tv Hannity FOX News September 7, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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>> actually, the one story joe didn't make up. catherine from muncie, indiana. m jesse, what rhymes with turk?t why are you doing that to me?? why would you do that to me? >> you know, it rhymes with that. so for tonight, dave, you are on the show as remember, i'm watters, and this is my world. welcome back to hannityo and welcome, all great crowd. >> we are so great to see you.yl l.all back with our live audiene tonight. panic in new york city overimmir the influx of illegal immigrantsan n. erflow and now an overflow. public schools opeof pubn in nes city and this new inundation of children in the public school systemn ne in new york. it is way out of control. they had no idea how to handlee
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it. nobody was in charge. and many of these children , by the way, do not speak snglish, putting massive stres on what is an already failing school system. wow. greaor adat job, mayor adam. - okay.ay anyway, i agree that curtis greaa has a lot to say. >> he'll be here tonight. the denver post, the democratic mayor of this once proud sanctuary city, he's now worried that so-called asylum seekers are going to destroy new york city forever.but fi we have full coverage tonight also. rs begin wibut first, i want to ben with this. i've been talking a lot about a canary in a coal as it relates to joe biden, your president. he does not know tonights thur is thursday. but for those of him around him that do know ha. watch closely, because some of joe's biggest allies in the media mob, which is nothing other than an extension of the white house room, they are now starting to turn on the man they helped elect. remember the biden candidate protectionandidate program and e
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presidential protection program and denied that hunter,am his laptop is very real program. well, we predicted that when america's overpaid fake news journalists. >> they're really talk show hosts like me except they're not honest to say so. >> and i said so, by the way you know, they say they accurately are covering biden's massive declinee de and corruption. they have up till now been avoidingcland've been it and als that the big guy is in big trouble. buckle up, because now even fake news. cnn is starting to tellginnin a little bit of truth. they're beginning n g even soun. a little like yours truly. >> take a look. >> tomorrow, we have brand new cnn polling. the numbers are looking rougento for president biden. we've been talking about it all morning and the fact that it could be a troubling sign for democrat s and the president's hope for reelection in 2024. >> there is no waymocrats. to spin this. cnn reads the country's mood right now and that america is deeply unhappy with joe biden.
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most democratic voters hope for a change at the top of the ticketd amern'. out hi americans don't take the president at his word when about. and >> his son, hunter. joe biden's like that grandpa that you love, that you believ,k in. you owe a lot. but you start to wonder, you knowgive, would you give ths grandpa a high stress job for six more years or would you want something else for him? ans in the55% of americans, a m, believe biden's actions relateid to the hunter biden probe inappropriate, problematicappro, new polling numbers out this morning for president biden. the cnn poll findsn poll f, his approval rating sinking to just 39 j%. % an >> wow. oh, that's right. th level at 39%.ling that's a level that only jimmy carter matched. now, nearly 60% believe thatr his policies have now made f economy worse. why? 61% of our fellowelam americans liveerican paycheck to paycheck. >> average american now owes deb $54,000 in debt. and again, a cnn poll don'ts
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like biden personally. what's to like? they think he's a bad person and unlikable. a whoppinge worrie 76% are worrd about biden's ability to even serve another term. ocrats, 67% of democrats, they wish they could have someone else other than biden leading theirma ticket. and despite biden's many, many lies ove r 60% of voters think his that biden was involved with his son's business dealings abroad. that brought in tens of billionsof of dollars for huntea and company with no experience at all whatsoever. below they believe joe was involved. ja plurality now believe that joe biden actually broke the law. ghted on this program we have longjo highlighted. joe biden's misconduct. med and get thisia, no one in the media mob has ever really rebuked our coverage coverage remember,k an very early on i started to say he was weak and frailcritic and cognitive mess. >> yeah, i didn't get much criticism for thatis and id.
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and i talked about joe mielke at night. warm milk and sipppe cup andy co on night. and if he was really good, he'd get someice cr night ice cream d he goes. nighty night anyway, because everybody with to sey with eyese knows that it is true. but for years they just simply ignored what was transparent and obvious to every person. and that is they did this to protect the big guy. and of course, obsessively, compulsively. hey, trump, every second, everye minute, every hour of every day, every week, every month, monty. now, all of this despite a huget amount of evidence thatet joe biden committed really serious crimes. then, of course, we have the jo joee biden bribery, money laundering allegations. now we have photographic evidence of him meeting with some of hunter's business partners, having lunch with some of them cafe milano oligarcs from russia, kazakhstan, elsewhere. 20 phone calls thae and 27t devon archer talked about. we got eyewitness testimony. tes, got emailsess tes
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that joe benefited financially from all this. verand a very lengthy paper trl showing possible money launderingl sh. le and of course, look at the amount of money we're talking about. not a of thousand we're talking about tensllar and tens millions of dollars funneled to nine family members of joe biden through shady shell corporations, according to house oversight committee chair james colmer. hunter biden and his sketchy overseas business deals s withwith china and russia and romania and kazakhstan. kazakhstand ukraine and mexico. and all of these otherl th countries. all these foreigese foreign buss deals were at the center of it all. and yet joe biden's weaponized doj. they were ready to sweep it all right. under the rug. but now even fake news, cnn is starting to sound a lot like this program more and more. by the way, i'd like to thank them for watching. but they should give attribution for getting the story right to us. >> take a look. doj is giving me whiplash on this one because six weeks ago they were they did walk
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into court and they were ready la they -- whiplto get rid of tr a misdemeanor and dismissed the gun charge. now they're about to indice a mm for a felony gun charge, which would likely carry jail time if there's a's the only conclusion that i think is consistent with all this is that kic ht the were a right that initially doj was ready to go in theregive t and e this deal away cheaply. and when the political pressure amped upd up, doj did a complete 180. all right. if you keep on track, cn18n now essentially admitting that the joe biden bribery mone by as laundering allegation scandal is very real, though they are also joe biden's department of justice, part of his executivett branch. they're accusing them of trying to cover it up to protec t biden family. and, of course, they're also heavily suggesting heavilyeah, yeah, joe is way too old and too cognitively impaired to run foro a second term. cnk atn took one look at their l and saw the writing. now may be on the wall. o they're abandoning ship. are they the first of many?en that's the question.
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what prominent elected democrat will follow suit? what are the democrats? anll, we'll follow the example, if any. democratic lawmakers with governorsd cratic l startjo openly questioning joe biden's ethicsn', his family business, the millions of dollars for seemingly no wor k but for influence peddling, and whether or not bribery and money laundering involve involved.t fo if they start questioning whether or not he's fit for offis his days as a candidate in the 2024 race, they are nowan numbered. let's be clear here. according to my sog my sources,e already been trashing biden behind closed doors. no one in the democratic party seems to like joe biden. a they all see what we see. they're just n of now not saying it publicly. and by the way, that includesmaa vice president kamala harris. and by the way, sharrie look mentally capable herself of doing a good job. >> everyone knows he's a congenital liar. he's a plagiarize. and he's also a narcissist
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who would do pretty much anything p that wi for a buck or a little prestige. way d ownay that he treate granddaughter in arkansas, not recognizing this innocentpret girl over four years. pretty repulsive and pretty disgusting. she's anty innocent young girl.t no birthday cards, no invites to the white house. >> and by the way, even the family dog that bit secret servicervicee agents got a personalized ornament on the joe biden tree beforen, t this little girl did. joe biden, the first lady, dr. jill biden. they have been a national disgracedisg. e pain every policy they implement is creating more pain for the americanhe peopl people. it's no wonder joe completede do the doj's into an arm of the democratic party. he knew he'd neeeed. he doesn't have any character or ethics, and probably couldn't even recite a single line from our constitution u and media mob. they know that too, and they've been ignoring it up till nowat but that is now beginning to change. and the bad news for joe biden.s
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well, in just a moment, john solomon has more breaking news on this family enterprise, as they say in fulton county or syndicate. all right. joining us now with reaction, fox business hosis foxstt charles payne, columnist for the messenger, fox newsalke joe concha. all right. i've talked aboud the canary ine coal mine. ree,sere's actually wa three maureen dowd writing the story about the granddaughter that they wouldn't recogniznge. a the second is the media mob, cnn's poll. but cnn'ndais on commentsnd about joe, you know, van jones is like a little grandpa that you really want to save himself and not let run. pretty profound. yeah, i'm waiting for r big the first big name democrat to follow suit. >>g to hapn soon it's going to . because this is a very slippery at this point. evnumberand the numbers are the numbers. sean and van jones asked a question that everery amer shy american should be asking. >> do you think thispresiden president willh get better with age or worse with age? >> it's a rhetorical question, right? do you want the 86 year oldverso
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version of joe biden, the oval h office, which he will be if he wins a second term? >> but forgee' ant about age fory th a second, cause i think that's an excuse. do you like the waany the econol and biden nomics is going for you right now? do you likik bettee it better oi you were four years ago? exactly. that worked, didn't it? d. are youare you happy? do you feel safe in your own communities, given what's happening with crime? >> are you happy with the fact that 7 million people have entered this country illegallyl' ? >> what, 7 million? 30 eight individual u.s.have states don't have a population of 7 million yet. that's what's been happening, includinndreds owatch lig hundrs on the terror watch list. >> are you happyju with thst set we just sent $520 million on, to ukraine to make their energy cleaner? i could go on, sean. >> do you like the fact that. would you agree with. >> t going going money to the people of ukraine than pl maui in hawaii or the people in florida? >> hundreds still missing. hundrede a dead. treating and we're we're treating ukraine better than mauiette. most importantly, do you think that abortion shouldn't be should be carried out in thde
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second or third turn turn that a argument on its head, because mostgree americans don't agreed with that. either way, if you ask those questions and it becomes an issues based electiobecomen, democrats are in big trouble regardless of who the nominee is. >> big troof pay >> charles payne i just read all the statistics you just heard frone, i readm j. >> how much trouble is he now in? he's in a lot of trouble, >> helicopoing to get a lot worse. the trends on the economic datan are frightening. >> frightening. we see the smallomic da as banks right now, their delinquency rates are seven and a half percent is off the rails. but thte and largee large banksg up. credit card interest rates justh cracked 22% as defaults indigoing through the roof. >> it's all the in the economic indicators point extreme pain and it's going to be exponential. like you know my show today i talked about the ernest hemingway. you know about, how do you go bankrupt versus gradual then sudden, this is what we're gwaygoing is gradual and thene it's going to build like a rocket ship. it's going to feel like a rocketrocket ship. and americans just aren't prepared for it. you know, all ofepared the freeo
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steady money is gone. we're still dealing and . nflation >> people are trying to batten down the hatches. but about $100 a barrel oil, our gasoline inventories at a five year low of. s obviously, the strategic petroleum reserve is at the low cost of the gasoline. 83 $4 mainy look83 lik ae mandyo cheap. $three months from now, $4 mayo look cheap for what may like the good old days, three or four months from now. the rejection right now that we'rre on ale on, all the indice point to what we're feeling right now is just the very it'lf the iceberg. >> it's going to get a whole lot worse. and the saudis also said they're going to continuea their lower production levels. >> the saudi, saudi arabiawithie and now to 20 minutes within each other. an'rg we're going to keep goin sedately. so are we going to. yeah, we're going to keep these production cuts up throughend in the end of the year. but you know, why do something? why wouldn'tthe wh they.ll o and by the way, they got a friend in the white house, president biden,dden he's all of a sudden he just snatches these leases that were signed, 430,000 acres and in arctic,
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all of a sudden, he says, well, we don't want to put natural gatrainss on on trains. war all right, but you're against pipelines. also, the war on fossinl fuels is going to have a deleterious aren't really crushing people. but to your poinntt, all of this stuff is going to get a whole lot worse. so these numbers tha these nutd hard you're talking about right now is as tough as it's hard it is to believ as tothey ce. all right, they could get worse. so, joe, they're going to need a replacement. yeahreplacement., i don't thinko is that person. now, it was interesting this week watch to watch kamala harr, least people around her. i'm convinced, leak the >> well, if gavi an newsomnd jus in, that would not go over well with the minority communities and people of color, etc., etc. shot across his bow to tell him, you better stay out of this. >> sean, you look at polling and you talked about joe biden being as low as jimmn aboi carter, 39%.on >> it's not a place you want to be if you're running for reelection. you know, we're comingris is to harris'. she's a 32%. that is thee lowestpresiden anye president in history. she was supposed to be plan b,
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i'm not sure she's even plan z at this point, becauseha she han an articulation problem. she has an authenticity problesm . she failed at the u.s. southern border. and we talked about joe biden not being likabld kamala e. y kamala harris is profoundly not likable. so they're skipping right overt- her. >> and to your point, gavin plwsom probably is the plan b, so so are you convinced thisre c is going to happen? >> it's trending in that direction, but democrats tend to be veryd demond loyal, right? they stick together. and until gavin newsom is givena the go ahead, i'm not sure that. >> well, but again, what doet ds the bumper sticker look like, make america california, because i'm pretty sure we don't want that either. high taxes, high homelessness, and obviousl y a stink about whyin the my hair doesn't blow in a wind. >> no. okay.. >> your hair doesn't blow on me. mayor gavin newsom, right. i meano it's just like all i ever do. see who's right. would they go to who would d be know what? they're in a dicey predicament. the what they do have working for themicnt and is that what tt proved the last election is that it's no longer about passion. vote. it's about an organization getting out the vote.
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you don't really havt have te ti a you know, you know, there was something about going into a voting boothont on election day and pulling that lever, something that energized you. novestotesw when you can harvese it almost doesn't matter. we can just sendt to all of the houses on this map. >> they better get the right legand someol right. balluse if we can send every someone to every house on this map and pick up ballot,fo we'll fill it out for you.n just initial it, we'll fill itu out for you, knock on your door so you don't need to be passionately behind someone. >>c >> charles payne, joe concha, great to see you both. thanha paynek you. all right. now, as promised to the latest breaking developmentso editor in chief, investigative reporter lates justin newscom. bycording to a europea an union memo obtained by solomon, the eu disputes biden statedthev reason for forcing ukraine's top prosecutor out of office within 6 hours, leveraginggrea $1,000,000,000 anyway. john solomon is with us now. john, great to ht to have you b. >> good to be with you, john. so we knew in october 15 that
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it was official biden. i'm sorry, administration policy that ukraine had madeukra enough progress on corruption, that they were going to give a billion in loan guaranteesnt that was joe's job. a couple of months later to deliver that, that'snow th their policy. now we have more evidence thateo world's consensus was exactlyn the same in terms of progress? on on corruption. >> is that true? >>, you got it right, john. listen, every part of the story that joe bidenis c and his acols in the democratic party gave us during 2019, impeachment, 2020, in the election, and every day since, has fallend apart. the first thing that joe biden said is the stat is e department made me do this. this was their policy. i carried it out. we debunked thatbuntweek last wk with the state department's own documents. the second thing, joe bidesecon and by the way, many witnesses in the impeachment and senatorps ron johnson's 2020 investigation, they all waout tojothe europeans wanted him out to the very country.bide the week after joe biden secretly made the threatthe ukra
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to ukrainian president petro poroshenko saying if you don't fire him, you don't get your billion dollar loan guarantee, whicth was the opposite ofo what state told him to do. the week after that, the european wrote a report.that we made it public tonight. it said that ukraine had met all the benchmarks, all the benchmarks for its reformn corr agenda on corruptionup, on fighting organized crime, on human trafficking, and on money laundering. ghtingthe four big things that the u.s. and the west were supposed to be looking for and. they actually gave glowing quotes in the report. wasthey said it was impressive progress. this is completely joe biden through europe and the state department under the bus to make it loolikek, he didn'tpn fire the prosecutor to benefit his son. the european s says that's notia true and the state department's own documents say it's not trute . a man who was willing to concoct a story that foror 51 intelligence agents to tell us the laptop was fake when it wasn't51 and w t, was also willg to take our allies in europe and take the state department sa
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and give them a false story, which, by the way, they sustained. trumimpeachmh donald trump'sat impeachment and all the way through the 2020 election, tha m is the man that is our president, he concocted a series of stories in the document ts. take us four years to get completely to disprove that story. >> it' we kneyou know, it's amazing. >> we knew this from the firstim time we saw that tape. >> i told him, you're not f getting the billion dollars unless you fir e that b prosecutor, you got 6 hours to do it. son of a . they fire y.e the guy.and th why would a vice president of our country ever deman of di gus the firing of a ukrainian prosecutor? i guess one that has a son with no experience and energy makingf do millions of dollars a corrupt energy company that their prosecutorinnow its invesg now, it makes sense. >> yeah, it does. it does. it made sense. and the only thing that didn't make sense was the mainstream media and the democrats are tired of the false story. i think you need a gig like that, you know, no experience. john solomon, go in as an expert get paid and have daddy vice president, don't fire the
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guy investigating you. perfect world. john solomon, the walls are closing in. >> great job, as always. thank you. all right. coming unk you. up,p, joe bidenr crisis has now reached every single cornef thr of our countr, forcing blue city mayors. now they're taking extreme e actionyou're action, especially in light of schools opening in the northeast. you're not going to believecurts what eric adams, the mayor of l new york, said. curtis sliwa, what next? he'll break it down as wext whe continuere'l. >> this is carrington debris where nail fungus grows, neonics, nail gel cleans out fungus by removing keratin debris using neonics. 90% of males improve, get clinically proven results, find unacceptable walgreens, walmart, rite aid and cbs. >> hi, i'm mike huckabee, former governor of arkansas, and i'm here today to tell you about a hidden health crisis currently affecting nearly every american sleep.
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you i'm standing and that's all i can do time to tell you what a nice round the masked singer 10th season kicks off sunday on fox. this is one of those times. this is one of those moments. we get ready to go out there, give it everything. we get ready. but give me my third theme music. be in all of college football is the da. >> it's something about having that piece of paper. some people would think that's wortthat i'mh more than my skil. i've run this place for
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this message is brought to you by the american academy of pediatric ethics. all right. joe biden's ongoin g borderg crisis is hitting new york city very, very hard. well crisi, mayor eric adams wel says this place is about to be destroyed and destroyed forever. >> take a look. mont monh after month, i stood up and i said, this is going to come to a neighborhood near you well, we're here. we're here. we're getting no support on this national crisis and we're receiving no support. >> and let me tell you something, new yorkers e i had imy life hav
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a problem that i did not see in india, too. i i don't see an ending to this. i don't see an ending to this. >> this issue will destroy new york city, destroydethere new york city. >> all right. in queens, new york. well, residentgos there got a little preview of the coming disaster today. local schools were completely overwhelmed, then inundated by the children of illegal immigrants, forcing some students to move into overflow spaces. now, apparently schools were even handing out free backpackts school supplies paid for courtesy of new york taxpayers de illegal for b immigrant chil. and while the mayor and himos bi democratic friendsng is out thee blaming texas governor greg busedt for bussing illegal into the city, well, eveno ad the left wing "new york times", th to admit thatmi it was around a little over 13,000 illegal immigrants were sent up from texas.
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the rest of them came from joe biden. his white house, nearlyd 100,000. anyway, joining us now to discuss thi s and by the way, he may be holding, let's just say, what do we want to call it, a bridge blocking soon. former new york city i republican mayoral candidate curtis sliwa is with us. and sean, yeah, he's going>> c to boue the next mayor of the city of new york because i'm coming after eric adams. he's destroyed our city. it's not just the work, though.i it's every city. yes, it's every small town,tt becausd nde that being said, all around the country. >> all right. so well over 100,000 illegalantd immigrants. he says it's going to cost your city because i hate this placy cige, not my city.ou >> i'm getting the hell out of here as soon as i can. is goall right. >> your city is billions and billions of dollar s curtis. >> that's a fortune. the city can't afford that. melessthey're not even housing l our homeless vets. okay, so now we've gotse
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all these children showing up in schools where barely 40, 40% of the kids already are proficient reading, writin ge ki and math. >> okay, now, what are they going to do with all these kids? most of which who can't speak english? >> how are they going to handle that? sean, before you eve that?n gett is a state law that says everyid child i've had three sons in public school must be vaccinated from and a to z, or you don't step in the front door. now, all these illegalthe fron alien kids, close to 22,000, no vaccinations, no medical record. we don't even know who they are. there's nobody. there' s no paperwork.d >> and yet they move to the head of, the class. >> and you say, why are wercin forcing american children to the back of the class? you wantedu wam mean joe biden, the biden of brooklyn. that was eric adams. you remember he said, i'm thechl biden of brooklyn. kathy hochul. you say you're a sanctuary state is sanctuary city. well, take what you sawhy you were going to do and do it th stop complainincog.
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you don't need to beert a sanctuary city because there's no law. there'sa that.s law that says tt it's not just education,clothing it's -- it's housing, it's clothing, it's medical help. >> all of that paid for courtesy of the taxpayerthat csn new york. >> can't afford this. by the way. coe in the lastn the couple of years, $1,000,000,000 out of new york city. and that's just part of the exodus out of the city. >> there's been a mass exodus out ofecity new york, and that t continues even with a second hurricane in florida, you would think people would reconsider high property taxes, no floodord insurance, no people still saying we're going to florida the exodus is unbelievable. the buses go dow n right with new yorkers and they come back with illegal aliensw they.y so that's how they know it's a population. how crazy is thaf tht? >> you know, one ofs mass the greatest statistics i saw because california has, thisn mass exodus going on as well. okay. and for the first time in their
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history, they're losing population. all right, everyone, go west, young man. go to the golden state. go. you know, there's pe lea. ortunityity an people leaving because of high taxes, burdensome bureaucrac y, the reasons that we talked about a sanctuary state, sanctuary cities throughout california. >> and people are leaving. e wht as with it, the tax base's is leaving now you see what's happening out there. and then you have people arresterrestedd and theyt put in jail. >> they put you in jail. oh, absolutely. t and photograph med fi like they did trump and giuliani. i'm saying forngt what? a desk appearance ticket, an illegal alien.o they when the cops arrest them, they don't know who they are., >>ca and immediately they say asylum seeker, asylum, you can't touch them, they were untouchable. they can murder,, robbed, steal . they're untouchables. they were sworn they took an oath to the constitution d to protect america and protect us, the american city citizensec have forsaken us for shaking us for illegal aliens. ifs fo you love the illegal alis
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so much. >> go to venezuela. go to mexico, el salvadoand veno honduras. go out of this country to the te places that you're inviting people in. and imagine if you happen to be those illegalse illega and you're looking at this. >> you see, i can't believe the borders are opene bors. l, >> i get to stay in a hotel,squa three squares. i phone, smart phoneres, iph. d oh, culturally appropriate food culture also b trailer with agrh two little porch up on top. and if i'm not happyub , they send grubhub. if you're an illegal alien, you're the invasion and they are going to overwhelm us. i will not allow that. i am the mayor in exile like napoleon on the island of elba. >> i will block the bridges. i will stop the buses. we and i'l turn them around, go back to where you came from. you don't belong here.of you are illegal. you have held a number of ndthreatdemonstrations. >> you are now threatening to shut down the bridges in new york cit new yory. e. >> how real is that threat? oh, very real. you've seen this beforit's truon >> and it's truckers who are
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the most patriotic, the most america, the independent 18 wheel tractor trailerer drivers are willing to rik their they will block every entrance and exit. they will takeg every ce the ou, away and say, no, guys, you are, not coming in to our city, our state and our country anymore. if the politicians want to it, the people will do i sean:int. w do you think a cit yy likey, new york and by the way, you'r you did well, considering, you know, you're registered by democrats 9 to 1. i >> yes. do you think politically iwouldt be possible for you to pull off a massive upset because of thisn issue and run against eric adamsagains and beat him ik york city? are not new yorkers fed uperd up with us, john? >> i won't win the election. eric adams wil will lose the election because he has forsaken the voters, especialley african-americans, who thought that to the victor go the spoilsth. t he said, oh, we're going to take care of my people, probonesones who live in the
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streets, who have drug problems. alcohol problems are in the sheltersr in the schultz ara disturbed. the majority are african-americanre africans >> they look at me every day.'st they say, curtis, this establisheakin od in the back, he's taking care of people. he doesn't even know what their name w fro tol is, where they'r. and we are told to go to the back of the bus. e wh he was blacks fought for years to get to the front of the busih and their homeboy, eric adams, has put them in the back of t the bus. and pretty soon, no, we wanthe t to go to florida, georgiheana nd carolina, south carolina, virginia, tennessee, texas uns unknown to gets the hell out of here. >> well, i think curtito coms ns to come out of his shell. great to see it, curtis. hey, great job. straight t ahead, ahead, liberals are pushing for mask mandates in your schools. maes and for your kids. arkansas governor sarah huckabee sanders, she's having none of it. >> she'll tell us why straight ahead. ment s
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that it's time to bring back covid fear mongering. now, schools around the country ,they are now requiring masks,n vaccines again, covid protocols . and joe biden, your president, is now planninng tg announce at some point soon that he wants you all to get a new shot, another shot after they liednow about the previous shots. >> now, luckily, freedom loving conservative s, they are fighting back. texas has already banned any mask mandatemandats. and in the great state of arkansas, governor sarah huckabee sandersr sara, she hass extremely clear. the state of arkansas will lock, down, will not close their schools, churches or businesses or bu and will not hn any mask or covid vaccine mandates, period. >> end of sentence. the governor of the great state of arkansas sarah huckabeeof sanders is with us. sara, how are you? with us you know, we've been praying. great. thanks so much for having me fo we've been friends so long. i'm not used to calling you governor. i really i'm need to get my act together. >> governor, great to have you.
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you can call mto have e sarah a. >> don't worry. thank you. thank governor sarah, you know, i applaud you for saying it. here is the problem that i haved with these people. and maybe in the beginning of covid when nobody knew anythinog . you know, i gave people a lot s of slack. it was scary. and ppeople were getting really sick. some people were dying. we didn't know what we dealing with. okay. we've been through now a number of years we had of this. we had two studies in the last month that showed that masks not work. and all the people thatus abo lectured us, the science won't u look at the science. and that frustrates the peopleoe that swore if you got the vaccine, you're never going to get covidt. you woul well, we knew that turned outle to be a lie. you wouldn't infect otherknew b people. that was a lie. the people that werer anshin r, that were pushinge. the wet market theory that turned out to be a lie . and i just feel like, you know, wh you dare to say, oh, like
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joe rogan, i threw everything at covid it when i got covid ine of saying, joe, i'm glad you got better. got to work for you.zing him no, it's -- it's criticizing him because he dared to go against the great fauci and, any the experts in dc that clearly don't know anything about medicineou . >> that's a long way of saying we can't do that again, governor, can we? >> abs absolutely not. and it's crazy. sean that we even have to sayt that we're not going to have mask mandates. we'rske not going to have vacci mandates, that we're not goingto to allow schools, our churches or our businesses to shut down agai'rn, the fact that we're still having to make that point is insane. need t we know now that those things a are not necessary. they don'tndet need to happen. and let me be very clear, in arkansas, they won't. in we're not going to mandate masks. we're not going to push kidsto s out of schools and let them and fall further behind. the data w the date are seeing t on the school closures alone should terrify parents that
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they are even considering these things again, we know how many kids lost so much growth in achievement in their schools over the last couple of years because ofwns, bec the shutdown, because of the mask mandates and the idea that we have liberakingout it al activists tg about, again, is absolutely crazy. and it will happen here in the state of arkansas. >> all right. let mesas. and let me first asks you, how are the people of arkansas reacting to your very, very strong position? i would imagine they probably agree with you. not only do they agree, but they are cheering it on and absolutely demanding that we continue cours down this courseo and that we don't allow some of the loudest people in the room to again, shut down our schools, shut down our businesses and shut down ch. churches arkansas, i would say we'ree in about a 9010 state in supportre of keeping freedom aliveedom a e
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that's exactly what we're going to do here. >> see, in a liberal state likke new york, i find myself at times driving and you stuck at l cat and you look overal and to the car next to you and you know, it's a liberaloe and ayo joe biden supporter because they're usually double maskee r >> and then you look in the rest of the car and there's nobody else in the car. >> and there are people that are flipped out by those. ally l i think you do really well in arkansas. and we'd arkansa be happy to tae you in if it's one of our newest citizens. >> we have people movingnk y in droves from california and new york. >> let me tell you, i think i'll take half this crowd with me. >> those that are i'm from out of stateom out oet. i think they would love to get the tax cut for sure. e thin but this is really important. you know, one thing that governor noem's had said to me at the time and governor at gover the time, you know, they are states that believe freedom schools, for example, desaad ada, they opened up in august of 2020 and we never had a problem.
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why are these school districts now not looking at how they successful ? and el we dealt with it in places like south dakota and florida and elsewher e and saying, oh, maybe we can learn from the science or because i don't a think that they actually want follow the science. i think if we have learned anythinganythiy want, only wantw the science when it when it they thisr message doesn't it doesn't match up with what they are tryino pug pe at the end of the day, i think, it's very simple concerncons of itvs. they want to be able to make their own decisions and live freely.nt t. y democrats want to be able to control and dictate every single we do. to me, the contrast could not tt be more clear between the two sides. if you want to make decisions for yourself yout how yo and foy your family about how you will live, how you will educate your kids, how you will run your business, then you should be a conservativ e republican.ould b if you want the government to do those things for you, itd be a liberal democrat.
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it is so crystal clear, and i spe is why you're seeing so many more people step ueap and speak in support of these principles. sant ates like arkansa and across the country. it's because people are realizine freedotheig they wantr to make their own decisions. >> you know, cam governor, you e out of the white house. you were great spokesperson fopl president trump. now you're a governor. is that everything you thought it wouldsurprise be? any surprises, anything that you learned maybe that you didn't expecdn't expt to le? >> you know, every day is new challenge. i absolutely love the job. i think it's probablsolutelythey job i could ever have. knowing that we get to wake uple every day and help people's lives get a little bit better, it also didn't hurd ont that i one of the best teachers and mentors i could possibly have steppins rog this role. my dad's not only the best governor arkansas's ever had, probably one of the best governors we've ever seen in the country. but best iei him all the time. h i look forward to taking that title away from him. and he'se'get th helping me gett
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every day. >> i think he already losthe. the title anyway. governor sanders, thank you so much formuch nor with us. next, where do you see this latest puff piece? plus, big changes are coming to miss dnc in their prime time lying conspiratorial network.g o and wait until you seenetwork who they're rewarding. tonig we'll check in with the great jimmy failla who put a smile on your face straight aheahttd. >> this story couldn't be written in hollywood because it's so unbelievable. what you decide that you want to speak out. >> i hold a very unique perspective that nobody in that courtroom ever held. your dad had told you he didn't go down to the kennel that night. i do not think whatever storm he concocted was to kill my mother and brother. do you believe the killer is still out there? the fall of the house of murdoch's streaming now on fox nation and part of fox justice. sign up now and get your first
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of her outside of the white house offices. here with reaction, fox hosts across america. fill in for my role. i thought i have told him for greg. that was hot, right? it was awesome. come on, jimmy falloonn, how are you? good to see you, my man. thank you. thank you. thank you so, so much on this. everybody needs to know, first of all, the ap vogue interview. biden was actually suppose d to be a part of it, but he wandered out halfway through. nobody knows why the liquidity gap, by the way, if you don't get that, is referring to the medal of honor races. oh, no. he just walked out. just walked out. just half. >> kt he's done quite a bit. kareen did say that he was walking out because of covid. yeah. which is, of course, absurd because he walked into h the crowd. yes. he coughed in his hand. coughed . k ono his face >> he's a mess. he's walking into the room with a mask on for sur, e. i that's gone, mask off. now the whole thing is clap on. thank you. >> he is the mr. miyagi oft
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cable news. a lot of people don't know thats a of people don't know that. the ap thing i will say thiss cg this is clearly the media trying to prop up a failing liberal. okay. she's not great at her job. >> she's a nice woman. i actually met her at the whites house correspondents dinner. >> one weird thing. oh, you went to the white house. it's a it's a long >> i dre i like a waiter. i get in anywhere i want to go. they let m they le righe right in there lin the guy needs a veal over a table seven. >> i'm like, i'm on it. that's fin sean:e. >> but by the way, in 33 years on radio and 20, i'll start my 28th year of fox. i've never beeer been one.eople. and i am proud that i've neverh' gone because i don't like thosre people. no, no, they're not the best. they're not. no, not the best. they don't like us either. they're not big fans of we're kind of the away team. yeah, but here's the thing. we're the away tealike kind ofan we're winning in the ratings. so showing up is just a giant leddle finger to the whole fingm room. it's kind of amazing. but let me say this. actuissu say thiue ihave is e it that they gave her a piece, it's that they've never actually given a piecece, saya h a republican press secretary, who's doing a much harder joard the press hates them. you know, caylee should be on
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vogue. o you telling me dana perino couldn't be in "people" magazine? she was a press secretary. d they had. >> gutfeld in short, "people" magazine, you know what i mean? sh work them in. >> show me some love. that's all i'm saying. well, you think you're going to guest host for them now l after that? oh, i know he loves me and i love doing thig his show s show.number and it's it's pressure, though. you're filling in for the number one late night show. you have big shoes to fill latn but in his case, it's a size three. so you do. okay. all right. i get it. e it's only a sii love him. >> he's on the topic of failed biden press secretaries circled back on psaki. yeah. has now been rewarded. i hav now, by the way, she's the timee one that said, i have a hard time keeping up with joey'g s. he's so he's got so much strength and stamina rewarded and she's now getting her very own. >> she got her own weekend show and misty and sea saw i saw that. >> okay, now now she's going to do a one night a week sh show,, i guess, monday night or something. yeah. okay. so circl circle back ande back . now, that network is full of people that for three years. yeah. had nothing but lies.
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>> conspiracy theories, russian collusion buried>> russi the toe schiff now for autumn nonstop. >> let me say this lik ir dee se actually in her defense like she wanted to go to a comedy channel, but cnn wasn't. so she got stuck there.s my issue with her taking this job again, it's like, hey, jp, you're propping up a liberal who wasn't particularl y goodhe sho because i know circles they rally around the flag. well, the problem is the on atst show is on at 8 p.m., which means the only way biden's going to see it is if he's waking up waking pea in tor middle of the night. >> so i don't know that she's going to get her the supportthat's a from her old boss that she wanted. that's all i'm saying. ises she really want him as that is viewership? i don' tt know that that's the demo they're going for. you know, the 191 year old. >> it's tough. i don't know what you're selling them. they thinkem?>> stays on the tit >> no, i don't think there's any chance. and just to remind the crowdanc. i did bet a fox news host i'm not going to name names, but it rhymes with.sean h >> sean hannity. i did bet. i still think he's goingan ithin pu comk e the ticket. >> how do they want it can get they're looking to push him out. oh, no. , he's leaving.
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they're going to replace. this is the problem. it's identity politics. so they want to replace him with a woman color. woman cnd p >> so it'll probably be elizabeth warren. that's my guess. what a trump caller. >> pocahontas. pocahontas. some the best switching gears,sl the concerns over our aging politicianl ths are now rapidly growing. that is not deterred. s an83-year-old nancy pelosi, ad according to a new report,wait a is now thinking about running for reelection that wa goty. now, you got you got fetterman, you got dianne feinstein . we've had these recent lapsesen with mitch mcconnell. you look at joe biden, a cognitiva cognite mess, huh? >> i mean, do we needreti all should therere be as cr retirement age? no, it's -- it's crazy. like the democrats, they like to tell us iazs n we need new blood. >> they actually mean new blood. you know, it's badit's, but it's like transfusions. like it's not good. okayt. you want, like, a lance pelos armstrong? cause we got a blood dope. now we're spinningi,sh. gig. >> okay, but the thingthe pr with pelosi is, i think she
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knows she's done with the gi do the problem is she doesn't want to retire and risk getting driven around by her husband he. you know? have you seen his record? it's not the best, sean? sean:td i did notice he offered me a ride home once. i'm like, is there a better liberaonce. theretel driver aroe ted kennedy? >> can somebody else pick me up? oh, thisd kenned isn't good. is. >> it's not good. last topic, hillary clinton. sotill is still struggling to acknowledge her 2016 loss to donald trump goin e whitg. t la back to the white house, this time for an arts eventt's kind with first lady jill biden. >> it's kind of funny until she barricades herself inside the oval. it' >>s she's like, i'm president, you know? but i mean, it's an art exhibi t tsomeon . >> it's nice to see her framing someone besides trump. i'llsidell give that right.goin >> but everybody was like, isn't she nervous about going? haa weekin covered a week ago i'm like, covered. you think of all the things bill's brought hom e from over the years. >> she'll care about hope. aill, >> it does show jimmy fallon t how you guys give. hav all right. that's all the time we have left this evenine leftg as thank
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you for being with us. thank you for making the show possible. we setshow set yo you dvr so you never, ever miss an episode of hannity live audience shows that wednesdadnesday thursday tickets are free go to hannity .comit avenues y time all the e every time hannity .com. d le and in the meantime let not t your heart be troubled for this greg gutfeld is standing by and he will put a smile on your face. have a great night. happy thursday, everybody. it's a happy thursday for everyone except for those in the big apple. . i just came up with that. true. new york going today faster than joe biden after addin
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