tv The Faulkner Focus FOX News August 18, 2023 8:00am-9:00am PDT
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of the small mammals in the everglades. big ones like this take down alligators and deer and a big problem for the everglades eco system. good to go down there and take them out. >> bill: a great way to end your summer. >> it sure is. i left home and went off with the bang and now about to start school on monday. >> bill: good luck in school. thanks for sharing your story. the python wrestler in orlando. good to be with you. >> gillian: thanks for having me. >> bill: john roberts working for harris, see you monday. >> john: bill and gillian thank you. nightmares for the next 60 minutes over that snake lawyer. the first tri lateral summit between the united states, japan and south korea. president biden will welcome both of them. nations looking to forge
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stronger ties and present a united front against china, russia and north korea. "the faulkner focus" and i'm john roberts in for harris. the setting for the summit camp david. president's retreat in the woods of maryland. historic grounds have witnessed major strides in american diplomacy. national security council spokesman john kirby with this. >> this is the culmination of months and months and months of work not just by the united states but by south korea and japan to improve their relationships. they are operating more together. they are communicating more together and looking for ways to deepen their own cooperation because they see much of the same things we see in terms of the threats and challenges. so there is a lot of common interests, common shared goals here that we will pursue. >> john: he referred to the decades of disagreement between japan and south korea. one headline says president biden looks to cement a fragile truce. mike pompeo says the true gamble
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is the impact on china. >> if they just talk and nothing comes from this, the chinese will view that as an accelerator of the risk to the united states and west. but if they come out with a set of understandings. things we'll do together to build the economies and push back against the various military threats, naval threats in the region. if they do those things well and build this alliance and partnership out, this will be a very good thing for the american people. >> john: daniel davis is standing by with his thoughts. let's go to peter doocy live on the north lawn of the white house. >> the leaders meeting now all have problems with china. they are trying to figure out how to solve the problems with china but being very careful not to offend china. >> this partnership is not against anyone. it is for something. it is more a vision of the pacific free, open, secure and prosperous. an affirmative agenda.
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>> the u.s. ambassador to japan is talking about the summit more directly. >> this is one thing that china never wanted to see which is america with its allies coming together and so this is the start of something totally new. >> the chinese don't like to hear that. they have heard what senior administration officials told us, the summit will talk about china's aggressive moves in taiwan and ballistic and cyber threats and they're upset in beijing. state run media is blasting this. attempts to coble together exclusionary groupings and bring military blocks into the asia pacific are not going to get support and will only be met with vigilance and opposition from regional countries. but you can tell this is serious business. he loaned the visiting leaders his helicopters. we're told there is substantial down time built into the schedule today. it doesn't mean the visiting leaders and president biden will
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retreat to their quarters at camp david. instead they will all have lunch on the grounds an hour and 15 minutes away from here and then spend a couple hours walking around. john. >> john: nice hike in the woods up there in the mountains and woods of northern maryland. good time for all. i know jacque heinrich will be there. daniel davis, foreign policy and defense expert is with us. this is a big event. it is not often, if ever, you get the leaders of south korea and japan together. given the historic differences. the "washington post" said in an op-ed, this represents another major step toward the establishment of a new tri lateral alliance that could help all three nations cope with the growing threats from north korea and china. in a world destabilized by the russian invasion of ukraine.
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>> it is very important. it has a lot of positive potential. it's a hard time it's the first time they've met together. as long as we've had the allies, many decades. so that by itself shows there is a lot of positive developments. one of the bigger things for the united states, it is our interest to have strong allies both economically and militarily as opposed to in europe there is a lot of dependence on the united states. they don't take their national security seriously. they want us to kind of provide that for them. this one both south korea and japan are stepping up military capacities and in america's interest to have a mutual situation where we both benefit. there comes with a warning. this can't just be a military focused situation. then it will raise the ire of china. we need to include diplomacy. we want to get along, both the united states, japan and south korea have a huge trade with china. we need to foster that while keeping ourselves safe.
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that's the key thing. >> john: what do you make of the chinese response to this. mike pompeo indicated this morning on "america's newsroom" that the chinese have a tendency to elevate whining to an art form. >> yeah, they truly do. nothing else would be expected. certainly not in their interest to have some of their competitors working together. they like to keep everybody separate and on separate tracks so they remain the dominant force in every way. this is something that they don't like because it takes some of the power away from beijing. and of course that can be a good thing if we use it wisely. >> john: will this be enough to contain china's designs on taiwan? the final communique from the summit might not mention china by name. >> no impact. china will make their decisions what they think they can do anals calculated. we have already defense relationships with south korea and japan. that was already on the table. this won't change that too much.
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it could certainly pose -- have at least second thoughts about it. depending on how tight the cooperation is. anything that diminishes war is a good thing. >> john: the united states has been shifting supply chain sourcing away from china to other countries. but the economist take a look at this and say it really isn't working. it is smoke and mirrors. they say joe biden's china strategy is not working. much of the decoupling is phony. worse for mr. biden his approach is deepening the economic links between china and other exporting countries. it pits their interests against america even where governments are wore eft about a growing assertiveness of china their relationships are deepening. he said maybe we aren't getting things from china, from vietnam and other places like that. but still a lot of the raw materials are coming from china. so they are repackaging chinese
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stuff. >> they are. apparently from what's been reported the whole issue of supply chain diversification will be a part of this tri lateral summit. i'm an advocate the united states pursues ways to produce these kinds of things to get them out of the chinese ability to even influence. so anything that moves it away from a dependence on china and i hope that is a real part of this so that they do add other things in there not from chinese moving the shell game around. if it does result it is a good thing. if it's just smoke and mirrors it won't help us. >> john: we aren't sure what the schedule is in camp david. the leaders might talk. if you could hang around we'd appreciate it and come back to you. thank you. fox weather alert now tracking hurricane hillary currently a category 4 storm headed for california. national weather service is warning significant impacts to the southwest this weekend and
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early into next week. fox news meteorologist adam more on what to expect. >> this is very rare. a big storm off the coast of mexico should head into the pacific. not what's going to happen this time. winds up to 145 miles-per-hour moving to the northwest at ten miles-per-hour which ultimately does put it on that path with southern california. the thing is as it runs to the north it will run into much cooler air. look at the wind speeds you are seeing on the screen dropping down to 60 and 70 miles-per-hour. it will weaken heading to the north. won't make landfall in the united states as a category 4 storm. it will bring a bunch of rain and some wind. timing it when it will arrive, not really getting into the states until late sunday into monday. that's when the worst of the weather will arrive there. ultimately running even farther
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up towards the north impacting a whole lot of people. the big story will be the rain. you get into sunday evening and monday everything you look at in the orange, a huge swath of the desert southwest including san diego, los angeles, over towards las vegas, 3 to 5 inches of rain or eight inches. the amount of rain some of these places see in a year coming in a couple of days. it will be a major flooding concern across this part of the country. from now into sunday morning just sunday morning you begin to see a likely flooding risk. if you spread it into monday morning the area gets much larger and you look at an extreme flash flood threat across portions of southern california stretching up into las vegas. a lot of rain is on the way. john you toss it to me talking about how rare the storm systems are. incredibly rare. something we almost never see as you look at the conditions across portions there of mexico but i would like to leave you with just the alerts that we're
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seeing there. the babaja -- >> john: looting to the tune of millions. critics have doubts that anything is going to happen. the president looks like he is putting all of his eggs in the bidenomics basket. the brand-new polling shows americans just aren't buying it. economist steve moore is coming up next.
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bidenomics for his 2024 re-election campaign. new fox news polling with some grim numbers for the president. eight in ten respondents say the economy is in bad shape. 65% describe their personal financial situation negatively. that's up 19 points from two years ago. voters in iowa say for them it's a top issue. >> the economy and prices, oil and gas prices. >> economy is terrible. i'm not sure -- it is not good out here. >> stay out of my pocket and life and protect my borders. >> steve moore is with us in the studio. on the anniversary of the inflation reduction act here is what president biden said about bidenomics. listen here. >> president biden: they call my plan bidenomics. i'm not sure they meant it in a
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total complimentary way at the time but guess what? it's working? >> there are some people who don't think it's working. >> john: new fox news poll has biden economy made your life better or worse? better 25%, worse 52%. no difference, 22%. there is a real disconnect between what the president is saying and what people are feeling. >> i would say, john, when he keeps talking about how well the economy is doing, it almost seems delusional. almost like he doesn't understand the problems of people on main street across the country. washington, d.c. is not the rest of the country. so i think that's problematic for biden. there is good news and bad news on the economy. good news is economy is picking up this summer, no question about it. more economic activity and jobs are out there. the bad news is you listen to some of these people in iowa.
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i hear this all the time. people don't believe this inflation number 3 1/2%. you know why they don't? if you look at the essentials you have to buy every month and a middle class family. you have to buy milk, groceries, ground beef, pay rent, mortgage, pay energy bill and fill up your tank. all of those things are up way more in price than what's officially the cpi. in some cases three times more. this has caused a middle class squeeze and why you get all these americans saying i'm worse under biden, not better. >> john: let's not forget core inflation does not include gasoline or food. >> i never could understand why we use that? >> john: that's what's going up. >> let me give you a concrete example. gas price when trump left office was $2.39 a gallon. i filled up in virginia $4.39 a
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gallon. i paid $1.75 more a gallon. you pay $20 more every time you fill up. >> john: i happen to have a graphic of what you are talking about. let's put up the graphic. today average price of a gallon of gas regular across the country, $3.87 compared to a week ago or a month ago $3.56. $0.30 a gallon in a month and it hits people in the pocket. >> go back to when trump was president when it was $1.50 a gallon less. the gasoline price is so critical to how americans feel about the economy. i go back to the famous presidential election between ronald reagan and jimmy carter. you know why jimmy carter lost? the primary one was inflation. it killed people's budgets and americans felt like we need a new president. this is a big problem for joe biden if he is the democratic nominee. the inflation race -- when the gas price and energy price goes up that means since energy is an
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input in everything we produce, it means that the consumer price index numbers will get worse. >> john: gas prices go up and down and forecast they'll go down by the end of 2024 and into the low 3s. one thing that doesn't come down quickly is mortgages. the fed is indicating it will raise rates even more. another groovy graphic that is troubling. look at this. the current freddie mac mortgage rate 7.09%, 15-year fixed rate is higher. one more interest rate hike could propel it for 8%. what does it mean for people trying to get into a home for the first time and housing market people trying to buy or sell a home and new home construction? >> it's a killer. again, let's go back to what the situation was when trump left office. do you know what the mortgage rate? remember what the rate was when trump left office? 2.8 or 2.9%. now up to 7.1%.
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that's a gigantic increase and you are right to connect the dots. why are mortgage rates going up? the fed has continued to 11 times has raised rates. they raised interest rates because of the biden spending spree. it goes back to this massive out of control debt and spending in washington. if we don't do something about that we'll see mortgage rates continue to rise. a higher mortgage rate, john, is bad if you are selling your home and if you are buying a home. it means everybody has to pay more and so we are starting to see that impact on home sales. john if you fewer buyers when you sell a home. sell a home because you buy another home and you are paying more. a vicious circle. quick. if all of this is swirling why aren't we hearing more from the republican candidates about it? why aren't they taking joe biden on the economy? >> trump sure is. i saw him the other day and he is raring to go compared.
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the question if trump ends up being the nominee and biden, those are two big ifs. the real question in that election will be are you better off than you were four years ago? for the vast majority of americans as your poll shows the answer to that question is no. >> john: you brought up jimmy carter and that phrase sure worked with reagan. >> he used it in the debate. >> john: great to see you. stores in southern have lost more than a million dollars to flash mob-style robberies in recent weeks. last weekend masked robbers made off with more than $3 hundred thousand items from a los angeles in order stromas. l.a.'s democratic mayor is forming a task force to crack down on crime and keep customers safe. critics say progressive bail policies could put the bad guys right back on the streets. jeff paul is live in los angeles. no reaction to crime like forming a task force.
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>> there isn't. the idea to have dedicated units across multiple jurisdictions ready to act, investigate and prosecute the flash mob robbery cases. we learn one of the suspects arrested just yesterday was cited and already released. the video you are watching at nordstrom's in los angeles stole up to $1 hundred thousand in minutes. in glendale, $4 hundred thousand of merchandise was stolen. only one arrest there. the suspect was already cited and just released. mayor bass along with the la county sheriff and lapd says the crimes aren't victimless. they hope to work with the district attorney's office to hold these suspects accountable. >> each act take a little bit a way from our sense of safety in the community and sense of security when we want to go out
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and shop at our retail communities. >> mayor brass bought in leadership and brought them together. george gascon was missing. we spoke with a deputy district attorney who said that might be because of gascon's progressive record. >> the proof is in the pudding in terms of these types of cases, his policy is to release people immediately and not hold them in custody and if they reoffend, there will be no consequence for those people whatsoever. >> john: we have to break away from jeff for a second and live to camp david. there you see a picture that you don't normally see. the president of the united states along with the president of south korea and the prime minister of japan all there at camp david for a summit to talk
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about growing tri lateral cooperation in the western pacific, east part of asia as a bull work against china, russia and north korea. they will talk and walk around camp david. it is extraordinary given the fact that south korea and japan have historically had a lot of tensions and disagreements between them. so to bring these countries together for the first time at a significant location like camp david really is quite an extraordinary accomplishment. as for what comes out of it, though, and will that be extraordinary, we'll have to wait and see. there is talk in the communique that will come out of the summit the name china might not get mentioned. of course, china is a big concern there in the western pacific particularly the south china sea with all the
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aggressive actions that chinese premier xi jinping is taking. we'll watch it and expect a press conference later on this afternoon at which our jacque heinrich will be in attendance. house republicans demanding records from the f.b.i. and justice department over their efforts to suppress speech on social media sites. the first republican primary debate just days away now. so just who will we see on that stage? the power panel here to talk about it coming up next.
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this one will never see the light of day. all right. >> john: after the break to camp david where president biden is speaking. let's listen in. >> president biden: democracy has long been a priority for me dating back to when i was vice president of the united states. that's because our countries are stronger and the world is safer -- let me say that again. our countries are stronger and the world will be safer as we stand together. and i know this is a belief we all three share. and i want to thank you both for your political courage that brought you here and i'm looking forward to us having a great meeting but continuing these meetings. you stepped up to do the hard work. i would argue historic work to forge a foundation from which we can face the future together,
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the three of us together. and i'm deeply grateful for your leadership and i look forward to working with both of you as we begin this new era of cooperation and renew our resolve to serve as a force of good across the indo-pacific and the world as well. president, let me turn this over to you. >> i would like to extend my gratitude to president biden for his warm hospitality. last july, we met for the nato summit and i am pleased to be reunited in about a month. at this symbolic venue of camp david in the history of modern tip loam see our partnership is opening a new chapter that carries great significance in my view. president roosevelt once stated freedom is not a given but something you fight to win.
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to make sure that each of our freedoms is neither threatened or damaged, you are oh three nations much tighten our solidarity. such is also our promise a mandate towards our future generations. a stronger coordination between korea, the u.s. and japan requires more robust institutional foundations, challenges that threaten regional security must be addressed by us building up stronger commitment to working together. today will be remembered as a historic day where we established a firm commitment to the tri lateral partnership. today i hope we will explore together ways to elevate cooperation between korea, the u.s. and japan to a new plain through in-depth discussions.
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>> first of all, i would like to express my sympathy once again for the devastating damages caused by the wildfires in maui, hawaii. in order to provide relief to the affected people japan will offer $2 million of support. i offer my heart felt prayer for the earliest possible recovery of the affected areas. may i also once again convey my heart felt condolences for the passing away of president yun's father. now i would like to thank the president for your kind invitation to the two of us to camp david, a place with history. president yun, i have been meeting you almost on a monthly
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basis since march of this year but the fact that we, the three leaders, have got together in this way i believe means that we are indeed making big new history as of today. the international community is at a turningpoint in history. in order to allow the potential of a tri lateral strategic collaboration to bloom and blossom, i wish to take this moment to raise the security coordination between japan, south korea and the u.s. to new heights while strengthening the coordination between the japan, u.s. and the alliances as we deepen our cooperation and response to north korea. i wish to expand and deepen our collaboration in areas including
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economic security such as critical and emerging technology cooperation and supply chains resilience. today i look forward to engaging in a frank discussions amongst ourselves in order to declare a new era of japan, usa and south korea partnership. i once again express my gratitude for joe's initiative. thank you. >> thank you. >> president biden: i politely ask the press to leave. thank you for coming in. >> john: see if the president answers any questions here. >> thank you so much.
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thank you, everybody. >> thank you so much. >> john: doesn't look like he is in a mood to answer questions, which isn't surprising. there you see it. that's an historic event. the president of the united states together with the prime minister of japan and the president of south korea to talk about regional security in the western pacific and creating a bull work against china, north korea and russia. there will be a press conference this afternoon. meantime, this. >> my message. i'm speaking the truth without apology. >> it is time government starts working for the people and not the other way around. >> when you love people and have a conservative message people understand and appreciate taking a stand for the country that has made this possible. >> i think americans are ready for joe biden to leave the white
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house. >> i have the ability to serve two terms and won't be a lame duck president on day one. >> republican candidates taking their messages straight to iowa voters. the latest fox news poll shows former president trump still the clear frontrunner. governor desantis has lost some ground and vivek ramaswamy nearly doubled his support from june. new op-ed suggesting there may be too many contenders. the only way to give donald trump a real challenge is to consolidate the field early. so far five candidates have met all the criteria to qualify with a couple left just to sign the pledge. karl rove saying this. >> these things have a way of playing out but what it really says is the debates on august 23rd and september 27th are going to be very important to the republican contest because they will be the way that people get to know these candidates particularly if donald trump doesn't participate. it is way for them to get to know the alternatives and make judgments about who they like.
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>> the president of valcor is with us and also a senior advisor to senator joe manchin. matt, let's start with you. the debate next wednesday will be a first chance for these candidates to make a first impression. what they will be looking to do is make the public look at them, at least try to, as a viable alternative to former president trump. who has the best chance in your estimation of doing that? >> i will be in the audience on wednesday and look forward to seeing looks like nine candidates potentially joining. francis suarez says he qualified. the president trump shows up there are match-ups between ron desantis and donald trump and chris christie and donald trump. they know each other very well. then you will be looking to see who else is able to get their message out there. you have some unknown candidates
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really. doug burgum, potentially francis suarez. to talk about who they are and why they are running and their vision. in new hampshire where i'm from we're lucky to get to know the candidates up close and personal one-on-one. this is america's chance to do the same. >> john: it is advantageous to do that in a state like new hampshire or iowa. i want to jump to the poll, jonathan, and ask you about this. president biden running as an incumbent finds himself in potentially some trouble here. take a look at the number of republican candidates who are nipping at his heels. donald trump, of course, is in the lead. desantis is right behind him. vivek ramaswamy is only five points behind him. six points i guess. does that potentially spell trouble for biden next year? >> no, i don't think so. i think we're a divided country. no matter who the democrat or
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republican nominee is you would have about 42% on each said saying they would vote for them no matter what. what will happen you have a contentious primary play out. it will be just like 2016 all over again. donald trump will be the nominee. there will be a bunch of people who stay on until the end. it is hard to tell one candidate you should drop out because this other candidate has a better shot of being the alternative to beating donald trump even though you think you are. and once that ugly primary comes to an end and 4 or 5 trials for donald trump are underway, i think the contrast between joe biden and the republican nominee will be stark and one that democrats are happy to run on. we are celebrating one year of the i.r.a. and we'll have tons of groundbreaking on new projects and new jobs being started because of his legislation. i think this is just early out
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polling that usually is a snapshot of how people feel that day. i wouldn't be worried about this come next november. >> john: depending on where the special counsel investigation goes, president biden may have a few issues of his own to deal with. i want to ask about vivek ramaswamy again, matt. he had a moment at the iowa state fair that went viral when a person who described themselves as pan sexual came up and asked him a question. rather than getting into an argument as we see so many times in the campaign trail the two of them had a reasoned discussion even shook hands at the end and parted ways quite amically. vivek was on our program yesterday. here is what he said. >> i believe we have perhaps our last best opportunity to reunite this nation. that's what i care about above all else. i will do it by reviving those ideals that set our country into motion 250 years ago. diversity is not our strength, our strength, john, is what
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unites us across our diversity. from many, one. that's what i'm running to revive. >> john: some people say he has a chance for a break-out moment next week. >> he is a talented person and a friend. i will tell you, he is working it on the ground as hard if not harder than almost any other candidates. it is those moments and interactions with voters which is why it's way too early to people to talk about winnowing the field. those are the campaign moments that will allow candidates to actually connect with voters one-on-one, get their stories across and you see actually the candidates working the hardest on the ground, whether it's vivek ramaswamy in iowa who is rising right now, chris christie in new hampshire now in second place there. tim scott and nikki haley rising in early states. those are the candidates and places where they are gaining
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traction because of moments like that. by the way, iowa and new hampshire has a history of humbling frontrunners, it happened many times before and may see it again in january. >> john: yesterday we had a leaked debate memo from folks associated with the ron desantis super pack never back down suggesting what desantis has to do in the debate is support trump and take a sledgehammer to vivek ramaswamy. is this just the folks who are associated with that super pac and the organization behind it playing a little cya to say to ron desantis if you fall flat we tell you what to do. >> it turns out people don't like ron desantis and 100 million super pac leaking memos to say hey, don't be yourself and be different and attack a guy you haven't even recognized
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is the real opponent. ron desantis should be more focused on ramaswamy and christie than trump. >> john: we'll see what happens on wednesday. we have to run. thank you so much. gender issues in schools sparking major debate in districts across the country. listen here. >> real lesson here is just how hard the radical left is willing to fight to keep control of our children, including out of the hands of parents. >> john: from gender policy to curriculum parents are fighting for their rights and demanding that schools keep them informed. we'll take that up next.
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>> john: as we head into the new school year parents nationwide are fighting to get a say in what their kids learn in the classroom. latest fox news poll show majority of voters think schools don't spend enough time at reading, math, good citizenship and spend too much money on gender issues. we await a decision in new jersey after the attorney general there sued three school
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districts over a policy requiring parents to be notified if their child wants to change their gender identity at school. in fairfax, virginia, the state's largest school district is defying governor's guidance on bathrooms and pronouns. >> the governor ran on this and got a mandate to put pash parents in charge. fairfax schools is trying to keep parents out. it should demonstrate how committed the radical left is to trying to control the upbringing and brainwashing of all of our children. >> john: ian prior executive director to america first legal is with us in studio. let us put the poll back up on the screen. it is interesting. a broad spectrum of people who responded saying we are spending far too much time in schools on sexual orientation and gender
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and not near enough on the basics. even racism they said we're not spending enough time on. >> i think what you see across the country is the vast majority of parents, wherever they are, democrat, republican. want schools to focus on the basics on reading, writing, science, math, civics. you have a small group of activists backed up by big money special interests influencing the school boards across the country to focus on these issues like transgender ideology or critical race theory. as a result you have parents continuing to push back. >> john: in new jersey we have the case, three school districts who went -- if a child wants to change their gender identity don't tell the parents. the three school districts said that's not right. we will require our schools to inform parents. we spoke to a middletown school
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district school board member. >> the best way to prevent teen suicide is through parental involvement. our question was at what point do we become the guardians over children? these are still parents' responsibility to raise their children. in every other situation in a school district we inform the parents of everything from a child had a stomachache and you have to sign a form for what movie you are watching. >> john: if a child has to take an aspirin the parent gets notified. if they want to change their gender they don't. the state argues it violates the students' civil rights and could put a student in aingeer from an unaccepting pair unlit. >> i completely disagree with that. they are saying that potentially a parent may be harmful to a child by not affirming, right? what they are trying to do is in case this parent or this one parent out of 1,000 parents may abuse their child, which we don't know if that happens,
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we'll make it so the rest of the parents don't get to know. that's not the kind of law that is narrowly taylored for an interest and it's against parents 14th amendment rights. >> john: if a child comes forward to a teacher or principal and says i want to change any gender identity they go through an assessment process to see if notifying the parent might put that child at harm. so we'll find out what the judge says about that. meantime north carolina governor roy cooper vetoed three bills dealing with transgender issues. the legislature in a super majority overrode it. orange county, california that will put in place a similar provision to the three counties in new jersey. there seems to be a backlash across the country to many of these laws going in with people saying look, we're moving forward way too quickly. we don't know what the ultimate
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ramifications of this are. >> it will be litigated in court. what we saw last week in the fourth circuit court of appeals maryland parents were challenging a policy saying you can't tell the pair analities. the court looked at the policy and didn't approve of the policy. they never reached the merits because of standing and said this really should be a political process. that's what you are seeing with the school boards. parents are electing school board members going through the political process and school board members are putting in place policies reflecting the will of the people. >> john: in virginia you have fairfax and arlington public schools saying you have to notify the parent and school boards are saying we won't adhere to the guidance. we don't care what the governor says, we know better. >> these school districts have to adopt the model policies. they said we have to because of the law.
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now when the policies aren't what they like they won't do it. i feel that switch is probably going to find their way into a court battle. >> john: fairfax goes back to school on monday. thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." i'm john roberts and see you back at 1:00 eastern on america reports. "outnumbered" is coming up right after the break. don't go away. or enjoy local craft beers, with breathtaking views at the cambria. (vo) ultimate endless shrimp is here with a limited time flavor drop. new crispy dragon shrimp. one of seven endless choices for just $20. right now, only at red lobster. welcome to fun dining. just between us, you know what's better than mopping? anything! ugh. well, i switched to swiffer wetjet, and it's awesome. it's an all-in-one,
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800-630-8900. that's 800-630-8900. ♪ >> kayleigh: hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany. joining me co-host of the bottom line, dagen mcdowell, host of kennedy saves the world podcast, kennedy, fox news contributor and doctor, dr. janette nesheiwat and former army intelligence captain jeremy hunt. we begin with startling
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