tv Hannity FOX News September 8, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT
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hat?. >> jesse: i did not throw -- it was a fair election! [laughter]. >> jerry from early texas, jesse who picks these texts? i think you should get someone else. i have no idea who picks them. that's the great part about being on air i have no idea what's going on behind the scenes. always remember, i'm watters this is my world. we begin with a simple question are you better off now than you were four years ago? according to virtually every indicator he answers a resounding no joe biden has failed to lead on every major issue of our day can you me ? name one accomplishment his
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agent or client as others believe he is not that bright and he is in over his head but at the core of his leadership failures is basically his character or frankly, his lack thereof. his moral cowardice and poor judgment went under the radar during easy elections and during an eight year stint writing barack obama's coattails and during 2020 the medium mob big tech bureaucrats fbi worked together to sweep joe biden's alleged corruption under the rug there is nowhere left for him to hide. 61 percent believe you were president joe biden was involved in hunter biden's
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business something he swore that he never talked to his son or brother about the post is referencing a pole in the numbers get worse among independents, 64 percent of this very important voting block believe joe biden was involved in his son's shady business deals tens of millions of dollars china russia ukraine romania mexico other countries out of everyone everyone is innocent until proven guilty. there is no evidence of bribery corruption of tax fraud and money laundering i called the joe biden money laundering and bribery scandal allegations you have pictures, texts, emails,
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bank statements, the 1023 form whistleblowers and more we are top democrat and another that seems to matter what is your executive branch that has your department of justice and you are fbi and right now they went after former virginia governor bob mcdonnell took out a loan from a close personal friend and paid it back. they wanted to lock him up for years but the supreme court unanimously overturned and vacated a guilty verdict when it comes to biden many adversarial countries and in exchange for access and favors and failed to pay taxes but don't worry the investigator will at the statute of limitations run out the doj
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does not seem to care about the american people can see the obvious truth joe biden is corrupt dishonest and is not just the business he lies nonstop constantly look at the border the border is secure we have been told over and over again he has more ? done more to secure the border that anyone beforehand there is no crisis at the border even though democrats are freaking out american sanctuary cities and states can't handle the influx of illegal immigrants in three years the number may be as high as 8 million new york city approved a massive housing complex in chicago o'hare the city's international airport they are being used as an illegal immigrant shelter this
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is completely out of hand. we are certainly better than this but chose attempt to quell any dissent from the left not by securing the border but trying to force illegal immigrants. we must remain in texas, not mexico. one big problem illegal immigrants are pouring in from the northern border canada and places we've never dreamed of. this is what failed leadership looks like and under joe biden that will not get better. joining us with reaction charlie, pete hakes and darrell what start on the biden family syndicate or if you are from fulton county georgia the biden enterprise. he swore to the american people
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not once did he speak to his son or his brother or anybody about their foreign business deals. he lied. he met with some of hunter's business partners he had conversations with and called in and often with hunter and his business associates clearly he was spending money that he made for his father. we have emails to prove that. so how come it has taken this long to begin to get some criticism in the mainstream media and washington. >> well hannity the mainstream media has been defending for a long time he changed his story a lawyered up that they began to turn on him but there is a long way to go we have gone from him thwarting our investigations and now we are very likely to have a formal
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impeachment inquiry begin in a matter of days. >> i believe that's very critical. i think there are two necessary steps moving forward. one is the inquiry and the other is they need to start subpoenaing the family itself started with hunter biden the fbi was supposed to interview him but that got stopped because they were tipped off. soon that congress should fill that role that should be part of the inquiry every single person with any bit of knowledge should be interviewed. biden's decided it was time to cash and especially his second term when he was passed over by hillary clinton. so this was the family business and they took another shot at it and they are counting on a complicit press which seems universal besides your show and this channel and others willing
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to dig into this no that's ther. and one mentioned on the border. it's a failure but would you look at this detail of keeping them in texas. why would you keep them in texas? you have complaints but maybe you have had a plan for a long time. maybe you both want to turn purple so if you're going to open the border keep them there i governor abbott foiled that plan saying where busting them out we're sending it to your home state to make your problem as well. >> let me ask you charlie. when you have a cnn poll showing a majority of people know that joe lied, believe he was involved with hunter and those deals were corrupt that's a significant number but add to that cnn anchors and pundits
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and hard-core democrats david axelrod and james carvalho very very critical of biden's conduct. is that a canary in the coal mine moment are they thinking about dumping him as their candidate? >> it's absolutely a freak out moment for a lot of democrats and people who are supporting the democratic party and their supporting him all along both in terms of covering up for him and attacking his opponents there is nothing they won't do to prop this family up as pete says to enrich themselves because this is very intentional so i think they are at a freak out moment but they don't have any good alternatives and the idea of turning to somebody like karis
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who was installed as a backup as an insurance policy against the 25th amendment for joe biden in the first place because she's only percent washington less popular than joe biden. they have nowhere to turn. emigration is a perfect example of that you get into the issues it goes downhill for democrats because the issues are more painful for voters and taxpayers than the corruption of the biden family. >> we have prominent liberal voices van jones carnival, i mentioned that. you are in the halls of congress. our democrats honest enough to
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admit the obvious that joe biden is a cognitive mess? are they saying that to you are the act as though it's not happening that they don't have these issues? >> what they tried to do is pivot from the obvious which is that he's cognitively challenged to its policies and that's one of the challenges at the last minute they get rid of biden the obama biden party is a radical left-wing party let's stay focused on the fact these policies are killing american innovation and killing our energy independence he is corrupt and the inquiry will reveal more of that happened at the same time these policies some of them outside his authority have to be pushed
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back against, investigated and stopped. >> you are from a liberal state you are a sanctuary state a sanctuary city. our people happy with open border policies and you think newsom is a potential opponent, should prominent democrats start speaking out against him would gavin newsom get in the race to think he's capable of that? >> he is in the race he is just circling waiting for a landing strategy.people in california aren't happy with the fact when they leave california their seeing influx of illegal immigration californians those who have capability to move our moving there's no question they are unhappy where did they go
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to find sanctuary as american citizens? you see them going to places including wyoming, dakotas, idaho. they're going to places where it's not perfect but it's better than a california continuing to speed up the rate is going the wrong direction. systemic you have policy failures and nothing i can cite that is successful.a guy that is a cognitive mess and a guy that is corrupt. tell me how this plays out between now and november. >> it's likely that joe biden is their nominee for reasons of the defense they can play with him and the special counsel that they believe will cover them and you cannot overestimate clinging to power of obama's third term he stayed in washington they are obsessed with power and control it gives
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them the ability to control the agencies investigating joe biden so this is pressure from the outer and inner circle to say joe never underestimate the obsession with power. >> the power the desire to cling to power and the money that comes with incumbency solves a lot of problems but the voters want nothing to do with this and that's what these
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are reflecting they don't like him they don't like his policies and where saying that with immigration in new york where it's coming apart at the seams where people are finally having to actually suffer from the policies that democrats have embraced for decades they have been in favor of this for decades and don't ever lose sight of the fact that people that control the democrat party nobody controls their voters the way democrats to and they have measures in place to keep the leadership in place that republicans don't have. you may pete thinks it's going to be joe biden. do you believe it is biden for the democrats?
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>> i believe it is and as we push towards policies and remind people of the weaponization of government it is increased under biden we will be able to defeat him with our nominee. >> last thoughts? >> i would agree with that is not just the weaponization of government but of justice most people are appalled. >> and joe will be the nominee. >> unfortunately. >> i think there is a chance it may not happen. we will see. >> every day something new happens. anything is possible. how >> the fallout from biden's horrific afghanistan withdrawal continues more than two years later we come back i want to
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud
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staff mark meadows is appealing a ruling that would keep his election subversion case in georgia after a state judge rejected his bid to move the case to federal court 19 people face charges in the case should remain in georgia because meadows actions were political and not under the scope of his role in the trump administration and biden preparing to meet with leaders after landing in india.
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climate and economic security the main issues the president met with india's prime minister the white house said the meeting was filmed with warmest sentiments. for more headlines log on to >> it has been over two years since biden's disastrous afghanistan withdrawal and the fallout continues to this day the equipment that he left behind the military equipment that he left behind is being used by militants in other countries but biden's incompetence and complete failure as commander-in-chief cost 13 marines their lives. now the goldstar families are speaking out here is a message one father had for your
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president on capitol hill. >> your disgrace to this nation you have no business having command over our military. i stood there on the tarmac watching you check your watch over and over again. all i wanted to do was shout out its but out of respect to the other grieving families i bit my tongue once again as you can tell by now i am done biting my tongue you stole their lives, their futures, their dreams. and ripped apart 13 families you cannot even man up and admit that. >> he cannot show the families of these heroes respect they deserve he checked his watch repeatedly during the transfer ceremony many parents did not said he did not know one thing about their loved one and this
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goldstar father is not the only one who took issue. >> on the tarmac it was worse the disrespect that we were shown with him checking his watch not even looking at us. it was total disrespect. >> joe biden has no business leading our military this was totally completely preventable a disgrace to our country because of him 13 marines no longer with us and you know who had the decency to show basic respect here is darren hoover goldstar father and goldstar mother-in-law and goldstar mother my deepest condolences as a parent, i can't think of anything worse i am sure all three of you would agree you are never going to be the same
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person again. is that the consensus? >> very much so. >> my understanding is all three of you were part of a group invited to meet with donald trump and i want to ask i know there were efforts to meet with president biden and my understanding is nothing ever came of that and donald trump heard about that and he invited all of the families. >> all of the families at the time in dc with the exception of one so eight of the 13 families yes we were invited and we did go and president biden neglected to say anything but president trump was very gracious and listened to our concerns and told us he would
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take care of it and stuff like this can't ever happen again and the failures on every level through the administration the pentagon, dod all the way down have failed us and our kids miserably. >> you lost your son taylor hoover marine corps staff sergeant 31 years old lofted ? lost in afghanistan and our prayers are with you and your family. cheryl, you are the mother of dylan and lance corporal us marine he was 20 years old and i don't know how you recover from that to be honest i am sure your heart is broken into this day what was your reaction
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watching joe biden check his watch every two seconds? >> it took a lot for us not to yell out and call him out while we were there. it was a major disrespect to all of us and our families. that was not the first time he made the entire situation about himself. he came up to me and said he knew how i felt. how does he know how i feel? >> he has falsely claimed his son came back in a flag draped coffin. that is not how he died his son died of cancer. >> he compared his son's death into our 13 and he said he brought his son home in a flag draped coffin and that he knew how he felt and there's no comparison.
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>> christie you are the mother-in-law you lost your daughter-in-law nicole and she was a marine corps sergeant 23 years old you describe the feeling that day at dover air force base as being and feeling disrespected. you said they did not even seem to know our story they did not know nicole's name our names with the military people did. they knew the names of everybody.why would let commander-in-chief know the name of your daughter-in-law and the sons and daughters of people who lost their young family members and service members? >> i continue to be confused by that the military the marine corps the people knew our story very well they knew who my daughter-in-law was they showed an immense amount of respect and care and that was not the sentiment from our
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administration. >> what would you say darren if you had an opportunity right now at this moment to talk to president biden. what would you want to tell him? >> i thought long and hard about this i would tell him how dare he put our kids in that kind of a place to not be able to do their jobs to the best of their abilities my goodness our marines, our saers, our soldier are airmen are the tip of the spear. how dare he. there is no excuse and for him to continue to not even say our kids names or have any mention of it is another great disrespect as far as i'm concerned there's a lot i'd like to say. >> cheryl. how about you?
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>> i would tell him how much he disrespected everybody placed in that situation it wasn't just about our 13 but all of them. he didn't just put our kids in harms way he killed millions of men william dn who worked with years. he's a disgrace. >> christie, what would you tell him? >> lisa the best we have our marines, our airmen our soldiers are the best at they deserve respect and we deserve the best our administration house and we have not received that yet. i hope it will come. >> i can't begin to understand all the pain all you have been through. i prefer all of you that god
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give you the peace and grace that you need to overcome one of the biggest challenges anybody can have in life. thank you for telling your story.this never should have happened. he should have known he should have cared more. no excuse for that. thank you for being with us. our prayers are with you. >> biden has turned his back on the people of eastpalestine and he ever going to go to east palestine ? the mayor and the hawaii state representative, their response, straight aheadth. ts >>
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it's been 217 days since the toxic train disaster joe biden has turned his back on the people of east palisade in ohio. he promised to visit at some point and when asked last weekend when he would visit he cited his busy schedule before saying it's going to be a while. in fairness he has had a busy summer filled with animal strips to his beach house in delaware a record number of vacation days lots of bike riding and fights with his beach chair he has a hard time moving and ice cream. it's not going to eat itself that is not just the people of east palestinian wildfires in maui where was joe?at the beach. when asked about the disaster? his response no comment here
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with east palestine mayor and let me start with you, he promised in march he would go there he has had all these vacation days my understanding is there are people who cannot move back into their homes. what is the current state of affairs for your town? >> is a mixed bag a majority of people want to move on they went to get the cleanup over. and just get back to normal but there's definitely 200 families displaced still and we need to get them back there some health concerns are trying to work with our county health department and the ohio health
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department and the cdc to get some answers. >> mr. garcia i am sorry this happened in maui. as many americans are. i could not believe my ears when they said not once, but twice, no comment. you can even say they are in our thoughts and prayers i will go out there to survey the situation he squeezed in a visit in between will to vacations at lake tahoe and at one point he said i don't want to get in the way. mr. garcia i have looked at the video of the devastation. there was nothing to get in the way of in large areas of maui. i am not buying that as anything other than an excuse not to do his job. what was your reaction? >> the fact is the president came to hawaii sometime after the fires burned down the entire town and he came for
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less than six hours he did a brief tour held a press conference where he butchered every name that he mentioned and went to an event with the local families who lost everything and he fell asleep in the mist of these families pouring out their hearts and sharing their experiences he falls asleep and this is our commander-in-chief one thing was clear was hearing from those on the ground who said aren't the american citizens, are the 50th state of the union and we are being treated like we are not citizens. lease expires in less than a week for many of them. >> when he went there he started talking about his house fire that was extinguished in
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20 minutes how do you make that comparison? i must lost my corvette and my cat and these people almost lost everything. do not have eyes to see? >> you are exactly right the local families are saying what a slap in the face only goes to show the lack of basic humanity we are a blue state and i am one of the few red members but we are a blue state and the president could not come to a blue state that offer true support instead he likens what they experience losing everything their children their loved ones there live their history to a small kitchen fire where he almost lost his corvette and his wife and his cat it was a slap in the face and a complete embarrassment. >> let me ask you if i may as mayor to people of your city
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and town do they even want him to show up at this point? what is the point? >> yeah he would be welcomed he is the leader of the free world but as far as him coming yes it would be sort of a little bit too late if you ask my personal opinion and i think that's the opinion of a lot of people in town i don't know. he has promised he would be here but nobody is holding their breath. >> you saw in hawaii mr. garcia that he shows up the people were pest why are you even here? don't even bother coming. are you both getting what you need from the american people ukraine is getting plenty of money are you getting what you need to fix the problem? >> know the answer is no. talk to the locals lots of politicians are kissing up to the government but talk to the
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families they are not getting what they need. we are american citizens. >> mr. mayor are you getting what you need? >> not 100 percent i would say 75 percent and that might be gracious. we need some answers we need to know the lingering health effects that will happen to our village. we need some answers. >> our best to the people. we appreciate your time. coming up biden's energy policy is destroying the country and our trade schools making a to duckduckgo on all your devie
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> it's no secret joe biden hates fossil fuels. he pledged to ban them cancel the keystone pipeline and vladimir putin his friend at hunter's business partner got a waiver he is canceling oil and gas leases in alaska that donald trump just opened up next gas powered semi trucks with crippling epa regulations that will make them less efficient in sending the price of everything soaring and the green new deal economy you need a job and most college degrees are not worth the paper they're printed on trade schools are making a huge comeback look at the apprenticeship program many groups and organizations are promoting trades more than ever. one is the micro works foundation running their second
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scholarship program of the year giving away $2 million in scholarships. take a look. >> great opportunities we just want to level the playing field and make sure kids know the opportunities are wider than they think there is no stereotype there is no downside in pursuing a career in the trades. we are focused on trying to push schools better job and and that we will do it instead. >> our friend micro joining us great to have you. you know my background i spent 20 years of my life in restaurants, construction. i think the greatest experience of my life because i got to know what real work is and
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that's what i love about dirty jobs and deadliest catch i love those shows i love those guys and they make the people of this country great. >> those shows worked on some level because they reminded men and women of a time when the world made sense when you got off early and you stay late and you paid your dues and you can see the progress you are making and you could work with your hands in your mind and there were no stigmas and stereotypes and those shows did more than i will ever be able to do to start a conversation around the definition of what a good job means but today we have had this conversation there has never been a more important time to have that job and you look at the disparity between the crushing debt comes a so many degrees in the
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opportunities that accompany vocational pursuits. >> there is a certain sense of pride i had in my for finishing work when i was a painter, what i hung wallpaper and i lay tile and i did remodeling work where he built a jack. at the end of the day i could lift my head up and look around and there was a certain amount of pride if you will not in a bad way. we accomplished a lot today. >> people ask me all the time. what did you learn from 350 dirty jobs over 20 years >> you learn that you like your job currently. >> this desk looks the same at six in the afternoon as it does at six in the morning. but when you are on a boat when
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you are building a bridge when you're in a ditch you always know how you are doing you are building something. you are in constant feedback and it's easy to forget what those benefits are. we have 2000 people who have gone through our program and i talked to a lot of them and i should introduce you to a few of them, welders, four or five years in the trade women making $160,000 a year. these stories need to be shared and need to be told. >> when i am watching dirty jobs or deadliest catch i have not gotten my poster yet i am just saying. why shouldn't i be holding that out? >> for the same reason your very generous check is not here.
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>> the money has been sent. what did you spend it on? i will double check. >> by the way this is a great charity your work scholarship i love it and i hope people will help you if i am watching deadliest catch and they are dropping when they get there and they are pulling them up and there is nothing there i am living emotionally with them. but when it comes up and it's a full pot yes come on let's go. i am so happy for them because as we know they have lost a lot of crewmembers over the years. that is dangerous deadly work it is not safe.
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>> that show is going into its 20th season and is a testament not to the people on quite frankly to the fact that you cannot script the see you that show is not just one success after another. we see failures and struggles and the character emerge we get to know these people we have become tied to them. there's a lot of different ways to tell a story. you do a good job i do what i can with discovery with the foundation. that's another way to do it. real stories about real people mastering the skill that's in demand and in living a prosperous life as a result. we are going to give away $1 million next month anybody watching who wants to learn a skill the money is burning a hole in my pocket in the same way that this poster is waiting
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to make its way >> is my pleasure to support your charity and i will make sure personally fire to deliver it myself because i support this and it was really life-changing for me and i know you are changing lives on these skills and trades as you point out $100,000 plus jobs with benefits and people are doing great they can get a truck and a home and have a future a lot of them are making real money and i hope people take advantage of it. >> micro you can apply for a scholarship you can donate. there's so many great causes and could i have 10 seconds to
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say one thing about the last segment? i know that made a lot of people angry. it made me angry. my heart breaks for those parents and i just interviewed a guy who wrote a terrific book called operation pineapple express and it tells a story of how they got 500 friendly afghans who supported us how they got them out of that mess how they literally save their lives this story is big and it's important and i know it's not what we are supposed to talk about. >> i would love to see you. appreciate it. >> the poster is on its way. >> coming up more hannity after this.
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shows wednesday and thursday night go to hannity .com tickets are free set your dvr so you never miss an episode. have a great weekend. let not your heart be troubled. have a great weekend. >> happy friday everybody. sit down. it's friday and you know what that means. let's welcome tonight's guest her favorite hobby is calling
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