tv Gutfeld FOX News July 29, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT
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>> so you never, ever, ever, ever miss an episode. ofyo hannity. in the meantime, thank you for being with us. beth us. and letkend not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is next. he'll put a smile on your face. >> we'll see you monday, dad. oh, boy. at low, everybody. >> hello, everybody. it's friday. and you knowy. what? >> that means tomorrow's saturday. e to >> let's welcome tonight's guest. she has more experiencnieing ab reporting on sports than kat does complaining about them.
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ohou., sarah michelle tafoya podcast. >> michelle tafoya. se wants crt to r.i.p. senior fellow at the manhattan institute. christopheat the manhattanr ruf she's like a ufo. mysterious nocturnal and often found by farmers. i feel like fox news f contributor kim. and finally he can. cap raisels. 12 holsteins to cow. >> it's a cow. everybody. my massive sidekick in the nwa world, heavyweight champion tara. i got a big of joe all right, before we get to some new stories, it's friday, o this. d greg's leftovers. mm yeah, it's leftovers where i read the jokes. we did news this wee week.k. t s
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and as all always, it's my first time reading these. so imeading thf they . >> we're going to push joe mackey off a cruise ship. that's . no, they never arrest anybody for that. hardly encourage it. all right, here we go. drink some water . is gulp. this week, a woman was arrested. sted aft she fired gunshots on a california highway. gunshotsa cashe's being chargede counts of impersonating hunterco biden at a good one. >> hunter's plea deal withnter his own father's's justice department blew up this week. this after prosecutors refusedua to give back the property hunter had left at the white housd e. yeah. meanwhile, the white housee no ruled out the notion that president biden would pardontits his son. it's the most trustworthy biden promise since hunter toltp roberts he'd pull ouult all rigt . what? what are you talking . legal analysts are afraid lega or worse,lk
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joe will try to walk. e ar >> so for me, it's a pretty good. the irs has announce d will noounced longer make unannounced visits to most homes and businessests, especially this one that officials revealed this week that a florida manatee died after having too much highuc intensity with his brother. . yeah. aquarium officials say the animalg to off sustained a 4 centimeter rip in his and then attributed the death to covid. who knew that about manatees? that abmaybe that's why they so much. in sacramento, two shopliftersop were caught on camera blatantly stealing from a local businessle . s police say the suspects areare n on the lam and on the pork,e pok chicken, beef and fish.
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suspects described as armed and gelatinous. >> the miss italy beauty pageant says they won't allow competitors who are biological malesow. th organizers say it's the only way to stop contestants from pinching owto stop n. that's because in italy, that's what they do. twhat tthey say, i wouldn't kn. now a new first dog commandertig been accused of biting white house staff. commander releasedte a statement saying, oh, he can sniff, but i can't bite. yeah. in your face. never. >> a communications director for the white house said ir t could be a unique often and often stressful environment for pets, especially s for dogs who spend time near the president since they can't telley canno if staffers were pt
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it up orheir their awful disgusting. the hottest fashion trend sweeping beijing is the face keaney full face mask made from uv resistant fabric. i can think of one place where face skin is should be mandatory. a woman who threw her 36 g atppr the rapper drake at his recent concert received dra, an offer . playboy and her received an offer to cover infield at yankee stadium, the venice filmf festival. refusing to rescind itilm festio invitations to disgraced directors roman polanski, polanskilanski and woody allen. but they apologize for scheduling their appearances during the children's matine e. >> oh, like you're offended.
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you've already forgotten the joke. in celebration of national the muster day. who knew? skittles will partner muth frenchiesnew? to make its first ever mustard flavored candy. dyyeah.s parent company mars says it will feel as welcome in your mouth as a loaded handgun. >> o loadedh, that's funny. anooting in your mouth. >> a just stop.d oil protests that illegally block traffic in the u.k .egnant caused a pregnant woman to crash her car, earning the groucrasp praise from plannd parenthood, who said, oh, yeah.h 77-year-old cher is launchingin her own line of gelato to stop e. r all right, i'll go further. >> unlike cher, though, it s won't contain any chemical preservativehare, . >> terrible.
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actually, you people. you people make me sick. finally, new maple spam will hit store shelves this . ll and related story. brian stelter dislocated his right shoulder doing backflip shouldes. >> all right. to some news workers get canned because wokeness killed their brand. and employees bear the brunt of bud's woke marketing stunt. so bud light's parent company, anheuser-buschpany, is laying of about 380 employees in corporate and marketing roles. brewery and warehouse staff, however, aren't affected. usthey're punishment to keep making bud light. layoff financial experts say these layoffs are a clear push to shift away from progressive politics as no one wants to watch. woke political agendas shovewand down their throats. and more importantly, they need the empty officemportanty nes ty all the beer no one wants to buy. >> of course, it's the latest fallout stemming from the dylan mulvaney debacleom the.
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you remember the self-proclaimed girl, a trance influencer celebrating. joys of bud light.e she had all the feminine wiles of a don not betraying a beer drinking bubble ahead, a bubble bath. dylan didn't just ape a woman. she played as ditzy. i'm surprised she didn't heat thated she bath by tossing at a toaster. oh, god. getting and while workers get the boot. dylan's getting the loot. as we mentioned last night dylan could earn as much as 40 grand a speech on an upcomingcog college speaking tour. oh c, get this. t dylan's teaching women about female empowerment, whicea h, like cat teaching men about the bench press. yeah, but is it really. empowerment when a lucrative dyl speaking gig goes to dylan? who knows? maybe mulvaney's the right man for the job. >> whoa. i misgendered.
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i meant person. i ha michelle. i hate it when i do that. i hate it when you do that. isall right. e al is it fair that they fire all those people? i mean, it seems clear to me thatthose there shouldn't realy need a marketing department. >> well, they certainly didn't need a listen. finasteride, i think is her namealyssa who was the decisionr behind that whole thing. tht her.f worry abou she knows all of this is a trickle down effect from thattr i woleic decision that. yeah, you know what i mean? like, i wonder what she's doinga and how many phone calls she's making to apologize to people. i kind of kiss her, but look you don't need that much marketing for a beer. but if they had fired the lower level people, it would have , right?wful they had to fire the upper level people. and look, they've lost a ton of monethey ly. >> modelo is now the number one beer. it's more expensive. so it's not sellin. e expensg same volume, is it? >> but is it modelo owned by anheuser-busch? i don't. >> isn't modby is that great? feel like it is. yeah, i think it is. so they it's like they just j shifted the money over there. they now need to find a trans te moxican modelo.
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mexican. yeahdeexican. yeah, i have an idea. >> where. where's that dude from? menudo. ha ha ha ha ha.not tr he's not trans. he's aan talented singer.rtin >> ricky martin. there we go. god. yeah. all right. kris, congratulations on this book, america's cultural revolution. >> chris rufo. you're not. you're not. you're the spear. yoe the spp of the spear in thit war against crazy woke culturehi . >> what do you think? do you think the companies are starting to learn the lesson? they >> are i mean, for manyes the decades, companies had everything they needed from and and political right. they had tax cuts, deregulation. ththey spent 2020 pandering to the furthest elements of m, radical left on bl on gender and all these ideologies. and only when these companies feelanie the pain on the other y do they change their behavior. these corporations are amoral. they operate on a system of incentives. so conservatives finally, aftery so many years, proved that we can shift incentivesearoveg.
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and decision making. we should feel no hesitation, obviously feel bad for the individuals who lost their jobs. you have to hang tough becauseae bud light is not justd li a corporation that aired. ghit's symbol and it's a warning for every other corporation. keep the politics of my beer out of my regular products and then you'll have what you need from the political right. >> yeah. and you know what? keep politics out ofpoliti poli. that's what i say. kat, this must upset you.sicall >> i mean, basically, dylany mulvaney stole a 40 grand a gig job from you. >> you could be doing female empowerment at various college campuses, but instead, dylan mulvaneypowermen is and he she whatever does not have a of talent that you have. >> i think that was a compliment. i think, you know, i don'taney a think it was just dylan mulvaney that created these issues for bud light. ad i thinkcreated d light. it wo the outright admission that they were intending to turmin
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their huge customer base by saying it's the brand is out of touchcustomering th fruity. we need it to be inclusive to, you know, for women and men. bed that to me is saying that women can't be bratty, which i take offense to, right, because i'm a very fruity woman. >> are i your office? yes. you've also seen play. >> i'm very good. yeah. and where did i learn that? a frat house. i wai was never in a frat. i was the first lady of one for a while now. very good. and smarter than the last. it's true, i think. what, but you know what? i don't even know what that means. what did you say? i said better than the las said i thought. oh, okay, i get it, i guess. i don't know if i get it. >> no, i think you do. i don't know. i think you should. ou sho >> it.ul all right. a sexist would say or just you would say to me every day,
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i think you're sexist. i think you're just mean to me. all right, tyrus, you were the person, i think, that coined the phras pn e woman fac. yeah, because that's what it is. woman face? yeah is. . >> we're not like that because you were making a point. please. i wasn't making a point, but i'm that. yeah. please excuse a little guy. go aheade little head. of tal because i am so tired ofki talking about delvin mulvaney. >> you were the worst at the job ever. yes, sir. you we >> you were horrible. people lost jobsre of you and the genius who was out of touc h thlking about who's out of touch. because one the one thing i hate to hear is when i hear the word corporation and i hear groups, blacksporation i h white, it's s who have this god complex who think they know the pulse of the people with no experience, wisdomeople wi oromo character. and when they go around and make decisions, america said no. and instead of that, you know what? she's not callino. that,g. solue absolutely not. because that's it's thlyefall
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people it's the toxic men's fault. it's the system. it's the system that cam. hee theme re . the evil republicans came after him. but here's this. where wereican the people that you supposedly were representing? how come whepposedly wern you bu to awful bubble bath scenes when people with no rhythm. where where did what was that? you know like you try so hard because you're so fake but where was the group to buy up all the bud light? where wa s massive unrepresentediv group that's suffering that lik jumped in line just like dave chappelle when he was protested . there was eight people there and they still have the unmitigated galley had to he a megaphone. >> yeah, it's true it's true. i think that, you know,t people say it's greedy to say profits comeis . but if you make the profits first, it's for the customers benefit. ife pr you start having a paralu a parallel, i don't know aim which in thi hames would be diversity or i don't know whatever or climate activism. o you take it away from the the main principle aim, whic
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h is profit, which you can only make if you make a good product and please your customersd prt an which ise do here at gutfeld inc. take them take the company tour we do where we do a gutfeld inc.el company tour every, thirdmont thursday of a month that begins with the letter m so you havth d sign up on our sign up outside r and then leave $400 deposit. up next, it's airport. >> kristen bell. it's the show that has americans on the edge of their seat and has criminals thinking twice. americans are standing up to protect their rights. crime camp 24/7 with sean sticks larkin, your new true crime obsession hosted by the man who can break it down like no one else. one of the craziest things we've ever seen camera is the must see series. now watch a new episode dropping on the only place to catch crime cam 24/7. fox nation america is streaming . >> there's a new victim of identity theft every 3 seconds.
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find free care at aarp mortgage caregiving. thank you. thank you. while flights nearly collide, the airports won't let you sleep inside. it's true. even stars experienced painthey when they dare to travel d by plane. married hollywood stars. they do exisd hollywt. dax shepard and kristen bell, along with their two kids, werer
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kicked out of the boston airport for trying to sleep at the gatepo . s de >> airport authorities deny it had anything to do with how awfunil their movies are. flighw >> the flight was delayed 9 hours into the next day and every hotel within 50 miles was bookedt y hote. so they decided to spend the night. they spent 600 buckss and on blankets, in sheets, sheets at the airport and pillowsts.. e jeez, for that price they could have bought for bottled water. ve airport joke, but 600 bucks. come on.ey >> have they heard of other reasonably priced products? yeah. >> there are no mypillow outlets at the airport. i find that kind of sinister. well, anyway, afte tr the airpot kicked them out. they found their way to a friend of a friend's house. that's mysteriound ond's hou s. 1 a.m.. the lesson? the less bignly travel wheel. >> meanwhile, in floriday
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and allegiant, which i've never heard, a plane was almost hit by a privateane was and it wasn't mine. passengers were so distraught minesod the outthe of each other.our. one passenger said the plane t had to take immediate evasive actionhe pto tak and climb 600 t to avoid a mid-air collision. e >> sounds like interns atth the view enjoy bay hards coming down the hall, fly flight attendant was reportedly hurt and the plane had to return to its take oflane hadf. passengers knew something was amiss when the captain pad, the holy sign. you d good. i'm glad you did that. idwe should spell out all our swear words. >> that is such a good idea. go >>id anyway chris, you're an intellectual. i believe you're. you put the ma n in manhattanthe ma institutn e. i'm breaking him in slow. what e what are we doing? what's going wrong here? can wewhat is blame it all on r
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pete? >> yeah, i think we should. but i think what's happeningpete e proc part of a broader process. we see a continual erosion of the of living in this country. you have rolling electrical blackouts. you have yo airports in chaos. you have state after state now abolishing standardized. we're lowering a horizons. we're substituting ideolog ydivers like diversity, equity and inclusion. but the people are starting to feel thatit equity an it's ne for excellence, merit actually building things that and i think that if this continues, it's going to be ripe grounk thatd a politician to come and exploit people's frustration. the quality goes dowann and thep price goes up. is typically the conditions for getting someone that has the the stones that it's going to require to make some real changes in our country. >> yeah, you know, could you put a camera on, chris rufo for a second? >> tyrus, doesn't he look like he would be poly shortspaul more successful brothey r? oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. i don't know why. i just look at himlook and i see
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pauly shore got his act cleaned up. yeah, you travel probably more tha you trn. anybody here? unfortunately, yes. so is itbody. worse? it's obvious question. is it getting better or worse? but it's you know what? i think it's funny that the people that went out and actually boughpeoplet and ps had to go. yeah. because they stayed at the gate. but if they woul he gate.d just go lay in the doorway when you walk in, that'd be fine. yes, that's true. like pick. >> it's hot and it's hot out too. it's hot. it's like heated in the winter, i guess. the senior summertime just it's the summer. but that's frustrating because the is fr they yo that you have now they're lucky because they're celebrities. they went on instagram and said, hey, anybody want to put up a celebrity's kids tonight? celebritd theiri'm sure. they got people, but regularre john and joe taxpayer would be stuckgula. n an an airport with no hotels with small children in the airport, basically . sorry. yeah. have to leave now. that's terrible. and that's a reflectioleave.thaf what frustrated people. they don't have any backup plans and they love to usetratep the excuse act of god. but since they don't believe inh
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god, shouldn't we haveav to change that? yeah, you know, because it's alwaynges we're not responsible for getting you a hotel room. te unlessf god.n act o yeah, well, he's not allowed in our churches schools anymore. and our airportsr . and if you sing pledge allegiance to the united states, like so should sof god be gone?now it and now it's just act of airport, act of mayor pete. pete. mayor's should there be shouldn't they be responsible? that's that't theyonsible?s what it's only convenient when it's convenient for them. yeahitnvenient. i think it's a shame thatd they had to leave. they weren't here. anybody at the gate and clearl y got they yeah, they, they did the right thing. they had to got blankets and stuff so shame on them for that because the alternative is to walking out with the street of boston. >> yea h. you know, kat, what kind of this wwould you want to live this world if mr. and mrs. kristen bell are treated likeor riffraff krist? i mean, on the ladder of celebrity. i mean, we are above them, let's be honest. >> but i mean, they're going to treats be if they're going to treat our nation's married celebrities like this, what hope is there for single celebrities liket hope shore? ow
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wow. t i feel like you don't havesw to answer. yeah, this is noer that.t courtd and you're not her lawyer. noare not , actually he is. yeah. >> i'm so worried. i have an unpopular opinion, but that's never stopped m ae before. okay, if you'll note, i don't know if they were kicked out sleeping at the airport, they might have been kicked out for, like, building infrastructure at the yeahey hav k , because you can get awayt make with sleeping in the airport. >> you don't make a big deal about it. this was clearly abouta big det the production. and again, i know this might prode ensive to say becaus i don't have children, therefore i know nothing about knt i do know that she's not brushing her teeth. there. yeah, he's nowhere near a sink. yeah, she's walking around t airport with a toothbrush in her mouth. like. like, look at me. i havemouth. look at me to my teeth at the airport. it's like you're. you're influencing. so maybe they were you kicked out for aggressive influence, saying, i would like that. outessiveand not for sleeping r
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the airport because you can yofu at the airport i you're kind of just like a little gremlin there. >> yeah, like me. wha but yeah, and again but i don't know what it's like to have kids, so it's probablys harder e like, shouldn't be a gremlin to a cat, to a child. thaty but that's probably wha they were kicked out. that's why you drug them, drght, michelle drug. that is d, children. it's not something i endorseug.a >> but if i had kids look out for drugs because back the day your grandmother would do that. yeah. oh, my mother. you sip of the whiskey sip of. >>yo they put a little something in your bottle if you were colicky or whatever. that was notnock your right out excess. not that i condone that. i'm not at all.robabl >> i think they probably got kicked out because i think there are a certaiy n number ofc hours in the airport where people the public isn't allowed. >> i don't know that for is su. yeah, but here's what i'll say and i'll dovetail off pauly shorde here. >> is that is that we have what's wrong with like being excellent and having really good really high standards. yeah.
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what's wrong with living in nice, pretty surroundings with clean liv and flights that don't crash? what's wrong with this? it seems like there's a certainer portion of society way over on the left that feels so guilty about it becauso e not everyone in the world can do that. so we have to do that. we have to lowerto in order to make everything fair. so rather than be aspirationalit and inspirational and say this is what can be were we started to just impose this? no, no, no. we can't be better than everyone else. we have to be as low as everybody else. wee we're not going to worry about flights. we're not going over to airports. we're not going to cleans or people out in new york, in the streets. there's parts of the streets. you go down and yoof the streetn the is that scent? >> i listen, i'll give you. maybe it was you. i got some. i got some. i wa s jealous?ke. just a joke. oh, josh, go to what's wha with her weight? yeah, it was you know, it is more of an active is,n you know, and trash bags all over.
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>> but why do people except this is you're right one word. equity yeah lower hiring people based on how they look and lower the standard and everything goes to its equity is another term for lower standard. yes. there you go. that should be on a t shirr t like this where it says nothing is possible. got all right. up next, award winning hair and a dress with flair. >> do you have trouble hearing conversations? >> are you constantly asking loved ones repeat themselves? do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends? then you would benefit from nano hearing aids. don't waste thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids or settle with the frustration of cheap. right now you can get two revolutionary nano c ici recharge hearing aids regularly $794 for just $297 or opt in to our payment plan of four easy payments. >> i love how affordable the nano hearing aids are compared to some aids. they're as much as three for
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all his emmys. >> this time, van jansen was arrested arr, streaking in fron thousands of teens at a high school football game. they police say when they caught him, van jansen said, quote, i thoughjensent it'd be nice toh the kids a present for their eyes. we'll keepkids a pre updated wie information on this developing story as it becomes available. . >> and now back to gutfeld. it's another tough break for chad, but you know, he's in our thoughts and our prayers knd i'm sure he's going to get back to winning those local emmys because god knows they're easy cats. >> give me your local news. >> okay. you what? >> i'm going to talk about dogs. so in minnesota, there's a corgi race on sunday, and it's just a bunch of corgis who, as you can see, race other corgis. ly fun >> right. and it just sounds like a lot
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of family fun. it does. >> so if you're looking for some family in minnesota, headaw on down to canterbury park. there's going to be a lot. there's also going to be arts and crafts. >> so it's fun for the whole family earlier and the winning corgi. >> but you're wondering that what happens if you win is at the end? no, it sure isn't. ohthsn't, that corgi then gets s compete with other dogsn on september 3rd. wow. more dog racing, whichseptem sos like even more family fun. >> it's great because her legs are reallyt short. yeah. look at that. yeah . >> yeah. and that's racist. they let the black one out late? therhe blacke.. there he is. yep. yep. o come nothing good is going to come from that. i tellfrom t you. >> it's hard being a
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journalist, man. we got to bring the ugly facts . yohate to see the corgi world, but it's there. it's everywhere. yeah. oh, my god. all right tara. >> just keeping the races going. great. white sharks, numbers are up. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! you never hear about the great black shark. in cap but again, in massachusetts. oh, we're down to cape cod. you know? you know whose fault this is the seals? yeah, they're the illegal aliens. come in. they've set up shop on the beaches, and they've overpopulate shop . and they've become a shark utopia, which is, again, thank as capta to captain marciano in the great fisherman down there in bostoin reat fisn. their conserve, they've conservation has done so well. it's backfired on them so well because now they have these arrogant, cocky seals protected by the government. ey have gant seawho knows? they can't touch them and they just lay around and don'm ant leave. and now they brought the sharks can'o eat them, which meano eats little white people can't
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go swimming. >> oh, but i for 1 a.m. i have no problem with white on white. whiteah. yeah. white shark eating whitearks eat people. i'm okay with that. that's good. kay withhat.all right. there you go. well done, you, chet. thank you.>> i i am not. a i'm not checks. we just lookm alarmingly alike. >> really do. and we share a bed. >> michelle tyers, aren't the seals black. >> no, they're brown. oh, fine . different. different kind. there is one black seal. yes. one black seal. >> who's married to heidi klum? ohne , god. i knew that. i knew you were going well, speaking of heidi klumdi and fashion. >> oh, that brings k me to my l story, which was in los angeles, my former home. myyou teens around the country, they decide, am i going to go to the prom? am i goingng to be stuck at
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the prom? maybe i make my dress out of duct tape. and so there was this contest called being stuck at the front. now, this young lady made that f duct entirely out of duct tape. >> oh, boy. and susie's that i first sawthil the headline in the store, and i thought, no way. this is going to be awful. >> that's pretty amazing. and then this young boy,oung the are two finalist that were named in june that made a tux that was in there. it is. it's in reference to his el salvadorian heritage. okay. so now they are fine. but that's duct tape, greg. imagine being. >> no ducking it. i don't have to do it. i don't to. >> how do you take it off? it's going to be painful. t me l oh, god. let me tell you. that's why i'm hairless. none of this ever happens at the corgi. >> fun day. yeah. duct tape. i be>> iomt some parents are haf their daughter wears duct tape at the prom. that's a good point. .it stays stuck on.
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yeah, exactly. and, you know, they're fooling around if hear somebody goingard out as you're pulling it up. all right, chris, what do you got for us? so this is a heartwarming story from bremerton, washington. g storysix-year-old rocky cammaa is competing for the national mullets . . nice. is reportingth anat he stroll is down the boulevard in an adidas tracksuit and his nickname is, the washington waterfall. wa rocky a great shot in my view, because, look, it's up in business, up front, party in the back. he embodies that spiri party t, the front. you'd say, you know, i would entrust my 401k to this young) gentleman. he gives you a side view and all of a sudden you're blowntoan. a lines of co. >> yeah. with young rocky, he's six.e ha but i'm telling you, he's. he's got the spirit of the mullet. he's got it is is bound itis e down. that's for sure. astboundthat's it. i thought that was a wonderful selection of local stories. and agai wonde n, you know, we're going to be checking our chat throughout the weekend to see
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not on court. an embarrassing situatioi'n. ema >> arrm the party. yes, you are. >> i don't know, michelle. . dodged the question she dodged the question artfully. yes. unlike what i did at a party ar. onceestion so it was a big, big, big glass door. >> it was very clean. mm-hmm. anleanyou know what's coming? >> i walked right into it in front of a ton of people. but the best part was thisom woman looked aant. and what did you see? thminutes later, she walked into the door. but you pushed her. that's the difference. hermosa beach terrace. i'm not really proud of this, but so i was at this bighday par birthday party and i wentiend w with a friend who was invited by the hoshoby the ht and this s really annoying. and i was like, trying
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to ignore him. yeah. and then he said some dumb because i wouldn't he said p ] talk to him. yeah. he said, he said it was very well he won't answerhel not ane. i don't speak spanish and i went wrong. continent punche id wrongd and then i ruined his birthday because it was his party. >> oh that's funny though. yeah. and my excuse was he like, ownet he owned the place. and it turns out he di d a dress . >> you know, there was probably . e manyh in my twenties>>is there were many embarrassing stories, not all of which s remember the complete detailts too, but not lately. >> so i feel pretty lucky. oh, yeah? well, i thought that you were going to go. wellhere, there was that one mot where i murdered that family. all right. that was boring. okay, here's a here'sion. his earnest question. now that you are successful,is is anyone from your youth you would like to recognize for
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their guidance and support that has that? that was foundational in making you who you are today. >> that seemu are tos a question you could answer, rufo. >> or shall i call you paulie? >> yeah, my mentor, pauly shore. i would like to that. now, i'll tell you, i was kindwl an a terrible child and very rebellious at school, but i had some great teachers that taughtr me how to write. and i think that mrs. gatewood, my high school english teacheriy ,so sorry for all those years that i tortured and agonized. ao >> do i think she would be veryn happy to know that i have a new york timesow bestselling book? >> and so i'm sorry and thank you. yeah, you should you reallyer sorry give her part of the advance class again of life lesson. i had just an english namedmisss mrs. maule who was from england she e a teapot or a little bow cut. she told me one day in front off
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the class i had made a joke and everyone. rt and she said that being a smart and a wannabe wrestler was nowr waestlery to go through life.. well, mrs. moll, i'd just like to say that i can't wait until>> to see if they block the fingers or they blur them with my hands. it's the whole screen. >> the whole screen? exactly. michelle, i. you just triggered. of memory for me? yeah. of rene yancey. oh, i hate her. i a high school. >> so she's going to be if she hears this is going to be blown away i won't remember this but she was in high school. we were in drama togethera toge and she told me i wasn'td beautifumel to be an actress. >> well, she said, but shelike a might be able to be like an anchor or tv anchor. i'm not a tv anchor. i mean , i was a reporter, but i remember that, like, that was
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you tell me you shouldn't be saying that stuff to womeg t i wouldn't. okay. yeah. oh, not yeah. i feel differently. i actually. >> wait, wait, wait.i is she right, though? yeah. i'm not beautiful. am noti know everybody. the f >> that is harry's lady ofir the interview. what are you talking about? oh let's. >> this is too muc h of a pity party. can i change my answer now? yeah, i will. >> i will. i will move on. to be honest, that was the host of the party tha on.statt i pund out. ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. >> all right, cat. definitely my.have t dad, i havhee the best dad in te the world. and he always believed in me ,id even when no one else did. >> and then also, of course, genes are genes being. >> a cat. my 13 year old feral geriatriche cat. >> i have cried on him more than anyone else's. i even close. n god, that's no wonder he tastes all these her little dick cheney. this really exciting stuff. you know, little dad, he's never shot anyone. but he would if he couldanyone,e
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>> when i woke up this morning at seven, i was getting up at 745. patrick, my fiancé, tried to pull me5. my waist over this and morning in bed, and i was like, no, baby, we don't got timd wee that this morning. i got to get to the prayer breakfast and i got to bettle on time and a little tmi, but w. i. i know he can wait. he's got we got. ll see >> i'll see hi hm later tonight sarah tyrus, that was congresswoman mace at senator tim scott's prayer breakfastt. go we got we got to go to these prayer breakfasts. well, i think we're all pretty sure of what they prayed for. nothing like having premarital sex attempts happening to you before you go to a prayer breakfas yout, becae i think the bible is against that. yes. so poor tim scott in one job lady just introduced me. yes. ry.
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i needed a back story. throw your help and let me right now, let me tell you something. right now, as a comedian or a tv personality, whatever. th tv pethere's nothing worse wn you laugh at your own joke and everyone else does noth at >> i know that feeling. and you don't care , though i doa so actually encourage it. i have more fuh. n laughing at myself. >> oh, she really. she really. she said it. yo one laughed because you're at a prayer meeting. tht >> no, no, no. i think there's so much focus on, like how this was weird to do at a prayer breakfast. >>s weird? >> did you ever consider doing it? >> if i like. an if i sat down today, it's like, well, i'm here. but just so everyone knows, i could be havd be having. >> ha, ha. i could be doing because i live with a man who likes to do with me. and don't worry, i'm going do. o laterh me that's weird to do, ever. but also, i love her because i'm a lot of things, but i'm not a hypocrite and i can't knock anyone for oversharing. ih
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>> and it's true. i like the fact, michelle, that she's parading tha her heterosexuality. >> then. there's no misgenderin men.g her, that is for sure. you know what? i like transparency in politics and here we have some. but it is funny that it happened at a prayer is fu where premarital sex is used to be kind of odd because no, there ad does that. >> no. right. nobodys one of them. >> but god says to do any, by the way. o any ofright. >> he's on that mike pence plan. yeah. >> but yeah, it was a little itt was a little different chris. yeah. i'm hoping. i was hoping that there wc two angle so we could see senator scott's reaction. he, of course, is single. is >> and i wanted to see in his eyes if there was a glint of ready to mingle. yeah . yeah. i didn't share. yeah, we'd love to have thatha reaction ere is bu at there's a time and a plac, right? what you tell your buddy in the locker room is different. one that you sell your grandma on the plastic covered couch. yes. you know what? apparently there isn't. that's why i need to call my agentpparentl why cal and lio
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a prayer breakfast. yeah, i ca pran it. >> we got to move on. grandma had wild times, hence plastic. oh, yeah. don't go away. we'll be right back. >> what is the biden business? you're dealing with? web of deception. i saw on orders of joe biden a kickback scheme giving money to hunter biden, the former national who allegedly bribed hunter biden allegedly has audio recordings. can you just say once and for whether the cocaine belonged to the martin family? it's not just about hunter. it's about joe who is hunter biden part for streaming now on fox nation, sign up at fox nation com. >> hi, my name is peg. i'm a wife, mother and grandmother. family is so important to me. i want to stay healthy so that i can continue do the things that i enjoyed doing with all of them. i would recommend of nature. it's so easy to do every day.
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