tv Hannity FOX News August 11, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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me know. >> let's do one text. walter from ohio. sorry you had to work today, jesse. >> you deserve a joe biden weekend. that's right. i wasn't even supposed to come in today. i have a vacation. but garland appointed the special counsel. here i am always remember, i'm waters. >> this is my world. all right. welcome to a special of the friday news breakingecial fn edition of "hannity". now, the joe biden bribery mone mony laundering allegation, scandal. let me tell you, we begil n a tn of breaking news from the swamp all day in washingtoashington. a pathetic new sleight of hand from biden's clearly weaponized, politicized dojj as evidence of corruption againsas evidet joe biden grows with each passing day. today, earlier , ut a n attorney general merrick garland just rolled out a new strategy to help shield the bigf
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guy and the entire biden family operatioamion but n, but especiy joe biden, because today he announced the appointmentanns a special counsel to investigate possible hunterme crimes. but of course, he made no pre mention of president joe biden. instead of appointing someone from outside of the government to lead this investigation, as by law, by the way,on is recommended under regulationn 28 c.f.r. 601.3. thanks to gregg jarrett, merriccsr k waved his magic wank and he just promotede david weiss. that is the same federal prosecutorsa , th, the one who n been slow walking the criminal probe into huntenter bidr bidenr several years. he's the guy that allowed the statute of limitations to expire on multiple major felonies before majoe, of cours, then trying to put together that sweetheart, you kno w, , little deal with hunter, no jail timane ite and tie it up w, neat little bow and, you know, h wover it all up.
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a sweetheart deal that noejecte one else will get. that, of course, rejected by the federalhe who thankfullya in delaware, actually read the fined th print in this. it was a complete get out ofe jail free card, a blatant attempt to sweep all biden allegationt sweeps, joe and huu under the rug without ever implicating the big guy or fox torcing his beloved son to go t go. weiss was gifting hunter a deal that involvenvolved two misdemer tax violations. by the way, his office had is officrecommended. e and of course, the deferred guna charge thargt his own office ha been saying in no. page 1 and an exchange buried deep on page 15, hunter5, a get out g jail free card. a sweeping immunity deal forof a variety of tax violations and drug crimes and basically bs every crime possible in thisr time period can never be charged ever again. and and then the judge said, did
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you mean to put this in there? >> oh, no, we didn't, your honor. and then the defense says, well, wait a minut a e that's what we all agreed to. >> so let me be very david weiss is not to be trusted. this is a sham. from from the get go. but don't take my word for it. >> two career irs investigators, they were so appalled at the highly unusual way that weiss conducted the entire investigation that they sacrificed their own privacy and careers to come forward as very credible witness whistleblowers. and they testified before. let >> take a look. let's take's a looake k back in november of 2022, the statute of limitations was set to expire foions was r the 20145 charters in d.c., which included the 2014 felonies for the attempt to evadeto or defea tax and fraud or false statement regarding burisma income earned by hunter biden.ns in those years, the statute of limitations had been extendeds
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through a tolling agreement with hunter by his defense counse l and were willingvember 2 to extend it past november 2020 to weiss allow those to expire. i don't claim to be privy to unite ststates attorney weiss or attorney general garland's communications, but united stateatiss tolds attornen told us that he was not the deciding person thate ha he requested and was denied special authority after dc declined chargesecline, and thaf california declines, he will have to request special authorities agaiies agaii under i understood the gravity of those admissions, whether fullws lies with united states attorney weiss or attorney general garland. as fors congress, the inspector generals, and ultimately the public to decide. >> so who lied to the whistleblowers about the jurisdictional about t authority to charge? did weiss and garland telltruth the truth or that weiss told the truth to the irs whistleblowers? because he was telling two different stories. and why did the irs whistle blowers claim both of themie lied? according to what weisd, accors specifically told them? and why did weiss letwe the statute of limitations run
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out? many of the more serious felonsy charges on hunter, why was hunter not interrogated? nterrogawhy was the biden familo tipped off before a search that was scheduled to take place? why did weiss take five years to do practically nothing before getting embarrassed in that delaware courtroom with a slap on the wrist? sweetheart , that would have prevented any and all accountability on all of these issues as it relates to hunter. and that would have flowedo to joe as well. the house oversight committee, they knee,w, was discovering massive amounts of money and shell corporations and the number of members of the biden family being paid tens and tens of millions of dollars funneled into these shell corporation accounts. into thecommerce committee sayse is evidence that nine biden family members, including grandchildren, received these funds. i'd like to know what does the grandchildren do for china
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,russia, ukraine, kazakhstan. romania? what did hunter do for these countries to earn all of that moned after y? and after all of this, why would merrick garland appoint merrpoins as a special prosecut? why? because the fi?why?x was in. this is what we have beeng you fotelling you for a long time. this is what a politicized and and a weaponized department of justice looks like with hunter's plea deal dead in the water. garland and weiss. well now they would now be able to use this new special counsel investigatio n that will buyil them time that will stall any future hunter trial that see will they'll attempt. let's see if it works. they will attempt to block all and any congressional inquiries and let even more statute of limitations run ou rt. but remember, they're not protecting not hunter, who, remember, was an admitted crack addict the time, while all these deals with tens of millions of dollars weres
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happening. this is the joe biden protection programofwere. me be clear on this. merrick garland didn't bringan thatd didn today, but he shouldu this is now not about.o is this is about the president of the united states who is now for reelection and whose doj is going after donald trump with a vengeance. it's not a prosecution a. o it is now crossed the line into never ending persecution. y, wan and by the wayt , i want to croh the finish l line in 2024 and nt have this issue come up untie l then. and i'm sure that merrick garland is pretty confident that mr. weiss confide will be e to accomplish that. and the allegations, thougalh, are a real problem. real allegations about bribery,a real allegations about money launderingbo mon in the form ofe bank accounts or shell corporations. that as documented in that 1023 form, that trust that fbi source we know trusted by the fbi because they paid
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the source over the yearsl, tha hundreds of thousands of dollars. well, that sourc e, joe and hunter, of accepting what $5 million each from burisma,he 5 million they didn't want to pay. the reason they paid was for protection was for. porati filtered through these many shell corporations thaont the on burisma telling the fbi informant it would take over over find out how they actually paid the money and unravel all that. coincidentally enough biden did protect burisma by getting that prosecutor by leveraging $1 billion to get this guy fired in 6 hours, which he accomplished for the company that was begging hunter to please, we need d.c. help. c shortly after burisma, executives demanded thatom. setp that phone call with washington, d.c.. that wasn decemb on december 4tf 2015. that phone call happened. and immediately thereafter, joe biden began the process of demonizing the prosecutozing tht
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culminated in the $1 billionhe being leverage. now, the bidens are not exactly known for being the smartest people. joe, of course, boasted jos quid pro quo afters leaving office. >> take a look for yourself. i had gotten a commitment fromm poroshenko and from yatsenyuk that they would take action against the state, prosecuteence her, and they did. so they said they had it. they were walking out to press we and'r.u th billid, i'm not going to or we're not going to give you $2ye billion. i said, you have no authority. you're not the president the the president said i should call him. >> i said, i'm tellingm te you.n you're not getting $1,000,000,000. i said, you're not getting a billion. i'm going to be leavin b leaving g here. i think it wasi' about 6 hours.u i look, i said, i'm leaving in 6 hours. if theand prosecutor is not firl >> you're not getting the money. oh, son of s a got fired. >> and they put in place guesone who was solid, a son o>f a b, they fired him in 6 hours. and guess what? as a result. welwell, let's see, ukraine got
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2 billion in loan guarantees. and hunter continued to get paid and rich. the biden family and rich, based on joe's enrd actions,or the very thing the 1023 forume e accused jon e biden of.latest add to all of this commerce ban latest memo with bank recordsiln showing a whopping $20 million of money. >> this is his third memo, by the wayfrom, from russia, romania, ukraine, china detai kazakhstan. we went into great detail last night pourin g into the accounts, an of the biden family and find biden members and associates. we now have photographic evidence and testimony from 2014 and 15 revealing thatnt job president joe biden, in fact, bit with severalwith sev of hunr biden's foreign business partners, either ovedebusinessrt in person. beautiful dinners at cafe milano, including a corrupt individual from kazakhstan, includin g the former first lady a of moscow, a russian oligarch
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whose son hunter, a whopping $3.5 million wire for consulting along with an additional later hundred and $20 million plus investmentt in their reamel fund.y and according to testimony from hunter's business, devon archer archer, pictured here with joe and i and hunter on a golf course, also testifiedto his joe participated to his huntledge and at least 20 of these phone calls that he witnessed with hunter's foreign businesss partners. now, of course, as most oflling you know, biden was telling much different story on the campaign trail. he swore oveorr and over and ov, again he never talked to honor y his brother or anybody for thati matter, that he ever discussed the foreign business dealsnet t all. >> never, ever, ever, ever. takek. loo >> mr. vice president, how many times have you ever spokenver sp to your son about his overseas business dealings? >> i've never spokenokmy my son
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overseas. i have never discussed with my b son or my brother or anyonroe else in the having to do with their business, period. and what i will do is then ou same thing we did in our administration will be an absolute wall between personal s and private. >> now, based on everything we knowed o from hard evidence, joe biden lied flat out, lied to the american people during that campaign. and guescampais what? pre those lies continuedsi all throughout his presidency until maybe about three weeks ago. >> take a look. k.there's this testimony now where one of your son's former business associates is claiming that c isou were on speaker phone a lot with them talking business. is tha tt --t what?y never talk business. and i know you got a lousy question. >> well, what do you it's why is that a lousy question? becaus >>e it's not true. >> how involved were you in i your son? weinese shakedown text message for you sitting there. reittingall i told them where yw
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,the only thing i can do m is make up things about my family. >> it's not going to go very far. keepfap in in mind, according t, foreign corrupt practices act, quote, payment quoentss or gifts to third parties such as officials, family members, dw as an indirect way of corruptly influencing a foreign official. that would be illegal. joe biden doesn'e t have to be caught on tape pocketing a big of cash.d of cash.he can still be guilty l corruption if his family cos were taking that money in. apparently nine bidens gotgrandk paid, including grandkids. what did they do for that moneiy ? what did he do for that money?t was hunter even capable of s complicatedg thi time in his life of addiction? >> and let's not overcomplicat e the biden business model at all. not hard to understandel a or as now some are calling it, the biden brand.
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devin told us that joe biden and his powerful role in our federabidel government is thede brand. it was not hunter the brand. th was joe the brand. again, they definitely weren't paying for hunter. >> even hunter himself admittevd all this during an interview with "gma". he had no experience in energy.g and he's doing energy deals in ukraine and china. amazin g amounts of money for somebody with no experience at all. take a look. take a look,hunter in his own wa what were your qualifications to be on the board of burismrdat well, i was vice chairman ofhe the board of amtrak for five years. i was the chairman of the board of the u.n. world food program. i was a lawyer for a boy. sheilahe flexner, one of the mof prestigious law firms in the world. mo you have any extensive>> knowledge about natural gas or ukrain youe itself, though? no, but i think that i had t as much knowledge as anybody not else that was on the board, if not more. >> in the list that you gave mee ,the reasons why you're on that board, you did not list the fact that you were the sonya
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of the board, of course. yeah. no. what role do you think that played? i think that iat t is impossible for me to be on any of the boards that i just e omentioned. >> p but i'm saying that i'm the son of the vice president of the united states, you know. oh, i.r: i was on the board of amtrak and the u.n. food program and i'm d a lawyer and experience in oi, energy, gas or ukraine or china. no, at all. why do you think they paid you? i don't know. maybe becaus no, noe your father,you. the vice president, probably. wow. here i don'tw. with reaction.ident. he blew this open himself pos single handedlsibly. 201 2018 secret empire author. and he's also with the accornment accountable secrepirt the institute, peter schweitzer. is there anything that i have lilaidty instute. here that is n i and i want you to also maybe fill in gaps, because nobody knows this issue better than you, peter schweitzetter thar. no, i think you captured ite very well, sean. i mean, look, really from the beginning, joe biden is the center of all of this. i think one hunter startwhtes business, rosemont, seneca, that does the deals in china, that gets him hooked upn
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in ukraine. he starts it in 2009, just ukhe stamonths after his fathers vice president of the united states. upes that point, sean, he had been a lobbyist for entities in delaware lobbying his own father. so the entir e business was c enterprise was centered arounden his father's elevation to the vice presidency. and then you look at the deals in china, thost the dealscure get secured days after he shows up in china, where on air force two with his father. so you cannot separate the biden businesses from joe biden's political position in power and the notion that j he just shows up and shakes and that just leads these foreign nationals to throw mone theselsy at hunter is laug. these foreign nationalslaug are sendinhag to joe. to hunter biden and the biden family because they know it's going to give them special access and possible favors with the vice president of the united states. okay. ed state>> sean:there have beens released by the house oversighrt
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and accountability committee, and that's that's james commerce committee. one thing we are trying to get w a handle on is exactly how much money they did in business. like, for example, the the russian oligarch former first lady of moscow. allen abou t arena three and a half million but also 120r rel million invested in their real estate ventures. that's a lot ee . you have talked about the $1.5 billion deal with china. th not a part of this accounting yet. nancy mace think.s business is generated north of 50 million others on the committee are suggesting nortng northa hundreh of 100 mi. do we have any idea exactlyabou how much money we are talking witht that the bidens in business with china and russia are numbe, r one. and number two, geopolitical foes, ukraine, cosmipoliticac s, romania, mexico, over a doze n. >> do we have any idea that total number? yet,
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we don't yet, sean, but that se, number keeps, we believe, based on the laptop, they did $31 million in china alone. and you're quite right, that eqg deal, the $1.5 billion private equity fund funded by the chinese government. hunter gets an ownership stakeku valueded at about $20 that's not included in the count. sod in t far.u're r and when iigt comes to russia, you're right. elaina boccherini wires $3.5 million to hunter's business. they put $120 million into insemont realty, where hunter is involved. he's an advisor at that companl . but there's also a document and yet another hunter i,e he a biden business called burnham, where he and devon archer say in the corporatend minutes, whi we have a copy of, that they're handling some $200 million for yelina bots arena. so we really don't know. and i think the house committe s is performing an invaluable service of giving us an accounp.
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for this. i'm not sure we'll ever know the full amount, sean, becauseml i think there are bank accounts overseas. we know that one was set up forr hunter in malta with the help of burisma. those we may never even get access to those financial records, but it's a shockinbut g number. $5l well, well, north of $50 million in total this week, democrats in the media protecting, joe biden, says see, the third memo did notgo provt e joe got paid a penny directly. but yet, you know, you have gone over this. miranda devine, back in julyda f 2021, talked about sherwin eric schwerin, who was a business partner, known kind of as the money guy in this ereration and specificy in emais with hunter and erik talking about exact paymentsic exa and w to pay for joe's home repairs or or.unte hunter bitterly complaining half his income goesg to pops r the money put aside for the big
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guy that would be in hunter'scae care. does this no.t an implication enough for people that in fact joe benefited financially from these businessjoe be deals? , we >> oh, absolutely, sean.en i mean, we know that tens ofrs e thousands of dollars when joe biden was vice president of the united states in bills were paid by hunter biden. by the way, that's illegal. familyal members cannot payicians the bills of politicians. .but there's a larger point here, sean. this notio n that joe biden has i to take the direct payment is simply factually not true. ifu mentioned, of course the foreign corrupt practices act. if there are payments that are given to famil t payments tt y members in exchange or to curry favor g with a governmenovernmt officiae that's deemed as corruption. also, the obama biden administration signed admisnational bribery standard ,which explicitly said that bribery includes to familyis is
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members. and this is the way it's generally done wae in theen third world. >> it's happening in asia, africa and europ ahae. it's only the dumb ones thaty th the dumb politicians that takett direct payments, usually it is funneled through a familyak member or a aide. famis notion thatrdened is going around all these hardened political journalists in washington and politicianstii that said, wait a minute, this is what bribery is. thisthey know better.w and there is disgraceful. the in which they are setting a standard now, sean, where in the future administratedard action. are we going to allow a secretary of defense for nse fo ttheir family to be takif millions of dollars in payments from a chinese companyro? >> that's the new biden standard if this becomes accepted. thank you. we appreciate it. peter schweitzer. when we come back, peteschweitz>> whe he says joe biden absolutely benefited from his son's foreign businessm in spite of him saying the opposite. he'll join us next se opposite d
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to vacuuming, even laundry. join thousands of americans and book your first cleaning today for just $19. >> welcome to fox news live. i'm lauren in new york. the death toll in hawaii continues to rise as rescue crews desperately search for survivors in maui. devastating wildfires there are now blamed for at least 67 deaths. that number is expected to rise . officials say the intense flames destroyed hundreds of buildings, palm trees and boats. new information also suggests outdoor warnings sirens may not have sounded to alert people to the quick moving fires. local officials say widespread network outages may also have limited the reach of phone, tv and radio alerts. >> fdx founder sam bankman-fried is behind bars after his bail is revoked. the judge agreed with prosecutors there was
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enough evidence showing he tampered with witnesses in his federal case. bankman-fried is accused of masterminding one of the biggest financial frauds in u.s. history. he maintains his innocence. >> i'm lauren gray. now back to "hannity". all right, so much news tonight. as we continue questions around joe biden's role in hunter'ss shady business dealings. they are growing as evidence odf his involvement is piling up tonight. in a recent op ed. jonathan turley spelled it out very, very clearly with theabso title, quote, joe biden absolutely benefitedlu fro fromn hunter's shady business dealings. now, meanwhile, speaw,k up. mccarthy tweeted, quote, this action by biden's doj cannots d be used to obstruct congressional investigations or whitewasr whitewh the biden famh corruption. if weiss negotiated the sweethearte deal that b couldn't get approved. how can he be trusted as ae special counsel?
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house republicans will continue to pursue the facts for the american people. here with reaction, fox news contributoactionr analyst jonathan turley is with us. allt peu know, i,he i really of all the people that you're going to pick here, the guy that gave the sweetheart deal, the guy identified by the irsha whistleblowers as somebody that told them one thing but was saying something very differenbt publicly and the guy that coul d say that merrick garland wast te not telling the truth, really, we'rlle going to pick that guy. and we're not we're not going to believe that the department of justice is weaponized in my my understanding of this. >> right. weapjonathan? afr >> no, i'm afraid that's the view of many people and that'saihe without cause. it's like complaining that you think a deck is stackes sta. and a dealer saying, okay, when we double the bets. i mean, that doesn't reallsn't y with the problem. and here you've got a u.s. attorney was accused by whistleblowers of running essentially a fixed esn, an investigation
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where the bidens were tipped off on raids. there wa offs a refusal to let m ask about president biden. there was minimal charges. crimes were allowed to expire. w and garland's solution was, well, let's double down on thaei . well, that's not much. so this is going to caus goingek greater concerns, as you've mentioned, and i think they're warranted. .you know, and it's also going to add pressure on the hill because this mandate does not appear to have been expanded. >> so all garland is doingl is increasing the authorityy wih without without expanding the scope of the investigationne even to include joe biden. you know, when they start out with joen they biden as a candi, i mean, i talk about this revolution a lot because. this is very crucial to me because joe biden lied to the american people that is crystale clear that there's no ambiguity anymore. never talk to my son,ther o my brother or anybody for for that matter,y fo about my forei business dealings as candidate,
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as presidentalings a. n it inv then it evolved. you know, devin archer's testimony, it evolvedevon s. well, joe was never in business with these people. h thestwo very different things. then it evolves into what we have finally concluded this week after the revelation by the oversight committee of this $20 million is the thirdem memo released and a see, itfi proves that joe didn't benefit from this at all. th you look at hunter's hun laptop, hunter implicates his own fatherter . he said he complained he had to give half his income to popms communications with sherwin, the money guy in this whol eouta operation about paying for pops as home repairs that he complaineyi pop'sd about that tony bobulinski, the big guye bu that's hunter implicating his father, receiving the moneye that he took here and did the actions he took in ukraine to fire the prosecutor, did that not continue to enrich hunter, who admitted he had no experience to be on burisma'perg
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long question, but i hope q you'll go into detail whye fa you see that part of the fallacy here is thatll need to have a somehow a photo of the president taking anl of envelope full of cash or a deposit slip to an account dmt by joe and jill biden. it doesn't work that way. slll oy good atsn't w this. they've been in the influence peddling business for decadeork you don't do direct depositspe in the account of the principal whenfor 't you're selling influe and access. but this idea that they didn't s benefit from it is ludicrous at 80 years old. thhey dijoe biden is not going d the over $8 million he already has at his age. people of wealth are primarily focused on leaving a financial legacy fore of children or grandchildren. and yet,a financ even with $20 d being transferred through 20 different shell companies and accounts , the press is still saying, well, we won't accept anything except direct deposithint. otherwise he didn't benefit from it. well, that's ludicrous. and the public understands that'sus
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that. >> yeah. i mean, so what do you thinkea non: yeaw? i mean, what can we expect here? do you believe , as i suspect, that this special counsel who the doj approved to go before congress is now going to say, sorrapproveds noy it's g investigation, i'm not going to be allowed to answer pretty muchoi pr any question you asked me today and that this now stonewall calls bothh the oversight committee investigation, alsoe ju the judiciary committee investigation of jim jordadin, because i believe that's part be. he strategy here >> i think that it will i can' e imagine he's going to go's to congress and give substantive answers. but, you know, this won't work. it won't know, t work with the public and it won't work with the house of representatives. you know, they starting an apparent impeachment inquiry. ntthey have a right to pursueonf questions of corruption. and they're goin cg do it. jonathan turley, thank you. we appreciate it. when we come back, what didid joe biden know?
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when did he know i t about? >> his son's shady foreign business dealings and presidenst biden got very testy with our own peter doocy this week. k.judge jeanine pirro, i know she's got a lot to say. she will weigh in next as we fii continue this special news breaking edition of "hannity" breaking edition of "hannity" straight aheadngent >> she found >> she found the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. or a is first of its kind once daily pill for moderatend to severe plaque psoriasis forhl the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feelineng finding your back is back or finding your back is back or finding psoriasis can't the splendor of these thighs once daily so to is proven get more people clearer skin than the leading pill? don't take if you're allergic to stick to serious reactions can occur so you can lower yourf ability to fight infections including be serious infections, cancerecs includingr lymphoma, muscle problems and changes in certain labs have occurred. have occurred. tell had ao.
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question. >> well, what do you it's why is that a lousy question? becausousy bece it's not true. >> all right. here with reaction, the co-host of the hit shost ow the five, our friend and great legal mind, judge jeaninl e is with u. judge, great to have you. you know, i keep calling thi s t the anatomy or the evolution of a lie. i never spokhie anatom e hunter,r or my brother or anybody about our foreign businessanybod dealings three weeks ago, devon archer testifyingwe in information coming out, as we've been saying from the very beginningsn . the president never wainess in business with his son or his brother or other people. >> yeah. and diople.d he he finally did e contact with all of these people, but they never talkedd h at all. is, the big one is, oh, james comer show any direct payment to joe. so it's all okay. joe's fine it'sy.. flat-o you got to give him a for just flat out lying and creativitivis but not one of those things is the same thing. ar >> they're out there for lies.
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they are different liees.s and e have to give them credit. and i agree with you for, bas carrying on a lie and basically a cover upic for the last two years, two and a half years. joe biden has been in governmenvernmentt almost ha. a century. his wife is a schoolteache r. they have multi-million dollar beach houses. multthey have all kinds ofs of property, all kinds of money. he's worth $8 million. and what we're finding out now is that got a justice department that is in a position to offer a sweetheart ,that th deal to hn biden. and now all of a sudden, because the americand people ae buying it and because the american people know it's note on level, all of appi a sudden, merrick garland garland wants to appointnt a special counsel because he said david weiss now said he needs a special. that is a flat out lie, sean,se and i'll tell you why. anandoesn't need a special counw because david weiss concludedhes his investigation. he offered a pleereda deal toim
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hunter biden. they gave him immunity that is legal protection against anyt prosecution in perpetuitioy. so if you give someone legal immunity for the rest of their livehe rest ofs against ay prosecution, why do now you all of a sudde nn need a speciald to counsel to investigate? and this guy david weiss is thew same guy who offered a plea deal that didn't legal muster ll with a federal judge who believed this thing was a judge she had seen. >> it shouldn't be david weiss.e you're right. he's theldn't one. he went against his own office that recommended felony charges . he gave the sweetheart deal. he's the one guy that was identified by the whistleblowers as sayingan one thing to them and a veryry different thing in publi diffect and by the way, if the whistleblowers who took contemporaneous notes are correc t, that would meane be that not only that he liedco beforengress, i believe, but ala that merrick garland lied
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before congresnds. so garland picks the one guy i hit. the appointment of him is a shamngrecongre to me. what do you take? what do you make of the appointment of him in particulau e r? od >> they should have picked somebody that's independent. >> teshould have picked someon number one outside of the government. number two is already indicated. numberhe's. he's the one who put together a plea deal, sean, that t gave hunter immunity for the rest of his life, but then said the investigatioofn was continuing. why? so the congress, the republican house cannote vacatis investig. so he puts together a pleastigat deal. a federal judge will note. to go and then he comes back and he says after he saigo andd hadt all the power he needed to jim jordan but said in a meeting with the fbi and the irsa in october of 2022, i'm nomeetin one making the decisions. and the u.s. attorney in d.cot i not giving me permission to prosecute in d.c. all youst e need to do is bring in the seven people who were at the meeting that where said hed' didn't have the power and he doesn't have the ability to go forwart r ability d. eporte
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>> and we make david weiss to be a liar. great analysis, judge. good to see. r: greand appreciate you being with us. all right. coming up, big update in joe's with upds, my document case. i don't hear too much about that now h, do you? plus, former president trump's lawyers were in court today. great jared, alan dershowitz,t they are here next as we continue this special news breaking edition, special edition of "hannity" straight ahead with allegra allergies. >> don't hold us back. allegra starts working two times faster than claritin . and unlike sir attack, it won't make us drowsy. allegra gives you the fastest non-drowsy 24 hour allergy relief so you can live greatness. >> what's this? that's for pepper. you keep dog food in your fridge. >> it's not dog food. it's fresh freshpet real meat. >> no veggies. it's dog food. my si fresh pet.ster it's not rick, dog food. >> it's food. food. food. hey, i just got a textsadly, n m my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor?
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>> let's go win. don't give up. don't ever give up. tod >> all right. here with reaction to all ofay today's breaking news.te david weiss appointed special legasel in the hunteiar biden probe. fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett, harvard law professorr . alan dershowitz is with us. good to see you both, greg. let'alhowitz i us let's get you of all of this. and thank you for pointing out to m.e the regulation that exists as it relates somebody
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within the government being an appointed special counsel, although the samo e in t governm about durhame . >> yeah, i mean, i agree with you. i think this is a farcink thise more cover up and corruption by merrick garland, merr is noty generaly allowed to appoint david weiss as special counseldavid we. >> under federal regulations, you can only appoint somebody outsidtions,e the government bec weiss is conflicted. >>auss i he for joe biden, as gd does, and weiss of course, is accused by irs whistleblowers of coursef political interference to protect the bidens, allowing the statute of limitationsf tict to expire, tipping off hunter's lawyers, scuttling plansatexpir search warrants for closing any questions about joe biden' any e involvement and, of course, negotiating the absurd pleina. you know, weiss is the absolutes cost on earth who should be special counsel. >> thiuns is the guy who effectively stopped the case. e seso, sean, you know, the fix
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is in. it's a sham. , it's sweiss himself is getting a sweetheart deal because he can now drag this out, let more statutes run. he could pretend to do an inves investigation, but now he doesn't have to answer any questiondoesn's from congress about his own obstruction and suspectet d lies that he wag dumb enough to put in writing. so, you know, hunter biden tonight must be doing cartwheels. he nottoin only rich, but he go away with it. sean, you know, i agre away we t with you, it's a sham. >> it's a farce. i think it's a conflict of interest. i thinhi it'conflict of ink parr ending biden protection program that the media provided for them during the 2020 202 presidential campaign that let joe hide in the basement the whole time. you know, if you just compare if yr, t, the professo the treatment, the aggressiveness as it relate s to all things donald trump and with the sweetheart deal that weiss gave. now weiss is the one guy that was called outgaw he by the irst
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whistleblowers also in a way, sobackdoor calling out merrick garland, the one guy that can protect both garland guy and the bidens. and david weiss,ns he's the guyn that's the one they pick. >> well, you knoe nt to w, i pru on your show that the sweetheart deal would no t be allowed to go through eventually. and we were vindicated today. that deal is now dead. they do want to conduct an investigation in the middle district of california. there may be new information that's coming out. but even if justice is done. the appearance of justice is not being done. ing donethe idea that wheninve the president's son is being investigated, you don'stut follow rules and appoint somebody from outside from othe government is somethig that's just unexplainable. when you havexplainae high visie cases, you have to follow the rules to a tee. and if you don't, congress then has the right to inquire why. so i don't accept notion that
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because there's an investigation going on, congress hasg, congr to stop. t it's the constitution, not. the statute that gives congress the right to investigate and investigate the executive authority. and they ought to continue their investigation and they ority anshouldought call garlan ought to call and say, why did you violate this regulation, ulo this regulation that has the imprimatur now of congress? why are you doing that?have and why did you make that deal? as i say, i predicted thisedicte all my book get trump the book. you talked about i allt in book i predicted each of these indictments, the new york indictment, a shambout. the the florida indictment strong on the facts, but on the law o and the d.c. indictment, weaksoi both on the law and on tha the facts. so, you know, i think congress has a verys important role to play, and that's especially the case since the sincee regu garland violated the regulations in appointinlag special people. >> all right. i really appreciate both osel.
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f you and thanks. i know you're both on radio and our today. we really appreciate your timeao ,jarrett. >> professor dershowitz, thank you. when we come back, the mainstream mob finally may be forced to start covering these scandals swirling around the entire biden family. john solomon, jason, conti they're next as we continue. what a news night this friday night. thanks for a being with fox. >> back in my day, we didn't have all of these types of fancy chicken for sure. >> you have buffalo wings and fried chicken. well, we didn't have garlic or sweet bourbon barbecue, and he had to walk uphill both ways. >> and it's not every time. >> and it's not every time. yeah, right from here, froerc tm my let innovation refunds help with your i.r.s. tax refund so you can improve your business r you see fit. emil rosa used part of her refundemil to build an outdoor pati to buye dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practicen a facelift. >> emily used part of rds y. i run a wax museum. t refunds help you get
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about impeachment here. i don't see any evidence of any crime. t be a i think even though there maynyi not be any curiosity by bytyere' my friends at cnn, i think there's curiosity by majority of americans. >> wait a minute. you're telling me i'm very curious about it, sir. s a fake, jake, the guy that li about russia collusion foro all these years. you might want to go back andd read hunter's laptop becauser to he complains about all the money he's forking over to pops half his incomalf hie, paying for home repairs and everything else. >> anywag y, tonight we have evidence of all of this. but joining us now th investigatestigativ reporterr in chief, just a, and that'sat john and fox news contributor jason chaffetz. john, i'm going to go to youd and then i want to get comment fromt from jason there that youe been literally the tip of the spear in breaking of these stories, like, for example, that weiss was f recommendedd his own office had recommended felony charges. d felony chargesyou have broken these stories and you're
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telling me privatelys there's a a lot more coming next week. can you give us a bit of prevattrw of coming attraction ? >> yeah, listen, i think the first thing is that weiss is going to bring indictmentsg in california, in washington, d.c. against hunter biden. it's likelnts in califory will l not misdemeanors, because the plea deal was the misdemeanor. >> sea >> is that a shocking thing? welln: , that's where the crimesge actually committed. so remember los angeles and inls d.c. were where huntere bi biden was when he failed to pay his taxes. the big question should americd watch for. does he upgrade these two felonies? get rid of the sweethearf the t deal,f put a lot more weight on the table in terms of prison time and penalty. doese an he add the foreign lobbying charges. i'm hearing he may that could be a big development. hunter biden's legal prowess. is getting worse. the second thing is the nooses around joe biden. the story is tightening. he has five or six allies that we now knos g w are you just di him at the monologue. it's obvious he lied to us. here's the one lie that the one piece of statement that's still out there. di didd biden change u.s. policy
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to benefit hunter biden when? he fired the prosecutor, we were told, during impeachment. no, he was carryin g out u.s. policy. next month. next week, i'm going to put some documents out. next weei'm put we'll how well up. i do not believe that joe biden was carryingho out u.s. policy when he fired shokin and withheld the billion dollars. i'm going to put the documentste there so people can see it. >> let me let me interpret that for the audience. that means you have smoking gun evidence and we're going to look forward to seeing that. >> jason, we watched the entireh russia collusion hoax and the people responsible. hillary gets offe scot free. joe biden on gets off scot free. free, totop secret classifiedo documents. hillary, no problem deleting subpoenaed email s, 33,000 destroying devices with hammersr they can't corroborate even offeringin $1,000,000 to christd able to corroborate the dossier. that doesn't sto, thatp the fbim using it four times to secure a fisae fisa. in >> nobody is held accountable. is this going to be different?
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>> i hope so. but, you know, based on what happened today, i don't think so. i don't have much faith in it. i thini ik it's going to take a new administration to come in here and clean housration te the idea that weiss is is still prvolved essentially gett weiss promotion is just i can't even believe it. buomert the stuff that john soln is talking about. i hope that's true. i'm really offended by jake tapper saying he's looked at this l and no involvement by joe biden, nothing illegal. he changed us policy. look at look at romania in romania, you had a mobster ons. bribery charge and so what did they do? they engaged with louis freeh to lea n on the department of justice, to go in there and lean on the romanians. it has a thankn on you to joe biden, hunter biden and the biden family. they put and the $100,000 intogd the grand kids account, 100 grand. great analysis, jason, and great reportinn ang. john solomon, thank you both. all right. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left this eft this. us,
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programing note next week. join us livelie shows. tickets go fast. they're absolutely free wednesday nighnight,t got and ty night. just go to hannity .com to register. it is free . hope you set your dvr sor mi you never, ever ever miss an episode of hannityssepisod. let not your heart be troubled this friday night. why? th fy gutfeld is standing by and he will put a smile on your face. that's a promise . >> straight ahead. have a great weekend. all right. yeah, yeah, yeah. >> a guy could get used to this . >> it's friday. and you know what that means? it what tht everyl meegeed to th single need. oh, yeah , thos
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