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tv   Lawrence Jones Cross Country  FOX News  August 5, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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fox and follow social media and we will post all week. that's it for our show, cash (sunday, joey jones, catch my radio show 9:00 to 12:00 o'clock. you signed our show for another two years here in new york. florence jones is next, i will watch in studio. ♪ 's. >> good evening, welcome to cross-country. began among my peers. many believe they been indoctrinated by influencers around them. college campuses, media, online influencers but as we prepare the first year of primary, the first hurdle of what we already know is an eventful election cycle, some voters are looking
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for something different, looking for something beyond obvious talking points. the ones i've spoken to our partisan at all, they are looking for hope, hope for the future and country and hope for their fellow man. is there a candidate in the race that can rise above all the partisan politics who deliver on that hope? we headed to the early primary state of south carolina to find out. >> what is the number one issue for you in this next election? >> we need to stop spending money on unnecessary excursion endeavors. >> what you mean? >> we need to stop sending a lot of financial foreign aid to ukraine as well as his other countries. >> there's a lot of issues right now but the most important is the deep state just seeing ever since trump was elected in 2016 how adamant they been to go after him and political
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opponents. >> largely the economy. for me, it's hard to see billionaires get past their fair amount and hold to the lower and middle classes. >> the abortion issue. >> does that still exist? >> we still exist. >> it's interesting you have that view because there's a lot of polling that suggests republicans should stay away from the issue because it can hurt them. >> these are human beings killed in our communities everyday and if there's any candidate on either side of the political aisle who wants my vote, they have to face the abortion issue. >> was the number issue for you? >> families are at the forefront and it stems from this war on masculinity we've been seeing the i think it to to society
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having this perspective on men as focuses and not giving them a fair chance in all aspects of life. >> is the first time i heard someone think that's the number one issue, why you have passion for that issue specifically? >> look at the numbers, suicide rates for men are three to four times higher than women and 70% committed suicide, the percentage of suicides 2021 so we have an epidemic on depression especially young men and i've seen them continued to fall by the wayside. >> trevor, it was the number one issue? >> immigration as a whole, both legal and illegal. part of the why i like president trump is he such a hawk, build a wall and violent offenders out. we need to put our foot down if we get things done in this country. >> one thing promised from this administration, forgive student loan debt, whose and support of
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getting rid of the student loan debt? were halfway there, what you mean? >> i think there should be special provisions, i don't think outright, it should be forgiven. however, i think college is so expensive, there needs to be some way we can think about repaying student loans because we as generation z, we are struggling. >> i agree in terms of its difficult to try to get money but there are options, scholarships and other ways that need to be obtained for the student but as far as forgiving student loans, i would keep that at minimum because it does fall on the taxpayer, the taxpayer didn't take out the loan. >> outrage of the support, you feel let down in any way not
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going into fruition? >> i feel the entire 2020 campaign was promised the world and i've seen to deliver on these promises and think it's a real problem, we are so divided. there's no unified force like student loan forgiveness on this relief done. >> my mother has raised myself and my sister by herself for years and she is a public school teacher in the area. we have these people paying on student loans for decades and have thousands of dollars of debt that are working hard in the communities they deserve to have their debt forgiven. >> do you disagree? >> and theory i would love it, i've been working through college to keep afloat but i think it would end up being a burden on the taxpayer and after i graduate, that will be subsequently me and my peers so
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i think college is way too expensive, it's inflated and ridiculous but having it forgiven would put a burden on the taxpayers and in the long run it will do more harm. >> the number two issue after the economy and inflation is crimes in america and it impacts and i see everyone shaking the head. what is your view of crime and what you feel is the bugs candidate to address this issue? >> at the moment you know if we have the best candidate address this issue because if you look at our prison systems, where are they? is a financial burden on the taxpayer. >> out of think we are tough on crime and if. you got attorney general's and da's who don't prosecute these violent criminals and their back on the streets within week. >> i think being soft on crime is what's led to more crime. when your heart on it and you
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know there are ramifications% behavior, it's a strong deterrent for future behavior. >> i think we created a society the prison pipeline where odds against young people, it's hard to break the cycle. >> trump and biden, who wants to be matched to happen? and who doesn't? >> desantis camp. >> team desantis right now and i'm assuming you guys are team trump right now. you don't want to democrats on the panel, you don't want the rematch to happen? >> i feel is a 26-year-old man i have a hard time putting my faith in a man who's going to be 86-year-old when he gets out of office. we got to create a dynamic we are in joe biden but there comes a time where once -- your health
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can decline quickly and that is the challenge for me. >> joining me now 2024 gop presidential candidate, the deck vivek ramaswamy, thank you for joining the program. >> to be here. >> we have young voters, i'm a millennia, that was gen z, you gain support amongst the group that i think a lot of young voters were surprised when you proposed a constitutional a minute to lower the age to vote unless they take civics again. race, age unless they took civics exam or join the mil military, why did you do this? >> my view is every citizen in this country including those who
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age into citizenship should have to at least know the same things about the country an immigrant has to pass in order to become a citizen of this nation. young people don't value a country they possibly inherit, they value a country that we have a stake in building. i'm the youngest person ever to run for u.s. president as a republican. reaching young voters is critical but what is the across the country is young people are hungry for a cause, hungry for purpose and meaning and identity. we live in a time in national history when paid, patriotism, hard-working family, these things have disappeared so i think we need to rely on a civic duty to satisfy moral hunger for purpose and meaning so my experience talking to young people college campuses, there is shock at first to say i have civic duties and pass the same fixed test an immigrant can p pass. >> i'm sorry to interrupt but they are not immigrant they were
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born americans, we give those two people who want to become america's even if you look at -- even if you look at conservative groups like the leading organization to get constitutional amendments, they want to government, it's rare you see republican that once an overreach of government to take rights away. >> this is a good area to be clear my policy is i want less government involvement, you want to know what it involves today? young men are required to register for selective service draft on pain of criminal penalties, it means you can go to jail if you do not register as a young man 18 and 25 decriminalized that, get rid of that. i don't think that's the
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american way. the american way is to say you're free to do what you want if you want to have the full and yes, you have to know the same thing about the country immigrant has to to earn the right to vote and the fact is, young people especially 18 to 25, voting rates are rock-bottom so i think they will skyrocket amongst young people if we make the act of voting mean something. our founding fathers envisioned a country where people have skin in the game and people have citizens, have duties. we forgot not so reviving that while criminalizing service requirement, it's less government involvement while improving our sense of citizenship. >> people would agree with you but i want to move to something, is not limited time. a new poll came out right here the said 24%, talking about what they likely support as it
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relates to the primary, 24% said a candidate who focuses on defending look and schools and media and culture, 65% the candidate says who focuses on restoring hot industries and at the border, do you feel the republican side is focused too much on the work and not more on economic policies, for example? >> i do but one thing i said the start of this campaign is wokeism a symptom of deeper national identity crisis in our country. we have to fill the void. for too long as conservatives, we've been running from something. now is the moment to run to something. what does it mean to be an american? if we can answer that, revive our self-confidence, that's how to grow our economy, unapologetically embracing free-market capitalism, the best known system to man to lift people up from poverty. a mock american policy, put
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people back to work no longer paying them to stay home. this is how we grow an economy but we can only get down with these policies if we provide our sense of who we are as americans so some people say woke issues -- economic issues are here in both of these go hand in glove with reviving missing national identity as americans and i think that's why we've been so successful, 0.0% and pulls to now fully in third in the national polls across the republican primary even before the first debate. many supporters are young people and responsive to the message of national identity. >> the former president took the stage a few minutes ago talking about by economics, let's play the sound from the president. >> one of the most important issues of the campaign will be
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can rescue our country from the burning records of i know, you know what that stands for? henceforth, defined as inflation taxation, submission and failure under my leadership, we built the greatest economy in the history of the world, the greatest economy in the history of the world. >> a lot of people are saying this. final words. >> biden has been a disaster because his philosophy of economic growth creates more government jobs. what i think we need is not only government out of the way but standing for stroke growth policies. here's the secret -- talk about national crisis of pride in our country, young people are proud to be american anymore, young people, all people, more proud of our country when we make more money so and an unapologetic approach to that, that's how we revive character, if we are many of my policies are driving us
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for 5% gdp growth which i believe is achievable if we have the constraints we've applied. >> thank you for taking time with us, i hope you come back. >> thank you, good to see you. >> first, it was border overrun and now humanitarian disaster. the largest city in america, microsoft homeless as new york city struggles to provide the sanctuary they were promised we hit the street next. ♪ >> no bathrooms at here or anything. ♪ t
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welcome back, 2022 disaster unfolding on new york city
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streets. the city receives nearly 100,000 migrants the crisis started self-declared century city buckled under the weight of the search leaving people homeless on the streets. before the crowd of micro for fear not from outside of the roosevelt hotel, i was able to see the problem for myself. alongside guardian angels founder former player in the, welcome. >> having to watch ourselves because there are no bathrooms out here or anything. how are you doing? should know plaintiff. have they given you food or anything? show food, no water. >> i'm talking to these guys. >> your opponent in the last race, new york was a sanctuary.
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texas and france send buses of migrants here and now the city is not prepared to make our mayor welcomes that. >> the right tone for being here for the families. >> in the past year nearly 100,000 migrants arrived in new york city. >> how much did you have to pay to come here? >> there's thing and cost 8000 to cross the border. ask him where he started. ecuador. two and a half months to ecuador from texas.
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[inaudible] >> he's saying essentially that there were no promises but he had friends here in saying if he could just get to america, we will help you and you will get a place to say. now they are stuck in new york. you see what's happening, you think about it, whether you agree with what took place, this administration said it was okay for them to come here. >> you can come at war, they were ready and now they've provided it yet talking to them now a few weeks, nobody wants to go back. nobody wants to go back. they want to stay here. >> do we have the resources in the city to supplement migrants coming here? we have a population here in new
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york city and a drug problem, do we have enough to extend our hand? >> he created this mess, where is he? nowhere to be found. he encouraged them and now he's leaving it to us, city taxpayers to pay for it. >> where is mayor adams? question so many are asking this week until showed up in the dead of the night at the roosevelt hotel hours after we left the area. these immigrants are spending their days and nights on the streets of new york in debilitating conditions not only a humanitarian disaster but public health crisis so we invited doctor marc siegel to join us on the ground. >> we don't know their health situation, they are not screened. one example, there's a problem with tuberculosis because people take over the antibiotic and get rid of it and people are coming
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in the united states with that, stds and syphilis viruses and flew but the bigger problem is they are coming and without healthcare, no sanitation, nowhere to sleep. >> as you witness what is happening, this is just one example. medially, what comes to mind as i the impact to new yorkers? >> i think we already had a problem out of the pandemic democrats carry disease and we will see more and more, the more people on the street who are homeless. >> these are babies you are seeing, what sort of things should we be on the lookout for? >> let's start with dehydration. coming and going, today is not a particularly hot day but it's been hot. not enough clean water and if you drink dirty water, bacteria, disease spread hand-to-hand and
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everybody is up with it. >> twenty-four hours after our visit, they cleared the streets outside the roosevelt officials remain quiet on how it was done which is where they were taken. new yorkers. the worst is yet to come. >> a concern about long-term plans. i can't imagine people would stay here forever. >> joining me now, radio host, thank you for joining the program. >> thanks, nice to be here. >> where is the mayor? this is a guy when he was on the city council used to travel with a podium in the backseat of his car but no cameras this time? >> nothing. he can't have it both ways if you talk about that. he's sanctuary city and when they get here, he wants to be santa. 100,000 now, he's complaining
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about the federal government, complaining about the state and kathy hochul. he's got to pull out the president joe biden by name and call out mayorkas to stop at the border but you know the truth, he's not going to and why is that? these people whether it mayor adams new york, kathy hochul, city council in new york for joe biden, these people need votes, you care more about that than our health and safety. >> how are new yorkers going to react? there are reports they may put them parks, central park could be a location these migrants go to. >> they arty have, they are in lovely park in williamsburg, could be central park, i've had rumors about they rich. the fact is, this administration has scoped out 3000 site so a good movie coming to a theater near you, because of migrant,
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illegal coming to a neighborhood near you. >> i'm curious because they promised to be a sanctuary and it seems they have the support of the democrats new york who said they like sanctuary cities. are they going to back away? i think it is cruel to say like a priest or a pastor inviting someone saying come to my sanctuary and they close the door on the. >> they are not going to back off eric adams fancies himself as sunday's santa, some days great humanitarian, he loves the people. a couple of weeks ago that would have made you cry, and central park a homeless person was there and an american homeless person, nobody cared about this lady, there were no rules about hotel or free xbox she laid there like a piece of garbage and cared and that's for the city is a bunch
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of hypocrites, the mayor and state with the governor, the city council, they act like they care but they don't because they go back to their apartment and eat their fancy dinners and people like you and i walked the streets and go to work everyday, we deal with this will. >> that's right, a headwind who plan illegals about american citizens. thank you for joining the program. >> thank you, nice to be here. >> kirk cameron joins us on the heels of the nationwide pager to plus celebrity cameron haynes present a message for the biden administration. you don't want to miss it. ♪
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welcome back, communities coming together what we love to see on cross country. people across the nation united local libraries to celebrate family, faith and patriotism. see you at the livery event inspired by actor and author kirk cameron.give like-minded families relations elected officials in our nation's values. kirk cameron joins me now talk about sense of the events. thank you for joining have to
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ask you, this advisor people social media but i'm curious, what was the reaction from people? >> the reaction is gratitude. the reaction is thankfulness. people are saying is an answer to prayer, these communities would been in, we were in three states visiting three libraries and we were in tennessee where the previous library who tried to cancel a wholesome they felt event hours and the community got together and voted him out to fire him and the new one came in along with the mayor and commissioners along with the entire community and welcomed us with only arms. the same thing in alabama today where they tried to cancel the event and you find out the immunity, longing for things like this even though you have some who are both within the leadership to try to cast a section that is not reality and
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came to texas and austin and we had a jampacked room and it's been amazing. people are loving it. >> i'm from the state of texas so i'm not surprised of the reaction there. talk about faith and patriotism aspect what you to bring to these young people. >> our funding fathers made it clear there are nonnegotiable ingredients to a free republic like america to indispensable reports and that is feel his faith in god and integrity, virtue. we have incorporated that communities are doing it on their own who are seeing "god bless america" together and reciting the pledge of allegiance. we were praying together and in for his provision and blessing asking him to get us back community and as a nation. this is about and getting back
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to these supports, we can once again be a shining city on a hill and shines his light of virtue and liberty not only to our country but those around the world. >> we really have to win, we got video of kids singing the pledge of allegiance but all over the country we have young people who are doing this. there are flash mobs and young people who are lost and no sense of community whether chicago or as recent as here in new york city friday, what would you say needs to happen to restore some sort of value system of respect, responsibility and accountability for our young people? >> there's a lot that needs to happen. you and i cannot solve all problems of the world but together we can start with the
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basics like mom and dad, go home and raise her kids, don't outsource your parenting to the government. don't have the most for important responsibly, god gave those little souls to you, not to the school, not to even the church but the family is the dna, the molecules that make up a free republic like ours and they need to be taught faith and character. we got to do the right thing or else chaos will end up ruling today. we fight with each other and the government will come in as your provider protector and tell you what to do and that's where you can't tell the difference between a man and woman anymore you switch evil for good and good for evil and we can't let that happen. raise your kids. >> you are so right. we lost ourselves and we are heading down the wrong direction but this was a little light in
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the tunnel so thank you for coming on the program. >> appreciate you fanning the flames. god bless you. >> still ahead, the kidnapping of parley russell captivated the nation and everyone was paying attention to lies the real tragedy unfolding states away. we go into the details of that. don't go anywhere.
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welcome back, many of you have likely seen this mug shot, parley russell facing charges after authorities described to be an elaborate kidnapping. investigators work the scene and followed for days but it was a waste of time. meanwhile, one state over georgia, the family was waiting for help. they were searching for robertson. a mother of four who have been seen for several weeks, sadly this morning authorities
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announced they located the body and arrested her husband. we were all distracted by the bigger headlines but now the woman is dead so what needs to change? joined now by the cofounder of the black and missing foun foundation, erica and natalie wilson, thank you for joining the program. the mom and dad gave a press conference earlier today and this is what they had to say. >> my worst fears were confirmed and thank you for continued prayers and support as we work for the beautiful boys of the mother. >> all people involved will be held accountable. this is the third child in the state of georgia. >> what needs to change? >> this is heartbreaking and
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prayers go out to the family. we have to do a better job. everyone likes to think they matter and with the parley russell case, it dominated the news but there are so many missing like money, 98000 black women were reported missing in the united states last year so we need to hold enforcement accountable making sure our cases are not dismissed. often times are children are labeled as runways and adults go missing, they are often criminalized law enforcement so it needs to change. >> natalie, what's going so long? i have a ab sister, my mother. obviously her grandmothers, i would be terrified if they went missing and i have the resources
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to find them, i have the platform but many of these women don't. >> you are right, they don't and that's why the black missing foundation has been created as an organization to help bring awareness to these cases that are typically under the radar and for the past 15 years we have been sounding the alarm persons of color are disappearing at an alarming r rate. close to 40% of the missing population of people of color and cases tend to remain open four times longer than any other case so we are advocates for the families, we reached out spoke to the family to see how we can help, amplify case so they can be closer for the family. >> derrica, what can our audience do to support the cause? for our to have the same
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momentum, sharing these profiles. our digital milk carton, we can't always have this new cycle and we understand not every case is going to elevate mainstream media but we ask you cannot just like profile, share and if you have information, come forward with the information because we want to provide answers to the families, they are desperate. >> derrica and natalie, they deserve answers and american citizens so we will do you can on our part to make sure they get answers. thank you for sharing time this evening. >> thank you for having us. >> the biden administration seems to think cutting art skills should learn. our next guest may have something to say about that. cameron haynes on cross-country, don't go anywhere of ♪ ♪
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welcome back. the biden administration is now
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eta. cutting offer for each 11 times. the biden's department of education decision is based on a bipartisan law but critics say he's trying to pull his way into in the name of his to the street and this is what. >> i have no idea why they would cut funding for that. >> i think it's bs. i shot archery and still have those at home. >> we need to bring it to the state level and individually take a look at the programs on board and determine. >> i think the funding should everybody be able to have extracurricular activity. >> teaching our kids to provide for themselves and give outdoor things to do rather than standing inside behind the tablet and everything. >> i think it depends on how old the children are. >> public schools probably don't need to do that. i think it's something that can be taught by their families. >> we need to add responsibility with something that could be devastating, you're not robin
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hood if you show an arrow as someone and let it fly. >> you take opportunity from kids who probably don't have them and can't buy a bow at home in the same thing if you take away a basketball or baseball program. it's a different program, different kids are not into basketball or baseball, they might be good at shooting those. >> to ask for himself, bowman hunter, cameron haynes. they give for taking the time. >> target doing? thank you. >> good. today realize the discipline and skills that are taught when you teach people archery and hunting? >> i don't think so but i heard a couple of viewers mention this, getting kids outside is the key. screen time is up, outdoor activities are healthy, get kids outside is a benefit obviously but shooting a bow and arrow therapeutic you're not thinking about anything else but
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releasing the arrow and it's great, the most honorable respectful people i know are hunters so if it's a step of leading to hunting, great. if not, it's a great pastime. >> i know the way i was raised when i first got to hunt, there is respect for life that is learned amongst the teaching experience as well. they don't mention any of that the. >> that's where hunter, you learn to respect life and death because it's part of hunting but i was thinking to myself, maybe the president own son would have benefited from something like this and could have avoided mistakes he's had. [laughter] >> so true. what would you tell the president if you have the opportunity to talk to him? >> i would say last may he talked about mental health crisis in this country and talked about addressing it. it's like getting kids outside
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and doing healthy activities is a big step toward addressing that problem. i think the best friendships have formed have been in the mountains and start learning with the mountains alike and what nature is like, it's about any outside. archery is the step to get to the mountains and that's great but don't know unless you expose kids to something like that. >> i think the president would prefer -- they invite the tik tok first, i think you want more of that instead of traditional skills that may save the generation if they learn. >> and the healing powers of the outdoors, people show that. nature itself is the best position and maybe his cutting programs so he can send more money to ukraine so out of touch
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with the fabric of america and what makes america rate and the people, hard-working people who enjoy being outdoors, that's what makes america the greatest country in the world. >> what do you think the reaction is going to be for middle america, country folks like -- what do you think they are going to do when they hear about this? they tried to do it quietly. >> also wonder if it is another step toward addressing more gun limitation, restrict guns and it's a way they go after law-abiding citizens, clinical after -- how many shootings were in chicago this weekend? are they worried about that? are they worried about addressing hard-working americans and the pastime say love? >> they never talk about the shootings that happen everyday. they are concerned about other things. thank you for spending time with us. >> thanks. let's get you out here and shoot a bow.
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>> i would love to, we'll make it happen. important announcement but got to listen. that's next. ♪
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last year we decided to do. party in my hometown. part of the reason was to help underprivileged and people don't have enough so kids can get school supplies and shut up and shut up and we had folks from our audience shut up with supplies for the kids. we are doing it again tomorrow. we will hop on a plane tomorrow morning and the block party will be 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. central time so i hope to see you there. we ran out of backpack/or so we double it, 500 backpacks to be there if you need school supplies. the girls convicted hair braided and kids can get the haircut. it will be an event. thank you for watching, back here next saturday night and
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finally on social media. don't forget to text me. ♪ >> hello, i am tom shillue and this is fox news saturday night. now the middle of summer and everybody is taking time. some people need a little more r and r and others. >> founded in 1829. >> all extreme heat more


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