tv Life Liberty Levin FOX News August 27, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT
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>> blue, blue and magenta and magenta. >> katie hates her childhood chore of taking care of pigeons, see you next weekend. "life, liberty and levin" starts in about 4 seconds. good-bye. ♪ ♪ mark: hello america, i'm mark levin this is "life, liberty and levin." we have a very important program for you this evening, me and then later newt gingrich, but, when i started this program 5 1/2 maybe or 6 years ago, i met with folks at fox, they couldn't have been nicer, i said i want to do a different kind of show, i
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don't want a bunch of guests, i don't want everything to be based on news cycle. and i want to take one hour i have on sundays 40 minutes, and spend time talking about what is happening to the country. might involve philosophy or history, i'm concerned about where we're headed. this is certainly one of those programs. i want to take time talk to but what happening to america. not good enough to have legal analysts, not good enough to have political p operatives. that is not what i'm going tonight. that is not what i ever want to do. let's step back, and talk a look at what is going on. first we have to recognize that we have a growing police state in america. that police state is controlled by one party, the democrat party. and they are using all of
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the instrumentalities of culture and of government. to basically monopolize society, that is what autocratic parties do, they can call themselves whatever they want. the democrat party has a very horrific history, never really accepted this country. from its beginning that is beginning of democrat party, it has has always been hostile to our principles it is responsible for the civil war in this civil war, not only north against south and pro slavery against abolitionists by democrat party against republican party, after the civil war, democrat party never gave up. right into the 19 60s. and they have not given up today, they have just put on a different mask, and pushed a different type of autocracy. that is what we're facing
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today, it is at a pinnacle right now. i can talk about this candidate or that candidate. i can talk about who is the smoother talker who is not. i can talk about this case and the fourth charge of the 17 indictment gains against donald trump, all important, but all irrelevant if we don't understand what is happening to america. i would argue, just me personaly, that the better guests, if people will have a lot of guests are those yes from time to time are really involved in day-to-day hand-to-hand combat politically but people who ke who kirk -- can explain what is going on and the consequences, you see it every day, it is dire, you wonder as i am, what the heck is happening to
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country. there a war on the supreme court, led by the democracy, they want to pack and take it over, that is what they do in autocracies control the judiciary. they want you to police policebelieve that the majority vote would win, the cities would control federal government and tens of millions of americans who do not live in the cities in rural and suburban areas would be without representation. they want to nationalize the voting system, take much of what they did in california, which used to be a republican state, and destroy the nature of t the electoral system, and now they have super majorities in both houses in ronald reagan a home of california, where we can't win election, that i want to eliminate the filibuster. why? because if they win an election cycle they to be able to impr impose
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the most radical agenda which would be impossible to unravel and put it in thereby a simple majority. that is not republicanism, that i want to expand senate, not to add senators to add four democrat senators, two from puerto rico 2 from the different district of columbia, this is in best interest of democrat power. why do they want open borders? biden doesn't care. what democrat strongholds think, he knows in new york city will vote democrat no matter. what what does he do? it is pure politics. you understand that it all about power for the democrat party, that i want to flip texas. they flip texas f blue. the republicans could never
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win presidency again, they are in middle of flipping georgia, they are almost done flipping arizona, they flipped virginia but for a battle that took place with youngkin that pulled it back, they are defensive battles that go on and on southeast is going blue, south is going blue, we're running out of territory that is what's about, by en abides -- biden does not care how much 6 tr sex traffics is going down there, they don't give a damn about the people it all about power. executive order 14 019. despite a lack of congressional appropriations for these agents to engage in such activity. joe biden signs an executive order and tells federal
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bureaucracy 600 department, go out there and register people, and do a thousand other things to do what? to get democrats to vote. your tax dollars, federal government, takes sides, there is no difference between the federal bureaucracy and democrat party. when a republican wins federal bureaucracy job is to sabotage the republican. nobody has done when joe biden is doing right now, department of justice, monitoring polling places, they did this in 2020, they had no legal authority whatsoever. when that i do do, they dispatched in 24 states over 60 counties, lawyers and volunteer lawyers, either from or reporting to most radical unit within the different of justice, the civil rights unit. that is controlled by a bigot. you can see t the extent to which they want to into themselves into
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election, the infamous october 4, 2021 memo from merrick garland to federal law enforcement and intelligence activities within his own department, i am directing fbi working with each u.s. attorney to convene meetings with federal, state and local and tribal and leaders within 30 days of issue aptance of this m memorandum, who are they targeting? you, school board meetings. -- we also know that national school board ses association, the teachers union were behind it, unbelievable. here is another one, fbi document not just the richmond office. they want to send agents to
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catholic churches, that are traditional churches, that practice their faith mostly in latin. like in schal scalia church, they said that there is extremism motivated. why? so, these are pro lifers, people of faith. this is all under biden. police state. republicans to held hearing to doj targeting pro lifers, what do they find out in 2022, department of justice civil right division charged 26 pro life individuals with violations, you are not athousanallowed to protest in front of an abortion clinic, how many cases have they brought where pro life facilities, antiabortion facilities, have been attacked and
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vandalized almost none. almost none. you can see what is taking place there more. biden's judicial appointment outpace out president's since jfk, nobody is reporting on this, he is packing the district and circuit courts with radical left wing activists, you see the consequences with cases across the nation and donald trump. all over the judiciary. these are not real you know professionals, who are really going to a ajudicate the law objectively. that is who he is filling up courts with now. everyone praises mitch mcconnell, he has opinion good on judges, where are you mitch? these people should be blocked? where are you lindsey graham, you are on the committee, they are devouring judiciary right now, listen to this, from my new book, domestic monitors
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and surveillance of communications by american citizens have been growing. now exploding under the biden administration. judge terry dowdy, a federal district judge wrote. the government is use its pow topower to silent opposition to covid, and vaccine and lockdowns and opposition to lab leak theory and opposition to president biden's policies, and statement that hunter biden laptop story was true, and opposition to policies that different officials in power, all were suppressed, a finding of fact. quite telling that each example or category of suppress speech was conservative in nature. this targeted suppression of conservative ideas is a perfect example of view point discrimination of political speech, american citizens wrote the jh
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judge have right to debate. who stopping them? biden and the democracies and department of the justice. that is who. it is actually quite appalling. so is the system of justice in this country. which is becoming a complete joke. you know, ladies and gentlemen, one thing to have a judge in a courtroom, and a prosecutor in the courtroom, and a jury in the courtroom. but if the judge is a liberal democrat activist and prosecutor is, and the jury is made ofs ist citizens in community that voted 95% for joe biden it is pretty tough for donald trump to get a fair election, don't you think? the idea that all this stuff just happens spontaneously.
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indicted by a democrat d.a., soros backed in manhattan, on 91 disclosure agreements they somehow violate the state and federal election code, everyone says is outrageous over 30 charges, the prosecutor has not been sanctioned. he has not been disbarred. the judge in the case is a democrat. and they are proceeding, after that we have a so c -- so-called special counsel, many you you are tea party activists in 2010. again, grassroots group. spspontaneous, obama didn't like it and biden didn't like it. who is head of public integrity session back then, jack smith for km special counsel. darrell issa, back several years ago, he released a
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report in 2014 that says, the department of justice arranged meeting with lois lerner. remember here, she was in charge of this war on tea party. after jack smith read a new york time article, do donor names remain secretive. -- jack smith sees that article, after reading it, he wrote the department of the justice colleagues. check out the article on front page of "new york times" regards mess use of nonprofits for indirectly funding campaigns. this seems egregious to me, could he charge ever charge con spasy to violate laws of
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united states to get around existing camming pain finance laws. -- campaign finance laws. the article was targeted on conservatives in tea party. jack smith was asking can we criminal this, how do we go after these groups. how do we punish them and put them in prison. oulet's discuss tomorrow, maybe we should set up a meeting, he o organized meetings, one meeting says they considered 501 campaign finance investigation. the fact that richard and jack smith had interact with lois lerner, they database 1.1 million pages of tax payers information. and you had it for 4 years,
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some was that was confidence. writes jim jordan. against jack smith. smith second m he told smith be challenging as criminal work in near term, nancy simmons, said, she done see a viable way to make a case. smith ne nevertheless, pushed forward. to set up an irs meeting and ingram told her staff we have do this and asked lois lerner to organize it j jussie -- jack smith was bed hind the war on tea party. there is a lot more going on. we're now engaged in open your eyes wide, a democrat party lead revolution. that is destroying the
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foundation av principles of this country. and all of these institutions that were build up and all autocratic regimes they dress themselves in a self righteous, pro equality movement, they're not, i'll be right back. their children. our complete k through 12 homeschool program includes courses in math, science, social studies, reading and language arts. it also includes electives such as music, 3d printing and programing. power homeschool has really transformed our child's experience and allows her to work at her own pace. visit our website at power homeschool dot org to learn more and start your child's educational journey. (light acoustic music plays) (eagle screeches) (energetic music plays) there he is! it's right there! ♪
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mark: welcome back america. given the police state tactics, that biden administration and democrat party. we get to donald trump. remember the report about russia collusion, people some read it, he shot torpedoes into side of department of justice and fbi like no prosecutor has done. corruption at fbi at department of justice remains, from the top, merrick garland. merrick garland is a very angry man who wanted to be on supreme court, now he is attorney general, he has a lot of power here, is uses it every decision made at federal level affects donald trump has to be approved by him and his radical deputy
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attorney. they are worse than stalin. they are worse than stalin trials, worse than communist show trials can you name one targeted victim during the stalin regime who was indicted in 4 different jurisdictions? one facing 91 charges, almost a thousand years in prison. can you name one? no, this is worse, why are they doing this in this is coordinated between the locals, state and feds, all democrats, all democrat cities. that is why they are not bumping into each other when they make the announcements. they are coming one after the other, you have to plan those things, they don't just happen. they are trying to not interfere with each other but they are dumping all charges, making all pub publicity, draining trump of his resources of the ability
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to campaign for president. of the united states all in the last 5 months. they want all their trials in the next 6 to 12 months. that's not coincidence. he is charged with crimes relating to election activity. he is charged with crimes relates to documents. he is charged with crimes related to nondisclosure agreements, he is changed with crimes relating to campaign activity in one state. he was changed before, with a phony impeachment, he turned out to be right. and they didn't go through the normal due process such as it is that house of representatives has traditionally, then he was changed again with door impeachment. -- another impeachment and dried in mar-a-lago an. he never did. then we had mueller criminal
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investigation, he had to give testimony and written answers, there are thousands of subpoenas his kids were brought in, they had nothing, that is a police state, they are doing it to you, i went through a long list of things, they are doing it you to, right now. look at this they use a grand jury in washington d.c. to bring charges that are related to florida, that violates even you -- venue limitations. that is a an abuse of power, you are not supposed to bring acts that have impact on election. another section.
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the only time they can do it, is when it is approved by attorney general of united states, what about attorney-client privilege, had you had an attorney or someone you are up gain that person goes to a judge says, you know i think they are colluding to commit a crime, and she holds a secret hearing and said, i thinkure right, your lawyer -- i think you are right, your lawyer has to testify for the other side in a grand jury and provide written notes of your concern vision, why go through motions of justice, just hang the guys. you know how far back attorney-client privilege goes, 1577, english common law, and even ancient rome. modern day america dud not believe in it. charges for june 8 document,
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violation of espionage act of "1917", that law was created by woodrow wilson to imprison 2 thousand of his political opponents, including a presidential obown opponent, they put them in prison. so they could get through the election. s false sp st statements, what else? enron statute, the crap indictment that all legal analyst say this is where the problem is right here, not if we're a republic with a true rule of law, that is crap. here we have january 6 case. i have told you before, what did he do mr. smith in 1871 klan act, what? tthe enron act, he loves that. and financial fraud, crap, are i mr. smith goes
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do washington and mr. smith blows up the place, and atlanta georgia, fani willis, her indictment, i don't even know if he read the damn thing this is a hundred pages of bull, i could take one second section. are you allowed to challenge a campaign and open and challenge as legitimacy, according to her no, put rico aside, she just changed someone with a felony were state law for exercising there are federal first fundament free speech right, that is part of this crap, i've got ple more to say i'll be right back. as a teacher, acellus gold gives me a way to keep the parents connected with what's going on here at school. i love that i can sign in to the acellus app and see what my student did that day where they struggle and what they succeeded in.
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it gives parents an opportunity to celebrate achievements with their students and provide motivation and encouragement when needed. parents can dive in and review a particular lesson or look ahead and see what's coming in the course. there was a point where my student really struggled in math when i was able to log into acellus gold and see the effort and work that got him back up to grade level. it gave me a new appreciation for the teachers who are helping him. our ears connect us to the moments that matter. give them the nutrients they need with lipo. it's formulated with ingredients clinically shown to protect your ears from dizziness, ear ringing, and even hearing loss. never miss a moment with lipo flavonoid. [sneeze] (♪)
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>> welcome to fox news live i'm jon scott in new york. floridaians braces for first named storm, cent i idalia, florida governor declaring a state of emergency ahead of the stagger, idalia to bring days of heavy rain, flooding and strong winds to florida and southeast. >> donald trump's georgia election interfere an case faces first major test tomorrow, district attorney fani willis will layout details of her case against the former president, his chief of staff mark meadows
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and 17 other co-de >> i am jon scott, now back to "life, liberty and levin." mark: welcome back america, i want to spend a few minutes addressing one legal issue, you heard it say a president cannot pardon himself under state changes. where does that come from in no where, federalism, this is reverse federalism. or charges a sitting president, and indicts them or convicts them in county in georgia or new york, you are decapitating one part of the government, one-third of the government. so the executive branch can't function properly
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because some u.s. attorney or someone has taken that. i want to make something clear. there nothing in the cont constitution about this, but there is precedent. i have the memo, october 16, 2000, agrees with him 100% you cannot indict a sitting president for reasons i said, he can't defend his liberty, and use all protections of bill of rights and due process, and at same time, give 100% to his job as president of the united states he is the executive branch. great. i agree, rationale is, so we can't have one branch of the government paralyzing with president of united states incape capable of properly defending himself they concluded we can't indict a sitting president, and say because of this argument he could pardon
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himself. but then they draw the line, and say only at federal level, that sn nonsense, if alvin bragg or, fani willis can charge a person who is running for president, who might will be president of united states, not only interfering with election, which is horrific enough, if he is president of united states, we should a fani willis and alvin bragg have capacity to send nypd in or someone else remove him from oval office and put him in jail or fight like hell. for the same reason they say about federal charges? he can't give 100% to both, that is protecting his liberty and running the federal government. this is reverse federalism, this is a locale teo
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ity or t str state trying to cripple the government, it is wrong to say that president of united states is not pardon himself if he is charged or convicted outside of the federal legal process, that is nonsensical. if i'm wrong and the others are right, country is over. there are thousands and thousands of d.a.'s and assistant d b d.a.s and state prosecutors. remember, what is a prosecutor? a bureaucrat. i'm not talking about an elected, i am talking about jack smith is a bureaucrat, and judges for life? they are bureaucrats. you see. so when they interfere in an election, this is a big
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deal, it is congress and only congress that has the final say in elections, not the department of justice, not a prosecutor, not a judge, not a grand jury, the system is set up that congress. we have constitutional illiterates all over tv, the election is not over until congress says it's over and counts the e t electors, i'll be right back. (psst psst) ahhhh... with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy, long lasting relief in a scent-free, gentle mist. (psst psst) flonase. all good.
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mark: welcome back america, at a time like this, who else would i ask to come with me here, but newt gingrich, what do you think of my comments. >> you are on track, i was taking notes, you covered several things that i thought i will do more research. i would say the biggest challenge for the american people is to recognize that
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we're replacing the rule of law with the rule of power. when you you saw in atlanta is an kru corrupt dishonest. district attorney who is brings an indictment that is insane, makes no sense with jack smith, who by the way was repudiated by the supreme court when he tried to destroy governor bob mcdonald of virginia, supreme court said he total disstated law and mislead the jury and repudiated him, he destroyed mcdonald in the process. i think that is why merrick garland picked him, he wanted a ra rabid dog who would do anything to get trump, you take trump to district of columbia, district voted 19 to 1 for
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biden, your jury trial, the pool for the jury is 19 to 1? and then you get a rabid left wing obama judge who will do everything she can to bias again trump, we'll talk about system of justice? i watch lawyers, and i'm not a lawyer, try to explain this, i think they misses point, this is not about the law. thpeople could care less about the law, they are in a vendetta to destroy donald trump, they are terrified if trump is president again, having time to think through you on corrupt,s do dis dishonest they are, he will ttear apart their strategy. mark: do you,a agree, his
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numbers go up because the american people are on to this now, they don't like it, they know what is happening this criminal justice system, it happening to them, any they are in love with trump or not, they are saying i can't just roll over and watch my country die like this. >> that is right. i think that trump is not a candidate, he is the leader of a movement. he is the personification of an establishment that is totalo corrupt, destroying anything that gets in its way, for example his support among african-american males has gone up. they feel that police have harassed them, they are watching government harass trump, they identify with what he is going through, i think many people who mayor not-- may or may not like his personality, they
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look at him could and say what are my choices. a corrupt administration or a guy who takes a beating and keeps coming, trump could have retired. if he retired none of these charges would have consicred, instead he is saying, the country needs help. to be with a guy who is taking it head on, that is the country is nominating trump, and trump has a high likellikelihood of winning the general election. mark: i think that is true, except if they control the voting system and intim nate in-- intim na inundate enough team, what
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is going on is a massive intimidation effort. they are setting an example, fee people are furious, right now newt gingrich we don't know the rules of the game when it comes to challenging the election. >> i have a poster on my wall, calista and i did a movie about pope john paul ii about 9 days to change the world, and people in solidarity gave he a poster when says in polish, for poland to reman poland, 2 plus 2 must always equal 4, repudiating orwell's position. there is be objective truth, that is what this fight in end is about, have
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a group of people who are willing to destr destroy the cop t constitution and destroy the rule of law. the point is made 1 you destroy the law what defends you, what protects you, what you see with fani willis with jack smith, is people who are base ebb basically willing to destroy anyone this gets in your way, it will be a great test of the american people, do we have the guts to stand up and insist on an honest election and do whatever it takes and win in 2024, i'm an optimist, i think we have that courage and we'll shock the corrupt left wing establishment. mark: we'll be right back. one of the things we found is that many students who struggle are missing important foundational knowledge.
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be empathetic, you watch him in maui, you say he ca can commander in chief, i personally think that obama runs the administration, i think everything they do smart comes from obama accolades and. biden is the tip of the iceberg. the real corruption is hillary clinton, barack obama, and biden is the smallest of the three players, i hope that the house republicans recognize they have a broader and deeper investigation starting with subpoenaing all of the financial records of the clinton mo mo mo foundation. far beyond anything that we've seen with joe biden. mark: it is amazing the people come into office, as
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fpoor as hell then 20 years later they are worth 150 million, you see the same with al gore and the obama, is that your point? is there is no much dark knownblown money. >> obama was a disciple of welinski. most radical writer, ain't antirule of law, and hillary clinton was a importantal friend of welinski, they come out of a background middle class rules don't matter. the law does not matter, honesty does not matter, do whatever you can get walker way with, the more i study it the more stunned i am how people like you and he have been sleepwalking
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not realizing the scale of the corruption taking over the system, now it is coming out, they are terrified of donald trump. mark: they figure if they can take out trump, they can take out anyone. they can own the courts and on the electoral system and the p prosecutors, right. >> right, if they can break trump, then there nobody will stand up again them, we will become like cuba or nicaragua or others, the nicaraguaians put a bishop in jail for having actually advocated his religion. you can can expect that kind of behavior if they win if they lose, you will see an huge amount of change, the more we learn the sicker the system looks and more likely we will reform it. >> looking at two of the
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indictments, both in georgia and in so-called january 6 case. they are indicting mostly free speech. and first amendment. that is intentional, they dress it up as something else, they want shut down the ability of people during the time they should be talking and collaborating. election period, that is where the rubber hits road, that is where free speech applies in each one of these cases that is what they are charging. >> it is, if you look at case that jack smith has, he takes 1817, south carolina klan case. you know, that was voted in by republicans against democratic opposition, back then democrats were party of segregation. ironically, he takes a law, written in 1870, to go after
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the klan and applies that to donald trump, the same thing in willis. a law that designed for drug dealers, and mafia, and applies that to trump. this is crazy. jeff: than. jeff:. >> thank you, we'll have you back. >> thank you. mark: we'll be right back. independently homeschooling their children. acellus courses from power homeschool provide a self-paced learning solution that automatically adapts to help each student succeed. power homeschool has really transformed our child's experience. it allows my child to work at her own pace and on her own schedule. visit our website at power homeschool dot org. to learn more and start your child's educational journey.
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>> welcome back america i'm very proud the democrat party hates america, it comes out soon and you can preorder your copy on amazon. i want to read you something the democrat party controls our governmental institutions just as it dominates our cultural entities from the media, academia, entertainment for science delegitimize and nervous rate the constitution, the bill of rights the electoral college,
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the supreme court separation of powers which abstracts its etiological designs. it abuses the rule of law by targeting his political opponent by harassment investigation and persecution. in the end it seeks to imprison them. we will use this format the special long-term format going forward to help defend this country. i will see you next time on "life, liberty and levin". ♪. trey: good evening, thank you for joining us i am trey gowdy, it is "sunday night in america", former president donald trump was processed at the fulton county jail this week, the fourth indictment against the former president and it bears repeating america navigated the first 250 years without seeing a single former president indicted for criminal conduct. now this is the fourth
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