tv The Five FOX News August 31, 2023 2:00pm-3:00pm PDT
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mcdonald's was sued because someone dropped a chicken nugget on their thigh. to become a successful food chain, you have to get sued. people have too high expectations for food and burger king said, we cannot help the people high expectations. >> hello, everyone. it is 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." a huge victory for parental rights in america. a california mother winning a settlement after suing her daughter's school district. she claims teacher socially transitioned her daughter into a
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trans boy without her knowledge and kept her in the dark while permitting the girl to use the boys bathroom and male pronouns. the family speaking to "fox & friends" about it. >> it was a counselor i went to and the counselor ended up working with the school to socially transitioned me. after covert hit, i ended up being out of the control of the school and i figured out that who the school set i was, i was not and that i was a girl and that i was alecia. >> parents should go with their gut feelings, they know their intuition. you have the right to raise your kids. >> liberal leaders are pressing on with their anti-parents agenda. california's attorney general is suing over its policies that
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require schools to notify parents if their child changes pronouns or gender identification. >> i refuse to allow any district board of education to put our children at risk or infringe upon their rights. especially not one of our most vulnerable at risk groups. cliques wait until you hear this. canada has updated its travel advisory, cautioning lgbtq travelers they may face barriers and risks if they go to america. they say some states have enacted laws and policies that may affect these people. check relevant state and local laws. we have parents losing control, according to the school districts, but we have one mother who took the school
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district on. is this a precedent that will be followed or will they legislate over that? >> we have to bring back the dinner table. parents have to start parenting. my mom had nothing -- time for nothing else. it cannot wait until your kids are keeping secrets from you. instead of the technology, you being on facebook, you have to be a mom and dad. it is a full-time job with overtime an end no extra pay. you have to go through the backpack, spend time with them, ask them how their day was and sit at the table. the conversation, you can see things and you know, i have four kids. one of my kids are starting to develop questions about their sexuality. and i know it now and we talk about it now and i am supportive and i tell them it is about
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feelings, not the physical stuff. if you want to hold hands with someone of the same, that is great, it is the same rules. we don't date until we are 18 and my house, so we talk about it. i am ahead of it. if someone said something to my daughter or my son, the first thing i hear is what happened. you can't wait until your kids are looking to someone else for guidance. you have to be mother and father. it is not a part-time job. it is a selfless job. some things have to go. maybe you don't date if you are working a full-time job, you have to sacrifice for your children. we have to do that so they don't fall into the hands of counselors, predators, and groomers. >> canada issuing this morning, where are you in the u.k. on this? >> canada is run by a guy who
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refused to acknowledge the word mankind because it was offe offensive. i don't feel safe going to canada if the prime minister is somebody like that. you write out something i did not understand. we have got to a phrase of -- people. does anybody know what that means? does anybody go around saying i am this person? nobody does this in the real world. none of this is real world stuff and i feel uncomfortable about being in the seat. you will have to have two liberal seats. people who use to identify as liberal and you will have to have a woke liberal seats, who will defend the indefensible nonsense. this is not what i understood liberalism to be. this is trans rights supplanting
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parental rights in the same way they supplant women's rights and things like sport and safety. it is completely wrong. it is happening because everybody who puts their head up above the parapet and says this is outrageous, you get called a trans foam. everyone is racist. this stuff is insane. we are not going to have it. i have an 11-year-old girl. if this happened at her school and i found out she had been identifying as a boy, encouraged and told to believe this by the school, you see this girl is now a girl again, which proves my point they are not equipped mentally or emotionally to make these transitions, but if that happened to my daughter, i would identify as a homicidal maniac. you are right about parenting. i agree. there will be some people who
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cannot have that conversation at home. i get that. this is a form of state sponsored child abuse, what has happened to that girl. he infuses -- refuses to infringe on rights. he talks about infringing on the parents rights and putting children at risk. who is putting the children at risk? >> california now, the democrats who run that state, including the attorney general that you heard from are trying to pass legislation so if you don't allow your child or if you want to be in charge of their process
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and questions about their own sexuality, they want to take your child away from you. even if you are doing the right things as a parent, the state thinks they own your kids and at the same time they are against school choice. if adults were talking to children, not their kids, not their parents, about sexualized things, keeping secrets from their parents, we called them predators and and now we are supposed to say they have the right to protect them from their parents, that is what the
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parents are trying to do in the government in california is trying to make it so parents have no choice in the matter. >> with the attorney general saying you are putting the children at risk. if you think of parents being abusive, and, they want all of the country and it will be a move to have legislation across the country to prevent parents from knowing this. how do we stop this? >> lawsuits. it is the only way you are going to stop six-figure judgments like this. also, massive lawsuits against the surgeons and hospitals that are performing these surgeries. people can never come back from
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this and we are experimenting on children, gruesome experiments and we haven't seen the results because it is so cutting edge. i see it as a snobbery situ situation. there are academics in this country that are well educated and think they are better than you when they believe in multiple genders. if you don't believe there are 77 genders, you are of a lower class. these teachers have self appointed themselves to be parents of your children because they feel like they are protecting the children from some bible-thumping fundamentalist, big it parent who is going to go taliban on their child if they come home confused, and so the only way to stop this is with lawsuits. i respect what you said about the dinner table and your personal situation. my children are in catholic
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school. they tell me stories about their friends and other schools where it is a gender laboratory and teachers are coming out to their students and their are pride parades and stickers and symposiums. it is all about open communication. >> president biden making the response to hurricane idalia about himself and his climate change agenda. ♪ ♪ (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) with verizon business, we get more control of production,
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efficiencies, and greater agility. (marquis) so our customers get what they want, when they want it. (jen) it's not just a network. it's enterprise intelligence. (vo) learn more. it's your vision, it's your verizon. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ what do we always say, son? liberty mutual customizes your car insurance... so you only pay for what you need. that's my boy. now you get out there, and you make us proud, huh? ♪ bye, uncle limu.
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>> president biden making the same tone-deaf mistakes as he did we could go o over the maui wildfires, the storm because of writing a path of destruction. biden could not resist injecting his climate change agenda and pretending his kitchen fire story is relatable. >> there are deniers out there in terms of whether or not climate change has anything to do with any of this and we are going to need a lot more money. we are not this engage this often. this last couple of years with climate change kicking in, you guys are going 24 hours a day. lightning struck my house. we had to be out of the house for seven and a half months. half the house almost collapsed.
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>> these storms would be here no matter what. they are part of nature. with human cause and amplified climate change we have upped the ante. it doesn't necessarily mean more hurricanes. it just means that once we get our stronger, or bigger. >> ron desantis ron desantis is refusing to accept $350 million in energy efficiency incentives. >> biden is pledging they will do all they can to help and they will be visiting florida on saturday morning, but where was the urgency for hawaii. >> did you realize the wildfire response was not that good or is it easier for people to get help from the white house when the
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president is not on vacation. >> your question is wrong and flawed. i would advise you to speak to the governor and the local and state officials in hawaii. >> you follow the money and i heard joe biden say he wants more of it. it is a pyramid scheme, climate change. you have the media, politicians, and the academics and at the bottom you have the taxpayers. academics realized early on the more papers they put out saying climate change was caused by humans and the world was going to blow up, if we don't do something about it, they were going to get more grant money from the politicians. the media takes these research papers and they report them and they get big ratings because everybody gets scared and nervous and the politicians scare you and say get rid of big oil and then they throw all of
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our money around. they are all making all of this money by telling us something that is not happening. we have this climate change whistle-blower who has been ostracized because she reported may be the earth is warming a little bit but the human impact is not much in the fact that it is warming, we got this. it is not armageddon. she has been smeared as a denier and her grandson dried up and nobody wants to talk to her in the scientific community anymore because that is where the money stops if you start telling the truth. >> we saw things like they didn't let the water out because they wanted to focus on water equity. isn't it it a cop-out? they are placing the blame on climate change instead of government human error.
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>> the magic word is equity. this administration is an administration of equity, which means you pick people for the way they look and not on a resume. every time something hits the fan, they don't know what to do and they make mistakes and the cover-up is the pyramid scheme. i just bought land in montana. i asked while i was walking around, there are a lot of rocks. he said montana used to be under a glacier. when it was colder and wetter. then, the earth changed and it got hot and the ice melted and now we have these lakes and rivers. mother nature never goes don't change this because there are people there. that is our arrogance. they can't do anything about climate change. if you dig in arizona, you are going to find seashells eventually because at one time it was under the ocean.
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it gives zero blanks about what people are doing or saying. if you build a dam or a city, something is going to happen in that dam is going to break. they know they can't do anything about it but why not make money and help transition wealth by saying, according to them there are no more polar bears left but the numbers are up exponentially. this is irrelevant because we have one year, six months and like 12 days left. our president is incompetent and it is embarrassing. >> i find it interesting to watch the preparation, which is the opposite of what the climate agenda calls for. >> it is the opposite of what we saw on maui. they didn't have a plan to shut down the power lines when there
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was a brush on the ground. what is fascinating is one of the first hurricanes reported was in the 1400s. i would guess that had nothing to do with fossil fuels. they are convinced we have something to do with this and the other issue is wildfire season. it is terrible, it is man-made because of climate change, but it is about arson, poor forest management, making sure -- not making sure the brush in the ground ends up meeting a power line. all of this can be handled if we recognize that you can prepare for it, you can plan ahead and be ahead of the game. these claims that hurricanes and wildfires are the result of climate change and the hot weather, hot weather happens in
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the summer. that is the way it is. >> not in england, it doesn't. >> there is a difference between pollution and not wanting pollution and stopping pollution and the climate change agenda. it is a political agenda. >> i was struck by the difference between his response and to the hurricane in florida and that of ron desantis. on one hand, you have a guy who has the job, didn't want to comment about maui, he was tone-deaf. he didn't want to leave his holiday and go down there when any normal person would have gotten straight on a plane. now he wants to make it about himself and this weird fire that
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went on his house, the only fire that has gotten steadily worse year after year since it was put out. by contrast, desantis, i have been impressed. i think he has said forget politics, put that to one side, he got up at 4:00 in the morning, part of it might be self interest. why he is so popular as a governor and has been successful, he gets stuff done. he welcomed the president calling him. what has happened in florida is interesting. three people dead so far. way fewer people than they were anticipating. maybe because the preparation that went on by governor desantis and his team was exemplary. there is a lesson for joe biden. stop playing the politics and do your job. >> coming up, no more bawling at
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definition. there are things that should not be up to politics. >> nazis comparison is gone. "the new york times" pointing this out to her in an interview and her response was immigration is this administration's weakest issue. really holding his feet to the fire. they asked why she hasn't used her clout to visit the border and it looks like she perfected the art of dodging. this is something we are actively planning on, what i have done is tours of our new york city facilities. the crisis is in our own backyard. the only thing that has changed is politics. >> they like this. there is a lot to be crying about, the trafficking, the
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influence of the cartels, people drowning in the river because the biden administration refuses to close it. there is plenty going on that they should care about that they claimed they care about and they don't. the press secretary claimed joe biden has expanded the path to citizenship in this country and a reporter said what do you mean you have expanded citizenship. she was thinking about what the intention of this is, to let millions in, get them citizenship, which means voting. that is why they are doing nothing to stop it. she tried to walk it back. the media ate up that photo and acted like donald trump was keeping kids in cages.
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the smears against the border patrol were endless. policies now are more inhumane because open borders are inhumane borders. >> this is what she does. she is a performance artist. you remember the fake address, tax the rich. we will see more of this. >> we have more people coming through the border and katie outlined the damage. more families are being separated. more coming in as mules. children are coming in and "the new york times" wrote the article about child abuse. the amazing part of it is she is now more measured.
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she is more refined. she can to step like no one i have seen. when they say don't you have a plan to visit the southern border, she says i don't have to because it is in our backyard. people have come through the border and have run through ranches and towns and destroyed that. they are hypocrites. it is not about taking care of the immigrants, the illegal aliens. it is about their agenda and their ideology. 82% of new yorkers think it is a crime. democrats are going to suffer as a result. no matter what has happened in the past, what joe biden has done in ignoring this is the biggest damage to our country. >> do you agree democrats are
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going to suffer? >> the hypocrisy has been going on for a long time. one of my favorite party pieces, i asked them one question. let's have a questionnaire here. how many migrants did barack obama deport an eight years and the guessing game starts. they go, must be a trick question. one, 100, 1,000. do you know how many it was? 3 million migrants. he was the greatest supporter. far more than trump. he separated families, put kids in cages and did all the things the mob howled abuse at trump about ann biden has done a worse job. he hasn't deported as many
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people as obama, but this should be a huge scandal. it is an issue in england with tiny numbers compared to what is happening in america. you have the same divide, they are putting their fingers in their ears and head in the sand and most normal people going this is insane. if you have an open border, you have complete chaos. it comes back to common sense and the hypocrisy has been going on for a long time. >> aoc is not a good to stepper. this is all about it is on their watch. it is not just the illegal aliens have changed. the world has heard the dinner bell.
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the ponzi scheme, we can outvote with numbers. once motions -- once they get in and think about their citizenship and they get their first paycheck, they are going to end up republican. it might take eight or ten years to turn around but it is clearly what it is. >> remember how much a ticket cost of the gala? and then she stiffed the hairstylist. >> the smell of marijuana wafting over the u.s. open. as tennis players call it snoop dogg's living room.
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ask there is something about marijuana legalization that stinks. tennis stars complaining about cannabis wafting through the courts of the u.s. open. one player comparing it to being in snoop dogg's living room. here is another. >> it was snowing quite a lot. >> no one is sure where it is coming from. they couldn't find smoking in the stands. the problem is only going to get worse. u.s. health officials recommend they loosen restrictions on marijuana. my initial reaction, marijuana over normal human body odor, i
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will take that. >> i am offended. snoop's life runs the household and it smells like potpourri and whatever baked goods are being cooked. he had a man cave. every man who smoked knows you don't get to smoke in the house. you don't run it. the one time you do it and you hope you use enough the breeze to cover up the crime. we need has gotten so potent and good. now, walking in new york, it is that with the trash and the gutter, the weed smell is much. nobody likes the smell of smoke either. eventually people will go back to smoking at home.
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not everyone else has to feel your joy. i get it. you don't get arrested for it anymore. >> i go to a football matches and they stink of beer. does it make any difference? are we getting a little bit on our high horses? >> the problem is that it is still a schedule one as opposed to a schedule three drug. i don't know why the feds are taking so long to reduce it. it has a potential for abuse where schedule three makes more sense. as a prosecutor, years ago, we use to prosecute for this. if you smell weed and it is that strong, it can affect you, whereas you smell a beer, it will not affect you. the sad part about this is there
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is no smoking allowed. i don't want to go anywhere where i have to smell that. i don't. it is like everything else, all of the rules are disappearing and we are turning into a third world country. do what you want. >> i don't mind the smell. some people are good at it or not good at it. i was never good at it. i never inhaled for many years but i was one of those people, you are stupid, you wake up late the next day and you are bad at math the next year. it is not for me and i don't want my son or daughters to be doing it either. it is a free country, do what you want if you are over 18. iin the water's household, it is not our thing.
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>> i can't believe you compared it to stinky champagne. that is ridiculous. this is not good for new york. if athletes are complaining about this when they are playing matches and there is lots of money on the line, event planners may think going twice about going to a city where this is a problem. on the train a guy smelled like weed. i have had people take it out on airplanes. it is everywhere. there are no rules. i don't want to smell it or deal with it. if athletes who are making money are going to complain, there may be a business problem for the city. >> not the best athletes. we ask it slowed me down. >> you couldn't blame the
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champagne. >> if you have enough of it, you smell of champagne. you americans are strange. nebraska police pulling over a man with a massive bull riding in his passenger seat. ♪ ♪ especially when it comes to your child's education. introducing power homeschool the official provider of online acellus courses for parents independently homeschooling their children. i really love how flexible the program is. it allows my child to work at her own pace and on her own schedule. join the growing community of parents who have discovered the power of power homeschool. visit our website at power homeschool dot org to learn more and start your child's educational journey. ♪ chevy silverado has what it takes to do it all.
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>> these guys were slow so we only have one story. i have seen weird stuff in my day but i have never seen a bull riding shotgun. the nebraska police pulled over this guy after folks freaked out over the site of a wild beast in the passenger seat. his name is howdy doody and he is taken around to the fares in the states. i don't have a problem with this. he had his seat belt on, his seat belt is a gate and a rope but he is abiding by the rules. this is overkill.
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he got a citation. >> he cannot afford a proper trailer, the ones where you see a horse sticking out and they are consolidated. those things are probably a lot of money and he is probably scraping by and he threw it in shotgun and he has to get him to the fair. >> couldn't this be his support animal? we see annoying people with their yorkies in their laps while they are driving. >> i am surprised those tires are holding up. he weighs a lot. he looks like a nice guy. >> l look at the backside of the car. did you see that? that is disgusting. >> the first of all, bulls have rights. they should be able to ride
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shotgun. >> i knew you would defend it. you are all mad in this country. >> the maddest thing is do you know what the police did? they stopped the car, interviewed the driver, and then they let him go. >> what are they going to do? arrest the bull? he had his seat belt on. >> lunacy. >> that is america for you. >> he was doing the speed limit. i get it. "one more thing" is up next. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level.
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♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: it's time now for "one more thing" and i guess i go first. a thoughtful wedding gift from the mother of the bride. she gets a wedding album with photos from her daughter's wedding ceremony. she forgot to replace the captions already included on the template format. so some of the captions for the wedding read a day at the park. our favorite family trip. no campout is complete without snacks. you got to remember to read the stuff and complete it. -- delete it. that's the end of that. jesse? >> jesse: i bet you didn't realize philadelphia had 1st annual naked bike ride the other day. let's roll it. we are proud of our bodies here. 13-mile journey throughout the city of brotherly love. we are encouraging body positivity, also promoting cycling. so be proud of yourself, no matter what you look like. >> judge jeanine: does it hurt your butt?
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>> jesse: i didn't ask that question. a native hawaiian joins us at 8:00. >> katie: speaking of sports, the largest crowd to witness a women's sporting event ever filled memorial stadium in nebraska yesterday to see the five time nba champion nebraska volleyball team defeat omaha 3-0. 90,000 fans showed up. beating out the previous record in barcelona in 2022 the school dubbed the day volleyball day as the huskers dominated okay that ha in exciting match. i think that's really awesome. i was a volleyball player and glad to see they were able to beat the record and i also prefer volleyball to soccer. congratulations, ladies. >> piers: a speed golf very slowly because golf is a slow sport. especially play with people who go slowly. this is amazing. this is a british speed golf championship. a golf carts forbidden.
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the tournament won by luke. >> jesse: only got three clubs. >> piers: 18-hole round of 67, which is rory mcilroy standards in 25 minutes and 39 seconds. cup shot a 68 and 40 minutes and 5 seconds to win the women's event and apparently after hearing this donald trump revealed that he did 18 hole round in 62 in 14 minutes and 5 seconds. no witnesses other than the secret service but he did. >> judge jeanine: all right, tyrus. >> tyrus: cool animals and nebraska a lot today. good for nebraska. old stomping grounds. falcons security robot named benzy. clearly named after mercedes-benz stadium. benzy the official title of robotics security associate. wow, we are just woke and designed by boston dynamics. it will automatically control the perimeter and if anyone throws water on it will explode. i'm just kidding. in other news,.
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>> jesse: that's good tackle fans when they run out on the field? >> no, it will bark and do nothing. jesse don't interrupt my tour date. because my california show sold out so fast we added extra indicate of september 28th in california. go to my site for line up. >> katie: fantastic. >> jesse: good seeing you. ♪ ♪ >> bret: good evening. i'm bret baier. a new book paints a less than flattering picture of president biden. we'll dive into the details. new york's mayor wants drastic action to deal with his city's migrant crisis and he is calling out the state's governor and president biden. plus, what the u.s. is doing to try to match china's military technology. ♪ >> bret: but, first, breaking tonight, as former president donald trump faces a trial in eight months, tied to his alleged actions on january 6th
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