tv Gutfeld FOX News July 28, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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programing note before we go next week. enjoying this crowd of veryk, drunk new yorkers on wednesday and thursday night. tickets are free handed. hannity is where you go for the tickets. don't forget, set your dvr so you never, ever, ever, ever, ever miss anset yo of hannity. in the meantime, let not your hearts troubled. greg gutfeld is next and he's gonna to put a smile g on yourme face. have a great night o. well, guys, happy thursday everybody. >> so is it all just pretend orh have they met little green men? met , it looks like mulderey and scully were right, and i don't even know who that is, but some nerd on my staf rightf wrote it, so let's go with it. yeah. according to some remarkable
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testimongoy from three men we ti heard before congress yesterday, we are not alon we. there are flying saucers. and not just when my assistant screwsalon my coffee.e >> our planet is beingfl visited by beings from another world.bes and it's not just this freak f. >> >> we call them ufos, but the government. >> government now calls them unidentified anomalous phenomena. or uap. no thet to be confused with w.a.s.p. or al f the star was david grusch, a former intel officer for the national geospatial intelligence agency, or. >> yeah, he made headlines last month when he theen h u.s. government has been hiding ufo crash debris and even dead non-human pilots. they're likely in joe's garage next to the corvette. but this time he said it underts oath and he's not a democrat. so it matter ts. i
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>> play the tape if you believe we have crashed crash statedu bi earlier, do we have the bodies of the pilots who piloteevd thir craft. >> biologics came with some of these recoveries. yeahaft, do weav. >> were they i guess human non-human biologics non-human. >> and that was the assessment of people with direct knowledge on the program i talked to that are currently still on the program. >> so they're aliens but they're dead. sguess they probably killedare themselves when they learned that was marriedde.. it happens a lot. so what does a biologic look like? we don't know. but they're considered non-human. >> so let's start there. remember that creature he was here on earth for a few years, then disappeared. and t >> i'm pretty sure he was fromr. the planet. so is gross credible? here's what our guy walter kirn said on the show last week. i know the whistleblower. >> i know dave groot. he's actually a very sincere iw.
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guy. america, though, may get its wish. it may see a congressional at which all our big shots are there arranged behind their deskals, their glasses of ice water, and they out the existence aliens and suddenly a blue blue beam comes into the room. va vaportence ofd a bl rises ch, etc.. >>s chuc so he predicted a lot f that is he right there? i mean, people are starting to act really weir d. >> could aliens be responsible for this behavior? lyi love hot dogs. >> i love them in bonds.. i love them outside of bonds. i love them with baked beans. i just like hot dogs. >> it's the best, you know, best meat there is, without question. he's the naughty stedogsp of ja. see, shaq, i am telling you right now that bacteria not real. and you can clean and you can
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drive it better not. i'm not going to. this week has been good bipartisan cooperation and a string of emissions is the only way to say you should go back to. do you want to say anything else to the pres presss? >> i don't think this is is that would turn was talkingthat about. t? so why isn't all this testimony a bigger news story an next government official said we have alien bodies. ryat's either the greateste story in human history or the greatest hoax.
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we've had decades ofthtest sci s made about this very moment, and we're all like, yeah, cool. let's watch barbie momre like,. is everyone is checked out is joe biden. i mean, if there's even a chance it could be true, this wh under oath after all, isn't it? the only thing anybody is talking about todayy is, people flip out every time kim kardashian takes out her garbagople flie. but aliens are real and we're ignoring it like it's brian kilmeade weeping in the men's room, which is often we got several credible ex witnesses testifying at an open congressional hearing to the existence of ufos. both the dems and republicans take it seriously, too, and everybodufosy yawns likeke o someone's showing them pictures . their ugly kids it's weird. maybe if we cared more andr demandedugly more we'd get more. instead, we just shrug off the possibility of intelligent life from outer have we become that bored? i mean, what we do after we hear about aliens? >> we go back to our phoneab?s. meanwhile, gross or
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whatever his name is, claims people have been injured inn ef efforts to cover up this technology. i think we calfol the covid covd vaccine mandate. >> do you have any personal knowledg vnee of people have ben harmed or injured in efforts to cover up or conceal extraterrestrial technology? yes. anyone been murdered that you would that you know of or have heard of? i guess i to be careful asking that question. i directed people with that knowledge, the appropriate authorities. >> so it seems all of this is worth more. a few minutes on a talk show, especially since uap are in airspace, but they're grossly underreported. >> uap are in our airspace, but they are grossly underreported. these sightings are not rare or isolated. they are routine. are there common characteristics to the uaps that have been cited by different pilots? and can you describethat what te convergence of descriptions is? certainlribe whay. we were primarily seeing dark gray or black cubes inside ofy ora clear sphere. >> i'm sorry, dark gray or black cubes? ye sphs, of a clear sphere wherx
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the apex or tips of the cube were touching the inside of that sphere. >> it's basically a circle full of black squares. sounds intriguing. how does that stay in the air? actually, it's some sort of antigravity device, or perhaps one of our own experimental aircraft flying through the air like that. you know, it could be one of our trains. >> maybe it's the machine they used to lower joy bejar and indoor pants. >> here's another ex-navy piloto . >> when asked about his 2004 encounter with a ufo. sout based off of each of your experiences and observations, do you believe uap is poseu beli a potential threat to our national security? >> yese and here's why. the technology that we faced was far superior than anything that we had. and you could put that than an f you if you had one, you captured one. you reverse engineered it.
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you got it to work. you're talking something that can go into go someplace, drop down in a matter of seconds. do whatever it wants,d and leave. and there's nothing we can do leav cant it. >> sounds like he's describing me at a starbucks bathroom. a su >> but we can't let flight technology fall into the wrongy hands, like the russians or worse. spirit air into th. >> anyway, these guys all served our country for thyss, and no one at que the hearing questioned their credibility. so perhaps the government knows more aboutsttheiibility. stuff n been letting on. i mean, if they'll cover up cocaine in the white house, why wouldn't they cover up extra l pilots at area 51? or maybe i got it backwards. and the story being amplified on purpose as a distraction for something else. but allegedly, this has beenthis happening for decades without the general public b. >> how is that possible?th do you have knowledge or de puoa you haveve reason to believe th there are programs in the advanced tech space are unsanctioned? >> yes, i do. thow does a program like that get funded?
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>> i will give you generalities. i can get very specific in a closed session, but misappropriation of funds. and does that mean that doeseanr that mean that there is money in the budget thatoney is to goo a program, but it doesn't and it goes to something else? yes, i have specific knowledge t of that. >> yep. that seems like you need a follow up question for that. .so maybe we're not alone. nee should we be scared? i mean, sci-fia movies alwaysbe showed our cities getting destroyed by aliens. >> but let's be honest, the dems are doing a far better job than any green man ever could. thanf any beings from other planets are watching this right now, here's my question. what? why questiy the probes? and more importantly, how do you clea?n afterward lest you wake up tonight? yes, he attacks slowpoke. tack they're like a ravenous vulture. journalist and comedian andrew doylee like. like a hallmark movie she was
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made for tv box station host casey mcdonnell, husband toads get high from licking her boxes. contributor catches and our kool-aid man once asked him for tips on how to bust through walls. my massive sidekick and nwa world heavyweight director joe andrew. evan fall. i feel like such a newsman . ter doing that those clips. watch out. brad baer, huh? g all of, it looks. >> you know, whenever you hear these stories, it's onlyou heare an america, which is britain, to. yeah. the aliens never come to me. i don't know why i'm a bit jealous, actually. g?i've always believed tonight, and i genuinely think that. how else could you explain barry manilow? right? i think. but why? i don't believe you guys when you're talking about-- why i dos now, is that you can't only talk about the wreckage that the government has or wreckage that you've got. why do the aliens keep crashing, right? becaus
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e we're supposed to believe that these people have mastered inter-dimensional travel, but trav can't park. >> yeah, that's true. have they only sent their women aliens? oh, sexist would say you. i was just about to say that. >> well, then we can writet. mine. yeah. although this could be a great political opportunity, i think, like with donald trump, you know, he won in 2016 by flying. keep build a wall to keep out mexicans. yeah, and we could build a dome. yeah. he's going to keep ban aliens. yeah, that's true. that's true. they might be here right now. just out invisible. that's what i worry about. casey, have you ever dated an alien? >> probably, yeah. we aren't in a dome, though. believe in aliens, we are in a dome, right? we're already in one. yeah, we're already in one. there's water abov ione.e. i'm dressed as i knew the aliens existed all along. barbie, todai am drey yeah, i do believe in aliens. >> absolutel alongy i'm. i'm so in the proper space now. you should see my tic tac when i open it up, and it's that stuff. but i think the powers that be, they were like they reallyth wat the epstein league. give them the aliens. just throw the aliens best wthe do our aliens. >> well, that's true.
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i mean, there is the idea that it might be a distractio therenc it's like the republicans are into it too. so. well. wellan the sane league would explain that, because that's kind of bipartisan perversion. > i think i would. no, i don't participate in that sort of garbag woue cat, what's? >> i don't know. you've often been mistaken forr. a space alien because you have a freakishly small body and a large head with lifeless >> i'm so glad i came to work. i'm assuming you wrote thaty an question. glad i did not. i can't wait to findi out who that. >> so what do you think? i think that. actually what you were saying earlier explains it all. you said thaat you wt sides aree interested in it. that's why we don't talk about it more, because there's no political advantage to talking tht right now. >> itof we find out there'sif aliens, there's no way that the government can do it. but if they found out the aliens were wokebut if, yea. >> boom. yeah, that's the one identity group to deal with. >> but they don't know what the
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only issue. they don't know enough about the aliens to know how to politicize th it yet. >> oh, they did more otherness than being an alien from another planet . that's the thing. and they, you know, they're gonna to be like the woke, you know, they're gonna be like they're going to come down here, take over everything and then act like they're repressed. >> well, maybe that's why they're all dead. yeah g , erythingright.e they are yeah. maybe i might identify as one just to get the perks, right. maybe they're not woke, though. maybe they're really, reallyriaa like, libertarian and they don't still want. they're here. they don't wanna let anyone know. they don't want to pay. ndt to o >> and they love cash. that's right. the moment aliens land, they're going to want to pay taxes. yeah, i want to get anybody i want. you're the land, thear governmee yeah. >> tires. why does no one care like event okay that's pretty compelling stuff this but i feel like if someone has to wait for the government to tell you tha>e they were aliens on this planet, you're already a to beginwere with. >> yeah. like if you vacationed, if you've been to anywhere in if y, you've seen a pyramid. they're all over the world. they eve seen n you tell by theh
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designs that it was not 16 in a rock that built the pyramids. yeah. perfect designs. we still can't bui do today. listen, for 70,000 years, we had a rock and a stickea and couldn'trs wa figure it ou. somebody came down to here, tie this together, build this stuff, try out use and fire. and then what happened? we ran an item or sexually assaulted them and they left. >> yeah. the reason they drive back is because they're like, elon got rockets goink isg. meone they're like, someone needs to swing by and make sure they can't get up hereney . t yeah. remember last time, last time we went down because every bible it's the same thing. the angels come down, right? right. thin about themear going back, right. because they ran and ran into a huma n being and we either atum forum or you know soor - they left. do you think we only findyo the dead oneu knows because they rather die? >> yeah. and then one day here it is an interestin they wouldg fact, though.>> if we eat fellow earthlings, we've talked about this, we eata cowsrthl and pigs and ducks.
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>> those are earthlings. why? what should prevent us from if you just pulled up to a spot like, hey, this is a good place to check out, let's take us to the leader. they're eating everybody. yeah, i'm small. >> i have no bone density.bone i can't breathe this oxygen. turn around. let's get out of here. they're eating people. so that'reathes happened. there's plenty of history of them in all of mankind. getting to where we and how we were able to become the way we are. it's just that we ruined the teachers. teachers left, and then our technology is a dumber version of theirs becausr,e took all that with them like, nope, they cannot get up here. >> nirs.o, i would do the same thing, i think. >> i don't know. let's go to the ts. up next, if your skin's a little dark, are you avoiding a national park? >> what is the biden business you're dealing with? a web of deception. i saw on the orders of joe biden a kickback scheme giving to hunter biden, the foreign national who allegedly bribed hunter. biden allegedly has audio recordings.
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after all, you can't spell bigotry without tree. sure. just go with it. okay. it's summertime. and much like me, it's very hot. and that means a lot of people are going outside to camp, which means for nbc and abc, it presents another opportunity to gin up a story about race. opport an nbc journalist wrote this meet the black outdoorsy groups reclaimingun the joys of nature. it highlights the rise of organizations providing, quote ,spaces for black people to dispel myths that the outdoors don't belong to them due to years of systemic racism. >> but since when is the outdoors a safe space? >> you got all sorts of scar sy like bears and wolves and snakes and bigfoot. >> and who could forget the movie deliverance? yeahd wh. my camp counselor lied when he said it was a dated when e m. but apparently january six and the pandemicap and the
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2020 election bolstered conversations about safe spaces for black people. t and that led to the idea of camping and experiencing the outdoors. except there was a problem, said one group's founder. people would go to campgrounds and there would be trump flags flying everywhere, and godtrump forbid those flags could attack you. >> of course, i get the idea of. getting out of the cities with crime what it is these days. and it's not just black people looking foe citiesr safe spacesa it's actually most of america,s. but it's not trump supporterst murdering and beating and robbing people. >> it's criminals. tr the good news is, if you feelron that even the woods is an unsafe place for campingg there's always other alternatives. i'm sure the democratemocra led cities will accommodate you with your own sidewalkticit be careful, though. those things on the street when't pinecones to see. who do i go to first? gee, i don't know. ryan, expert on the field. yeah. live life of a black mant.
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who lives outdoors, maybe. yeah, him. well, charles payne is a you have to go with me. >> i replied i was.n' that was on my line. when i say it's funny, when you say it, we go to the principal's office. ye>>s. ny >> so what do you think? this is the stupidest i've ever half read. >> my entire. principafirst of all. news flash. when you go camping, you don't go to see people. yoyou don't go in groups. and nobody pitches a tent and puts a flag up. nobody. okay. unless you're playing captai us yes. well, in that case, if it's a maga flag, the whole point is to get it. >> yeah. stupid. this is the. you go out to be in the outdoors. the challenge of being in the outdoors. i literally justeoutd spent three days in montana on my property, and there's no power lines. there's nothing out there inthe the animals. or even different. even the deer. look at you. like what? soans are deer loo the last thio to worry about w is you do see another camper. you don't care what color is. you want to knowrmper. aying wa
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are you staying warm? yeah. do you have extra batteries? if you need something and another thing. i didn't want to see you either. yeah. no one goes camping is not a group activity. u, wu go out with your family to get away from it all. you don't set up camp and be like, yo, whitith yoget awe peoe on. >> come on. yeah. >>t do i do camp? >> i feel like you might have d camped as a chilcampd. >> i used to camp as a child, but i don't anymore because my husbanda never wants to go. he's always like i camped. i got paid to camp for the government. >> and then i'm like, thank you for your service. but it kind of just it kind of just i know i'm like, freedom's not free. thank you for camping. my freedom. and it kind of just ends there. i used to love to go camping, but i'm a little distracted cause i was just wondering, like, i was thinking about charles payne camping. what >> he would have to go where his tent would like. a suit was exactly colorful, man the man's and grooms doesn't have casual clothes, go to sleepr seen at night. yeah, but i already know silk pajamas. yeah. a thousand miles would have
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awesome portfolios that could not go to sleep. >> i could not go to sleep. and. so pajamas? well, that's because you're not charles payne. he probably has a pocket square in thensilk pm.aj a >> yes. are you avoiding commenting on this topic? i am commenting on the topic. do i think that i probabl think about this? i think that they're saying want to feel what? like break the stereotype of black can go outside or something. >> but then they're saying everyone they alreadereotype ofe everyone who has a trump flag would be the exact same type of person, which is als whoo true. so i think we could all beer i better if all of us stop seeingu one thing about a personld and deciding sto that, you know, a whole bunch of stuff about how much you don't like that person and you know, everything you need't to know about that person based off of one thing and all get along. so it would be a lot harder forg the to play us against each other. >> well, see, this is why the aliens don't check. aliens love to camp. so that's why they don't stay. >> yeah, they read me like i'm not going there. yeah. casey? yeah. couldn't. couldn't camping and being outdoors be a thin coug that uns
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people rather than segregates. se e that was a good question. >> that's that's a good point because national parks they were officially>> desegregated in 45 so that's amazing but why arally dese cone the separation? i am an indoor cat. i will not cnuing th i don't ca, i don't go lamp. i don't think about it at all. >> montana sounds lovely and i love yellowstone, but i'm not, not for me. but i think if camping fore. the article is people stuff, then i have lied on every government form. st fille havd out in my life. you know, andrew, i've been. to some campgrounds in england . very. i'm sorry about that. yeah, it's very depressing . yes, very deep. it's basically just a park with a bench. yeahits basi. and, you know, these are racist. apparently, the outdoors is racist, so, i mean, i this.ti so i find it really disgusting. actually. i hate that this happens, but they do like you say, like they try and divide us in this way. but the only thing i think is maybe the writer got it wrong. like maybe when she was saying that black people find it difficult to be outdoors thinke t has , maybe
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she was thinking of vampires and she just kind of got the thing wrong. maybe that's the only the only explanation i can think because it's absolutely terrible and racist. yeah, divisive. they did thiiress the way in the u.k.. we had a story in the pinknews about gay people. how people go outdoors. we can we can go outdoors. you know, we thought like every matter needs a discotheque, you can do that. i think it's just people finding victimhood in absolutely everything. so everything is racist. everything is homophobic. waitinverything. a second. >> are you a homosexual?re oh, security. i'll get my hairg:. security i pink knew. i didn't realize that was. >> oh, it's a horrible thing i had. i hired somebody from pinknews for maxi is m. that was pretty crazy. all right, we got to move on. up next, a judge's smartphone addiction and a politician's lack of conviction. men, how many bathroom trips are you making each day? if your daily bathroom trips are on the rise, try beater. advanced the number one selling formula in its category made with pros defend a triple action blend to help reduce urges to . for you, this means
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when on a thursday to supportste federal workers dealing with record heat t. but his third strike lasted only 8 hours., mark this? >> no, because i did the same thing last. w >> yeah, when i was asleep. yeah. and why mock another person when i could be celebrated myself p? >> yes, it is. it's amazing. he had this little thing on hiso finger that people who are in the hospital wear it when they're really sick. >> to monitor his vitals. is this for real? yeah, it's made up because, like you said, we all do it every day. we all like major civil rights activists without knowing it. yeah. it's so weird. like this guy. does he think he's, like, the new mahatms he ta or someth >> yes, he is. he's the gandhgai ofnd sweat. st yeah, but he's more efficient than gandhi because gandhi spent years fighting the british empire. only needed was one afternoon of mild dehydration. >> yes, exactly. how did he get. how did he get that little finger thing? becaus did he i'd like to wear f those just all the time. >> just to know how i'm to pull socks. you had to buy theou tm on, lik, ebay for $1,000 during covid?
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yeah and you did?>> >> what does it tell you? the like your the oxygen, your does it tell you you're going to be okay? >> my mom made me get one during covid. my mom made how. >> i don't like that because then i can't use that finger for things i like, but like an angel probe. yes. yes. oh, disgusting. >> any thoughts? this reminds me of in britain when prince william was like he was just going over o rehearsal for the coronation and all the guards were just dropping because it was six degrees. cut their hats, all the big, very hats. you don't have u don' to wear that to work. and this is second hand embarrassment is what i have read. woah t , deeply humiliating.. >> what do you think, titus did? >> gregory basically didn't eat for a year? yes. okay. . anks muslims ramadan, like people, fast hunger strikes becauses, bc they care about something and they care so much. it was even that monauk ine wa vietnam who literally set himself on fire and didn't even flinch becausee monk i commitmet to their beliefs were so
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powerful and strong. >>s of mm yep. >> and i'll let you know, though, you know what? why i'm such a hero. i don't at all, except for maybe 20 minutes a week. >> i was tryin 20 mig to get toy point and my. i don't want to play any. all right, this is very ver disturbing. >> yes, it was in a video obtained by the oklahoman. you see a judge texting and scrolling on her phone during a murder trial while people actually giving testimony. >> and now the oklahoma council on judicial complaints is investigating. thanks to our hard reporting here at our show diaries. listen. what does it say? what's this? no big deal. what it is, this is supposedsa to be blind, right? >> yeah. okay. no, but to thinky? i don't want to be a surgeon texting when he should be operating on you. justice is blind. you need your eyes to hear.
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justice shouldn't be on tmz. we don't know what her searcht e history was either. >> dinosaurs don't have a warrant. that a subpoena? well history was., she's lookint looked like a shoe. >> oh, wait, that's. no, she's texting somebody. no, that's just a group text. she's texting somebody. there's a yeah, it's a group text and somebody a little little dinosaur thing. >> i want to know what they're talking about. yeah. where she text, what she's doing abg. >> like she thinks this guy's guilty as . oh, man, this is so boring. one of the victim's kids is crying. oh, cry, cry, cry.p. grow up,. that's what she's kept. i don't know. i don't know. by the way, you're. i can't say that because she's a judge. she could sue mee to be about something going on in the room and something going on in her outside life. >> likome some sorett ofhi dramg going on in her outside life. and she feels like she needs he now or should never be able to again. she's feeling very feral emotionally. statn' at wait for the she'll have to put a statement out. >> it's just going to be a crying emoji. yeah, it's going it i to it's what was she saying that just in a murder trial lol. >> yeah you can't break. >> it was serious.
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yeah, but that's the other thing. thgwas sc we're missin the story. apparently she was scrolling for hours. yeah. now, as an outlet, i want to knorow shllin te getso her y life, right? yeah, exactly. she got to plug under the desk . this is, again, promotes my argument. artificial intelligence. i judge judges, robot judges. they don't have moods. they don't have hunger pangs.s don' they can do. they don't need breaks, and they don't they aren't looking at m their fellow robot, you know, instagram like robot umpires, robot umpires, they work, don't they? i think so. you're a sports person. >> but also, if she can textxt c back when she's doing that,e is don't ever let a man tell you he's too busy. yeah. do we have time fomer this stor? this there's off the ladies. dylan mulvaney is going on a college tour and willeaking reportedly charge up to 40 grand a speech. >> 40 grand a speech. and you know what dylan's talking about? femaled a spee empowerment, cas. this is literally mansplainingis . >> is it, though?
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i know. i don't know. i like i don't fees itl it's its america. if you want to go pay to hear dylan talk . >> yeah but i thought dylan was afraid to leave his house. yeah. wentlk to peru, right? i think left. yeah. yeah. i go between i don't know what pronoun to use with with dylan. so i just say dylan you know cat we reached out to budweiser, but everybody there is fired. yeah. because of dylan. tough daerybody y. yeah. this still to me isn't as crazy as when she di.d. th like, tampon ad. yes. like, i'll call you she her. you don't have a . yeahu likshe i wouldn't takewo advice from you on that. >> yeah. so again, ifno people i agreent to people want to pay for that. go ahead. i'd love to be empowered. go, not there yet for a little lady. dylan has big, you knor.w. you just can't help yourself. i just want to one time, you know, if college in america picks dylan up and he gets 40 grand a show, he'll
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still owe budweiser $14 billion. >> yes, you are the worster in advertiser in the history of new rtising. >> new coke is off the hook. yeah. at least he wasn't doing a talk on brand awareness. yeah, right. yeah, true. that's true. he gott he what? the name. the name of the lady alyssa heiner. right. but, you know, the thing is, did he take a job from it? from a biological woman? we'll never knowa job fr. ? >> also, who out there is like, we need more dylan mulvaney. ed >> you can't go on the internet without big delivery. yeah, baby. >> and the talks about female empowerment because you know nothinksg female empowerment thm doing a job that should have gone to a woman. exactly. feelineng that was women's mone. exactly. all right. coming up, deepfakes, trick your brain with a fake memory lane. >> do you have trouble hearing conversations? are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves? do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends? then you would benefit. nano hearing aids.
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cat id a new study which, as you know, are my favoritedy kind. researchers were able to give people false memoriesearchers by showing them deepfake clipsg of movie remakes. ve >> i don't even understand what that means. they were actually never made. is this amazing? so that people then remembered things that didn'tisamazing? actually exist? >> could this be used for good l? even better evi i mean, everything can be used for both, but this whole story, they said that also it was just as effective to just tell people about the movie. so i feel like you can creep it's kind of creepy how easy it is to convince somebodisy that, you know, something happened that didn't actually happen. buconvincet also, i think this d be cool for that. >> you could just put adam sandler into every. other movie that i haven't seen yet so that i'd actually watch it. yeah, like haven't just take him from happy gilmore and put that in braveheart and just replace the golf club with the sword boom. >> yeah. there you go" regolf clu. there you go. andrew. people are impressionable. for the longest time, i though
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t were a woman, remember? i am partly a woman. you are my gender. i misidentified i yes, you were tatiana. yes. yes, i was. yeah. yeah, he was. he was a woman. well, i was a woman online. yes. you're a woman online. >> that identity fluctuates. yes, exactly. does thians interest you or scas you? scares me. i mean, it makes me think. it explaineress a lot becausemeb i sometimes think i remember things in a certain way. like i you know,er t i. i read an article the otherre week about how the president's son had to gad ao to court for failing to pay taxes for the white house press office, then said the other day was just private citizen. pay so maybe it's not important. maybe i've misremembered ti have what went on there. >> yes. mandela fact is that what it is? well, that'st when froot loops was spelled different. or berenstein bear yeah i don't know. >> but tell me, i mean, you think that things you think things look differently, like logos. yes. specifically and the spellings will actually be different. >> like froot loops. okay. i'm going on air is bad. and i'm i think i heard that berenstein bears mom was goingle to be like, in her twenties. >> really? that devastated me. you know? what ar
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what are you people talking about? you don't get my book. >> now, the reason that this was lates r the night the mom ws shot out. yeah, the mom had some stuff, but what if. oh god don't. >> go ahead. i just. i want jack to be able to fickt on the door with rose. that would be a good deep. oh, i can tell you, i wanted ite both to. i really did. i wanted that i. my ideal ending of titanic was that they are both there, and then there's these piranhas surround the m and not quickly eat them, but slowly eat chunk, chunk after chunk after. and no stuntmen, they reallyeat. truly have to be because i'm all for reality i don'tt lie like any cgi when i see people get killed. >> tyrus, i don't have. a question. >> i jus t, you know, i'm just taking crazy pills. ye is. they a so all they're saying is that they will lie to you with picturere s opposed to lying like every fairy tale, every legend is on a lie or
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exaggeration. >> and now. ohon , god, they put a fake the thought of a movie in my head. your mom's been telling you a mm lie your whole life that h you're a favorite child. yeah. you're smart. good looking like we do this all the time. but if you. if they never remember things the way they want it to be. >> the bad guy. the gu y cheated.cheate >> he only remembers that shed,n wasn't listening to them. he was innocent. everyone'tenin gory fights among spouses is remembered. it is amazing. this is not a skill. this is a waste of tim e and money. >> i'm tired of having to do this on the show. i like the i like. i think that like in>> relationships. do you know how you have cop is have body cams you need when you need if you're married obodr in a relationship, you need a body cam. let's roll, let's rewind. you ca n where you are. >> you can sometimes just sa>>y hum sorry i hurt your feelings . typical woman. i would just like a fact checkrt and a feelinr feelin ldg check. g yes. that's all i want about you. feeling, feeling, feeling, feeling me back.ou wil >> check hotel room. you'll even know you'll be on
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tv. you'll be onn tv. and someone will claim that you said something you didn't. t say,en you could juswimethin just look at the clip. but they won't. they won't. and this als, but tho to like t. trump would say, like, there are fine people on both sides. trump he wasn't talking about. he was talking about the statue debate. but people legitimately remembered that differently. ruth craig yes so you think actually the chinese government's got a good thing just by filming everyone at all times? >> that's exactly. ll for i'm all for surveillance. yeah. all right. up next, a surprise guest whos e . mug shots went viral, but now she's on an upward spiral. my name is ruthie, and i love helping people. there's so many people there are down. sometimes i. take is a piece of paper to make the search and come in their life again. and with the help of balance of nature is making it more fun and giving me more energy. and i really like to think about some nature. >> these are mine for life. don't wait. >> get $25 off plus a free travel set on your first preferred order. this limited time offer ends
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the chaos queen is coming the c clean. earliehaueen is r this week we d you about the wonderful story of kentucky womat n rihanna, a whose incredible array of mug shots from her multiple arrestws went viral. take a look at those. i think you can see a trend. sh >> she seems like she's having a really good time gettingses l cuffed. geg cu a dare i say it, she looks great. very, very happyffed. sh. . i mean, she's happier getting arrested than i am watching cat cr shy. let's talk about overcoming adversity. talk about overcominglk abo adversity. now, she used to go by the handle. the queen ofutomin 23, which means there had to be 22 others before her r.i.p.. >> but she says with the help of family and friends,
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she's turned her life around and she's ready to. share her story. joining us now, rana barrack . hey there, rihanna. oh, my god. how ? >> how you doing?u how you doing? i'm doing greadoing?t. how are you guys doing? are you just easygoing and just smil e with everything? o you only smile wheng you're doing a mug shoort? u ar >> either either or. usually the mug shots just to make them mad. >> yeah. was that the strategy was that they would you would smile because that would upset the person takin. woug the shoto >> yeah.t. see, my first mug shot, i started to smile and he was like, you need to start smilin,g . >> and i just kept smiling and he took it anyways. it now, what made you. i don't even know to go. >> were you maybe. were you on some kind ofce substance at the time? >> i was addicted to xanax very badly.
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>> i college years. so interesting. i don'e t know manyeople people addicted to xanax because it generally kind of . ke it's much of a downer. what? yeah, that's. this doesn't make sense becauson you're smiling. i would think you'd be on an upper. yeah. i don't know if you've ever been to kentucky, bur.t most of the population in kentucky is addicted to xanax b. >> you are. you a >> you are amazing. norew, at your fourth or fifth arrest. was there a point when you realized, hmwas thm, somethh not going in the right direction? ei mean, you just kept going. >> yeah, yeah, yeah. w you know, while i'd be in jail,h i'd be like, okay, this is my last time going to jail. i really neeis lasd to clean up my act. and then i would get out, like, a week later and commit another crimget out week late. >> so you are my favorite side
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of this. >> but okay, so when you gofavo to prison, i meariten, were you ever scared in these jails ? honestly, all of my jail visitsm were awesome because i was usually the youngest girl in the cell. soe y treated me like a newbie. they treated me like their kid . >> so everyone in there always took care of meryone te. . what got you to turn your life around? honestly, when i was really bad on drugs, i started to look in the mirror. i just didn't look like the same girl. so really, what got me sober rl. is how i was looking. i was looking terrible. so that's really what started my sobriety, is i wanted to look like the girl i used to. mm-hmm. and how long have you beensobriy sober? >> since january 18, 2022. that's a long time. i stopped smoking weed about five or six months ago. i was just smoking weed after the 18th, but i had to quit that for.. you
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so you're the best, you know, smoke liket. it's to get arrested p when you're on pot. right. because you don't break any lawsot. but it's just interesting that xanax is what made you git oe yo crazy. i bet that's an underreported story, that kentuckyu razy is wr people on xanax. why did you choosereed get allu choose your gear when you were collecting these mug shots? no, i really wasn't collecting them. almean, i do have an album on my phone of all of them now, but everyone really sent in my mug shots and i even knowm really who did, but they sent them to mu t they sg shots. >> and that's how i got my newfound fame. so mug shot is that's i guess that's a combination mug shots and hotties. are you now were you did you did you feel happy that you were at mug shot? >> hey, hot mug shot. yeah. yeah you fl happ i was looking h all of the girls and it did
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make me kind of happy. i wa ms like, you know, i feel blessed to be on here. >> i was honored. >> yres. >> i mean, you're. you are definitely one of a kind. you are. . i got to ask you about your handle, chaos queen. sog to you kind of already knewu were trouble. >> when did you decide to call u knself chaos queen? >> i honestly seen somebodyen? comment on one of my mug shots and they was like, this is the queen of chaos. >> she's a menace to society. and i just love that so much. e >> so credit to them. all right. i got to go. but i got what?menace are you working now? are you in school? what are you doing now tety.? in >> yes, we actually me and my boyfriend own our business. it's called ragnar remodels. it's a general contracting business o, but i'm a server bartender. been a server bartender sinci ae i was, like, 16. i love it, honestly. yeah. what bar can it. they if they want to. if they want to meet you as that the bartender, you get a picturu, e? >> honestly, i would disclose that information. don't
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but i have so manykn stalkersin right now from my trying to saft things for me to do. very smart. very smart. thank you. ray on a proart.p, that queen of chaos. don't go away. we'll be right back. as gray. it's a show that has americans on the edge of their seat and has thinking twice. americans are standing up to protect their rights. crime can 24/7 with sean sticks larkin. your new true crime obsession hosted by the man who can break it down like no one else. one of the craziest things we've ever seen on camera is the series now, with new episodes dropping every friday on the only place to catch crimemale ane cam 24/7. >> fox nation america iss streaming attention. >> medicare has expanded dexcomi coverage fornates people with diabetes. >> if you have diabetes getting on dexcom g7 is the single by mt important thing you can do. eliminates painful finger sticks, helps lower agencyr phoe and is covered by medicare. before using the dexcom g7, youu
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