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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  September 14, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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youtube. >> okay, thank you, both. david, dennis, great to see you. quick programming note, next week, more audience shows and renning sterling heights at hannity -- register at and tickets are free wednesday ask thursday night. on monday, we'll have an interview with actor sean penn about his documentary. greg gutfeld with a smile on your face. greg: louder. you look yummy. even you shirtless one. president biden is last when it cops to the democratic choice --
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comes to the democratic choice for president. i should read this prompter better. it's not just the right anymore saying the obvious about joe. democratsrealize that biden was fossilized and if he was fuel, they'd refuse to burn him. david ignasious is throwing in the security blanket this week admitting in print that joe is too old to run for reelection or go to the bathroom for that matter. if only he could admit that joe is too old to cut his own food. how daring. it's like admitting to the ladies of the view that they enjoy cashes. this isn't an elderly man's slide into senility. it's operatives conceding to biological and political reality. for those slow on the uptake, he's not just walking toward the light, he's trying to shake its hand. thank you. and so after some throat clearing about how great biden has been as a candidate in a president, hang on a second, i'm trying not to vomit.
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ignasious writes, i don't think biden and vp harris is the line. there's discomfort and baldwin talking out of your ass. but he says a biden and harris campaign in 2024, biden may undo his greatest achievement, making all that illegal money from china by pawning his name like a stolen watch. this means being president is his greatest achievement as president. i wonder what his second greatest achievement is? was it the collapse of afghanistan? or blowing up things too. the most important thing biden did was keeping trump from slithering back into the white house. who needs a president that put this is country first; right? no wonder there were less murders under trump.
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ignasious calls trump nightmare of revenge presidency. that's what the biden administration has been already. ignatius admits biden's age is not just a fox news troupe. thanks so much, dave, turns out we're not the only ones that can count all the way up to 80. unlike joe, we can do it without dozing off. ignatius at the end of nbc defends his surrender to the brevity of human life. >> we're running out of time for there to be a meaningful process of looking at all terntive candidates. he has a moment now where he ought to think about saying no to himself about this fundamental question of running again. there's strong feeling in the country that's bipartisan when he takes office at 82, he's too old to serve a fur year term.
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greg: that electronic noise isn't microphone feedback but biden's life alert button giving him the two minute warning. wow, that's a reference. he keeps claiming there's no evidence of wrong doing and sure, jeffrey epstein killed himself and covid came from a bat. brian selter never touched a pringle and keith obstructing os human friends. if they were true about joe, why are they suddenly admitting what we've all known for years, even before the 2020 election. how do they benefit from admitting that we were right all along. it's like they're pleading guilty to avoid the trial and, yes, they're pretending this is all their idea much like joe biden's speeches.
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gaslight people about a lot of things like diversity is our strength or white supremacy is our biggest domestic threat or corn pop was a bitch. lie to them about inflation and foreign policy and you can even say this mouth breathing hump is the smartest guy you know. he pops like a 2-year-old. the white house press core is catching on or rather they realize they no longer need to pretend biden is mentally fit to be president. it's a stretch to pretend biden is mentally ft. fit to beat john fedderman at checkers. roll it. >> president lied at being at ground zero the day after the september 11 attacks and falsely claimed he saw the pittsburgh bridge attack and claimed his
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grandfather died in the hospital the day before his birthday. what's going ornament with the president? is he believing things that didn't happen happened or just making stuff up? greg: that's the problem we electing a lifelong fabulous with creeping dementia that's now in an all out sprint. does he even know what reality is anymore in order to lie about it? must be hard to remember a past that wasn't there to begin with. all t dems aren't suddenly admitting this because it's the right thing to do but admitting like a 65-year-old stripper, they can't spin it anymore. same reasons ferris wheels contested take chris christie. it's not just joe, it's kamala. other columnists are floating several options to replace harris, including la mayor karen bass, gretchen whitmer and a used cocktail napkin.
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heck, even pelosi when given the opportunity to back kamala can't help but deflect. >> vice president kamala harris the best running mate? >> he think sos and that's what matters. bit way, she's very politically astute. i don't think people give her enough credit. >> do you think she's the best running mate? >> she's the vice president of the united states, people say to me, why isn't she doing this or that? because she's the vice president. that's the job description. you don't do that much. greg: i still give her credit for being able to move her face. back to joe, plenty of 80-year-old americans that are able of handling the american presidency. clint eastwood, william shoot fertilizer, steve doocy. kudos to the dens for admitting it and not to put your eggs in one casket.
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>> it's no longer if he's out for 2024, it's when. give him the gold watch and show him out. he might mistake for a bribe and ask what ukrainian prosecutor he needs to fire. vegas is smart, they'll start taking bets from viewers on what month he'll drop out; right? joe? >> oh, no, no. i'm not going anywhere, man. and nobody's going to do anything about it. you know why; right? because i'm holding a little something. it's called insurance. that's right, you think i got low numbers, take a look at harris poll. laugh it up laughy cathy. greg: welcome tonight's guests,
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he's the only jim i go to when i need to work out. walleye median and co--- kansas city chiefs median and cohost for the jim jordan show. at first you're infatuated then astructure and supportuated. former -- assassinated, mike baker.
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greg. the slogan for obama, can you believe this guy. can ya? you people suck. i hate it when that happens. it's hard to follow a cigar joke. greg: what is your astute analysis here? >> i think biden, i mean, he's got to step aside. he moves like one of the aliens they brought into the mexican congress. greg: yes. >> catatonic old man. i think the democrats are just a bad position. what do you do? it's like trump is very popular with republicans and biden is a mashed potato brained idiot. he's got to go. that's my astute opinion. i was going to say pollute. he stinks. greg: who will be the nominee? greg: you dated marilyn mccoo
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and marilyn davis jr.. >> i did. >> doesn't this feel like an intelligence operation and put the bat post out and all fell in line. did you get the word? >> i d. they ran the column, david ignatius column past me first. and there's no doubt he didn't kind of run this past some washington insiders and he's not going to -- he's been there for so long and knows what he would mean saying he was the only person saying in in print. he ran this past, put it out there, and i would have agreed with jim in the past, i would have said, even a couple of months ago, biden will be the nominee. i believe they're segment the table here. they're deadly afraid of kamala harris and only way to move her off the scene is to have biden step away.
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we retire ceos from major corporations in the mid 60s and move out senior military officials and retire pilots. everybody has an age point except for politicians. politic. greg: i will argue on pornhub, there's a select thing that caters specifically to that. >> yeah, that's where i found you. >> well, so, what would be the acronym then? it's not milf because i'm a dude. >> obviously. >> yeah, obviously. greg: there's that one group video, baker's dozen. anyway. >> yeah, 13 of us. that's true. >> almost broke the bed. greg: kat, isn't it funny how it takes democrats three years to tell the truth? synergy home i don't know, i love -- >> i don't know, i love how
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nancy pelosi handled the kamala question, since her job is literally to do nothing, she's really good at it. she's like, joe's happy with her, that's all that matters. it's like when you introduce for friends to the new guy you're dating and they're like he was nice. which is what you say when you mean ugly and boring. if it was anything else, you'd think of a better word than nice. press them further, as lon as you're happy. greg: yes, that's the worst thing. >> it was savage but can never say that because she was so nice. greg: she's a pro and best possible sense. tie rhus, what if joe doesn't go and dr. jill, a pediatric neurosurgeon that discovered penicillin, leads the resistance. what do you do? >> he's not go going to go or he'd have went. kat hit this on the head so many
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times and i'm stealing in but he didn't say so tough. it's not the number. they keep saying old. old. it's not old. it's him. he's done and he's shot out. he's finished. doesn't care what age you made him, he was always behind no matter what age he was in. go back and look at his history. they're like oh my god, he's telling lice. have you not seen the last 37 years. he's lied about everything and never stops lying. that's the great thing about him getting alzheimers, he doesn't have to remember [bleep]. he's just making it up as he goes. greg: some age well and some don't. >> he's an overachiever. he's aging phenomenally. he's the michael jordan of aging.
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if there was a medal or a championship for aging, that's the guy. greg: that's the guy. all right. >> he's on the cover of malt o meal and food you eat without teeth, that's your guy. >> excuse me, malt o meal is delicious. greg: up next, did a famous yankee flap his gums and betray his crumb. (ella) fashion moves fast. setting trends is our business. we need to scale with customer demand... real time. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) with verizon business, we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility.
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greg: a-rod is crushing pitching but all natural at snitching. yankee star and j-lo cast off alex rodriguez narced on fellow baseball players that used points for maya enhancing drugs in 20146789 no wonder j-lo dumped him, he's literally got tiny balls. part of the infamous biogenesis doping scandal. you remember that and same one that almost brought down olympic weight lifter randi wiengarten. he received 211 game suspension. the yankees tried to trade for a bag of dirty jock straps and no
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one would take it and in exchange, prosecutors gave him so-called queen for a day status, which meant whatever he shared with authorities couldn't be used against him in later legal proceedings. green for a day is what we call jesse watters birthday in the office. it's the same reg min gio joy behar is on. 12 grand a month, that's infuriating and i have to pay twice as much and back in the day, a-rod advised to use midstream urine as a sample. midstream urine. that's my chosen method for the "fox & friends" coffee pot.
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tie rhus -- >> i knew this was coming. greg. the whole concept of getting people to roll over on other people under the guides of cooperation is kind of gross but if you were in that situation, what would you have done? >> first of all, go to a doctor immediately and why is my pea spread. that would be the first question. midstream, this means you had several streams, that's the red flag. greg: in the middle of the stream. >> it's one straight power move, brother. i don't know about you. >> when you stop the stream, then put the cup down. >> i'd have a hernia and pass out. fellas, right, you can't stop, that's a power given to women, not us. greg: i went to the rally called stop the stream. >> you would be because you're an evil little man. there's no friends. listen, when you get caught, listen, if it's a murder trial, and you're like, look, johnson, tell us who was in it and we'll go easy on you. i get it. but you were put in the cream and gummies, guess my ass.
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gummies didn't come back till three years ago and injections and everything because you wanted it and got that $100 million contract and no one else did, you take the l. burying the other guys didn't change your outcome. you just wanted everyone else to get in trouble. he's the guy that gets caught cheating and tells on everybody else. he's the guy you're out playing hide and go seek, come on out, guys. jean, they caught us. that's who he s. they should have caught those guys on your own. everyone take as test and you get him. gave him a pass and made an example out of him. if you take that chance and want that glory and you get caught, you pay the bill. shut up like a man and pay the bill. it was your choice. nobody held him down. greg: yeah, except for madonna. >> at that time, moten donna could have held anyone down because it was madonna then not now. she also won an award for aging.
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greg: yes. mikey, you're on the other side and in law enforcement. this kind of thing is something you probably d right? >> i wasn't in law enforcement. it was intelligence community. greg: not asking specific questions. >> i know. okay. but, yeah, once you -- never mind. i can't even say that on tv. look, i agree with tyrus 100%. he should have kept his yap shut. she was caught and d deal with e consequences at that point. hormone gummies would be a great name for a band. greg: that's true. >> that's all i got. greg: that wasn't a lot. jimmy, save a segment from mike's disaster. >> i don't -- i understand why you guys say that but if i get caught using steroids, i'm telling on everybody. because it shouldn't be illegal, because it makes you better. greg: we drink coffee all day. >> i take viagra all day because it makes me better.
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i don't mind them doing that and i don't expect baseball players that are cheating to have the code of silence like 1940s mob guys. he's a typical american. we're a country of tattle tales, we snitch on each other and point the finger and we had done nothing but bitch and rat each other out and he's a rat. that's who we are. that's what i would co. i would snitch -- i've never done steroids but if i find out you're doing them, i'm telling everybody. greg: kat, what can you contribute to the sports story? >> well, i want to be sensitive to all the americans out there who were not blessed with as much testosterone as i was. first of all. no, see, the thing about snitching is it sucks but also people do it because it sucks but they'll get something out of it. he didn't get anything out of snitching here other than looking like a cheater and a guy who snitches. so it's not like he got -- he
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had nothing out of it. i'm not surprised by this. but also it's just so lame if like you're doing something bad with someone else and you throw them under the bus. now you're a bad person and a snitch. greg: you got to worry and think about who you hang with. >> i know, it's so much too late for me. greg: i know. >> so too late. greg: yeah, since they caught that escaped criminal in pennsylvania, i mean, he's going to talk kat. >> it was a long time ago. greg: he was wearing your eagles sweatshirt. all right. we've had enough, hasn't we? okay. up next, a union hypocrite who's full of it. [ applause ].
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greg: welcome back to jerk or super jerk. the president of the chicago's
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teacher's union stacey gates sends her own child to a private catholic school. yeah, i know. jerk. but hold on, in the past she's called private schools "segregation academies. that makes her a super jerk. even cnn of all places sees through her crap. >> you're make ago choice because perhaps -- making a choice because perhaps you can afford to do that because a lot of chips act parents don't because they can't afford it. >> we are faced within chicago is an absence of a choice. it's an absence of resources and furthermore school choice in this country has been anchored to a very racist and angry right wing. greg: that makes her a racist. she said she wasn't speaking out against private schools but school choice. what is she talking about?
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>> i don't know but she's like my son wanted to play soccer. why didn't you say so then? everyone knows it's racist except for if it's a soccer thing. then obviously there is a difference between private schools and school choice, and it's that if you can't afford it, then you shouldn't be able to have a choice. that's what she's saying basically; right? i think honestly, school choice advocates should be ashamed of themselves because nobody made a better case for school choice than this woman did. just now. greg: i can't believe that was on cnn. holy crap, what's going on over there, jim, academic scholar. you've been studying this for years and the reason why you drive around the schools. >> yes, it. 501 feet. i don't mind this lady because
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is anybody surprised that anybody in public life is a liar. there's no surprise at all. like she's a good parent. this woman's a good parent. as a public figure, she's a pile of garbage but a good parent. she's a liar and hypocrite and sucks but as a parent, she did the right thing. i'm never surprised by people being duplicitous or dishonest. i'm not surprised that people from blm move to white neighborhoods and i'm not surprised that jerry did what he did allegedly with a pool boy. the same thing i would have done. greg: they why they get into the pool boy business. >> of course, to watch your wife get it properly. i don't fault any of these people. i have no expectations of them so i'm never shock when had they fall short. greg: this is why mikey, if you're going to be a progressive, you've got to be in power and you're exempt from your own rules. >> i'm sorry.
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that's true. greg: yeah. control yourself, mikey. >> i'm sorry, i love jim norton, man. yeah, look, the fact that she's rarely against school choice and chose to put herself in a private school, i don't know how many times we have to have examples of duplicity and in public life like jim said. i got three boys and scooter slug going mugsy and one in private school. greg: does he play soccer? >> no, basketball at the academy and finest student athlete and academic center in the country. greg: howal is he? >> he's growing and almost your height. he's growing. greg: that's funnier than kenya.
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>> no one holds a grudge like gutfeld. >> you're going to get a nasty e-mail. all of you. >> it's been a while. >> a scathing e-mail. greg: a scathing e-mail. >> she didn't want her child to go through that and that's racest too and he wanted to play soccer and black schools don't have the sport and that's too bad. thank as lot, lady. >> isn't the cheapest sport running. you just run. >> i should have done that in the last segment.
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>> the rope costs money and then you need running shoes and little things to jump out of. so meh. whenever i say something conservative, my blackness is taken away bivinyls like -- individuals like that . greg: that's a good point. >> hand it over. are you going to put it in the jar. they love the racism and all the things they're expecting and the group and everything wrong in the world and that's not really there. any parent doing something better than your child and parents that can't afford to send children to school. they don't read the script and they don't read the script and stick to the narrative and literally has something to do with their real life and i'm my
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uncle tom. we catch him doing it red handed and we don't do that. >> interesting thing she said in an interview. sorry to jump in. seemed like she was implying before moving one of her kids into the private school, it seemed like she was implying she was having her kids in public school because it helped her narrative as the -- >> so get i elected. >> he straight up said that the reason i'm legitimate in seeing that is because my kids are in public schools. she says that and not legitimate. >> got elected and pulled them out greg: her political career is more important than her children's education. >> going to get pulled out of soccer and go to running school. >> running school. greg: i hated running. i hated track and field. what's field anyway?
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i just, you know. what is field. it should just be track. >> isn't field like javelin. >> you jump over stuff. >> that's what we do in midtown, we jump over stuff. >> hammer throw. >> don't say baseball field or basketball court. you don't say i play baseball field. >> what's your son do? he plays basketball court. greg: we've got to move on. we stumbled upon an epiphany and that means the name of my child. the is one i kidnap. we're not an airline, but our network connects global businesses across nearly 160 markets. ♪ we're not a startup, but our innovation labs use new technologies to help keep your information secure. ♪ we're not architects,
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how long have you been tracking the value of our car? should we sell it? we hold... our low mileage is paying off. you think we should... hold... hoooold!!! hooold! now!!!! i'm on it. i'm, on it. already sold to carvana. go to carvana and track your car's value today. greg: why do you do this to me? it's a good question and one i ask when producers present me with a story that offers an
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endless array of sexual innuendo and it's not my fault when i happen to indulge. for example, a subway, subway in pakistan is now offering a 3-incher because inflation ravaged their economy. yeah, it's pakistan and not the united states, but i don't care. you know, 3 inches. baker, do you know what it's like to have a 3-incher? >> god, how many different ways could i get in trouble now for answering this. i'll go a different direction. i'm going to leave that to jim. but this is not unusual. you travel around the world, chips act sometimes do. the franchise, it's the fast food restaurant we know in the state and they often adapt to local requirements or cultures or environments that they're operating, so you see different types of food in what would be a normal familiar restaurant.
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the royal with cheese in amsterdam. that would be the big mac of course. greg: this is quite a history lesson. >> you're welcome. >> i thought you said a course, like that was something people knew. >> the quarter pounder. greg: should have just stuck to [bleep]. >> yeah, to answer your question, never mind. >> let's move on, shall we? greg: jim, that went worse than i thought. >> mike, a 3-incher. i mean, i appreciate you doubling the size of my penis. a 3-inch sub, chop it up on a mirror and snort it. stop it. if people have having a hard timetablely, then lower the price of a sub so people can eat
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a real meal. 3 inches of anything is not good. greg: unless it's girth. >> that's not true at all, make it is hard to sit. >> that's a good point because if you dress left or right. greg: shut up, mike. >> i'm thinking. that's the problem. kat, only woman on the panel, what say you? >> interesting i'm the only woman on the panel and yet i have the biggest [bleep]. it's true. >> no one's going to argue that with her. if anyone wants to keep their job and your life and your career, she wins. >> if this was not a tv show, we'd put them right out there on the table. >> wait, would you -- is the fact this is a tv show what's stopping you from doing that?
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>> i just fell in love with kat. greg: so, tyrus, same question. >> i don't know, i went in the snow a few times and noticed some shrinkage. it's sad. it's sad that that's what it's got to. it's coming here. you know, you go out for a meal of food and get an hors d'oeuvre, that's pretty mean. that doesn't even look delicious at all. even if you shrink that down, a 3-inch sub, you're getting a half a to ma'am toe, couple -- tomato, couple pieces of lettuce and just some seasoning. there's nothing, you can't be that hungry -- i'd rather -- let's go hungry. all that's going to do is give you a memory of what it was like to have food in your stomach.
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that's not enough. greg: i think they should do this in america, i think, because it's like stuff is too big except that they would just keep charging the same price. >> then somebody with 75 3-inch subs talking about i'm cutting back. >> yeah. >> we managed to avoid the squeeze box joke sos that's good. greg: i don't even know what that means. >> never mind. >> by saying he didn't avoid it. greg: we should get the hell out of this segment so we have another show. >> i think we should stay on it. greg: i'll be announcing a new fox nation special all about 3-inchers. >> yeah, i couldn't be on that show. greg: up next, do socks in bed help bacteria spread?
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greg: a story in five words: don't wear socks to bed. re-sempers are telling people not -- researchers telling people not to wear socks to bed and often contain the same fecal
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droppings and cockroaches. i'm glad that joey jones isn't on the panel tonight. >> he'd be laughing his ass off, relax. greg: that joke was approved. i have a video. >> greg, of course you can make a joke about my legs. it's not that big a deal. i just had them blown off in afghanistan. this is just another way i can serve my country with laughs at my expense. get it, bud. greg: tim, socks or no socks in bed? >> yes, but i put them on my pillow. >> roaches and fecal matter, they say that to make the story spicier. there's also good things in roaches fecal matter like little bits of cookie and doughnuts. greg: take into consideration he's make ago really good point.
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>> thank you, greg. greg: tyrus, isn't our government telling us to eat insects and now telling us not to wear socks. >> this is the dumbest show. i'm mad at this. you walk about in socks and you're going to get [bleep]. it was your birthday earlier this week and i had a gift for you but you made it really weird and now getting ready to go -- a big show coming up. we had to make videos and stuff. i made mine and understanding i had gave you your gift. greg: you just -- >> no, i'm going to look like a bad gift giver and had a banner year and championship year. this was probably the biggest year of your career birthday wise and stuff. so, you know, if i got him a belt myosize, he could never wear it and i got a happy birthday, greg. greg: yeah, i hope i can hold
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this with one hand. >> you want me to button it for you. greg: this is amazing. you know i'm going to wear this. kat, do you wear socks in bed? i can ask it, it's part of the story. >> no, i don't. but also this isn't a real story. greg: really? >> i hope not. i hope nobody's life is so sad and weird and they're like i love to wear socks in bed and it's a simple joy in bed and now i've got this article and i don't wear socks but i sleep with a cat that uses a litter box on me. he sleeps on me and 13 years old and i am still alive. >> i'm sure he wipes his kitty baas. baa paws. >> he washes his hands. greg: i kiss my dog and the way he puts his mouth is disgusting. >> sleeping in bed why you, getting all the germs in the world.
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greg: mikey, dirty socks spread pathogens. do you wear socks to bed and spiderman pajamas. >> mid 70s, late 70s porn check greg: yeah, there was a day back then. >> i don't think you were in the cia at all. greg: everybody doing an extensive search. don't go away, we'll be right back.
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i was just illustrating a point. oh. get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv we're oust of time. studio audienceful fox next time of i love you, america. [applause] >> good evening it is 8 p.m. on the west coast 11 in new york city this is america's late news. fox news @night >> hunter biden from a sweetheart plea deal to federal indictment on firemans charges that could land him in prison for 10 years. many are wondering why it took 5 years to bring the charges kevin is live in dc with miles an hour hunter biden 'mounting legal problems. good evening >> good evening. they are wondering this information has not only known


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