tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News September 13, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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>> we're out of time. thank you. i love you america. [ applause ] "the ingraham angle" is now. ♪ ♪ >> laura: hi, everyone, i'm laura ingraham. the ingraham angle washington. shameless that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> all right, sex scandals, personal sleaziness in politics it's certainly nothing new. we had bill clinton, anthony weiner, andrew cuomo, eliot spitzer, denny hastert, mark foley, it's a bipartisan problem. but this wild new story about a virginia democrat susanna gibson is something we have not seen
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before. now, according to screenshots made available to the a.p., gibson and her husband have been filming and posting their sex can a paid online for cash. more shocking her reaction to this story. she told "the washington post" that this revelation is illegal invasion of my privacy and designed to humiliate me and my family. sweetheart, i think you did a pretty good job of that yourself. how is this an invasion of privacy when the post is reporting that gibson is said to have posted more than a dozen videos in september 2022, which is after she officially entered the race she now turned defiant. it won't intimidate me and silence me. there is no line political opponents won't cross to silence women when they speak up.
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what? who is trying to silence her? she is the one who originally put the videos online for profit. yet, we are now supposed to be offended by republicans who are talking about it? yeah, okay. gibson called the exposure of the videos the worst gutter politics. hot kettle black. look, i fully expect the democratic party to keep backing her because they are shameless. in fact, shamelessness is their stock and trade. they have no remorse. they are completely unwilling to admit a bad decision and when they are exposed or their policies are proven to be horrible. they just blame shift or claim it's all your fault for inquiring. being a liberal means never having to say you are sorry. even if the lives of millions of people are at stake, as they were at the start of the covid pandemic. now, tonight, we are learning about shocking new allegations from a cia whistleblower who says that the agency paid off members of a 7 person team that
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was investigating the origins of covid. the whistleblower tells congress that the cia offered significant monetary inventriclives to the investigators to ditch their finding that covid originated in a laboratory in wuhan. more on that later. a sense of entitlement goes hand in hand with shamelessness though liberal elites. consider the crime and decay that prominent democrat leaders are forcing urban americans to endure they refuse to admit how damaging their own policies have been. in washington, d.c., homicides are up a whopping 28%. robberies they have risen 67%. and it's spreading all over the city. but the left is not going to do anything about it. in fact the all democrat dc council decided to override their own mayor's veto and revise the criminal code to soften penalties for violent crimes. and to eliminate nearly all minimum sentences.
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i would call that shameless. and in another black eye to democrats, the crime rate isn't improving in states where recreational drug use legalized. in oregon, portland officials are finally waking up. they voted to rescind policies that do make it legal to do hard drugs in public. whoever thought that was a good idea? but, look, that shouldn't stop here. marijuana meteorologist legali. complete failure. it's not popular to say it but it's truth. this story has been reported before in california. and the state legislature there just agreed to legalize these so-called magic mushrooms and psychedelics. so all their experience and they take it a step farther keep them numb and dumb it's a huge mistake. get into all of this in detail later this week. no one is more shameless and
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less interested in honesty than biden's economic team. >> we invest in our people from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down. we see economic growth and benefits for all americans. folks, bidenomics is working. and we're just getting started. >> laura: that should make you shudder. spin an economy most hardworking americans feel like they are in a flat spin. no wonder new data out today shows us that real median household income is lower today than it even was at the height of the covid pandemic in 2020. in fact, it suffered its biggest drop in 12 years according to a new census bureau number. hey. what about biden and harris' bragging rights on another economic measure? look, they did so much for child poverty after all. >> my child tax credit cut child poverty in half. [cheers and applause] >> and provided breathing room
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for 65 million children and their families. >> we extended the child tax cut that reduced child poverty in america by over 40% in the first year. >> laura: what's the ugly truth? that child poverty rate is now double what it was in 2021. that's up 7.2%. and they wonder why americans give joe lousy ratings on the economy? the shameless spin doctors at the white house react to these facts not with policy changes but with more hot air. the white house in a blog post previewing the report argued that more recent data, tell a more optimistic story. but even the folks over at axios aren't fooled this time saying to be clear, it's hard to be amped up about the economy when you are making less money and prices are soaring. i will say. we have been saying that for how long on the angle? but these people are shameless on the economy, on drug
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legalization, on crime, and, of course, on the border. now, democrats rail about the damage being done to their communities. this is awful. they reserve their ire for the republican governors who are sending them northward. >> we turned this city around in 20 months and then what happened? started with a mad man down in texas decided he wanted to bus people up to new york city. >> laura: the mad man is the president of the united states, my friend. democrats know that biden's policies are sinking our education and our healthcare budgets with all these migrants coming in. not to mention making the cartels and the human traffickers rich. but, guess what? they will not demand that the border be enforced. they will not demand that trump's border rules be reinstated. why? because they just don't care. politics is more important for them.
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and all we get is more diarrhea of the mouth. >> broken immigration system within that broken immigration system we are challenged by unprecedented level of displacement in the western hemisphere of historic proportions. we have responded with a model approach that has proven to work. >> laura: a model approach? someone better tell mayor adams and maura healey up in boston and the folks in chicago. this is shameful and he is shameless. and the two words, yeah, those sum up the political party captive to the far left and we see what's been done to our beautiful country in less than three years. shameful, and they are shameless. and that's the angle. >> laura: joining me now is congressman brad wenstrup chair of the house select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. congressman, i want to get back to this blockbuster story about the cia whistleblower where he is saying or he or she is saying
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that the agency allegedly paid off a team that was investigating the origins of covid and that whistleblower, who is described as a multi decade senior level current agency officer came to you. what more can you tell us about these allegations, sir? >> >> everything you just said is correct. a whistleblower did come to us. actually came to the intelligence committee, which i serve on, and also came to the select subcommittee on the coronavirus pandemic. and reaching out with allegations of a disturbing story that allegedly took place within the cia. so, everyone is looking to try and find out whether the origins of covid, president biden past the intelligence agencies and do their own assessment and on the cia side. they put together seven people with supposedly science background. six of the seven felt what they have learned led them to believe
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that covid originated in a lab. one of the seven who happened to be the senior person felt that it came from nature. but somehow through this process, even though it was six to one, they came forward and said they were unable to determine and what the whistleblower is alleging is that there was a monetary involvement with the decision to change their mind and go with unable to determine rather than giving their level of confidence that it came from the lab. this is very disturbing, obviously. and our committee has jurisdiction over these types of things. all things covid. and we're looking into it. we are asking for documents and we are asking for the communications and talking to the people that the whistleblowers telling us we should engage with. >> laura: well, the cia responded to your claims from your whistleblower saying in part that we're committed to the highest standards of analytic rigger and integrity we do not pay analysts to reach specific conclusions.
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congressman, if this is true, a crime, very likely, was committed here. >> if this is true. >> yeah. if it's true it would seem that way. it's our obligation when whistleblowers come forward to investigate. the cia, i believe, is taking this very serious. they do not like that this has come out in any way, shape, or form. and i have a good relationship, being on the intelligence committee, with this particular director of the cia, director burns. and i do not know to what level this situation arose, so we are going to look into that, obviously. hopefully we get full cooperation from the cia and get to the bottom of this, but, you know, when a whistleblower comes in, they are guaranteed some protections, but they also are under the threat of perjury when they come forward and speak. and this witness seems to be credible. so we have to follow all leads on that and we will. >> laura: is the whistleblower going to testify on capitol hill either behind closed doors or
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publicly? >> at this point, the whistleblower wants to be anonymous. that doesn't mean that they can't come in and testify behind closed doors. we saw that with the irs whistleblowers. that's how it all started. they spoke behind closed doors. one of them was choosing to be anonymous. but ultimately came forward and said who he was and came forward and testified in front of congress. >> laura: is there any indication that other whistleblowers or other staffers or former staffers may now be encouraged to also speak out about what they saw or perhaps, congressman, intimidation or pressure that was brought to bear on analysts looking at the origins of covid? >> we are reaching out to the former chief operating officer, the cia, who hopefully will voluntarily come in and give us some insights on how this process was working. and what we need to know. hopefully we will get those answers. >> laura: congressman, we know for a fact that anthony fauci pressured his buddies to write
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that letter, essentially concluding that it was very unlikely that the virus would have originated in a lab and that it was most likely coming from an outside source like, you know a meat market or occurring in nature. so, that was already something that we have discussed at length on the angle and it's been everywhere. so that's kind of the back drop of this and along with china's covering up the information from day one, correct? >> yeah. and the big question in all of this, why are you doing this? what difference does it make to you, the cia, as to whether you think it came from the lab or nature that you would try to influence it one way or another. same question for dr. fauci, why is it that you sat amongst your piers in the science world and gave every indication that this may really have come from the lab go out and write an article claiming that it came from nature. going on the white house lawn saying that these scientists say
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it came from nature when on their internal documents they are saying it really looks engineered and looks like it came from a lab. >> laura: congressman, maybe you should head over to georgetown where you can find dr. fauci because he was given a press tinge just post over there you may walk over there and get him off campus. congressman, thank you. you may be surprised what i think about this next story. speaker kevin mccarthy announcing an impeachment inquiry into joe biden. my thoughts about that and live reaction with ben domenech and ned roin, next, stay
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>> it's devastating. oh, don't do it. please, don't do it. >> laura: okay, that's scary. joining me fox news contributor editor of the spectator ned ryun founder and ceo of american majority. ben, someone said, i can't remember who it was but i laughed out loud that mccarthy looked like he was recording a hostage video there when he announced the impeachment inquiry. but, does it carry the same weight? has it been done so often another impeachment or value getting documents. >> i think both things can be true. one is that democrats have obviously deflated the valve of impeachment. their approach to impeaching donald trump not once but twice especially after he was no longer the if the made this whole thing ridiculous, in the sense that there was never any possibility of his conviction. i also think that the value of the documents that they could potentially obtain through this inquiry is very real. because i think from the beginning, you know, under the mccarthy sort of leadership
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team their plan with jim jordan and comer and obviously, you know, the different committees that were looking into this, they always wanted to be as far as they possibly could, you know, without an inquiry and then once they ran into that brick wall, they were going to pull the trigger on this. the question now though is what more are we going to find? we know about the 20-plus llcs. we know about $20 million plus. biden family. what more are they going to find, particularly as it connects to the president? >> laura: now, ned, senator schumer reacted to this inquiry announcement. watch. this the impeachment inquiry is absurd. the american people want us to do something that will make their lives better, not go off on these chases and witch hunts. i have sympathy with speaker mccarthy. he's in a difficult position. but sometimes you got tell these people who are way off the deep end, who have no interest in helping the american people who just want to pursue their own witch huntsen that they can't go forward with that. >> laura: ned, this is coming from a party that is still hunts
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donald trump, okay? they still are trying to nail him to the cross. okay, i'm not saying donald trump is jesus christ. stop with those emails. i can hear them come in. ned, what of that though? does that mean the republicans' eyes off the economy and big issues that people care about. corruption, taking bribes, perhaps, influence peddling pretty important stuff. >> well, i would hope that they can walk and chew gum at the same time, i think they should be able to do both, laura. but i have to tell you, i kind of view this as a bit of kabuki theater at the moment. mccarthy did not announce a formal vote to authorize impeachment proceedings, which i think would give grounds to the biden white house to actually resist and be able to deflect some of the congressional subpoenas. so, until there is a actual formal vote in the house authorizing impeachment hearings, i'm not sure how serious mccarthy actually is about this. although i think there are plenty of grounds. i think it should be pursued, laura. i think that our president,
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while he was vice president, was involved in influence peddling with his son hunter as ben mentioned obviously the llcs, the tens of millions, the 150 plus suspicious activity reports filed by banks in regards to hunter biden. you know, people have said like representative goldman being willfully obtuse that there has been no evidence of direct payments to president biden. that's absurd. all hunter biden has to do is hand out credit cards to the family and pay the balance. there is no money trail. i'm really curious. i would like to see this investigation move forward on some level hopefully with a full house vote so they can actually get down to the bottom of what was president biden's official active role in this influence peddling scheme of hunter biden. this is the whole role of impeachment, laura. this is what alex alexander hamilton wrote violating public trust that is grounds for impeachment. in some ways the house has an obligation to move forward on
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this for the sake of public trust. >> laura: my concern here and always has been that republicans are like charlie brown and the democrats are lucy. and the football gets pulled every single time. as much as i want this information and i desperately want it. i'm concerned that in an election year this just -- this has dragged out but ultimately no real conclusion is drawn. and it muddies up the waters, especially with a substance of biden's failures are concerned. but, again, i see both sides of this. >> i think you are completely right in that sense. at the same time, you know, if impeachment is taking on a new character within our politics, i would really have liked to see them pursue impeachment inquiries against mayorkas, against, you know against merrick garland. certainly justifications for that i think going after some of these cabinet members might have been a smarter way to do it. but, at this point, the poll numbers show that the american people really do believe that joe biden did something at the very minimum unethical, possibly illegal. i think we are not going to get
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to the bottom of this until we know more. >> laura: will we have an actual vote moving forward with the impeachment and will it be thumbs up, let's go do it. >> i don't know. that's a kevin mccarthy decision. apparently with him not announcing that today there are questions as to whether he might have the votes to do it. laura, i think you make a good point. even hamilton made this point, all impeachments are political. i guess the real question in my mind as we look at 2024 is forget republicans and democrats. how will independents view an impeachment proceeding? will they view it as politically justified? will they view it as having real merit or trying to settle political scores? and i think that's how, you know, that's my real question how will it play out with independents in 2024. if kevin mccarthy moves forward authorized vote thread the needle carefully have a very good team of investigators, putting together very compelling, very narrow case that really shows joe biden. >> laura: when republicans have ever co done that comer has dona
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good job. but on these big sweeping investigate hillary, they could never connect the dots, i don't think. i think it's always been difficult for the republicans for whatever reason. ben and ned, thank you. great to see you don't. the white house just admitted how much money we sent to ukraine. try to guess. senator j.d. vance reacts, next. ♪
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>> laura: okay. it sounds like hyperbole, it is not. we are facing a major fiscal catastrophe. even in the big pend sing days of yor, we didn't run deficits like we are now. biden is trying to win the election on borrowed money. >> this is the path of to ruin. this isn't just a biden problem. the senate on both sides of the aisle wants us to spend and spend and spend. >> the senate appropriations
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process has been a shining example. >> this is important milestone and down payment on our goal of funding the federal government through regular order. >> time is short to keep the government open the only way to avoid a shutdown is through bipartisanship. >> laura: regular order? we have terrible leadership here. the federal budget deficit is already expected to balloon to 2 trillion, which is double, double what it was last year. and overall debt is more than $32 trillion. but they want us to spend more and at the rate we are going in the next 30 years interest payments will be more than the government spends on social security, medicaid, medicare and defense. this is a complete travesty across the board. and just like i do every time these spending issues come up, i'm holding everyone accountable. just ask senator bill cassidy when he backed that infrastructure bill, well, that
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was in 2021. >> you guys got played on this. make them show their texts first. you realize america is going to be. >> will you tell us everything that you have? that's not going to happen, laura. you know that's not going to happen. >> laura: senator, i know you have. >> you have $110 billion for roads and bridges. >> senator,. >> $65 billion. >> laura: have you gotten that without giving away the store. >> he said it wasn't going to lead to the inflation reduction act and that's exactly what happened. things are getting worse. yet, mcconnell's flunkies just want to let it ride. they have the votes to force it with the lame argument that republicans want to shut down the government. if that's the argument, republicans will lose. well, we need to warn everyone. we need new senators and we need a new president. if we want to get spending under control, we have to tell people no. whether it's republican or a democrat. whether it's the migrants or the climate crazies. even president zelenskyy has got to hear, no.
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>> laura: and speaking of ukraine, the white houses is finally fessing up about the costs so far of this proxy war that we are funding in ukraine. according to documents obtained by fox news digital, the total for now at least, is $101.2 billion, with plans to spend another 9.8 billion in the coming months, now, to give you a sense of the enormity of this, our entire pentagon budget is about $800 billion, it's an eighth of what we spend for our country. and to think congress wouldn't give trump a measly 5 billion for the wall. joining me now is ohio senator j.d. vance who had been demanding this information from the biden administration for months. senator, the omb director sent you a letter saying this fund something critical to ukraine's success on the battlefield. what is their definition of success these days over there, senator? >> precisely the problem, laura. the president refuses to define success and refuses to actually
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tell us how much money we have to spend and how much time we have to spend to get to this success. >> this is a classic military quagmire. this is what we have been told for generations that we have to avoid a blank check that is unlimited, that sends money out the door without any obvious benefit to our national interest. my very basic question of republicans and democrats alike is, why are we being such a cheap date of the biden administration? if they are asking for another 9 billion. another 24 billion, you know, what's another 335 billion among friends. why don't we at the very least demand to know what that money is going to buy and how it gets us closer to victory? >> laura: antony blinken the secretary of state wants everybody to know why we need to keep spending this money and this is what he said. >> i think it's very clear to us and to many in congress that this additional assistance is something that ukraine needs in this moment. it's not only the right thing to do it's the smart and necessary thing to do in our own interest. >> laura: in our own interest.
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well, the american people don't think so and certainly looks like a majority of republicans do not think so. so that means senate leadership is not representing the desires and concerns and the priorities of their own constituents. >> absolutely right, laura, you hear this slogan again and again. it's not just the right thing to do but it's in our own interest. they never define how it's in our own interest. here is what this war is costing us, potentially a worldwide food crisis because ukraine is the bread basket of europe. god forbid a potential nuclear war if this thing escalates further. europe already has energy crisis destabilizing allied governments in eastern europe because they can't afford food or fuel for citizens, not just sending $150 billion. we are actually causing significant problems for ourselves. it is not in our interest to continue to fund this indefinitely. >> laura: didn't the north korean dictator now make, you know, overtures to putin and the two of them are going to get even closer not that they were total enemies before but they are going to be working together more. >> russia is getting closer to
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china and closer to north korea. oh by the way, laura, you have to remember we don't make enough of our artillery shells, our own munitions to actually fund god forbid a future military conflict if it ever came with china. so we are actually firing bullets in russia and in ukraine that we need for ourselves. this is massive depletion of our own military sources, laura. can you go down the list and identify the ways in which this is a direct contravention of our national interest. the idea that it serves america's interest i think is just a farce. >> laura: i was reading something online. forgive me for not reading the source. it was a former military official, high ranking, who said if we were to take on china, if we wanted to take on china, if they went into taiwan if that would come about, we would need a national draft, a military draft because of the massive deficits we have in recruiting. who there on capitol hill is going to be going to the american people and saying by the way, everybody get ready to sit by radio or tv or go online
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because your draft number might be called up. >> that's right especially when we don't manufacture enough weapons to give those troops even if we did draft them. >> this is a huge catastrophe, laura. why does china want the war between russia and ukraine to continue indefinitely. why do they want america to continue to feed billions of dollars in ukraine? >> laura: why do they want us in iraq and afghanistan? they love that, too. >> it distracts us from the real threat, which is the chinese. this is a massive, massive strategic victory for china because every minute that we focus on russia is a minute that we're not focused on china. >> laura: senator, thanks for coming into the studio. great to see you. and he is wearing jeans with his blazer by the way. sorry i had to out you on that. it's done. escaped murderer in pennsylvania. our own nate foy has the latest from there are some things that go better... together. burger and fries... soup and salad. thank you! like your workplace benefits and retirement savings. with voya,
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♪ >> laura: police are still fran ticklely searching for convicted murder who escaped a pennsylvania prison nearly two weeks ago. he has changed his clothes, shaved his face, and now we know he has a gun. fox nate foy is live from pennsylvania with all the details. nate? >> hey, laura, yeah. this manhunt has certainly escalated on day number 13 now. so authorities believe they have
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cavalcante within this search perimeter behind me. the big difference, you mentioned it, he now has a gun after breaking into a nearby garage within the search perimeter last night and stealing a rifle that's equipped with a flashlight and a scope the homeowner shot back at cavalcante but authorities don't have any reason to believe is he injured. his presence in here, laura, as well as he is now armed means that troopers are following up on every at this point tip that they get. after 1:00 today i will ask my photographer to come on this road we heard multiple loud bangs. troopers rushed. in they haven't found anything related to cavalcante. i ask my photographer neil to come walk with me this way. again, there is the edge of the search perimeter. just down this road, laura, about 300 yards is where cavalcante dropped off that van that he stole to breach the previous search perimeter at long wood gardens and because he is here now, authorities realize
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that he has been here for the past three days. listen to this. >> very close in proximity to where the van was abandoned and where i talked about that he was in the woods and likely hiding. i think he was probably looking for a place to hide. ran for that garage. saw the firearm, grabbed that encountered the homeowner and fled with the firearm. >> laura, pennsylvania state police are joined by atf agents. u.s. marshals. the fbi and border patrol using dogs, horses and helicopters. authorities are, again, urging all residents to lock their homes, garages, and cars to make sure cavalcante doesn't get any more weapons troopers say cavalcante has killed twice before and is he desperate enough to use the gun that he now has. now, all ever the schools in the area right now are closed as a result of this manhunt and the reward leading to cavalcante's arrest has been increased to $25,000. send it back to you.
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>> laura: thank you. former maryland state police lt. david worked for the d.c. sniper case from day one and was the commanding officer at the scene of that arrest. david, now, you just heard nate explain that the suspect has a .22 caliber rifle, a scope and a flashlight. how does this change the dynamics of the manhunt? >> well, certainly you go from an unknown to a known really as far as the police are concerned, it doesn't change it at all because you always must assume you're dealing with an armed person, especially someone that is this desperate, that has no care about life and, trust me, he isn't afraid to take another one. and you have to assume that going in. but now that you know that there's a firearm involved, that changes the dynamics in how you set up your perimeter, how you protect the citizens, and how
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you protect your cops. >> laura: we don't know how much ammo he has though. >> that's an unknown and also what makes a difference is the type of ammunition that he is dealing with. now, a .22 caliber rifle certainly is not as potent as a 223 that we were dealing with in the sniper case; however, you don't want one of your troopers getting shot with that thing and the closer you are, the more lethal it can be. >> laura: people watching this and they are thinking how does this guy evade arrest? i mean, you have all these resources bearing down in this area. they have dogs out there. they have overhead searches, they have search lights. how is he doing it? >> a lot of luck more than anything else. we like to think these guys are geniuses. but they are not. he is going on pure adrenaline, pure luck, and after 13 days, i would imagine he is about to the end of his rope, which is why they have got an area surrounded. you keep the pressure on.
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number one, the first thing you want to do is prevent any possibility of a hostage barricade situation. it has to be number one in your mind. >> laura: how do you prevent that? if this guy is that desperate. do you really think he is going to be taken alive? i don't think he will be taken alive. this guy is going to go down in a blaze of glory. at least that's what he thinks. >> this has all the earmarks of that's the way it's going to go. but, when we dealt with the snipers, that night i thought there was no way we are getting out of this without a fire fight, however, the police take advantage of where the advantages are. and as you see, it's getting dark. you can't stay awake forever. hoi don't care how desperate you are. we don't know exactly what the state police knows right now and there is good reason for that however, if they have got him pinned down, can you simply wait until the guy goes asleep and then have you got him. and that was sort of what happened with the sniper case. we waited until the wee hours in
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the morning and took him down. >> laura: i remember. >> thank god it went textbook. never had to fire a shot. >> laura: now people remember all over again why police are important. i mean, in a moment like this, at a time like this, we're doing rallies together, get the guy. we need more of those moments. not that we want a tragedy to bring people together, but, now we realize, again, all anew like we did in the sniper case, we need police who are committed. >> yes, we do. i will tell you, i guarantee you there is not a trooper, a local officer out there that's going home until this guy is caught. that's the way we think. that's the way we believe. and it's all about who we protect. and police officers know who they protect. >> laura: david, thank you for come in tonight. >> absolutely. >> laura: i hope they get him and they get him tonight. biden, mcconnell, aaron rodgers? what do they have in common? well, i'll explain
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>> and since he's not speaking today, i wanted to -- wait, he is speaking today. i had a note he wasn't speaking. any rate, i'm going to stop there. >> i ain't calling on you, i'm calling on -- five questions. but i'll tell you what, i don't know about you, but i'm going to go to bed. >> laura: well, we've all seen what happens when politicians
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don't know when it's time to retire, but what about aging professional athletes is the allure much competition overtaking basic common sense. science and better training helped keep tom brady on the field until he was 45, kind of a freak of nature though. but aaron rodgers at age 39 seemed spry when he started his first game as a new york jet last night. >> protection breaks down and time runs out. down goes rodgers and a sack for leonard floyd. >> laura: huh. that was a heart break. he for his achilles and is out for the season. so is it time for the players, and even the league, to maybe acknowledge the limits of the human body or are we just beginning to see how far we can push the human body? joining me now is dan host of outkick's don't at me. dan, i'm a huge aaron rodgers fan, there's always a risk you're going to get hurt getting on the field, even kickers can
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get hurt, but that type of injury at age 39, is that a career ender? >> boy, i'll tell you what, i think it is, laura. you know, the achilles is starting to happen more and more in the nfl. initially i thought he's an old guy he has an achilles kind of an old guy injury. but think back to a couple players on the colts in their 20s that gotta keelies injuries. is it a career ender? with modern science, i'm going to say not necessarily, but, man, oh, man, coming back at age 39 is tough without a major injury, and an achilles, oh, it's brutal. my brother had it, a lot of friends of mine have had it, it's absolutely brutal. so i'm going to say he gives it a go but i wouldn't be surprised if that ended it for rodgers. >> laura: dan, i can't believe, i've been with someone who tore his achilles and i got blamed for it. wasn't me but i did get blamed for it. >> i did, too. >> laura: i got blamed in a basketball game but i couldn't even watch it. looks like it rolls up on the
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back of the ankle and beyond excruciating. the fact that he could get off that field as he did, again, is another reason why aaron rodgers is awesome. but, dan, drew brees, we love drew brees, he played until he was 41 but had all those rib fractures, 11 of them and punctured a lung in the last season, brett favre was 41 said he suffered thousands of concussions and now has a chronic hip condition. so they rolled the dice and i guess it was their choice but they're both probably suffering now a little bit. >> you know, one of the saddest things to see is ex-nfl guy when he's in his 50s and 60s. they can't walk. and to your point about brees and everybody else, where it's favre or brady, modern science, here's the deal, mike sha receiveski told me when he was the head coach of of the olympic team he was shocked at the money players put into their bodies, millions of dollars a year,
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lebron james or dwayne weighed, kobe bryant did ddwight phreny hyperbolic chambers when playing for the colts. so modern medicine chainers year round working out. it used to be laura a guy would go to training camp to get in shape. now that's not the case. you're in shape 365 days a year. you get into training camp to get better at the play book. it's a different world, guys are going to play as long as they can. two years, $75 million, laura. that's guarantied. that's what aaron rodgers got. that's a lot of reasons to keep playing. >> laura: well, djokovich just won the u.s. open and that was pretty impressive. but you're not getting tackled but he was 36 years old and that's retirement age for most tennis players and, you know, again i love him he refused the vaccine and said guess what i'm going to take care of my body and goes on to win the u.s. open in one of the best sports attorneys i think of all time.
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i feel like i'm trying to take your job i'm really not but any chance to get away from politics is a great thing. dan thank you very much and don't you ever retire. that's it for us tonight. thank you for watching. remember it is america now and forever, follow me on x and instagram, lot of new posts we love the comments, keep them coming >> todd: a fox news alert, happening right now putin and kim jong-un are meeting in russia. the north korea leader declaring full and unconditional support for moscow on ukraine. i'm todd piro. >> carley: i'm carley shimkus. russia bombs fall on ukraine and north korea test launches missiles off their eastern coast. lucas tomlinson is live with the
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