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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  September 13, 2023 5:00pm-6:00pm PDT

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think tester doesn't want to take that vote. i don't think shared brown or mantion. thank you for speaking truth to power on this senator ron johnson the remember america now and forever, jesse takes it from here. >> jesse: welcome to "jesse watters primetime." >> is joe biden the person who can stop donald trump? i would like him to think that through carefully because i have my concerns. >> jesse: american intelligence warns biden don't run. drones helicopters every asset available put out for this capture. >> jesse: the killer is caught. how the hounds hunted him down. >> you know who wanted everyone
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to be their own boss? karl marx. >> spanky burbank is a communist. it explains everything. plus, mexican aliens. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ when the cia was created? 1947 it had one purpose, destroy communism but under the leadership of allen dulles the agency turned into a league of assassins. soon, coup's and disinformation campaigns were used here inside the u.s. just ask chuck schumer. >> you take on the intelligence community they have six ways from sunday of getting back at you so even from a practical supposedly hard nose businessman
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he's dumb to do this. >> jesse: the media works in tandem with intelligence agents. what langley wants a narrative to ripple through the public realm they package leaks to reporters who turn them into scoops the tactic goes back to the 70s. >> disseminate problem uganda to influence peoples minds and this is a major function of the cia. you have contact with a journalist, you will give him true stories, you'll get information from him, you'll also give him false stories. you also work on their human vulnerability to recruit them in a classic sense to make them your agent so that you can control what they do. 400 journalists cooperating with the cia including some of the biggest names in the business, to consciously introduce the stories into the press. >> jesse: most of the time journalists don't realize they're used. only the true wise men of washington understand they're just message carriers and one
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last remaining wise man of washington is a waldrep journalist name david ignatius. this is the guy who got the mike flynn leak which triggered his resignation and dome knowed with commie. ignatiuses columns are often what the fbi or cia want you to believe whether it's true or not. he called chris steele a truth teller. his columns were the pillars propping up the collusion hoax. ignatius is the columness who deemed the laptop issue russian information. ten tortoise share glasses and delivers the hit with the perfect old school beltway air of sophistication and last night his most explosive column of the
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biden presidency send d.c. into a frenzy, the headline, president biden should not run again in 2024. ignatius is no centrist. quote, i don't think biden and vice-president harris should run for reelection. it's painful to say that given my admiration for much of what they've accomplished but if he and harris campaign together in 2024 i then biden risks undoing his greatest achievement which is stopping trump. this morning ignatius appears on the cable news show the president walks and locked eyes with the president and pulled the pin. >> i haven't gone anywhere in the country, i haven't talked to any group of people that where this issue of whether president biden should run again hasn't been a centerpiece of conversation. it doesn't get into the
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newspapers. it doesn't get much on tv except fox news which is obsessed with it and i thought it was time to raise that question and again, the heart of its whether joe biden is the best person to carry this legacy forward. >> ignatius the dinner party gate keeper and cia butler is turning washington whispers into a rallying cry the message clear it is now officially acceptable for the democrat media establishment to respectfully urge president biden to gracefully announce he won't seek a second term. he's done his job. he beat trump. invested in america. so why don't they want him to run again? here is why. biden's staring down the barrel of impeachment. the american intelligence community has to tie up loose ends like they did with the mueller investigation their own investigation the lab leak bribes urging biden to step aside is just another cover-up
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and impeachment exposes the bureau and the agency the american intelligence community was complicity it in a decade of bind family business. they have the biden's on fisa surveillance wiretaps with chinese agents the treasury has 150 suspicious activity reports. hunter biden was used as fly paper overseas. that's why everybody is surrounding the biden family as in prison or missing and remember the second prong of the impeachment inquiry, house republicans looking at the cover-up. fbi agents tipping to have bidens the justice department deep sixing the ukranian bribe allegations chinese counterespionage and the irs agents being obstructed. the full public airing and house committees on live tv with this mountain of evidence compromises the entire washington establishment not just the feds the press too and the entire
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democrat party who has been recklessly denying and ignoring the scandal's growing threat for years. so this column is more than a suggestion. another's a marching order and joe and mika their heels are clacking against the marble. >> everybody we talk to every political discussion talks a lot about trump but when it comes to joe biden man he's too old to run, isn't he? every discussion. when i say every discussion i don't mean 99 percent of the discussion. every discussion. we got it. i asked reverend al and he was hearing it all the time on our show this past week he is hearing it as well. democrats off the air will say, joe biden is too old. why is he running? on the air, they won't say that. >> jesse: morning joe just admit the democratic party is a dishonest monolith.
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everyone must say the same thing at all times even when they don't believe it privately. the democratic party is literally a mob but the mob can't function when it's fractured. so this fall we will see a transition from joe is the next fdr to thanks for playing. the media which are oh beaten yent as a dog suddenly sound like puter ducey. >> president lied about being at ground zero after the september 11th attacks and claimed he saw the pittsburgh bridge collapse. what is going on with the president? is he just believing things didn't happen did happen or is he just making stuff up? >> the president was deeply touched and honored to be able to spend 9/11 with military members in alaska. >> he spoke about a visit to ground zero which he did participate in about a week or so after the event.
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>> he said a string of things happened that didn't, easily debunked. why is he doing that? >> the president was grateful to spend that time with those family members. >> e-oh there's blood in the water. over the last six weeks biden passed out on the beach told maui a kitchen fire almost killed his cat announced it was bedtime in vietnam and commemorated 9/11 on a an airstrip by cracking jokes and lying about being at ground zero. opening the impeachment inquiry the final straw, the manager is pulling the picture. the white house counsel office is struggling on cnn. >> why was the president at those meetings on those phone calls? >> i think this is part of the right wings misinformation machine to try to confuse people what the truth is that the president has said publicly for years calls his family every day to check n. he calls his son every day to check n. he calls his other family members to see
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how they're doing. he loves them. >> jesse: witt whippet counsel office going to be a laughing stock. here's the problem. biden is stubborn. he may be the most stubborn politician in washington. he might not go easily which means needs a nudge. expect to see this season full of anti-biden bomb shells. so if biden bows down kamala is heir apparent. >> my impression from talking to people in washington around the country is that she has not been successful in the way that she would want in getting traction as vice-president. the key question somebody as old as vice-president or excuse me president biden will be is whether see the president as a strong successor. so far i don't think she's made
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that impression to the country. >> snom is the only shot but don't want to leapfrog a female minority. so, this is where it gets tricky. the intel community is making a calculation. the trump revenge tour a second term is preferable to not being able to clean up the compromising dirt that springs from an impeachment. the intelligence community is in a lose-lose situation but wouldn't be the first time they pulled a rabbit out their hat and won't be the last. lynn greenwald an award winning journalist and i can't wait to hear what he thinks about the ignatius bombshell. >> first of all, i was in doubt about this narrative until ignatius got on board with it because as you pointed out there is no member of media more loyal
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to the cia and its narratives than he. i do think it's worth remembering jesse in 2018 and 2019 democrats were also very worried about joe biden they started doing a very similar thing saying look, joe biden is not cognitively the same as he used to be, we are worried that democrats are going to reward him for being loyal at obama's side but after the nomination they forgot about that united about biden and said anybody mention his cognitive decline is immoral so i think this is people are genuinely worried about polls are so dangerous and alarming for joe biden they see this as a last opportunities to gets rid of him. >> right, because of the calendar. you can't do this next year. it's got to be done before thanksgiving, and if they ramp up these impeachment inquiries and they start airing this dirty laundry everywhere, the voicemails the text the email,
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the phone calls, it is a disaster for the entire washington establishment and everybody that's been lying about this and covering it up, do you think this is a way for them to say you know what, let's not make all of us look bad. you can just maybe go on your way. >> i think it's a combination of those things. i think obviously the people who really know the truth about what joe biden or hunter biden were doing inside ukraine are people in the intelligence community and this is where it's coming from. i think joe biden is turning into jello and so is his body and more time that goes by the worse that gets. i don't know what drugs exist to hide that debate but i don't think there are anymore. i think some people want to say let's be all in with biden, hope that the country hates trump enough and there's enough junk around trump but i think you're right to point out there are influential factors sectors in
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the democratic party trying to sabotage him. >> jesse: you're right about the intel guys might be seeing him during these briefings hand realize he might not make it which is going to give us kamala way, way too soon and so this is a way to kind of short circuit it early glen thank you so much. i always appreciate your analysis. >> good to be with you, jesse. >> jesse: so, american intelligence and some of the media are turning on joe and the white house is threatening the prts to circle the wagons. white house counsel office sent a letter to major news organizations demanding they cover the republicans not the bidens.
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>> jesse: this is a warning shot to news ceos, reports what we tell you to report. everything else is disinformation and defamation that could cost you. the biden white house can't afford news organizations covering evidence. evidence has to be covered up. this letter reeks of desperation. binder who pays to talk is not refusing to. >> i'm going to leave that nor the white house counsel who sent that memo laid out specifically as to how we see this process has moved forward how there is no evidence. i'm not going to get beyond what my colleague has shared with all of you. >> so many business associates
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told cnn the press wasn't involved and he lied. you can't have a response to that? >> the only people who know about the evidence in biden's corruption you and i because fox this only one reporting on it. pundits never read the lap tap. they're unaware of the meetings phone calls voicemails porsches, diamonds they haven't read half the email for my dad or the big guy. the white house is threatening the press don't do your jobs. this is a threat from the federal government so who in the press will break ranks? cohost of america's news room and my cohost on the 5 upcoming debate moderator dana perino. tell me your interpretation of this letter. this is the preview of working the refs. a memo like this should not come out because as a p.r. person
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it's your job. you call reporters say it's not right you got this wrong. this is a preview to say if you do this you won't be invited to the cocktail party or the parlor games in washington but it could backfire because think of how many times the media have had to revise their stance on thing like hunter biden's laptop when the "new york times" says it wasn't disinformation. you have other ex-am also, baby form la, biden's age, people are talking about even david ignatius says biden age issue is not just a fox news thing. i the media will now look at this and say we have to ignore them our our reputations will be on the line. >> jesse: but the threat of missing cocktail party invites how serious to people social
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life in washington in the industry is that? >> you want access to an administration and to me the easiest job in washington is being a democratic flak. you're not pressed on that if you think about it but they take offense to any scrutiny. now ian sams who is the press person for white house counsel office is very smart very good at what he does and he can be brutal to reporters and call them on the carpet but in the end, the facts take this case where it is and that's why you're able to spite them all. >> jesse: we read their fact sheet they put out this big memo. i could refute it in my sleep. it's saying cnn fact checked it so it's true. it's what? you can't do that. that's not going to hold up in a hearing. all right, dana. maybe you can ask the candidates about this at the debate. >> i don't want to review anything but there will be plenty of fireworks.
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>> jesse: okay. >> promise you that. >> jesse: don't talk over the moderatesers. that's a warning. just kidding. thank you. the brazilian serial killer captured. the man who saw the bloodhounds take him down is on deck. ♪ a beach house, a treehouse, ♪ ♪ honestly i don't care ♪ find the perfect vacation rental for you, booking. yeah. [sneeze] (♪) astepro allergy, steroid free allergy relief that starts working in 30 minutes, while other allergy sprays take hours. with astepro's unbeatably fast allergy relief you can astepro and go! tv: try tide power pods with 85% more tide in every pod. who needs that much more tide? (crashing sounds) everyone's gonna need more tide. it's a mess out there. that's why there's 85% more tide in every power pod. -see? -baby: ah.
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi
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was forcibly taken into custody he will ultimately be transferred to a state correctional institute where he will be housed and begin to serve life sentence. >> jesse: pennsylvania state police closed in on him and with the help of a k9 need yoda they apprehended him but not before leaving a mark on him. nate foy is in pennsylvania with the latest. >> after14 days the manhunt for cavalcante is over and thanks to a border patrol dog's strong bite his capture was hardly painless. take a look here. authorities captured him after 8 a.m. this morning and 7 hours before this identified his location using thermal imaging but then bad weather hit and sources tell fox news, state troopers ang agents with border patrol tactical unit held what's called a lay n. they surrounded cavalcante on the ground all
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night in the middle of a lightning storm. at 8:00 they sent in k9 yoda and the killer made one more try to escape. >> he tried to crawl through the brush taking his rifle with him. the dog subdued him and team members from both teams moved n. he continued to resist but was poursably taken in. >> here is his new mug shots. he's a state prison facility in montgomery county. throughout the search authorities brothers cat a message from his mother urging him to stressed peacefully. troopers said today this were people intent on helping cavalcante during his two weeks of evading authorities. his sister facing deportation for not cooperating during the manhunt. >> witness thetown, jim martin
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from potts town joins a moment what did you see? >> i witnessed plenty of state troopers in the area surrounding this perimeter trying to get some work done but this place by 30 minutes in was swarmed with state troopers border patrol s.w.a.t. two armored vehicles. it just became a show of force and these troopers moved into the back of our building within minutes and started pushing into the brush pushing into the stream area just searching everything another 15-20 minutes i believe as border patrol moved in with their k9 and watched it firsthand as they entered into
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the brush and within 15-20 minutes they meerjdz and had the fugitive. >> jesse: so they bring him out thanks to yoda the k9. what was the energy amongst the task force? were they high fiving? >> they were high fiving. they were happy. they were relieved. i think a lot of them are tired. well deserved, you know, probably need some rest but i think they're extremely excited to be done with this. >> jesse: absolutely and you probably witnessed. what did they pull his shirt up to photograph his tats? >> well, you couldn't get a full view of the removal of the shirt because that was actually around the corner but when he walked by my son and i basically we could see he had an eagle shirt on and looked really tired himself, worn out and was just ready to
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give up. just be done. >> as a spokesperson for the philadelphia eagles we disown the serial killer. thank you very much. glad the community is safe, jim. you were at the right place at the right time. now go sell some john deere. >> everybody should really thank the police. they did an ex-hesitant job. they shouldn't be condemned at all for what happened here. they did a fine job for what they surrounded and took care of. >> jesse: this guy was a skirly fugitive that definitely survived way too long in some treacherous terrain and thank god these guys wednesday trained pursued him to the very only. >> professional. >> jesse: very highly professional and they deserve
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compliments. >> and yoda. >> jesse: the dirtiest secret in washington, next. ♪ thank you for the sunshine bouquet ♪ ♪ sunny ♪ ♪ thank you for the love you brought my way ♪ ♪ sunny one so true, i love you ♪ my mental health was much better, but i struggled with uncontrollable movements called td, tardive dyskinesia. td can be caused by some mental health meds. and it's unlikely to improve without treatment. i felt like my movements were in the spotlight. ingrezza is a prescription medicine to treat adults with td movements. ingrezza is different. it's the simple, once-daily treatment proven to reduce td that's #1 prescribed.
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>> jesse: for almost 3 years the democrat media establishment have been telling you you're making fortune in biden's economy. it's the biggest lie they've ever told because they're lying about your finances and since joe became president wages have been in a free fall. everything costs more and the poverty rate spiked. in 2019 average households were making $78,000 a year. last year $74,000. average american howls have lost $4,000 since joe biden became president. incomes down three years in a row. but according to the "new york times" economists paul inc
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including -- krugman says everything is good. >> people say it's a terrible economy but what is really odd is that people don't behave as if it's calm. people are acting as if they're in good shape financially and yet they say, wow this, a disastrous economy. somebody must be a disaster for somebody but not me. >> jesse: anger starting to boil over. take a look at the streets of oakland this week. >> it's wild, wild west out here. and they don't give a damn on us. why is 911 not work something why when we call code enforcement to get some of these homeless people away us from we get no answer 4-5 months? we out here suffering!
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>> jesse: dana lash radio host and author joins me. it's just pure propaganda. >> yeah, i saw that list from krugman and thought did he get in hunter biden's stash? tell me you've never gone grocery shopping without telling me you've never gone grocery shopping. how high is this guy to sit here and make this claim that nobody is behaving like the economy is bad. really? because 61 percent of americans are reporting that they're living paycheck to paycheck. the average american family has taken the equivalents of a $7,000 pay cut. our money is less. people would understand what the rest of america has to do. >> so $3,000 more and gas is up
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and food is up and your quality of life is deteriorating because look around at the streets. how are you supposed to go in and say this guy is our savior? this guy is going to lose in a land slide. forget about impeachment. i'm taking that back. it's like the red wave. no more prediction but it should be a land slide. >> you don't even have to take anything back. people are going to vote thursday wallet. the old famous saying from the clinton days it's the economy stupid. i think end of the day the democrats want people to focus on his worst traimt they're going so poorly in every aspect of administration they don't have any success stories to point to. the fact that they're trying to sell bidenomics is a joke. people are not buying it. they're going to remember this when they go and vote.
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that's to say that kamala hasn't pushed him off the particular. you cannot lie to people about what's in their wallet. >> jesse: i look at my account every day. oh, dana. i love you. see you seen. >> god bless you jesse. >> jesse: spanky burbank is a communist and also ale why mummies found in mexico. ♪
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>> jesse: earlier this week we told you about spanky burbank, you know the democrat mayor from california, constantine. [whooping] >> jesse: spanky addressed the spanking as a burbank city council meeting apologizing for insinuating that people were jealous the drag queen spanked him and said with the blow back it's been hard to work.
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>> some silly stuff happened it was fun and games. there was a secret video made. it has -- made it very difficult to do the business of the city. >> jesse: so what exactly is the business of burbank? because if spanky gets what he wants burbank won't be allowed to do business because spanky burbank is a communist! >> you know who wanted everyone to be their own boss, karl marx so most people don't understand that the american dream that they're chasing is something that democratic socialists have been fighting for for a hundred years. we want you to be your own boss. >> jesse: so commie burbank is hiding his true colors. what else? burbank doesn't want to just defund the police. spanky wants to abolish them. >> complete transformative
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change in our society to move to a policeless statement we are still living in sort after quasi-20th century ideology of you do something bad you got to get punished. that works when you're 5. right? we are talking about human beings on a massive skaichl we have to get people back into society. so my policies resonate with the average american. >> jesse: oh, yes they do. the drag queen spankings are starting to make sense. burbank riddled with insecurity about this excessive capitalism the fact he's white heat nodes to show us he's been a bad boy and somebody delivered a spanking by the transgoddess or as spanky burbank says just some
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shenanigans. the day after joe biden impeachment news broke mexicans discovered alien mummies and we are just saying, mexican u ohologist unboxed corpses. they're three finger have no teeth stereoscopic vision and one had alien eggs with embryos inside allegedly. yes, there is skepticism which is why we invited giorgio suclos of the hit show, ancient aliens. so does this strike you as legit? >> hi, jesse. thank you so much for having me on the shoechl i've known about these bodies since the summer of 2018 when i was first approached
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by them and i have many colleagues who have seen these persons, these people in person and personally i have not seen them live. dr. josé de jesus a forensic investigator has said whatever he has investigated suggests that these are not man-made, that those are not props. so i invite theen tear world way community of scientists to descend on the this body. >> jesse: we are going to be descending on the bodies will that's for sure. is there an origin story to the three finered mexican alien mum snis. >> allegedly they were found around 2016 in the nazca region of
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and not just two, multiple. so one case you could say coincidence but it's multiple so i would like to know, where are all of them and have all of them been investigated? because the ones we see in the pictures rights now have been for example x-rayed and the doctors that have looked at them have said that the way that the bones fit together it's correct. it's not an sell blank of other bones. so it is an incredible thing what we have here and instead of gist looking the other way, i suggest everyone every biologist should look at this and start investigating, because potentially, we have the most important discovery of our human existence. >> jesse: absolutely and we are going to be investigating on "jesse watters primetime." it does seem a little similar to the script indiana jones and the search for the crystal skull. it's probably just a
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coincidence, but we will do a fact finding mission probably send johnny to mexico and we are going to hash it out. thank you so much, giorgio and everyone go watch ancient aliens your show. we love you. thank you so much for explaining this us to us. >> thank you so much and the truth is out there. >> jesse: sure is. why is matthew mcconaughey giving joy behar a foot massage? , and i've never said that. booking.yeah she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. sotyktu is the first-of-its-kind, once-daily pill for moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding your back... is back.
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-amazing -expensive. so, we switched to the bargain detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back with tide, and the clothes are clean again. do 3x the laundry and get a tide clean. it's got to be tide. >> water cooler. i know you were watching that last segment. do you believe the mummified aliens in mexico were legit? >> no. i think they amputated their fingers.
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i do not believe in aliens. i am sorry. >> this man figured something out. i don't know what it was, but he touched joy behar's feet. >> look at that. >> breaking news, matthew mcconaughey is dead. >> he has foot fungus on his fingernails. this is because they were throwing back to a picture from 2004. there is a reason he has this
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foot fetish. dates would show up at 7:00 because his dad would massage his dates feet on the couch. that is the story i want to get into. can you imagine if you were dating and you found your dad massaging your girlfriends foot? that is going to make you throw up. >> fashion week in new york brings out crazy fashion. one prankster hit the runway wearing a garbage bag. i thought he looked like security took him down hard. i would have bought the garbage bag thing. the fact that nobody was fazed by a man walking down, i want to
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know what scent that trash bag was. the guy was turning around and trying to figure out he was not actually a model. he was like, hello, come get me. >> i have to do something at fashion week. can you wish me good luck? >> he is going to an after party dinner for fashion week. you are such a good husband. >> i don't want to go. >> at least you are dressed nicely. you should put a trash bag on. then you will blend in. >> i love to talk trash. >> i will be your bodyguard. >> should i go downtown to meet my wife at this after party?
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i am going to kill myself. i have to go because i cannot leave her out there. i guess i have to go. let's do text. i love the way your new show starts out with gusto when you say tonight. helen, you think anyone is interested in what anthony weiner has to say? i was interested. tony, you rock. i had to play it back to count how many times he blamed trump. that is all they have. doesn't believe in punishment. i am confused. chad, i noticed the captured fugitive was wearing a philadelphia eagles shirt. he stole it. he is not a fan.
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he thinks football is football. terry from delaware, i can't wait for biden to tell about the time an escaped convict was hiding on his property for two weeks. that is all for tonight. dvr the show. always remember. i am watters, and this is my world. >> sean: welcome to hannity. all of my friends are right h here. we have a great show. a big lineup including speaker of the house kevin mccarthy will be here.


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