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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 26, 2023 9:00pm-10:01pm PDT

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hey, jamie. new client? yeah, and you'll never guess who, but let's just say she saved when she bundled her dream house and her dream car -- -barbie. -barbie. -barbie. well, i wouldn't be so sure. it could be -- -oh, it's definitely barbie. -everyone knows who she is. we're standing in front of her house, dude. "barbie" in theaters now. we shall see. it's on a streak. here's "the five." >> hello everyone. i'm dana perino and jesse watters and greg gutfeld. it's 5 o'clock in new york and this is "the five." >> hunter is not off the hook. the first son's sweetheart plea getting blown up in a dramatic twist. hunter biden showing up and pleading not guilty to gun and tax charges, the shocking development started happening after the judge asked questions on the terms of the original
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plea agreement, what was and not part of the deal. the judge was concerned if hunter could get blanket immunity and was not going to be a rubber stamp. there's still an on going investigation surrounding hunter biden of intentional foreign negotiations in foreign law. the white house not keen to talk about this. >> hunter biden is a citizen and this was a personal matter for him. the president and the first lady love their son and hospital him as he continues to rebuild his life. >> the senator crafted legislation and as a president he talks often about the need to get illegal firearms off our streets. so, when someone possesses one illegally, what does the president believe should happen to them? >> i'm going to be careful because i see where this question is going and i will refer you as this has been an
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independent investigation as overseen by the department of justice and let them speak to this as they are moving forward. >> judge, there's probably a good reason the justice department did not release the plea agreement for all of us to see. when the judge started asking basic questions, it was clear it was out rageous. >> the deal was laughable and department of justice today is not in a good place. what normally happens in a plea deal and i remember when i was a judge, the day you took pleas was a slow day. there was never any drama. everybody understood the parameters of the plea, the defendant comes in and the judge has to do an allocation to make sure they understand the plea. the judge will be specific what did you do, what were you thinking? in this case, on a tax case where did the money come from? where were you working in the tax years he's charged for.
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but in this particular case normally you would have you know the defense and the prosecution would have hammered this out. this would have been very clear. i never had anything like that happen to me ever. never. >> wow. >> plea deals are hammered out. they know if they don't do it they go to trial. in this case, this was really laughable what happened. because when the judge started the discussion and the intro to the alocution, the defense attorney started talking about immunity and appeared they were thinking about immunity going into the future. not just past immunity but going into the future which is something that is just not done unless you're at the very least cooperating and bringing in someone like a major drug dealer. the aloecution couldn't happen.
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the department of justice had to say it's a continuing investigation and the judge says so you might file more crimes more charges and they say possibly and she says like for a foreign agent like paul manafort. here's the insult, dana, this was a deal where everyone was in on the con but the judge and the american people. it was a con going down. they didn't expect the judge to ask any questions and said, you know what, we're going to get this through and hunter is going to walk out and he's going to be just fine. the judge was not interested in what had gone on in terms of they're saying we're going to give them future immunity. she knew it was a continuing investigation and even if it isn't this department of justice, the next department of justice if statute of
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limitations hasn't passed can go over him. she then said to the prosecutors, is there any precedent in the department of justice for doing something like this with both of the version program with the gun, when she said was unheard of. i never heard of it. it's one of the things i talked about >> how can a guy plea guilty to a gun charge when he hasn't been charged with a gun charge? they didn't have answers to any of this. now this started, dana, last night right before the plea. there was someone who called to strike testimony of the whistleblowers, it happened i believe on tuesday or monday of this week, from the transcript. the judge tracked the phone call. the judge found out that it was traced back to someone connected to hunter biden's lawyers. the judge found that out. when the judge walked into the courtroom, she had a bad taste in her mouth from the beginning when they tried to strike the testimony of the whistleblowers.
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at the end, the doj couldn't offer this deal and say with a wink and nod, it's under investigation and it was clear why they were doing it, to keep congress from it. >> you will probably hear about this judge from the left. some aggressive scrutiny is coming. she was the one that ruled against the laptop repair man in the defamation suit. it's not like she has been someone who was trying to help the anti-hunter side if we can call it that. greg, do you remember when the hunter lawyers announced the plea deal. we have a plea deal and consider this matter closes. the justice department said it could be open, maybe it's not and maybe it is. >> by the way, congratulations on winning that medal at the track meet. >> you know you say that every time i wear it. it might mean i wear this too often. >> they try to trick us and say this matter is closed, but it
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was open as hunter's robe. he demanded blanket coverage probably the only time he's every demanded a blanket. but i'm not a lawyer although people mistaken me for one. i thought you plea for a big crime and forgo the little ones. it seemed like it was the reverse. it was the big stuff he got away with. i think this is good news what is happening because if this was you, would it go better or worse? when your last name is biden not only are you afforded exemptions from ludicrous behavior, it's off limits to the press. you can go after trump but how dare you question a biden. who was he hiding from? a pimp or the united federation. >> i didn't see this coming
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because i have pretty much given up on the justice system. >> i worked with this lady eileen o'conner and had this headline in the "wall street journal", you would go to prison for what hunter biden did. at least, jesse, they thought he could go to jail. i was happy about it at the break. the americans are happy. we haven't had a win in justice for a very, long, long time. they have been indicted trump on a lot of stuff and we're feeling the momentum shift. that's a good thing. we knew they were shenanigans when they tried to make a phony phone call, an impersonation and a dirty trick. i'm actually the republican attorney. can you strike this. they got caught cold.
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the judge is angry going in. the deal was struck before the irs officials came out. the $5 million to the big guy. the deal wasn't papered. this might have been a gentlemen's agreement, let's not put it in writing. a lot has changed since this deal was done and they get out there. the minute it was scrutinized one little bit, the whole thing collapses. justice department is like yeah, we might have to keep looking into this guy. and hunter's attorney is like the deal is off. we're not supposed to look into my guy and tried to put it together. they could not put this thing back together. twice the delaware prosecutor now with impeachment on the table does not want to be part of the cover up. remember you have the crime and the cover up. if this goes to impeachment
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hearing, they're going to look into obstruction of justice. in the delaware prosecutor is in on the obstruction. that's going to be a problem. he tried to get a little distance from this thing. the judge is like, the judge comes out with the gun charges it's a felony gun charge and just expunged for nothing. this has never happened before and you're not giving me any discretion. once you sign this deal, being i can't even decide whether i like it or not. it's a done deal. she said get this garbage out of here. a lot can happen between now and september 1st when they have to come up with a new agreement you have devon archer testifying on monday and bank records coming out with comber. this is only going to get worse for hunter biden. >> take a listen to joe biden ignoring questions about that. >> mr. president, mccarthy -- >> oh, sad.
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>> do you remember harold, the white house at the time this plea announcement was made. case closed we're all done here. we're not ever having to talk about this again and that's not what is happening at a tough election. >> good to be back at the table. >> i think the process worked. for those who may say our process is broken in the country and we have two standards, this was an example of they're not being two standards. the judge is right, when you have a plea deal, the judges often ask the questions to protect the defendant. the defendant is entering a guilty plea, he or she needs to be afforded to say that before the court and the judge. as these basic questions were asked. what is inexplicable. there's a continued
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investigation into hunter biden. i'm relieved the process work and the judge asked these questions and that americans everyday americans are starting to understand how this process worked. i saw cameras and audio in the courtroom. i don't but i do, i am relieved and frankly gratified the court asked the questions and inexplicable is the prosecution wasn't on the same page. >> that's commentary. >> that was like, are you not embarrassed? >> what is clear is we don't know the answer to that. we know this >> the judge asked the right questions today and the outcome would happen.
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>> there was no precedent. okay. this was out of the ordinary. >> more to come on it. rfk junior hitting the president where it hurts? >> i have no idea. k junior hittt where it hurts? >> i have no idea.
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do you ever feel dehydrated and need to feel better quickly? liquid labs from force factor hydrates better and faster than water alone. and, liquid labs is delicious, easy
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to use and affordable. rush to walmart and find liquid labs in the vitamin aisle. listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel.
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>> all right frfk junior sticking it to the republican party. the candidate vowing to stand up for free speech on day one of his presidency. >> i want to end that polarization and do that telling the truth.
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first step we have to take is telling the truth. if we have a president willing to tell the truth about everything. people in this country know that the system is rigged, and they know they are being lied to. i'm going to issue an executive order the moment i get into the white house the first day forbidding ending the weaponization of our agencies for political purposes. >> rfk junior giving democrats to be more nervous for joe's fitness. >> he's never been good with the words. the decisions coming out are bad decisions. the democratic party does not censor people in my experience. we're not the party of war. we're not the party of the neocons dictating foreign policy. we're the party of the working people. that's not where the party is
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anymore. >> and proving rfk junior's point on biden's words, the president made the stunning claim about cancer. >> if you can do anything at all joe, what would you do? i would cure cancer. because no one thinks we can and we can. we are ending cancer as we know it. >> yeah, that's a new one. we ended cancer as we know it. dana, rfk kept it classy and didn't make personal attacks on biden. he disagreed with his positions. is it possible to win as a democrat to criticize the white house? >> those are great questions. he does keep it classy but he is going after biden in a way that exposes the weakness. if biden were a stronger front runner, there would be much less oxygen for rfk. the biden white house barely make news, if they do, it's
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taking about your freedom and appliances. they have to answer on hunter bidens. if you look at the polls, that's not the case. chaos loves a vacuum. rfk junior is filling that spot. i always maintained if rfk really want says to be president, he should run as a third party. in the democratic primary, he's not going to win. the democrats don't like him. the conservatives or people who are not affiliated, 40% say they are neither. i understand why he doesn't. they're his family tradition and it's a big deal to leave your party. some people say even the boston globe went against him. the boston globe has been going against rfk for a while. even his own family. i think this shows the fact that
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rfk has shades of bernie sanders where he can give joe biden a hard time. the democratic machine and the party is going to stick with the front runner. >> you know harold, what dana just paused and that's my question to you, given the fact that you know rfk thinks that his own party has gone too far left. is he a candidate for third party? in this presidential election? should he be? >> i don't know. i know he's running in the democratic primary. dana is right on that point. dana is right there's a vacuum at the white house. president biden, if i were part the campaign team would have him out once or twice a week giving big speeches on where the country is and where it's going and how his leadership will advance that. when i listened to rfk here and greg talked eloquently about him and his candidacy from the
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standpoint he's speaking to part of the country and middle class aspirations and values. i don't agree with him on his position on the war. he's veered talking about conspiracy theories. he's come down in the polls, the vaccines and even the words about jewish americans, that's not why people were interested or tantalized about his campaign from the out set. if he wants to get back to the kennedy camelot mode, he has to talk about the middle class aspirations and values and how the wealth gap has worsend and what he will do to address that. i don't think what he's doing now is advancing his campaign. >> you know 65% of the country does not support, if that's the case, why are so many people supporting biden and not rfk? >> team sport perhaps.
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but he did say two things that were interesting to me. the system is rigged and americans are being lied to. who does that sound like? >> donald trump. >> thank you, harold. >> i have to bring up when jessica says, when republicans embrace someone running for president on the other side, you should suspect it's not purely for altruistic purposes. so, i mean, a lot of republicans really do like him but it's probably because he could really hurt joe. but, the problem with the party this is why i think he should run as third party candidate because i think he would win. his party's radical elements what we call the woke, have embraced this fascist clamp down on language. if you have opinions that aren't accepted by that group, they will come after you and try to destroy you. it's one of the most substantial
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political and moral flips in recent history where the party that fuelled the free speech movement is now fuelling its opposite. it's incredible. they talk about the banning of books and they can't cite one but they are constantly targeting people for speech, for language, opinions, all the time. the white house is going after private citizens over speech. it's incredible. one last point, i do think, i thought the analysis of the war was dead on. we don't talk about the war that much anymore because there's not a lot of good news coming out of there. it's hard for conservative republicans to admit that america has a role in this happening. 20 years ago, i wouldn't buy into it but the world has changed. he's challenging my assumptions and in a weird way another flip. you're seeing republicans who are becoming anti-war. >> he has a net approval of plus
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12. joe manchin is thinking of running as a third party. >> even as republicans come to rfk's defense, i hear a lot of things i hear too and i think a lot of americans would like. his polls are down. does this show how much the media allied with joe biden. >> i don't know if they're down that much and there's room for him to improve because we're just getting started. i don't believe anything the politicians are saying. you get in there and promise to end polarization, that's not happening. they have been stoking, this is my fire poker. >> with social media, it's going to take a generation for us to even start to like each other. and he's going to end the weaponization of government from
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day one. by an executive order. yeah. nice try. i think the fbi and the cia will have something to say that. he's going to be a president that told the truth and they investigated him and impeached him twice. when greg says there's an over lap, it's building from the left and right and americans agree. i would say 70% they're anti-crime. they're for a secure border. i are pro-middle class. they have a little bit of an isolationist twist. there's the juicy middle in american politics they don't want to foster. that breaks the system in helpful. if we get it together, we will get there. okay. coming up, another vast right wing conspiracy? hillary is back and has a new thing to blame on maga republicans. new thing to blame on magga republicans.
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hi, i'm jason and i've lost 202 pounds on golo. so when i first started golo, i was expecting to lose around 40 pounds and then i just kept losing weight, and moving and moving and moving in a better direction. with golo and release, you're gonna lose the weight.
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>> hillary clinton getting scorched or a hot take on the summer heat wave. hot enough for you. thank you maga republican or vote them out of office. speaking of the climate change outrange, the antiglobal warming group that blocked streets and put paint on priceless pieces of work. stop it with your barbara heiman post. your pink crop top won't mean jack on a hot planet. >> you seem to be mouthing a little bit. >> what is your reaction to that? >> first i think hillary clinton should be embarrassed and a sign he's given up. she's like i'm never going to be
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president. i'm just going to be a hack that tweets things that make no sense at all. i will call people deplorable and of now help to the democrats. understand the biden is like i believe i have a unity message. let me introduce the former nominee, hillary clinton, no. she's going to teach at columbia. we had that little skit she did. this is the kind of thing you do when you want to be accepted at columbia and not elected president of the united states. that's what i think. >> put aside it's her, hillary clinton would have said this differently. what do you think about what she's saying? >> i think she is the queen of division. the woman is now saying that the maga republicans are responsible for the weather, right. just like she said the right wing conspiracy was responsible for bill not having sex with
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that woman. you know. i think she ought to go back in woods with her dog and go for a walk. at the same time, i find it incredible this is a woman who really thinks that she's got something to say that is so important. it's just hateful. the united states, the magas in the united states are responsible for all the problems with the climate across the world. that's just stupid. and she's going to columbia to teach? so, that's all i have to say on her. >> prime time. >> it's getting hot out there harold. real hot. i don't know what is going on with the weather. if the weather is the same thing as the climate. i don't know how to believe at this point. i don't know if this is normal abnormal. i don't know who to trust. the numbers don't make sense to me. if i remember hillary, i would blame china. >> good one. >> why does she blame the republican party when china is
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the one with the greenhouse gases? that's where you want to be politically with this. >> that's because she's given up. >> she's always been soft on china. >> she has been. >> yeah. >> you think she has been soft on china? >> yeah. greg, we talked last week about some of these. we did over lunch at my place. >> it was amazing. >> what a great chicken milanese. 5000 records have been broken in cities across the country. what should we be doing? i agree with everything said. what should we be doing? >> you know who i blame this on hillary clinton. her tweets make me smile. they really do. they tells me she was never president. if you had a choice, what would you rather have, president hillary clinton or hillary clinton sitting around tweeting. at least she still has her
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looks. >> oh, greg. >> what do you mean? she's a beautiful woman. >> i'm pretty sure. >> someone -- [laughter] >> come at me. >> someone should ask her what the temperature would be if she were president. would it be different. >> up next, the biden family accused of being the worst dog owners in the world after the president's dog goes on a biting spree. accused of being the worst dog owners owners in the world after the president's dog goes on a biting spree.
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>> for get about hunter in the white house. cocaine is a problem we don't need to worry about. the bidens are terrible dog owners. chowing down on secret service
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agents. attacking them four times a month. the white house blaming it on stress. >> as you know, the white house can be unique and stressful. that's something you all can understand. >> so under dc municipal rules after a dog bites an individual the dog must be quarantined for 10 days. do you know if commander was quarantined. >> bite one, bite two, et cetera, it's, i don't know. i think that the dog definitely needs training. the dog definitely needs to be put in a different environment that the dog can't make mistakes in. right now, it's clear the dog is
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making mistake after mistake. >> dana perino, you would put the dog down? >> well, i think that there's obviously a problem. this is so interesting it came through a foya, freedom of information request which is something you are good at. the secret service is so professional they didn't leak anything about this. this was not a nip. he has been sending someone to the hospital four to seven times. however many times. he might be a good dog and i know they love their dog, i think you would find another home for the dog. he's not safe around the secret service agents. the other thing is, i could imagine the chief of staff, jeff going to the president and say sir, it's commander or hunter. they both can't stay. which one is giving you the most trouble? >> it could be hunter that's
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aggravating the dog, you don't know. >> look, i have had 13 dogs, i have doberman's and now standard poodles. you learn to train a dog. they bite someone you get a trainer. other dogs have lived in the white house and haven't freaked out. the dog is living with the bidens. i don't know who to tell you. >> harold junior. >> i have four dogs and one is a zach russell and has gotten nipier. if the dog can't be comfortable and if you can't put the dog in a place where he or she is going to be happy, you have to figure out a place because the dog can't be happy if they are biting someone like that. certainly people are not happy either >> i would imagine, greg. >> what kind of dog is that? >> german shepard. >> beautiful dog. now we know who is on coke. worse dog in the white house
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since bill clinton. >> oh. >> i thank god that commander for commander that obama is not in the white house because the biting would be in reverse. >> oh. >> he ate dogs. he wasn't into fine dining. he was into fine canining. [laughter] >> call me obama. come to my show >> you know, your owner is trying to drink out of the same bowl. it's just not right. >> imagine being a secret service agent, you're hiding the cocaine and now bit by the dog. are aliens real? the whistleblowers and the biggest ufo hearing ever. iens r? the whistleblowers and the biggest ufo hearing ever.
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the cost of homeownership has been a struggle. [ violin playing] with utility prices rising -- sweetie, can you practice that somewhere else? [ voice breaking ] the good news is, new customers who bundle and save with progressive save over 20% on average. [ sobbing ] sorry. she's just really good at that.
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>> ah ha, congress holding its biggest hearing yet on ufos. three government whistleblowers telling lawmakers everything they know on whether earth has been visited by ets. >> are their common
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characteristics to the uaps that have been sighted by different pilots? >> we were seeing primarily dark gray or black spears. >> do we have the bodies that came with these crafts? >> biologics. were they human or nonhuman? >> nonhuman. >> you know what i'm going to say, dana, is this another summer story or is it real? >> like sharks. >> like sharks, ufos, attacks on world famous talk show hosts. >> you know i'm a skeptic on the ufo situation. i was listening to jim garrity today on the three martini pod cast. >> you were wasted. >> this is the government because they have been dribbling this out. maybe they are softening up the ground to let us know that maybe we do have some information or some actual materials that they
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don't want americans to panic or the world to panic but they're slowly walking us up to the line and say okay, maybe we are concerned. >> yeah, the judge, i heard that they are prepping us for the big reveal like in bar rescue. they don't want to surprise us they want us to be ready when the green men pop out. >> you know, the favorite part if are me, and you know, like i guess like most americans, i don't know if it were true. when you look at what they go through and the criticisms they go through, liken these guys to whistleblowers. they are called crazy and vetted before they were able to testify. yet, in spite of they're being subjected to criticism, they come out and speak. when the ufo crashes and you recover it, when there's a pilot, it's a non-human biological pilot and they asked if they have been hostile before. look at your face.
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>> i know. i am listening. >> i mean, i'm fascinated. i think there's going to be some truth to some of this. i really do. >> harold, i was shocked in the green room, you said i hate things that are different. i hate these little green aliens, i will kill them with their bare hand. i hope they go back to their planet. >> that was kill me. >> look, i'm a fan of et, i'm like dana, i'm a little skeptical, the fact they're holding the hearing whistleblowers, i want a whistleblower that says the government is affectively fighting crime. why don't they have whistleblowers with that. i think it's fine and interesting. i'm skill a skeptic around this. >> jesse, i sense's cover up and exclusive interview coming your way on your show.
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>> how did you know? >> i know. >> how did you know i have a witness to an alien invasion that saw their googly eyes and freaky skin? >> i'm with you. in the green room, you were telling me this was happening at the same time of the martha vineyard's deal and hunter bidin. these are what do you quality them? >> false -- false flag. >> you're a mess. >> this is a jesse watters. you can send away with it. you can attach it. >> also not true. >> also not true. >> you know, i can swim in it. >> i do have my looks. still wearing pant suits. one more thing up next. it. >> i do have my looks. still wearing pant suits. one more thing up next.
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i now, this next one, realloadin slow, slowerg scores. >> good. and chooswee safe play? >> we were loading our suvervice with crack. way came right to us ae could see exactly when they arrived with the replacement. >> we could trust that service the way we want it safe. like we pay for safe. >> like we place the new fox news primetime is number one. laura, jesse, sean, and greg
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are the right voices at the right time. fox news, primetime weeknights on fox news channel. america is watching. you're welcome. america. >> time now for one more thing. judge you, the first one to get everyone to look at the table yesterday was national hot button day. >> okay. yesterday was national hot sun day. and then even though we're one day late, i want to sarict y thank you to serendipity, because i couldn't resisrendipit the opportunity to call them and say it was hot sun yesterday. can you comendae can you and hen the five? >> and they said yes. so what you sewhat youe here is forbidden broadway sundae. it's a huge slice of blackout cake, three scoops of vanilla ice cream, tons of hot fudge, whippe d cream, shaved chocolate, shaved chocolate, irish jason's shaved chuck and,s of course, a cherry on the top. ses so tha and it's fabulous.
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so thank you.y we serendipity. we love you. and i'm not going to say anything. >> definitely go to serendipity. if you're coming to new york or orendipity if youif you live he, you should take your children there, because i think i know e shaved chocolahe nam chocolate. >> is that right? te.ber thati remember that, yesg oh, that's right. i'll go quickly. we all know that dogs,rick you know, they love to play fetch and they also kind of like magic tricke s. >> but there's one dog in this.t can you guess which dog is going to not fall for this little magic trick? >> uh huguesh, uh huh. who is it going to be? i don't know. this may be going on a little bit longhite lab . it's the white lab in the back n or the white retriever saying, no, i doot not think so.. >> anyway, i can tell you guys really like that. okay, the white one? yeah, the one on the back. okay. do not miss short questions with dana perino. dee to janice dean this week, which was which is next. harold. so 100 year old navy veteran i hired. you have to take all over greg: your front area if you're aonal
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100 year old navy veteran. took a monumental flight in a vintage war plane. spe of springfield, ohio, served in both world war two and korean war in the korean war. het seat of anseat open cockpit of this 1942 boeing biplane and snapped plenty of cell phone pictures and videos. the 20 minute flight markedth the organization dream flight 6000 trip with anr ii american world war two hero on board dream flights is an entirely volunteer run runorganizaerorganization, andr says he gets paid and get thisti sfactisatisfied action.eteran >> god bless america. god bless that veteran. tonied.. >> gregg shaved chocolate. oh, yes. oh, tonight we've got t a great show. >> great show, indeed. jamie lewis, our dad, said that's three a's, kat timpf. and tyrus is bac back. that's 10 p.m. tonight. all right. 's time it's time for greg's ad. taime scene news. >> now, i don't want to give it away yet so i could talk about w it, but you could see that this apartment, thiloodeds apartmentr this house was flooded. >> flooded. look at this bad.
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look how bad this is. it's absolutely terrible what happened ther o weree. ulprit >>s? but who were the culprits? >> oh, look at the record. >> you can teach those dogs anything. i wonder if it was said. i think it was a setup. t it was a bitter ex students, a bitter ex that taught the dogs how to use the doggy door and go in >> i think this is a setup. you think it's a setup? that's amazing. all e dogs gini know.bathro >> i got to go to the bathroom. me too. okay. yeom>> jesse found aays. all right. so we finally found a way for greg to be good at basketball. ba forev it's taken forever, but here it is. >> it's called slam ball. you can be any size, you can be 411, you can be four, eight or whatever you want. and this is how you get up like that. greggregave no, what now?o it >> found your calling. i want to go boom. reg: a >> that's so tonight, jesse watters, primetime, jesse: se watte 8:00. the hunter biden plea deal. >> wow. esse: no we were inside. you were inside. were you at the courthouse personally? inside wera mann. g. >> but we were inside is a
10:00 pm
manner of speaking. this is along with the ufo alons . you guys, we have ufos. you know who i'm havin ow who ig on tomorrow? the mug shot girl? no way. yes, that mug shot.t >> she is a student that hasque ten mug shot. queen of chaos. the queen of chaos is going to be out. talk about a teaseos.e enco. >> so you're encouraging lawbreaking. you she gets lawbreakingn ag all the time now for it. she's adorable. it's another let it sit. >> all right. that's it for. >> welcome to jesse watters. >, no doubt.onight hunter biden plea deal tossed out what it means. ufo whistleblowers shockth the nation. it's a lady. oh, whoa. american lunatics. a hostage crisis. pluserican l, the queen of chao


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