tv Hannity FOX News August 31, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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a metaphorical knockout. the government needs to listen to their bosses. >> us public servants. >> it's that simple. it's literally the name of your job. >> just serve us and everything will be. rry. >> fine. that's all for tonight. dvr prime time all and always remember i'm waters. and this is my world. >> welcome to this special"hanni edition of "hannity". i'm pete hegseth, in for sean tonight and tonightty. we begin with a reminder of some sad, if completely preventable news. we're now two years removed from one of the darkest chapters. and i mean that that's not hyperbol e darkest chapters in american history. joe biden's botcheone d withdral retreat from afghanistan, 13 us war fighters were killed, 18 seriously wounded, over 160 others also died during
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a terrorist attack just outside kabul's international airport ap gate, where thousands gathered for weeks in a desperate attempt to get past multiple taliban taliban checkpoints. they were our security, after ad all, and there were others were trying to flee the country forever. thers it's insane.y when you when you know what wefo knew about that attackreve was pending and effectively different elements at different times were told to stand down. d clinging, departing airplanes, their bodies falling from the sky. >> and just as this carnage unfolded, we're now learningheir this is new bureaucrats from biden's departments from of deft at the same time were allegedly houndinghe and that's a quote, top military officials about a climatg e change initiative. that's according to emails initi obtained by thate daily wire. you see, the climate cult never stops and demanded stops actionl as our soldiers on the groundid
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in the dirt in those channels g an. abandoned meanwhile, and it continues this week, our commander in chief commemorated this horrific withdrawa-chiefl with a statement released late in the night, late last nightreleas. and of course, that he salute the 13 we lost. now patted himself on the back for conducting, quote, one ofe the largest airlifts in history . biden is now trying to rewrite history. we know that. n history.n tries but maybe he'g his watch like he did whend wh the bodies of our 13 heroes s. flain flag draped coffin of course, we know properly who madethose the ultimate sacrifice. it's not really joe's thinheg. so this year on 911, biden will be at ground zero in washington, d.c.. waw alaska, just another anoth stopover afterer more important travel overseas and elsewhere.
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he'll be the first u.s. president, obviously post-9-11 to memorialize that tragic dayda thousands of miles away somewhere other than one of those places. he's beginning the let's forget at the same time, just to add insult, insanity and incompetence, his administrationinsani is now trying to cut a plea deal withpl the terrorist architeceat of 91, the guys who staged it and planned it. and a bit at gitmo awaiting it appears nothing if biden gets his way, enraging, of course, families of victims. >> joining us now with reaction ,news contributor joey jones, house armed services committee congressma cn michael walsh, and fox news contributor joe concha. thank you all for being here tonight. joey jones, let me start with you. jocombine the anniversary of the 13, you combine a statement that doesn't names of them, you combine 911 and not
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commemorating it where it happenedityou. alongside a plea. what are people to make of how this administratioo peoplens our military and war fighters? o yeah, i think sometimes when people tell you how they feel, you should believe them. believthemthat'sand that's exace biden's done. listen, when they're on the tarmac t greeting the bodiew and he's looking at his watch to see what time it is,gravit he doesn't understand the gravity of what's happened. he does not understand. ates >> as a president,in united states, what laying your life down for this country meanur l s we see it when he pretends that his son died in iraq. we see it when he pretends that a house fire is the same thing or a kitchen fire isn same thie as losing your home and your family. he doesn't get i family.t. and after 50 years of being inn politics, we can't teach itpo to him. no, of course not.o and we don't know what he actually knows at this point. yu congressman colonel walsh, you know, you've done so h muchn for those families and those trying to flee afghanistan, those who were theree fleeg toe bitter end, those who lost their lives in those gold star families. you've had hearings with them
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recently, private conversations with them. how do they when they see a statement like that come out in the middle of the nighte ni, how how are they to believe they'll ever get answers to. >> yeah, thanks, pete. these families, of course, are grieving, but they are also angry. ththey are disgusted.. they're furious. they are still waiting forthey clear answers on how their loved ones died. exactl t lovedy. were briefed one thing. but then they're hearing conflicting report hearis from the survivors of the abu gate bombing. some of them stillbombing. don'e all of the personal effects. for example, the sim cards from their phones, their final, their final photos. but the true insul t to injuryie is from the commander in chief himself when he lied to some of them somm at at dover and saidod he understood how they felt because bowe came home in a flag draped casket when they that he died of cancer. but look, you know, we were able to spend a great evening last night with them and trump,
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he spent 4 hours with them. wit he had a roundtable hearing their stories. andhe promised them that whends he gets in office, he will release everything the tapes, the correspondence, the total lack planning, all of it, because they deserve transparency. i got to tell you, only him by the end of the night in a beautiful dinner could havehe cu them laughing. several. that couple has got upple got and danced together. they cried on each other shoulders,thed t but were also. they came up to me and said this was the mosait meaningful m thing that they've had in theae last two years. >> just to have someone like the president let let lend a listening ear and promise them transparency. >> and they believ tpresidenndel deliver on that promise, men. >> that's all they well, i get chills hearing that, you know, joe biden won't spend a minute with them, won't give manyiver. answers. donald trump spends 4 hours with them, with bedminster. all you want to dohe that. is be heard, believe that someone understands your grief, honors nd tra that sacrifice, and thenns
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will demand accountability and transparency. that'sat's amazing what a realme commander in chief should be doingr-. >> joe, they just want to get a pass, you know, this administration get. yeah, well, they just they just that's all they deserve. and the truth about before, during and after every aspect of it, there's been no truth to them. hemjoe, you know, you're you m a living looking at the media and here we are talking about this two years later. here we are talking about the 911 played here. talkine 9-here we are talking ae the revelations that climateat d policy was being pushed inside the pentagon at the same moment we were abandoning afghanistan ,yet there seemingly almost no interest from anybody else on this story. >> we're not seeinthg anycove coverage really, pete, as farra as the two year anniversary of afghanistan, in terms of maui in terms of reporters going there to cover that story, wereu hundreds of people are still missing in what could be one of the worst fires, if not the worst fire in u.s. historyn' ? and it's like, well, wet se can't send any resources there
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because that may make joe biden look bad. it's amazing here, by the way, that we have a president in joe biden rhetorically in talking, doing an end zone dance two years later over his handling of this chaotic, fatalg withdrawal out of afghanistan, saying, oh, wells in, was one of the best airlifts in history. no, this is the same commandersh in chief that decided it was a good idea to allow the taliban, pete, to handle security around that airport at kabul. around as getting americans out. and things were so desperate and you showed the video owed the videoalready. s afghans literally clinging to the wings of planes and hoping to get ouofplanest o. fault of her own deaths. >> and you look at the polls and it shows that despite media coverage or lack of media coverage, it shows that 20% ofes americans approve of afghbiden's handling of the withdrawal out of afghanistan. this is the same president that promised that the afghan military, trained by the u.s. to the tunes of billions that t dollars tens of billions would be able to hold off the taliban. thd they endede u.s. taking kabl in the time it takes to deliver
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a pizza. so whein tn you look at the downfall of the biden presidency, it happened here two years ago. polls went south at this moment and, people do not trust this commander in chief in terms of his instincts in, terms of visibility. they point out this stuff because obviously this was did it in terms of negative. yeah, absolutely. the real quick, joe, and thenne 9-'ll get you, colonel walsh, one more time. >> 911. it's not trivial, even though it's 22 years later to skip over that or make it t an afterthought. just speak to the reverberation of it becoming it. >> maybe a second tier memorialization. >> yeah, we don't have an opportunity for that, pete. >> patriotism in our kids. we can't lose in ourselves, those of us that unlucky or lucky enough, you know, you now listen to marcus luttrell speak the other nighkidst and the wors he said about how you temper othew our generation came of age as 911 happened doue as arati economic crisis happen. as americans, even if our commande
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n thr in chiefrt can't respect it, we need to remember it, not just the people that died that day, s but the last 20 years and how that was the last time we felte a like a unified country. we have to memorialize that and understand we don't need that to love our country. >> commanders need to lead on that. >> real quick, a colonel does it surprise you that climate policy was all the buzz in the pentagon as are retreating from afghanistan? >> no, because that's the agenda that that thatpushin biden political is are pushing. that's why you're seeing things likeg.u ar tanks and putting our bases on solar panels sol top priority. right. but i got to tell you, a takt the same time, the intelligence community right now is blinking red. isis and al qaeda are stagingqa a comeback. they've realized osamaeda ar bin laden's dream in having a full caliphate with, the powers of a state and billions of us made equipmenaden'st. and what me off and these families off is that future
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soldiers are going to have to go back to deal wac it. and rather than as one gold star father said, the commander in chief, a man saying we made mistakes, taken responsibilitysponsibi, and hers how we're never going to let this happen again. you see them politically heg on the back, and that's the knife in their heart is knowing that future marinesn future specialth and green bereh are going to have to deal with this because the terrorists didn' this.tht ge memo. they didn't get the email that biden said the war on terror is never dr ono they have every intent to hit us again. always seems go to the junk mail. joey jones, congressman walsh, joe concha, god bless you all. thank you for your insight tonight. well, in case you're wondering ,joe biden, unsurprisingly, is heading back to the beach tomorrow, battle his beach chair after a short trip on air force one. i wonder if hunter will be on it. probably. but as nprr forc national public radio finally points outas,
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biden is now routinely, routinely taking the short stairs up to the plane the stai something this show noticed a very long time ago from the npr article that says, quote, there's been a dramatic change since june.sinc that's when biden tripped overii a sandbag and, fell on stage.d here now with more fox newsfen contributor newt gingrich. mr. speaker, thanks for being here. when you read that article from npyou readr. it's it's always weeks and months later they begrudgingly admit things tha wt are just painfully obvious. they don't lay out much. tethey say, you know, otherous. presidents did this even though the one time they could think of is barack obama going to china in 2016. and it was almost an international insult that they didn't have the red carpet and the stairs prepared fok oba was seen as a backhand. so what does this amongst everything, tell you about the trajectory of this presidency? f well, look, i thoughtth his performance in maui was so bad. he was so clearl
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y out of itg. that frankly, i think it's frightening. this is no this it about politics and scoring points. this is the commander in chiefir of the most powerful, powerful military in the world. hal and it's clear that at least h half the time he's just not there. i mean, month by month and his cognitive collapse is more and more obvious. the associated press just reported that 77% of all americans, democrats, republicans, independents, 77% now believe that biden is too old to run for reelection. i suspect by next summer thatt su number will be in the nineties, wi, rse.once this startsmm it's just going to get steadily worse. he's clearly in cognitiv he iees m decline. i he's clear. in fact, makes me wonder who's making the real decisions at the white house. obviously, joe bidenviously ist he's not capable of it. w >> mr. speaker, when you hear hear, you said ite
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could go higher. in the past, numbers like that cagedwhite d have rattle the cage of a white house and they would have said, well, maybe it's time to step away. we don't to hear any of that. >> so who is basedaway on everything you know about washington, how things work? who is making the calls? is ig t is this a joe biden thing? is this a chief of staff thing? is this a who is it? well, for first of all, one of the nice things about cognitive dissonance says he may not know the number and it may not occur to him that it matterse and hes just going on with his life. you know, he's back on tnumber.o the beach. he's relaxing and doing some bicycling. he has a pretty decent life. and it doesn't occur to him that all these other things are piling up in a way that will be an absolute disaster for the democratic party. my personal guesdemocrats is tht the driving force behind obe biden administration t is barack obama. obama is the only presidena is t since woodrow wilson to stayls in washington and in wilson'ons
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case he stayed because he'd had a severe stroke and he couldn't be moved. so the fact that obama's here all the time, the fact thate tie his staff permeates literally permeates the bidenmeates administration. and obama is really, really smartion andt. i mean, whatever biden's problems are at being kind of slow and cognitively decaying, obama doesn't have any of those problems. and if you watch the administration, it's muchmuh more an obama administration than, say, the joe biden of ten or 15 years ago. this is a very radical, verys left-wing administration, deeply dedicated to policies that are close to crazy. c their electric car policy is a disaster, as president trump said today. it's going to destro y at least 100,000 jobs and it will achieve nothing in the long run. there are policies across the boarl acd going out. the idea that they might propose that americans be limiteopose thd two beers a wee. you know, this is the kind of
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petty nanny state interference that mose f pet americans will d crazy. s >> and of course, the rumors the that the masks and the mandates could be coming back a s. those numbers will go up. i think you're right. mr. speaker, thankup you for breaking it down for us. all right. coming up, coming trump not guilty g because he's not in the georgia election casuie after waivingwan his arraignment only to harbor has the latest. plus, the biden corruption thy. als are not going awaar >> a full report is thisa special edition of "hannity" continuefulls with allegra. >> allergies don't hold us back, allegra starts working two times faster than claritin. and unlike swiatek, won't make us drowsy. allegra gives you the fastest non-drowsy 24 hour allergy relief so you can live your greatness. seum in many holocaust survivors are impoverished and suffer in today in their final years in today in their final years at this holocaus
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that means trump has now officially pled not guilty to.l all 91 alleged crimes in all jurisdictions. >> here now with reaction, -- spokeswoman eileen, we have a lead up. thanks for being here. i feel like we can havone updat. after update after update after update because this is what they've done. this is what they've set into motion. give us an update on wha. t this means as it pertains to the case down in atlanta and what the trump legal strategyatlant. i think it's not surprising that he pled todayno guilty. obviously, he waived his right to go in for an arraignmentmore in person because why give them more of a media frenzyf a ? dot we don't need that.d so, you know, from here we actually get to litigate the case, which as an attorney, i look forward which to, i know our legal team does as well, too, getting to take our own turn at looking at all of the information and our own to put out our side out, whichwc is something that everybody needs to remember has not remem
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happened as of yet. be four indictments are simply that an indictment, which int one sided b.s., for lack of a better word, on their political scheme to interfere with the leading candidate for president. so this is all ridiculous. it's all a it's all meant to interfere inside the timeline in the election processt that that's a given. so these questions sort of come with tha et that sense of how it's. but if you're planning for georgia, the d.c. timeline waset just set for march 4th. as you know, the day before super tuesday, much sooner than your team haerd anticipated.cipe what do you anticipate for a timeline down in atlanta, like f how quickly? are they going to try to push this in your sense? and how will you pus thi h back? let's be clear. the jack smith and fani willis and the d.a. bragg's and the letitia james, if they could have d brag it their way, they would have all trials the same week.
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it's unrealistic. it's ridiculous and it's obvious. so what i think is happening, is the judges are going to have to fight it amongst themselves. you cannot hav ande one defendat on multiple cases. but if you do look at the timeline, like you mentioned, every single event, every single event fromm the indictment to the rushed grand jury years after the events took place, when y they didn't need to rush it, they could have had it two years ago. toy single thing says veryt know clearly, joe biden doesn't know what he's doing in office. so let's distract america so that all we about is president trump and these hoaxes. and that'st trump and thes real. so what are they? we're goinweg to obviously are t it's impossible for one person to be in four different places. onfour thisnterfegue is election interference. and then we're going to take a look at each individual personreil ind and say, you rane office based on the fact that on thyou said you were going t. trump, and so did you and so did you. now we need our constitution and due process to step in and do its part. and if we don't have fair judges, unfortunately, we'rer
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not going to get that. so we have a great team. i love our legal, team right now. i feel strong, the president feels strong, and we're going to take eachg and t one head o it is amazing when you look at hunter biden, problem indictment, hunter biden, add charges to indictment, hunter biden, problem indictment. agai, adn, when do we set the tl date? iowa caucuses? how about we do it the day super before super tuesday? i've never seen anything like it. of course, it's totally unprecedente tuesddented. d. and the way you put itlectio together, it is election interference. and keep us updated on what you're seeing. appreciate your time. alina habb a. >> thank you. now to another disturbing report about joe. the national archives is in possession of. thousands of emails from joe's time as v.p. where apparently, as sean has reported, used a pseudonym not two different names with burner email accounts, one a government account, others gmail accounts, and used them to communicate frequently with hunter cc hir m on things, but it was about official government business. >> oftentimes.
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but that's not all. according to american first legal hunter's firm, rosemont seneca, get this one this is new exchanged over a thousand emails for hunter's firm exchanged over a thousand emails with joe biden's vice presidential office through official email traffic. so what's going on here? simple question. whell see if there's a simpl answer. let's bring in fox news legal analyst gregg jarrett and former florida attorney general pam bondi. greg, you know, the emailse are the names of robert peters and robin wear and robert.e reminds me of carlos danger and pierre delicto, except this is a lot more significant vicause it's the president and vice president of the united states with foreige unn entitieh he told us he knew nothing about it. and day after da abouty after de see how intertwined it is. greg yeah, i mean, thinkbout about it. 5400 alias emails under fake accounts.
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>> i mean, that's a staggering number. just do the math. that's almos thatt two of thesest 2 clandestine emails. a day during his vice presidency. >> so, you know, why wasbide joe biden doing it? well, occam's razor tells us the obvious answer, usually the correct one. co. hide th, it's concealed >> but if somebody has nothing to hide, they don't hide their communications. with people who engage in improper, if not illega engao activities, cloak them in ape shroud of darkness, try to obscure their illicit behavior. and that's what jo e biden washunter doing here. hunter was w being copie beid os dad's secretive emails that dealt directly with ukraine, where the son was pocketing $1,000,000 per year and some of the shared communicationion dole with then president poroshenko, whom joe pressured, tried to fire the prosecutor who is investigating hunter biden and his company, >> so, you know, these alias emails, pete, are only
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solidifying joe's direct involvement in his son's schemes. it strikes me to penn that likep a lot of this information, if it involveams high level interactions with government officials, would have some level of classificationatia and at which point hunter didn't have one but worked for different firmnters. how i mean, you can connectifict the dots now with thioe. h when when does it really cascade something meaningful in your mind? i mean, it's already meaningful with the evidence we have, but it is something that really moves. >> yeah, it is. it is. it is. pete. and i think it's so important to know that i believe that an impeachment inquiry is imminent. regarding joe biden. and here's why. james comer and theev house oversight committeidencee they need subpoena power. and now more than ever, they nee id subpoena. and these emails are critical to the house's investigation and they're not giving them up. they're making all these ridiculous claimculouss of them.
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they're claiming executive privilege. what about that? when they through executive privilege out the window to go after president trump, yet they're claiming it on some of these emails now. so the housendow g oversight committee has to have subpoena power and to connect it with crayonsight cos. tha keep going. 15 trips. hunter biden toopok two foreign companies on air force two bank transfers, 20 shell companies to nine biden family members. this has got to be investigated and the house oversight committee has to have the authority to do so. and ththe only way they can the get that authority is by an impeachment inquirn doy. >> so that, i believe, is so soon to come. >> gregg makes sense. i mean, if you've got these all these bank accounts, scores ,losses going to different could a impeachment inquiry truly have the subpoena power ha the banko get records? that's where the money istually went from whom would they? is that why it's so powerful?
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yeah, i think so. >> i would actually recommend a select committee, which is sort of the apex of subpoena authority under the nixon standard during watergate cases that, you know, nixon tried to stonewall and eventually the courts, including the supreme court, said, no, you can't, not with select committee involving illegal activity. t he's in a pending impeachment. so i do think that's where it's headed heading. there are some moderates who are a bit reluctanheadedt. i think this effort at a snap impeachment without, any committee hearings is a mistake. and that's a s what nancy pelosi did in the second trump impeachment. don't >> and two wrongs don't make a right. i think they neea d to methodically gather the evidence, show it to the american peoplk theye before they actually move toward an impeachment. but i agreeople. i think we're getting closerar and closer to it. k
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pam, what do you think of that? and do you think we couldge get to the point? because some there's some hesitation amongst moderate house republicans. heon, i'm in a district that wet deep. don't you think it could create a moment where even senate democrats and moderate republicans in the senate might say like this is just shee r illegality? >> sure. i don't know how someone like joe manchin doesn't agree to this as well. absolutely. you have to look at this. and again, thi ss is there is so much evidence, pete, that is out there. so much and remember, joe biden said i had no comment at with mye no son regarding foreign business dealings. and james comer has said he has seen one of those emails that was forwarded to hunter directly referencing ukraine. exactly. it's outrageous. it's right there. it nces greg and pam, keep us updated. thank you very much. straight aheadnk you v by nomic, you know, the bottom out middle up thing is destroying economy and hurting our nation's students.
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we'll explain. steve moore and sean duffy join us on this special edition of "hannity". coming up next. this story couldn't be written in hollywood because it's so unbelievable. what made you decide that you want to speak out? i hold a very unique perspective that nobody else in that courtroom held. would you say you think the police didn't do job? there's a heck of a lot that still needs to be answered. what was your response when you heard that he was stealing $3.8 million? your dad had told you that he didn't go down to the kennel that night. i left the house and went to my mom. >> can you point out the person whose voice you recognize in this video? >> no, i don't agree with. how did that make you feel? it was all a lie. i do not think whatever storm he concocted was to kill my mother and brother.
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a message on social media calling inflation corporate propaganda. tell that to all my neighborsgrc at the grocery store. >> here with reaction, founder oferstor the to unleash prosper, steve moore and co-host of the bottom line,ev sean duffy steve. sean, thanks for being here. steve, do they know they're failing? did they juso thw they aret spit they can? >> but behind the scenes, they say this ain't working. wi >> well, there's the old saying of trying to put lipstick on a pig and i think that's a what they're trying to do with biden nomics. but i'll give you two or three really just quick examples of things that are going wrong. we should be producing with 3e million more barrels a day oil.r but because of biden's war oil on american oil, we're we'reg not doing that. and the price is $80 a barrel right now. so the united states of america is losing about $250 million a day, b, a day because of that crazy war on energy. a second example, the i don't know if you saw the the report that about half of americans aren't going to be
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able tt half to having a hard tp paying their credit card debt. and as you knoayg w, card debtl. is over $1,000,000,000,000 now. well, that's a huge proble m for are american families. the only way that people are stintaining their living standard is by continuing th borrow more and more money and then the mortgages. and i think that's another one we should look at. you know, 30 and 40 somethings aren't able to afford houses right now. and when the mortgage rate goes from peahe mortgk to point 9% ur trump to 7.1% today, that literally on a 30 year mortgage. pete, that's adding about $200,000 in payments on a $500,000 house. it just straight up prices, people out. i mean, you're paying 100,000 more per month, not to mention a down payment>> pet. sean, as steve was talking, i was reminded of a clip we played las wt weekend on foxt and friends where bernie sanders was talking in new hampshire about how the fact that democrats are losing the working clashe
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s he's at least being honest. i mean, alexandria alexio-corteg z says that inflation is corporate propagandartez. what are real people actually feeling here pped.? so listen. so you saiganda.d 60% of peopleo living paycheck to paycheck. but thoplee poor people who make $50,000 a year, about 80% of them are living paycheck to paycheck. so the lower rungs of the ladder are getting crushed by biden's policies, which, by the way, pete, i'm surprised that joe biden is running on biodynamics. he should run against trump trying to run on these policies that everyone knows are his fault. i don't know how it's going to play out, but he is tied with trump right now in, what, 40, 46 to 46?goin but going back to aoc, thists is what communists do. this is what marxists do. they lie d. e they never take responsibility for their own policies and their failures of their policiesbility f because they always fail. they always have to blame someone else. think ofs. they you, chavez or castro. they blame anyone but their policies. and again, the consequence ofnse
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that is that there's been a titanic shift here. nc the working class, working men and women in places like minnesota and wisconsin, i comet from you come from minnesota. they're come to the republican party. they're republicano party.s because republicans are fighting for them. and you have a lead costales in very poor people who live off the government than are democratofs. >> yeah, i mean, steve, thereat. are some races, a great point.y eventually they will shift away from this because it is unpopular to demonize an more so on a daily basis. maga republicans and trump and everything like that. they'll get their. >> but how prominent will economics be? do you believe in thepromin 24 campaign? when you consider the border, you consider foreignent will, you consider the scandals of biden. i mean, how much will people come02 home to how poorly how their lives have gone under? poorlbiden? >> i think it's the it's stillse always the number one issue. i mean, obviously, national security and border issues matter. securit matte. but what really matters to people is are they're keeping up. i met last week with president trump and by the way, he's in an incredibly good mood fo ir i,
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amazingly, to be able to be so optimistic. but we've talked a lot about the economy. and i just said, mr. president, thati is president trump. you know, your case against biden is very easy, inst bid. ie you just look in the camera in that debate in front of 150g million people, assuming thathe he's the candidate and say,n yo are you better off than you were four years ago. and that's exactly what ronald reagan said when he ran against jimmy carter and that people said, no, i'm not betteir off and they're not better off now. sean, last>> exit answer. >> well, i think some interesting democrats are going to run on abortionact right? and they're going to try to scare tactics with with republican licanss. t and again, republicans have to fight back, push back. and again, i mean, donald has. a fairly good record, but republicans have been big spenders, too. and spendingve been has led ust this inflationary problem. they've got to have some credibility with the you and they have a chance in this upcoming budget season a couple of weeks awaye , to prove they have the chops to stop spending for biden into
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cutting back.ete: t it's going to be something. steve, sean, thanks for breaking it downhat . all right. up next, the woke left. e that'llel be part of the 2024 election, too. of course, the lunacy. they're coming for parental rights. a shocking new lawsuit from california is tryingrights.a lat parents out of the picture yet again. mary katherine hamt of them, tay bruce react is a special edition of "hannity" continues . nothing could shake me, but then you shook me. you turn here right side up to be here, wrong side down. i couldn't be taking the thing you took me. you get was right. we can change my cell. find here is someone at christian mingle .com today i get a real creative release
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nothing. >> call 886 087298. that's 800 8607298. ♪ >> welcome back to this special edition of "hannity". >> now we've got some goodgood s for you tonight. well, partially. a parent recently fought back against the woke left sick assault on parental rights and won the case. >> a mother sued a california se school district after they socially transitioned her daughter without telling
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her without parental consent. and she won a $100,000 settlement. >> the school referred to the daughter to her with male pronouns and even let her,tleme. the daughter use the boys bathroom . bathroom >> and mom was told of none ofa this. but this los s in court is nott stop stopping the left from trying to control your kids and continue doing it. so let's stay in california. kidsl evea attorney genera rob bonta is now even after this, suing another california school district for a policy thatic requires parents to be notified when their child changes. pronounshen their chil or gende. here now with reaction oc columnist mary katherine hamm and fox news contributor tammy bruce. idmary katherine, it's one step. forward, two steps back. parents fighting, crawling to be notified and thenth the a.g. says, no, no, no, we're not doing that. it's amazinge , right?g you know what? good for this, mom. make wdoin
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this is the way that the pendulum moves from where it is nothw to more caution when it comes to transitioning minors, especially without their parents notification, medical, medical practitioners and schools alike. er the you should go after them where you have the means to do so. and there are organizationm wils will help. i think this woman's story is an inspiration to those who want to stand up whoants to schools, that they learn that they can do that because many are just afraid to speak mafraiake it can be very, very hard to be on the wrong side, quote unquote, of this issue. ssue.although, by the way,s you're supported by about 80% of parents whe yn you're on the wrong side, according to the schools on thisquot. it's also an inspiration that she has a healed relationship with her daughte p r, because manymany p people are told by emotionally manipulative leaders thae toldto is no choice but transition or death by suicide for your child. and that is a terrible thing to tell somebody. and in many caseg to ts it is nt true. so i love that they have this relationship nowhave. >> pete: it's a great point. it's psychological manipulatiogn . >> tammy bruce explained the obsession, the unrelenting
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that attorneys general and others have on this issue of no youth. >> let our schools transition these kiddos. ye o t schools, suddenly they're al concerned about this. this new thing of transgender children. the fact of the matter is, it's not. n new that this is just one more proxy for the left agenda to cleave children from their parents. americans tend to raise centermi right children. you know, we're independenton't revolutionaries. we don't like being told what to do. our children ng t end up alsoppreciat appreciating the constitution and the lifestyle of thie sry po country provides with our freedoms the constitution, the bill of rightsvi . you hav so the left knows that you've got to get the children first, right? you've got to indoctrinate them. this i, unliked into them. the civil rights movements that the first half of the 20th century is, were based in, alo having people be left alone. right. we didn't want special treatment. certainly not bad special treatment.
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we just wanted the same opportunit not bad speciatry and not to be hindered. we are now being told american parents are being told that out of a civil rights framework for transgende outr people. and this, of course, is supposed to being the and b basis is that that's a new civil rights thing. civithat you're a transphobe or a homophobe or you're a bigot. if you don't do this.e that's a lie. that's the first thing american parents have to realize aot is that that is a lie by a system that wantse really to take custody of your children without the responsibilities of the future. and what's happeningand what wie future? so i think that, you know, like in california, very brieflre., this is not a surprise because in california, if you're a a r, you don't need parental consent to get an abortion. if you're a minor in middleabor school and you are going to get an abortion, they allow you to do it and are forbidden from telling your parents. soforbidn from a number of difft dynamics where minor behaviorret
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your parents would normally be involved has already been sliced away. aw so we've seen this now with the lawsuits. is that it's the result of conservatives winning those school board seats and now withh having to deal with the far left government in californi governma. >> but if you're a minor, you still can't buy a ticket. i would. so apparently that's more or dry. mary catherine, go ahead. last word. >> no, i would just say payat yu attention to what your schoolhol district is suing to do. are they suing to open school or keer keepclose?p schools clop are they suing to support parents or are they suing to keep you out of the loop? look, i like i said, 78 to 81% of parents and adults agree that parents should be notified about kind of thing. you're on the right side of the issue here. what can we the get 77% of americans to agree on? well, there is the point that in that ap poll that biden's too old to be president for the next four years. but other than that, thio s old is about the only issue that has a 77, 78% support. so xt yea you're safe on this. >> you're exactly right. all right. mary katherineis. campbell, we'e
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got to leave it right there. >> thank you very much. great insight. nexall right. >> up next, you won't believe the latest. this is a doozy. the aclu's the crusade, a change operation for a convictedco baby murderer. they're on the case. we explainted baby. edition >> this special edition of "hannity" continues . >> this is a conservative voter alert. >> bernie sanders is at it again, this time with a radical plan to increase government control of your pharmacy benefits. >> even worse, some republicans are supporting it. sanders socialist plan is not just an attack on your health benefits. it's his next step toward government run health care. shattering your pharmacy benefits, increasing drug costs and threatening private health insurance. call mike braun. tell him to oppose bernie's radical health care takeover. >> are you tired of that old worn out bath or shower? now you can have a new one installed in just one day with a new limited time offer from jacuzzi bath remodel.
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1490 thousands of gifts guaranteed to appraise for double the jewelry exchange. >> direct the new foxy's prime is number one. the right voices at the right. foxy's prime time weeknights on fox news america is watching. >> you're welcome. america. >> welcome back to this specialh edition of. hannity. just when you think the woke mob can't get any craziek e woke r, think again. the aclu. you know, the olow, d american civil liberties organization is suing the indiana department of corrections for denying a reassignment surgeryx reas requd by. yeah, that guy, an inmate named. jonathan c richardson. sounds like a biden alias,ike . but he's a real person. they're claiming that denying ming tha richardson that guy. this surgery violatesh pr the eighth amendment, which prohibits cruel and unusuaohcrul
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punishment, even though he would like to inflict hereual punishmentinflic on hisn body. here's the kicker. richardson is in priso's then, y serving a 55 year sentence forea murdering a child. he strangled his 11 month old stepdaughter to. joining me now with reaction, the host of out kicks, tomitomi lahren, is fearless. tomi lahren. tomi, i don't know. lahr iarlesse with this. >> the aclu used to defend freeh speech and religious and civil liberties, and now they're defending this or the guy's clearly trying to get into women's prison by pretending to be a woman. and, you know, they're they're going for this. what do you makea of their thi thing? yeah. let's start with the aclu. right. awfully quiet duringlu, right,,t era when people actually were losing their civil rights and their libertiepeoples. batf but now they're going to bat for somebodyor who murdered an str 11 month old, strangled an 11 month old. i'm sorry, but i thinkanonth i k for a lot of americans, and i p don't apologize for saying this whenete, i say i really don't sy
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give a hoot about a murderer's feelingseall, gender dysphoria, that this dude now wants to be a chick and wants to usee ou our taxpayer dollars in order to become that. dollaryou murdered an 11 month h innocent child and you wantyou a to feel sorry for you because you want to be a chickntck and u want $100,000 transition surgers y on, the back of, the american taxpayer. no, no, no, i don't think so. this is more than liberal lunacy. this is an abomination. and i'm so gla and d thatg fi the indiana attorney general is standing firm on this, not bowing, non this, not caving tog mob. not bowing, not caving to the aclu ong t, because this shouldr infuriate every american. this man is 88 a murderer. i don't care about his feelings of gender dysphoria. i'm sorry. not sorry. course. agine >> you're exactly right. imagine the things the aclth ths to overlook. like the murder of an 11 month old in order to advocate on behalf of a radical
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new approach that would actually take this guy and put him in a women's penitentiaryen. where potentially even more harm could happen. they seem to not care about that to even carthat. ise now they don't. and this is a safety issuend. a >> and we've heard these stories more than once. this is a global issue o omef t men pulling this to try to get into women's prisons. thato ,so thi they do thatdo they do harm. they do. they do assault. so this is not eves kingn talkig about the abomination of paying for something like this. but also, you'veso you'vhe got o half of this. what happens when this person is now a femalfemalee and gets to a women's prison or a women's facility and now these women in danger?this we have to stop caving to this. we have to stop just sto likp,em you talked about in the last segment with tammy and mary katherine hamm, ween have to stop coddling this ideology because it spreads like a cancer and it gets worse and worse and worse. we have to be realistic. we have to call these things they are otherwise we are doomed to have this become the norm are doothis b. ou're i'm not okay with that, pete. you're exactly right. i appreciateext an
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everythingly you said tonight. >> we have to speak clearly, boldly, confidently and say we understand eternal truths hereas and we don't have to bend to what's now the nenow thw fadi 15 minutes ago because you little fascists want to tell us thetts the way it hs to be for the rest of our lives. tommy lee, you alway ours speak clearly and we appreciate your time tonight. alanrly and ppreciatk you. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time we havethme left togetr tonight. >> now, next week, sean isn a live audience show on wednesday and thursday night. if you have not been to seanit show in new york city, you've got to see it. t ge you might get a football. you're going to have a great time. head ovet otball, yor hannity .t your free tickets again if you're in the new yorkt city area. plus, a personal note, the patrio naare coming to nashville this year and i will be hosting yet agaishn. it's november 16th. it's the grand ole opry house. ticketle s are flying off the shelves. and one little note here, this auditorium has 2000 less seatssi
12:00 am
than what we had in hollywood, florida. >> so if you're waiting if you're dragging your feet, don't do it anymore. go to fox nation .core.ming yo patriot awards. i'm telling you, you're going to love the everu, are geday heroes that we honor at this event. and you get to come to nashville and, hang out. with all of us. we hope to see you there. again fox nation .comas alw slash words. as always, thank you for tuning in. thank yo gutfeld is next. have a great night. happy thursday. m kat ti >> i'm kat timpf filling in for greg because he's out with the mirror. so how was your summer, ho? that's great. aw, that's terrible.
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