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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  September 14, 2023 8:00pm-9:00pm PDT

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ng a point. oh. get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv we're oust of time. studio audienceful fox next time of i love you, america. [applause] >> good evening it is 8 p.m. on the west coast 11 in new york city this is america's late news. fox news @night >> hunter biden from a sweetheart plea deal to federal indictment on firemans charges that could land him in prison for 10 years. many are wondering why it took 5 years to bring the charges kevin is live in dc with miles an hour hunter biden 'mounting legal problems. good evening >> good evening. they are wondering this information has not only known by federal authorities for a
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time. years. charges of this sort when there is an a bundzance of convincing evidence don't tick dwroers come about it is months and here we are. biden has been charged with making a false stip in the purchase of a fire arm. and count 2 charged with making a false statement related information required to be kept bia federal firearm's left lanesed dealer. counsel 3, a count of possession of a firearm by a person unlawful user or addicted a controlled substance. biden's larceny say, listen thshg is a gross over reach and in a front to justice. >> this office never brought a charge like this against anybody when they are bring thanksgiving charge t is buzz somebody had the gun in the commission of a crime. they have bought multiple guns
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or felon in possession this is in the true by hunter biden. >> residence are hardly satisfied by the latest legal sand trap. hunter found himself inform they argue it is the tip of an iceberg of charges and and terrible charges that ultimately will ensnare the president himself. >> is that is one of a dozen primes that hunter biden committed and this is the one crime that he committed that you cannot tie joe bide know into which we'll see what happens with the other upon 11 crimes that the president's son committed >> there are other potential charges that were not announced today including involving faira the foreign agent registration act biden could face serious prison time >> kin live in dc, thank you. bring in form are national security prosecutor and author of government gang sters the
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first question is what we started the show off, why in the world would they indict now. why not 5 years ago isn't information has not changed during that time. >> good evening am trace, you are right as a form are prosecutor with department of justice the ruleers simple. whenever a plea deal impoliced or a defendant does in the accept the plea deal the rule of law of law at department of justice you bring crimes that the defendant some have been charged with but spared. 5 years ago this is a fun crime not a complicated offense i handled a thousand gun case simple crime this is individual possess today and there is a witness in the process. >> and they had it. the question guess on the fbi. we know that the fish obstructed an interview of hunter biden and fbi block today. i think we need to go further in
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that via congress. ure right should have been brought years ago not with the allegations butt tax fraud. see if than i come. >> the house over site chair is in the happy about the gun charge. here is had he said. watch. >> an indictment for money laundering. tax evasion the list goes on and on. you never heard me say anything about gun charges. so -- that's the one crime he committed you cannot tie to joe biden >> well is separation the gun crimes and separate him from his father as much as we can. if i skeptical or you reading that the same thing? >> it is for nouchl seem to bes that way. one thing no one is talking about there is a tie directly to the biden family with this gun charge. you have a witnessful the
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witness that shows hunter possessed the firearm. that witness is haily biden. formy wife beau biden now disease the and carried on a relationship with hunter. she has been in the grand jury and sharing family informing about the gun charge but the narcotics addiction that hunter had surround being the gun charge and she'll have to testify in federal court should hunter not wrap this up in a plea deem. bidence are coming inform there is a 2 tier system of justiceace play. a client i represent if they po sesdz a gun they were charged offer night not 5 years later >> does this go to sfloil do they revive the plea deal? what happens? >> the plea trail is off. it upon cannot be revived the d. justice has with drawn that could resolve on the gun charge temperatures remember the thing that imploded this agreement they thought office a global
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plea and hunter's team said, no you are telling mow it is in the a global plea for the tax frud and criminal conduct. but it night resolve in a pardon from his father >> another political aspect we're going to delve into. great to have you on. bring in lee carter. and gary advisor to the senate judiciary commit each thank you, left us off, would president biden indict pardon his son? joy would not be surprise spiezed. we can't help but wonder will this satisfy people's need to say well is 2 tier system of justice. it will not. you saw residence call thanksgiving out and saying this is one charge. that is not tieed joe biden. this will be a big problem. >> white house says that he will
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not pardon his son. mike davis you know said he can't pardon his continue biden knows he cannot pardon him that would leave to disasterous consequences boor november 5 of 24 if pardons he cannot refuse to testify before congress. like a chess match. you have the political things he could have his son on trial and opponent on trial during the election. >> absolutely. mike is right here. they are on the record the who you haves saying they will not pardon him and you can't here with when you have to do with oversight. take a step back the interesting thing about this here is hunter obviously charged with i gun crime and something democrats cared about. care about you know not getting weapons in illegal low possessed by people who should not have them. am tax fraud it is hard to
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defends this. if you take a bigger step back this would not have been discover federal this judge in delaware did not ask bask questions. they attempted to give him no jail time for the illegal possessions the tax fraud and tried to give back door pardon on the foreign charges. we are here a few weeks later. the last thing, james comb cert right all the things the charges the bank accounts. profiting off of joe biden's name and house republicaningly the get to the bottom >> goal in this direction now. stand by if you would. we have new fox poling on what voters think about the alleged corruption in the 2024 presidential campaign. matt has more and when voters are saying about the soundsness of the front runners in each party. >> matt, >> according to the fox poles tonight a growing majority of
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voters think president biden does not have the soundsness for office. same time, voters are growing more confident in trump's cognitive ability. 61% serving in a pole says biden does not have the mental st. john'ses upon eversoundness to serve as president that sky rocketed from 39% back in the summer of 2020. 46% say trump as the ment soundsness to serve 10 percent higher than biden's mental soundness and voters can have the from trump jumped to 46 percent now a topic consumptionp corruption the biden gun charge is the at this point iceberg trump now indicted 4 times. voters say the word, corrupt described trump than biden.
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upon compared to 56% for trump. electric how president biden match up against leading republican candidate fist voters were to vote tonight biden would lose to trump by 2 points. biden beat desantis 47 to 44% and down a bit nikki haily would beat biden 45-43%. today president biden taughted bidonommics designed to groat economy from the middle tomorrow fox news will reles now pole in which voters tell us how they feel about the economy now. trace. jot number are interesting, matt live in l.a. thank you. bring back the opinion. ly cart and garretment to put up does biden have mental soundness to serving the numberers stung. you look there you go from september of 23, to now the yes
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is 49% down to 36%. one on the right s surprised mow from 45% no to 61% say he does not have the mental soundness. if you are white house this is a big number >> gotta be a very big concern it is a big number they are putting up big knobs 25 million dollars in advertising they are spending now to convince us joe biden is mentally sound and competent to run this i'm not sure tell work. when you look at the pole there is is a trend a huge decline. over time, it is 3 points a month. staggering it is death boy a thousand cuts there is in the much he can say. >> that is the thing you look at these and hay are trying to spin numbers but these are numbers that change and people across the country and within the dem sdrat accuratic party say, yea, he is too old >> 60% of voters saying that is
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in the a republican we see news articles and public statements from folks the washington post said joe biden should in the run againful age is a factor for joe biden. the reason suare seeing any time he is in public he is falling upstairs there are questions of whether or not his age will play a factor most think that. with president trump it is divided. those are democrat this is don't like him with joe biden well is support for his age and the match up for trump and biden the 48 to 46. obviously dominating by 50 points and if you dig in the numbers winning against biden in poling surging with black, hispanic voters, over 45 am women. white women of >> i want to put these up mt talked about this. it is astounding the former
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president there the enemy neil preference keeps going up. everybody else lee is run nothing place or back and he skips the debate and moves up. >> he tapped into something people believe you talk about the 2 tier sufficiency justice there are people that believe and 78% of americans not just a republican issue, believe well is a system that treats people unfairly who elite ruling better than others. they don't consider trump to be part of that ruling class. trump saysil fight had. i am the symbol of that temperature is resonating. people are tired of the unfairness and something this is visceral and that keeps catapulting in the poles >> 15 seconds >> it is simple here. trump is dominating by 50 points. next close oshg poenlts the general election well is talking boy from the talking boy.
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he eats up 48% of the vote no one is close. haily, scott and desantis is lose to by theeden. he is dominating the primary and the best to defeat biden >> lee said he latched on to something. >> something people are concerned about. lee, garret thank you >> bar in new york bank account latest victim of the jewel crime crisis with kids emboldened by lack of consequence. live in new york with more. ash low. >> hi. trace in january new york barred the arrest and prosecution of children under 12 for virtually all crimes 2018 a raise the age law took the age of criminal responsibility from 16 to 18. those laws are in part driving a surge in youth crime a group of kyled thieve who is target new york city embarrass. a bar owner tells the post one
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thief appeared no older than said said the police can't arrest me. there has been a staggering 80% jump in the number of. s rested for robbery and 23% hike in arrests for felony assaults. there rare low is anywhere to put offenders they go out and commit more crimes. >> have a lot of young people out here committing crimes that definitely need to go to jail. you kill someone you shoot someone you stab someone you need to go to jail >> not just in new york estate nation's capitol is seeing a surge in youth crime over a dozen juveniles kill third degree year alone. the most recent a teen shot and kill in the daylight walk to his job at a subshop. the city instituted a youth curfew 11 p.m. to sick a.m. a
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mother of a shooting victim there are called to get tougher on the youth and often repeat offenders. >> trace >> live in new york. thank you. >> let fox news @night common sense department noticed teen crime risen. a reason for this is because teen crimes guess update penalties go downful common sense thinks 15, 16 and 17 years old know they have a green light to commit crime they will commit crime. if adult criminals understand teens will not get punished the adults let the teens do their dirty w this is not just shop lifting or retail n. capitol the policy put in place by left attorney general schwab result in few season and 17 year olds charged as adults.
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for murder, rim and robbery. and for the rare exceptions that get charged the vast majority don't go to prison and those that he want do go to prison are set free when they are 21. because the dc attorney general says kids are kids employed kids will soon be the adult special live their lives. the dead will always be dead. and common sense thinks the family sdms friends of those who got kill boyd a teen will wonder when putting someone in the grounds became kid stuff. >> let's bring in inspector and founder of ops desk. org. paul moore. >> opposite desk >> grit on have you on. this is from the new york post they write this about crime. head line new york child thieves target embarrass leaving owners overwhelmed with thefts the police can't arrest me i'm just
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a kid. >> they're 10 and you think the kids are bad but not dumb. they know how to plate game. jue have to say what is this kid going to be like sick years from now. clearly his option in limp are narrowing it is thanks to his parents the recourse in this situation the kids be follow up on i do juvenile report you can't lockup a 10 year old what is will happen the killed be remove from the environment encouraging this. number two, if it does turn out this is per of an organized endeavour t look update parents. there are charges. there are things you can do to enforce the parents expecting that enforce inspect new york city, good luck >> you go down the studies and every 10, 15, 16, 17 year oldz
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if they are shop lifting and go a couple years down the load and they're arrested again and again and the crimes more i have lent. >> that's right. as i was saying as they get old 30 is when they are growing up in. new york estate age of criminal responsibility 16ful they raise today to 17 that was novelty enough for the progressive caucus in new york council and up in albany they raise today again to 18. >> so if you are 16 and 17, okay, which is pretty old you in that bucket which you can act impunity you will get away with murder. this is interesting. they never were00 why do they think it is working the crime numbers going up. put nothing legislation or attempting to things where the judge when is they're look at what the kids have done they are not allowed look at earlier record. that was kid stuff you can't if you mean get a judge now
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sentenced a kid with 16 priors. >> migrant crisis. nypd examine a flood of retirements after the new york mayor slash over time for migrant cost cut to cover the migrants you lose police officers and crime guess back up. >> i saw what the cops tell me this is called the rank and file will operation doom this . is all a spill rolling series of bad decisions and anybody what walks around the city no way they believe we are going in the right direction. why paul. great to have you. >> thank you. >> coming up when nasa is saying about the existence of ail yens. if you are into ufo's or u ap's you will be fascinated by the new information. later in the night cap, the most trouble you have been in? whether or not your parents, boss may be the law?
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no judgment we want to know, hit us up x and instagram weigh in we'll show you the results. it is 11:20 on the east coast. a live look new york city! and the live look at denver, colorado the mile high city where harvey are settling inform if you can't join us live, do not forguest to set your dvr and watch us the sooner of the better. we will be right back. teeth seny is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patents say: “you know doc, it really works." do you struggle with occasional nerve aches in your hands or feet? try nervive nerve relief from the world's number one nerve care company. nervive contains ala to relieve nerve aches,
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fiance as her spouse on travel forms. file with the house ethics despite the couple engaged. office told the free beacon they are not legally married house ethics recognized spouse to long-term partner >> viral sensation oliver anthony apologized for high price of ticket in knoxville he cancelled now. anthony criticized the venue for raising prices and charging for meet and grieve his shows are supposed to be affordable >> bill mar says hi hbo show will return next week despite his writers on instructor:. sympathizes concerns but his other staff can is losing money the youn plans to picket his she >> nfl quarter back aaron rogers on the road to recovery after
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surgery after could take 6 months to a year bring in doctor america. grit to have you on. aaron rogers just posted social media. you can lead me. surge row went great yesterdayment thank you for all the love and prayers and support and thanks to doctor and his staff for starting me on the road to recovery. is he on the road? he is threat. 39 next season playing again it seems like it is i bad injury at an older age >> yes. he is the oldest player in the nfl now and the oldest quarter become and the worse injury you can have and deposit 6 months of rehab. a lot is courage and personal condition verification and kevin dur not came become in the nba and the level he was before. i say he would never do this he had 25-30 points i game.
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and kobe did it twice. you were a formy college quarter become you know it is he needs mobility. known for mobility. and known for getting back and quick getting become in the pocket j. he may fet this back. >> even if you lose a millisecond getting back you are 39 and you are you slowed down a step you are this much more vulnerable. this is the question everybody has. guaranteed and durrant thirty-four was younger but in the 24. i think that it say possibility hole come back. most likely to your point come become in a lower level will not be where he is now. you want to put this pole up temperature is interesting joe biden the mental soundness to serve. numbers have gone down. you know 36% say yes and 39% 3 years ago and 61% say, no, he does not have it.
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when are a taking away just he is not as well spoken when is the thing or the meadia hit this down. that pole rather not that twhon says americans say he is too old to serve. you can be old but chuck grass low and really sharp or not sharp like diane feinstein with biden he has so many periods now where he does not quite with aaron rogers. you lose a baptist agility and a new york times oped making that for the 86 world series the bull went through bill buckner's leg and the mets one his legs were injury whatted if there is a foreign threat? trace. as a doctor i mother and head of the cdc i homicide you get the
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latest covid booster butt florida general says don't get it if you are under 65 joyment think the cdc over reacted i want to say a lot of immunity in the community from prior covid they will not recognize and prior vaccines we have immunity the virus is milder but hospitalizing people. bottom line. let it go to the doctor's office. let the doctor and patient decide people high risk and oshg bees and the elder low, i will offer it to them. am i going on offer it to 20 year olds. no. if they ask, yes. how about choice. if you typeset take it >> doctor , great to have you and see you. >> no ail yens the head line from ina reportom ufo's the space agency says does not know what the objects are this we have seen on video in the last month there is is nothing to indicate nonhumans are involved that contradicts testimony in
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congress. the nasa tome did not find evidence this u ap have an et or gin >> after nasa commissioned a dozen exerts to electric what the gentleman terms unexplained phenomenona. >> wow. >> what is this? >> incidents like this. those experts reached a conclusion. that more study is needed. >> we don't know what the u ap are. we will find out. iot biggest difficulty according to the panel of scientists is this they don't know what they don't know. >> anomalies that is the case looking for things weapon don't understand if you find something strifrj in a haystack know what hay looks like >> ina made a prom when we find we'll tell.
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>> ryan graves. testified at a hear thanksgiving summer on his experience of unexplained phenomenonasm we don't know where they are from hat or gin of the objects are and nature that simple why nas sa is getting involve they'd employ there are expertise to understand photocopy there is life. ina officials say they want to move u ap debate from conjecture and conspiracy toward science and sanity. tric science and sanity take time. we will wait aglongtory find out the truth this is out well. >> trace? >> thank you. coming up, praying parents silence in the virginia when they planning for the next school board meeting. a terrifying encounter with alligator in texas and groomer guess all out for his doggie
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with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. oh. [dog barks] no it's just a bunny! only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ >> efforts under way to block president trump from the 2024 bell on the using the 14th amendment new hampshire secretary of state says there are no legal grounds to do so. bring in criminal defense attorney bob biafternooningy and lecty. thank you for coming on. great to be new york with you. i want to put this up on the screen. i don't i want to hear from him this is what the new hampshire secretary of state said about president trump and the 14th amendment. >> no mention this a candidate in a new hampshire presidential proirm can be disqualified using the 14th ma'am of the
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constitution referencing insurrection or rebel yen >> back and forth on this. would you agree or disagree? i agree. this is a very dangerous slippery slope. there has instead been a factual determination by anybody whether or not well has been a rebellion and not an inindictment for this there was impeachment and not guiltyy verdict. not a try. so where are the fact sns who determines these facts. if we go down that slope we will have blue states red candidates off the slate and red having blue. this is dangerous >> you can't california are really blue like new york and say, no we are not allowing anybody on the bell on the. >> people have dragged trump for years what happened on january 6 saying afront to particular the
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afront to democracy is an official in a state saying you are not on the ballot you will not on there i didn't like what you did on a certain day. i thought it was a rebellion. the left is saying this is self executing. there does not have to be a determination to get them off the ballot this is subject to court involve am >> this is something we cover a lot. the parents being schools keeping secrets from parents. circuit court are suspect keeping gender things from parents. the idea this parent vs a constitutional right to be alerted when their child used new pronouns at school temperature says but cast doubt on teachers refer their child. they went in the private school and public school thing and all the information to decide whether or not you want to put your kid in private school and the school gives that
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information to make the proper decision. >> the schools is compulsary a child goes to school. when the child goes to school it is called parents stand in the place of the parent not a substitute for the parent. what is happening now is this they are with holding information from the parents in a dubious way creating a frishgz between the student and the parents. i can't imagine when they talk about the legal term shock the conference nothing is more shocking when you don't know what the teachers are doing, it should be the family that is make the decisions or aprize whatted the teachers tell them. >> >> it is unbelievable we live in a world it is news worthwhiled everworthy they are questioning this. than i should be. everybody should be. what is news worthy there are larceny saying teachers can't be expected to tell parents
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everything that goes on with kids who than i play with at recess. that judge said well is a much birth issue when they are identifying as than who they are play with at recess. you can't give a kid an aspirin without calling mom and dad. nurse would not let my kid have a cough drop he would go in all the time if she did. >> i federal judge halted the new mexico goner open and conkeele sealed carry of guns. >> there are limits to everyone's power even the governor and president's poush no one is above the law that is our message you are not above the law >> they have 10 seconds your thoughts. jue can't over committee legislator it is the will of the people if you mean want to change t change the lu. you don't do things by executive fiat. a political sfunt and said you know we will see if is is
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institutional this is something to cater to some portion of her bills it is unconstitutional. >> >> great to see you, thank you >> good to see you >> parents told to stop pray nothing a dool school board meet nothing virginia what they will do at next meeting. here is lauren green. the spirit in me said no. i will not be squashed out. i thought, give me the words i got on my feet and out came the lord's prayer and i closed my eyes yoochl peeking to the media. smith a mother of 6 explained why she instigated the reciting of the lord's prayer in a virginia school board meet nothing august. while the board chair called on police to clear the room >> when i opened my eyes and sought officer in front of me. >> can you -- clear the room? >> smith was react to a tense
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interchange with parent kill got gore and the chair over whether or not she had a right to pray for students in the school >> to priis not permitted. >> that's correct. they are our children. we it can't happen anymore. we gotta pray for them >> 2 women met this night. both expressed current school board was purke back against governor young guidelines for lbgtq+ students. that gives parents not the government control of their children. >> we need to pray for our students and prifor the people that issed welling our students. so that they make the right decisions. >> next week the school board is holding another meeting about notification and lbgtq+ students. both women plan to attend and appropriateed pray. >> trace? >> lauren, thank you. >> break news in fox news @night
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the united autoworkers talking in les than 15 minutes expected to go on instructor:with within 50,000 contracts expiring at midnight. 3 fact yes gm in momornings ford in michigan and scombreem in ohio are part of that strike. we have seen in the writer instructor:this could go on for a time unless they come to terms oui keep up updated on the news as we get closer to the top of the hour. >> first ump in viral vools the first wild spotless giraffe in after cathe second of its kinds the first in a tennessee zoo in year. the time we thought it was the only one whochlt knows. may be there is a lot merchandise large alligator swam toward kids in a lake in texas. the kids tried get on shore. a woman moved toward the gator
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with a floaty. other parents join in the and everybody did get out just fine on time. >> i think this type of work brings you to everyone. the dog ordinance the dog gets attention and the dog is social they just get the attention in the world. >> a groomer in san diego meated a name by making his clients look like works of art. dog ordinance get their puppies cover in the animal prints. the cost from 5 to 1200 bucks. it is fashion week in new york. fashion ain't free! will cost you cabbage. if you want your dog to look like that will cost you >> next 91 of us are perfect somewhere worse. what is the most trouble you have been in? be honest. there is time to weigh in on x and instagram the night cap crew is next. clear clear ♪ we're not writers,
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back request matt fin and ashley, doctor mark and lexy drub trouble the most trouble you have been in be honest. kevin. don't give us you know i got a d
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on a report occurred. kevin what is the trouble. jot biggest trouble i was ever in growing up, i witness to being a newspaper left on our forever gets cold in colorado and through it up to the window and shattered my mom's huge bedroom window took days to be replaced. this was trouble. why i never been dis, point in the my life. mt fin! >> okay. trace some are forgiven and forgot sxen not to be mentioned on television. pg answer is one time i put the holt or my grandfather's grount pool and boil temperatured i left it on for days. why the jacuzzi pool. love temperature doctor america? >> 8 years old, trace, there was a mark hater club and through rocks at me and my father said go to the ring lead and are punch him in the facism did and
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got in trouble but they never brothered mow again. >> are you kidding. >> so true! [laughter]. >> believe it or not in high school cell phones were not like they are now i let somebody use motorbike 2 feet off of school grounds and the security guard said both of you get on school grounds you have 3 detentions and my mom treat mid like a convict for it. >> [laughter]. >> i was for you years old. i was attempt to help the neighbors building a new home. my brother exit within and paint today. helpful. marble and everything. my parents insurance got cans emed. it was bad. >> oh , that is it i of thrown in jail one time i will tell but it later. the pole machine when gets in trouble 18. on gram gram 11 percent i got i few. dan i drove through the front in
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a 7/11 once. 47s and borrowoed a golf cart and drove it in i pond at my parent's golf course. who does not do this. >> right >> thank you, doctor america, and kevin, matt thank you for joining the night cap and watching i'm trace in new york we will see you back in new york tomorrow. n detergent, but we ended up using three times as much and the clothes still weren't as clean as with tide. so we're back with tide, and the clothes are clean again. do 3x the laundry and get a tide clean. it's got to be tide. teeth sensitivity is so common. it immediately feels like somebody's poking directly on the nerve. i recommend sensodyne. sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. and my patents say: “you know doc, it really works." ♪ my name is josh sanabria and i am the owner at isla veterinary boutique hospital. i was 5...6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. once alexandra called me to let me know
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here's "the five." >> i'm greg jessy waters and sun bathes under a glass. david the 5. >> joe biden problems got worse his son indicted on 3 gun charges relying on a federal furthermore 3 years ago cracked out and the same one toss in the i garbage can he blameod the legals. he


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