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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  August 18, 2023 3:00am-4:00am PDT

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korea. they are doing the blocking and tackling prepare their kids for life. we are concentrating on race and diversity and sexual orientation in first grade, carley and todd. >> carley: give todd a shout-out for asking joe concha a question about joe rogan talking about joe biden and did you it seamlessly. >> todd: i'm go going to get a cup of joe. "fox & friends" starts now. >> carley: have a good weekend. ♪ why can't we be friends ♪ why can't we be friends. [cheers] ♪ why can't we be friends ♪ i kind of like to be the president. >> ainsley: well, we can all be friends. you're watching "fox & friends" on this friday. you know what that means. it's the all-american summer concert series. and this song was sung by war and they are going to join us today. >> steve: the day we named this
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program decade and a half ago friends, "fox & friends," this was either the first song we played on the show or it was the second song. but we did it because if your name is "fox & friends" why can't we be friends? griff, why can't we be friends? >> griff: we can be. that's why i came to fill in for kilmeade. the band for the famous low rider. >> ainsley: dazed and confused. matthew mcconaughey, all right all right all right. >> griff: in the 80's i ha convertible mustang and we rode with low rider. >> steve: cisco kid was a friend of mine also a war joke. i worked in a disco in the 1970s in college and i played these songs. >> ainsley: you knew all the songs? >> steve: so busy. a lot of political news but start on the west coast. >> ainsley: we are watching that
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hurricane hillary strengthening now to a cat 4 storm that happened overnight as it's barreling toward california with winds nearing 1400 miles per hour. >> steve: the baha california peninsula bracing for tropical storm conditions and severe flooding that could begin as early as tonight. >> griff: let's check in now with adam klotz with the fox weather forecast. adam, what's it going to do. >> this storm has randily intensified overnight. eye wall off the coast of mexico. the waters are warm and that has allowed this to start to intensify very rapidly. those outer bands of clouds running up to the baha, getting up toward cabo saint lieu as cass. saint lucas not really seeing bad weather yet. it's going to continue to track to the north. as it tracks to the north anyone off the covid-19 coast of southern california knows the water is cold. people go surfing in wet coats because it's so cold.
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it's going to weaken. down to 745 miles per hour sunday evening. by monday morning 60 miles per hour. enough to do damage. it is picking up a whole lot of rain and moisture with it. that is going to be what causes the problems. you see this ultimately running all the way up into the pacific northwest by tuesday morning, winds down to 30 miles per hour but dragging all of that moisture with it. so flooding is going to be the major concern. really wide area here where you are seeing those oranges 3 to 5 inches of rain. we are easily going to see in some spots 8 to 5 inches of rain. so flooding is the biggest concern. i will leave you with these last graphics, guys. that's saturday but by sunday we are looking at extreme flood threat across portions of southern california. this is going to be a story to pay attention. to say even if it doesn't make landfall as a hurricane the moisture is going to come with it. >> steve: adam, during the life times of most of the people living in california right now, they have never seen a tropical storm. i was just reading it's been 84 years. >> since 1900 two tropical storms made landfall. the last one was 1939. this does not ham.
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it doesn't even rain in southern california in august. this is pretty rare. >> ainsley: we were doing a double take when we saw it's heading toward southern california. that's rare. we normally see this type of weather on the east coast in florida. >> griff: watching the waves as well. >> ainsley: i bet you are. a surfer. could you really surf in this dangerous? >> griff: far too dangerous and as adam pointed to, this is really going to have a lot of water which causes mud slides. very dangerous conditions. >> steve: unlike when it's on the east coast, the storms the cyclone nic activity is counterclockwise. had it been clockwise, it would have been gigantic super duper rainmaker because it is coming in over the baha and central california. so it's going to peter out before it gets before it gets to the terrible stage thank goodness. >> ainsley: we will be gearing up for the big debate. the fox debate is next week bret
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and martha. they won't be overseeing it. what is the word i am looking for? >> steve: hostess. >> ainsley: moderators. >> steve: emcees. >> ainsley: millions of people watching. biden campaign and the dnc looking for opportunity. they say this is a leverage the g.o.p. messaging operation. this is what they say. it's an opportunity to drive their message by blitzing the airwaves, running a new aggressive media paid campaign driving action. including organizing and fundraising from the biden-harris supporters. it's an aggressive war room that will hold the republican candidates accountable for their extreme maga views. auto. >> griff: it's worth pointing out they haven't been in charge of the economy for the last two years for which we are seeing in our polling numbers americans aren't too happy about. >> steve: no, they are not. here's the thing. what they're gonna do, the dnc and the campaign next week is what biden has for the most part been doing his entire campaign.
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that is we're just going to sit on the side and watch the republicans and watch the chaos between donald trump and all the republicans as they duke it out. this is nothing new. but, you know, ainsley, as you were detailing what the dnc is planning. they're going to have tens of thousands of people, it sounds like on social media, every time somebody says something that they take exception to, they want to draw the parallels, look. if we go back to the oldies, when a republican was in the white house, we're going to get rid of all of this progress we have made. so it will be interesting to see how effective they are. because i know most people won't be watching it on tv. at the same time, a lot of people watch on tv and they look at the twitter or the x now or the threads or whatever people look at these days. and that's how they get the news. >> ainsley: i feel like in my family at least we always watch the debates together because it's so fun to react off each other. i like to hear what other people in the room are i sag so we can react the next day on this show.
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watch all the poll numbers election night fun to watch as a group. the biden campaign is actually even admitting this to fox digital. they said we know americans are mobilized against the maga agenda. this serves as a perfect opportunity to energize and activate the biden-harris coalition well ahead of the general election. >> griff: we want to get to the polls. you mentioned that people tuning in and watching the debates. they are looking not for the great one liners that are the headlines, but also how is this candidate going to make it easier to go to the gas station, easier to go to the grocery store, easier to pay for your children's education. >> ainsley: help your family. >> griff: we see in fox's latest poll has the biden economy made the economy better or worse? you can see now 25% say better. 52% say worse. 22% no difference. now you look back to 2021 when it was a much different picture, a little more balanced 42% better, 47% worse. things have clearly changed in
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that. >> ainsley: september was two years ago. first year, 2021 first year in office. now we are two years after that. rolling into the two septembers from that 50% say it's worse. >> steve: and you look at the numbers, when you look at -- and we were talking about it yesterday. you look at inflation. a year ago north of 9%, which was crippling the economy. now it is just a little north of 3%. they have got a target of 2%. still,. >> ainsley: why aren't we seeing changes? >> steve: there's a good possibility they have to tighten interest rates again. and this is what is slowing down the money supply. that's why it's so expensive. home mortgages are the highest they have been since close to 2,000, i believe, with things north of 8%. and that's why some of you, when you were asked this question, describe your personal financial situation essentially. a super majority said it's poor or only fair. and that is not good for joe
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biden. >> ainsley: that's really sad, isn't it? think about all these individuals saying that 65% of our country, they are in really fair or poor conditions. >> steve: do you know what it is? the stuff you need. gas for your car and gas for your body, food. you know, we have got another graphic that shows you that since joe biden took office, consumer prices have gone up 50%. 15%. u.s. gas prices up close to 62%. home prices up 11%. and credit card debt is close to 34%. and what's telling about that is because first of all, when you are strapped for cash, you're going to spend, you have to, spend your savings. if you really have to, you are going to be asked to take out part of your 401(k). if you are out of that, then you are going to run up your credit card bill and that's what people are doing. griff griff that's life. that's the reality of main street america's lives, right? but the folks at the white house are putting the messaging out,
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they are spinning, if you will, saying bidenomics is a great thing. it's working fine. listen. >> bidenomics is working. when i took office, the pandemic was raging and our economy was reeling. supply chains are broken. millions of people unemployed. hundreds of thousands of small businesses on the verge of closing after so many had already closed. bidenomics is just another way of saying restoring the american dream. >> bidenomics is working. last month we created 187,000 new jobs. that means today -- yeah, go ahead and clap. [cackle] >> bidenomics is, again, working when we say that you look at the data, right? cost is going down. >> folks, that's bidenomics, it's about growing an economy, by strengthening the middle class. >> and that, my friends, is called bidenomics. >> steve: they ever using it
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like a brand name. bidenomics is working because joe biden's name in it. isn't it great in the answer is if you look at the polls, the answer is no, it is not great. so, next year, next summer, into the fall, whoever the republican nominee is, they are going to be running an ad that says hey, joe biden's economy, bidenomics. are you better off today than you were four years ago. remember, back during the trump years, unemployment, until the pandemic was very low. inflation very low. unemployment was historically low and so if joe biden wants that fight about bidenomics is working, a super majority of you, according to this poll says not working for me. >> griff: it's a tough case to make though to pick up on that. you heard in that montage karine jean-pierre the data is working. here is the data. the cpi said as you pointed out in that graphic prices are up 16%. it costs 16% more to buy stuff since biden took office. but wages are down 3%.
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now, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure that math out that you can't make ends meet when that's the relates. >> ainsley: donald trump said these claims that the biden administration is making disgraceful. he said look at mortgage rates. he said when i was in office, 2.65. now we're almost at 8%. you are right about consumer prices. gas prices. look at that they are up 61.8%. he said what were they when he took office they were like 1.90 or $2 on average when he took office. >> steve: way south of where it is. i will give you the one number that stuart varn varney talk abt all the time the grocery store where the rotisserie chicken used to be 5 bucks. well, it was $16 at the height of bidenomics, now it's down to 12 bucks. just saying. >> ainsley: still a lot higher. more than double. >> steve: it's more than double. we know what you are feeling. anyway, we thought we would show
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you what you are saying. >> ainsley: electric bills through the roof. song is resonating in america. this song received 18 million views. just some guy, a working class guy. blue collar worker his name is oliver anthony he lives in farmville outside of richmond in virginia. is he a factory worker. this song went viral and number one on apple music global chart. up with travis scott and morgan wallen. is he a celebrity now. just an average guy singing about what is bothering americans. it's high prices. people aren't getting enough money. we are taxed through the roof. the richmond north of richmond talking about washington, d.c. they are making all the decisions and they are in roll. here is a snippet of that song if you haven't heard it but i'm sure you have. listen to this. >> the rich man north of richmond lord knows all just want to have total control ♪ know what you want to think ♪ wanna know what you do ♪ they don't think you do
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♪ they know that you do ♪ if your dollar [bleep] and it's taxes because the red spin, the red spin. >> steve: that is the number one song okay on itunes is he actually going to make a little money off of that so simple. he just describes himself very simply essentially what he said was i have been selling -- where was it, he describes himself on facebook as just some idiot and his guitar. he was -- given the fact that this song has struck a chord with so many people because it's about real heart aches and this guy has been through a terrible life owe was offered 8 million bucks apparently by a record company by a contract. he said you know what? in. i'm not going to take it. is he going to perform august 23rd in his hometown of farm veil, virginia. it sold out in just about two
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minutes. a place only holds 300 people. but this, so simple. it's just a good microphone in his backyard. brian. >> griff: such a humble guy. here is what he said on facebook. people in the music industry give me blank stairs when i brush off $8 million offers. i don't want 6 tour buses, 15 tractor trailers and a jet. i don't want to play stadium shows. i don't want to be in the spotlight. i wrote the music i wrote because of i was suffering with mental health and depression. connect with people on a deep level being sung by someone feeling the words in the very moment. they were being sung, no editing, no agent, no b.s., just some idiot and his guitar. the solid music that we should have never gotten away from in the first place. you know, this guy just pours his heart out. anybody that's ever worked seven days a week, 12-hour days to try and make ends meet and then can't and felt the helplessness of you can't provide for your children or your wife and you
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feel that you failed, that's the chord that he struck. i call this song the ballad of bidenomics. because some people in the nation are feeling what he is singing about. >> ainsley: conservatives are calling it the working class anthem. the lyrics are not only powerful but very clever when he talks about the rich men north of richmond. and he talks about i wish politicians looked out for minors. meaning the coal miners and not just minors jeffrey epstein involving minors. i'm a iraq vet marine this one got my eyes a little soggy, too. i'm very proud of this young man for having the cohan nasa to tell it like it is. semper fidelis, oliver. >> this is the first time a non-goes pep song brought tears to my eyes and made me speechless. i'm 75 years old and worked overtime for the b.s. pay my entire life and i approve of this message.
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>> steve: so many of you out there could have written these lyrics and felt the sentiment. i know he has turned down $8 million. but anthony or rather, oliver, if you would like to perform live on "fox & friends." i know there is some language involved. we might have to bleep a little of it. consider this an invitation to be on our show. >> ainsley: we would love to meet you. >> steve: the right to be protected from climate change, that's right. 16 children are suing their state to advance the green agenda. and they have won the first round. our next guest is a constitutional lawyer who says that ruling won't stand. she will explain coming up next. >> ainsley: plus, pork and politics, abby hornacek is live from the iowa state fair getting the pulse of the people there and a lesson on milking the cow. she is next. [moo]
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so clearly you. sotyktu.
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>> steve: all right. it is being called the children's climate crusade. this week a judge in montana sided with 16 young plaintiffs suing the state of montana over
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climate change. the lawyers for the children, who were between the ages of 2 and 18 when the case started, claimed that a montana energy policy violates their right to a healthy and clean environment. and they have won this first round. but our next guest says this ruling probably won't stand. constitutional law attorney and former federal prosecutor katie cher cass ski joins us now live in new york. good morning to you. >> good morning. this is a clever use of the law where essentially this lawsuit says these children are entitled to clean air and clean water and fossil fuel is screwing up their lives. >> well, essentially this case is a good example of when activist litigants find an activist judge. so the judge here used a very broad term in a state constitution that the people of montana are entitled to a clean, healthful environment and essentially said that any sort of approval or projects needed to consider the impact of fossil fuels.
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she really used broad term in the constitution ruling far reaching and something the legislature would should have been responsible for. hereby we are going through the court system and the first round they have won. won in the complaint grace, a young girl, complaint is impacted by the smoky air a young man by the name of georgey, i believe. the impact of fossil fuel has limited his ability to do nordic skiing and things like that these are obviously things that are happening outside but at the same time you would think they would be hard to prove. >> well, i think that is a big concern here. and especially when this case goes up on appeal what the appellate courts is going to look at whether the judge's finding of fact are actually connected to the evidence that was presented. and it looks like here there was contrary evidence to some of the claims of the plaintiffs.
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but, ultimately, the judge did agree with them. so, as of right now, those plaintiffs won the case. and the state legislature is supposed to consider the impact of fossil fuels on all these projects, at least as of right now unless the case gets overturned on appeal. >> steve: let's say this goes all the way up and they win every days right up to the supreme court, what's the impact. >> the impact is really a huge limitation on how projects can be approved nationwide with the use of fossil fuels. when there is any sort of potential climate impact that could kill any of those projects. that's the idea behind this lawsuit and that's what the impact of this judge's ruling is. but i wouldn't anticipate that that would be something that would be implemented but that's the for some of these people for sure. >> steve: you feel, given your background, you feel like the next step, the appeals court, they are going to say nope, sorry. >> i don't think that the state -- or that the plaintiff have a strong case on appeal because i think the judge was
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really an activist judge as i mentioned. meaning she went outside of her lane judicially. this is something that the legislature should consider if they want to make it a requirement that projects consider the impact of fossil fuels. that is something that on the legislative side would be passible. but when a judge interprets the constitution so broadly to allow that, i think that the appellate courts will see that's usurpation of the legislative power. >> steve: see how it goes it. could have a big impact. katie, thank you for joining us live. >> thank you. >> steve: carley joins us. good morning to you. >> carley: good morning, steve. starting with a fox news alert here. one of two suspects wanted in the shooting of a texas deputy during a traffic stop on wednesday is now in custody. green surrendered to police following a five hour standoff at a home in north of houston. the swat team literally dismantled parts of the house to get him out. police say the suspect shot two other members of law enforcement and wounded a fourth while they
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closed in on him. thankfully, they're all in stable condition. maui's emergency leader officially stepping down as many question his response to the historic wildfire that claimed at least 111 lives. the now former chief is facing criticism for not sounding the island's emergency sirens at the start of the deadly fires. but says his resignation is fully do to health issues. the maui mayor says they will announce his replacement soon. and jamie foxx says he is back and better after he was hospitalized from a medical complication in april. fox posted a message on instagram saying you are looking at a man who is thankful. finally starting to feel like myself. it's been an unexpected dark journey but i can see the light. the oscar winner has kept the details of his health scare private but did say he went to hell and back. glad he is feeling better. griff, over to you, my friend. >> griff: thanks, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. now to the hawkeye state where the iowa state fair is wrapping
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up this weekend. but, before all the fun ends, abby hornacek is ready to have a moving experience. she is going to milk some cows. is that right, abby? abby abby that was good, griff, i like that. we are about to milk a cow. i mean, 85 percent of the land in iowa is used for ago i didn't culture and dairy farming has been part of agriculture for thousands of years. what better way to kick it off than to get up close and personal annual gail here great name by the way. >> thank you: put your hand all the way to the top of the teeth and take your thumb to the bottom. abby abby up here and pull down. nothing is coming out you you are all students and this is student-run? >> correct. answer answer how many people do you see come through here what type. >> we see never been on a farm
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and never been around. great opportunity. 400 every single day turns out to like 4,000 feel throughout fair. do you have a fave rit story of anyone that's come through here? >> we have a woman on her 79th birthday and she was so excited to check it off her bucket list. >> abby: i cannot imagine how excited she must have been. last question for you. how long does it take to get from the bucket to the shelves? >> only takes 48 hours. >> abby: if you have a to go cup. maybe i will take some back. do you want me to bring some back to new york? >> griff: absolutely did you an udderly good job milking that cow. i have tried it before. it's not easy. thanks, abby. >> abby: no, it is not. but it's worth it. >> griff: we will check back in with you. meanwhile, coming up, another day, another crime caught on camera in california. a 75-year-old woman dragged by purse snatchers. you see there, unbelievable. and thieves, this one busting into parked cars in san
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francisco. former sheriff alexvel knave have a on the impact of policies coming up. ♪
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at mint mobile, we like to do the opposite of what big wireless does. they charge you a lot. we charge you a little. they put their names on arenas. we put ours on my lower back. so naturally when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices due to not hating you. and if this were one of their ads, they'd end it here with a "happy customer". so we'll end ours with an angry goat. oh h-ho, look at the angry goat.
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>> griff: this is hard to watch. shocking video shows a 75-year-old woman being dragged across a parking lot this week in southern california as a man tries to snatch her purse before bystanders stepped in. that's what you are looking at there. and, north of that, in san francisco, thieves are caught on camera breaking into cars. notice, it's in broad daylight. let's bring in former l.a. county sheriff alex villanueva. sheriff, thank you for joining us. and i want to start with the purse-snatching video of that poor 75-year-old woman. you actually posted that to social media, although you didn't shoot the video, you posted it. why? >> well, i had friends from the
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chinese community in h heights o you have photos of this thing. >> we do. we gave it to the chinese media. for some reason it never left there i am saying this is not right. people need to see this. i put it on x and then it went from there and kind of went viral from that point. but it's just astonishing to see how brazen this robbery is of that poor lady. >> it certainly is brazen and certainly caught our eyes as well. and then, of course, there is the other video we were showing the robberies in broad daylight, north of there. why is it, sheriff, that we can't stop these crimes from occurring in the middle of the day in front of everyone? >> well, you have three bad things happening at the same time. you have proposition 47 in california that reduced the consequences for engaging in this type of crime. you have progressive prosecutors
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like george gascon or chess that before he got recalled that don't prosecute crime. even it authored prop 47. even the lower level of crimes that now everything is he doesn't prosecute those. and then on top of that you have a missing a lot of people. lapd. l.a. county sheriffs between the two of they are missing over 2,000 cops on the streets. so there is a lot less presence of law enforcement on the streets. corroboration know this and are taking advantage of it. >> griff: sheriff, our viewers have been seeing images of l.a.'s district attorney george gascon. and the research why i want to ask you about this next thing, l.a.'s mayor karen bass has announced this retail crime task force yesterday saying these are not victimless crimes. no an leno should feel like it's not safe to go shopping in ang. no entrepreneur should not feel it's safe to open a business in los angeles. she is obviously referring to flash mobs robbing retail
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stores. how is a tank force by the mayor going to get anything done when the d.a., gascon, isn't going to prosecutes anyone? she is part of the political establishment that supports and gets covered to george gascon, supported prop 47. and also was part of the establishment that demonized and defunded law enforcement back in the summer of 2020. the crowd with can imagine come home to rootes. why is the mayor leading this? and where's the sheriff in all of this? is he hiding somewhere under his desk? this should have been a sheriff-led task force. is he nowhere to be found as always. this speaks poorly of the l.a. county right now. >> great point, sheriff, as always, your insight is fantastic. and just the 10 seconds i have got left. how important of an issue do you think this should be in the campaign trail? >> it should be huge for 2024. crime is a major factor now in
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the entire state of california. because it's important, but people are trying to dismantle the criminal justice system while people are being killed, robbed, raped right there in broad daylight. >> griff: and people don't feel safe, even the democrat l.a. mayor admits as much. sheriff alex villanueva thank you for your time. have a great weekend. .>> >> you too, sir. >> griff: all right. coming up. making bud light great again in the bold buy back plan from an auto anheuser busch air hoping to raise a glass redemption. billy busch will join us to explain more. check in with the mclemore boys what have we got congressing? >> very safe here because we barbecue with huge knives. that's right, griff. going to show everybody how to beat the rain this morning. holding off for us. we are doing breakfast quesadillas. john has one on the master built gravity series grill. we will be cutting one of those up and sending it inside.
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first, as a throw back to the low rider. >> this is the mclemore boy's version of the low rider car. >> this is my car at 16. >> super excited this morning with this band. and we're going to show everybody how to do this breakfast quesadilla right here. we are serving everybody up this morning. >> this is how you do it in new york style right there, baby. >> breakfast barbecue, guys. the mclemores have it every friday morning. only show brkd. >> griff: bring that inside and leave the what comety outside. >> back to you, buddy. >> thank you. more "fox & friends" coming up. ♪ i just had to let you know your fine ♪ hands or your body ♪ i don't want to waste your time ♪
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>> ainsley: outrage as a man smashes women's power record in. squat dead lift and bench lift for a total score of 1317 pounds. >> that's lifting 460 pounds more than the second place winner who was born a woman.
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now a female canadian power lifter says letting andreas compete is completely unfair. >> any woman or federation that supports men lifting or competing with women is part of the problem and should be ashamed and they are literally helping erase women's sports. >> april hutchinson joins us now. april, i watched what you posted on instagram. i know you are a power lifter. how do you feel about all of this? >> well, i mean, i think i keep using the word disheartening over and over again. it's outrageous. you know, it's just -- it's a big slap in the face to women that the federation after all of this time and all these letters, even legal letters have not stepped up and protected women in sports. >> ainsley: you know, april, you say in your instagram post bodies play sports not identities. they are erasing women's voices. and we are the majority.
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not the minority. you give an example. you gave one to our producers about your boyfriend. tell us about that. you said your boyfriend can just walk in and say he's a woman and compete. >> yeah. as simple as that. so the canadian power lifting union, it's the only power lifting federation that has a trans inclusion policy. so there is no policy at all to protect women. basically, like i said before, my boyfriend, who is a big 64 firefighter could walk into a competition tomorrow, say he feels like a woman that day, go compete, crush records and then the next day going back to being a man. we saw this happen with abby silverburg he went in and woman and took all the records for bench records in february. it's been done. men are going to keep doing it to make a mockery of the federation. >> ainsley: this is unofficial world record that score 1317 for squats, benches and dead lifts never been done before by a
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biological woman. so, these biological men that are competing in women's sports are crushing women's records. >> yeah. and those records will never ever be broken by a biological female. like that dead lift, for example, the 573 dead lift, that is something that top athletes who have been training for 10 years or more have not yet achieved. they have been busting their butt off trying to get that. and he living roomily just strolled in and did it no problem. >> ainsley: how is anne andres being treated when you are at competitions. what happens? >> well, i mean, i guess where he lifts in manitoba or b.c. area, the western area, there are some supporters. but, at the same time, a lot of people, for example, at the competition on sunday had no idea anne was a man. the one woman on the side of the podium on sunday had no idea that anne was a man. some people just kind of clap
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along, they don't know what is going on. some people don't even know what the word transgender means. unless you say that's why i call him a man. if you start throwing around words. you have to call a spade a spade. >> ainsley: april here in america can you do whatever you want. freedom. you don't have to agree with it. you might not understand it. it's freedom in this country. the problem is when you start to compete and taking away records and scholarships from women, it's the fairness issue there. if you talk to some teachers in schools, little girls can say hey, i'm going to be a turtle today and the teacher just has to go along with it. how far does this go? >> ridiculous. gaines and i were talking about the new pronoun list the other day people are identifying as bugs and all that you can do whatever you want. you can't make people do the same thing. i'm not going to subject my brain cells to that i live in relation. >> i'm not delusional.
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like i said earlier i call a spade a spade. it's too much. >> ainsley: you make a good point. if it effects the lives of other people, then maybe government needs to step. in april, thank you so much for joining us. we wish you all the best with your competitions. that's awesome that you are doing that. it's so cool. i love women body builders. it's just y'all are strong. thank you so much. carley is over there. isn't that the coolest sport for a woman, men and women? >> carley: don't mess with her. >> ainsley: i want her next to me to protect me. >> carley: we should take some lessons. >> ainsley: we should. >> carley: mortgage rates soaring to a 21 year high topping 7% for a 30 year fixed plan. despite a slow down in the real estate. the federal reserve may not be done hiking interest rates. in a new report reveals homelessness has jumped 11% nationwide with a high cost of living and evictions as one of the causes. and mark your calendar, you won't want to miss the fourth annual tim montana and friends
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american thread sporting clay shoot. the two-day event in nashville is now scheduled for october 2nd and 3rd. the event that features music, barbecue and sporting events helps raise money for military nonprofits. two years ago we sent our very own joey jones where he led the pack during the clay shoot. how cool is that? he looks good doing it, too. ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: have you ever done that? >> carley: no. i would love. to say i think that would be so much fun. >> ainsley: add that to the list too. a place somewhere up in connecticut, there is place up there we can go. >> carley: learn how to body build and clay shoot. >> ainsley: yes. >> carley: think of the third one in the break. >> ainsley: thank you. new polls show ramaswamy rising. caught the attention of ron desantis. inside the florida governor's debate strategy we got the memo. first, work smarter not harder this school year. kurt the cyberguy has the top
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>> griff: class is in session and we have got the tech you need for your back-to-school routine. >> steve: here with more buddy kurt the cyberguy here with stuff you may not have seen yet. where do we start? >> kurt: getting ready to get kids smart for the school year this is called the story pod. and it is a really great learning pod. this sing is a screenless speaker that helps kids learn and you can record all kinds of great things on this when it's connected to the internet. you can also on their great stickers, adhesives from story pod, can you record your own voice telling your child a story. >> steve: that's great. >> have grandma or grandpa very
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smart. >> steve: hear mom or dad read the story. >> kurt: reading a book. put the book on top, read along helping them learn how to read. it is brilliant. and they are offering at story they are offering 20% off. you put in code word fox. griff griff says bark it's a phone. it's a phone for my dog, right? >> kurt: 6.3 million kids in the u.s. are already being protected with bark technology. >> this is the bark phone that recently came out. it's a samsung phone. kids love it. because it doesn't look like a bark phone. it looks like a samsung. regular samsung. what it's going to do give parents great comfort knowing the location of your child. identifies cyberbullying. helps keep the kid on track and smart and protected from all the bad things that are out there. and they have plans that start at 49 bucks for that. >> steve: okay. and if you wanted to keep track of your kids, an easier way is with an apple airtag. we have seen these before.
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but you have a new one. >> we all know about the airtag and those are available in one or four packs for not much money and just genius. what i suggest doing and i put a list to these. under 20 bucks, the ways of adhering airtag to inside the backpack. great adhesive inside of it. you won't see it. carry it in your wallet with something like this. pops right inside that can be inside your child's bag. and then this actually bolts to the strap of a backpack so no one can remove it very easily. they would need an allen wrench and a lot of time. >> griff: charging quite the if their phones run out of battery power. >> kurt: they have been in the shark tank. put in the code word fox two for one deal. this is the charge card. you put it in your wallet. and whether you have an android or a iphone it's going to give you a if you new charge on your phone. so you put back to school. you don't have a lot of plug in places if your kid does bring whether in high school or
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college, it keeps them charged and accessible constantly. and then one thing i have got say, lock up your tech, period. and that includes your kids going back to school. make sure they have antivirus protection on all their devices. and at we have a whole slew of them to look through. all the reviews and pick the best one for you. we have them all right there. >> griff: awesome. kurt. time to go back to school. i can't believe summer is over but you got good tech here. >> steve: once again go to see all the stuff we talked about the last two minutes. kurt, thank you very much. it is 7:00 in new york city. hour two of "fox & friends" starts right now. ♪ ♪


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