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tv   The Five  FOX News  August 25, 2023 9:00pm-10:00pm PDT

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within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok. and waiting. here's "the five." ♪ >> hello, everyone.rr i amo judge jeanine thoreau. it is 5:00 o'clock in new york city and this is the five. democrats in the media are getting the trump mugshots that they so desperately craved. it's already backfiring former . president donald trump turning himself in at the fulton countye jail on charges of election
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disappearance in georgia. authorities releasing this historic mugshots rate from calling what happened at travesty of justice.ha >> what has taken place here is a travesty of justice, we did nothing wrong i did nothing wrong and everybody knows at. i've never had such support.nt. they had fundraising link right as trump was surrendering. apropos of nothing i think toda is a great day to give to my campaign in president biden wil be reacting earlier.earl >> have you seen donald trump's mugshots yet? now, i. >> what did you think? i >> bidens friends in the left-wing media are loving it. >> generally he had his father
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to helthp erbail him out he's m from one thing to another without having to really face they kind of consequences other people might have in similar circumstances so this is an unusual moment. he looks enraged. what i see there is a pathos to that look very there is an anchor to that luke in donald trump has thrived on the anger of a certain demographic of american. >> he spent days with outlook. that is the one that they wanted .um they weren't finished yet. the media also going crazy over the reported height and weight measurementsp'portd . he is 6'3" and weighs 215 pounds t >> we are told that his staff filled out that form in advance which is why he is listed at 6'3" into 15 which he probably
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has incensed the wildly wildly off, so i am not going to tell you where the over under is on donald trump's weigh-in, but , let's just say it's a good 70 o 80 pounds higher than what the staff reported . >> i was not there, but. >> how does strawberry end up. >> but you better be careful u what you wish for preterm wi campaign has already fundraisin off the mugshotssh selling merchandise. maybe we should start with the t mugshots and i will start with .ou, jesse this is the fourth indictment. the president has been arraigne in miami, new york city, and washington. fulton county decided rk city h go to fulton county jail where several people have died in the last six or seven months, why dy they need mugshots in georgia
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and not everywhere else? >> the sheriff said that was protocol in they were going to make an exceptio wern.fult i'm going to look that photographer for my christmas card. i said this with an unblemished record of heterosexuality, he looks good and he looks hard to. and, why would you think that dn'tyou wouldn't practice that u is tharpt a surprise? of course you practice the mugshots rate maggie haberman saying he sent his feeler fathe to bail him out and has never faced consequences is talking about joy read sayr s he's angry bird a wedding photo, he is getting bookedth. this is the fourth indictment. the democrat you can tell are nervous because the media understands homediw powerful im is and it's their business.
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they handed this guy a huge political. heit is banking off of it and everybody's talking about black americans online some of them are saying i'm voting for trump too because they have sometimes felt they've been unfairly li targetedke by the criminal just system. you etknowed in this country, o 2 percent of the black clothes is the election right there. so that democrats have overplayed their hand. t whicruh is make trump sympathet character. i don't want to get arrested because i definitely need some sympathy. >> i will go to you.sted trump is listed at 6'3" in 215 pounds. that is what msnbc said he or his people listed him and then read the daily mail and the i daily mailre said height and weight were recorded at the jai
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as well as his hair and eye color, they were all taken at the and then the washington post said they can't figure it ouidt. the left iiss so excited to say that trump is the one they that did itthe did.ig urthere is a bill cosby mugshot in then there are the people like frank sinatra when he was these mugshots which include people like mlk. these projected image, not sad and pathetic, but difan image th e finance. i think what you see right ther is defiance.f against a broken system.crim
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he is a defendant in a criminal case, but the truth is that the president is also using this proactively by selling the mugs and the t-shirts and all of that . do you think that mugshots a really shows that there is a two-tiered system of justice? >> 100 percent, the question to their current sitting president to laugh him a a handsome guy it sends a message to the nikki haley said it this is a sad day for americida nobody tshould want to see a 77 -year-old former american president stand for his mugshots . jonathan turley captured at the best rat scowle i think the poi
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really hits homes., he said it' going to be the rallying cry at both extremes in our political many on both sides relish rage, rage is addictive. the merchandising and madness aside we have more matters to resolve together and that's not a thword reusing a whole lot ri now when crime is running ramp it. and drugs are flowing over our border, we need to come togeth s not one of those moments . >> jessica, one of those moment that joe biden tweeted was of apropos of nothing is a great a day to contribute to my campaig that is kind of a gutsy move byi gnthe biden campaign given that the president and his son are under r investigation.'t >> i don't think it' ts gutsy, it's right after the gop debate when people saw that donald trump could be the nominee. and when the person seems like he could be a nominee is up 30 or 40 points, is being indicted
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and arranged for the fourth time . i think that is a clear indication the system is workin and i don't think to your point anybody but the biggest donald trump fans are sitting they're thinking that that mugshots has anything h to do with what it wh lookedat like when mlk had his shot taken.ff to the stuff about how much she hs aweighs in all of that, i do like that kind of commentary it's useless and it distract.s s from the pointtr which is that donald trump was indicted in fourjuri jurisdictions around t country by juries of regular americans in new york, dc in atlanta in south florida where he calls home. this wasn't joy reed and rachel maddow sitting there it was regular .people who listen to t evidence brought bro before the. when you say that people are rallying behind him, his diehar base is, but the average american isn't. 60 t 62%o percent including 67 percent of independentg 61 percent think he must stand trial before the election why, because you don't want to put
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someone in office who's going t jail and 59 percent think the doj as being fair, that shoot straight through the argument s that this is a two-tiered sys of justice a. you don't like joe biden and hi fundraising off of it, donald , trump is doing the same thing happening his moment. 's hl fund raised itch off cocaine pitched. people need the money. they think of a billionaire the tried to overthrow the electione part. >> they think of hunter biden and his father as well. when you talk to average people who respond to these surveys that's nothen what they're thit about, if hunter biden is guilt of something, lock him up, if joe biden is guilty of something , lock them up. but >> tthere's whittling what going on and how serious it is by saying this is about political opponents it's not,. >> all of the prosecutors are democrats pretty the.
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>> that's not true. >> every da and every federal , prosecutor is a democrat. the one in atlanta and the one the here in new york, they are bothemoc democrats. >> what you haveha to say two tt ve tha? >> coming up, the shocking in interview joe biden and his corrupt son hunter don't want you to see aired.
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♪ >> joe biden would love if you
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just forgot about the time when he flexed his muscle and got a ukrainian prosecutor fired, the same when looking into the vi ukrainian energyce company thato his son was on the board of. >> the prosecutor is not fired, in not getting the money. while, he got fired and they pu in place someone who was solid. at the time. jes >> that esso be that biden got fired as an n gogoing to be sil. former ukrainian prosecutor is spilling the beans in an exclusive interview. he believes joe biden and his son hunter took bribes. >> i do not want to deal in unproven facts.l but my personalization is that o it is, this was the case. they were being bribed.ib edthe fact that joe biden gave away $1 billion in u.s. money i exchange u.s for my dismissal, y firing isn't that a loan case
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corruption? >> the white house claiming tha> he is lying. you can be the judge of that. the messy interview is airing that is the liberal media ia starting tuesday at light on th biden family the atlantic putting out this article that seems quite likely that hunter biden broke some laws. you going to be watching at 8:00 p.m. eastern. one nation, jessica? to get think everyone should. i think it's important to hear from all sides on these kinds o things . >> that's not answering any >> i don't get what that's a reference to, but victor shogun is not the most reliable narrator for suce h anna event he's not under oath, he's just doing an interview. he should go and testify if he has a real story to tell there.t all of the evidence refutes wha
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we saw in that little preview o the interview. biter light and fired him with the support of the entire european union, the international monetary fund.erna the ukrainian parliament all voted to kick them out because the guy wasn't doing his job. he wasn't investigating corruption. >> the obama administration per the obama administration sai d take it that's not true. it is joe biden. >> okay. his deputy, has even confirmed that he wasn't investigating. our own u.s. investigator to. if you think the international community cares enough about hunter biden's $50,000 a month to keep someone an office. >> why wouldn't joe biden doingm >> because he wasn't doing his job.nine >> why doesn't joe biden care about these prosecutors.t
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he was hired to investigate corruptions hi in he was not do so. he did, actually.ig whenat he testified before the oversight committee, that's exactly what he saidifie. he was asked about the role. agreed with the statement that he didn't pursue corruption and investigations against the owner . w >> that is not true. >> yes it is. >> read the transcript. >> yes it is true. >> who was the state department 's top point person on e?id t said that he was doing a good job fighting crime. john kerry was saying the same thing that shokin was doing a good job fighting this was in june of 2015. all of a sudden in january of 2016, he is corrupt and joe
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biden says he's got to go. go. the fact is, he knew that everybody knew there was corruption going on in ukraine. he put them in there to make sure that he prosecuted. when he got to close, they wanted to bring to the united states to do business, that's when they said joker might have got toness come in here and sav this country. i'm not finished. what did you say? >> is that i wasn't finished. and you cut me off. >> all right, in 2016, all of a sudden the prosecutor who was s wonderful to the state department, all of a sudden the hunter biden just getshu on the boards and everybody's like he' got to go.'r >> if you are dangling a billio e dadollars, don't you think th billion might be to force the
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prosecutor to investigate? with a whole new prosecutor. couldn't you tell them to investigate the country? >> the pushback seems to be set up to make sure this doesn't come back too. across the medial inscape hunte was up to ugly business, not just in ukraine, in china and everywhere else the air force t serve as jesse has put it on throughout this week is essentially a taxi service for hunter biden's businesses. it takes an imaginary leap, a huge creative leap to think tha joe abiden was at least ignora if not involveind in all of the goings of the taxi service. sure i'll take you to serbia, sure i'll take you to spain, what are you doing when you get there, son? >> i don'ton know. jes >> i have never said i don't think hunter may be guilty of wrong doing what i've said av consistently and people have been pushing various members ofo
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the committees ousn this in sana , you've done it on your show o. where are the payments. >> the chairman of the house means was on our. >> payments, $20 million in fact . >> why wouldn't th wouldn'e pre ifhere there is no wrongdoing, not encourage congress to turn over any information they had. jason smith made the point on our show today we have been stonewalled, he said this is a pattern we see over in over, they are installing any revelations they can possibly provide to the committee in regards to how the justice department blocked the prosecution hoof the presidentsn . he you cross the atlantic to your point, the headline in the atlantic it seems quite likely that hunter bideden n broke law they're saying angs motherly lo in the struggling son, the president can do at what point are they going to say we've got to start talking. we've got to encourage providin answers to these
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>> hunter biden ntbreaking laws and joe bideden breaking laws a very different. no one cares about hunter bideny they don't. a >> he's an accessory, jessica. he has taken him all over the worlwod and all of his entire family.ho will will see the mut.g shot an >>pe it is during. ahead, a turning point for san francisco's homeless crisis. the city's liberal mayor going ballistic on who she says are holding the city hostage. websit. i'm at a point now where i've outgrown my house. growing up, every time i'd get out of the shower, i would itch. my first experience with goat milk soap, it kinda was like a light bulb moment. tiktok is a fantastic platform for diy. if you'd have told me three years ago
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that i would own my own business and be expanding into a separate building, i would've told you you'd lost your mind.
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>> san francisco's homeless disaster could be at a major turning point. city officials are appealing in order that temporarily blocked them from clearing out homeless encampments and puts them at
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odds with homeless activists that oppose the removal efforts. they are fighting back includin the far left mayor to hundreds of residents showing up in support of the city's efforts t clear out those camps. eff the mayor calling out the activist for perpetuating the he cities to keep the homeless coalition has inferences go here . for a decade. t imit is time for their rain to d .nd they are taken advantage of and we are tired of it. they have crippled our ability o to get people into shelter is criminal. anything goes in san francisco t is not a way. >> she started as pretty far p left and now i think she a realizes the harllm and damage
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the city with businesses moving out, but it's interesting that what these homeless encampment organizations are saying, they're saying we are trying to get them meaning the city of sa francisco ing to stop illegally confiscating thecati property w they have no choic whee but to the streets fairbe that's a lieh they have a choiceat. i we can certainly put homeless people. in hotels. but they don't want to be in hotels and that's the problem. they say the streets are being used to criminalize their rights . you don't have a right to, you don't even have a right in your neighborhood to put something ie your neighborhood if it's a foo higher than it's supposed to bee they say that we are punishing themve because they have nowher else to go. it's facetious and it's false. the truth is that we've got to have a policy in this country. we take this homeless people wh thwant to live on the streets.
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they're not interested in livin in a hotel we can put them in there as fast as anything. we have illegals and 50 percent of the new york city hotels, bu they don't wanew yt to do that h there, wait eywhat do we do? we have to make sure they're no allowed to set up a camp, do drugs, fornicate in do whatever they want to do in areas they shouldn't be in so we have to outlaw and move them. >> and we see that throwing e' monevey at the problem is not t solution it's not working. we've seen billions of dollars thrown at these issues in americanese cities coast to cot those that we're forin this ten getting cleared were save our streets. those that want the homeless to be able to reside there.s no there will be nothing left of the cities if no one wants to live there. what is left if they don't do something about this? >> i'm not sure it will turn i' into a nothing left anytime soon , but it's making it less appealing place to live.
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esop mass exodus i s. >> okay. this is not one of those subjects where i'm not with a nd general crowd ons these kinds things. moving them somewhere against their will, but i think what's going ongo right now is not working. i think london breeders right o talking eingabout what you see is democrats being democrats afraid thisomes isn'tk about some sort of issue the aci activist classes is completely out of step with what the average people and these libera cities feel. he was talking about how the businesses have to cut back because that'ssses the only way will be able to push these he sepeople and these homeless encampments out of the streets in it seems like that could be p part of the solution, arbut to its democrats des about democra becaus e that's all that was left in san franciscoere per.
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>> there are republicans left in . the most basic quality-of-life issues can i walked down this street and that has failed and that ha opened the eyes. we want. >> to the heart of that issue. the homeless industrial complex. second, the drug addiction. a bunch of drug addicts shootin up on the streets.s the thing that nobody talks about now a half a century in t the making is the closing of mental institutions and asylums that had pushed people back on the street. they need mental help in the used to be in hospitals. we have laws and away with that that because we don't want to people against their will, but l what happened from that is they wenty we from those beds to the streets. they're closing the flagship store,ey'r whole foods in nords have shut their businesses. they couldn't tell their employees they can see the work inem their stores there.
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the downtown area has lost half of its businesses since the start of the pandemic.t of this is an emergency all hands on decmergk situation per. d >> what was a democrat we showed emthe other day bragging about democrats.>> j >> she was the mayor of madisono wisconsin. you said it well, n,you said it well, i hate to say it, but you said it wellu sa too. we don'twi have a homeless probe , we have a drug problem. these are people who could live somewhere. this is an norma's country.d they want to do drugs and they want to do drugs intent and the want to do drugs in tents where like sts bring them thing drug paraphernalia. as long as we're encouraging l that through all of these donations at these activists ge, , it's never going to change, i do support physically removin people that don't need to be there i do support that. what is the other option?y. >> there is no other option. u
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coming up, rock 'n' roll legend causing controversy after rebelling against transgender ideology. .
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listen up, you dogs with allergic itch! today's talking lesson is just one word: apoquel. ap--o--quel. ♪ you can't teach your itchy dog to talk..., talk to your vet about apoquel. apoquel is for the control of allergic itch in dogs. do not use apoquel in dogs with serious infections. apoquel may increase the chances of developing serious infections... ...and may cause existing parasitic skin infections or pre-existing cancers to worsen. new neoplasias have been observed. i'm glad we speak the same language. ask your vet for apoquel.
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♪ he >> they tied could be turning against transgender ideology. carlos santana is getting smeared as anti- trans over these comments he made at a recent concert read ghe said a cawoman as a woman and a man is man, that's it. whatever you do in the closet, that your business, i'm okay with that.hi unlike this he holds hands together. and then right of course they demand the rockledge rock legen be canceled. posting this on social media. heat he then went on to delete his original apology. t he's nothe the only rock legend s speaking his mind. alice cooper is blasting gender affirming healthcare appeare fr said it is a fad. doyou think what w ye are seein here is sort of reality?dr
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>> it's a:hard to believe were living in a world where you say is a woman is a woman enter man is a man and its controversial. we had on bethany mandel today.h she co-authored stolen youth ine her big point was really interesting today. she's making the case that gender dysmorphia really jumps to treatment in the form of t. surgery and hormones and pubert blockers. little is didiscussescd about f consent when it comes to all of thissh. she makes a case of turning children into guinea pigs with all of thichils. little is discussed in the fact that these questions that they t have are tied to mental problem and mental challenges with thos children that are immediately jumped over and not addressed first before jumping into treatment. >> i think alice cooper >>has a very good point as that it is a >> it is a fad in i think the fad is over once they start
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suing these doctors in hospital performing the surgery. that's how you have to take the figh t out in the pocket. you know what wealth provides a these guys are wealthy. t wealthhe gives you the opportun to tell the what oeyf these guys worse, a ?ouple hundred million dollars they can say whatever they want. if you were coming up with this you have to tiptoe around stuff you don't have what did they call it, new money? these people have so even a publicist, you don't have to do what the publicist wants, i've told publicist to g many times in some of those ho timeses it was a bad idea, some those times it was the right idea, but if you have that kind of success you can tell the trut th and that's what people should aspire to. you, you can still tell the truth yet. >> i can't? .caneither can i
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kincaid that's because huse is going to make more money in china. o >> have you deleted carlos santana off offf sparta five? >> know. and not the largest carlos santana fan, but everyone has a right to see these types of things. how this is happening easily, it's not. kids go through years of psychiatric evaluation before it.'re able to do no one can say to their arm mom or dad and say i want puberty blockers and you go to the doctor and take its prescribed. that's right, and then the nurs does a behind the jesparents b and then you have gender g affirming careen without tellin the parents two.s >> know, if you tell your mom
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ifyou think you're a boy and th mom takes you somewhere to a doctor like that probably withi weeks. we've interviewed peopledo that have had that happen. >> judge? >> a couple of things. you know, you talk about a certain level of wealth, and th carlos santana as soon as he made that statement then tried to nuance it a little bit. he h tried to have us do wants.o and alicope cooper, who just signed up with that vampire cosmetics a couple of weeks ago was just dumped by vampire cosmetic vs. you've still got s like the big bad big brother saying you can' say something that we don't agree withy . i think one of the problems is that you know, dave chapelle an what he says is part of his he is a comedian he talks about tht culturure in the culture wars going on. carlos santana, and i love him, i've always loved his music at the same time if you want to go
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to a concert and listen to that you know, i don't want to see somebody kneel at a football game and i don't want to go to music concert and have somebody talk about that.n if even if i agree with them because we can all be little comber. let me just say also that what d think ha, s happened not new jersey, but ththe cohorts just came dowwn an and supported the schools are not the parents tha these kids have rights to go to the school and say you know what , i have gender dysphoria they have need mental help ho ribefore they make these decisis . it's not being done because a ca smalusl minority is taking overg and a few years it's going to b over f.>> >> i don't believe in that kind of money , i think if you were weak before, you work week after . >> jesse watters, the next test case on that kind of money.
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♪ ♪
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hi, i'm susan, i've lost 84 pounds on golo and i've kept it off for a year. i had spent so much money on other products that when i saw the commercial for golo, the price was so much cheaper and i thought, "boy, this might not work but why not try it?" it is amazing and it works really well. when nature and science get together... pretty sweet things can happen. like our senokot laxative gummies. to relieve occasional constipation, senokot starts with the natural senna plant that science transforms into a yummy gummy! sweet! senokot laxative gummies.
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♪ >> welcome back, it's time for the fastest.
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paper straws, they get all mosh in t your drink and might not b as environmentally friendlnoy a you think freight scientist in belgium say they are just as entaharmful as the plastic ones contain potentially toxic forever chemicals. sandra, would you like to elaborate? >> i cannot stand the paper t straws. they were shoved on this.. before thought, so now were all going to get cancer from them? >> after we had to like.ha because they disintegrate folfrt . >> we always end up shooting ourselves in the foot. like with the climate changeean. >> and the electric car, there' all kinds of problems with themm burning and starting that fire in then if we there is an environmental hazard t.ha there going tove support china they have more plans for everything else. t
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it is a good idea. sho >> no mention of her and i mean ever. >> there's really nothing like if you're like at a sporting even spot he is onto something.c >> it's not a masculine lookul. >> i guess not. >> exemption granted. >> thank you. styrofoam cups are the greatest thing. your enjoyment experience will be multiplied. >> tells us how many are going to happen a day. up next, at no greater
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disappointment than being refused a cold refreshing beer at the end of the day. teleprompter. >> no meat, no cheese, no meat, no cheese, and no beer. that's it, eve killed me. >> biden's alcohols our is breaking some news with thrts e americans could be advised to limit themselves to two drinks u week under strict new guidelines . and a higher you g theo to the doctor and he saw how many alcoholi thec beverages you can a leak. >> i know a famous surgeon that once told famome whatever the n is the patient provides, doublet say. >> i think more than double it. who knew there wasn't alcohols breaking news, there is an alcohols door. he so definitely double that.
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>> wathey are all over the place o thisth stuff. they changple guidelines all th thtime. >> it's like covid, the vaccine and prevention for getting it. >> i thought the alcohols are was a ar wgood thing. you take something like an alcohols are that should be promoting alcohol. an alcohols are sounds amazing. >> he would never play for l another drink and his life aerate it's not like a lady at beerl garden it's a real job. >> it's a guy in the beer garden , what are you talking about? san one more thing is up next. i went into a depression. how do you feel about that? pretty sad. and i posted it to show that kenny's not always happy.
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within 24 hours people had donated over $5,000. no, you're kidding. we set up the patriotic kenny foundation to give mobility scooters to veterans. it has changed my life tremendously. none of this would've happened without tiktok.
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it's time for one more thing. wl >> and the teleprompter says that i go first, so i willl.pore a porch pirate is a term usually referred to as suspect,t accused of stealing packages off of someone's doorstep. but this thief toohi tooink the to a whole new level. a man in georgia stole anh entirefr eight by ten porch fro his neighbor's property. the suspec t was eventually arrested for theft, has been daily by local police as the porch pirate. all right. and also, don't report on that. >>be i don't know. a i'm going to be on "hannity" tonight, so tune in to watch hannity at 9 p.m.. >> so they're next as well. all right, the n on sunday, tune in right here on the fox news channel for a new showw show, 1. eastern time. >> outkick on fox is clay travis, tomi lahretkick cln, ch. now they're going to talk about issues out there in the country, includinguest with gues like rowdy gaines, mary katherine ham and innis kanter freedom 10 p.m. eastern e time on sunday outkick on fox. and also check this out.
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this is sergeant perryerry chronister first day of school. >> he's been deployed to the middlein east a year, hasn't sen his son, seven years old in a year, comes in dressed as a tiger and then takes the hat off. >> od ofh, oh, hits him like p a middle linebacker. i love emotions hit chronister pretty good, he said. it's the best feeling, the best moment he's evers had. >> those know i love you. i like the way he just laughed out of the chair himself. >> he said the best saving jessica. >> i'm about to cry. we are. let'. s lacks highlights let's see it. there it is. leere's harry legs. >> so these two canadian guys duking it out. wegstw got logan mellish and cor cook. total lacks prostotal dr, just g the gloves and throwing down crossee. d >> that's what lacrosse is all about. and tonight, jesse watters, ouo prime time, the fyre festival guy. oh, he's out of prison and he's
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on primetime. go's doing another festival. yeah, yeah, yeah. people are going, yeah, we'rinuc selling out. i would highly recommendum the hulu documentary on the fir e, the original fyrealso wat festival. if you want to see what this guy did to people. okaych. great >> and also watch him on jesse. all right, well, jessica, it's your turn. inflt. . >> so my script. inflation is still high. i can imagine a two and soulcycle, so costs a lot. sometimes you just have to geted creative. check out this group of new yorkers that's so determined to stay in shapminedg that they're using a rack of city bikes as a makeshift spin class. and they even have an instructor and everything. the music goiny payig and are they paying for the use of the bikes? >> no. >> jese drinkig, y're doin though? >> they're drinking smoothies through a strong atlantic andan: then they have beer at the end. it sandra so we're going to en d on this fluffy, fun. fuzzy no, it's doggies's dog eng an indoor bouncy castle. i love those. who doesn't enjoy a good bouncy castle? thes house.e three dogs are having
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the best time. and we thought it was fridayt ts >> and, you know, video likew that can brighten a day to those dogs know each other. >> are they from the same point? have that information, judge. you don't look at them. they're so cute. t >> a belgian malinois was a warrior. dogs. that'sll, they make it my lifehe . >> malaman. that's your military police dog, right? yeah, that's. that'sthere. th like. anyway, that's actually that's good for us. have a great week. >> welcome to jesse watters from tim e tonight. that is going to be iconic and infamous. the trump mug shot alreadys a superpower. >> is the prosecutors not firefd ? you're not getting the money for son of a got fired. >> well, son of a . now he's talking, saying,ng sorry, you guys already got me . later, america's top fraudster out of prison and on prime f time. >> plus, santanaraud ste


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