tv Gutfeld FOX News August 19, 2023 12:00am-1:01am PDT
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i want to thank you for sitting here with me and for letting met be here with you tonight. it's a great honor, always as my thankst to, sean and his team, for making it possible. remember, you can check out my columpossiblen at eight mac c and find me on twitter at hey tamm y bruce don't forget to set your dvr and never miss an episode of hannity sean will be back on monday. have a great weekendha. oh, look at you. look at all of you. okay. that. ght, that's enough that's enough. calm down. put your clothes back on bk . it's friday, so you know what that means. let's welcome tonight's guestsue . >> he gets his haircut at
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the lego factory. let the clay travis and buck sexton show buck sexton. reg: h he hails from san francisco, which means he loves the smell of. actor and comedian scott chaparro. she cheered at the end of old n yeller. >> fox news contributorew kat timpf and psychics, a gpsgp to read his palm. my massive psychic in the entosl >> world heavyweight championchm titupis. all right, before we get toe some news stories, let's do st. greg's leftovers. >> mm-hmm. ok yeah. leftovers where i reades w the jokes, the news this week. and as always, it's my first time reading them. so if they , put joe mackieel in a barrel and send him over niagara falls. gara f
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there weal go. macke applauding joe mackie's death. i like this audience. james comer says that joe bidens ,as vice president,po corresponded with hunter biden using pseudonym robert l peters. i guess that's than his current fake name. >> president yeah, i know. >> i know. this week, biden told kids visiting the white house,here quote, i know some really great ice cream places around here and daddy owes you. >> that's not the joke. the it's not that that's real. he added that if they notice any children's hair in the dessert, that's just his favorite topping. yummy. >> to remove carbon from the atmosphere, the biden is funding projects that iden to.ojects tcuums it up. unding they're also funding a project that will use a drug addict
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who snorte prod. addic i love him. ouch. >> tampa bay rays star player. wander franco. that's his name. wander franco, as his heart is g rumostigated amid that, he may be dating a 14 year old girl. >> don't judge him, scout. say they're not surprised because he was very successful . >> the minors. little baseball humor cat.ere'sh there's the minor leagues in the major leaguess and . according to a new study, erectile dysfunction cases in,dn the u.s. have doubled. and experts believe they figured outexperts 've fig. ed writes, according to a letter obama reportedly sent to a former girlfriend for in 1 he imagined making love to men
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daily, prompting michelle obama to reply. i haven't made promptin love to one in decades. >> gratuitous, but obama imagining making to men.that exp >> well, i guess that explains this. . >> oh, like you could do betterte . >> you could. but anyway. republican candidates descended on te faira fair last week the o to mingle with the people and load up on carnivad l food. former new jerse ny c governor chris christie arrived two weeks earl y. it's because he's fat. haknow. >> happy birthday to robert red redford, who turned 87 today. a mato his hairpiece turned 42. >> a male broke women's records in the western canadian
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championship. unt of women are beginning to lose count of how many sports records are brokedsn by men. because it's happening a lot. and they're terrible at countingan what?. >> yes. that's what a sexist would say. you're learning. see, this is all about educatinsee thisl aboug, g people. >> scientists say men are like, i loveto say you first. the research also revealed women are moreo re likely to sa, get away from me, nerd. >> that's. t a stomach churning video went viral showing a bull goring, a spanish matador in his. >> but in the bulls defense, reu the matador did say he was sofes bad. i'm ashamed.orny. during a recent trip in, treasury secretary janet yellen confessed that she ate hallucinogenica mushrooms at a restaurant. and here we thought the only a ane who ate mushrooms was
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her barber. as barbier this week, there was a near collision. >> the boston airport between jets from american and spirit aiion atr, which proves not even the pilots want to fly spirit. >> and finally, in san francisco, driverless cars are reportedly causing traffic to get backed up . >> if only the homeless were that backed up. oh, a . little, little transient. r. all right. to the news. should trans players he switch to checkers? even if they cut offr their packers? l ches probably they need to say that. but the international chess federation, the only ys organization trickier than the star trek federation, says will abolishh. ear the women's titles thatne a female player has earned if she becomeif she bs a he.
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this, of course, is earth shattering news to the one nerd who follows international chess . in addition, trans women are banned from competing in women's event women abannedsi the slight advantage of moving pawns with their giant sligh. .> but don't cry dylan mulvany. >> you'll always have beer pong and a. >> now they're making the change because women'sange titles are considered less valuable than men's. so a so-called womann's. grandmaster wouldn't be transferred to a general grandmaster, even though you'd >>ve a ward money by only paying her $0.70 on the dollar. >> oh, sexist would sa sexy. i >> see? see? now, i admit, i don't knownow mh about the fascinating and time honored game of chess. although you should hear mee yel yell, you sank my battleship. >> but why are men'se me and women's divisions at all? perhaps it's to prevent thos e tournaments from becoming. >> butnts from it's.ical >> but it's not like a physical
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sport where biological males have an innate advantage. i think it's weird that there aren't more wome t thern chess. essful i mean, there are many successful women everywhere, afe including high levels of government. after eing greatr all being gres doesn't call for muscle mass. just look at the men puny runs. instead, it requires logic,t th patience, and abstract thinking. but if they adinki but d parallel parking, you broads are doomed. >> wow wow. right. yet another sexist would say.u o right. i. right. ine buck, how you doing there, champ? i'm good, man. how are you? man, hoe you. >> you know, i'm goingoi on vacation. this is my last thing before i go to scotland forng on , wer >> so i'll be wearing a kilt and getting drunk every day. i wish i'd asked that question . yo, scott. goodg drun back. do how do you feel about chess? diis is kind of an interesting dilemma goi >> they're coming at it fromngy a different angle. is it going to shock you ttooy know, the guy who hawhs boatsh shoes in four different colors
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took chess lessons as a kioes i. >> that's actually true. you know, that's actually real. i took chess lessons true. as aa for a little while. it was it was fun. and then then i hit puberty and then it got, you know, i was interested in other things. >> so i spenn o t less time playing chess. >> that's when you got this station wagon. otherwise know got then. ? otherwise known as a and wagon with paneled sides. panelledi will have you know, tt is now a classic card is actually far more valuable thanclassi people would havepat. anticipated. >> imagine if you had in it. you know , but it's not coming on book. >> t i'm going to punch your motheryr in the m when we leave. >> do you think there's a biological differences in aying ? hess >> well, this is there's no answer that's going to make people happy with this other than you should just open up this to men and womee n playing and see what happens. i mean, the only way you can say there's a biological se happensly way cadvantagane wa larry summers harvard route. you remember that the presidentr of harvard. >> it was like maybeesid we have just theoretically fewer women
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getting fields, medals in mathematics because of some. and that was one of the original cancellation. it wasg god destroy the guy was the treasury secretary. >> he had a great role in the social, he was network, so. >> yeah. yeah. and then he was god because he. so you just can't. bu >> katt. >> but the politics are that what you can. i've said it before and i will dd t again l ofo it again for all f you. i think that men are bette ar than women at chess. but that's because women are more emotionally intelligent than men are. whsocialans that there are far likely to have the kind of social life that would force them to resort to competitive lu chesld ts. f no, because even ifompeti you're playing competitiveti asa woman, you probably have at least some friends, right? yeah. soe using you're using some of your brain to form meaningful emotional connections is great,n but also is probably not an advantage in a robotta brain sport like chess. >> but people only care about women and chess that they're hoboutin ct.hessf they the tv show on netflix. yes, exactly. she was completely delicious ses
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people. they gave a but about most chess. the guys look like so gav they. from in iraq 20 years ago so nobody cares. >> yeah and by the way did you know y kno tha t that netflix show was fiction, right? i thought it was rea>>ght.l wheh i was watching it, that there was this amazing female chess player that, like, could envision these things. then somebody told me was made up and i felt, of course it's made up. so you had to throw the glove away that you worep an. >> you're watching it? ye. watc >> but no, it's not really a sport. people call it a sport, but it's notpeople don't shave youre >> it's not competitive yet. ay did you ever play chess? no . i had a social life as a kid. yeah. i'm not lonely. no, exactly. >> yeah, well, you know, losing the chess playing audience right now, you're nono>> tyrt. a >> they don't. you're not. no, i was with a cancel. shs kashe said emotional intelligence. >> and i was like, what? e kechess, maybe for the chess is something that in football we playeat in fod lot and weightlifting. we used to do this activity at the eno d.
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you were exhausted. you had to play speed chess because that's what makes play che you're most exhausted t makes you think more chess. i play chess with my daughters thini play ce i want them alwaye thinking two moves ahead. and what they did was with this was brillian twoahead.t. with all the sports that are having all the problems with transgender women invadin'g . what they did was with mazing, they didn't say you couldn't play. they juss t said we're going to research it and figure it out. it's going to take us about t two years and then we'll let you know. >> that's chess. that's brilliancus two years th they they leapfrog the whole problem because you can't yell at somebody for researching. ha. and they're like, i'm going to read the instructions. and when we figure it out, we'll get back to yom goin rd tg that's brilliant. so they avoided the probleurit m without actually having to solve the problem. >> and on top of thavoidedhet, you switch, you lose your control. >> it usesu switch you los, rigg what it really comes down to what this whole thing has been is mediocre h b biologicalc who decide to claim their women to be white,laim to attentionl and be successful because they want to beat women in sports, becausethey want womy things worked out physically, men are stronger than women. okay? women tendut to be smarter.ngert
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but that doesn't always translate over to chess because chess is morhae confined. smart it's one move and one momenter under a short amount tha of tim, so they don't know if there's a difference or not. plus, as kata said, most women' are interested in chess easily, so for some reason it was very man's game. so and now women are starting to get involved in it. so nd of behind.hey're but again, it goes back to thebi thing when you take away the opportunitnd.k to they with in their face about it, there's no complaints. there's nohere's no there's not there's going to be i don't think there's a huge amount of trans gendered women chess players marching outside of blocks right now demanding equal play. oh, that wouldhing o be amazing i'd love to watch that. and it's really tough this reall whole thing for gay men like my husband and i, the male female thing. yeah. because, you know, g men my ste but i have the money song. it's hard to and i can't be a woman because i'm a comedianan, so. >> oh, yeah. i don't write the rules thatol weight is the way it is. at 22nd time out, you were cool with the joke.
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>> one joke. and i can't be ai can't because [laudren. i may laugh. >> that's not even the worst jokes. he made. >> all right. we got to move on, get a burst lood of vessel. up next, a closer glimpse at macho men and wimps. >> this is a real wild one. every four years, america takes the first step in a long journey to select not just the president, but the leader of the free world. this is that first step, the first republican primary debate? milwaukee, wisconsin. every first statement, every first question, every first answer, every first reaction, because to be this country's next president, you only get one first impression. the first republic in primary debate. martha maccallum and bret, moderate america is watching.
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>> we are. and we do. we got a fresh round of stories, so sit back and relax . >> we just had lines and. no, we're like, taking the backs of the trees. gallagher with fox news the night we go, over time, he'll be into five. so question is, what can we do? we got three stories on the downfall. >> ♪ two, we got three great stories but only time for two sometimes just themscientist from the university of british columbia. they have them there, studied a bunc, h of dudes. 92 of them are fromthat 14 different countries, to be precise, discovered that guys fit into three distinctt masculinity categories neo traditionalist, egalitarian and progress civ neo
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traditionalist is a man who follows traditional gender rolesressive. where he'se provider and protector, also called the gutfeld anle egalitarian is a man who seeks equal partnership, think, give and take. now, p, thinkand i what you're thing and a progressive is a man who works on building equity in the m partnership through purposeful conversations >> other words, going to have to believe that one. scott you are, as you say, a homosexual. >> and i would never wear thosel shoes you're wearingd because'm i'm a homosexual with self-respect. yeah, yeah. these are salmon. you don't like salmon, butke dra i thought that was your drag name. action. how dare you? you know actually., this is gret you're getting outyrus. yeah. where have. you been? t stud >> they didn't study any dudes, so it's like you. you see its so d fitting into te
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so-called types? >> i mean, i think everything' n now. i mean, there aren't even any bars or bookstoresrs left, cause everybody's kind of comfortable with everything. and i think younger people kind of falortabl l into the moreogrs progressive categories because young guys i meet seemedive to have absolutely no eagerness to be masculine whatsoever. yeah be ma, they have to give in ist the only way for them to get laid is to agree with everything women say to them. so they just play along. i mean i had , i a girlfriend for a while and i realized that, you know, i preferrehat,d time to myself. >> it just seems like womenke kind of take over your time a little bit. they won't leave you alonee bit >> oh, that's true. t yeah. yeah, it's true. that's all. i think that's the only plus to beingha kno is that, you k, it's another guy. >> yeah. so if you want want to to get laid,t rely you go for a walk. >> yeah. yeah. don't rely o on your partner.. that's not their job. they're busy cooking and walking the dog. the >> should they have to do everything for you when central park's right there , justaiting waiting, thriving, throbbing
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for you to come by.take >> i wish you could just takesht iso shot of buck sexton straight right now. when's that plane to scotlandtan garden have second thoughts about the kildare? yeahg oughts a. i love kilts. >> s cotti bet you even if it is cenl . hey, man . the >> cat.fe thi so anyway, i get the feeling that this was artificiallyg created, right? >> because it's like basically saying either you're a meat headera or you're enlightened rather than saying masculinenlir not. i think that we have really started to overuse the worrealld yes, because all this is saying is either you're really one thing or you're really another thing, or you're somewhere in the middleei . that's just like the plot of goldilocks, not science. >> they started what did you did study? o. >> no, no, it's and it's -- it's like canada.mean
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i mean. i mean, what are w ae here? are we that bored that we haveo to do use canada? >> well, you could only do thi s in canada if you did in americat the scientists all got beat up. listen , the first one, i get it because that's what i am. they're what they'reng. trying to do is they're trying to categorize everything. i hate that they do thato thpers with the gay community where they going to put a letter on each person. soonmeey wan now with men, theyt to put it so women know when they see them in the what? oh, there's one of those.s provide a protector once. watch out. i'm looking for more of a progressive, simple lay on his back missionary and we have one so you know so again it'ren goes back to the whole thing where they're trying to categorize men. i thin t tk in certain points of your life, you're a little bit of everything, but littl you hoe one day as a man to end up to be in a position where you are the protector and a providerren sition. that's the point of being a man, at least in our culture. so that other stuff f you course agree when you're broke, you agree when she has the car ,okay, whecan she gets the bigger paycheck, then day
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if you get all your right, you're a completely different animal and you start saying things like no. and if she doesn't listen, i'm going to the park. that's why you look familiar. fi ohar, my god. yeah, well, i have. you. you should be that. you should be the one lucky guy and outnumbered. yeah. >> like, yeah, but i'm okay. buah. you cage what you want. on this one that you. >> what is it that every time s you're on a show you always look and feel likeke you're the most uncomfortable person on earth? oh, good. i'm good. >> you'll be talking about you. all right, i'm going to move on because we e got a second topic. >> unless you want to answer. why do not we cago. gn go? we can go to the next where weo. go. give me first dibs a>> tt the n class b round. >> yeah. next topictopic, b. them
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babies in places you normally never would find them. the wall street journaurnal sayc little brats are now popping up in bars and clubs and even ev. o parlorslu rising childcare costs are making it impossible to hire baby sitters, so it's cheapero hire for parentsm to bring them along. all right. but europe right do not yet. but i have very strong opinionse on this topic, actually. inions oand i get into fights en with my friends who have kids about this one. there are kid friendlyids. venues and there are places where you should not be bringing children who are going to make too much noise. we're going to need an ipad set up. they're playing toe tog the, yot frozen three and making all the noise and doing all the things nor people. and i think that there's the bringing kids along to dot stuff that the parents are normally doing. i grocery store, i get all that. that's fine. bualt you go tha to liket' a nie restaurant on a saturday night or something. people arebut turday s the are tryingi ju to have some quiet time there. yeah. and i just think that eventuallyst teventual people nd to understand that consideration for others is a bulwara bullk of civilization. >> greg so i feel very stronglry about this now.
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you buy.r ki thank you. don't bring your kids, don't cottg your to everything. scott right. well, you know, i don't mind ki. kids mean that's hard part forth me. the pandemic was terrible because they closed the playgroundounds ans and i t, you know, how am i goingt to meet people? he repairs playgrounpeople.d eqt . >> yes. yeah. you know: , i in a bar situation,in i live in no time in london because the british the british read and there, you know, people do bring their kids to pubs from day one. yeah. because their apartments, smeir homeday one becas too smal to entertain. >> so you see little ones running around all the time. >>m kind of usedall too yo it. >> yeah. ge they're like actual pets. yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. pets and they kind of learntt: e social mores that way. they learn to, you know, to hanahd they lg to chop cocai iphone. >> these are all the things that kidal kids learn at an eare age. so i don't really see much of a problem with it. it makes more for kin a family environment release kind of sweet. >> i think that thinker
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it's true. >> you know, titus, when i was growing up in in california, every family had like three or four siblings, but you never saw themr sa. g to >> well, because the kids, they had this parenting tool back then. backd an whipping.buck's yeah. so to buck's point, i don't think buck would be offendeder too much if there was well-behaved, quiet children in the restauranllt. problem is, is you have these bulldozer parents who think their childrenhave the house and and they do things like oh, he's just expressing himself and keeps runnin hg my table. kid now i have six kids and your kid will get tripped and get a chop in the neck becausecausey my kids see that last word. >> were you allowed out as a child? you're a feral beast, weren't they kept in a cage? yo they probably should haveyo know. i think there are some places where it's probably insane to bring a baby, butu in i thinkce it's more insane that i feel like when you become a parent,s you some people will think you're a bad parent if you don't like. doinsa stuff that your kids wano to do and you just cease to be a person. bus t feel like to be a good parent, you have to also be happy, or at least not be miserablearent yo.
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and there's probably only so many afternoons you can spend going to peppa on ice before you at least start to think about killing yourself spend. i was like, i was like seven years old and my dad would drag out to a duck blind. i'm like, freezing. and he's shooting the ducks. they're quacking. and you know, there are places where you can bring your kids. and it's funny that he did. he did. he kind of always accidentallyt losewas you and you'd alwaysnd somehow find him. >> but you have to run and get the duck.u . >> yeah, it's a bit unnerving. n a bar in a pub or a bar when you see a woman breastfeeding and drinking beer at the sameam time. because i just think that kids are going to be a probletime.ham it's going to be a problem. you'll definitely be asleeph. by nine though. >> all right. up nexg: all r t, posted pics rated x. >> now he's forever writing checkshe if you'll be in the nel york area and like tickets to seeik gutfeld go to slash gutfeld and click on the link to join studio audience. >> south dakota is hiring we stayed open for business during
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in five words. >> revenge a costs a billion. all right. catch this amazing story. a jury awardedamazing stor a ten woman mm. $1.2 billion afterr her ex-boyfriend shared intimatefriend s photos of her a and in emails to her family, friends, and coworkersils to fa as someone who's on i can't read this to cat, i shouldf always read these questions first. what do you make of thisthis? this seems a bit extravagant, don't you think? i mean, obviously revenge is baviously d. er the >> i would like to have thatjust paper after the show. i just wan want to add it to my file. ctually you're going to need a bigger envelope. actually, the quick questione tk was directed at buck, but i figured i hadn't gottenso to you first yet, so i changed it without to show the last. to what? this was a buck. the last line is, as someonebu whose nakeck.d body repulses people. >> what are your thoughts? oh wha, that's what i realized. i couldn't say the questionuesto to you because.
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>> because then why wouldu sa you say it to buck? i not write it. he's not coming back from scotland. t you know. oh, i just thought of a jokeka that i'm not going to use. all right, go aheat god. great, no, i think this is great. i mean, they said that this guy doesn't have this kind of money or any money because, you know, shocker. the guy that this is a loser. s is a but it's just, you know, he made her feel like, oh, whenever they google you, they're going to see all this stufe thisf want people to see. but now whenever they google this guy, they're going to see that he's a creethey gp and disgusting person and a bad guy, and that's what he deserves. >> hmm. >> gyou knowperson a what is thy problem. this is myreg: you scott. >> i don't think it's fair to use like a court a court yodgment as a warning to crime because you're punishing that personon. ne >> let's say it's buck for stuff he hasn't done. so you're saying we're we'reve punished. you have to pay 1.2 billion. so these t over here don't do it that you can't. >> that's not justice.
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yeah. and i have to sue myselfbe because i have put so manycauses videos of myself online, naked, and nobody has responded afterse i'm 60 years old, please objectify me and watch me cares and nobody cares. >> s o i'm kind of envious that people care enough. right. lion, shalthough one point to b, she can make a really nice movie and she should have hersel f because she's young and she wants that footage when she's older. you must photograph yourself olr naked all the time because you're hot nowu must f, but in 0 years, right? >> oh, i'm only just. i'm feelins --g. >> i'll get i'll start gettingur the surgeries. yeah. i think when turn 70,f i'm finally going to buy myself gians. ant can >> and you could get surgery too. but because you could have that >> sd, whatever is wrong with you naked, i don't know what is. if he seemed to known ge about, you know, what i've been doing. >> barry's bootcamabp. n flor >> i live in florida. i'm working on. yeah. yeah. i think he wants you to go to that. >>u to. ttm it. hey, that was pretty good.
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that's the joke i thought of earlier. scotland, that's yeah. >> tyrus what was the subject again? subject? >> oh, no. i know. 1.2 billion. i agree with kat. i think you send somebody t something that personal. and for them to do that, i mean, that's jus tha t. that's. that's beyond the pale. like, delete it. move on, man. and he didn't justman. t ju it on the internet. he sent it to her family. yeah. you know, and the stuff that faf heher y her into begged her to do. texture everyday. please send me one. pleasehe me when she finally dos it for him and then they break up. doesn't work out. he sends i ud itt to his family so i think it'll be nice that every timeit tries to go to dor something like apply for g a creditet card or get a bank account or go to a job like old poster, you know, 1.0, you haven't even knocked off 100,000 yet, sir. like it's going to follow him chrirest going of his life becae unfortunately, it's going to follow her. there's no christmaser dinner will never be the same. >> yeah, they've tried to make it a i think it might even s
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be criminal statute in some states. >> i think. 40 eight. no, no, we'll do that. this is this would be this was a civil judgment, right? yeah, yeah, yeah. that's a civil>> scott: this w . i'm saying it's a criminal statute where you can actually get locked up for it. actuked t i e in some places,s because way you stop the point ,the point the oh, i should have gotten the earlier flightg] back at highway. i >> i didn't have a window seat available. so we make a happy face out of it. >> seriously, we can fix that. l >> i don't know what the is talking about.the this is god. wh you really wantbut to know what? >> but i think when the judgment i will say this, when the judgment is thahe judgn think it actually sends, it's meant to send a message to you. bue but he's not actually going to say any of that. >> he just going to declare bankruptcy. so i think you have to find other to punish scumbags for t this. >> that's what i'm saying. all right. wehinkr t move on now.his. coming up, life lessons from the heart make us seem f
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call coventry direct today at 878 6200 or visit coventry direct bcom. >> yep you're watching mailing it in. i welcome to mailing it in.e you know, the the thing wheret i read emails because we just want to get out of here. all righ here.all rit. i'm joking.. i love doing friday shows. they're the best. the audience are awesome. >> yeah. thanks for get round. figure it out. fashion asks what was waw anur favorite class in high school and why? i guesd s go to scott. i like baseball because i enjoyed the costume. yeahcost . rui that's not a class, right? but the dust ruinened my hair. s so i joined. i joined drama because i wass a little bit less of freakplays in drama than anywhere else. yeah. and i did plays, and i was taldl
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,so i had a girlfriend. mm-hmm. because drama girls will sleepem . >> anybody? and let me guess, pippinreg: led you do pippin? >> fiddler on the join ft us. i'm a. don't bring up musical because. and the whole show will becomeyo about that now. "bye bye birdie". all that stuff where they needed a tall guy. the things you couldn'jokes becn it's right. he's right. he's right. 't>> grethey me out a lot of res games. kat, what was your favorit, eens class? >> english. because i was good at it. yeahh usod a. i like yeah, i. i like to read and write and be good at it. mm-hmmwrite an. that >> that's. that's's a well, you proved tha. just now. that was a complete sentence. >> it's paid off. tyrus school of hard >> yeah, no, that was. >> i'm still going through that. ain't graduated yet graduatet. k >> you know what?i probably when i got into science, i think when i like when i really got into biologys and zoology and stuff, i was hooked, you know?
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yeah. okedonly thiand the only thing s i couldn't. the dissections were a little rough. like that wadissections s, a li but then eventually you just pictured it as like your stepdadeved i and it was ey to kind of open the front. >> but yeah, but yeah, i really like biology and stuff. that's when i kind of like, >> g really got into that kind of thing. >> mm yeah. what about you boorek? there was i follow in the english side of things, but one bit of good advice and then one quick funny note about it, or at least i thought i was funny. now i've probably ruined it. writing every day was somethintg we had to do for a class. you had to write, i think it was like. and this was when we used whento write in a pre-computer. so i'm a little older, so we was had to write every day and i thought that was older excellent lesson. >> like, you just had to do it every day for the class, every five days. e everh i tha you had to write g and it had to basically be, , 300 or 400 words. w it wasn't really a lot. and i remember the teacher was like, look, i'm i'm justorthwa to check that you've done it every day. i'm going to check that you've written this first semester. and then one day i wrote everyay about who i thought was like the, you know, goings firswrotte the hottest celebrity going forward or something. and he actually wrote in the somewrote , i agree, you're a
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visionary. you'ret. g lly get i >> and that was the only thing he ever responded to. so i was i mean, that's a very strange, strange story. >> i like the religion class because i was at a catholic school and that meant that there was never any homework or anything. tit's like it was just this i was in a religion class where they read lord of the rings to us for a while. >> yeae. h, you got these new you got these new age progressive priests and suddenly religioogry meant anything that is lyingin t on the ground and doing like those meditationhed s is like you can feel the tension leaving your toes and you're likeis, really? >> is this is like, you know,ca people object to yoga because they say that yogause th say acs a spiritual component that is contrary to christianonen. s. >> well, yes, talk to any satanist. they'll tell you that. ks wha >> ted asked, what wast the first thing that shocked you as an adult? wow i'm going to go first. i've got to say taxes, taxes, like i did not understand taxes until i got a paycheck. >> oh, about shock. whati gotand tax you off?talk o
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yeah, a lot of questions. be like i thought that when you made. i rememberu reg: i when i made e a year thinking i made $25,000 a year, and then you found out you weren't making that at all.h everything was everything. you thought like you could ldred go and you could buy something and that thing would cost $100 ,sn't but $100 you had, was it real? it's out of debt, just like that was buy my my depressing thought for. anybody want to join me on what was okay ted?asks >> i mean i'm like he did ask scott whatever your name is, what was the first thing that shocked you as an adult? adult i think it was that i had to make my own dinner. hmm. i forgot washat until i got myw apartment. i mean, who's cooking? and then it was me. yeah, my mom was was a terribleh, cook, so i should have learned earlier. but instead, i was just anorexicwas memy mom w. >> and so eating s was a strugge l. wel but it all kind of fell together. shoc >> i had a bit of a shock in new york because i thought that landlordsew yorough be lik you seem like a good guy. like you got to take good care of the place, likef th we're goa
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to give you a special price. >> no special price. that wasl little disappointing. ad an adult, i know what you are. you know, the point is that you didn't have whitult.e. okay. prs white cat?: >> i saw this before, but but i think you truly an adult the first time you cry and nobody around you gives itou . nobody. [b, true. like if you're on the subway, you and your own food. so then you got to get a cat. yeah t. or maybe the first time also is when someone else cries. and you don't care either. dont but move on. my seat. get out of my tires. >> yeah, i'm being. i keep trying to think, but i was so happy to be away fromo, everybody. i was thrilled. that's i was was like, i don'te a bed. oh, waits , there's one bym a trash can. i get in my house, you know, like, oh, i'm hungry. that dude has a wallet. i get foodhu being a dollar
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is great. all this freedom. so. i really i couldn't waitet to get away from it all. a you know. >> and so once i was, i wasting like, that's such an interesting point. i think that's like, that's wher point.'s wheree, you know, we sd people into groups. >> there's that group of people who can't wait, and there' thepeoplee s the othe people that are terrified. >> yeah. like i was always as a child, kept away from doors>> tyrys cht because my mom thought i'd wander. i was like, no, i'm trying to escap woule from the out. i'll figure it out from here. lt sea turtle. i got ite ou. cott: th the auto insurance thing is a problem too, because i was under my dad's until as an adult. and then, of course, i crashed my car right away becaus adulte you know streisand was b on the radio and instructions on the radio was. the the arms are in the air. so g i couldn'ay'st it and then. all right up next, the senate a runs at stake for a woman whose oven bakes. hey, i just got a text from my sister. >> you remember rick, so s >> sure. he's the 76-year-old guy who still runs marathons,
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you see is the shirt. well, for the ten years afterr she went viral for taking her five year old daughter to a tanning salon, she's now running for u.s. senate in florida as a republican.a no all right, kat, as a notedl political pundit, what do you think her chances of getting through the primary and into the general election? depei think it entirely depends whether on the ballot. it has to be her name or shewhee can put tan mom. yeah, tan mom. she wins because she should wino the nostalgia vote, people. if anybody would have feltre their life was better in 2012 where like, you know, like, oh, 2012, like instagram was just like pictures of people's dinner that were blurry, you know, they'll vote fores th her just based on that. >> yeah, no, it's true. and also, you know, tyra's think her dedication to tanning kind of you could suggest that that dedication could be, you knowfo, great for a civil servant if she just applied it, if she playsyrus: if her cards e like, listen, i couldn't stand white privilege, so i darkened up . ed
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we'vu know what? we've we've become stupid s voters in thistupi country, as obviously we know what i'm talking about at some at some point stop voting for somebody. you will click on the train on their instagram stories ofste whatever is t is doing this weet and start voting with something that makes sense, although i'm suree. whoever votes for g her will get a 10% discount at a tanning salon. on get the cool part is you will not get a discount for the skin cancer. in >> you got to make a choice. an orange presidentnge and is it florida? >> the orange state? >> yeah. i mean, it's where the oranges that you drink comes from. i'm a floridia n so i can speak with some a new floridian like a lot of other people. so i justh -- t wanted to annout that for no apparent reason. but i feel like it gives me ity. d hae of the stor did have recently i was told when i was trying to to walks across a property. i was told to watch out for the alligators like someone i ws that out to me and i was like,. haha. they're like, no, seriously, like you actually havee
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alligator problems here. >> you have to watch out. so it's a very florida thingactr >> and if she were to wine the u.s. senate, it would be a very florida thing. in some ways.s. . yeah, you know. do you think, scott, that weg: d were lied to growingo that tanning was harmful? >> remember how we were told that it was really bad? he looks great. i guess people he doesad? and i want to see all of it. >> i want to see all i want to see the headlines in all of it. i want to see what the bikinili line looks like atne that age. >> i suddenly look forward. yes, she looks lik tyre a microo potato too long, talking about i wonder what's it you know, it's funny king they haven't shown any new pictures ever. so, i mean, what's the this was the best they had, gogo. >> i bet she's nice to sleep next to on a cold night because she just exudes warmthsh. >> gr: she's like a human hot water bottle. yeah. she'sall right. hotdog like you could microwave your hot dog right nex rt to the thrower. oh, just some kraft cheese. and right her.
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