tv Hannity FOX News August 21, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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biden can run his campaign from the tunnels. >> this time the tunnelnt strategy. >> hey, listen, basement worked last time. let's try tunneld trs. >> bala from chicago, who are you like, better shirtless vivek ramaswamy or swa rfk jr.ny neither. i just want to see johnny milking more cows. dvr the show and always remember i'm waters. this is my world. >> welcome to "hannity". and tonighhumanityt after two ly vacations, your president joe biden. >> welt bidel he finally found t to stop by maui for a very quick trip. but knowing the devastation is unreal. de, joe isfor a co only staying for a couple of hours before then heading back to lake to continue his latest luxurious getaway. joe is reportedly now taking more time off than any othere te in the history of the country. t 8000, by the way,
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people are still missing in maui. maui.what took him so long.was if this was donald trump, iftr s this was george w bush, you can bet the media mob would be comparing this, rightly so, to katrina to an, etc..dozens now, by the way, dozens, maybegh hundreds of children, also part of that group of missing people. biden's vacation, that's the top priority for them tonight. and, of coursecourse, the presi, the first lady. they're not vacationing, nog alone, per usual. hunter, of course, is tagging along. it's freature ise now despite s new bombshell reports from mainstreaml re media outlets.ou we'll get to this in a second, alleging serious misconduct involving joe hunter, the doj and specifically david weiss. now, according to the washington post, the speciall investigating hunter biden had close tiescounci with hunter bi, his late brother beau, the son of joe biden, and, quote, worked with joe biden's eldest son to has bh out prosecution strategies when beau was the attorney generalategy wh
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of delaware. and as the post points out, quote, although democrats point to weiss's appointment by president donald trump as evidence of his independence, oh, the full story ofl st his careeror far more nuanced. in other words, weiss is probably a pro brightprevio biden prosecutor. he previously spent two years as actinuspentg attorney underd president obama and then vice president joe biden, and then, quote, retain remained as a deputy the remainder ofe their term. and according to the "new york times", after purposely allowing the statute of limitations to expires several serious significant felonies regarding biden wisely preparing to wraupp up that five year hunter biden investigation, we now know, thanks to th thato the ne, without any charges at all whatsoever, quote, mr.o weiss appeared willing to forgo any prosecutioprn ofn of mr. bit all, and his office came close to agreeing end the investigation without requiring any guiltythou plea
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on any charges, even though weiss's own office reportedly recommended felony charges against hunter biden. swe so the sweetheart deal only came into play when two brave irs whistleblowers came forward alleging this misconduct. that sweetheart deal was basicall y weiss's plan b, in other words, a seconde attempt to sweep everything under the rug, a deal that also includedrua deal an offer buriee the gun deferment aspect ofagrem the agreement against immunity ,offered immunity against any further charges, and was only stopped by a brave federal judge in delaware that rejected it and raised questions it. needless to say, hunter's legal team is furious thisjected suppd to be water under the bridge. they first expected no chargesen . then that sweetest ofd sweetheart slap on the wristthde toal they had evolving into the next plan b. repor and now, based on reporting, we kn from the new york
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times, hunter biden's lawyers, they were lobbying joe biden's department of justiceprosec to prosecute the whistleblowers whom even coming forward. and now this needs to be nee investigated. team biden now wants these government whistleblowers locked up. theyane whistlwhat, out of puree and what is being called a chilling threalook st? it is. cheilt.ease don't expect vic president biden to any concern for them. he only revered whistleblowers only when they had bad things to say about donald trump. to slet's take a trip down memow lane, shall we? >> we not only know about this, thanks to the courageous actions of a whistleblower who wa s since been joined u by others stepping up to protect our.heme trump's scheme has been exposedy and now allegedly, i don't know for a fact. whistleblowershistle are worried about their safety. thanks to our president. >> shameful. trump it is shameful. >> he has no no.
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>> well, joe, you have no shame because that was a hearsayo bide whistleblower. so what happened to joe biden? biden never carer cared about.on he just wanted to smear donaldea trump. and now he's desperatelyr trum to protect the biden brand, which, by the way, is not. hunter biden. in fact, the biden brand is joe biden. no one in biden's orbit really cares if hunter biden even goes to prison. franklit caresy, except probabl. they're worried about the implications for that. the big guy, the guy that's running for reelection. in fact, accordingelection to p, hunter biden's own attorneys, they warned joe biden's that they would put the president on the stand during a future trial and a pretty threateningtr 32 page letter. an attorney representing hunte r biden wrote this. this, of all cases, justifies neitr the spectacle oft a sitting president testifying at a criminatel trial nor the potential for a resulting constitutional. hunter's lawyer complaining that such a case would pit a
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the president himself against his very own department of justice. oh, wait a minute. i thought the justice department. derei thought they were supposed to be independent. isn't justice in america supposed to be blind? equal application of our laws, equal justice under the law? guess how naive of me in thesew times. becausnile evee we're on to plar weiss, which is yet another run out the clock operation. now, a special counsel protectingonunci himself againss allegations against the whistleblower and his boss, the guy that appointed him merrick garland. so don't expect him to act like donaldk lonned trump. special counsel expect him to mimic joe biden's special counsel in the top secret document case. hac bide thes ever heard or see robert hur hello. seenn. ts bulleti if anyone has seen or heard u from that special prosecutor, please let us know. but while the doj continues to shield joe biden, the mob, the media, well, they're starting to turn. and this turn an interesting m. look at where all these recent neports come from.
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"the washington post", the new york times, politicow , hardly conservative organizations. matter of fact, they lieo thdth to this country for three long years. in the case of the new york times post about russia r collusion that neverus happened. they lie. they spread conspiracy theories dad y after day, year after yeae and perhaps maybe the canary in the coal mine.e maybe it's actually maureen dowd's piece that was joe biden for his disgusting treatment of his seventh grandchild that he refused to even acknowledge. refused joe biden's lack of basn decency and alleges now impossible to ignore. even among biden's biggest ang bit even on media and see, this could be thisovem coulent.d be a movement, this cd be the beginning of dominoes, beginning to fall, sayinminos fp you know what, joe biden is not up to the job. we need to replacejob we him. >> i don't know. just think about it as you watch this competition, that president biden is taking on this. his public position is not sustainablsustainae.
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his son will probably be on trial. there's every possibility he'll be on triatrial.l during this campaign. >> biden's staff can't even get to the president staff to r issue because they don't want to address a sensitive topices with the president. >> they've got a challenge. this stuff has taken a huge toll on him. you knowonbiden before, biden, e the 2020 election, he was right side up, which in our polarized politics uin, quite astonishing. but look, trump and rudy giuliani began this campaign to try trump tarnish biden, to to turn him into the clinton name. you know, with the with the ovn over over the ukraine businesses with hunter and its work worked., his numbers now lk more like hillary clinton, 16 than biden, 20. >> now, joe does not have a good answer about his involvement in his son's business deals because he's been constantly has, repeatedly caught lying about them. as evidence comes ou t evt, you know, that lie now continues to evolve. remember, first, never once did i ever speak to my son, hunter my brother or anybody fromha that, for that matter, regarding their foreiging thn business dealings, let alone in, let alone interacted with any of hunter's businesters
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partners. >> then the story had to change aftet. evon archer came oud to while joe was never in business with his son, hunter or brother or any his of their foreign business partners. partoow that has evolved int the truth, which is coming out, and that is that joe biden met m with hunter's partners and talked to them on the phone. bu but they never discussed business. they only had conversations about the weathe onlr. ather? you kidding me? now some are admitting the obvious and concedin g that the big guy did have some kind of role in hunter's business deals. us but as one former white house deputy director proudly quoted sho ,well, the colmer memo doesn't show direct payment. noyment., but it's on hunter's laptop, half his income e to perhaps 10% for the big guy. you know, the emails with hunter and eric sherwin saying, oh, here are the bills for dads homes. how much? what account should i pay itpa from? nter you see, the foreign money went to hunter and other an members.y james colmer says nine. so then it got joe to joe, in te
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form that hunter mentioned, the american people are not buying are this latest lie.e slw and now some in the media mob,lt they're slowly beginning to try and catch up to us. it'll take them a while seeing that maybe the handwriting is on the wall. maybe these dominoes are about d to fall. and breaking tonight. according to documents obtained by investigatoacing tots r, a reporter, editor in chief of justice, john solomon biden's in ukraine as vice president, leveraging 1 billion of your taxpayer dollars to force out ukraine's top prosecutor. it may not have even been in line with the policy at the time. in other words, this brand new evidence suggesting joe biden got a ukrainian firedi in spite of american policy not for the benefit of the u.s. not following u.s. policy, but for another reason, like protecting his son. so his son son can continue to e enriched at a time when he's addicted to drugs and a time when he's admitting he had no experience in oil, energy, gaenergy, s whatsoever. or ukraine, burisma holdings,
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they were investigation by the very same prosecutor that joe insisted be fired in 6 hours. and remember, a trusted fbi source accused burisma giving joe and hunter that $5 millionhn bribe each, five for one biden, five for another. and it'll take y ten years to figure out how i paid it. joining us now, john solomonhn, just the editor in chief. sir. all right. let's get to this new development. newyou found specifically what documents contradict joe's argument that he's been he was just calling out corruption in ukraine when he leveraged that billion. now, by the wa y. he got the call from hunter when he was in dubais with burisma executives on the 5th of december 2015. he went to ukraine and spoke and before their parliament five days later, on december nine. isn't that the day that he leverage the billion dollars and the prospectbillion to a s got fired and hunter continue to get paid? >> that's's the pressure campaign bega rigni
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in december 9th, 2015 and ended in march 2016, when the fire prosecutor finally resigned boder pressuresigned from the ukrainian president who was being pressured by joe biden. what we have tonighty are the state department's internal documents. joe biden, cincinnatentsi pitchn of donald trump in 2019. that's held to one line, which is yeah, fired the prosecutor investigating my son's company. but it had nothing to do with hunter company. bu it had to dot with a us policy recommendation that i got. i was carrying out us policy. well, we wen.t and got the task force recommendations that was crafting that policycrafting. it was an inter-agency task force of treasury justicf e and state department officials and they advised joe biden in october 2015, just before he left to go to ukraine, that in fact they should give the billion dollars to ukraine , give the third loan guarantee, because the prosecutor's offic n was doing a good job on anti-corruption efforts. their reforms were working. this was the last recommendation made by the task.
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force. in fact, they drafted up talking points. joe biden had a conversationn ha with the ukrainian president on november 4th, 20152015, and he passed on those talking points. he told the ukrainian president, accordingg to statee department documents, they were going to get the billion dollar loan guaranteentthey wou. then life got tough inside the biden family. burism bidena, to panic when a s news reporters from the wall and et journal and new york times began asking questions about from the prosecution and hunter biden. and all of a sudden aroundng of thanksgiving, november 2015,e fe joe biden flipped around. he and his officarounde on a new talking point one they didn't even share with the ambassadorpoe they who was in kv representing the united states. and they decidedil we're going to ask for the firing of the prosecutor. joe biden wasn't carrying outol. policy. i >> he changed u.s. policy.ot ta ti got to tell you and your reaction to this other news. >> no charges planned, sweetheart deal is plan b, that that weiss worked side by side with hunter's brother beau,
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and joe'brothes son, politico. hunter's lawyers tried to threaten the the the whited house. joe was going to have to testify. and hunter's lawyers want one to want the whistleblowers prosecuted. blowthe house of cards seemed ts collapsing. >> john solomon yeah, listen. to those whistleblowers. them changed history. there's no doubt that them coming forward changed the dynamics car inside the juse department and between hunter biden's lawyers. when people ges ok at a chance to look at these documents, i just want to point one out to them because for the longest time we ade were told hunter biden had no impact on us policy. ther is a classified email i made public tonight in the story. fromm george kent, the man who testified during donald trump's impeachment, who always test trump's tie. he's kind of famous for that. he he wrote the us and the leaders in washington salden himebody should tel joe biden, his son, hunter, undercut all all ofs our anti-corruptiontern activits in ukraine, everything we were told in 2019, much like what we were told in 2020 about the
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laptop. it is not true. the documenthes contradict everything we were told in the original narrative about ukrain arrativee. rep >> great reporting as usual, jon solomon, thank you for sharinorthank g with us. also breaking tonight, four subpoenas have been issuen to irs and fbi investigators involved in the hunter biden probntere. here now to explain. house ways and means committee chairman jason smithairman, alog with house judiciary committee chairman jim jordan, both ji theairman j way, are responsr the subpoenas. >> jim jordan, beform jordane gb that plan, a no charge is plan. b, sweetheart deal that a judge blew up to the shock of everybody that weiss worked side by side with hunter. this brother, beau biden, joe's son. politico hunter's lawyers threaten the white house. joe is goinghouse.will to have to testify. and then hunter's hunter's and rcen demanding the doj a prosecute the whistleblowers. as i'm betting you have a lotabu to say about this. >> yeah, the idet a joe biden's
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going to testify is ridiculous. can you imagine putting joe biden on the stand now right now and him facing cross-examination? ano that'sere is n going to happen. but this was the pressure campaign they were putting on the dojpressure and john solomon'sri exactly right. but for these whistleblowersgh, that sweetheart deal would have been even sweeter. sweet they weren't even going to require hunter biden plead guilty to anything. >>lead gui this is how this is, this was. and what we want to do, seando h is want to talk to the folksetin who were in the meeting. >> these whistleblowers come forward. g they history, as john solomon just pointed out, what prompted them to forward this meeting, october 7th, 2020, to you gote s david weiss, you got gary shapley,tl 4 the whistleblower, and four other people in that meeting. we wan 4 t to talk to those four other people because that's the meeting that gary sat was the reds line meeting. when i decided there was no way inis investigation was going to do the right thing, we had to come forward and talk to jason smith. chairman smith jason team at tht the ways and means committee. >> and then they came forwar d.e and their testimony, unlike the white house's story, unlik'
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the doj, their testimony has stood up and they've appeared entirely credible throughout this ordeal. >> jason smith, these whistleblowers spoke to your committee, the house ways and means committe your committ what's your reaction to hunter's lawyers demanding that the dojhuemanding prosecute whistleblowers, especially after listening to joes biden whistleblowers? but that was the hearsay whistleblower that was against ay donald trump. one thing about it, sean, when these irs whistleblowers came before the house ways and means committee, their stories has completely stayed the same. but the informatio ation thn that. they released was shocking to members of congress. >> it was shocking to thetial american public. but, sean, you know who was not shocked about their information? was the department of justice because in fact, the department of justice, justted they as whistleblowers highlighted, they used numerous tactics that delayed the investigation to such a degree that invee of limitations
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expired for some of the most egregious crimes of 2014 and 15 tax years. they aid prosecution,ctober which is why we want to know about this october 7th meeting and why we've subpoenaed more individuals to our questions. and they divulged information to hunte r lawyers. if if the whistleblowers wouldn't have came forward's lae wouldn't have known those aspects. >> and they definitelye know they change history. >> all right, jim jordan, i want you t joro talk about theittee th subpoenas that you, your committee, the judiciarytte and the ways and means committee to the irs and t o the fbi from today. >> and d o you think something's going on here? >> when the new york times, politico, he was "the washington post", and even even chuck todd anhid and left wingers like him are now saying he's got a big problemgo. >> what does that tell you? yeah, they see the evidence piling up. bley seeg up a they see the credibility of these whistleblowers and they see what was reported this weeow wht
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to the story in politico, the story in the "new york times". i thought there was all kinds inrestin there in there. y they decided they were going to make biden testify that they wanted to go after wa gth. tleblowers but what really struck mesa and it ties into what john was just sayinidt ing is that in 20e hunter biden's legal team wanted to meet with hi m to talk about things. and he said, i can't meet that day becausi'e i'm talking with the impeachment lawyers. so is he talking with daniel goldman, the lawyer for adam schiff? is he talking with who is he it w to? because it was all about bereavement, as john pointed out. they saioht they d thing. the biden team said one thing, the democrats said one thing. but the documentsaid ones showse something else. they show that president trump was on the right track. thatt is definitely an avenue that we're going to explore as well in our investigationiga but right now, it's the focus on that meeting, that red line meeting, according p lo to whistleblower shapley, where he said david weiss told them he didn't havew da the authority that merrick garland and david weiss were saying they had. and that'se say he knew we have to go to congress, we have to become whistleblowers. we wle blo to tell the story soa
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the american people get the truth about how wrong this investigation was was being handled. jason, last word. >> i would absolutely agree. hur you look at what the activity of hunter biden's lawyers, they they're the same people who told the department of justice prosecutors that if they bring charges against huntercharge biden, they'd be fg career suicide. and now they're threatening the president and testifying., >> it's outrageous. all right. thank you both wallson are closing in on this for this entire big lie that joe saids e a candidate repeated as president. and we'll get to the bottom of we wil . thank you both. coming up, biden finally visited maui today betweenn the vacations and with her disastrous approval rating . you're vice president kamala harris. she's trying to revamp her imagryine with the passage r time. >> and we're all passing through timee h time. hopefully, she's hoping the passage of time will helpr? her ahead of 2024. will cain, mike huckabee react later? our covi oud restrictions
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you can make a difference. take on your legacy. >> visit national guard icon to find out more. >> all right, president biden took a break from his lake tahoe vacation. but let not your heart be trouble tahation.. he'll be returning tomorrow. he did it to tour the island of maui. now, after joe repeatedly to even he refused to comment on the horrific situation there, is finally able to offer some words of encouragement in person. >> take a lookerso. >> oh, people on maui. b senator mazie hirono, by the way, i told my granddaughter, whose name is mazie as well, macye said that's why i like her anyway. thank you. but her name is mazi e.
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i break when we talked on the phone. i neve othr. you look like you played in defensive tackle for i don't know who was somebody good. o th but anyway i want to thank you for your leadership and jill and i have what's left. walked front street was left ofa it. you survey the damage cheniere as well. ge fthr.the devastation is overwhelming. today, 114 dead. hundreds of people are unaccounted for. i remember when i got the call, my first wife and daughter. i was a young senator and i got swn and i hadgtodmau been sworn in. you know what? no, no, no, no. i'm going to happy to turn this over to the governor. governor greenl turn . >> >> i mean, the mumbling and mumbling is getting worse than ever, by the way. which crammed, what was it, your seven grandchild, the one you wouldn'tth noise recognize r four years. by the way, this is all too little too late. oohe said no comment.
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not once, but twice. he said he didn't want to get in the way, joe. there was nothing to get in the way of too busy requesting more money for ukraine. and, by the way, delivered t more money per capita to ukraine than he dido uk in m. and now joe is expected to depart the island tonight, go right back on vacation in lake tahoe for the rest of the week. ligee, what a schedule. and in his absence, vicece president kamala harri presis, e now, according to politico, is trying to reinvent herself again. a new article in politico asking simply, is it possiblan o for kamala harris to make a second impression? i don't think so. let's ask former arkansas governor mike huckabee. fox and friends co-hosk miket will cain. good to see you both. well, i did not know untild no s that you had actually grown up there. >> and by the wad thy, thanks fr the great work you've done. i know you've raised a lot of money. and to try hospital and help the people of maui, it's -- it's so bad. e what was your reaction to the president's comments and your reaction
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when he said havingd havi been there and the total devastation? would you have gotten in the way at all if he went earlier? hard to say. way?you know, he's generally kid of bumbling and in the way and i don't really mean that as a gratuitous small shot. hashawn, i got messages fromssas friends on maui today that the entire island, the west side of the islandm maui t was d down, traffic backed up because of the the appearanc becausee. e joe biden, which comes all too little, all too late. had he up earlier, would he have done more? well, he could have extendedul n more empathy. he could have extended at least some commente ., as you pointedi out. shawn, he went on in that incoherence, by the way. he went on to say that in his need to personalize every tragedy that he once had a kitchen fire and that al his his wifeent co in his 67 corvette and hisrv ca he compared the devastation in lahaina to a kitchen firein that was putmi out within
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20 minutes of his home. you can see that video. it's out there right now. ou a so. well, what can you ask? e and we take requests on the show. let's play the video you're referring to. and he was worried about his precious corvette. >> nvette.o. >> no. 15 years ago, i was in washingtowashn doing meet the press. it was a sunday sunday. ladies at home, little ladies outside of our home, like a big fine. and hey, the wire came uper underneath our home in the air conditioning. make a long story short, i'm almost lost my wife. well, i'm 67 corvette, and my dad, mike huckabee. that makes me apoplectic and angry. the comparison we still haveu close to a thousand people missing. you know, we don't even have wh
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a toll. 's we just know it's way over 100. and this that's what he's this to shawn. everybody tries to make joe biden a sympathetic character, but when i watchte him, he first talks about notwh their trageden i wy but his. and i'm not diminishings his wife being killetragedd in car accident was not a horrible tragedy. but that's not what thosa cae people needed to hear right then. they needed to hear about ho whw they're feeling what they're going through. and then he goes and talks he the fire fire that he had tht destroyed his kitchen. that was 2 put out in 20 minute. he reminds me of the character penelope. that was on saturday night live back in the day. it was funny when kristen wiig played this person who, no matter what was said, always one upped, always had to have some other comment about hows be that her situation was better, was different, was diff. s playin and it's like joe biden is playing the role of penelope. g thiswell, it's funny.t it's comedy, but it's not funny when the president of the unitedfunn states is so tone deaf to the extraordinary
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traged y these people have felt. and he talks about himself rather than talks about them.eah >> it's breathtaking. well, i mean, i can only imaginee your friends back home are telling you. yeah, i should say, sean,i pe by the way, i'm a proud texan. i was born and raised in texas. i just spentm my summerins in maui. and it's a place that is very near and dear to my heart. to mi love and i do have deep connections and friendships that are local there. and that's why he's been soan important me to dive deep into this story and begin to try to not just helpquesti answer questions. and that's what joe biden could be doing right now. why didn'td g. the sirens go of. why was the electric company mismanaged? what was wrong with the lands?sd where was the water? and most importantly, perhaps right now, how many children are missing? this should not be a hard questiono to answer and to see the president of united states in in this situation to me, is emblematic of the entire incompetence that led us to thitos moment in time. and i will just continue to say this one more time. i don' tt understand. i don't begrudge right now in the context of this conversationin , helms extending his hand to ukraine.
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but i don't understand why it's so easy to extend your hand to ukraine and so hard to stand up for americans. whether or not that's eastt pa palestine or it is lagina maue it should be easier to stand up for americans. >> last word, governor. >> i agree with will 100%. i thin% k the fact thatf he's going to see that people of now we get $700 houstime the average american is now on the hook. the average american household, every household, america for over $1,000 for ukraine. what will just said kind of underscores that. and in a very tragic wayble. unbelievable. >> anyway, we thank you both . prayers are with the people of hawaii. he should have been there earlier. therehe shouldn't have shruggef an answer. no comment twice. rgue and, you know, he shouldn't have argued when there's so many areas juseat devastated. tn just a flight overgi the devastation could havee given him a sense of what these people have been have been
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living through. and nearlyousand a thousand stim missing. the response has been anemic at bestissing? h. thank you both. straight ahead tonight, the woke trans obsessed mob. e mothey're coming after another women's sports advocate. she will join us exclusively along with riley gaines. that's coming up next. also xt, guess what? buckle up. some schools colle in, colleges are about to impose covid restrictions yet again. >> how does that make you feel? straight ahead, let innovation refunds help with your i.r.s. tax refundof so you can improve your business however you see fit. fit. rosie was part o to build an outdoor patio. >> dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. a facelift. emily used par a wax museum. to buy. >> i run a wax museum. you get started on your i.r.s. tax refund. stop waiting. go to innovation. refunds .com.
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of women's . >> she was thrown out for supposedly misgendering people during her remarks. >> take a look at this. played college soccer when i played college soccer when my freshman year got out, when i took my welcome in and really heard this very story and thinking , why am i being asked to do this game? >> or you're talking about me, my female. >> we should also mention that this very same library, the subject of a bomb threat, briefly closing the areae area d it today. and while the incident is still under investigation, it goesn ts without saying that on this show we condemn anw y form ofe a violence or even the threat of it. now, the woman that you see in that video, sophia laurie, reached out to riley gaines and the riley gaines center at the leadership institute to get her story out. leadtitute tjoins us now, alongy
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director of that center, riley gaines herself. good to see sophia. now, before my understandingd fo is first and foremost herere, a that before you even told your story, you were accused of misgendering people. >> is that true? buist you don't even get to telt any of your story. >> kurt correct. >> i didn't even have the ability to share my story. i begai n with saying that men don't belong in women's sports andwo immediately cut of. >> okay. then a librarian library in thef the room jumped in, reminding people the state law recognizegs just transgender women as women. >> then you slowly recognize bet to tell your story. >> you got cut off very quickl a for the fact that you said a current ten-year-old girls cannotcoul live out the same drm as long as men are allowed to compete in women's sports. at and then the librarian weighs in again. heyou to biological girls and biological men. >> now tell me more.
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and then you were asked to leave. it was >> yeah. it was extremely upsetting u to have a government official. violate my first amendment rights v and i don't want any other american or any other girl to experience what i experience last night. >> okay. and how long were u e you even there before they asked you to leave? because they wouldn't even let it go? we wouldn't even listeisn to yoo point of view. d only >> i started to speak and it only got about a minuteo ta in where i said, we are going to take questions and answers and comments from people of opposing viewpoints. at the end of the meetinnd of g and let's be respectful and make it through the entire informational forum and we. only got 2 minutes into it. >> now, i read tha reatroug you're threatening a lawsuit. >> will you follow through with tha t? in the >> i am moving forward with looking into the best btion options, and i do believet wa my first amendment right was violateds . >> riley i mean, we've had o you on the show a number of times. thisows is exactly why you have
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now built out the riley gaines institute. >> absolutely. we're seeing a this happen time and time and time again. tand i first just want to sayen how proud i am of sophia to be in that environment where you have hecklers, you have protesters, you haved prosec peu down, men, women, men dressed as women, women as men. that's a really, really scary environment. but to stick your ground, stay true to your convictionk and speak your heart, that's a true testament of someone who's brave. e whso, sophia, i couldn't be me grateful for you. but you're exactly right, sean. that's s wh what the riley gaines center was created for, is to help get stories out like>> h sophia's. >> let me ask you, have of ybuilt out as parave you t your center any legal foundation, or do you have any lawyers that are willing to help in cases likike e this o they can stop the suppression of of freedom of speech? i don't care whether people like it or not. nobody had to go to this event .
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they weren't forced to go there. and if they didn't want to hear the argument not was the other side, they could have quietly left and allow other people to hear sophia's point of well, you challenge us legally. you have lawyersdo you to suppot you. absolutely. we are building out a legal team now. which which is incredible news, because just as you mentioned, the freedom of speech was underh threat. again, we're seeing it in college campuses. we're seeing it in regardsing ic to the media, academia, corporate america. thertsses so many differenerica. realms where we're seeing this threat really have us in a chokehold, which is a pretty chilling thought, to be totally franak. it's a pretty marxist ideology, too, to threaten our firste. amendment rights. but we're seeing it time and time again. so definitely building building on a legal team. >> i support both of you andn eo your efforts to protecmet womens sports, especially in at the collegiate level, havingywa. a daughter that is an athlete. so anyway, thankyou, you both. we appreciate the good work and thanks for telling us your story and of luck, sophia.e bi >> all right.
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cr next, the biden border crisis has reached every single corner of this country now forcing cities, taking extreme action at massive costs to. my friend curtis sliwa was arrested yet again yesterday,da this now the second timeys. in days as he stands up to theil illegal immigrant surge. and later, liberals freakingle out about colbert again. and here come the mask mandate s college. you ready? we'll have those details as we continue. itch. itch. scratch must not itch. stop the itch. sanity with cortisone. tents for bug bites, poison ivy and other itches. cortisone ten is the number one doctor recommended. it fast and lasts 4 hours. >> cortisone ten. >> what's this? that's for pepper. you keep dog in your fridge. it's not dog food. it's freshpet real meat or veggies. >> it's dog food. >> he was so right about her.
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for what is now the second time in less than a week. yesterday, protesting an illegal immigrant shelter in state n island. and that's in new york. meanwhile, suny buffalo is now dozens of illegal immigrants housed in their dorms over studenlegalit safety concerns at new york's city's randall's islandy recent where kids go toy soccer and baseball. yeah, gues s what? they've turned it into an illegal immigrant shelter with thousands of illegallion immigrants costing $20 millionnr a month on top of the 12c billion estimated by eric adams. it's going to cost his city over a yea st hisr, and they've now expanded capacity to hold 3000 new illegal immigrants. >> anyway, here with reaction, formerimmigr york city mayoralu. candidate curtis sliwa. by my count, curtis i think this is arrest number 79. am i keeping up with the count? >> i got to make sure i'm on target here. that is correct,t is and the best arrest yet, s because i did this forenio the senior citizens from the greatest generation, this mayor, who, by the way, hast
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flown the coop. he's left new york city for a week to go to his trial. i guess he's seeking sanctuary there. butuary t he kicked out a hundrd elderly senior citizens,ca some of them who are veterans wr of world war two in the korean war, kicked them into the street and said, we're kicking yosaidu out because we'e making room for the illegal aliens. and all all solid americans, moderate democratsd yo independents, republicans came together and say, you're not going to do this. and then earlier today, kathy hochul, the governor, signedor the contract with the federal government, the biden administration, to bring in 2500 single able bodiedstoric men into a historical place in american history. floyaln americd field, with somt our first aeronautical flights took place. and we're going to be out there tomorrow night and we're going to blockto block the fence and say, no, send the illegal aliens back. we need to take care of americans first. put the migrantsfirst to the b
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and we hold joe biden culpable. kathy and yes, the swagger. man with no plan. eric adams, who's flowne queu the coop to israel. >> he's out of here e now. >> so we talked about this laste time homeless vetst an and there are many of them in new york city. they've neve35r been given $350. a night hotel rooms. that's never happened. no arew, kicking out the elderly people from from nursing homes so way, then you take it away. all the soccer fields, baseball fieldscc on randalls islands tht you know, not there's not a lot of room in new york citysoccer to play baseball soccer. randalls island is closed nearby the and that's where they play. now, those facilities have been taken over by illegaillegal immigrants. >> this this is america last. curtis oh, there's no doubt. an and i've noticed the coalition coming together and i'm leading that. sure. blacks, hispanics, whites, asians whites., some of them fim immigrants who did it legally, who waited years to get in here to become first green card holde
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holders or having work visas. and thenrs americans citizens. g and they're the angriest of all because they're saying whyri are you letting them jump the queue? these men, their age mens, their they would qualify to enter military service. why notwhy aren't they staying in their countries if they have problems in countries they should fight for, what they know is right, will supportd su them there.t but we don't want them here,th sean. we don't want them here right. just keep my phone number handy. i'm expecting after one of these arrests, you're going to need somebody to put up bail. i am. i am volunteerini'rsg. to help my long time friend. i will. i'll be there for you. you just let me know anyw time , day or night. >> okay? sun would take it over. great. . some bad sun. i need you shot. should i get cash out of the bank now? prepare for it. and i bitcoin not bitcoiit coin. no cash. got it? i got it. a cold, hard cash for r, curtis. >> all right. thank you, curtis. coming up, liberal lunacy striking comineral again. much n i can't believe how much money new york is losing as wallsses e
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street businesses flee. a massive number. asures and guess what? a draconian covid measures. it looks like they're returning some ranch. >> we'll explain straight ahead . >> this is keratin, debris where nail fungus grows, neonics, nail gel cleans out fungus by removing keratin debris using neonics. 90% of nails improve, 90% of nails improve, get clinically proven results by neonics at walgreens, walmart, rite aid, and cbs the hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? >> sure. he's the 76-year-old guy um, who still runs marathons, right? sadly, notwet to have anymore.w? >> wow. so sudden. t have we're no tt about to have the we need life insurance conversation again. conversation again. >> are we know we're havin though we are getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it. >> conversation. that $9.95 p. calling about5 a month plan from colonial penn. >> i am.
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number one. the right voices at the right time. fox news primetime weeknights on fox news. >> america is watching. you're america. >> all right. once again, liberal lunacylunacy is blue cities all across the country in new york. get this, nearly 160 financial firms which all together manage almostl $1 trillion in assets. they're leaving the city in new york, citing rampant crime, liiff taxes, burdensome bureaucracy, the high cost of living. and meanwhile, a new studyvine is showing that a record high 6.5 million students have been chronically absent after the pandemic pande. that's up 10% since before covid lockdowns. but that has not liberal covid hysteria. here we go again. one atlanta college, probably the first of many, but now is lookinglo to bring back thoso mask mandates and covid protocol s with students now
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returning to the city of atlanta. rant with reaction, e auth, ther of what is killing america. seattle talk show hostus hez is with us.n. >> all right. here we go in the schools again. great, great news. >> yeah, it feels like we might be restarting all of this lunacy. se you go specifically in atlanta and you see morris brown college bringinge morr bac back bringing back masks, temperature checks. you're not allowed to gather. >> and what we continue to seeh is the talk in high schools and younger about potentially bringing all of these mitigationthese miba policies b. the problem, of course, is, number one, they don'trk actually wor, and, youk. >> number two, you are doing it against the groups of people who are the least impacted by covid. if you are a child, if you are healy young adult, you are not going to be impacted by covid in any way.e, rid so why would we yet again risksk, alienating all of these kids and maybe even giving them another reason just to skip school or have some parent who's freaked out over all ofsco
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nonsense pulling them from school? remember all the thingolber allh are told, jeremy, that ifot tha you got the shot that don't worry, you'll nevet, r get covi. you'll never be able to infect somebody else. that turneinfect sy elsed out t. the one thing that i did like im that showed success and i'm speaking anecdotally, not like a doctor not recommending anything but monoclonal antibodies, emergency authorizatio anythinn. why did they stop that? that didn't make sense. i know? people that have had covid recently, even those with co-morbidities. you knowre, even wit, they paxid the antiviral. they did find this is a varianif of american and now are they seeing coming that we're not.e y >> i doubt it and i doubt i'll trust them either.d >> no. yeah. and i think that'si the biggese issue here, right. is trust in public health officials because the covid response i was so political and because there was a reluctanceea to accept responsibility for making the wrong me calls. >> lots of people no longer trust public health officials,
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and that'sofficialt's dangeroue to be. i don't want to be in a place smare if someoneo who is much smarter than i am and is actually trained tells me something, i'm questioningm ange whether or not they're telling me the truth or if they're pushing something because oftelling o political a that one party happens to be behind. agendi think most people accept they were wrong early on withint all the best of intentions. but when they continue to go down, that path path and just flatly's denied what we all knew to be true, that'sle when people start saying, okay, something else is up here. >> yeah. >> s you under pressure likepeoe i was, people started demanding. i tell them my health statusonce and once they started demanding it, i probably would have told it easily. bu tdemandt said, now it's nonef your business. i believe in medical privacys a. and then people pushing me, whatsuring me to tell people what to do medically. i didn't do that either. do you feel that pressure? i only have about 10 seconds. >> i think most people felt that pressurpressuree, but i hee it's none of your business. i'm not going up to you asking f your cholesterol numbers. it's none of my business. and i'm not a doctor
12:00 am
. i'm not qualified. anyway, thank you, jeremy. appreciate it. >>all right. fortunately, that's all the time we have left this evening. thime. .ograming not on thursday night, we will have live studio audience show in new yornotek city. we will do the after show, spin room sho, w by the way, that's coming up on wednesday night hayer the debate, kenned decamp. tickets are free. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld will put a smil gut your face right now. >> have a great nighight.t and l right. good bye. good times. goodes times. >> happy monday, everybody. thi, so cnn did another stupid,s hilarious thintimeg. i >> and this time the punchline is not chris wallace. >> wow. tough crowd today.
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