tv Jesse Watters Primetime FOX News August 16, 2023 10:00pm-11:00pm PDT
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splash, then they were in the splash zone. betw, charlie, hit it. so check out this video between father and son. it's reall sy awesome.y aw >> call it cash. i drive cash. >> you're supposed to say topping. me on smart kid. yeah. that good boy, that' ts all forg us tonight. >> have a great night. it's the one year anniversary of the inflation reduction act and gas is still close to $4half a gallon. half the country is living paycheck the cou to paycheck, and everything at everbut prarket is way too expensive. but president biden today stood in front of the countrt biden dy and said, you're welcome. >> biden i'm actually justying another way, i say restoring the american dream. >> do you think it's any easier
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to achieve the american dream toda n dreamy than it was a couple o? years ago? of course not, because the inflation reduction act was never supposed to reduce inflatiot n, but it was a trojan horse for the climate change d. w the only people it helped are biden's donors who work in green energy. you see, it was all t was a lia what do you do when you get caught in a lie? you lin a lie?e more. no one making less than,000 $400,000 year will pay a single penny more in federawill pl taxe it's a commitment i've kept so far, and as long as i'm president, i will keep it wrong. >> working class families had their tax burden jacked up. >> who do you think is paying for all the windmills you and biden proudly says he cut our national debt. >> we actually cut the federal debt deficit by $1.7 trillionll. mean the first two years we cuto
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the debtn. from 1.7. >> he was wrong again . our national debt went up almost 4 trillion since biden took office. at least your energyeast you bii down. >> right? this law is helpins law isg fams save thousands of dollarss on energy bills every year through the tax credit and rebates to buy new and efficient electric appliances weatherizing their home, weinstall heat pumps, rooftop, f solar and other lie. you're paying more to heat your house and power your ac. now, one less. you want to spenou wand 30 grand sticking solar panels on your roof. this solar panels on bill doesnt all. >> but joe biden thinks he's the most successfult joe ny president in american history, namely a single objective we've ever set out to accomplish that we've failedt we on, namely one. >> okay, joe, you've failed on e on reducing inflation, lowering gadus prices, securing the bordr
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and withdrawing from afghanista bn, and to name just a few. joe biden has been lying his entire career. now, the first time biden ran for president back in 1988, he said he graduated at the top of his class of a much higher iq than you do. >> i suspect i went to law school on a full academic scholarship. >> the onlic scholarshipy one it my class to have a full academic scholarshipll acade. 't and the first year in law school, i decided didn't want to be in law school. t e and then decided i wantedhool to stay. i went back to law school and in fact ended up in the top half of my class. >> and back then, though, the medi>> baca actually fact cd democrats. i i'm now concedes he did not graduate in the top half of his law school class, thates he does not have three degrees from college and that he was not name d outstandingen political science student in college. and "newsweek" says biden actually went to schoolne on a half scholarship, ended up near the bottom of his class
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and won only one degree, note three. e.joe biden ranks 76th in thes 8 class of 85 at the university of security, syracus5 e law school. >> so joe eventually had t, not for lying his about his grades, but for plagiarizing someone else. >> why is it>> that my wife is sitting out there in theer fm audience is the first in heril family to ever go to collegecoly what is glennis the first woman in her family in a thousandin 10 generations to be able to ge0 t the university? >> they didn't have a platform upon which to standidn't hd. there was no platform upon p which they could standupon. biden never learned his lesson. he said he used to drive 18 wheelers. he never did. he said he was arrested while marching for civil rightrchings. that never happened. he said he was against the afghanis stand war from the beginning, but he voted for it in 2001. and that's not all.
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if you're vaccinated, you're not going to be arhospitalized. >> you're not going to be in an icu unit and you're not going . know we know that's not true.t is but biden's biggest lie ofis thi all is this it did not know he was on the board of that company. they'vard of thae never discussd my business or their business. wi sons and daughters. i never discussed a single thing with my son about anything having to do ha. ukrainethy son ab i've never spoken my son n about it overseas. i have never discussedever d wiy son or my brother or anyonese else anything having to do with their business, period. >> joe never discuss business with his son. he just talked to his son, hunter's business partners on speakerphon e. he went golfing with them too, and went to birthdayo dinners with burisma executives, russian billionairesse exten and kazakhstan businessmen. here's the truthnessmen.. this guy has been lying since the day he steppedth intoied hi
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washington. he has lied his way all the way to thes way all top.en but now he's been caught red handed and we're not going to let him get away with it anymore. so let's turn it over to south carolina. congresswoman nancy mace.e is a she is a member of the oversight committee. congresswoman, thanks so much for being with us tonight. you know , joe biden even said that he wishes he hadn't called the inflation reduction act and hadn't called it that because he knows it had no impact on inflationows in reduca according to the cbo at the time. why did he do that? >> well, certainly he was>> cer trying to sell the greentaameric new deal to the american people. but judge jeanine, as you said in your monologuebut as, he your opening statement there, inflation is higher than it's ever been. i took my teenag t's eve kids to theis pas grocery store this past weekend. i said, kidsekend., you're not a anything extra? no extra snacks, nothing in boxes, just meat, fruit and vegetables . it cost over $400 in groceriesit
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for the week. and you just it's just untenable. it's unaffordabl is just ue to e average american. it was it was mind blowing. the cost of things that have gone u ofvep so much under his leadership as president. and, you know, they say that ly because of inflation, the average family is spending ian additional $709 a month. for the past two years, whichwhc makes it even more difficulth re for them to be able to balance budget. and people who have four one ks actually invading those foro suv one case to survive. what do you think congressiv is going to be able to do going forward to bring this to somfore kind of head as it relates to joe biden? welles tojo, if we don't cap spg this year, then nothing's going to happen for the american people. and i do blame inflation in part on republicans lation as wh who spend too much and democrats who spend too much. that's been a bipartisan problem foo toor a long time. and i hope that the house will take spending seriouslyg to this year and that we're not going to break those spending caps or do a bunch ofg bill
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supplemental spending bills because we can't afford to do haat right nows.afford. and hard working americans who are paying the salaries of ever they single member ofrve be congress, they deserve better. yeah, but when was the lasttt time that actually happened? you know, with all due respect, you know, everybod due resy lovs hearing you say that. >> but it doesn't happenthat, in washington where, you know,ei where are the people in the big boy and bi g girl pants to makeke that happen? there are very few of us. so that's one of the reasons when we had a talk about budget and spending earlier this year, i was screaming from the mountaintops that we can't do this anymor e. we're trillions of dollars in debt. we're going to have $50 trillion of debt over the next decade if we don't cut spending. and i don't want spen us to look at any anything we might harm with social security, all those al in ten years are going be very unaffordable for the federal government. and we have to get seriousfedert about we have to get serious about electing fiscal conservatives, especiallseriousp republicans, who are not going to spend too much. i'm a true believer, and you'lub l see me act that way this fall when we get to it. well, i'll tell you,nt is animpeachment is another is.
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but i want to i want you to take a look at this fox news itll. it looks like democrats, republicans and independents are increasingly or all increasingly believe that hunter biden did something illegal compared to the numbers from february. so you've got now 19% ofdemo the democrats think that hunter did something illega hunl compa% to 9% in february. republicans 80% compared to 69, and independents. 50% of independents think that hunter biden did somethingdid illegal compared to 30%. so givensog ille that that's the movement of the american people, i mean, is there anything that the republicans are going to do with respect ar d? each schmitt well, we have to continue showing the facts te and mainstream media. and the left wants you to think that this kind of behavior . is normal. there's nothing normal about selling your country out miorma for mind boggling amounts of money. and the more the american peoplndmoree learn, ths
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that they trust. they know that the republicans are telling the truth. sto and i'm not going to stop until 100% of americans know wit the truth and know what happened with the biden family and the amount bidel of corruption. this will be one of the most corrupt presidencies in united states history. when we're done with them, we shouldn't stop until every american knowsrican what happened. all right. so the the oversight committeekt that you're on is the tip ofs th the spear. what's nexe tip oft? >> well, we also have think it's -- it's time this t fall when we get back in session to start subpoenaing people we should knostart suw es single witness. we should know every single bank record and bank accountine the americans, they don't trust congress. but i want them to trust the evidence congress t that comes forward. every bit of evidence that w evo find on every one of these committees ought to be released to the american people. let them t judge for themselves how bad it truly is. you know, initially wet heard that there were about nine or ten banks. when are you getting the next group of banwhen are you gk rec
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i hope we'll get it in the nexte couple of weeke s when we're back in session in september. it can't happen soon enough, bumbert i have to tell you, i m, we're dealing with foreign banks, foreign countriesn. those things take time. they cost money. if i ie thanf i could show the s reports that we've seen, we can't because they're confidentialan't bec ant would be illegal for me to do that. but the amount of money, that.thy laundering we're talking about, it is mind blowing. the amounts of moneyt. t the they say they're changing the sales reports. you're talking about those those reports ths thatby are identified by the suspicious and suspiciouus banks banks, by the department of the treasury. there wereur about 175, as irecl recall, regarding hunter biden. >>thing happened. that's right. all right. congresswoman nancy macet is rid luck to you. americans want to see something happen. take care. e somethingall right. >> and coming up, massachusetts would rather keep a chilsachused in foster care than let them move in with this catholic family when you're the leader.
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- it's possible to begin healing - to get the help you need. - to find peace. - [narrator] and as each warrior's needs evolve, so do we. because these last 20 years are just the beginning. >> so wish yourself dirty. you get 15% off and free shipping at tri worldcom. adopting or fostering a child is an immense responsibility, and a lot goes into deciding woo's eligible. would they be a good parent? do they have a safe homeul? can they provide the childvide with basic needs and fostern vey homes are in very high demand. there's simply more kids in the foster hnd system than eligible families who can take them in. bun taket 2023 if you want to fr a child, you better be on board with child changes or the state will deem you unfit to raise a child.
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that's what michael and kitty burke are alleging happened to them in mastertonare alle. since it's hard to find a moreco ideal couple than themuple, miks an iraq war veteran, and kitty worked with special needwores k. but in a federal lawsuit filed d this weeerk, the burkes claim the state violated their first amendment rights when they denied their application to become fostertheynied the pa according to the suit, the massachusetts department of childrenacco and families deemed this couple unfit parent s because of their catholic sbeliefs. >> the >> they said to us that wey dn't didn't follow the the, quote,qu, lgbtq policies of the state. and if you look into it further, that you can see that t up with ourr that catholic faith. >> the letter that they sent us said that they se they didn't thinke we would be affirming of an . btq+ childwo >> this is part of the alarming trend of attacks on people off the catholic faith. we kno
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w the fbi was trying to infiltrate catholic groups infi man was arrested just for handing out pro-life fliers. nexthanding ou, an abortion clic and now, being catholics meansca you cannot adopt a child in need. whernne does it end? let's bring in the president of the law firm representinsident g the burkes, mark rienzi,of a becket fund for religious libert beckey. , good mark, it's good to see you again. thanks so much for joining us. mark t thanks f, you know what?to see y i am glad to see, judge? not only because of this case, e but this alarming trend wheret s catholics are somehow seen as some kind of terrorist group by the fbi. and christopher wray sitting istopherf the and saying, oh, they're head of the fbi. oh, i don't know anything about that. and yet what we've got is internal documents that the fbi sought to infiltrate catholic church diocesec to combat domestic terrorism. but let me go right to this case. terrlet methere's an actual shof families for foster children,ana
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and they want families to swear that you will engagemiswea in w? top surgery, bottom surgery if your child wants it. surgeryis that where we are? >> yeah, unfortunately, that's exactly where we are. and that's exactlytely, th why the burkes were denied. the the reviewers weresy is said otherwise. this family's perfectly fit. the problem was that per they wouldn't be affirming to lgbt. state q, you know, views that the state held and for that reason and that reason alone, the state said these these good folks can't fostere state and o that at a time when they don't have enough foster parents and who they'redsug stashing in hospitals. according to the boston globe, for 30 or 40 days at a time. they're you know, they're letting their fights about politics and reallyting m those children. >> you know what, marc? this is not only religious discrimination this is and thiss the issue as to whether or not this issuer or n of whether or t you will let a firm, you know, transitioning of a child.
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i mean, why is that even relevant to the to the why is it even a question for adopting or fostering? >> well, i agree. s is it's noting we like massachusetts is saying we just won't put a child w with yu who we think wants a change or who we think identifies as lgbtb or something like that. they won't putr any child with this family they want licensed them to foster ortheyea adopt the tiniest baby who's never heard the wordbys lgbtq.ii so it's really outrageous. it's woke politics poisonings yg everything, and it's religious discrimination and the courts aren't going to stan as on.d it. nd massachusetts is wrong here and they're going to lose. has there been a cas theye likes brought before the courts, not just in massachusetts, but anywhere? >> yeah, there have been cases in other places. and the the fostererin parents o won. there's a case out in washington, washington statn e ,with a judge who was actually appointed by president obamnted ba, who looked at a sir
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situation and said, you can't do this to people. that was a couple of years ago. and we expect the same thing's going to happen in massachusetts. there is n happen io way that state governments can exclude whole groups of religiouvernments peoe having the supposedly wrong religious beliefs about . that'sy wron outrageous. it's harmful for the kids. it's illegal. it's unconstitutional. and it's going to lose. >> well, you know what i mean. there's a reason freedom ofas religionon is in the first amendment. and the idea that we're going to persecute actual parents willing to adopt or foster is is outrageous when we knoweo the damageus that's done to a lt of these children who have don't have ve the othe opportunity or the e to be with a loving family or any kind of unitind of whererotd they feel protected. i mean, it's so sad. what's i mean, going on.thin >> and yet, when do you think you made families in? yeah, we do.>> th need thes we e families in fostering kids. they they are there and they're offering to open their homes and theieye r hearts to love ths children. and it's outrageous that we turn them away. we need themutrageou.
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>> it's very sad and hopeful. what do you think? again, his decision on thi ds, ? don't know. verythjust filed the complaint last week. so we're going to do everything we can to get the court to decide quicklin t y. uple but, you know, it'd probably be a couple of months at least before we see something frome. the court. >> all right. thank you, mark. much luck to you on this and t y o the to the parents there. >> all right. so how did we end up like this? >> we're a loving couple. can't rescue awardere a lo of te because of their religious beliefs. wellbecause of their it's becaun in to the tyranny of to the minorityth. e sa we've sacrificed the rights of the many forcr the advantages o. the few. and this weekend, the vach e ramaswamy called out that very agenda. the republican presidential candidate was in iowa when a pansexual activist confronted him. >> i don't have negative view cl of same sex couples, but i do have a negative viewesbu of it. tyranny of the minority we have now in the name of protectinweg
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insecurity of a majority created a new tyranny of the minority. rethink thatk that that's wrong. i don't think that somebody who's religious should be forced to officiate a wedding that they disagree. for i don't think somebodyi don' who is a woman who has worked really hard for her achievements should be forced to compete against a biologicalevementsbe man in a swimmpetit competition. i don't think that somebody who'ion. s a woman that respectsnd d her bodily autonomy and dignity should be forced to change clotheigni shoul s in a locker room with a man. >> that's our freedom. that's oppression. >> and up next, sanctuary cities are over flowing with illegals, and now they're sending the problem to your neighborhood. >> south dakota is hiring. we're inviting people from across america to get in
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with illegals. the windy city is completelyh overwhelmed and running out of options. so what is overwhelmed its new , brandon johnson, doing shipping the problem somewhere else? >> we've had conversationsations with mayors across not just cook county, but the surrounding counties. we have had tremendous feedback and we see some some some real support on the horizon. >> where have we heard that before? oh, yeah, right here in new york city, city streets. are engulfed with illegals. and eric adams, the mayor, says it will cost the city taxpayer was $12 billion by 2025. and with school right around the corner, 18,000 illegal kids are about to be dropped into the city's public schools for the upcoming year. and the estimated cost of educating a migrant studend tht
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will cost 30 $2,000 per child, adding u p over a half a billion dollars. and who knows if these kids even speak the language, if there are enough teachersp them to help them or if, they're evn immunized. stead so instead of fixing the problem, mayor adams ofis just sending it upstate, shipping over 500 illegals to erie county, home to the city of buffalo.alo. but once the migrants got there, all broke loose.e one illegal alo woman in front of her three year old child while another illegafl sexually assaulted a hotel employee and now the county is refusing any more asylum seekers and is asking for help. >> the governor has agreed to place national guard membersh at each of the hotels to act the as a hot stabilizing presence. >> i guess when you let in 55 million illegals into the country without knowing whergals inte
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e they came from,iminal what their criminal history is, you don't know who they are and you accept them into your community. what do we think communi would ? now? we're sending in the national guar d. so how many more communities will end up like erie? >> let's ask republican candidate for erie k republ kristycasill carcillo. all right, chrissie, i want to youa. be and so i'm veryb familiar with erie county and i understand thasot in additionio to the one illegal who's charged with the of the mother- in front of a three year old child, that the grouolilp thatae mayor adams sent in, i think it's called doc go, is alleged to have interfered with the policeald investigation by the cheektowaga police apparently thinking would makee group look bad at $400 million to a group to send these people all over c? from new york city. correct. on a no bid contract.
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does that stinks to highit heaven, do you? because it does to me as a doe prosecute it. but let me get more more specific here. saidhe the county executive now has said no more that basically our trust and good faith has fah been betrayed. what happens nowee, you say, or your county says we're not going to take them anying to mo. what do you think should happen ? so, judge, first of all, thankta you very much for having mlle o. i am a wife, a mother of three and a small business owner for ten yearand a s and id not step aside any longer watching the radical left career politicians ruin new york state. so i decided to run for office. and months ago, when this first started, i had a press conference where i.hat we i said that we needed to callcal a state of emergency a and that toere needed to be a pause planive us time to be able to plan accordingly to what might happen to erie county.
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my opponent, mark poloncarz, the county executive, called me morally repugnant for wanting to put a pausegnant fo, asking r transparency and asking for a plan. but, you knoan andw what's realy repugnant, judge is a womant of getting in front of her three year old daughter. what's morally repugnant is a hotel worker getting sexually assaulted. what's morally repugnant is the fact thas mot we are now taking 66 in just one of our school systems. we're taking 66 kids and putting them into the system where we don't haveec resources to take care of our own kids, let alone takingee care of the migrant children. all right. th. >> who ply repugnanten. sc so who pays? who pays in these local schoolsr for these immigrant children? becausane we know they're not just from mexico anymore. they're from africa. they're from pakistan,, they're from all over the world. and doesn't a school have an obligation to have a teacher
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who speaks their language, who payseacher w for this? >> who pays for this? this is a question>> who that ir been asking for months, and i can tell you who payi cas for i, the taxpayers of new york state. newwhat people tend to forget is that whether it's federal dollars, state dollarss, erie county dollars, school tax dollars, it's our dollars. we are paying for all of this and we are now paying for the failed leadership of our radical left career politicians. and this is what's happening. and you are correct, not only are we having to pay forntr all of these interpreters, what makes it even worse whatt our schools herenty ar in erie county are starting in about two weeks. we have almost ng i no preparation time to get staffing to accommodate all those different languages. transportation. right now in erie county, weges0 have up to a 90 day wait for early intervention services. we're still tryingr earl to getu our own kids caught up from covid and now we've broughghtux in an influx of migrant children and no plan of how we c cahildred non accommodate them .
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well, it is a disgrace that the county executive has put an end to this. and of course, you agree with that, correct you? i agree with it.t but the horse is out of the barn and it's going to beotr a lot harder cleaning up the crisis that he causedecleand by not having the spine to stand up to new york state and the federao l government and now the the residents of erie county and the suburbs are not going to be able >> now, we're going to have to deal with the mess. i think the real problem here is this. doc,problem go. are the firm hired and paid hundreds of millions of dollars to oversee the relocation of migrants froo m new york city upstate. something smells here. thank you, christine. ls here.all right. thing joe biden will stop at nothing to make you pay for your neighbor'tor yours collegen to his ill fated new plan called the save plan. >> a lot of thought went into that. apparently, biden wants to forgive the debt of 800,000 borrowers totaling nearly $40 billion. now, the supreme court just rec
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told joe andrew and you may recall that he doesn't have but authority to forgiveal student loans, but he won't let a little thing like the constitution or the supreme court stop him. and he's got one major cheerleader in congress rooting him on. alexandria ocasir o cortez. >> congress has given the president that authority in the higheven thr education ie higher education act. the president squarely has as well using his secretary of education the ability to cancelt student loans. >>y to so why is aoc beggingging joe for student loans? stud, maybe it's because she needs a handout herself. new financianeeds l disclosuresu aoc still owesre as much as $50,000 in student loans. so it certainly looks likeing li she's pushing legislation that will benefit her personally and financiaatl elite.u to she wants you to pay forege degr her college degree even though she makes almost $200,000 a year.
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so based off these new findings, she doesn't seem to bem te paying much of her student loans back herself. perhaps she's holding out hope she'll be one of the 800,000 lucky ones. or maybe she's too busy goin.g on taxpayer funded trips to brazil. but we shouldn't be surprised by aoc antics. she loves to make a show of things. tics.e a show this is the same woman who used migrants and facilities as an opportunits as ay to have a phoo shoot and pretended to be arrested in frond t the supremeh court when she just held her hands behind her bacenk. l . but this is the liberal a take a hand out and makemeone someone else pay for it. aoc. aoc everif anyone has told you this before, but whenno you borrow something, eventuallyu you have to give it back. especially if you signed coa contract to do so. coming up, cops are under co assault in america, unexplained
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and even a little unhinged. some of these stories are too controversial to even mention. >> but we're going to anyway. we're diving into the tragic unsolved case of the missing malaysian airlines plane remains one of the greatest aviation disasters. the internet's trendiest movement. the government killed every single bird and replaced them with robots. and the people convinced the king still lives. he's still with us, even though he's 88. he's 88. fox file now on fox nation. from the mountains to the fruited plains, it's the best
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wash yourself, you dirty. >> you get 15% off and free shipping at tri worldcom. the death toll in maui is now 106, as over 1000 remain missing. 6 assearch and rescues are on ar the way as families take dna tests hopinges on the they . anyone who was lost in the fire. william longinus in t is on the ground in maui with more. hey, judge, this is in the distance. you actually see molokai. in the the townyou see of lahaina, where the search for victims and for answere thes continues. even as thousands of survivors realizurrse it really assesssese their life and their future by sheer 50% dna. with my parents, with my brothena with r, i share 25% dnh my aunt or uncle. so by taking a relative sample as a reference or running it
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against the sample from remains, we can look at that level of relatednesskel o and identify the sample in that manner. >> i understand. so recovery and so recovery workers and cadaver dogs are continue to work down thererk looking literally for bones and teeth, any kind of soft tissue that sent that dna so they can make a match and factor something in. pathologists can take a lookmat. at. and as she intimated, many relatives have now submitted she their dna. 48 want to tell you that cell phone video we have to show you downed power lines. >> we're having technicalhaving difficulties. >> thank you, though thnical. what a shame. sad scenario. well, it's another. day in thee lawless states of america. this summer has been with crime and shows no signs of slowing down. signs oin connecticut, this fee
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officer is being hailed as a hero forofficer her handling ts crazed man, chasing her with a hammer. >> can you put that down, please? pleas what? can you put that down, please? call you. come up. sorry. oh, oh, oh, oh. t oh. and here in new york, this woman was wielding a gunhimaeldn middle of a busy intersection in broad daylight. the policetebroad knew they had to apprehend her without putting anyone else in danger. soputting els they decided to gt a little creative. >> she got a gun. >> yo, yo. chills on yo yo. that's crazy.
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>> so they hit her to stop her.t and last but not least, seattle continues to be seattl, seattle >> just the fire started atd at a homeless encampment in seattle and nearly burnedd dn down an apartment building nearby an. had drivers on the busy road had to maneuver around the smoldering sit e, which is totally allowed in seattle. what has allowed this come to?lr let's bring in seattle radio host jason rantzeattle. all right, jason, i mean, you've been following this for a long tim.n follow fore. to the i tell you, i have to give credit to those cops. i think in nassau county who made a decision that they a woman with a gun in the middle of an intersection, plenty of cars and people around her is tc threatening deadly physical force. and the cops, of course, have the right to use deadly physical force in defense of themselves or others.e co but you don't see copsps w with that kind of what i call i it fortitude that much, do you? >> no. l, you don't, in large part
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because a loarget of these offis come from areas that have s general or prosecutors who are looking to prosecutepr for anyy unjustifiable use of force. but to your point, this clearlu. justified. and let's also point out the training of this officer. the way that he struckway the suspectht. he could have very easily killed her. but the way that he went way thatabout doinngg it, it was about mitigating the threat here. and so not only diitigating thee her life, but he obviously saved the lives of other people. this is tremendous police work.e and by the way, this is an, officer right now is in a hospital dealing with trauma as a result. and so just anothe as sultr remr that these are human beings and they're being asked to do a lond they to do a t and they'. without complaint. >> you know, i wasn't aware of that. jason. and, you know, godspeed to him . but i want to talk about the guy with the hammer. the guy with the hamme the hamr had a conviction, conviction convictions going back to 1995 and two previous attacks
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on police officers in 2017 and 2020. s now, this guy was allowed out on bail, as far as i'm concerned, after concern what he to that female police officer. there should be no bail. buret we now have these laws tht the democrats have no, no, this, no that, no discretion. i mean, we're going further and further into chaos and anarchy. >> further 100%.that g ofet and if it's not a law that basically gets rid of cash,havi ngbail, what you end up having are a bunch of activist groups that collect moneya and they indiscriminately will pay for bail for people who are put in jail and actually managed to get even a small amount of bailet attached to them. and so whichever way you look, you have people who continuously fight for the bad guys. we've createe bad a culture of lawlessness in which we have now rewarded the peoplewh who deserve no reward whatsoever. o they deserve punishment. but somehow, in this now new twisted world that the radical left has created,
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we are now pretending that the criminal w preten they're the actual victims of a racist criminal justice system, which very clearlvi crimina y is not the case. and i'm glad we got thatn on body cam footage so people actually understandage s. what's going on and how painful it is for those men and womeul n in law enforcement. anyway, jason, thanks so much fot being with us tonigh and appreciate it. coming up, alec baldwin not out of the woods. >> why he could be facings fo new charges for fatally shooting someone on that movie set. every four years, america takes the first step in a long journey to select not just the president, but the leader of the free world. this is that first step. the first republican primary debate from milwaukee, wisconsin. every first statement, every first question, every first answer, every first reaction. because to be this country's next president, you only get one first impression. the first republican primary debate, martha maccallum
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our world. we will cover it in full. don't miss trace gallagher weeknights at 11 on fox news at night. >> fox news alert. actor alec baldwin could a be lookingctor new charges stemg from the fatal shooting on the set of his movi e rust.. criminal charges were originally dropped against baldwiharges wn in april followg the death of cinematographer alina hutchins l fo. baldwin has repeatedly claimed that he didn't pull the trigge rof the of the gun. >> and i let go of the hammer of the gun and the gun goes. f i let go of the hammer. the gun, the gunha goes on at the moment, the decisive the moment the gun went off. of a moment ago. it wasn't in the script for the trigger to pulled pull the trigger wasn't i didn't pull the trigger. so you neveri did pulled the trigger? no, no, no, no, no. i would never point to anybody to pull the trigger. >> them never know. that was the training that i had. but today, a new forensic>> tod report from gun experts say that the gunayrt didn't malfuncn
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and baldwin must have pulled a the trigger. so it looks like alec baldwin could be on the hook again. joe concha is a fox news contributor and a columnist for the messenger and he joins me now. all right, joe, you know, the truth is that the fbi report said that he had to have pulled the triggerid h . now they get another forensic report. he was previously chargee wad with two counts of involuntary manslaughter. i don't think there's any question will be chargedi ny agn . >> what say you?n. i think guns don't go off on themselves. exp and i'm not the legal expert here, but as a regular person, just hearing about what happenedst ? aldwin it's painfully obvious that alec baldwin pulled the trigger. it was accidentalled the triggen but i think the questions that i have, judge, is why were there lives on that set, given all the advances we havel with movie makinthe adg? ve rou >> do you really need a live round in there or can you fake it? you probably canndr can ke it? fake it.s the budget for this movie is only $8 million. barbie wason 150 million. so this was a movie. was despite having alec baldwin's wo $15n sorts of awards, was doo on the cheap. therefore, were protocols overlooked or they did not hire
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the right people as far as keeping people safe. but here'spe thing, though. helena hutchins, she loses her life. she is a wife. she's a mom of a young kid. and there needs to be accountability here. obviouslneedy, i can't believeal after all this happened, they continue to film agail d te and they were going to put this out despite all the bad karmarm and ala and l the bad pr that wd go along with this particular movie. so a lot of questions >> but alec baldwin could go to prison. well, you know, the point that priso>> the pyou make a very i. one and, you know, wiser life rounds, look, people walked off that set because they said it was not safe. the person responsible for the safety on the set is the performer and about not thatec w not just the armor. i mean, we could go through. but alec baldwin, alec baldwin ,a role not just as a person who allegedly pulled the trigger. >> it was a co-producer. it was a producer. >> this is a storyi am i'm fascinated by retired nfl star michael or who the movie "the blind side" was based on is claiming the tuohy family didn't actually adopimint. th
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instead, he says they tricked him into signing paperwork, making them as conservator intia but today, the two family lawyers is feuding over his account, addine g the family has given over his fair share. so i just wantfair you to know s he is suing. they said and they said inui the movie as well, that they adopted him. >> right. they never adoptedey never. he was just they were his conservators. what can yael oherus about this? so the story from michael oher is that it was a bait and switch that, okay, we're t an adopting you sign these papers. it turns out they're going si instead.thservators a the toys are worth a lot of money, correct? that's whytuohys a he's asking 0 million. so people ask me, michael, or nine seasons, the nfl, he made all these millions. sports illustrated, they recently estimated that 80% of retired nfl players are brokortse after their first three years in the league. incentive heree to shake the two e's down? maybe. but an 18-year-old kid doesn't know what he's signing ybe.year-old ifknow he's told something. >> that's probably the case. so it's asinat he is clear as md right now. >> exactly what happened. okay. and there's clay. he is claiming>> he breach of fiduciary responsibility,
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trickery, forgery, deceit. fiduciarsponsibithe truth is, t a hell of a lot of money on him. and the fact tha t they told him he was adopted when he never was is very painful. >> either way, we'll never watch "the blind side" and sandra bullock and look at it quite the same way. >> again. it's a beautiful movie. and now you look at it lik beaute. >> oh, it's this is all a lie. but even things you want to believe aren't truehat's al.. precisely. so for us tonight, thank ngl for watching this specia with testing waters from judge jeanine pirro. my friend sean hannity is up next. audie >> look atnc this great audienca wow, what a great group of people. great to see you all. how are you?ea t to sthese are all my rowdy fra the only normal people in new york city. n newwelcome to "hannity". welcome to all of you at home. thank you for joining us. >> and tonight, a flagrant double standard in our great countrnight a ey the u.s.a. if e donald trump or if you are a trump supporter, you are notto allowed to ever dare question
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