tv Hannity FOX News September 11, 2023 11:00pm-12:01am PDT
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vp kamala harris admit global warming as a joke by saying that the weather just changes. sandra from west virginia is the new governor giving up her security detail? >> of course not. y 5:00 >> judy from klamath falls, oregon. pyou're my 5 p.m. dateoint in oregon. you never disappoint. my one and only love you inthat oregon. 's forthat's all for tonight.ord always remember i'm waters. and this is, my world. and welcome to hannity. and tonight, two massive beams. nder of light. >> they are shining into the sky above new york city, a solemnt of the deadliest terror attack on american soil or thousand 977 innocent men,drn incln, childre wern were murderd on september the 11th, 2001, including hundreg hundreds of ht first responders who are benninaig up the stairs of the
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world trade center. as the twin towers were about to collapscaeye. why? because they wanted to save lives. they are the very personif very location, a definition of heroic in every way and courageous when never forget. we won't forget the brave yo, rs, paity firefighterst th the police officers, the paradigm, paramedics and we won't forget the heroes on flight 93. let's roll. we won't forget those who are still dying to this day. fromdying breathing toxic air g the rescue and recovery effortst . unfortunately, joe biden is not oanew york city tonight or at the pentagon, in arlington, in 2inia, or in shanksvillhankse pennsylvania. he is the first president in 22 years not to visit an attack site 9 on the anniversary/1 of 9/11. he commemorated the attacks in vietnam all, of all places, before making a quick stoper in alaska to visits soldierst on his way back to the u.s.. during a short speech, f hi the tarmac, biden opened with one of his usual stupid ual stup
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jokes and later suggestedremism that so-called political extremis im america i. a bigger threat than al qaeda. and then to top it all, per usual, biden turned the conversation back to himself as favorite topic with yet another lie the about visiting ground zero in new york city. the day after 911. here's a spoiler alert. joe biden was nowhere near new york city the day after 911. take a look. >> ground zero in new york. and i rei standing there the net day and looking at the buildin o and i felt like i was looking through the gates of . it looked so devasteked, maybe > because the way you could see where from where you could rean n walyind, joe biden was lg again 22 years later and joeme biden doesn't seem to remember what really happened on that horrific day. inistratno one in this administn seems to understand the gravity of the 911 terror attacks. remember the 911 commission w report? they were at war with us. we were not atere no wit war wil
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what about the 7 to 8 million illegal immigrants that joe was not vetted coming into this c country by the way. we caught many people on o the terrorist watch list. how many on that list got through has got a ways. we hav e no clue. no idea. you know who thought it was a good idea to plam onn a trip to vietnam on 911 anyway? and who thought this tweet coas a good idea? >> biden's national security council spokesman person on 911 praising saudi arabia for their commitment to infrastructure. we welcome thie welcome this weekend's announcement by saudi arabia committing 20 billion to support president biden's ingnature initiativeinitiati, the partnership for global infrastructure. now, kee? thp in mind, this is the same biden administration that tried to cut a plea saudi with the saudi linked terrorists who planned 911 in order to spare their lives, the al qaida five, as we call them, including the mastermind khalid sheikh mohammed. and the same administration that just freed up billion
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dollars for the number one state sponsor of terror in the world, iran evading u.s.e sanctions by passing the money through south koreh a and then qatar, an exchange. iran has agreed to releasee paid six american hostages. sounds like joe paid a ranso am to me. this has got to be the biggest ransom payment as a matter fact, in the history of the n world. um$6 billion to the number one state sponsored terrorism on the anniversary of 9/11. boy, that's just brilliant. and i don't know who i makins ms these psychotic decisions at joe's white house, but the president doesn't seem to have a firm grip on anything. just look at this pressn conference, it was an utter, tar in vietnam. my s >> take a look. you know, there'tas one of my staff members said, remember the famous song? you know, good morning, vietnamv or good evening, vietnamietnam.e my brother loves having this onmous line.
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some movies that he always quotes. you know the, and one of them is there is there's a movie about john wayne is it is called indian looks at john wayne and points to the he says he's a lion dog faced pony soldier. well, there's a lot of lion dog praise party soldiers out there about about global warming. i'm just following my orders herey orde. >> staff of anybody i haven't yu spoken to.g to g but i tell you what i don't know about you, but i'm going go to bed late. >> yeah, we talked. we talked. ke we talked about it atou the conference. overall, we talked about stability. we talked about making sure that the third world, the third world, the the the southern accs
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hemisphere had access to change. it had. t access. it wasn't confrontational at all. becamethan a thank you. everybody descends the press conference. thanks, everyone. >> thank no wonder china, russia, iran and north korea are now aligning. that's the leader of the free world. weird, bizarre, mumbling, in stumbling, rambling stories about. the go again. the lying dog face pony soldier pre-selected the mental fogle around simple tasks and theng a staffer at the end literally interrupting him. you don't play the music. cue the music. you know, to avoidn more evene more embarrassment after a 26 jor. nginsaste joe biden is not leading anything. he's barely hanging on forg on e dear life.
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now, earlier in the trip, more biden a lies as well. >> look at this. and when will you meet him? well, i hope i get to senator shea sooner or later. i've spent more time in the manywith world leaders have some total over the last 12 years. sohi i hope we get to see him>>e again soon. >> joe biden frequentle bidey co he traveled 17,000 miles with china's dictator. cpresident xi, a lie that wasdi rewarded with three pinocchios even from the far left, famil washington post. now, of course, biden does have deep family ties to china. epore well-connected chinese nationals reportedly suppldly in the bidens with millions of dollars diamonds. nds, at at least one lavish shog spree, tons of money and business with an energy which cfc the the chinese government joyal oil giant. then of course the $1.5 billion deal. bank of china. i wonder why? how many millions did the biden family syndicate.
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how did they do in business chi with china? how much of that moneyna? profin how much did the grandchildren get? how much did hunter how much did joe get? is this really the best that democratic part democray ce in 2024? you have what is a heartless, self-centere ad, corrupt career politician, one foot in a nursing home. and by the way, since biden had a big trip this weekend, don't expectg home to see much of him in the coming days. he'll be sleeping that off. he needs r ample time to rechare the battery. juobably needs another three weeks vacation. just too weak to handlste rigors of the job. here now with reaction, fox news contributors kellyanne conway, ari fleischer. >> i don't eveheren know how i don't have words for this. beyond that, as an american kellyanne, i find this the single most humiliaterrassi outing embarrassing. pres, president by far in our lifetime. >> i'll take the guy with the means compet that was competentu that they feared over this mumbling, bumbling you know
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idiot that sounded in cohere right in vietnam and that president sean like presidentse, and obama before him showed up a consecutive year as commander in chief of 9/11 to 1 of the sites. 9/11 os this is not a big lift to make part of your daysie a visit to. the pentagon. across town, new york city at ground zero. quick flight or shanksville, pennsylvania. so i think it was a miscuepart on many different levels, particularly foricul guy who ran on being a unifier. 911 is a nonpartisan9/, solemn remembering day of remembrance. rek. e worst attac and i want people to remember where he was. now we can make fue y n of whatt the way joe biden speaks and the way he acts. but i wantt americans to start listening to what he actually says. that's the scary part. we can see, as you say, his bumbling, stumbling, mumbling. but what comes out of his mouth is particularlth iy dangerous fr our safety, our prosperity, our security, our hopefulness. i also want, since we're
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talking about 911 and biden, i want to just commend ari fleischer on with me tonight. his tweets about that day have been nourishment for the soul for 22 straight years. he basically documented the entirethat hasnouris day fo. and, you know, we're supposed to say never forget. and sadl fveryy, sadly, i feel e people are already forgetting it seem like it was less of of a remembrance today across all the channels. chhowever, if ari wants to sign a waiver and let teachers that as part of the history, part of the teaching, it's incredibly importan iblyt. e bi you know, sean, you said we don't have words to describe biden and we have poll numbersde . i've never seen a president with six straight negative pres electability, personal attributes doesn't care about people like me. he doesn't ty, doeshave have a plan approvl rating, overall approval rating on the issue, nos, not beating y of the republicans are within the margin of error of thethm. y and then, of course, people are very upset with him for the withdrawal. afghanis afghanistan, i still think it's the worst thing he's done as president. and that's saying a lot. it's a long listd have ba da .
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today could have been a day tlia when he would explain and lift upry.he the military.more you know what he said in alaska? he said he basicallyf said donald trump is more of a threat than the people who took dowountry on this couny on 911. think about that. he just made a lot of ads for next fall. >> you know, ari, i echo kellyanne comments. you were there with president bush that da y and you lived through a lot of this. but -- but look of joe biden. last week, we learned two thirds of democrats don't want him running. we find a cbs news yougov survey with independent voters very critical in any election and his approval rating o with them is 31%. overall, 72% of americans think the country is doing badly, includin g 52% of democrats. >> can somebody win with those w numbers? >> well, it depends on whoo do his opponent is. that's going to have a lot to do with whether he can win, becaus e it could be an
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election. nobody's going to vote for joe biden. the question is, will they the qu vote against his opponent, particularly if it's president trump? that'll be theonent, dynamic. but, sean, when i watched joe on that stage today, i mean, how can you not reach ta shor conclusion that the man is he's he's a few french fries short of a happy meal and he talked about he needed to go. >> i think he's trying an unhappy meal right now. >> that is oblivious. yeah. >> not that he's achieved happiness of it. we got to watch. w livwe watched. we watch him live. p we can see how he performs. the people get it. but he acknowledges it's and whirlwind five day trip around the world. and he's right about that because the job grueling. the job is grueling for a 55 year old president. the job is grueling for a six year. he is going to be 82 election,ha the year of the election. he's alreadylr t to turn 81 in november. he doesn't have the stamina this he doesn't the acumen for this. it's almost torture to watch hio trformm have to try to perf.
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pstep on't even walk u the majestic stepsne of air foro one anymore. they have to open up the little baby steps on the lower level for him to go on and go ofe f the aircraft. this is not what we want in ane american president. and it was on displa y on this trip. >> remind people of what you most remember. rr 9/11nine 1101 you were therh with president bush. well, the first thing, of course, is the sorrow as the suffering and of watching these people and the lives lost.t. that still is with all of us. but secondly it's just amazingot to me how much bad wrong information there wairling ts sg that day when we boarded air force one. the pentagon had just struck. we heard about that in thex motorcade. we the n were told that therere are six unidentified aircraft in the sky. so we though going to bet thereg to be six more attacks. of course, there was one more. we were toldplan that the fourth plane went down near camp david. we milesit actually went down a0 miles away in shanksville. >> we were told at 1032 in thesg
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morning that a message came in to the situation room saying angel is next. ange worl, the code word for aie force one. how did anybody have that code word? but it got to the pointt that air force pilotstat colonel tillman station two armed security policemen at the steps goinsg to the cockpitp on air force one to prevent anybody from going urep to the. cockpit at a fear it could be an inside job. all thosall reports turned out e false, thank god. t how much was information just rose up to the level of the muc president aboul what could be what's next. almostnd all of it false.>> >> all right. ari fleischer, thank you. kellyanne, great to see you. now, today, during biden's half hearted attemp into commemorate 911 during the pit stop in alaska after his disaster presser in vietnam, the president rushed through a shoreaf spt tone deaf speech playing down the threat of al qaeda whilg e emphasizing the rise of political extremism. >> really take look, governor.
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>> don, maybe it's good to seein you, governor. i have something in common i we're both in scranton, pennsylvania. i wish i had himwi playing playt my high school ball club when i was playing, but i would havde could have been an all american. have you, from terrorism, including political andopposi ideological violence is the opposite of all we stand for as a nation. that sounds our differences peacefully under rule of law. today we can look acrossd arou the country and around the world and see anger and fearnd in places many of you have been stationed before. the rising tide of hatred and extremism and political violencetica. it's more important than ever that we come together around the principlfe of american democracy, regardless of our political backgroundr s. we must not succumb to the poisonous politics ourse of difference, and division must never allow ourselves to be pulledlv apart by pettyy manufactured grievances. >>manufa what are the families
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of 9/11 victims? think about speech in alaska. here, respond. tunnel to towers foundation chairman ceo frank siller. he lost his brother on nine 1101, along with boxers contributor joey jones. frank, you canfrank, add to thae al qaeda five and we don't have to turn this qae a death penalty debate, but the idea that they'd want to cut a deal d pr fwith them and prevent them getting ultimate justice is unbelievable to me. yo but your thoughts on the president's response today, if you could even understand or get through ore wa maybe interpret what it was he was trying to say. s so on a day like today, which f is such a sad day foorr my and o many other families that lost a loved 122 years ago, you would think that a president would bring some comfort to 911 families and tos an speak of unity and sp of making sure that we're going to keep this country safe against people that are trying to kill us then,
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and i guarantee you, is still trying to kill us. now, some of them are coming toi over our borders and it was disturbing to watch him and his remarks and the that he was his administration was boasting about $2,040 billion deal with the saudis and the you know, for infrastructure. and i mean, it's not only just tone deaf, it's disturbing because it's almost likeca they don't care. re.they just don't care. and, you know,e america got to protect america because there's great heroes that went there and died tha on that day. like my brother ran through the brooklyn battery tunnel with his gear on hiso rathroug . firefighter wife, five kids. what a sacrifice he made. and the guys like you.oey jo joey joey jones on here and joey gave his body for our country, went to war 3000d? what happene ho 3000 people died on 911 3000 have died since 911 on 911 illnesses. and how about the 7000 men and
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women that died because of global war on terror? n die ofthat's what we shouldro. be talking about and that's who we should be honoring today. >> and, jones, you did eight years of service. you worked with the explosive ordnance disposal as, a disposable explosive ordnance disposal technician. you were in iraq and afghanistan. separate tourss in in afghanist. >> you were responsible for disarming and destroying over 80 ied saving. you know, god knowos how many thousands of lives that's thousands of pounds of of explosivesthat's tf. >> and august six, 2010, you stepped on and initiated an ied. you lost both your leg i.s above the knee, severe damage to your right forearm, both wrists rig. >> and you know, what are your thoughts? because you know what?ave an there's there's so many that suffer like you have and others that never came home . yeah. first of all, added that a teammateah right beside met my
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the whole time, he could have lost his life at any moment. legs,and i lost my legs. it killed corporal daniel greer standing right beside me, trying to protec corporareert m. yeah. the war on terror was terrible. it was atrocious. i just got back from a hunting trip with a fireman, a policeofe officer, and four other combat wounded veterans. and the truth isr.s , two ofe hu us were wounded, but the other two were hurting. rte othethe other two had invise wounds. their heart hurts. they carried their friends th.n back and bags. that one's a silver star recipient, and the other one should be. the legacy of 9/11 will continue to hurt for generations to come. all we ask of those that represent us, those that get to make decisions is to be honesrepresen, t, maket decision they can and have accountability when they screw b up. so when you look at joe biden, i can't help but think about the factut thi that, you , flight 93 was headed towards d.c. regular americans took that plane down, sacrificed their lifetely t ultimately to e people in dc, to save our elected representativeds.
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but today, our elected president couldn't make it back to d.c. mak or new york or pennsylvania just to say some words, show some respect. but i guess that makes sense. he's looking to win votes of generations that weren't alive when 911 happened. >> two years ago, he botched the war. >> he doesn't care. cary, it's scary times. >> the letter t, the number to the letter to dawg tunnel to towers. 11 bucks a month if you can commit iift. that's how they continue that. great work. thank you both. joey, thank you. good to see you. and coming up, the migrant crisiscrisis in york city is spiraling out of control. our very own sara carter has the latest. and next. don't forget, we're going to have live audienc audiencowe shows wednesday and thursday. tickets are free in neinorw yort city. just go to hannity, aecom and register and we'll check in with tulsi gabbard, governor ron desantis, and muc ht. more straight ahead. >> i hot ice works fast.
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like, all right, so as thebeen new school year began, some classrooms, especially in new york city, now have been completely bth by the children of illegal immigrants. our very own sara carter spoke to the parents at some of the impact of schools. >> take a look. >> how difficult has it been with the influx of migrants coming into the city,
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especially, i think, the large number of children that are coming in. well, that's a complicated question because we're seeing how it is and the pressure is putting on the city at large. at large.but don't really knowt the school yet. we don't know the number of schools only been in fo realr a couple of days. so we haven't really felt the full impact of that. i know schooi know the schools y struggling with struggling from learning loss over the summer. we're struggling from making ita back from covid. so when you ad d a large number of additional kids, it creates a strain. . add to that resources you need for kids who may be coming from areaomin areass where they englt the first language. laroblemhere's another layert stress being added on to the schools. it's going to be a problem. you know, we've alwayse always g tolerance for and welcoming of immigrantras, legalupport and illegal. but at this rate, we can't support it it's not feasible. it's going to take away from the kids and peoplit wilfrome o city. and the country brings a whole o of issues because they're unvetted. they're not checked for criminal histories. or
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all the adults are coming that are coming in and also for illnesse illnesss mean our kidse had to deal with mandates. you know, covid masking vaccinations. nods couldn't playskin sports because of lack of vaccination, but now they're lettinw ettingg migrante in without vaccination, go to school and now they're sending that. so it's really it angers a lot s of parentsthat that double stan. as well. the first step is, to be honest, to say there's a proble m, to stop, stop trying to create some kind of fantasyan world where everyone in the world can come here and it won't happen to resources, it won't affect any students education and just be honest. w >> joining us now, sara carter with more. itall right. so new york city schools, by and large, are already have been failing a lev at a spectacr level. now you got 20 to 30000 children of illegal immigrants, manyga don't speak english and they're not adding any more resources or aid teachers to help out in this. over
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now, you got school overcrowding on top of icr theyt and then they're talking about cutting across the board. every departmentss-the-b e 15% w york city oc. how's that going to work out? tn >> well, it's not going to beg good, sean. and this is what parents are saying. they're sayinge good let's nip s in the bud now. let's take a look at this. let's tr resolvecrisisy to resos crisis. but the problem is, they say mayor eric adamsms, nd governor hochul. they're focused on governor greg abbott. they're focused on taxes and whether or not, you know, people are coming from texas or from other states and being sent to new york city. right now, it's at a rate of about 10,000 illegal migrants a month coming into new york where they needs 10,00e the focus on parents are saying, is president biden and the biden administration o, which has an open borders policy. and this is something, sean,n we've been reporting on for years now where the biden administrationon for has not gin our federal law enforcement agencyat the resources that they need to stop it. and in fac'vt, they've
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incentivized it. and this is the problem that they're seeing in new york is this incentivization of people coming from all the world. and, you know, you didn't hear every single interview world , but parents were talking about people coming from as far away as chin from a, africa, afc afghanistan, syria not being properlya, vetted. and the concern today is about 911. and i think parents are seeing through what the administration is doing and the iy want itt may to stop. >> it's almost inevitable. they've caught many people tha t are on the terror watch list. how many got away, as we have no idea. and byst. the way, of the 100 ps thousand illegal immigrants 13 e in new york city, only 13% were sent by governor abbott back. the other ones came from othejoe biden put the blame whee it belongs. sara, great reporting as always. thank you. now, of course, biden's border crisis is also a nationaltch li security threat. overst 200 terror watch list suspects have been caught illegally trying to crossuthern the southern border since joe biden took office.
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but he his pals, they've always said that the border is secure and the border is is safe.ook. >> that border is never been this secure, really. take a look. >> it sounds to most folks like a crisis. well, look it's, it's way down now. the >> and we've now gotten control of precisely the border is closed. >> nor could i have been clearer and continue to be. so which is? the border is closed. law >> the united states will continue to enforce our lawsd sg and secure our border at the border . >> we are working to make the border more secure. >> you're confident this border secure, we have a secure. and that that is a priority for any nation, including ourstion. in our administration. in wr agree that the borde secure. >> the border is not closed, closed is not secure. the border is so secure that it's creating a crisis. eve even in sanctuary city, n
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new york citew yory, that the mayor warns is going to destroy the city of new york. it's now place whereants the children of illegal immigrants are being used ar where akets the overtime pay off hardworking cops. that's being cut. money that makes the city that's already not safe, less safe, less secure. cedso that money could be usedw to deal with the constant flow of illegal immigrantkidss and si their kids to school, take care of their food, their housingthc their health care, and everything in between. in fact, every department of city in new york is going to see major budget cuts because of joe biden's open borders policy and its failure to enforcehis fail our aiding and abetting in the law breaking. here now with reaction i is the op ed editor of the washington examiner. kaylee and fox news contributor charlie hurt is with e us. start with you. . borderate being flat out lied to the border is not closeu and the border is not securere. by the end of three years of joe biden being president, there will have been
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anywhere between seven and 8 million illegal immigrants enteringn this country. not only not stopped, but aided and abetted by joe transportation to the city of your choice. these kids are getting in school. every other parent has to yo hac know, makein sure the kids are vaccinated, etc.. none of that applies to anymigrn immigrants. >> right. and it's great to see democrats y recognizeow the consequences of their own policies on this, because here's the. when you invite people who have crossed the border illegallyre, they are criminals. and yet you have sanctuary states lik ce new york who refue to treat illegal immigration as a crime and they direct copss to not cooperate with immigration enforcement, to deport these people or even to arrest them in the first place. ratsurprisedand then democrats are surprised when the crime rates start to go up in their cities. this i, guess what? this is a direct consequence worle entiremattero th e world that our laws do not matter and that you can violate them with impunity. >> let's get your take, charlie hurt. why are we being lied to?
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why are people accepting all of the lies? i mean, they're just flat out lie to us. st imp >> well, i think you putore, your finger on the kind of the most important thing. you know, obviously, politicians have always, forbout all of time been untruthful about things. but what's really remarkable the they a about the biden administration is that they're not just lying about things. they arereou telling you the san opposite of what is true. they are saying that that clear the border is secure when it is clearly not. noand in fact, it is intentionally not secure. they don't want it to bes secure. they want hundreds of thousands of illegal alien s streaming into the country. they've invited this border invasion because. they have calculated that that helps them politically. and bue t t the real problem, t as you point out, sean, is the fact that a lot of their voters who don't want this going on and don'tn thei this going on their schools, don't want this going on in their streets and ins,keep vot neighborhoods,p voting for democrats, even though democrats have
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openly acknowledged for four decades that this is their that this is their priority, no matter how much the biden administrationon lies lies abot now. and so this is a wake up call. this is a very l expensive lessv for the entire country. it's a very expensive lesson foerr voters. but -- but in the name of ournty country, in the name of your family, of your children, if you voted for these politicians ,you need to check yourselft ed and you need to start educatingn yourself about what these people are doingou that you keep electing because it's not working. this is the utopia that these democrats have been promising us, and it's a utopia. >> it is a hellscape. yeah, it really is. and, you know, the reality is, i think all these sanctuarythes cities, all these sanctuary states, they ought to bear the brunt of this. sa statekelly this is their pol they wanted this. they believe in itthei. they're not even enforcing the laws. and frankly, i think there ought to be more that
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states can do. states, border states like ins s, if joe biden is not going to enforce the laws hi the land, constitut oe, then as far as i'm concerned, the governor should have the right to securs borders,e hn borders, even though be a great expense for the people of texass . >> the expense of the illegal immigrants is probably far greates farr. >> absolutely. and this is why i don't have a lot of sympathy forc democratic politicians like eric adams, who, you know, has been speaking ous liket on this issue. and it's because he refuses to address the root of the problem. you hear him criticize the biden administration, but hecalls he biden calls on tm administration to start deporting the illegal immigrants e here who are here. tal you never hear him talking th about enforcing the border. you never hear him calling on the albany democrats just to revoke the sanctuar him calye policy that is in place. what does he do? he talkst more about more fundi, more money, more this as if more is going to address the gaping hole along our southernl adng hol. so democratic politicians need to grow a spine hereoliticia anr
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calling out their own party members for the destruction that is happenins structiourg is right now. >> i'll give you the last word. charlie hurt. ight a no, it's you know, i thinkbo that you're exactly right about this. you know, the only way we're resolvgoing to resolve this is f the democrat voters finally start, you know, begin holding the politicians to account and punishing them. and the only way to punish them is to punish them at the polls and throw them out of office. all right, charlie. >> thank you.t kelly, thank you. straight ahead tonight, you won't believe the latest liberabel lunacy out of california. we'll discuss the state's latest attempts to strip parents of their rights. it is as bad as it's ever gotten. my smal >> kayleigh mcenany sean duffy there nextdn't qua. from >> i was tol id my small busines wouldn't qualify for any i.r.s. tax refund. >>[cough you should get a seconn opinion from innovation refunds that no upfront costs. sometimek second s you need a sd opinion. good to go. yeah, i think. >> i'll get a second opinion.wi
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of forward slash life dash insurance. protect those who matter with va life insurance. >> all right, here go. >> if you thought things in california just couldn't get a little crazier, takee mayo a look at this. the mayor of burbank, which is right next to l.a. well caud. o well, was reportedly caught loa ideo getting by a drag queen. >> look at your screen right there. you can see it for yourself. raiser f locathis was at a fundraiser for a local group of democrats. but californias craziness is a statewide issue. the state is now move one step closer to taking children away from parents during disputescusd who don't believe the kids are tranutess.
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to get any sense of normalcy these days, you almost to be in a state with arg republican governor that has common sense likiniae virginia a governor glenn youngkin just pardoned a father who wawho was convicted of disorderly conduct for taking a school board to task after they allegedly covered up the abuse of his daughter by a biology co male attacker in a girls bathroom who claimed to be tranos. it was reaction outnumbered is-host kayleigh mcenanyig and the bottom line host sean duffy is with us. kayleigh, you start with you. look at the mayoh us e mayor r as an adult, you know, wants to get by a drag queen. that's okay. i'm not exactly sure wherere the the sudden surge in drag it.en story hour camcamee from, but i would say keep the kids out of it. the mayor r is free to do what the mayor wants to do on this issue. >> noww, we're going, we're goir into account whether parents personal values, which i'm sure would include deeply heldei religious views and values
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they want to instill in their children as mean as a means of punishing parents that don't regae the woke status quo. that should scare everybody, regardless of where you stand on the issue. >> your thoughts? >> it should because the leftg is parents. that is what this boils downren. to. >> sean. no one loves a child more than m a parentother to t. you know, speaking here is a mother to two children. or 1i am the one that carried te children for ten months. you know, i am u the one who woe up at 2 a.m. every night to feed my son. i'm the one that just spent 20 minutes praying with my daughter and rubbingdaughter har as she goes to sleep. that is what a parent does. a parentte has loves a child. but gavin newsom in the left, they think they can moven newsom the parent out of the way if the beliefs of, the parent, the religious beliefs do not match the liberal ideology. california, it is sick. it's grotesque. it's not just custody battle s. if you're, let's say, in thed gr
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state of florida and you don't want your daughterot, you know, let's say a 12 year old, ten-year-old to get a mastectomy, because that's a very decision. i can tell you as someone who got one for medical reasons and you say, let's take a pause, they can flee to the state of california, get surgery without the consent of the parent, and gavin newsom becomes the fatherin newsothe ft child. >> that is wrong. it's common sense. and every parent out there knows itmmon. nk their >> you know, the problem here, sean, from my perspective, is liberals thinark their values are superior. they think they know better. and here you have a captive group of students. they're not teaching them reading, writing, math, science, history and computersof . now they are into etcet gender identity and crert, etc.n and i'm sitting here thinking, parents are no t potted plants and they're allowed to have deeply held religious values and beliefs that ought not be contradicted by teachers in a classroom of a captive a audience of students are forced to listen to their values or sticindoctrinated into their values system. to me, it's simple stick to the
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basics and leave the values to parents. it's not more complicated than that. >> that's so passé. sean right. >> that so like 1990, 2000 democrats. the benefit here is they're telling us who they are right therey aree. ey are they're hiding it before. now they're out in the open and we can see what they are. wh, when you have a marxist, authoritarian party, they need loyalty. they need loyalty to the state and the threat to that loyalty is the loyalty that people have for their familiesle to . paratg so what they do is they want to crush the family. they do it by separating kid s. >> parents, to kelly's point, they they make these kids believents fige that the parente one looking out for them, fighting for them, caring for them. when c th it's actually the parents at who stroke their heads at 3:00ed in the morning to get them back to bed. we're going to be there through all those hard times that actuallwe care abouthemy c. but the point here is you goty t to have loyalthey to the state and you can't have it to the family. just one of the quick point, the rbank, of mayor in burbank.n i haven't been a democrat fundraiser, sean, but i've been to lot in wisconsin.
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we do fish fries, we do chicken dinners. we raffl friese guns, maybe even a homemade quilt. what the has happened in this b part of a debaucherous decline where you're getting to raisy ei by a drag queen? these guys have lost their mind, you know, sean and kayleigh, it really comes down to something simple here, is that if this this goes through, this would mean basically punishing parentse that that have traditionale values, traditionalist people certainly that have religious s convictions, that have very different viewspt and favor the most liberal parent. so i seemst seems politically bd on top of everything else. i and who is it just favoring the child, right.e pitting two parents against one another and th e more liberal one gets the child. we've seen this in foster care sean. >> these foster care systemsar are deplorable in many cases. these kids who live with loneliness, with sadness,
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with no parental figures. and we've seen examples of moms, goo good chd christians who have proven themselves to be good caretaker s, ildren who have been denied children, children denie.en dend love bece the parent doesn't agree with gender ideology, who loses the child because they are pawns and liberal america like we all are when it comes to the climate agenda, controlling the cars we drive or guns in new mexico, seizing the weapons because constitutional rights aren't absolute or this economy where we have to be beholden on government because, we simply can't afford to live in this country with biden's solution. >> all right kaylee, great to see you. and sean, good to see you as well. thank you. upe next, the assault on yourco's d second amendment rights. from new mexico'emrnors democrao bad, even democrats are calling her out. wel explaiwe'll explain that ans we continue. >> tommy lawrence next. >> this is keratin debris where nail fungus grows, neonics, nail gel, cleans out fungus by removing keratin debris using neonics. 90% of nails improve.
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america is listening. >> all right. so new mexico governor michelle lujan grisham, the latest act go lunacy has now sparked widespread backlash. lug friday, shet fr temporarily suspended open and concealed carry lawsid acros albuquerque for at least 30 days, citine for atg a publih emergency. now, tonight, even liberals there condemning her actionsnig calling the suspension unconstitutional. but the left's lunacy doesn'tno stop there, according to a new report. t thereone family called the pe on the energy secretary, sec jennifer granholm, during a recent electric vehicle tour. nnifershe's trying to show every how great evs are. after staff allegedly tried to hold an electric vehicle charging spot, they didn't. hold athat many available by pg a gas powered car in,the that spot. the only problem is a family with a young child was waitingfl in line and they called the police. here with reaction. host of outkicicn thk tomi lahrn
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is fearless. the ever fearless tomi lahret h all right, let's start with the gun law issue. wiyou know, even liberals lib are rightly saying this is unconstitutionaeral l. t and it's kind of har d to fathom that she thinks that she can just do this unilaterally. rallthe know we do have other ia branches of government in case some of these people don't knos . yeah, she madekn the comments ar that our rights are not absolute and that if she declarese , and th a public heac emergency, she can just trample and tap dance onca the united states constitution. and, you know, she's tyrannical when you eved you knn have libes like david hogg and congressman ted lieu saying that this hasrr gone too far. but, sean, i was worriedab about this in 2020 because tyrants saw the opportunity to set a precedentand 2020 withe so-called public health emergencies to harness more power, to takhe away more of our freedoms. they set that precedent in 2020, and now i fearli that people like this governor in new mexico and others are going to useto ue that precedent to declare an
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emergency over everything that they want tt to, somethinge climate change. so this is why we have to correct thiis is whis rightsy lawsuits obviously over her unconstitutional action. but the precedent has got to beb set that what happened in 2020 can happen no more. >> no, i agree. >> what do you make of the energy secretary, granholm? to me, thiys is a very humorous side to it. and that is they set outand that to show america how great electric vehicles are. eld that fordmin motor company lost four and a half billion dollars on theiri e v line this year because nobody wants to buy them . nobody i know wants to buy them. i prefer buy the the corvette zr the zero seven package. just my own personal because that that's an american muscle f . i like that car, however. so they take this trip and there's not enough charging stations. so one. but some person on our staff says, oh, i got a great idea. i'll par k the charging line with a gas powered car and.
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then when the energy secretary gets here, she won't have to wait so long. s wait sothe only problem is te people behind them in line happen to be a coupl e with a young baby that were there before them and they wanted their car rightly charge first. >>ey and it became a pretty big brouhaha. >> but i think it kind of backfired on them, didn't it ? >> yeah, it certainly did. and i think that this should be really a commercial and it advertise moment for gas powered vehicles and for fossil fuels in general. you, the green cult, wants to keep pushing this this green technology and electricd vehicles and all this problem is we don't have the infrastructureof w now and we're not going to have it any time soon to actually power america this wayactuallys . am sean, i'm born and raised in south dakota. good luck finding a charging portbo raised indakota, in thet they just don't exist. so until then, they can keeple e their pr stunt. the american people are not falling for it nalling f and. i think that the industry is speaking for itself. as you mentioned spea, people arees bec not buying electric vehicles because they don't want to be
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stalled and strandedau in the middle of america with nowhere to charge their vehicle. >> oh, how'dere to cthei you li plus million dollars that the biden administration wantsth to ukraine so they can pursuere their green energy dreamen enes my great. that's that's just brilliant att a time we have 37 trillion in debt. in de >> yeah. this is the big green cult atbt work. and they feel really goo.y feeld about themselves when they do these things. but china, as you and i both as y are childrenrd w in third world countries that have to mine for the parts in the in the piecesorldtries tr these batteries for these electric vehicles. so they pat themselves on the bacelectricles.k, feel r about themselves as they fly private, but they're really doing nothinmselves.g to advanci anything. the last thing we should be doing is helping ukraine reacnge shh green energy, energy standards. let's keep america powered and maybe energy independent. >> how about that? tomi lahren is fearless. tomi, great to see you. thank you. all right. unfortunately, that is all the time we have left thhavee scene. before we go, programing notes. we have live studio audienceudio shows. hope you'll join us. wednesday, thursday,
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new york city, some of our guests , tulsi gabbard,new ron desantis in studio. tulsi in studio,york jimmy fail. tickets are free. just register at hannity e-commerce. that simple. all right. as always, thank you for joining us. miease set your dvr so joi neve ever, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity or fox news any" oy time. all the time. all the time. hannity .com. in the meantimtimee, let not noy your heart be trouble. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smilou e on your face. >> i'm like joe, i'm going to bet. have a good night. i guess you're getting better. all right. okay. good job. good job. you guys. you guys can sta cany. >> you can stay. all right. so today is 911, which means that cnn and msnbc, it's mondayy because 911 is that little thin
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