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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  September 8, 2023 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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youngkin has been doing inside virginia. that is one week. >> fair balanced and still unafraid. the engram angle is next make it a great weekend. >> laura: has been friday night. i'm laura ingraham. "the ingraham angle" from washington. voters do not lie. that's the focus of tonight's an gem. as the usual democrat leadership misreads why the public and even their own constituents at this point are down on biden. >> the republicans are one trick pony talking about the president's age. that's all they talk about. we have to go out and talk about the accomplishments just as much as they talk about lies and ms. direction and red herrings. we think that's going to prove
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to be a winning formula once again for all democrats and for president biden and vice president harris. >> laura: a winning formula? is that what he said? we will see. i have this crazy idea that americans don't want to go into debt to buy stuff like gas, groceries, or make car payments. in "newsweek," writer lee habib noted that the combination of run away costs and high interest rates has been catastrophic for ordinary americans as the average car payment surged to nearly $730 a month with the length of those loans extended to a record setting 68 months. as for gasoline, well, biden's insane squeeze on pipelines and exploration is killing the family budget. in july 2020, gas was a mere 2.27 a gallon. in july of 2023 the average was 3.71. a whopping 63% increase and even gone up since then. so, all americans feel the pain
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of biden's radical green agenda because everything that travels by car, by plane, or truck is now more expensive. and it's all on the democrats. the economy, as i have been saying for two years, remains the top priority for voters across the country. and biden's numbers remain really grim. 458% that new cnn poll are saying his policies are making the economy worse. and the only thing the white house says in response is: >> now, with bidenomics in action, and some of our investments playing out, 35,000 investments and 4500 communities across this country, we are starting to see some results. >> laura: well, at least they try to spin the economy issue. they don't really even try to explain how their border policy is really helping america. we know it's not. this week we thought we saw the beginning of a dam break with comments made by mayor eric adams in new york. >> every service in this city is
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going to be impacted. all of us are going to be impacted by this. i said it last year when we had 15,000. i'm telling you now with 110,000, the city we knew we're about to lose. >> laura: instead of calling out the white house, adams blamed republican governor greg abbott. >> we turned this city around in 20 month. and then what happened? started with a mad man down in texas decided he wanted to bus people up to new york city. >> laura: adams isn't a serious man. neither is massachusetts liberal governor mora neeley calling in the national guard to help with the influx of illegals there when she should have been calling biden and telling him it's time to ended madness at the border. regardless, we know mayorkas is a dhs secretary, knows that this issue is hurting him politically because they are now mulling the absurd move of trying to force
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the illegals to stay in texas until their asylum hearings take place. by the way, the current case backlog for immigration cases is four years. now, think about the irony here, biden ditched trump's highly effective remain in mexico policy and instead now wants to adopt a remain in texas policy? cute. no wonder his numbers on immigration and the border are in the toilet. it's not just new york. in chicago, they are now building massive winterized tent camps there before the cold weather sets. in now, what could go wrong there? well, here is one thing. >> tensions have risen between migrants and police. tuesday, cbd says a 20-year-old man was taken into custody after threatening an officer. he is charged with two misdemeanors. >> and chicago residents are increasingly fed up. >> i don't want them there take them some place else. send them back to venezuela. i don't care where they go.
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this is wrong. you 73% of the people homeless in this city are black people. what have you done for them? stunning how democrats can be pressed ever so lightly on the problems their policies have caused or made worse? late today on msnbc, nancy pelosi was asked about what she thinks could be done to address the crime and drug epidemic in her own hometown. >> it's about mental health issues that lead to homeless. it's about drug issues that lead to homeless. it's about affordable housing. we are very proud have been our city. our city is alive and vibrant and thriving and it's great. >> laura: i don't even know what that means. devastation as far as the eye can see in blue state america. idiotic policies have led to nightmarish results we have reported on them. some recognition among some democrats that they do need to reverse course. after seeing its city sink into
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zombie land despair, portland city leaders finally voted to ban the use of hard drugs on public property. now, who could have thought that making it legal to use meth, smoke fentanyl and heroin on public property was a bad idea? >> politicians are reading the polls here. drug legalization, marijuana in particular, and decriminalization generally has across the board been a complete disaster. everywhere it's been adopted. i predict other states will see the folly of their ways. now, this issue is another black eye for liberals and it's obvious fact that drug use is bad for business. it fuels crime, psychosis, and even death. >> david friedricks of portland fire and rescue station one says his station alone responded to a total of 76 year dose calls over the labor day weekend. >> in some cases we treat the same patient several times in the same week and we know through our partners at amr that
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the same patient has overdosed multiple times in a day. and knowing that when -- that even when we try to help, our help is unwanted wears on all of us. >> laura: at this point it's worth asking how much more wreckage do we need to see with our own eyes before the democrat power base really admits it has more than a messaging problem on its hands? angle viewers know my connection and interest in minneapolis, especially with what's happened with crime and drugs since the floyd riots. the police staffing shortage there is unsustainable, according to their police chief. and there has been a sharp increase in criminal gang activity, assaults, and carjackings. last week, a far left official with minnesota's liberal dfl party was violently attacked outside her home and posted this. four very young men, all carrying guns, beat me violently down to the ground in front of our kids. the young man held our neighbors up at gunpoint when they ran over and tried to help me.
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all in broad daylight. i have no doubt they have done this before. we need to catch these young people and hold them in custody and prosecute them. well, we're glad she's okay. but she could have helped prevent more crime if she also recanted what she was calling for in june 2020. dismantling the minneapolis police department. clearly democrats need to do a lot of soul searching about the wreckage they have left in their wake. and, if they don't change direction soon, i am telling you don't, voters will be searching elsewhere for candidates with real solutions. not silly spin. and that's the angle. >> laura: joining me now is georgia state rep militia may march who left the democrat party earlier this year and daniel efriends. campus reforms correspondent. representative we have talked before why you left the democrat party past few months, what's
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your message to those democrats still just complaining about messaging and maybe not getting enough money like eric adams but not focusing on the policies themselves driving this decline and despair? >> the answer is to focus on the policies. we cannot continue to put politics over people. at the end of the day, the people are actually screaming saying we are not happy with this. you are taking our resources away and putting them in places we don't want them if they would listen to the voters they could have a chance. what i'm doing right now going out into the community and exposing the truth to them and they are listening. >> laura: daniel, we have seen african-americans in chicago express their total outrage about how the migrants are soaking up all this money $30 million a month by some
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estimations. and you, in new york city, where you are living, what are you seeing there and how do you respond to the concerns about crime and filth and all the other problems that the migrant population had brought to the city and why is eric adams not talking about the border and not just money? >> yeah. it's insane. as a son of legal haitian immigrants, i am outraged. i have lived in new york city all my life. for 19 years. i wanted better trains, better schooling, cleaner streets, better policing. me and all the residents of new york has gotten none of those things. the moment illegal immigrants come to our cities they get free hotel rooms and get healthcare. it's insane as a writer for campus reform happening all across america. giving illegal immigrants free tuition is a slap in the face to my parents and parents across america who sacrificed a lot for their kids.
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>> laura: representative, we heard this before though, before the midterm election, that african-americans and other americans were very upset by crime, very upset about the border, and really worried about the economy. but there wasn't that much of a shift in the voting patterns among those minority voters. so they seem outrageous in polls but on the turnout and on the vote changes, you're not seeing that much movement. how do you get them to the polls and to finally break with the democrat party? >> i think opportunities like this, laura, at the end of the day. you had me on a national platform and there are going to be african-americans and there are going to be democrats that are listening to this message. everything that you just said prior to bringing us on, i sat here laughing because it really makes no sense what you were saying. how did we even get to this spot where we are allowing foolishness to rule our country.
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and so i'm going to continue to educate the people in my district. people like daniel, other leaders and other representatives that are changing their minds. we really need to collectively put our voice together. because, if we don't, we are going to lose this country faster than you think. >> laura: and republicans have to actually go into these areas and go into these neighborhoods and not be afraid to, you know, actually speak to people about their concerns and what the solutions are. that's got happen. daniel, new data from the center -- survey center on american life shows that black americans, especially younger ones, ages 18 to 49 are souring on biden. 46% believe he accomplished a good or great deal. 26% want him for nominee. less than half, 48% identify as democrat. is the dam finally breaking?
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>> i think the dam is finally breaking. laura, i am sick and tired of the rhetoric that i do not have agency in this country and plenty of other young black americans believe the same. a big example is affirmative action. i do not want to be told that i need some sort of equitable policy to be in a great institution. i want to own my accomplishments and my shortcomings in america. >> laura: it's great to have you both on tonight. thank you so much. representative mainor and daniel. now, what we learned from fulton county grand jury in their report unreal and who almost became co-defendants. former u.s. attorney sol wisenberg unpacks it for us, next. ♪
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♪ lawyer. >> we can't criminalize senators doing their job when they have a constitutional requirement to fulfill. it would be irresponsible for me, in my opinion, as chairman of the committee, not to try to find out what happened. i fear this will spread that the next election democrats may be on the other side of this. >> laura: that was senator lindsey graham after learning that he was almost one of trump's co-defendants. the full ton county special grand jury recommended charging
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him, two former senators and 17 others in addition to the actual defendants that's 39 people in total. joining me now to dissect all this sol wisenberg. independent council, fox news contributor and georgia tallry state rep. sol, why did the grand jury want to go after those three senators and is it customary to release the grand jury report report unfair to the people who actually weren't indicted? if you are indicted you have a chance to vindicate yourself in court. these people were named and smeared. laura, it depends on each state's law and the stated of georgia allows them to be released under certain circumstances and that was done. why do i think that they decided that they wanted to indict these three people who were sitting senators? because they didn't understand the law. because, clearly, these three
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senators were engaged in core protected constitutional speech. there's no question about that. and that's why i imagine ms. willis did not end up adding them to the indictment. >> matt, for people who think that this whole thing is a charade and just highly politicized and used to intimidate people from working for anyone who believes in the issues that donald trump believes in, doesn't this just add more fuel to the fire? i mean, those people weren't indicted but, again the fact that this was even in the realm of possibility shows you how far we have fallen. >> well, i mean, your viewers generally know me as a pollster i did search in the georgia house and been involved in georgia politics before i retired to florida know the people there. i have to tell you, reminds me of the old andy griffith show where barney took over the sheriff's office when sheriff taylor left and he locked up the entire city including aunt bee and opie. looking at that list some of those people on there the nicest
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people. for example, the two u.s. senators they are talking about kelly and david, if you gave them a gun and knife they wouldn't know how to commit a crime. i was astounded to see their names brought in to a criminal intent of a ricco case. but, i have to say this: that was the grand jury. the special grand jury. the d.a., obviously, did not seek indictment against them. and so for that, i'm sure everyone is pleased because it could have become an even bigger disaster than it looks like it is right now. >> sol, congressman jamie raskin is insisting that none of this is political. >> release of this document from the special grand jury decisively refutes the claim that ms. wilson is on some kind of indesvictim mat partisan dragnet against all republicans gives me confidence that we have got prosecutors here that are making very fine grain, selective judgments.
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>> laura: sol, is that really a fair conclusion here? do we think anyone, certainly anyone who supports president trump is going to think oh, good, they didn't indict these people so this means we are really even handed and politics didn't come into play at all. >> well, despite some of the things he occasionally says congressman raskin is not an ignorant man. i have to believe that that statement you just used was basically intentionally mendacious. the idea under the ricco statute you could indict loeffler for a speech she made to her constituents saying that she was going to support, you know, delaying the certification that was coming from the state fair just states, the idea anyone would consider that to be something you could prosecute under the constitution or under the criminal law is just a joke and he certainly knows that.
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>> laura: on the other front, we had the judge refuse to allow the case to be moved to federal court on behalf of a motion, sol, you will take this first, that mark meadows had filed to remove this case from the state proceeding and to finally deal with this in a federal venue and she said no. >> >> yeah, i haven't read the opinion yet but i have read the story on it with some quotes from the judge's opinion, and i believe he got it wrong because he said that some of had meadow's actions were not part of his job as chief of staff. and my understanding of the case law is if any part of his actions were connected to his office as chief of staff to the president, it would be removable. i imagine it is going to go a higher court. >> laura: matt, this will be appealed but, again, begs the questioned: do people believe
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that this is actually going to be fairly decided in a state setting in a county that is overwhelmingly liberal? >> if that's directed to me vast majority of georgians physically republicans are highly doubtful about this entire matter. i'm still a member of the georgia bar i will be careful what i say about the people in the court system. what i am going to say is it does look very political and today's revelations are going to add to that feeling that it is a political move as much as a legal move. >> laura: sol, does this hurt president trump's motion for the same thing? one would think it would make it more difficult for him to remove it to federal court. >> again, i will have to look at this particular opinion by this judge, but i think he has probably got a much stronger case than somebody who is serving as chief of staff i have to believe he can move this eventually. >> laura: that will make it more
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interesting. sol and matt, both lawyers. thank you very much. a daring rescue mission underway for an american trapped in a turkish cave. this is wild, 3,000 feet below the sur as it fast bill melugin is here with all the details. this is wild. >> it is. it's been over a week since there american caver and researcher first got sick which ended up disabling him from climbing back up to the surface. rescuers in turkey say they are now ready to are the that the process of trying to get him out. take a look at him. this is american citizen mark dickey. a caver on an international trip to try to map the morka cave. that's the third deepest d.n.a. turkey that's when he suddenly suffered gastrointestinal bleeding on saturday and unable to get back up to the surface on his own. on wednesday he told rescuers in a video that he is recovering. >> as you can see, i'm up, i'm alert, i'm talking, but i'm not healed on the inside yet. so, i am going to need a lot of help to get out of here. the quick response the turkish
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government to get the medical supplies that i needed in my opinion saved my life. i was very close to the edge. >> and you can tell it's cold in there, seeing his breath like that. dickey had been bleeding and vomiting and turkish authorities were able to get him units of blood to help him out. the cave is in the tourist mountains in southern turkey it's got narrow passages in several areas requiring a repel. hesitate could youers say they are ready to start the process of trying to get him out. as of yesterday, there were 116 rescuers on site, including 28 of whom are working inside that cave system. officials at u.s. european command in germany told nbc today that they are tracking this incident but that the department of defense has not received any request for any support to this rescue effort. laura? >> laura: bill, this is my worst nightmare in a cave down below 3,000 feet. how much would people have to actually pay you to do that? there is no amount of money. that is just.
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>> same here. >> laura: that's scary. great to see you. thanks so much. mike pence's conviction is as weak kneed as his poll numbers. i'm going to explain what i mean, next. ♪ schools came to us with this challenge of how do we find a way to hold students interest in attention to address this. we assembled an experienced team to professionally film video lessons using some of the best cinematic equipment and technology available, acellus breaks the course material into short video lessons that keeps the students attention. students advance through each concept at their own pace and can rewatch videos on demand. acellus gold incorporates 3di, which is a new method of instruction designed specifically for hard to grasp concepts. with 3di, we can take students into the molecular level when needed or slow down mechanical processes, making them much easier to grasp. every student has a natural curiosity and that can spark an excitement
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>> laura: and now a word about former vice president mike pence's attack on conservative populism which he claims is not conservative at all. here he was two days ago in new hampshire. >> will would he be the party of conservatism or will we follow the siren song of populism unmoored to conservative principles. the future of this movement in this party belongs to one or the other not both. >> first, i have also say i always have always liked mike pence. is he a wonderful person.
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it's a little odd that the man who was president trump's number two for four years now suddenly has buyer's remorse about the america first agenda? but second and more importantly, what exactly is pence's agenda conserving? well, not our economy, not our sovereignty, not our military, not our position in asia. he is throwing all that away in the hope ukraine can somehow defeat a much larger country that's backed by the ccp. and he wants you to think that it's in our best national interest by spreading falsehoods about the populist movement. >> if the republican populist would abandon american leadership on the world stage embracing a posture of appeasement. they argue that we can only end our crises at home by abandoning our allies abroad. to the new populism of the right seize and guide our party, the republican party we have long known will cease to exist. >> laura: cease to exist? because we are putting our country's needs first instead of spending billions else where?
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bush and cheney wasted trillions of dollars on their crazy wars. they lost millions of manufacturing jobs to china due to so-called free trade, so did those changes make the country more conservative? no. they led stright obama two terms. going with pence would drive working class voters to the democrats and where will conservatism be then in the fat cats that pence is trying to please aren't conservatives at all. a lot of them don't even like this country that much or don't care that much about it. the more we help them, the faster the country will actually move to the left. the only prudent way forward is to have sound, practical policies that weaken the ccp, strengthen the united states, and help workers and people here instead of china. that's what all conservatives should be for, not following the neocons and the wall street types over the same cliff that we went back over in the 2,000s.
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>> did you leave a laptop with a repairman. >> not that i remember. >> not that you remember. >> no. whether or not-there exist as laptop at all i truly don't know. >> are you missing a laptop. >> not that i know of. >> well, that was over two years ago. now hunter biden is still having trouble remembering basic details about the now infamous laptop from hell. right now there is a lawsuit and a counter suit between hunter and the computer repair shop owner. hunter sat for a six hour depo on this and for the first time we're actually getting some insight into what he said. according to new documents filed by the repair shop owner, hunter hemmenned and hauled how embarrassing the laptop was compile while at the same time filing identify what content and even if it was his content. that's odd. joining me now is miranda devine. fox news contributor. what more can you tell us about
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additional legal truckets? significance of this, laura, this is the first time that hunter biden halls to swear, give testimony under oath about the laptop. he gave contra deck tore and confusing testimony. he refused to admit that the laptop was his yet he was saying that his privacy had been invaded and that the content was embarrassing to him. he refused to admit that he had been to john paul isaac's computer repair shop twice in april of 2019, despite the fact that his signature is on the work order. his contact details are all correct, that he gave to john paul mac isaac.
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he doesn't have any explanation for how these things miraculously happened. >> laura: miranda -- go ahead. >> i think it's obvious, throughout he just denied, obfuscated, said he couldn't remember. you know, i think is he lying on the fact of his very famous drug use, which he wrote a book about, to try and get out of this -- the reality. >> laura: hunter was talking with his father's best friend, ted, just three days before he joined that burisma board in april 2014, hunter emailed him who recently visited ukraine asking for his prediction of the country's upcoming election. miranda, quickly, what does that tell you? >> his chief of staff and sat even for him in his senate seat
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for a while. is he a shadowy character. he travels to ukraine, seems to know a lot about that country. and certainly was a mentor for hunter before he joined burisma. >> laura: could he be a conduit from joe to ted to hunter so joe can say "i didn't talk to my son about this" but maybe did he through this individual? >> 100 percent. ted kaufman and joe biden there is nothing between them. they are joined at the hip. >> laura: miranda, thank you so much. now, another climate protest closes the u.s. open and three wishes go airborne. raymond arroyo has it all. friday follies is next. ♪
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-in search eg but it doesn't spy on your seac and our browser blocks creepy ads that follow you around fro and other companies.
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and it's free. download duckduk >> my name is steve doocy. you know they say people vote for a candidate who they want to have a beer with. well, woe don't have a beer tap but we do have a coffee pot. pretty much everybody who has either run for or won the white house has actually stopped by "fox & friends" because sometimes the road to the oval office starts with a cup of coffee on the curvey couch. ♪ >> laura: it's friday and that means it's time for friday
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follies and for that we turn to fox news contributor raymond arroyo. all right, raymond. everybody is rivetted to the u.s. open but it was interrupted last night in the middle of play by climate change activists. [chanting] [crowd booing] [chanting kick them out] >> they say they are on the phone negotiating like a hostage situation. >> it's unbelievable. >> ladies and gentlemen -- >> laura, i was watching this on the plane they interrupted play for 50 minutes. coco gauf playing for the u.s. did not know whether to stay on the court or leave. one of the activists glued himself to the floor of the stadium. they should have escorted the others out and left him there this is the work of extension rebellion the isis of activists. we have seen them defile
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artistic works around the world. thank god they didn't do this. she is not playing in the u.s. >> i was watching the -- >> laura: you should have been watching our show. >> i did watch your show and then i put it on. >> laura: sam, do you believe that? no she doesn't. i am just teasing. i am granting you three wishes. >> you are so kind even as you are cruel. look, laura, after being stranded at the faa created traffic jam at laguardia for three hours on the tarmac last night, my mind is on air travel. and i wish that people on international flights would empty their bowels before boarding and not gorge themselves at the restaurant. someone had a biohazard incident all the way up the main aisle of the plane relieving themselves they created what seemed to be a new carpet design. the plane was diverted back to its airport of origin.
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this is scarier than anything i think i have ever seen. this was terrifying. wear a diaper if you can't control your bodily functions. really. >> laura: raymond, we keep saying we think we have seen it all on planes but that really does take the cake and whatever else. we know it's a man. it was man, right? we know it's a man. >> we don't know that. no, no. the freedom to rome throughout the cabin does not include your bowls,bowels,. >> laura: your second wish? >> this week crox announced new shoe line classic trek films. i wish products no connection to films, tv or music stop creating crossover merchandise. what's next taylor swift crocks or cardi b. crocs for the
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fulfillinged foot make sure get all that cleavage in there. >> laura: i don't think you have ever worn a pair of crocks in your life have you. >> i have not. i ware sneakers or dress shoes. >> laura: i'm disappointed you feel this way. i have been in discussions with crocs to mark the sixth anniversary of our show which is coming up. and looks really good. >> raymond: i like you as that little medallion there on the top of the croc. what do they call it joint join. you are the one on the left and i'm on the right. >> laura: barely visible on chinese made material you know they are all made in china. horrible. >> i guess that deal will not be consummated. finally, laura, sort of related to my last wish, good morning
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america made a startling announcement this week. i wish tv shows would rely on talent and not feel compelled to create mascots for their shows. i wish i were kidding. >> here on the set, he is funny, he is friendly. he's a little bit of sunshine, please help me welcome our brand new gma moss scott. [cheers and applause] there he is what's up, ray? >> laura: oh my lord. >> that thing looks like a run away muppet. looks like a muppet on that geo transformed food. look at that thing. >> laura: looks like big bird went into a trash compactor. >> we have no relation to this creature. no one has any emotional attachment. this isn't mickey mouse. what is this less shelf life than any of us.
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>> laura: combination of big bird, tweety bird and like oscar or something. it's a horrible mascot. >> elmo. >> laura: oh no. >> elmo with a yellow paint job. it looks really scary. >> laura: raymond, it kind of makes sense because i think -- well, i think these shows have become very infantilized. sesame street and they are all kind of the same thing now. it's all 2ku78d down for the public. we were way ahead of our game. we have had a ray our moss scott for years. >> you see that you don't have to wash me or clean me. >> laura: i thought sam and you came up with a really cool mockup there and i was waiting for the -- just hung out there. thanks, guys. >> go with the original. >> laura: raymond, have a great weekend from at squad to the swamp once radical liberal darling aoc now just like every mony grubbing d.c. politician.y
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>> what this campaign is about is a radical realignment of our priorities in the united states of america. this is a movement decades in the making. >> laura: from aoc the squad leader to aoc the sellout? remember she was once heralded as the new progressive star, but what about now? as new york magazine called her, just a regular old democrat. and in an interview with the new york times, she admitted that getting more power and even working with the democrat establishment and some republicans is making progressives suspicious. don't worry, folks, she says she's not selling out. she's just getting more powerful. we haven't really had a political presence like this in the u.s. before. very often you had this consummate insider bank rolled by corporate money and a neo agenda. those are the people we're used
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to seeing in power so i think over time there's an inherent association between power a sent and quote, unquote, selling out. joining me now is glenn greenwald independent journalist. glen, great to see you. now, she maintains that she is living up to her progressive ideals, but that she's been recognized for her, you know, her approach and her following, and that there's nothing wrong with that. >> remember what made her exciteing in 2018, at least to some people was she defeated not a republican but an incumbent democrat one of nancy pelosi's top minions somebody who was supposed to become the house speaker after nancy pelosi finally retired whenever that may be joe crawley. and she pretended as bernie sanders did they were waging a war not against republicans but against the democratic party establishment. that was what she was supposed to represent. and what she has become, along with bernie sanders, is not just a regular old democrat but
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probably the most valuable tool the democratic party and joe biden have because she's the one who convinces disaffected leftists or people who like to pretend they don't have the same politics as their mom, that their solemn duty is to march behind the democratic party and she's the one who's doing it as a leader and she has millions of people now following suit in captivity to the democratic party. >> laura: so she's retailing taming the progressives, not necessarily giving them what they thought they might be getting, which is beyond this medicare for all, she always cites that, but how about ukraine? you never hear her speak about the war in ukraine, do you, glenn? >> well, she voted for the war in ukraine, of course, along with every single other democrat and bernie sanders, they were unified in voting for joe biden's policy, the only notice votes back in may of last year when $40 billion was authorized came from the right wing establishment wing, there were zero no votes and aoc started calling people pro russian who
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questioned her at town halls about why are you sending money overseas to wars when you were supposed to fight for things like medicare for all which we still don't have or a minimum wager anything like that and she would invoke the same rhetoric as neocons because that's whose side she's on and look at how the media treats her a harmless threat to nobody so. >> laura: like they want to keep pelosi and mcconnell in power now she's become one of those people they want to keep in power. she also said she likes having influence on the inside saying in this new york times interview i had to prove people that elected me that i am committed and very well grounded in all of these issues and rights from taking on a party establishment that can be very calcified. glenn? >> she reminds me a lot of barack obama because when he ran in 2008 what excited a lot of people was he was supposed to be an outsider someone only in the
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senate for two years, promised to get to washington and change the way it works and for whom it wand he got there and he was one of the most loyal status quo guardians we ever had in the presidency whichies power centers were happy with his presidency, wall street lined up behind him and supported him and same for hillary. you can look at who they see is a threat and it's not aoc because they know she is there to serve existing power structures, she doesn't threaten any of them. >> laura: does this analysis also apply to the other squad members, glenn? because she does still seem to be the leader of the squad. >> yeah, i mean, i think she has shaped squad politics as much as anybody, and if you look, it's really amazing, laura, on the day that the entire squad joined the democratic party and voted for the war in ukraine, cori bush issued a statement that you would have sworn was the statement of somebody voting no. she talked about all the money that's going to be stolen in ukraine, how we can't afford to fund foreign war and she marched up and voted how she was told
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and that's what the squad does led by aoc and bernie. >> laura: unreal, glenn so great to have you back. thank you so much. that is it for us tonight. everyone have a great weekend. don't forget follow me on social media, x, twitter, whatever you call it, instagram as well, and remember, it is america now and forever. roll tide. jesse watters takes it all from here. >> jesse: welcome to jesse watters prime time. tonight. >> he's a very dangerous individual. he's already murdered two people. >> it is very important we keep the pressure on him as we continue this hunt. >> jesse: prison break, manhunt, murder, bloodhound. >> new york parents you keep making [bleep] noise, okay? because this governor does not give a [bleep] about our kids. >> mommy's mad over migrants. >> they're fixing the process so that it makes it almost impossible to have democracy function. >> jesse: democrats busted


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