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tv   The Five  FOX News  July 28, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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forward, that's what this is about. >> neil: governor, thank you. "the five" now. ♪ ♪ >> hello everybody i'm jesse watters along with kennedy. harold ford junior, shannon bream and greg gutfeld. please stop. it is 1:00 o'clock in new york city and this is the five. joe biden outright marking tokentalk of him impeaching him the real bidenomics, which weover all know is having hundr p up the ends of those overseas, spreading the wealth around butread to his family, t pretending he knows nothing about itin. >> now that inflation is coming , maybe they'll decide to cide
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impeach me because coming down. i don't know. i love that. meanwhile, anyway that's anothe storany. >> joe biden can joke all he wants but the evidence against him keeps pouring in. irs whistleblowers have documents to k suggestee the bi havetle- overseas bank accounts congressman james, revealing ho sloppy they were at covering up the foreign cashshme j flow. banks flagging 170 suspicious activity reports.of bufit yeah, hunter biden's alre accept the report submitted so guess we should just leave us alone. >> he did attempt so farpons , he is a private citizen, by the way, to resolve his case, and has paid the back taxes. hunter biden has tried to accep responsibility. >> if the republicans in the house were to be an upper i wan to be effective because oh, my god according to some the president of the united states of why the hell would preferential treatment be accorded? move on to donald trump and hunter biden.
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i should not have analogized those two things together in my haste. there's no comparison.e th >> there is today zero evidence zero evidence for that joe bi biden, the president of the united states, you what is some of doingatoe bof that.ra instead of following the money and holding by dzhokhar, democrats and liberal press would rather go hogwild over th charges against donald trumpth g r ne in the classified documents case. he just feel the news hanging around donald trump's neck and this is all taking place is t i chamfered and dangerous moment in this case. >> that probably the final nail in the coffin on this one. i mean, it reads like a spy nove>>l. >> the document reads like something ripped from the pages of the untouchablem ths. >> these allegations rival anything that richard nixon was accused of. >> this indictment reads like a mafia case. >> it reads like something straight out of the gambino crime family is an extraordinar document with so many parallels to a mafia investigation from thn e 60s and 70s. >> okay, shannon bream, please explain what we saw.non >> well, the url with a spy nn
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noveonl is that the form, the f wouldn't get to read that?t get the irs agents working on the hunter biden cas whoe.e wo most things can be true or they can be legit allegationsbe agai the former president that he ha to deal thatwith. innocent until proven guilty,.av he will have to deale with tha in court and face the claims. that is, against the optics of the 10e 1023 form a plea deal falling apart people sayinthg waite apar, the allegation thata be proveven wrong but if you ar so outraged about all of this different conduct, why aren't you equally outraged across the board? it has to look like the doj's impartial and hamlin bouquets the same way. >> are you eight, kennedy? >> i am outraged. i tell you, jesse, i've seen something like this since i watched the end of good fellowsy therlookd beforen't se are stak. their bodies on standup freezert speaker it just too much. no, this very interesting because i wonder if the roles were kind of reverse.
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so if hunter biden were not the president's son, a sitting president's son, would he be investigated a and indicted differently?entl 40b charts different? and i think, you know, these ar really the only parables younge and of donald trump running for president, they all bother with any of this? and i think clearly the answer is, no, these things would be very different. hunterese ould biden, he wouldn five year investigation. they wouldn't be this slow walk this runoff younger and i was glad it's interesting because the judge this week wasn't coming and it's from the political angle. she was just acting basic questions about how this thing and with a few of thosith e questions the whole t fell apart so quickly.y. and i am just surprised that there were smarter people in th room when they wern the negotia this together to realize that the whole thing stunk to high heaven. but, you know, now we may have something to seems like justice
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because the whistleblowers and the plea deal falling apart in the sames an week?same you have to realize that there' so much therhat e that rationalt them iyn harold's party had to stop calling these things, you know, coincidenc e. >> harold, what happens when they find is also bank acco accounts -- when they find thes offshore bank accounts? >> first, is good to be around the table ol, ie. first if they find that there's m that exists, not that someone is concealing it at tha what happened in court, and i said it the other day, i though it was an example of how our system works. when a judge is presented with partie ourens, and it's the gov anntd the defendant, the judge should ask someone is going to enter a guilty plea, whether th guilty plea be entered in court before the court, and that the person understand the rights that he or she is being aff afforded. and what we learned was that there was a complete misunderstanding, certainly not in agreement or meaning of the sminds betweehes be terstan the two parties
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that were supposed to have an agreement on these things but one party thought there is agreement about something, the other didn't. so the thing proverbially fell apart. they havreednidn't.t. e 3-6 weeks to work and also i imagine hunter biden wil work it out even if it is nearl on these two issues. what we did learn also if he is. under investigation still. the investigation, the investigation or investigations have not ended. to the opera you're making it might very well be that those matters are continuing to be -- continuing to be investigated. i think what happened with president trump yesterday is a serious issue from the standpoint , it is the old sayi saying, it is not a crime but the cover up. and if indeed this allegation i true, this is a problem.le i settle all along also your innocence in our country until proven guilty. former president trump is innocent. d t er biden incidents, an certainly president biden is innocent because he has not bee charged with anything. i hope thebeen cha parties on
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sides, kennedy i do agree with you, that the politics got ramped up too high. it is time for both sides to throw a little jell-o here, through a little mess here as w get closer to the electionig at. but at some point they should get back to work. and we got about a problem, and we have a crime problem. we've got to figure out how to make the nation more compe competitive. i love to see those things are just as well. but these politics around these legal issues unfortunately i think will theive. persist. >> well, you can do that and also you can investigatethere i biden family. >> the dams, that's the only work they doems.. that's the only -- when i was listening to that montage, i felt a 2015 all over again. they actually used the sam te he phrase: mafioso, right. doesn't cnn learn what that did to their brand? i mean, they are barely conscious right now as a netwo network. and this is amazing timingis i the hundred plea deal falls dea apart that suddenly these new charges on trump this happened to arrive here, and it wasn't about surveillance cameras? what's wrong with that? what's wrong with like, are
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those yours? why can't you clear them? i don't understand that. they are not like other people' e-mails thatwhy can't you?nd t. but i'll leave that for another time because i'm not a lawyer. i more like a game show host. >> mm-hmm. >> if you know what that means. >> all right. ♪ game show music ] >> yeah. >> it goes on for an hour. >> it's time for what's worse with this where i apply what about utfeis him to solve ou nation's debates. number 1, what's worse, having phone call inquiringng about influence peddling with burisma or actually participating in th influence peddling with burisma? >> yes. >> pretty easy, what is worse? licensing your name for y, diversity or creating over 20 shell companies to hide for income? that's pretty easy. what's worse? covid the local china virus," orchin funneling millions of do
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from that dictatorshipg into th pockets of your family?wh what's worse? w selling stakes with your name o it? or artwork for millions in exchange for home assignments o procedures commissions. what's worse? a president going after the press or president going after the people? >> woo.e >> what'pes worse, saying mexich isn'eit sending their best, or blaming american agents for whipping illegaling s? what's worse? keeping illegal kids separate from adults or talking about du ltyour six grandchildren when y andchave seven? >> h finally, what's worse?ti promotinngg taco bulls or losin all of ourbaby baby formula? i just wanted you through the last three years to show you that whatever the accused trump of doing, the biden's have been doing worse for years. and they know brazenly and
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arrogantlynly that they can ge awayh it with it because everyb turns their heads.i th >> i thought you were going to o say what's worse, promoting tac bulls or calling hispanics ta tacos? >> oh, that's a better one ! you ruined it. breakfast tacos! >> we have to workshop >> it is live, kennedy. a >> aheadre, no one is safe from biden's travel nightmare, including our beautiful celebrities. and that is about to get worse. ♪
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♪ ♪ . >> talk about leroy wabouts a r empirical the hollywood couple christian bell and dutch ywoo getting torsella d poboston's airport with no n 50 miles otels withi after attempting to camp out at th wite gate during a nine hour dela
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y. >> yeah, don't enter your bedroom. >> how much money have you spen on blankets and nicke we pillow? >> return $0. you were to spend more. i spent $340 for bedsheets. >> oh, god has $600. could have been a really nice hotel but they are all taken. >>t to s $600 by tuesday at was international patriots airline will not take care of you if yo run into delay. if the celebrities safe, nobody is anger despite showering airlines billions, expertowers say get ready for a decade of persistent flight cancellations and delaysy ge.f americas hardhat-wearing secretary mayor pete the judge i tries to pretend he has fixed everything, you guyseg.nd >> this clear someone that's th work we have done in the short-term is paying off. where holding arrows accountabl for everything in their control. they are running a schedule that we a ca they can service because they
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don't have the staff to do iusv. we are going to hold them g accountable for thatoi is yeah speaking of accountability if you're thinking of picking up one of the newhitting beach europe, hope you already have your passport. there is a massive backlog with some folks putting umontp to fo monthsur -- no foremost, hello?r i don't want to come in to all thatd. i know mayor pete is your guy, and you have potential hopes pinned all over his m like pin the tail on the donkey. hehe is a mule for the airline industry i think he is carryingin their water. it is embarrassing. therr.mbare is no accountabilit i blame everything on here. >> what say you, harold for jr.? i'm not a fan of how he did som things wrong i'm not thinking he'sk a suit for the airline b i don't think they are being serious about the issue that we have. ha areve doubt thesehat oversubscribed, these plane rides are, largely because a lo of things we talk about around the table, with soa lo mant ngs
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advertising and marketing thing they're doing, they can'thint withstand it, he's right there. but what he is not right about is, according to stuff we looke at todayff w, we have 302005, mechanics and air travel worker short fontanez were the focus needbes to be longer if we are going to relieve people of student loans, we are to really people from student loans who want to go into the profession because we have such a need their. then hold arrows accountable, he's right ofesa ne t, both hold them accountable for excessive marketing where they cannot mee demands. i don't understand why you can' stay at aning airport if you're supposed to be in a plane that is nine hours late, no fault of your own and you can get a hote check or at least those of -- celebrities could afford one bu they didn't want to go to to 150 miles away. sawatch everyday americanso d1 will book their flights ts believing they're going to take off on time and get to their destinations and don't? what do we expect them to do? i'd love to hear the secretary of trepidationthey, or the airl or the airport. >> speaker2: that. >> yeah. >> as opposed to holding all th
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other people accountable, all the stuff you're talking about let's start hat talking about being credible with passengers. >>ete pete buttigieg doesn't l to fly commercial he likes to fly private. and i can't blame him for thato. but we have had a pilot shortag for -- oh, there he goes. very sadse. >> we had a pilot shortage for years. but then during coverage a lot of the airlines were encouraged to let people retire early or t st fire them if they wouldn' get vaccinated.ey >> right. so travel stopped. they fired and everybody ret retired, and then all of a sudden when it picked backy ret there looking around like yeah, where is everybody? >> rightin.e >> andis think about two years energy to train every pilot plu airline maintenance all be goin overseas hunger that is also another issue. dachs is a man and he should have had-- a plan. i don't know what that plan was but that right there is not a plan. if i was his wife i would be blliflifted.
9:20 pm you're a celebrity. and as a celebrity you have to carry yourself wity h dignityoy. if i am someone walking through the airport and i see a celebrity with a neck pillow sleeping on the floor, that's not a good look for us. >> us. >> getting together, dachs. but ingeth a way that's kind of sweet, because when you see a celebrit y passed out with a nick fairley your thinking, you know we are all in ow, this togetherl because it even happens to dex.n >>s yeah, dutch shepherd. >> d is next 4. >> yeah, daz veasy the s somppi one ofps a the big hurdles was having to cancel trips and losing thousands of dollars because their passports have no arrived to los becsspo we are h is the up to a four month backl for passports because a lot of people never had a l one pickup have wanderlust on because they were cooped up bec for three ye. so what should people dothre if mailed in their application and
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they haven't gotten their anmag book?k? people are freaking so they ares calling members of congress. you know this because these offers on the hill are telling us they are getting inundated saying they want to go somewher a passport, can you help me on the same thing withme t a lot of people that w let go, retired., was a huge backlogre during klog coverage of people. they are trying to stu catch up. by the way my husband did get rp kicked out of boston airport on time too because he was stuck there overnight and he was attempting to sleep on some chairs and they told him no sir. he sat outside on hiors ba wene he said he out watched rats ann georgulas until he was led to the airport at like 1:00 o'cloc in the morning. pilots issue too, some of the family who may be a retired inmilitary pilot went t work for one of the big air airlines. loved it, grea pilt, pickles, t military, said wallee are so desperate for experienced pi pilots, is there any chance you would comeear back? so now he has a sharing k?deal withe this commercial airline
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the military so he could fly fo the military for a few more yeartarys ago there was a sure all over the place. >> they can't recruit. a very small base of employees. also, greg, i knowe that in ju a few shw short years you are probably going to be the trepidation secretary. >> i am thinking about it. it's on my list, my bucket listk >> and you flirted with solutions but what would you don >>so here's the thing. my problem with fox news in the lies that we tell pickles are not rich and famous peoples the. christel bell and dutch shepher together make one carnie wilson all toright. and bedsheets at the airport? that seems a a little suspiciou to me to think this was all a little dance for the tik-tok world. but by the way, there are countries we don't do not passport, like ukraine, so they aineare down 32,000 pilots, and know it's give me about that is
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we are going to lower standards which is what we did with the military and what we did in som case with the police force. you can actually see that with thme officers and their weight issueseir weig. they can't just criminal becaus they are out of shape. i worry about the pilots and it does kind of feel like all the stuff that used to be goodthe p basd. flying. the beach. disney. movie theaters. cities. it is like america had suddenly come the house on the block tha stopped morning it's on lawn, picking up the mail and the newspapers what they got a car on the blocks because there was a new owner, right? and the new ownere i r before really was part of thof te house. you know, the little elderly couple. and man, it was manicured, and well paintedd,. and they had the best halloween candy. and they made gingerbread cookies around christmas. an.d they were so sweet, they h a pristinee so car. p it wasri probably a 1970s to early 70s chevelle, ab
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studebaker. but now they moved now they passed on, rap. >> and now we have these just n disgusting people. and you are seeing the cities g tog hell. you are seeing culture go to hell to go you are seeing trepidation flying, every infrastructure of life going to hell please watch your language. i am sorry, it's friday and i want to get >> i thought you already wersee. >> intense, that's the way we ye are >> we are breakingdy news, president biden finally talking about the granddaughter that he presd.unne we just mentioned it, we will hear more of it, stay with us. >> woo. [♪ music ♪]
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♪ ♪ [♪ music ♪]. >> all right, took long enough.
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president biden finally acknowledging grandchild does exist. joe biden saying in a statement to people magazine, "our son hunter and his motheonr londone working together to foster a relationship that istogeer a in interests of their daughter,st g preserving her privacy as much as possible going forward.hter,a " they went on to say is not a political issue, it's a family member. joe and i only want what is bes for all of our grandchildrenst f. and is a noticeable change, the president said in the past. >> so my name is joe and this i my husband joe, and we -- your children may not know, but we have three children, and we hav six grandchildren. >> i have six grandchildren, an t them.zy abou and i speak to a them every sin day. not a joke. so, guess what? they are crazy about me. because i pay so much attention to them. >> i wanted to ask you about th
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trial in arkansas with hunter biden and child support.on i where you personally monitoring them, and chihow can they have acknowledged the child? >> i am not going to speak to that from here. >> but you know who willdged th? greg gutfeld. he is seriously scribbling over here as this is something that melissa go there had been a lot of media attentione ha. and media attention had said --- is a very disappointed because that means my what about isms will have to be illuminated.>> s do you thing about -- no, no, no, shannon, he don't unde understand, i have to do actual work now. t un you think matrix the president by saying, do you kno you have d a may be? which leads me to my next point lee said, including navy. they didn't say navy biden. >> didn't get the last name. nav >> she didn't get the last name will go in to the mother was on the payroll for hundred but she still had been rejected the las name. and the stil beel shouldn't req more shaming by cults of moral
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individuals likendiv me. maybe perhaps she was happy. maybe is another step. i don't know, just no showering. but it's amazing, people magazine be the white house press corps, right? they beat all the hard press wh is that? it is because the white house showede the whit thae t hunger . this is all mutated, right? i see through all this. the caleb scott a grandfather who the president. he didn't even know that. >> well, a recent piece i think that i can't remember if it was the time to watch the poster talked about that she knows who her grandfather is, so she has had an awareness of this. jessica lachance run counter to his persona is ao r grandf awar grandfathes har.s to you disregard the kids how much you love them and talk to them all the time. this became a problem for them. >> i am not giving this guy anym credit. >> we did it single. >> this person is four years o old. it's not like oh, a month ago this happened, this is a fo four-year-old girlpene.d he has waited fourfo years to
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acknowledge your existence so it's too late. this son is tacky, he's sleazy, hunter. he ran away and hid from this paternity test. >> mm-hmm.y te >> he was on the -- secret service protection in malibu trying to like is being served. and then all of a sudden she's not allowed to take the last name, and he's giving her a few paintings. so i'm not buying this for a second.. holdings.d this is hurting joe biden's brand. he's not the family man we thin he is, right? because what kind of middle-class guy has rightind o companies and offshore bank accounts? what kind of everett joe has cocaine lyin og around this guy so callous, he didn't care when all these pipeline workers were laid off. he doesn't worry about vortices or crime victims. he really doesn't worry about much, he cares about himself. he said this is from pressure, from polling. nla kind of place it in a tabloid, on a friday? come on please michael part of
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the pressure came from the new york timespresam from harassing wrote it is seven grandkids wer mr. president moshe ends with the president'd s cold shoulder, and heart, is counter to every message he is in for decades an is out of sync with the america he wants to continue to leadt . so in the new york times is calling him on this, i don't think the white house and thery were also go. >> i think that piece was a big one are we talked about it and others have talked about it as well. i root for peoplarole.ol i'm happy. whatever force them to come around, whatever, i do agree it is a family member but politics plays a role because he is the president. so i give them credit for that. thet that they emenl because do what's in the best interests of navy, and they mentioned or h eveney mentioned david's mom's name which is a statement.e >> well, they have to contribut to the chinese moneyto now. she had to get the lawyers now. >> well, kennedy -- but it was het wa kindly said for my six grandchildren cool. it was almost as if to make a point we are not acknowledging these ing children.
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or heated. >> and observe the administration were told the exact same thing. and they were scolded, and you only talk about your six grandkids. this is so well documented gr. this is so harmful for this young girl and i'm going to tak an even more cynical look at this dan jesse, if you can .elieve that be okay no. this is just a way to distract for a whole week from the fa family. this is not just a bad week for hunter, it was also a baby for the president also has a loomin closerpresidenas ag cl estimate best friend devon archer happening with the house oversight committee on monday. he supposedly will testify that the big guy was very much in onf it, and when he wasn't there na person hobnobbing with some of the billionaires, that hunter was trying to milk and graftir , that he was doing it on speakerphone two dozen times. so, yes, this is only about optics, because if he cared g about the little girl at all, there are ways of having privat conversations and connections.ei
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and their family courts and therers e are lawyers who would happily hopefully facilitate with that. and they have never taken the opportunity to do that. so thiewis is very thin.. i think the president is in rea e, and he is just trying to salvage his very damaged >> comind g up, the queen of ch tells greg about her many mugshots.y mugshots.
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hi, i'm michael, i've lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. but since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. thanks to golo and release, i've got my life and my health back.
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♪ ♪ . >> welcome back to time for the fastest. first off, the king of late night sitting downng with the queen of chaos. big park into kentucky loriana brock who went viral for o multiple mugshots. >> the first mugshot i started
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to smile and he was like, you need to stop smiling. smg and his ept smilin ticket anyways. i was addicted to xanax. i don't know if you remember into kentuck ify, but most of t population of kentucky is addicted to xanax. >> at your fourth or fifth arrest was there a point when er you realize, hmm, something's not going in the right dire direction? >> while will be in jail, be a okay, this my last i'm going to jail, i really need to clean up my act. and i would get out a week late and commit another crime.d: >> greg, what was it? it seemed like it was interesting watching. was it gg, i is interesting s itinterviewing her?si >> market because it is such a juxtaposition. that's the whole point of this. we are very anti-crimetithat. i would not have done this stor if she hadn't put up her act, i she had changed her life. but she did. so fortunately you can go back and say okay, what was she thinking? but whats she wasn't thinking, she was high all the time.
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i had no idea xanax was such a big deal in kentucky but apparently it is. she is not clear, has a real jo and is in a relationship. i believe she is on religion. if none of the would have i probably wouldn't have done it because it would hypo been to parkersburg she ha a job as a future crime reporte on my show. t >> woo. that is it. i am a big fan ohof thughts o of -- the commonwealth of te okentucky i think she is ont something because we know that the bourbon trail in kentucky attracts visitors. so the xanax trail. >> yeah. >> record maker, revenue generator. >>ne well, i think she is absolutely adorable in a very misguided and criminal way. i'm not l really quite positive she has found god. and i think i might be an 11th mugshot. >> there might be. is this a person of the week fo fox news sunday? >> does anybody in the studio
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have a mugshot? >> no.ismu >>g i think greg barnes have o. >>esse because don't you, how yo would act if you hadw to pose. not know i think you should think about . >> you are looking at harold th whole time. >> what is my most innocent l look? >> this is why if i was wearing a -- committing a crime, i woul wear an eye patch becaushe they the picture take of me with an eye patch. is like the limp from all the usual suspects. pelka you to step up your game and take you led to see the new barbie movie according to nbc. across social media many women have been encouraging one another to use the barbie movie as a litmus test to gauge whether their male dates can understand or at least our respective sue is from this messaging. is this something you think is true? i mean, how would you vote on this? >> here's my thing, i haven't have nott, so i don't think i ha could barely critique itve on i read a lot of reviews that say it is likeical a man-eddie murr
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and karen is complete turn over the barbie mobile and back over several times. that's not the kind of guy i want at's in my chest -- yes, you could use it as a test. my tese guyt was if this guy li see in a movie, that would brin him. >> hmmh hi. >> i have known two teenage daughters and they both loved it, and anything they could fin that is positive that would mak them feel good, i have to high-five it. i think some of the it.a lote o this is kinda manufactured. i don't think you should is any movie as a litmus test for a relationship. if that' movie aships where you're at, should probably be single, and you will be >> well, first, i don't believe this story because men are dating. this is a problem that we've noticed. and i think so, i think women aren't going to turn down a dat because a guy doesn't want to g see this movie. see this of with kennedy on t thisi'm . i think that there's stuff abou this movie that people are reporting on. i think is critica notl of femi in some ways. and anti-feminism. but i haven't seenme w it. also, let's pretend this is r real. if some woman want to use barbi
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as a litmus test for menas a, w if then some men use porn hub a a litmus test for woman? "i need you to watch pornograph with me." please are you talking to . >> yes. >> do you use local oppenheimer as a litmus test? i am taking you to oppenheimeru and that's what we're doing tonigh it. i don't know because then you are saying that women don't lik heav'ty intellectual movies. i'm saying -- associated press no greg, when you are dating anybody, and if she wants to go to a barbecue here going to barbie. >> what about classic movies? behind the greenarbi door. >> beverly hills cop. >>t >>ol harold, right off your tongue, harold. >>. i'm trading places this -- and trading places. [♪ music ♪] he snores like an angry rhino. you've never heard an angry rhino. baby i hear one every night.
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♪ ♪ [♪ music ♪]. >> yeah how's it going? feeling good, huh? that is music on hold tonight absent basic question number 1 from diane, you go through firs bjust becauseec this is hardes question you entered in your he
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life. what is something you have neve been able to do well? w >> televisioeln. i think half of america would agree withr] that. >>of >> ha, ha. kennedy. >> drawing.le i cannot a draw. my mom is ida and i, you know, never lived up to the family standard. sorry, wow. harold. you seem pretty smooth. i know these three answers. >> three answers. what you think they are? >> basketball? football? soccer? >> what, seeing, dance and jump? you told me. >> i couldn't cooked>> h before. >> yeah. >> before, but then i get into it, so i'm happy about that. >> well, you are always cooking and myers, harold. >>. shannon. >> what's training wheels came off ithe was fun to hear making fun of joe biden falling off th bike , please roll that clip. >> i am not good at sports.
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let's be honest, put it out . there. >> tell us something we didn't i know. i'm telling you because it is - and i enjoy playing it. i was good at practice. i waces great at practice, terrible in the game. >>e the game is a very part -- important part of sports. here's one from dan h.ul what did youar regularly eat as kis ad that he wouldn't touch n? shannon, don't say bugs. >> no, but i used to eat all th beans and weenies, little frank's and stuff, i can but i don't know that i would center for that too. >> cocktail weenies too.ow.>> g little toothpicks in them. >> vienna sausage. vienna sausage. how about you, jesse, you were kid, probably a what you ea probablyt eight spoonfuls of mayor out of the jar. sposomething i ate as a kid th would need now? >> yeah. >> burgers. >> that is such a family feud answer. holy toledo. burgers. >> that's not funny.
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>> harold. >> i don't eat sugar anymore. >> none? >> that ice cream cake. it may sound strange. >> why gono on living? >> advocating suicide on the five. take that out of context. c kennedony. >> twinkie. >> oh, minkiy god. loved twinkies so much, and it is nosow because i'm that i can't have gluten.n. the chocolate pudding inside. >> snowballs. >> snowballs, yep. it is not what you think. >> harold, do you have a nervou habit? y that's the next question, do yo have a nervous habitth? do you do anything? i think you have a nervous habi but i'm not going to say what i is. >> what do you think it is? >> i think at har it's good to be back. good to be back around the ta table?arol y wife told t, m increase because i go back. i can't remember if i turned th
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grill off, so i keep going back out and back out, soi i'm ne nervous. cannot burn the house.i keepwhen muc i am nervous i can anything it would be great if you merge summer, you would confesu s. >> that's why i've done it, that's the only reason. >> mugshot. is that an offer? >> jesse. >> i've been grinding my teeth at night>>.di >>ng i noticed. >> still in the covers, aren't yo u? >> get one of the stinky things he's not doing it.-- >> you get hurt and you get headaches. it happened to me, i got terrible headaches. >> it h i am not wearing a mouthgur or mouthpiece. >> women find it very sexy, especially when you drop shannon. >> peeps in my hands. >> i bite the hell out of my fingernails. it is ridiculous.
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i am like in my early 40s and i still do this. >> early 40s?re you yeah it's g:early 40s. you very much, it's a lot of plastic surgery and a lot of praying.than thinking shannon. all right, what do we have up next? [♪ music ♪]
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just a prayer away. there's a number on the screen. you can call that number. and i want to send you a free bible and tell you how to be a happy person and come into a relationship with god. so you have purpose in this life and the life to come. you have the hope of having sophia, you know, and you keep
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future the marriage and soft. >> why go? what's it going to take to stop her? after a decade of waiting? america's favorite nightmare is back. oh, my god. >> and it's better than ever. >> kitchen nightmares returns monday, september 25th on fox. brace for impact. it's friday night. smack down on fox. we sit in this place crowd is witnessing history to network television's greatest spectacle has been superstars on the planet and least in primetime. and friday night smackdown sponsored by progressive at eight eastern on fox.
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the new fox news primetime is number one. laura, jesse, sean and greg are the right voices at the right time. fox news primetime weeknights on fox news channel. america is watching. you're welcome. >> america. >> it's time now for one more thing. >> greg, great show tonight at 10:00. michele tafoya, christopher rufo, kat timpf tartt. watch it. it's great. let' h itit'ss this. spo >> okay. greg sports corner. yeahscorner. peopl you know, i love a good hockey fight. i like people getting hurt. you knowg , sometimes permanently. >> but check out this one in thailand, bangko,the guy k. look at the guy in the back ser there. he i not fighting anybody, butis he's kick it some serious, bright old number, 24.commenta >> you know what he's doing? he's making a not so subtle commentary on the violence of man. he's going like, while you guys hurt each othe r, i'm just going to fight. no one in particular. and maybe you'll understann yod what it's like to be a loving
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individual with music.t that >> check this in. y check the xanax. now you have to get that guyou on your show. >> yeah, you know i am. all right. i'm jesse. d >> okay. this golfer had a shot behind the tree and he took out the nine. >> look at it. a totally destroys the club. but guess where the ball goes. that's crazy. lands >> look at this shot. tell us. lands it right on the greenputt. eyes and drains the putt. primhat's nick hardy. just heard of him for the firstb time tonight. jesse, what is prime timid mone >> how biden's money wound up with the point tonight at 8:00 herald. >> and with that segway, rain, slee, sleet,t, snow or fire, thh delivery deserves a rate. >> this fedex, the big guy, deservest sh a raise. jonathan roebuck was halfway through his overnight shift when he came across a burnin bug car on a san diego highway. the car hit a metal metal pulls bil and rolled back wa first on the scene. he pulled his truck off immediately, pulled the driver from the vehicle before was overcome.o makee thno. as you can see, by flames, you check to make sure there was no the passengers then pas
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use extinguisher in this truck. a hero. this guy is he deserves a raise. >> ups does this story on friday. shannon bream okay. so this weekend i would love. for you to dvr or join me forfo fox news sunda"foxy. us we've got elina harbor, who's an attorney with the trump team, to talis goik to us about what is going down. plus, congresswoman nancy mace ons, devon archer coming up on monday. >> she may like to have a little product. we might talk about free beer, prayer breakfast. sty litt actually, she's a nasty little girl. >> and doug duggar is a debat governor and he has just made the debate stage criteriage cria very tricky way that some people say is not legit. >> we'll talk to him about it. what is shlegit.>> jesse greg?e >> doug kennedy. i will be hosting fox news. east saturday night tomorrow night at 10 p.m. eastern. i'vehave n got the nature boy, c flair on how he's in the best shape of his like life athave 74 years old and a shark attack victim. plus two i've got two secret gus that will absolutely blow your mind. plus, this just in from m subwae
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. if you're willing to change your last name to subway, they will give you free subs fos for like. >> no, they have a name change . >> just change your last name to subway. and those last week, guys,d chan every homeless person shouldge change your last name for subway to solve the crisis. >> all right. homelessness. hunger solved. you're welcome, america. that's it for n e a greajet night. welcom >>e welcome to jesse watters. prime timeprime ti tonight. >> go back to friday night, ankc joe biden has an offshore bankco account. oak f the destructive oak fire burning through thousands of acres neairer yosemite natioy park in california. wildfire n s, climate change or arson? >> white house cocaine. the list is missin


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