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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  August 26, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT

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there are so many things that you can be and if you want to be it you could it on coursera to earn your degree from a world class university online apply today at coursera dot org. ready to go. gray davis david. andrew kagemusha. julius caesar die the dreamy trace gallagher. happy friday, everyone."t >> i'm laura ingram. this is ingram angle from washington tonighthe ing. america's mug shot. that's the focus of tonight'ght. angle all right the mediae lemmings one after another have been busy jumping off the rock ledges over the last 24 hours,ai now barely able to contain their triumph and spirits. >> when the trump mug shot p was released, a picture that will live in infamy. >> the first mug shot of aamerir
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american splashed across the front pages this morning. and while that picture trark a historic inflection point, former president trump's legal soli id saga is really justt' beginning and convicted of being put behind bars. >> of course we know that'sar o trump's greatest fear comes primal fear of just this being held criminally accountable, terrified of what chris christid ofe as the clink of a jail cell, the clink of champagne glasses over at a thn or msnbc. now, like all the left choices, this decisioisn by d.a.t of t fani willis to force a former president ofheto united statestl to get a mug shot last night was totally unnecessary. itary, is backfired spectacular. i love it. evy american to see this farce for what it is. >> it's one more chapter in aum four year vendetta against donald trump andp himsel. trump himself is using their soviet style persecution to his political advantagevanta he not only posted the mug shot on his truth social accound itt he shared it on x, formerly known as twitter. it f was his first post there
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since january 8th, 2021. and the hyperventilating blowhards on msnbc. now, obviously, they're frustrated msnbc this they're relegated to lame historical parallels in theirl o as understated as usual. >> there's an appeal to running. if you're donald trump to hearing for president asas the t the outlaw president, he would be the would be the jesse james strategy. you would take that photograph h and they would make it up. they would wear like a badge of honor. bad guys as heroic. you laug h that because who jesse james was an actual hardened criminal who killed people without any without any apparent of being a being grabbed. well, the truth is these nattering ninnies can' t pastin t their own self righteousness. and in the fog createdhethei their own hot air. >> they're missing realis america. >> i think most fair minded people see this spectacle for taat i.t is. it's the ultimate in election tampering.
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by the far left, a politically ambitious local prosecutornd a and a supporter of kamala harris, who believes that prosecututing tre and trump putn a fast track to the governor's mansio on for his hounding of trump. alvirom robert mueller to jack smith to alvin bragg. >> and now willis has never been justice. it's about political revenge and a warnin g. f capt >> in a way, trump's seething and the mug shot kind of man captures what many americans are feeling these days as well.e they, because th, too, are seething, because whether it's the economy, crime or natural disasters, the government seemske to either make things worse or not care at all, like in maui today,te i haven't had any money in i haven't had anybody call me back. i didn't hav. i e anything.i lo i have no ideast.use. i lost house, i lost my car, i lost my animals i mean, come ' on, man, we're not getting
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anything. so todayt my i still didn't get. meds. i cannot get my meds yet. i have n n sho money anymore. i think joe biden should take'sa his $700 and get back on the plane and go home. that's what i thint k. the $700 compared to all the millions he's given to ukraine, why we need it, art and that's why we don't understand why we're citizenset and we can get money. but if they're not citizens, ba they gazillions of dollars from the u.s.. fiyoxx your house before you fix somebody else's house. liter >>al and they're mad about the cost of living. everythingh th is literally thrc the roof. >> i'm middle class and erned am concerned about like the inflatiojustn it's not justt food that's going up. everything's going up. it's going up and it's getting worsin ye. yeah, i think everybody's getting like a hit with that. >> and they're mad because biden's callous. man >> even when speaking to gold star mome s, how manyin
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more parents have to go through this nightmare ig wif we don't o anything with this administration? >> we deserve the trut deserh we deserved it two years ago and we definitely deserve it today. ange so the public's anger toward the is growing faster than they anticipated and not just fy against the white house either. when he was at that annual farm picnic earlier this month in kentucky, the mitch mcconnell really think that he'd be greeted like this. sto >> i love how i stood thereod frozen, smiling at the democrats for decades, have thken the urban and the minority vote for granted. but they're running into anger. there as well. it turns out that city dwellersr are just as outraged about crims outr crimee.
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>> anyone else? i'm more cautious. i'm probably not out thi nots more or always looking behind me and things like that. unfortunate. others have just decided to leave their crime ridden cities. >> the hood is waking up i. i used to live in atlanta for a majority of my life. i grew up there one of the reasons i left here bey.came out to the countr is because of how these liberal cities around atlanta has gone bad. >> this is a problem for the democrats. so the fury it's building. and it's also amazing to me that corporate america, with all their fancy, high paid consultants, couldn't see anhethis coming. thw, some at anheuser-busch actually thought thaatt the drinking public would be okay with their little brant. idn't rimen >> a trans activist, i really didn't want to make this video becausre e i feel embarrassed, but i'm just going to do it. day 17 of being a girl and am the bearded lady. >> well, consumers had the lasth
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laugh, didn't they? and they let them have it. bud light will never recover. it's totally clueless of them. now. sadly, most big companies are no better than goves team a. the sales team at target, they didn't know what hit them when parents respondeded w with boycotts after target unveiled their gender non-conforming n marketing blit. it's like the left is school boards as well. dsey weren't ready for the moms and dads a are rising up against their perverted curricula. those kids are mine. they they are my kids.l and i have the moral duty and legae l right to shape my kids future. >> s laura: o establishment politicians, weak kneed ceos, lefties edu crats, they're all underestimating the of the silent majority who are fed up, frustrate in feeling like the way trump looks in that mug shotum.
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>> they're very, very angry. so on the left kind ofy revel s and what they see as trump's mug shot humiliationhussin, fur they're the building wave of fury that's bearing down on them. ding dowand the angle. >> joining me now is florida congressman byron donalds of the oversight committee, and ben domenech, editor at large of the spectator e, foxn news contributor. >> congressman, i think this they r is in the process of backfiring on the democrats. ead thinthey really did think te trying to humiliate trump and fultont on county would be just one more nail in his coffin, his political coffin. >> i don't see it. i >> neither do i, laura.yste well, i think what people are looking at t is that this te system run by the democrats. the justice system dem run by te democrats is being wielded for pure politics, just so c they cn get their their proverbial scratch etched. it's ridiculous.. and frankly, it's destructive of our country. meanwhil the thithate all the te are going on in america that
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are affecting poor americans middle income americans, white americans, black americans, etceing i., isg ignored and the press covers it up. this is going to backfire in a major way because americans want our countryuncti. to function. they don't want it to be usedint as a political weapon againstf political rivals. >> now, ben, you made some of these greathest points on my podcast this week, but i want to reiterate somethingmethin. once in a while, even one ofrk the reporters at the other networks gets a light bulb. >> watch this.hi this primary electorate really muscs someone who they fee tl are is fighting for them. they want someone who is esexing their muscles and showing that in fundraising and fighting the established men, even though the establishment here is the criminal justice system. y seei that's a cnnng political reportr actually saying what the gop electorate wants to see. >> he's a lot better than that tr hilemanh, john heilemann. >> you made me watch more than i've had to see in many years.
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i no, i accept your apology. lookt your, they have run into something. i think here that they haveo completely underestimated, which is they have devotedmuch o much of their time to tryingid to go after the formereny th president that they have failed to have any kind of agenda that was promised by them in thethe e 2020 election. anything that would peop the demands of of working people across this country, the demands of the middle classth, they'veif i treated the failure of the inflation reduction act g tt as if it was something that was just, you know, a speed bump, something along the roade do to just inevitable reelection, when in reality what they've done is takenen their n their ek the ball and now they're trying to make up for it by saying, fot thisu can't reelec guy because he's so dangerous. he's so dangerous to, you know, democracmocrace coy, the constim and the like. but when people see something like this, i think it makeak ths very real for them. the idea of looking at amugshone f a former president, it's kind of disgusting in a way that i think that will actually lead to a backlash, a serious backlasho
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against the democrats who have pursued this. no one wants to see this. they don't think that it's the e right thing to to any any former president. knu know, republicans didn't cln go after bill clinton after he left office. we didn't see the kind of,owq wa you going after george w bush, you know, over, you know, iraq waesr crimes or whatever you wanted to suggest. the same with barack obama and now . is may and now donald trump gets this kind of treatment. this may be the first mug shot s that we have of a formert president, but they're setting it up so it won't be the last. and that's the thing est i think they're underestimating about this whole scenario. >> l have opened p up a pandoras box and they don't know what's going to come next. >> i don't think they do know. and congressman donalds, t itse i specifically wanted to say the mug shotlf the itself mirros the mood of the public because a i'm sensing it across ethnicities, racial linesthem and african-american men. afte yr telling them for yearsy
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that the justice system is corrupt and crookedlo. they're looking at this, you know, in some of the videos we've seen today in featureddedy they're looking at some of this going, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. but now they're targetineting h. do you see that or am i overstating it? ing. >> no, you're absolutely right. law lower. that's what' look,s happening. god look, americans are. you're talkingve about a government, a department of justice that ignores the crime s of the president's son and, frankly, the president himself. they ignor.noe those crimes. there's no investigation. there's no serious efforice or . the department of justice or the fbi to get to the bottom of that. meanwhilre, they're going afteri the chief political rival that is unfairness to the nth degree and all that is happenin the ba, with the backdrop of an america that is failing around us bordey,r inflation, fentanylr on our streets, questioning n the gender of children. that is something that speaks frankly to allot jus men, not js black men, because we just want
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the country to functio b n and this foolishness by the democrats. they're going to rue the day that they wastedd al thi all of our time with this, because i believe there will be a backlash in 24. >> yeah, i think i don't likey t the phrase, but it does apply here to the way most people are feeling about what they're seeing around them. congressman ben, thank ben, yo much. this mug shot is somethingk, tha i think that for a lot of americans was something that was necessary. why the does he need an 80 motorcycle motorcade? you know, you're going to get processed as a criminal defendant. this mug shot becomes important because it sayprocess the procen is actually acknowledging that this guyhe no different than the rest of us. >> joining us now, jonathan turley, professor of law at gw university. univ, foxs contributor. it's stunning to me that steelef thl steele wass actually head of the rnc at one point with his commentartar pretty dimwitted, if you ask
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me. but fani willis obviously jonathan did not need to don what was done yesterday to president trump, but that was an importantt markr the mar the left and it was kind of a preliminary part of the scalp on the wall for her. doe you see this as having been legally in any way necessary or a mistake on their part. >>se well, of course, this was n ignoble moment that was not in new york. i'm not familiar with the procedures and the fulylt d accounting jail, but it seem to me rather gratuitous to get higratm a mug shot from someonet who is probably the most recognizable figure in thepeople united states. >> but the level o f that people got from this moment, as you noted in your monologue is really, really pretty depressing. we've gotten to this point in the country where so divided ,look at that picture and they will feel passionately but
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in very different ways. some people will be extremely angry. some people are going to be delighted. bu delightet we now have to dealt. with the merits of thisd indictmentth and the serious constitutional questions that are raised when you criminalize challenges to elections. what's missing in this indictment is any limiting principle of how we distinguish between challenges. you knownges., had people like jamie raskin try to oppose the certificatiortificatn, donat trump in 2016. there were violent riots after election. nobody is suggesting that was a crime and it shouldn't. you would. marc elias, hillary clinton's general counse elias, y clintolr tried to overturn an election in new york alleging that the machines had somehow flipped the resultg no. one said that was a crime because it wasn't a crime. soha question is, where is that? limiting principle here? and i don't se e it. and i think that we're goinge it to see in the coming weeks
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hopefully some judicial review of these issues. >> well, november 20, 20, a facebook post that appears to be from an accoun at to fani willis said this georgia, determine who who is our next president. a team of lawyerchs needs to watch them count every single vote. they can start in fulton countwy . we're having water leaks. what ballots are they throwing out? georanesa let's have an honest accounting. no stunts agaisn. t professor, again, this appears to be our facebook page where we've reached out to her office to confirmconfir haven't they tt gotten back to us, but she seemed to have some concerns initially about the process in fulton county. >> well, look, these are heated elections. you and i have seen those unfold. i disagreed with presidentationh on his allegations of widespread fraud, but that ma all making thoseim allegations is a crime. and we have to ask ourselvese to what happens next? you know what my biggest concern that the pundits
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and the prosecutors are justmeae willfully blind to the implications of what this case could. there are some serious charges here connected, individuals with regard to specific crimes, but they're usin g broad sweeping racketeering claim citiringweepin in trump. and they're citing virtually every statement, tweet, meetinei call that they have. they're even bringing up that georgia calla again, which wast misrepresented originally when people said that trump ordered the the the georgia officials to find, you know, 11,870 more votes. in reality, that wasli like a settlement call. those were fairly antagonistic partie fics. r they were trying to see if they could resolve their differencetrump wang ts. and trump was saying that what he wanted to where wa votes that number of votes, which he didn't think was that significant, iher investf they g investigation. >> i disagreed with that. buoing t at is that now going te
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a crime because i can name off the top of my head about ten other politicians that have made largelyf sort of free cou wheeling challenges like that. >> well, i'm professor now, apparently any county d.a. across the country can indict former president of the united states, who happens to maybe either be a privat fore or runn for office or maybe when they're even president of the united states. if counti mean, if a county d.a. this, all bets off.proble do you agree? well, i think thatou yeah, i think the problem is you're going to have the copycat syndrome kick in here. why wouldn't aal local prosecutor mug want to have that distinction, have their own mug shot on the wall? and we have to ask ourselves, as citizens of good fait h, the right from the left, from the middle, is this really ale path w take?e to take? well, i appreciate it, professor. thank you so muc thh. all right. the weaponization of the doj does not stop there, though. notehew they're going after anor perceived foe, elon musk. so what did he do, david? >> one of his close friends is here to explain the fury.
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department. so they've targeted christians, parentam s you name it, they'ver ma done it. >> now, anyone who's rattling n the cageoisebout or making nois about the establishment, the biden administration an perceives it as a threat. now they're going after elonthe muskdo again. compa >>ny the doj is suing his company, spacex, overces be discriminatory practices because the company will not hirecaan asylum seekers ors isn' refugees. now, this isn't somethint somegh has ever hidden. he's been saying it for years. in fact, he says it's all because of one thing. >> when are you going to hires. people from other countries than the u.s.? >> unfortunately, this is not up to us . so the u.s. governmen regulations, well, they make getting a job in the us, hard as it is just getting a job as hard as it is. techg on rocketadvanc technology that's considered an advanced weapons technology, s o a normal work visa isn't sufficient. i want to be clear. this is not some out of some desire of spacex to just
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hire people with with green cards. it's -- it's because we're noteh allowed to do anything else. >> the government says that he's wrong, that musk can hire asylees, refugees to work on rocket and weapons technology. i personally don't thinkt techn >> you should be able to do that. but if they say that's the law now, i want you to hear somethin buts thg else that musk said about this policy. >> i think thiiss is not a wisey thing for it is not a wise policy for, you know, for the u.s., because there's so many talentenyd people all aroud the world that we would love to have work at our company. gre but unless best they can somehow get a green card, weg can't. we're just we're legally prevented fromanyone, from hiril anyone. >> so musk is pretty liberal on thily wites. he's not really with the populist camp on this type of a . tionavid >> but joining me now is david o sax, a close friend and former colleague of elon musk. he's also a partner at kraftdca. ventures and co-host of the all in podcast.
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>> now, david, setting aside wiu the angles, disagreement with musk on who should be working on rocket technologty ,why do you think the doj filed, this lawsuit? goi is it really a principled disagreement about the statute itself? >> something else going on? well, laura, i think, first of all, they're basically saying that spacex is hiring too many e americans believe that spacex should have hired fewer american citizens and greemericc card holders and hired more refugees. >> but the really crazray about this is, as you heard in your video, it's not like elon wanted to have thatere's policy. what he said is that they were requiredcalled there's a law called itar, which is theal international trafficking arms regulation act, which controls the itre controls how companies that involved in manufacturing rockets and advanced weapons wil have to deal with classified information. and it was widelod.this wy thiss the belief of the entire industry, not just spacex, x the and elon, that they could not
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it w basically nationals, that they could only hire american citizens and green card holders. l april it wasn't until april os year that the doj issued what they called clarification ,saying that these companies had to hire again, refugees and asylees as considered the category of u.s. persons. and now they're going back and they want to make it retroactive to 2008 through 2022. >> so pre clarification, they want to basically say that spacex is liable for those 15 years before they issued this clarificationissued t. yeah, i want people to know the what this entails. as david referenced, thererehe, the doj wants spacex x to pay back pay, including interest and all other relief available discrimi . >> eacd agh individualains discriminated against who was actually qualified. i mean, that's got to be a not y an insignificant amount of money. david. and agai.
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n, this seems this seems really punitive at this point. this does not seem like a fair application of clarified statutory language. >> right yeah. they i mean, the remedies here are unprecedented. first of all, they wanwax tot sy to pay the doj civil penalties. but more than that, like you said, they want go back and say that anybody who was screened out, you have to pay them los t for all the years since they were screened out. dw so it's essentially what the government is assuming is that somebody who is screened out in this way definitely would have been hired, definitely deav stayed at spacex for all those years and was entitled to all of this. backpay as we know, spacex is has a very high bar for hiring. very difficu it's a very diffice to get jobs and people who can't get jobs thereer get jobs in lots of other places. >> so they're just assuming thesssumine incredibly draconian remedies. >> i don't thinkd be be applying to any other company. >> that's the kicker. i beini think he's being target who he is, what he believesfr about free. a
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and of course, said x, formerly knowtwitten twitter. . that's what this is about. david, thank you for your insights on thi we tos. >> now, we've told you before about that florida town being invadell, thisd by bunnies. well, this next story is even more bananas. m just a few hours north, a wildis monkey is apparently on the looseon the. details. >> fox senior national correspondent kevin corke is here with all those details i . kevin, what is happening now? hey, hey. it's a monkey and the peopleologie say it's monkeying around. okay. apologies to mickes to mickey d, and the rest of the group. >> this particular monkey, laura, isn't cruising around in a convertible with his friends, singing songs and sportingsinginan a pageboy m no, this monkey has the folks in orange city, florida on the run and calling for help. gatorshelp. . bears and snakes. oh, my. okay, got it. that's florida. but monkeys. ap.s really? >> apparently, it's true. red for those of you wondering ,been identified as a wild rhesus macaque monkey.i look
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>> i see out of the corner ofve my eye and then i look over and i'm like, is this real?g or like, this cannot c be possible. and i'm like, i'm like tellingoi other coworkers. i'm like, yo, yo. and i'm like, i can't even think of the name of the animal becausit's ae just shocked thate it. i'm like, it's a monkey. it is the weirdest thing i've have notn. >> not only working here in myii wife, kim. i liveveind in florida. fig that's not the weirdest thing i saw. now, you probably figure thd this part. officials are urging the public we not feed or attemptfeed to te monkey or monkeys. we don't know how many there might be out there. if you see something, saya something. call florida fish and wildlifeae and. >> stay safe. so of all the things that you thought you'd see y florida, wild monkey probably didn't end up on your bingo card. laura.e loos >> kevin, who would win the gators are on the loose. you got the large snakes in florida. who woul to theanothey mix. who would win that battle? >>k we'll that to another report. yes. kevin, kevin, we love having g idayyou on fridays for these wai stories. >> and i'll see you, my friend. all right. thanksend. so much.
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now is the best time to call. we're waiving all installation costs with no interest, no payments for one year. go to jacuzzi, bath remodel .com or call 800 348286, seven. >> call now. >> the word from maui now is 115 dead. 388 people are still missing and fema is still trying to work itself in its way through. the process. now, why is this? it seems to a lot of people on the ground that things are still taking too long. relief and money and so forth. well, it might be because the folks at fema are prioritizing other things like diversity, equity and inclusion courses. according to the washington free beacon, fema has mandated a three hour diversity training for employees that argues that white supremacy is an ideology, a pattern of values and beliefs that are ingrained in nearly every system and institution in the united states.
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>> joining me now is ben wilson, reporter for the washington beacon. now, ben, since your story came out, fema telling the ingram angle that these specific trainings are not mandatory for the entire agency. but look, this is obviously is obviously a priority for them. otherwise they wouldn't offer it at all. what can you tell us? right. they're saying now that o it's not a required thing for everyone. they are requiring thousands oef employees to take these courses on diversity, equitythey and, inclusion. and they're also playing word games by saying these specific coursesayings we're going to, q, are not required. but that's because they havene o two other courses they could take. so it is required to take one of them. bu themaid,t you said, laura, the devastation is historic. it's ongoing. we have 1200 people that could still be missing. they're putting out lists of names, but there's so many more people they haven't identified, asking family members to send in dna as they're going through the rubble. it's devastating. . and the biden administration is focusing its employees valuables valus work hours on g
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these courses that say things, but are certainllimited y not ld to that. the u.s. has founded in white supremacy, was founded on violenc supremace, and that whites supremacists are lurking in the workplace. thisy ar is what they're focusig on. >> and the number of of stillnub missing thater number hasbottom fluctuated. it was 1500 that it was 850, now it's 388. bu lint the bottom line is, i'm thinking if you're an employee at femawants to and soe who really wants to rise through the ranks in the agency ,are you really going to comeths forward and say, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, this o offends me. >> for you to say that., every system, every place,ore everything in the united states has this corc racisme systemic m in it. >> i just think the pressurer is going to be on you to take this class. and frankly,ow in your own way to echo its belief system. that's the problemn impl. >> it's an implicit pressure, if nothing elss.e. hy >> right?he that's exactly what it is. and employees are upset about it. that's why. th reached out to us. they're offended by the things that are being said to be fact s
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. they're not allowed to question these things. and the moderators in these coursethem ts warn them to consr what they say or don't say. so, yeah, there'ese s a lot ofto pressure on these employees, but it's just in line with what the white house has been doingui through its administration and prioritizing equity, even in matters omatterf natural disasters. vice president kamala harris last year said with hurrican wih that equity should be taken into effect. when we're respondinel whg, helping people who've lost lives and property, and we see that all throughout th administration and all of the departments, just this prioritization, and yeah, threatening people to take these courses. >> nowra: this is insane. ben, thank you so much for joining us and for this piece. politall right. trump the cultural and political impact of that trump and the unhinged media reaction. what does tell us? >> raymond arroyo it's friday follies and it's nexs t. >> he was only 47. aneurysm. did he have life insurance? do you know?
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a baby, learn the warning signs. it could help save her life. >> hear her. >> my name is shannon bream, and i'll be out in the field and leading coverageadin fort a democracy 2024. it's something i pinch myself actut all the time, buthme tha i actually get to do this. it feels like such a privilege. >> wonwe begin with the directif the country under president biden, but i feeh itlg weight with it, too, to make t sure that we get it right and people know that we are. they're askingy questions they would want answered.
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>> oh, thank god it's friday. and that means it's time forconi follies that we're turning to fox news contributor raymon din arroyo. g to >> all right, raymond, i have been waiting to hear what youe have to say about the media and the cultural impact of the trump surrender and mug o shot. >> well, laura, look, i want to add to what you toucheds trum on early in the show. that mug shop t situates a trumi a cultural context that i'm nots sure his enemies may haveoins anticipated. now he joins frank sinatra. he elvis presley. he joins johnny cash. and tupac shakur.g he and he didn't only know some of these people, meaning he is now seen by nonpolitical folks as a rebel, an outsider with swagger. withand as one black lady i spoe with earlier today here in new orleans said trump's's a gangstr
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and that means he has cred among a new bloc of voters thats perhaps have never given him w a serious look. and now they're looking again. this is interestin g what's>> lau happened here. >> well, i think, you knowraopl, they people on msnbc thought, well, you know, he thinks he's some rabble but most of the country is going to see him as, you know, against the constitutionstitutiodon't s hink it'see it that way. not when we have so manywaste problems facinofg country.he >> i think people think it's a big waste of time and money. and laura, he the pantheon of a pop culture icon now >>th this imag thee and the way they're marketing it. you could feel the excitement in atlanta l: it's al when trus in town about to be processed. watch thisrocessed. b itet might be here right now. t oh, him right now. wan him.s a terrible. that might have been well, notm. what you
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, laura. this was like a parade going by. i mean., wh look, trump got 12% ofic the black vote last time, which was a 4% improvement. there are polls showing he could get to 20% of the black vote. if that happens, it's all over. it's totally over now. i saw the merch blitz today, right? right. it's alreadyalready the t-shirs on the cops. even don jelr his own version.,s >> so what of that?ht well but but as you might expect, laura, the media reaction was resoundingly j negative. i give you john bolton. >> he could have smiled. he could have looked benign. a and steady, looks like a . and i think it's intended to ben a sign of intimidation against the prosecutors and judges. >> oh, come on. how does an expression, laura, a mug shot intimidate prosecutors? they prosecute mugsd them.
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and it's bolton now saying it's okay to pass judgment on how publitc figures look because he looks like artie johnson from thalookt laugh-in show. >> i mean, come on. no, no, raymond. raymon d. remember from the radio days where for years i've called, like, he looks like this humane, scrubbing bubble that's me. that's what he looks like. okay. that, okay about bolton? the monitor. ingram. comeav on. after >> that's the one that. would they scrub hard so you don't have to.or other media types decided to go after trump's weight and hair color and height on his fulton county paperwork , whichs li is listed as a white male. >> his haistr is listed as blond or strawberr y, and his weighted is listed 175 to 15 six 3215 people pointed out as the exact dimensions of lamar jackson,ore the quarterback for the baltimore ravens. >> let's just sayor it's a good 70 or £80 higher
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than what the staff reported. boy, i got to tell you, joe scarborough's got go hornets to mention weight or hair color, laura. this guy's had more hair color changes in the. lady gaga.s than but on cbs, i love this. l they compared trump to athletes weightsar heights on their morning show. then gayle king added this. come on now. does anybody believe he weighs 215? i'll go. h no, no, no. one on the internet, nobody in this room believes that he weigh is. 102. >> 215 i weigh 102. so now, laura, i thought fatbad. shaming was verboten. imagine if someone put gayle the king and say oprah on a scale on tv. >> is this the right weight? 6one 64.2. gla sure is. i mean, i'm is guy glad i took off my watch. >> so 29, close to 30%. >> lhat is that good? it's a good place to start.
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at her face. >> it's a good place to start.ya wellve they've they've always ao they've always been veryut upfronweightt. y in >> their weight, though, who cares? i mean, we have our inr an a situation where people have no money, save for an emergency, they're maxing out their credit cards. we got our areas turned into war zones. >> we got stores being cleaned ouout.t. >> and we're talking about what someone puts down for their weight. >> by the way, i weigh 1/10 of gumbel. >> gayle king is going to hate her for that. buupseuse trumusedt you know, l, they're upset because trump used this moment that was supposedly kicked off and turned it into a theatrical springboarlignd into the campain season. and it's, by the way, dominated the newse news ait wil all weekl carry into the weekend. >> you just watch. >>. >> raymond, how long do you think trump took to kind of practice that look? i mean, you're look there he practiced plane ride to fulton castle right there telling me i have to tease raymond. >> thank have a grea.
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>> great. have a great weekend. all right. next, an orlando realtor going virae heplaining sl because he'g why it's so tough for young people to buy homey homes in bis america. >> biden-nomics. oh, yeah. ♪nd he's here nexte ne . back in my day, we didn't have all of these types of fancy chicken for sure. you have buffalo wings, some fried chicken. well, we didn't have garlic farm or sweet bourbon barbecue ,and he had to walk uphill both ways. and it's not every time. yeah. >> where are you from? why do you have hearing conversations? are you constantly asking loved ones to repeat themselves? do you miss out on discussions or talking with friends? then you would benefit from nano hearing aids. don't waste thousands of dollars on expensive hearing aids or settle with the frustration of cheap amplifiers . right now you can get to revolutionary nano cic recharge hearing aids regularly $794 for just $297 or opt in to our payment plan of four easy payments.
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is number one the right voices at the right time on fox news primetime weeknights on fox news america is you're welcome o america. >> have you talked to someone who's tried to buy a house lately? or maybe you'vmaybe nto buye evd to buy a house lately? well, it's always been, you know, not the easiest thintg ,but now, boy, it's gotten hard. u.s. mortgage applicationsag jut fell to a nearly three decade lo w. thank you. biden-nomics interest rates are nearing 8%r hi, a 23 year hv and people who are trying to buy homes are justown st they're just given up. now we're even seeing it with our own staff at the angle. and what's even more striking is this headlineike americans nt need to spend 43% of their income to afford a home. now one realtor in orlando is going viral for sounding the alarm on. >> what this is doing to his generation, 1970, the average
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home was $15,000. it is now $436,000. it has gone up 29 times.g fo you got way more bang forexpand your buck and more children. you've got to expand your family, ownnd own a house. things are so drastically different. and thg. rate is plummetin people can't afford it. so we need to make a chang't afo that we can turn this around. >> joining me now, freddy smit h ,real estate agent, co-host ofss the freddy and alicia show. freddy, grea t have you so how bad is it out there for young people, first home buyers, let's say, from todam tn comparing it to, let's say, we 19, then we can go back even further? yeah. i means th, that's the perfect n to start, because in 2019, the average home in america was $260,000. and the interest were 4%. so your monthly payment outaxes the door with taxes and and insurances was around 1700. so you could make about 60,000
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a year and qualify for a home back in 2019. that same home today is going for $436,000. but the interest are seven and a half percent. so that monthly payment is jumping to 3700. so you need to make today yourself or you and a spouse wit $115,000 in a salary with zero debt to have a shot atic affording the average homeit in america today. and if you have debt, cars, credit cardss mo, even more of 0 hundred and $50,000. so it's priced out.r >> a lot of americans just over the past four years. yeah. okay. >> in middle, liand the middle n i grew up in new england in the 1960s and 1970s into the 80s, you know, people could you live a good life? a tradesman, homebuilder yeah, we went to public schools, but, you know, we weren't wanting for we didn't go on vacations or anything, but we just, you know, we were we were okay . but what's happened from the time the millennials were
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kids growing up to that middledd class to todayle cla what is the middle class facing now? i the cost of living is just outrageous. but mainly it's the housing boices. and today there are more people in the in the household ,both of the people who are 8 working. we're back in the day like i grew up in the eightie0s 90ssk and nineties. a lot of my my parents, my friends parents, it was just one person going to work, workand whatours, can't take that from the day they were working their tail off. but what was waiting for them at home was a hous wase they owd three or four kids and their spouse raising them. and if their spouse wanted p to get a part time job, it was for christmas gifts. it was for littlbs ande league,t was for saving for college. millennials today are workingnd 40, 50 hours a week, bachelors degree, master's degree, trade jobshelors, and are driving uber starting an etsy store or youtube or something on the side. house not for a vacation or savingan for a house just to pays the rentan and the bills.dwindl so the middle class has just been kind of dwindling and then the past four years, the cost of housing is just taking up so amer. verage
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the average americans income that they're just kind of strapped right now, read>> greaa to see you. >> thanks so much. thank you. all righ u t that's it for us tonight. what a week it was. thank you so much forememberr watching us. remember, follow me on social media. stay connected with everything. ything ingram an"ingraham anglet the weekend. i'll be here on monday. and remember it is america nowiting. and forever. thanks for watching. jesse watters takes it all from here. hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro along with jessicadge jean tarlov, jesse watters, sandra smith and will caican. it's 5:00 in new york city, is and this"the is the five day. >> democrats in the media getting the trump mug shot that they are so desperat e lee craved, but it's already backfiring. former president donaldre trump turning himself in at the fulton county jail on chargessident elecction


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