of the u.s. attorney's office. in the interest of full transparency and fairness for all citizens, it is critical for the court to have this relevant information when evaluating the plea agreement. with you, not long after the brief was filed, the judge's office claims a member of hunter biden's legal team reportedly claimed to be calling from another law firm asking for the document to be removed over privacy concerns. this is what the judge wrote. she says: it' as that the
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caller misrepresented her identity and who she worked for in an attempt to improperly convince the clerk's office to remove the amicus materials from the docket. so what's next? we heard from hunter biden's legal team. they say the matter under consideration appears to stem from an unfortunate, an unintentional miscommunication between a staff member and our firm and employee of the court. we have no idea how this misunderstanding occurred but our understanding is there was no misrepresentation. so you have got both sides pointing fingers ahead of today's hearing saying there was something fishy going on just last night. we will look to see if that is weighed in any further today when that hearing gets underway at 10:00. president biden does not have any on camera events meaning we are not likely going to see him weigh in it's possible that hunter's legal team could agrees address the media after today's hearing. >> steve: mark meredith, north lawn, thank you very much. we were probably expecting something fishy at the 11th hour and just for the chairman of the ways and means committee, a republican jason smith, to, you know, send to the judge 400
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pages and say hey, before you decide whether or not to take the sweetheart deal will you look at what the irs whistleblower said because it sure looks like if they would have been charging things, you would be looking at hunter biden with a felony charge rather than, essentially a misdemeanor. and then next thing you know somebody's calling somebody in the office and they are sealing the thing up and then it's like hey, wait a minute. it wasn't from our office. miranda devine was with us a little bit ago. she weighed in on exactly what is happening at this, the 11th hour. >> i don't think anyone out there will be at all surprised that there has been some last-minute shenanigans in this case. it's very high stakes for hunter biden and for his father joe biden. there has been a lot of shenanigans going into minimizing any penalty for many years of tax-let's call themmer
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regulators. the judge was so disturbed by what she had been told you by her clerk had been done by hunter biden's lawyers that she threatened his lawyers that they might be sanctioned unless they came up with a good explanation. the judge will have to sort out who is telling the truth and if it really was a misunderstanding and maybe, maybe this would have effect her rubber stamping that plea deal. >> steve: yeah, his lawyer said misunderstanding. sorry. don't know what happened. >> lawrence: if you talk to production they say hey, don't get so wrapped into this hunter biden thing. hunter being the guy. remember, he is the cover for joe biden let's brings in texas g.o.p. congressman wesley hunt a member of the house judiciary committee. you guys have been talking about impeachment, congressman, i know the people of texas, especially your district would support something like this. but how do you make the case to the american people? >> you know, in has actually been one of the most corrupt
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administrations we have seen in modern history. we could literally track $10 million being funneled through the biden family from burisma and we have the evidence of this. i cannot imagine any president using his power former president, vice president, any politician for that matter, using their power to funnel money to their family through their siblings. this is ridiculous. it's up to us on the house judiciary committee to continue to make this case to the american people. i also want to say this, too. quite frankly if we do impeach biden it's only going to rally the troops around him. politically it may not be the best move but in my opinion he least us no choice. and if articles of impeachment are brought forward, wesley hunt will be a yes. >> ainsley: why do you say that it's important to impeach? i know you are pro-impeachment, you say you are ready to vote yes. why is that important for america? >> well, because we have seen this two tier justice system play out over the course of the past two years. we saw how president trump was treated and how the
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juxtaposition between how he was treated between biden today is clear to the american people. whenever i am at home and i am talking to the people that live in my district, they are so concerned, they are so frustrated with how one person gets treated compared to any other american. we are all the same. we should be treated equally under the law. >> steve: to your point, remember, it wasn't that long ago. donald trump was once impeached over a phone call. and now i know you guys are getting together a bunch of evidence, but, you know, congressman, there are a lot of people looking. in they have been waiting to hear from david weiss, the u.s. attorney for delaware over whether or not hunter biden would be charged. >> ultimately he is being charged not with felonies but with misdemeanors. mr. weiss was appointed by donald trump and people put a lot of stock in well, you know, is he going to be fair and balanced. but then, you look today, and the court room here in about three hours we are going to hear from the judge, also nominated by donald trump. but, if there's any place on
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planet earth a biden is going to get a sweetheart deal, it's in the state of delaware. i mean, it's the joe biden state. >> right. and the issue of the secret documents is really cracks me up and frustrates the american public. if you are going to talk about biden secret documents at mar-a-lago but, yet, the former vice president and former senator joe biden that had documents in his garage behind his corvette, what are we actually talking about here? again, the american public are seeing these things and all they want is fair treatment for all americans. >> lawrence: congressman, i want to switch gears with you. the house judiciary committee is set to d grill dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas in few hours. i'm curious i know that the department as well as the department of justice is going after the state of texas for that barrier greg abbott has just put in the rio grande. what do you plan on asking him about that? i mean, if they're not going to secure our border, doesn't decks
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have a right to do that? >> of course we do. and this issue at the border it's not a fox news talking point. it's real. i am living in houston. we are watching fentanyl pour across this country at the levels we have absolutely never seen. why are we not doing anything about this? i think that mayorkas has literally conducted a derelict of duty to the likes this country has never seen. he has got to be punished for this in ways that the american people can feel confident moving forward we will secure our border. it's the number one responsibility for the federal government to keep our citizens safe. you are looking at what is happening with the human trafficking issue, fentanyl, and illegal immigration. it' to a stop. we have to hold somebody accountable and this man is mayorkas and we will see that today. >> steve: when you say punished, it sounds likes you are talking about impeachment for him, that. >> i most certainly am, sir. i most certainly am. because, again, derelict of duty. other 6 million people have entered our country illegally. this is the worst border crisis i have seen in my entire lifetime.
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somebody has got to pay for this. instance ains we just saw that movie sounds of innocence. we saw what happens kids are trafficked. it's happening here we're being told it. really woke us all up to that wally ault know someone it might be second hand i heard from a friend in charleston they know someone else whose son just died of fentanyl poisoning and these parents are having to buy these test strips kids do drugs. having to puts narcan in their medicine cabinets just in case their kids overdose. that's the state of this country now. so thanks for holding these individuals to the fire. their feet to the fire and doing something about it, congressman. thanks for coming on. >> god bless you. have great morning. >> carley: carley is over there. she has headlines for us. >> carley: good morning, lebron james is said to be scared and devastated after his son bronny suffered cardiac arrest during basketball practice at the university of southern california in his first season with the trojans. the 18-year-old is said to be in stable condition and recovering after being released from the
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ic. however many heart specialists are now warning that this could be the end of his basketball career. one cardiologist joined us earlier to talk about it, watch. this this occurred in ncaa collegial athlete. the question is should there be some sort of prescreening with not just history and physical examination but also an electrocardiogram the etiology of cardiac arrest in an older person is usually from heart attack. in a young athlete, usually something genetic underlying something electrically or structurally incorrect with the heart. >> carley: buffalo bills damar hamlin who suffered cardiac arrest during nfl game tweeting prayers to bronny and the james family as well. here for you guys just like you have been for me my entire process. former soldier boberg dal's desertion conviction for abandoning his post in afghanistan has been thrown out. a federal judge ruling the military judge who preside over
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the case failed to disclose that he applied to become an immigration judge, creating a potential conflict of interest since strongly criticizedberg dal during 2016 campaign. bergdahl walked off his post only to be captured by the taliban in 2009. he was freed in a controversial prison swap in may 2014. bergdahl then pled guilty to desertion in 2017. the white house claiming stress is the reason president biden's dog commander has bitten at least seven members of the secret service. >> as you all know, the white house complex can be unique and very stressful, it is unique and it is stressful for all of us so you can imagine what it's like for a family pet and family pets more broadly. >> carley: but a new york city dog expert pushing back on that claim saying the bidens are responsible, telling the "new york post" if i had a dog that was living in a chaotic household like the white house, and the dog was being
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aggressive, it's my responsibility to remove the dog from that environment. biden had to, as i say, rehouse his dog major last year after he was accused of biting a secret service member. so we'll see where this one goes. maybe lap dogs should be in the future. like other presidential families. >> ainsley: what do you think because you are training dogs. >> lawrence: i will save it on later on in the show. >> carley: that's what they call a tease. >> lawrence: nala doesn't act this way. >> steve: your dog. >> lawrence: any other dog i have drained would be put down if they bit 8 people. >> steve: certainly it's a public pace. the cover of the "new york post" commander in church. prone to fits of anger there is also a german shepherd. [laughter] >> ainsley: i heard a comedian on your show this morning on "fox & friends first" i would never associate that dog with cocaine.
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i would never say it. >> carley: younger comedian maybe. >> ainsley: i saw cocaine bear. we have seen cocaine sharks. >> carley: we're will leave it there. >> ainsley: cocaine dogs. sharks going down and eating the cocaine, allegedly, yeah, the story yesterday. >> steve: the square grouper as they call them down there. meanwhile, r.f.k. was on with sean last night, a town hall. you know, r.f.k. is the family is famous. his father was assassinated by sirhan sirhan in los angeles. his uncle, john f. kennedy was assassinated by lee harvey oswald or was he assassinated by lee harvey oswald in dallas. he made the case last night that the cia and our federal government knows a lot more than they are saying. here is r.f.k. jr. >> there is a law that requires that all the records of john kennedy's assassination be released to the public 10 years ago. so they are still holding 5,000
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documents. president biden promised when he was elected that he was going to release those documents. president trump promised that he would. but the cia doesn't want them to. and so the question that i think americans have a right to ask, including members of, you know mikesell father and uncle can's family is why not? what is it that you don't want to see 60 years later? and, by the way. [ applause ] the last tranche of documents released had documentation in there that finally got even the "new york times" to admit that lee harvey oswald was a cia asset, that he was working for the cia. >> steve: well, that's a lot -- that's a story we haven't heard yet. >> ainsley: yeah. i want to see these documents. i would like to know more. >> lawrence: easiest way to clear this up is to release the documents themselves. donald trump released some of them.
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>> steve: why not all? it's been 60 years. >> lawrence: they are concerned about being a conspiracy just release the documents. >> ainsley: when peter doocy comes back f paternity leave i want him to ask about these documents. >> steve: i think he will ask about the dog. mr. president, this dog is biting me right now. peter will be back in like two weeks. >> ainsley: is he in the hospital, is that where he is. >> steve: peter? no, is he out in the suburbs. giving the baby a bottle right about now. >> ainsley: everybody is asking where is peter when is he coming back? >> steve: peter had a baby and he will be back in about two weeks. straight ahead on our wednesday telecast. d.j. hernandez, the brother of late nfl player and convicted murderer erin hernandez arrested for committing shootings at two universities. dr. darrin porcher reacts to that coming up next. >> ainsley: plus are ufos real? apparently real enough for a congressional hearing. that's coming up. >> lawrence: and we're staying
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on top of our fox news alert. a live look at the back door of the courthouse where we are awaiting. >> ainsley: front door and back door. >> lawrence: the arrival of hunter biden. he is expected to plead guilty to tax charges this morning. stay with us. ♪ somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi.
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the brother of the former nfl star and convicted murderer aaron hernandez arrested for allegedly plotting two shootings at two colleges brown university and uconn university in connecticut in a string of violent streaks hernandez writings whether i kill? absolutely. i have warned my enemies so pay upfront. this as we learn he even drove to each campus to map the schools out, that according to d.j.'s ex-girlfriend who ended up turning him in to please.
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here to weigh in is lt. dr. darian porcher. this is serious. he wanted to allegedly shoot up two schools. >> absolutely, ainsley. this is serious. fortunately police were able to interdict this prior to manifesting to a catastrophe and people being killed. and it really begs the question of what was the household like in connection with both d.j. and aaron hernandez? d.j. spoke to d.j. being hernandez we are speaking to now. he spoke to them being abused kids this proportion relates to violence and this is was something taken care of. >> ainsley: what you did hear happened inside heir thousand hold when they were growing up? >> d.j. spoke to them being abused kids. them being him as well as his brother aaron, they were abused by their father, particularly. but at the same token that's no excuse for violence because as we grow we understand what the societal norms are. as a result of understanding the societal norms, we need to act
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accordingly. this was clearly something that went totally overboard. >> ainsley: the suffolk county police officers, investigators, were out in that house out for the gilgo beach murder suspect in his home, his wife, we saw the pictures of her. and she gild for divorce. they said they ended their search for the house. but a co-worker, her name is mary shell said that this man, gushed about hunting wears and going on hunting trips and talking about how he killed the animals that he blurred at the sight of female colleagues and talked about shooting up a rival architecture firm. what is your reaction to that? >> this is atrocity to say the least. we had a person clearly leading a double life. we think about psychopathic tendencies whereas during the day he was an architect and at the night he was out killing people at gilgo beach. granted he is a somebody at this stage, at the same tone, this is a troubling narrative when we look to the number of guns and the homicides that are allegedly
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committed in that home were committed when his family was away. him having these feelings towards women in terms of a level of gushing, i think that brings into question as to why he may have felt the way towards the women that he killed. but, at the same token it's an ongoing investigation and unfors >> ainsley: she was out of town during the time when three of these girls went missing. she's walls in iceland visiting her family and at one point she was in new jersey. so, as this unfolds would will learn more information from what the family knew. he also had two children living in that house. >> utter the kids lived in that house. at the same time we don't know this. any investigation is going to introduce more fruitful
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information as they pour through the evidence in that house. >> ainsley: they found a soundproof room in the basement of that house, police say that no telling what these girls had to go through and endure. thanks for joining us. >> thanks for having me. >> ainsley: president trump's slamming the new eu rule forcing to pay $8 to for visas to vacations in europe. we're going town pack that coming up. we are staying on top of the fox news alert. we are looking at the back door of the courthouse where we are awaiting the arrival of hunter biden. is he expected to plead guilty to tax charges this morning. we will get the 2024 presidential candidate nikki haley's take on that coming up next. ♪ ♪ you hope the more you give the less they'll miss. but even if your teen was vaccinated against meningitis in the past they may be missing vaccination for meningitis b. although uncommon, up to 1 in 5 survivors of meningitis will have long term consequences.
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♪ >> lawrence: a fox news alert. a live look outside the federal courthouse in delaware where hunter biden is expected to plead guilty to today and finalize what many call a sweetheart plea deal on tax charges. >> ainsley: last night the judge threatened to sanction his lawyers accusing them of blocking key evidence saying, quote: it appears that a caller, the lawyers, misrepresented her identity and who she worked for in an attempt to improperly convince the clerk's office to remove the amicus materials from the docket.
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>> steve: isn't that interesting? all this as republicans double down on a potential impeachment inquiry into the president hunter's dad, as the probe into hunter's business deals heats up. >> you have got irs whistleblowers saying something when it comes to government treating the bidens different. you have got an informed claiming that the biden family had been bribed. should you ignore that? or should you investigate that? the only way you can investigate that is through an impeachment inquiry. steve all right. republican presidential candidate nikki haley joins us right now from new hampshire. nikki good morning to you. >> good morning. >> good morning from manchester. >> steve: it's great to have you. i never know what to call you, nice, governor, ambassador, so i will do one of each. >> it's nikki. those are moments in time. >> steve: okay. nikki, when you travel around the country, and people come up
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to you and you are in new hampshire today and we will talk a little bit why in a moment, whether a do people say about hunter biden and whether a do they say about the biden family with regard to these investigations? >> there is just a complete lack of trust when it comes to the department of justice, when it comes to our intelligence agencies. when it comes to weaponizing any of the agencies. there is distrust. and i think, you know, people want to know why there is a double standard, you know, why did we hear so much about trump and we haven't heard anything about biden. but, really look at all the stuff that's coming out with hunter. it smells bad. and there is no american that feels good to have these kinds of issues coming up about their president. what do you think about the impeachment because the speaker, speaker mccarthy is doubling down now on this impeachment inquiriy. should he be impeached. >> you have congress oversight for a reason. they need to go and look at the evidence. i mean, the american people have
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not been able to see exactly what happened. when those phone calls took place, what was said? what was given? what happened? all of those questions. you have got whistleblowers and the whistleblowers are enough to say we need to figure this out. and so i think congress would be within their, you know, their right to go and have that oversight and ask the questions on behalf of the american people whether this is a republican or the president. we should know what happened and no one should be above the law on this. i think that's exactly what conscious does is they have oversight to go and do an inquiry. they would be to do it if they decide that. >> lawrence: when i talk to the american people out on diners or out on the street they say nothing ever changes. ambassador, if you were to be president, what do you do with the department of justice? what do you do with the cia to restore accountability and those people that signed on to that intelligence letter saying it
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was disinformation about the laptop, do they still get to keep their security clearances? any think don't get to keep their security clearances you are exactly right. you hear that wherever you go. we went further that than that. we sent people into every agency to clean it out. pull down the bureaucracy, take down the red tape. get rid of problem children. but, in some cases, we tweaked agencies and other cases we gutted agencies. you are going to have to gut the intelligence, the department of justice. it's not just the top. it's all of senior management. you have got to go back to the mission of what that agency is. and we have got get to where the people feel like government works for them and that they don't feel like they are working for government. i think when you have distrust in government. that's a huge problem that needs to be cleared up immediately. >> steve: sure, our government is talking to china about some sort of a deal on fentanyl. and i know you're going to weigh
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in on that with a group of people there in new hampshire today. this is a dig problem that impacts every community in the united states. >> i mean, steve, it's a joke what blinken said. so he said that he was going to have a committee meeting or, you know a policy meeting to talk to china about fentanyl biden had a virtual meeting with 80 countries to talk about fentanyl and china was nowhere to be found. we have had more fentanyl cross the border last year that would kill every single american. number one cause of death for adults 18 to 49? fentanyl. don't think for a second china doesn't know what they are doing when they contend send it over. this is something where we have to go to china and say, look, if you don't stop killing americans, we will end normal trade relations with you. i bet you they will fix it right away. we have to send our special operations over and start eliminating the cartels. americans are dying by the day. we don't have time for committee meetings. we don't have dime to figure this out. we know who the culprit is we
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know exactly what they are doing. we know exactly why they are doing it. we need to go ahead and just say enough is enough and stop it. >> steve: a lot of people feel exactly like that. it would be great if somebody actually did something. nice, ambassador, governor, thank you very much for joining us today. if folks would like more information what's your website? >> oh, please go to nikki join us and let's make america strong and proud again. >> ainsley: thank you so much. great to see you. >> thank you. >> ainsley: you are welcome. carley is upstairs. she has headlines for us. will. >> carley: got an update to bring you here. the obamas personal chef though ho tragically drowned over the weekend was not attached to his paddle board according to authorities. tafari campbell fell into the water on sunday night in a pond near the obama's family's estate near martha's vineyard. another paddle boarder was trying to save him wasn't able to swim to him in time. crews recovered the 45-year-old's body on monday about 100 yards from shore. a court filing released
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overnight revealed rudy giuliani admitted to making false statements about two georgia election officials that he accused of rigging the 2020 election. those poll workers are now suing the former trump lawyer for defamation. >> the court filing also says giuliani will not contest factual allegations made but he still claims his statements are constitutionally protected. lionel messi dominating the field last night for first start for enter miami. tackle his first as well as scoring two goals in miami's 4-0 win over atlanta united. >> messi off the post. puts the ball in! of course he did. >> taylor cutting it back, martinez lobs it to messi oh my word. he has done it again. >> and tonight team u.s.a. will face off against the nenders in the women's world cup coverage begins at 7:00 p.m. eastern time
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on fox. the match starts at 9:00. lots of news in the world of soccer. >> ainsley: he gave glory to god he kissed. >> steve: he may actually turn a lot of americans into soccer fans. finally. >> ainsley: glad he is here. thanks, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> ainsley: coming up the out of the world discovery military locating an alleged spacecraft as congress begins ufo hearings we're going to talk within a expert, next. ♪ ♪ not for sudden breathing problems. allergic reactions can occur. get help right away for swelling of face, mouth, tongue, or trouble breathing. infections that can cause shingles have occurred. don't stop steroids unless told by your doctor. tell your doctor if you have a parasitic infection. may cause headache, injection site reactions, back pain, and fatigue. ask your asthma specialist about a nunormal with nucala.
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>> lawrence: close encounters on capitol hill. the house oversight committee will hold a historic hearing today on ufos. it comes after former intel official claims the military stumbled upon an alien crash site. >> when you say crash retrieval, what do you mean? >> these are retrieving nonhuman
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origin technical vehicles, you know, call it spacecraft if you will. it's probably not the right parlance but no kidding, nonhuman, exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed. >> lawrence: well. exotic. let's bring in ufo expert nic pope. so what do you think he meant by exotic origin? >> well, everyone has been debating whether some of this could be our own secret technology classified aircraft, military drones, that sort of thing or something that an adversary has. but he has been very clear. he says no, no. this is a nonhuman intelligence and he has talked about recovered craft and even bodies. so what i hope that we are going to hear today is something that will enable congress to validate those claims because, of course, if they're true, it changes everything. >> lawrence: do you believe that some of this is going to be classified, is going to be discussed in close door hearings?
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or do you expect some of this conversation just to be discussed in public? >> well, i think much, if not all of today's hearing is supposed to be public. but, of course, he is david gresh. even though he now who longer works in the intelligence community the law of the land still applies and he must not did i vigil struggle classified information otherwise, presumably he will be arrested. so they may have to either go into closed session or he may have to simply say i decline to answer that. >> lawrence: so, sir, what do you on a personal level and professional level, what do you make of all of this? you have been covering this for a while. is there any validity to it? >> yes, there is. something is going on in our airspace. and you, you know, it's not just ufo enthusiasts saying this. this is now coming from the government. they have declassified some u.s. navy videos of these things. there have been two reports from
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the office of the director of national intelligence, some previous congressional hearings. and more to come. and nasa doing a study. >> there is no smoke without fire. there is a reality here but whether or not it's an extraterrestrial reality we don't quite have that smoking gun yet but i hope today is going to take us closer to it. >> lawrence: you know, these members of congress, they get a lot of their questions from their staff. what is the one question you would ask this witness today? >> well, i think it is what is the name of the project that is apparently set up to handle this? because, until we get that concrete information, it's just rumors. we need to know what the project name is, what agency is running it. and then congress can hopefully find it. because, of course, the allegation is that this has been hidden from congress without them being able to conduct their lawful and constitutional oversight authority. >> lawrence: all right. the members of congress that are listening that, is the big
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question to get to the bottom of this. nic pope, thank you so much for joining the program. >> thank you. >> lawrence: carley has some headlines. will. >> carley: i do. missing 4-year-old boy found wandering open field not far from dayton ohio. police aviation team capturing the moment the child was reunited with his mom and dad. >> he is in the corner of the bean field walking around. >> yeah, right there. walk straight that way right there about 20 yards in front of you. >> carley: the details surrounding the boy's disappearance are still unclear. there is that, the family reuniting with him right there. police say the family is very grateful to have him back home. democratic presidential candidate robert f. kennedy jr. addressing the covid pandemic's impact on black owned businesses. here's what he had to say at last night's hannity town hall. >> 41% of black-owned businesses in this country that closed down
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will never reopen. we met with a group of black owned business owners, the last surviving ones in that district. they are all now shutting down because of the hike in interest rates that is caused by, you gnome, the $16 trillion. all the money we had to pay to rent to pay for the lockdown. >> carley: r.f.k. calling out the democratic party saying it's no longer religion the middle class americans. no one hatched the winning numbers in last night's drawing the numbers were 3, 5, 6, 44 and 61 with a mega ball of 25. someone in texas won 4 million bucks after matching all five white balls with a mega flier. a maryland store sold a ticket worth $1 million there were some winners but still a whole lot of money to be h lawrence. >> lawrence: you know, if i win, carley, i will share. >> carley: thank you.
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how much? half? >> lawrence: after we get the baby, the college scholarship then maybe 5%? i can't make everybody else jealous. i have got to divvy it up. >> ainsley: i have a baby, too, that needs college paid for. can i get in on that. >> lawrence: i got you. >> lawrence: all the babies at fox will get their scholarship. >> steve: i have got grandkids. >> lawrence: grand bab babies, . >> carley: i will buy tickets in the break. >> lawrence: saying need check in with j.d. >> janice: i got babies too. i have lots of things to do and mortgages to pay. i love you l.j. what's your name. >> trey. >> stacey. >> ethan. >> where are you from. >> texas. >> where do you want to say hi to. >> pappa bret and ma'amy and mom watching our dogs in san antonio.
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>> janice: well done sicily. >> pat,. >> where are you from. >> indiana. >> you are a reporter at our fox affiliate there, right? >> yes, in south bend indiana. >> janice: do you want to get to the big time in new york city some day. >> that's the goal. >> janice: here we go. here is her close up right there. let's take a look at the weather in new york. thank you so much by the way for coming. we have dangerous heat that is expanding across the ohio valley, the tennessee river valley. giving a break to the southwest. that's the good news. but look at what it feels like. 107 around the sioux falls area in towards the new york city area 102. this is going to happen on thursday, friday. then a cold front is going to move through. we could see the potential for some heavier showers, thunderstorms, even some severe weather later on today. so we'll keep an eye on that. fox do you want to say hi to lawrence jones? >> hi lawrence jones. >> lawrence: hey. >> janice: not bad, right? [laughter] >> lawrence: oh, yeah. she is gorgeous. >> janice: he said you are very attractive. >> thank you.
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>> janic january hi five. >> janice: good job, buddy. [laughter] >> lawrence: still ahead former president trump slamming the uae new rules forcing the u.s. to pay $8 for visas to vacation in europe. douglas murray will unpack that coming up. ♪ so glad we've almost made it ♪ so sad they had to ♪ everybody wants to rule the world ♪ ♪ voltaren. the joy of movement. ♪ our heritage is ingrained in our skin. and even when we metamorphosize into our new evolved form, we carry that spirit with us.
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because you can take alfa romeo out of italy. but you best believe, you can't take the italy out of an alfa romeo.
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we're hoping not so in this case. steve, down to you. >> steve: all right. thank you very much, ainsley. look at that, the fire department squirting the water from an adjacent skyscraper. more on that top of the hour. meantime, beginning next year.
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at least 30 european countries will now require 8 bucks if they want to visit. former president trump outraged posting in part, quote: we give them everything, including military protection and trade and now we have to pay them to go there. no respect for the united states. i will, as president, not allow this to happen. it will end very quickly. fox news contributor douglas murray joins us now. douglas, good morning to you. >> good morning. >> steve: it shouldn't surprise us that they are going to charge americans, after all, when you look at nato membership, very few nato nations in europe actually pay their full dues. >> well, that is one issue in this that trump is rightly raised which has been that one of the successes of his presidency was actually getting eu member states to step up and pony up with payment to nato and war in ukraine. some of the european nations have started finally to take their own security a bit more seriously. i'm not sure that has everywhere to do with the visa question but, of course, trump has quite
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understandably brought that in on this issue. >> steve: here's the other thing. if we are going to start talking about 8 bucks to go to spain or something like that, how about the fact that the u.s. state department charges us, american citizens 130 bucks to get a passport? that's outrageous. >> absolutely. you know, the u.s. charges three times roughly what the eu is proposing to charge american citizens to eu citizens to come to america. there is a kind of a reciprocity in this. the thing that really strikes me about this though it is always people doing this stuff legally that get punished. you know, i have legally gone through the whole immigration system. most natural born american citizens naturally never have to deal with it. if you think there are other bureaucracies in this country that are broken down, wait until you deal with immigration and borders. and it's the same in the eu. the immigration and border system across the eu is totally broken down. they don't even bother to find out who wa walks into the place.
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you can bet, as with the u.s., that if you do everything by the book, you'll be the one who has to pay sometimes literally. >> steve: it's funny how that works out. >> always the law abiding people who get in trouble. >> steve: douglas, thank you very much. >> great pleasure. >> steve: couple minutes before the top of the hour. this, once again is, a look at a crane fire in midtown manhattan. it looks as if the crane arm is down and as you can see new york fire department is screen left and they are squirting water to try to put that fire out. going to have more coming up in a couple of minutes. you are watching "fox & friends" on breaking news wednesday. ♪ ♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way.
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>> biden's legal team accused of misleading the court clerk's office. calling to scrap the sweetheart deal. >> you can investigate that through impeachment inquiry. >> never been good with words. >> can't stand robert f. kennedy jr. is a free thinker. >> the decisions coming out of the white hous


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