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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 23, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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>> we are out of time. [cheers d un& applause] >> laura: hi everyone. i and laura ingrahm this is the laura ingraham angled from latr today in the show we will show you what she could be and should be a wake-up call for the elites but first,, when don when donalp traveled to puerto rico after devastated after the category fivev ja hurricane the tv jackas were not happy. >> basically treating them like presidents one —- like peasants
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a paper towel for you. >> it was disrespectful it is not the american way. that is not the spirit of the american people. american b throwing paper towels at us as if weas i were animalsn >> and when lonnie a trump went to add support she was portrayed that way as well not for anything she said or did but for what she w wore. >> i don't think she could spell it out. this is not a hidden message it is as overt as a gets. nothing the first lady does is an accident. >> especially with a giant signo on the back that people will be seeing. >> moment ofthis can a door. the administration does not care. >> . >> laura: the calculated hysteria lasted for days on both non- stories , but yesterday when joe biden finally took pods from
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his lake tahoe vacations dating at tom stiers 80 million-dollars house, the press offered no such scrutiny. even seeing the way he addressed the suffering. >> . >> we have a little sense of what it is like to lose a home. >> it was a sunny sunday.e lightning struck and just e home. th we almost lost my wife and the 67 corvette and my cat.e >> laura: the cat? who was the heartless one? is all reflect on this for a115 moment.
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115 fellow americans are dead., more than 800 including many theychildren apparently. they are still missing presumed dead but tell us more how you almost lost your fancy car and your cat. of course his sob story about the house burning down is more malarkey. it was a kitchen fire. maybe it was the cat's whiskers were singed just like the maui fire. let's be fair. at least when he lies he embellishes the story e story wh dramatic details. >>ls. all kidding aside, i watch the firefighters and the way they responded. sometimes the smoke was that take the sometimes it was that take inside the home. >> laura: he watch the firefighters put out the kitchen
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plays? he's not just has maa pathologio liar has magical powers he also claimed in the interview that he did at the time he was in washington dc to do meet the press. his always two hours away in delaware. the fire lasted 20 minutes. who knew he could be in two places? he also appeared to be nodding off. >> we are a community thataura relies. t >> laura: but was trump more engaged tossing supplies to the crowd or was biden more engaged with hisorie phony stories and s dazed looks? of course the press will never call biden out on the lies or
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the embellishments of tragedies or who died where and how because democrats are never held accountable.. is always power by any meansjo necessary.i fl always two different sets of rules. joining me now is areisci fleisr white house press secretary as well as kelly on conway former counsel to president trump both are fox's contributors. i know you remember this triu mo puerto rico you might as well have thought that lonnie has said something incredibly cool tother the victims of the hurrie but they stayed on that story of her coat for almost two weeks. >> the message occurred after she was at the border visitinge the children that was for the mainstream media but joe biden got elected under the false premise i am compassionate and unifier and i have been a
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government half a century therefore i can dispense resources to people inuffe needs they suffer from the america's greatest fire in maui.g thess an not to say that he is a gaffe or in embellishes but he is a flat ouunt liar. tell the guy don't mention the house fire like you dir d october 2022 and people are suffering because it made no sense and another thing to note is the goldstar mom that has people upset it is chaotic andom irrational from two years ago hethis month. she said her heart started to beat fast as she started to stare into space because he said to her jill and i know something about your loss. our son also came home and a flag draped coffin. it is tragic that bold biden
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died of cancer but he did notr die in combat that cancer in delaware. tragic no doubt thhae least you had a chance to be with him at tht che end. he lies for the sake of lying. when you are a leader and ari fleischer knows this a lot. >> laura: all politicians need to t use the word me less. >> he did serve as advisor and chief after five days of being silent publicly. the governor said he was working behind the scenes with first responders that the feds had their backhare . and that losing his daughter and wife and the sons arriving car accident doesn't so many people herethro care about.or t
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>> this is so brazen at this point the lies keep piling up and the media know they arhey'es orre they are totally ignorant. >> this is astounding. >> m joe biden is not an empathetic man he selfish man and an old man he only knowspree to pressss play on the same old broken tunes and when someone is dlin the middle that went to her that you also have something or to prepare your tragedy to at real fire but they want to hear about you and what you about your corvette or your cat. and as fore fi him comparing ita house fire say that's like compg 9/11 goes through because george bidebush would say somebody bro.
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onto my porch and stole a package. he is out of touch of he thinks it is about hi s kitchethn fire. >> laura: and this speaks to the overall narrative of lies. it i truit'ss always trumps big but these are a series of lies abouliest personal tragedies, at the economy, how things were going in ukraine and apparently not very well in the lies keep piling up. and now the american people are left with an election where they will try to put everyoneai in masks again and do mail in ballots? this is where wes go are. >> so to invest the non- sexy parts of politics.mech look at biden, harrison fetterman they have no interest to elect quality human beings to higher office.
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they are interested in power. they don't tell us why to vote or four who but where and when. under biden he needs tounto be d mocrto account. from what you say yesterday ini maui as well as the policies. i have more faith because if you look at all of the polls not only biden/harris even less popular with their readings but they are underwater on every major issue there is no one attribute like compassionate, has a plan, understands, nowhere where he can stake a claim to say that is a rational for reelection. the first presidential election were joe bidens th will be litid by the voters and that is why hw will lose. >> laura: on this debate tomorrow night on fox. e there.ll not b do you think if you were advising him, would you advise him to not attend because he so
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far up in the polls why give chris christie them chance to be the punching bag? or do you say go and show your record into ur? .>> for the primary purposes of the political malpractice for donald trump to showhim to up wa 40 or 50-point lead over his opponents there is nothing to be gained for him showing up in a primary. but yolem youicanu want the reo get biden onstage. if the president says trump did not debate then why should ith then trump has the inconsistencd problem if it's good enough for him to skip it could be biden. if we want america to be exposed to it and 82 -year-old looks like that there's nothing more important than to get joe biden on that stage. athes.. there are two sides i get the short-term side but there is long-term damage by not showing up at least fo r the first one.
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>> laura: i did not think about that. kelly on do you predict joe biden will or will notn will dee whoever the republican nominee is next year? >>ar "ye know. they will not let him out there and when we do maybe even, lead rse doesn't have to debate she battles a teleprompter every d day. i cannot imagine her debating another pop person i believe they are part of the democratic process and we deserve to see those voters to engage free of charge. >> laura: great to see both. biden is lying about his house fire getting us to think about the other things he is lying to thoble.t this is an ongoing problem. you cannot be say it's old he
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has been doing this literally for decades. back let's go back into the time machine of 1987. senator joe biden was 44. and for some reason bragging about how smart he was. >> i probably have a much higher iq i suspect. went to law school on a fulli wo academic scholarship and it up in the top half of my class i would be delighted to sit down. >> laura: okay here are the facts he got a half scholarship. and it was based on financial. need. not his great intellect. he also graduated 76 in the class of 85. not in thel righ top half. next. >> 30 years ago mandela walked oudelat of prison with discussis arounde apartheid. i had the great honor of being un ambassador and trying to get
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to robbins island. >> laura: the "washington post" actually gave biden for pinocchio's on that one and said there is no evidence to support it rest. another arrest story. this time while he was protesting for civil rights. >> i'm so old i was there as well. seems like >> laura: "the new york times" said there is no evide evidencet he was ever arrested during a civil rights protest. that has to be there isd more? he also watched the pittsburgh bridge collapse with his own eyes. pittsburgh is a city of bridges. i watch that bridge collapse. i got there and saw it: di collapse. >>dn't . >> laura: did not happen unless he has out will eyesight
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because from the reports that day the president was told of the bridge collapse in pittsburgh. he was nothe wase. there. >> laura: one more spent to drive an 18 >> i used to drive ato tractorei trailer. so i know a little bit about driving the trucks. >> lauraouse: the white house tried really really hard to prove that to be correct but it turns out that theesiden presidt road once in an 18 wheeler. so the lies keep coming and the left keeps allowing them to come in checked so all of us need to ask ourselves, if he is willing to lie about something as silly as driving an 18 wheeler what else is he lying about? up next, my angle on what the an and howething about
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comedienne rob schneider reacts.
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goli, taste your goals. ♪ ♪ lawyer the anthem for the voiceless that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> practically overnight, this is crazy, the singer has gone from unknown to number one on the billboar
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>> laura: the end of for the voiceless is the answer for tonight. >> this is crazy. the singer has gone from unknown to number one this is what happened the h breakout hit norh the richmond sitting in a top spot. the first artist ever in history to reached the milestone with no prior history on the charts in any form whatsoever. >> laura: a historic climb on the charts that should be a wake-up call to the out of touci elites politics, entertainment yindustryou. those have looked down on half of the country. ♪ ♪ weeks after we featured the song
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the today show caughe grt up wih bewilderment. >> concern about wealthy legislators in washington dc some describe it as raw and authentic than posting a video which he labeled hisdown politil views everybody is talking aboui this thing. >> laura: they are talking all right but it is not all rice on —- aln isl right on —- all nice. they are seething over the t breakouthe success of those establishing their own counterculture. the left is so used to having ca monopoly that they start to sputter and fume at any perceived encroachment.po commentators at cnn described commentators as prime to loadpo mainstream pop culture and will open their pocketbooks to championcketbo politics that ise
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but then going on to warn that anthony success could spell the end of a shared popular culture similar to how the advent of right-wing talk radi tho and foxin news bell the end of a shared understanding of currentokared events.ed a shared understanding of popular culture what on earth iy mr. darcy talking about? break it to the modern left. we did at one point have a shared culture. year by year, decade by decade, they mocked it, trashed it and ultimately destroyed it. ever since, powerful interest have worked to supplant traditional american values, country, family, faith with theth political agenda. the principlerane of tolerance,e way to force acceptance.
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and in the process what do they do? they rui wan the news business cronkite wanted to be trusted then dan rather wanted to be known as the outspoken lefty. they both got what they wanted then an opening was created for rush limbaugh and fox news. the room and education. test scores are plummeting andta the curricula is pastorerdd the homeschooling phenomenon was spawned. they did the same with fashion and theater and music and film. i called of myled it the porn ad politicized of the culture. and the performers cannot stop making period themselves. >> i have thought an awful loths about blowing up the white house. >> when donalde. trump spoke about america carnage i assumed it was something he was somethi againsa ascampaign promise. >> the past four years have left
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us as a nation diminished and divided. we are better than this. america is better than this. >> laura: tell us about it. a vacuum has been created. half of the country does not e fools.o thos they don't like what is happening to kids or schools ano certainly with popular culture. they don't trust hollywood or the news media ondr even most politicians of either party. this opens the door to new voices in politics and culture. whtho want to create movements d music and films and plays even businesses for the underserved as for the consumers they boycott will nonsense at target or bud light or support outsider films like the sound of freedom or musicians.
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that is their own form osof protest.emem are liberals so clueless they didn't know the culture was splintered and they diber d it? i remember when they urged a boycott of chick-fil-a because the ceo gave money to christian charities.o? but what are we supposed to do?d shovel our money to people who despis to e us? we should not create alternative entertainment business news channels? they are the only ones to protest and create it was great when they were the onls,y ones challenging the old guard in the sixties and seventies with theit films and music but all over anthony strikes a chord with a song that nobody has heard of it is seen as a threat? newsflash to the elites. i
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long before all over anthony country music embodiedndepen the independent kick ass american spirit of the working class and forgotten man into simple way of life. jasojason all dean tribute is reminiscent of hank williamss junior's classic. ♪ ♪ >> laura: back in 74 johnny cash released his patrioticat owed. but now they are triggered today with too many american flagshlem athletes make millions after refusing to stand for th.e a anthem. ther coue are a lot of people ot therntryre te who love the cound ticked off but they will not find it is disney but alive remake of snow white without
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turning it political. >> it came out in 1937 and evidently so. there is a big focus on the love story with a guy who literally stocks are one —- stocks her. >> she is she a proactive one a set the terms is what makes it so relevant to her we are todaye >> laurava: relevant? where wed are today is disney makes live action remakes and turning them into spectacles with bubblehead actors andirec actresses to parent liberal tropes. and then i think were talented and disney himself. let's see which the audience likes better? the original that his claim so terrifying and outdated or the 2024 version with femalehave empowerment? remake you can have a common h culturave or in alienating
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left-winching propaganda machin. but you cannot have both and aor that is the angle. rob schneidey thr response.
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>> laura: just as cultural marxists have done with other artists jason aldean and it producers of sound o >> laura: as the cultural marxists have done with other artists with producers of sound of freedom in jason all dean tryis be they try to cancel anthony through smears with his youtube playlist and this will rebackfire. because with a tiresome and desperate game. if they are not is actor and comedian rob snyder also thet no star of woke up in america available exclusively onom. "fox nation".com. it is hilarious. i don't want to introduce you an desperate.hank that is horrible and tedious. >> first of all if i may correct
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your news program biden in hawaii honoring the victims of the fire, he was not slee sleeping, he was taking a prayer nap for the victims. he was praying for them. you can tell. and sleep ended that every once in a while. $113billion to ukraine and $700 per maui citizen. you have been to hawaii i have been to hawaii. we know how inexpensive everything is over there. $700 goes a long way you can buy a carton of milk and four eggs. one flip-flop. it will help a lot. >> laura: when you see the reaction to this hillbilly guy doing this song and the
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bare-bones production catches on as a cultural phenomenon so what is your reaction how the lefstat responds and digging up his youtube playlist? >> now it is like you have a guy who came out of nowhere and hatt nothinrog.down now all of a sudden trying to destroy hi am or take that down with right wing? isit is ugly place to come from. it doesn'tik surprise me because it is very interesting the democrats seem to be the censorship party the warmonger party in the bidenu kn administration controls how you e car you drive and what ac cat knn have.nt so eventually why shouldn'rot w theyan? if you say something the tech companies don't want you tt o say? whlisty should they control whau
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get to watch or enjoy? if it's something outside what they want you to watch we have to undermine it.going the people watch what they want to watch. you can try to control people all you want but at the end of the day if it speaks to y you, like the song does, people will come around because it makes money. you will see four or five of those guys. >> laura: imagine if there wasas a different anthem with a sititransition of sorts. that could've been a moment. rupaul could have been in onit it. >> you can actually take the jokes and replace them.hi that is what is amazing tonk me.
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but you are right. people a have spoken. they will watch a they want to watch. the idea that you can control everything but they want to destroy everything then to start over.yo and you know how well that works talk to comrade stalin to see how that worked out. people will watch what they want to watch wherever they can get it.ti i hope people continue to supporsts t independenwht artiso thahave a voice that resonatesh them. >> . >> laura: editor jennifer aniston's politics but she is pushing back on cancel culture to say i am so over it i probably sky cancel by saying it i don't understand what it means. is there no redemption? i don't put everybody into the yarvey weinstein basket.i don that was good to see from her she is probably liberals what
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they used to be for free speech and certainly redemption.dg >> listen to bill marr he's on the same page and realized the traditional liberalism has not changed with free speech and gay rights and women's rights.e meb that that makes the right wing fascist. that is the problem. but i think with cancel culture if you sit down onh bie on one. have talked to him he has a little bit of trump syndrome going on but he is a get i mode. that's why it is so important to have dialogue instead of demonizing to say let's talk if you have a better idea i can adjust mniony opinion. that's why woke is a religion because if you dare oppose any of it you are a heretic and that's where the canceling comee in and james lindsay does a
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great job of that but if you can get one-on-one. with people talk about the podcast you can have . conversation and then to realize we are not so far apart. but those algorithms push you because they keep it there as long as they can. as long as americans can talk to eache is i other with the floodn houston and both aren rescuing people they would not say are r republican?o sorry this is a republican soonvote. the democratic boat is coming it's a kayak is better for the environment. >> laura: the first guest on my radio show when you first posted radio 19 years ago was gavin newsom and then john carry.alk. this was a different world. we had a great time and we all cas han talk that so far it has
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changed. >> if anybody was to see him at his bad best watch it with adam corolla and he destroys them for fiveeallas minutes he is behindt you are doing.m si to single-handedly destroy thata testate with the super majorityf democrats look what happened in san francisco you cannot defend y way.n an i hope people make better choices at least get the two parties back. that is all i asked. > laura laura: you are lookie robert evans.ll come back anytime it's great to have you one tonight. take lau care.beat if you cannot beat them, get them off the ballot the latest plan trump. next. to duckduckgo on all your device
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♪ >> the left is in a frosty >> l aura: the left is i's an a panic.
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>> of the constitution means anything he will not be on the ballot. he is disqualified by the 14th amendment. >> he is on the ballot. ifo bet there will be, if there needs to be, challenges to the secretaries of states and others who are authorized for are developing the balance when the time comes. w >> laura: didn't they goac after trump for having a wacky legal theory after the last elections and now who is offering thosn e theories?, up next, are fox newprs contributor, professor breaking this down to the lay man. what on earth are theyarry argu? former judge and others explaining why trump cannot be on the ballot. >> this is the single most dangerous constitutional theory i have seen pop up in decades. this is an argument under the 1h amendment that donald trump can
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be barred from running again from ever holdinrg office in the federal government. becaus e he violated his oath and supported the insurrection or the rebellion. under the 14thhave amendment the is a bar under federal office if you supported or gave aid and comfort to insurrection rebellion. of course that brings us to the original question what was january 6? and in the view of many citizens it was acitizensmyse protest ths riot. it was not a rebellion or insurrection. that is a matter of disagreement between citizens. that donald trump has not been charged with insurrection or even incitement. special counsel charged with a variety of crimes like fraud. he notably did not charge not even incitement.e hicite and that would be a federal indictment. >> laura: the people who claim
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to be the great protectors ofwd democracy, are they not p disenfranchising the american people of millions and millions who woul is thd vote for donald trump? is it that anti- democratic? >> it is a curious way to support democracy keeping your opponent off the ballot.most january 6 was many things with the desecration. many of us condemned the riot when it was occurring. and i disagree with donald trump and i criticized his speech as he was giving it. doesn't mean it was a rebellion or insurrectio thingn. what was the plan? the military already supported the transition to the new presidency. most republicans had supported
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it. the vice president, th e 's where was the plan for this rebellion? we have a small group of people who were charged, some convicted with a conspiracy which could be a stop for proceedings it is nos synonymous but there is a relatively small it amount of people but donald trump is not one of them. it is a considerable reach and it is dangerous and cannot come at a worse time for this cou country. >> laura: great to see was always, jonathan. thank you. the biden administration lates weint gun grab? we will explain next. hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor?
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>> the biden atf has revoked the >> since last fall the biden atf is quietly but methodically revoking licenses of 122 gun dealers in the united states.
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350 percent increase since 2021. what is going on? joining me now is anthony navarro owner of a gun store in colorado and former etf deputy assistant director. anthony, you had your license revoked but apparently were given multiple warningcensere g. hold on me have an echo. we will get back to in the second. so what is going on with individuals reporting abuses in the revocation of the licenses given your experience at the atf? >> it is politics plain and simple. during our time most of which was focused and the people involved in weapons. and those firearms that
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90 percent of the tips for firearms and traffickers with unlicensed dealers who sell to kids came from the industry. now we are turning our back itsn is upsetting for folks who recently retired from the atf at the executive level. it is badly affecting morale investigators feel they are turning into clerks. but this is payback. and to torpedo the nomination of the gun controd,l advocacy groups. the atf doesn't have the manpower or the resources to go down this path and if they did it solidifies cutting out of the great partner to keep the public safe . l >> laura: your point is well taken. your license wasicense revoked,u apparently were given multiple
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warnings and then they said it was a paperwork mistake? >> the reaction is after that was over i asked one of the agents a specific question about inventory and said what what they have to follow is 40 percent out o mf date.i she said you do the best you can. i said i can go to jail for doing the best that cai can? that is the level of a lack of accountability that we have. they aree la more concerned abot compartmentalization causing a liability with the atf director who encourages silencers on social media and the atf runs the sting operations but there o way to get them back.
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so put it this way the dmv was the atf they are trying to put all drivers out of driving their car. the atf has no other purpose than to take guns away. that is not bein g overly conservative. >> laura: that is terrifying.g. the dealers are one of the first lines of fir defense. anthony, do you agree with that assessment? >> yes. i cannot tell you how many times we have turn people away for smelling of alcohol or marijuana. we have turnedw away a lot of money i'm a former registered news - -becaus nurse and safetys paramount but atf likes to use the word public safety but putting machine guns on the market with fast and furious is not public safety. we've never had an accident in any training class. i know safety is about. and i ended up writing a book.
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and to keep others from having the same issues.e >> laura: i will have you both of you back because we are huge defenders of the second amendment and we support both of you and what you are trying to do. that is it tonight. set your dvr to stayyingthat co. >> counting down to the first republican presidential debate tonight at 9:00 o'clock p.m. eastern tonight to those to shut out their vision for america. >> we know that ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy will be on stage of the commanding front runner. will one of them have a major breakthrough? you are watching "fox & friends


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