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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  September 15, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT

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to the days of bill mallory and chuck fairbanks long before bill macartney won the national championship. the excitement an level of interest in boulder and all around the state of colorado is at a fever pitch. so to see what he is doing and to see what these kids are doing out there. really we are coming. we are coming. >> bill: i love the anecdote about tom brady, too. enjoy the game. see how it goes. everybody is watching colorado now. thank you, jim. nice to see you back on the program. >> good to see you, bill. >> bill: disturbing development as we get an hour along the southern border. new images showing migrants packed into cages outside a facility in arizona before releasing them into communities and sending them on their way fueling a migrant crisis in cities across the country hundreds or thousands of miles
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away. national story. dana has the day off. i'm bill hemmer. >> sandra: that's exciting about colorado. >> bill: we'll see how they do this weekend. the story could get better. >> sandra: new pictures out of the border. i'm sandra smith into dana. some sanctuary cities are complaining about buses sent from texas the border patrol is relieving overcrowded by dropping off bus loads of migrants into parking lots and city streets. we're here in new york city where the pictures speak for themselves. first let's get to bill melugin live in mission, texas for us. >> border patrol simply cannot keep up with the sheer volume of people crossing our border illegally now. every day this week they have had more than 7,000 apprehensions of illegal immigrants. we want to show you what the mass releases look like.
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look at this video out of san diego yesterday afternoon. what you are looking at is three unmarked white border patrol buses pull up and start releasing several hundred illegal immigrants to city streets and sidewalks in san diego across from a transit terminal. people were on this bus from as far away from china and pakistan. these buses are not from texas, not greg abbott's buses, these are the biden administration's buses, border patrol mass releasing people. handfuls are standing around not knowing where they are, where to go next or what to do? an exchange between one migrant and border patrol agent said am i okay to travel to chicago? the ask says yes, you're good to go. >> you are free to go wherever you want. you are free to go. >> no problem if i go to chicago? >> go wherever you want. you're free. >> these mass releases also taking place in border patrol's
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tucson, arizona sector. we shot the video in sierra vista yesterday. a guatemalan family dropped off in a dollar tree parking lot. they didn't know where they were or what to do. the local sheriff out there says these mass street releases aren't fair to the community, not fair to the migrants. take a listen. >> people come from all over the country to smuggle here, endanger the community and its citizens. work united to combat that. find out yet cbp is doing street releases, safe. there is not safe about it. >> meanwhile here in the state of texas, texas is trying to stand its own ground without the help of the federal government. the video you are looking at here in el paso as texas national guard soldiers continue to use razor wire and physical manpower to block large masses of migrants trying to enter the united states illegally. that group of migrants wading in
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the rio grande expecting to be let into the country. the state of texas blocking them. that happening in el paso. back live cbp sources tell fox news border numbers for the month of august are going to be around 230,000 migrant encounters. that would be the highest number -- highest month for 2023 and would come at a time when the white house is claiming progress and, quote, stopping the flow here at our southern border. that is simply not the reality on the ground here. we'll send it back to you. >> sandra: appreciate your reporting from mission, texas. >> bill: here in new york city the story is getting worse by the week. trying to get a grip on migrant crisis. today congressional democrats tour a facility at one of the so-called processing shelters. the roosevelt hotel a few blocks from our studio. alexis mcadams is there live now. good morning to you. hello.
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>> good morning. as you know because it's only a few blocks from our fox news headquarters it's a busy area near the roosevelt hotel. we see dozens of migrants and get to more about that in a second. this comes as any minute congress members show up to tour the roosevelt hotel and get an inside look at what's going on inside this main processing facility. some federal agencies have said new york city is not doing enough. they aren't doing it right. the mayor here has doubled down saying he has done everything he can day after day as the surge shows no sign of slowing down. listen. >> it is wrong for anyone on any level of government to say this city, new york city, the people in this city and the workers in this city, that we have not done more than anyone elsewhere 110,000 people that showed up on our door steps that we have taken up the national crisis on our own.
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>> this comes as congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and other members of the congressional hispanic caucus are arriving at the roosevelt hotel right now to tour the migrant processing facility. they are showing up here now. new york city sees 10,000 new migrants come to the city every month. as the migrant surge continues, many who are here are looking for work using scooters illegally to try and make some cash, bill. they are trying to find work without the permits. it has been a big issue for the nypd. check this out. new video that shows officers checking a long line of mob eats and e-bikes from the roosevelt hotel. some got rowdy during a crackdown on the illegal scooters. they went over and tried to check for permits. had to take the scooters. check it out here. more than a dozen here outside of the hotel right now and people come out of the hotel, migrants hop on these and try to work for these other places.
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i was told by officers and uber eats to deliver to get cash. ocasio-cortez and other congress members are showing up to the hotel to look at it. >> bill: this is a few blocks from us. you go by that hotel every day. i see it once a week. quite a shocking sight. want to show you something else. screen left is that customs and border patrol holding facility in arizona. screen right is the roosevelt hotel where alexis is reporting. the reason why we're showing you this. both are thousands of miles from each other so the border issue that republicans made a big deal out of during the mid-term election, a lot of people thought that would get more attention than it received through the vote. ever since that point when a lot of these buses starting leaving places like arizona and coming up to new york and now chicago and also boston, massachusetts,
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the local media is paying attention and even though we have people like mel bill on the border. a lot of networks ignored the story. we were there and we warned you. it will be a problem and now it has come to this. it is at the point where it will cost us billions of dollars in places like new york alone. a lot. >> sandra: the mayor, while demanding federal help at this point, as resources dry up, he is not calling out the president by name. but he is saying we need help after saying we welcome them with open arms. >> bill: same true for the new york governor and may or in chicago. we're on it and let you know how it turns out today anyway. >> dana: key republican is calling the hunter biden indictment on federal charges a very small start. hunter is facing three felony counts following his collapsed plea agreement in july.
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house oversight committee chair james comer says it is still too soon to subpoena hunter for the impeachment inquiry. >> we follow the money. once we get his person bank records i would like to ask him questions about various transactions. without the bank records, i don't know hunter biden personally. from all the investigations i've done thus far of him and looking at his laptop i wouldn't believe a darn thing he said. >> sandra: where do things go from here considering comer is suggesting these charges are a very small start? >> remember all along there has been this conversation about what else hunter biden might be facing. remember when they went to court to talk about the diversion agreement and there was a conversation is this investigation over? what does it cover? would it cover potential charges
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aside from the taxes and gun? and so what we've been told by the d.o.j. is there is an ongoing investigation. there are those questions will there be allegations of a violation taking in foreign money? other things we don't know about yet? we heard from the whistleblowers months ago which seemed to blow this whole thing open that there was a lot more going on. so we wait to see if there is another shoe to drop. it looks like this thing proceeds to trial for hunter. >> bill: turley was with us last hour. the statute of limitations, you are bumping up against it. here is what he said. >> justice allowed many of the statute of limitations to run. he is at less risk than he should be. there is still an artificially reduced scope of crimes here that hunter is facing. congress is now in a position to get answers to these questions. >> we will see how that goes. in the meantime you have the
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suspicious activity reports. i think it is worth explaining this. called sars for shorthand. it deals with international transactions. based on what i read in the last 12 hours, if you were an international business person doing deals all over the world, you might have a couple of these pop up on your record. but for hunter biden and his business partners, they had 170 pop up once republicans started looking into these and get the bank records now. if they move to an impeachment inquiry, it is my understanding that they will have much greater latitude to look inside of these bank records, the financial transactions, and who knows where this story leads at this point? >> uh-huh. remember what we've heard from congressman byron donalds, very full throated digging into this. a guy who works in finance who said i have never dealt with a situation where you would have all of these kinds of shell companies. they don't make sense. so that's his field of expertise.
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he thinks you keep digging and you will see more. references to the suspicious activity reports. yes, you will have a few here and there. numbers here raise a lot of concerns. what comer and others are saying is we'll keep digging and follow the trails. what the white house and president's defenders say you haven't found a smoking gun. no receipt for a transaction involving president biden that shows direct involvement in hunter's business or anything nefarious or illegal. >> sandra: interesting stuff. shannon bream on all that for us. we'll see you this weekend? >> we'll see you sunday. busy show. >> bill: you have elise stefanik. spending bills. headed for another shutdown. >> vivek has a couple foreign policy issues creating controversy. >> bill: we have a debate in the offing. see you on sunday. we'll be watching.
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thank you. want to talk? all this talk this past week about biden and age and electability. some democrats are questioning you have to make a call and a decision soon. so just want to put this up here. pathway one in the democratic primary. if you want to be a serious challenger, well-known candidate with broad appeal the first filing deadline is october 15th in nevada. >> sandra: keep that in mind. >> bill: pathway number two, the democratic national convention. no candidate receives a majority of delegates in the first ballot. contested, brokered convention that picks the nominee. the senaire sen -- scenario you don't want now. there is a write-up about it on fox news digital. >> sandra: i have to wrap,
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though. >> bill: mad at me now? >> 21 of those 30 defendants we couldn't ask for bail. this revolving door of justice needs to stop. >> bill: massive drug bust involving dozens of suspects. most of them already back on the street. they've been dealing drugs for years. new york's soft on crime bail reform has set them free back on the street. >> sandra: a big money heist at jfk airport and two suspects are on trial in federal court. how the f.b.i. was able to track them down. >> bill: the nasa report is now public on ufos. what it has to say about alien life forms. way out there. >> is there a plan in place if it is determined that some of them represent originate from a non-human intelligence to tell the public? >> you bet your boots. we'll say that. ry boutique hosp. i was 5...6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet.
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>> sandra: a trial is underway for two men accused of stealing more than $250,000 from new york's jfk airports. prosecutors released never before seen video of the heist. cb cotton is live outside of the brooklyn courthouse. she has that for us. >> the trial just resumed an hour ago. the details sound like they came out of a movie. two guys, a bag of cash and deceit according to federal prosecutors who say an airport baggage handler was supposed to get eight bags of cash on a plane and swiped one containing $250 thousand. airline employees alerted police when seven bags arrived in miami. on september 24, 2019, quincy thorp, a former delta airlines employee managed to sneak a bag of money loaded onto the plane
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at jfk airport and he drove it away in a trailer to this getaway car driven by a man. the two men made a quote tremendous mistake leaving behind receipts and cargo tags from the money in the back seat. both men are charged with one count of conspiracy to steal cargo. seven witnesses took the stands. thorp was tasked with loading the money onto the plane. money has never been found. no money trail, no crime according to defense attorneys. >> my client is innocent. >> he did not steal the money? >> my client is innocent. >> both men face up to ten years in prison if convicted on these charges. this case reminds a lot of people of the movie good fellows based on a true story from back in 1978 when masked robbers made off with more than $5 million in cash and nearly 1 million in
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junior from jfk airport. >> sandra: what a story. made for tv, wow. thank you so much, cb cotton on that for us. >> bill: new york's bail reform laws are back in the spotlight for good reason. more than two dozen alleged drug traffickers were busted in plea long island crime rings. one person died. a 32-year-old. leo terrell, fox news contributor your heart goes out to the family left behind. 30 drug dealers busted, right? they get arrested. they are processed and walk back out the other side of the door. >> you know, bill, this story bothered me. i read it over and over and did research. 30-year-old woman, 6-year-old child. the bail reform law in new york in 2019 that allowed 20 of these criminals to go back on the street and commit more crime. this woman died. there is no death by dealer statute in new york.
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so eventually these guys, the ring leaders will walk eventually. new york needs a felony murder rule. they need a felony murder rule to hold these drug dealers for the death of that young lady. the daughter does not have a money and it is ridiculous. i don't blame the politicians. new york has not hit rock bottom yet. the politicians lie and claim the criminal justice system is unfair. new york voters need to wake up now. >> bill: synthetic opioid overdose deaths. look at the trend from 2019 to 2022. 74,000. bumping up against 75. fentanyl seized at the border good thing we got most of this here but you don't know how much gets through. it is way too much now. back on the new york case, leo, one defendant has been arrested again. this time for selling crack. if your laws are going to be
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carried out this way in this manner, how in the world would you expect things to get any better? >> it's not because again new yorkers have not hit rock bottom. they recovered over 700 grams of fentanyl. enough to kill over 300,000 people. as you just correctly stated guess how much probably got on the streets and being sold by one defendant who was rearrested. politicians lying to the voters. the voters have not hit rock bottom. new york needs to do a wake-up call. elected the wrong governor and mayor. that's the problem. >> bill: you blame the voters in new york for electing the politicians. >> come on, bill. the voters need to wake up. it is fentanyl. the combination of these dealers being released. i blame new york voters because they have been misled by these politicians and they drink the democratic kool-aid. lee zeldin should be governor.
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>> bill: it is really disturbing when you think about a revolving door and dealing with the worst of it on the streets in l.a. 25 past. there is this. [chanting] >> sandra: thousands of united auto workers going on strike after contract talks collapse. is biden's economic agenda fueling the crisis? candidates storming through iowa. less than two weeks to go until the next debate. are any of them gaining traction? our panel of voters from the hawkeye state on deck. lately? many are over 22%, near 30% if you pay late. why not do what thousands of veteran families have done. call newday and pay off that high rate debt with the lower rate newday 100 va cash out loan. veterans can save $500 a month.
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oh. yeah. free. get a free eye exam when you buy two pairs of glasses starting at just $79.95. book an exam today at liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. with the money i saved, i started a dog walking business. i was a bit nervous at first but then i figured it's just walking, right? [dog barks] oh. no it's just a bunny! calm down taco. sit duchess. stop! sesame no no. archie! walter don't, no, ahhhh. ahhhhh! you're lucky you're so cute. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty.♪ >> bill: 10:30 in new york. friday morning here. bill story united auto workers are on strike. unprecedented strike against all three automakers underway. no talks scheduled for today.
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putting a lot of pressure on the white house. the president remember is a union guy. that's what he has campaigned on for decades in the middle of this crisis now. expected to make comment at some point today. mark meredith has the story live in washington for us now. good morning, mark. >> good morning to you. labor leaders say they're striking to insure workers get fair pair and better benefits but major political repercussions that could dictate the future of the auto industry. the strike which is now underway is testing the president's economic agenda, the president repeatedly labeling himself a pro-union leader and champion of workers. later today vermont senator bernie sanders will rally with other workers in michigan and all week long in d.c. we have heard from fellow progressives who said they think the strike is justified. >> here in america, everyone who works hard, like the uaw workers do each and every day, deserves to be able to earn a comfortable
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living for themselves and for their families. >> i think it's critical that for me at least to be supportive and to also let workers exercise the power that they have. >> uaw neighbors are asking for their fair share. to the uaw workers in central and northwestern illinois and across the country, i've got your back. >> the debate over the auto industry goes beyond workers. on thursday the house passed a bill that would stop california and other states from mandating consumers only be allowed to buy electric vehicles. eight democratic lawmakers joined is gop in voting for this bill which supporters say would wrongly force consumer's hands. >> without this bill, mr. speaker, california and other democratic states could effectively ban internal combustion engines for all americans regardless of where they reside. this is not what the founders intended when they designed our federalist system. >> sporters of the mandate say
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it is important for states to have the ability to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. we don't know where it will go in the senate. white house has said it's critical of this but stopped short of a full veto threat. >> bill: the story is on the front burner. nice to see you mark meredith in d.c. some of the demands we've been talking about this all morning during the commercial break here. the union wanted a 40% pay raise and 32 hour, four-day work week. ford offered a 20% pay raise over the life of the contract and immediate 10% hike as of now. so that's where the two sides are basically on the money side of things. >> sandra: record profits. you need to pay us more. the interview with grady trimble was revealing about the affect it has on the many cowen tease there and far reaching. serious national economic consequences to what is happening now. see what the president says later today. meanwhile onto this. the second republican debate is
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now less than two weeks away. it comes as a new fox poll shows donald trump holding onto his commanding lead over the rest of the gop field in the critical early voting state of iowa. what will it take for the candidates to move the dial? let's bring in our panel of iowa voters michelle, vern, and douglas. i've been looking forward to this all morning. thank you for joining us. vern, start with you first. retired builder/realtor. you are busy in your retirement. married 57 years, two children who live in town. 2016 you supported kasich, then rubio and trump in the 2016 general. trump again in 2020. who are you leaning towards this time, vern? >> well, i think we have a really strong stable of candidates and i am particularly taken with tim scott and nikki haley and vivek is really engaging. but i do think we need to have
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some responsible government and i think we need to get away from what we're doing now. we need the economy that it will allow for stable prices and good wage growth. unfortunately, we are heading toward the wage price spiral economy that we had in the 70s. it scares me. so i would want to go for pence. >> michelle, davenport, iowa, two sons, 23 and 21 years old. hello to them at home. 2016 you caucused for trump and 2020 you supported trump. who are you leaning towards this time? >> i am leaning towards nikki haley and tim scott. i think that would be a powerhouse ticket. i think we need more foreign diplomacy. i want to be a world super power again. i perceive our country is being
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laughed at with the current regime. i think trump has had his day. >> sandra: to doug now. also out of iowa. retired real estate appraiser, 2016 you caucused for rubio in iowa. voted for trump in the general. 2020 supported trump. who are you leaning towards? >> i am leaning toward ron desantis. we have a great slate of candidates but of all of them i prefer a governor who has had executive experience. led a large state, turned a purple state red. i like what he is talking about. my big issue is with inflation, immigration, ukraine. on ukraine, frankly, i have not heard anybody in either party give me a clear definition of what we are doing there, when we would leave, what does victory look like. i would like to hear more about that from all of them.
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>> sandra: vern, back to you. while you just told our viewers he were leaning toward pence after supporting trump in the 2020 you say your mind could be swayed between now and january. what do you think could sway your mind? >> i think i like them call. as i said, pence is ready to go, he is solid and steady. but each one of these candidates has a great message and even scott with his 2% solution is great. so -- i would go with the winner, of course. >> sandra: okay. back to you michelle. you are talking a lot about returning to a global super power, foreign policy, economy. of note you talk about the education system and you say it needs to be torn and rebuilt. how important is that for you in this election cycle?
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>> very important. i am seeing that one out of five kindergartners are ready for kindergarten. seeing the effects of our 0 to 5 youngsters not being ready. covid really set them back and it only leads to further drop-out rates. it is a vicious cycle. so something has to change. what we've been doing is not working. >> sandra: doug, you talk a lot about that as well. education, parental rights. you are a little frustrated with what you have been seeing in this country. >> yes, i am. even locally. there are things going on in our local school boards i prefer they wouldn't be. that's a local issue, that's not necessarily national. >> sandra: it might be happening locally all over the country, though. we have been reporting on many stories like that. vern, i want to get back to you. you have been talking about the economy and the budget. both parties have to address
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this. somebody has to be the grinch sometimes. how far are you willing to go to buckle down? >> i think that we just need responsible budgeting and we need to quit one upsmanship and find the amount that we can spend and prioritize. i think that we need to maybe cut back the 2% that would put us back on a track of getting our debts in proper perspective. >> sandra: that could be big for the economy. michelle. jobs are everywhere, all about giving a hand up, not a hand out. what do you mean? >> that's correct. i will personally anyone that is trying to better their situation by further education or taking on several jobs, i will
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definitely help out. i don't want to get a hand out. i don't think that helps anyone. and accountability needs to be brought back to our nation as a whole. >> sandra: you would like to see the haley/scott ticket. doug you are leaning desantis and vern leaning pence but your mind could be swayed. it will make the debate important to watch in a couple of weeks. thank you for joining us. lovely iowa people. all right. thank you. >> thank you. >> bill: well done, good stuff. aaron rodgers making his first step toward recovering over his season ending achilles tear on monday. bit of a celebrity. quarterback posted to instagram to say surgery went great. now to begin the grueling rehab process. the offensive coordinator for the jets thinks he will be back on the field next year. he is 39 now, 40 then. he will be back on the field is the prediction.
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>> sandra: we have had a lot of sports injuries in our time. i don't want to know what an achilles injury feels like. brutal. we wish him well. meanwhile california governor newsom expected to sign laws about gender identity and critics say it will put parental rights at risk. ♪ when better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for special olympics athletes with developmental needs. thousands of bank of america employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. it felt good. it felt like i could take on the whole world. [stomach growling] it's nothing... sounds like something. ♪when you have nausea, heartburn, indigestion♪ ♪upset stomach, diarrhea♪ pepto bismol coats and soothes
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>> bill: several controversial bills focused on lgbtq minors sparking protests in california as critics say they are attack on american freedoms. the governor newsom signals he will sign them. william la jeunesse has got the follow in l.a. what's this about? >> a saying that what happens in california doesn't stay here, why you probably want to hear about these five bills on gay
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and transgender rights for minors. one mandates teachers take a class to support lgbtq students and another makes it easier for students to see mental health counselor without parental consent. a third allows judges to deny parental visitation or custody if a parent refuses to accept their gender identity and same with foster families that must also affirm a child's prior to placement and school districts can be fined if they remove lgbtq books. >> i am proud of california standing strong to support lgbtq community. >> scott wiener is behind many transgender bills. democrats enjoy a super majority. >> we see the state stepping in and trying to make decisions
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that are inherently the responsibility of a parent to make. >> so in family court judges must now weigh as a factor a parent's affirmation of their child's stated gender or sexual orientation. critics say parents of faith among others could lose their kids. >> that means judges will have no ability to use their discretion. >> the bill's sponsor says it attacks no one. >> no one is out to get your kids or force them to be anything they shouldn't be. >> governor newsom has until october 13th to sign these and two other bills requiring high schools to offer free condoms and gender neutral bathrooms for lgbtq students by 2016. >> bill: california, point taken. >> sandra: aliens and space ships became a hot topic nasa
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dr. marshall used part of his refund to give his practice a facelift. emily used part of her refund to buy... i run a wax museum. let innovation refunds help you get started on your erc tax refund. stop waiting. go to you really got the brows. >> harris: he has had some bad weeks before this but this one, ouch. the president's son, hunter, indicted on three felony gun charges and the truth is sticking to this president. brutal new fox polling on biden's mental fitness and handling of the economy. and union joe, as he is called. now facing down a historic strike by united auto workers and it could cost america like never before. congresswoman kat cammack. attorney phil holloway, david asman. "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> sandra: that friday feeling
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starting to settle in. "wall street journal" reports more employees are rushing out the door at the end of the workday rather than attending a happy hour with co-workers. studies show young adults are driving the change. a survey shows 62% of americans 18 to 34 drink down 10% from 20 years ago. i have a theory on this. maybe hopeful. i think there is more people who now get out of work and they go to a yoga class or go to the gym and that's more of a social activity. i hope maybe it's a healthier trend than happy hour, not sure. optimistic. >> bill: i don't think new york has a drinking problem. i don't think it has ever stopped. bar on every block. let's go to space now. nasa says there is no evidence that ufos are alien space ships touching down on earth according to the agency's studies on uaps.
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jim, nice to see you again. thanks for coming back here. they got 16 experts together starting in june of 2022 and they concluded what? >> well, they did conclude there is no connection between these vehicles and extraterrestrial life. they also concluded that there is a lot more to learn. nasa needs to use its assets and its capabilities and scientific methods to actually learn more about what these ufos may be. it is an exciting time when you think about all of the activities that are happening in space. we think about ufos. it takes our imaginations towards extraterrestrial life. i do think the probability of finding that extraterrestrial life is going up all time. >> bill: when you talk about that, jim, i think some folks might have been a little disappointed you had the story in mexico city yesterday about the e.t. yoda figure that was presented.
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don't know what that was all about. you were suggesting during a commercial break that as we go deeper into space, the chance discovery for life in space goes up. how so? >> so we just think about mars, for example, which is the planet closest to earth that's the most like earth in its history. it was a lot like earth. we have discovered that mars is covered in complex organic compounds, the building blocks for life. the moon doesn't have any of those organic compounds. we've discovered that mars has methane cycles that knocks the seasons of mars. people say that could be geological in nature but also increases the probability that it could be biological in nature. we also discovered that mars has under its surface liquid water. that water is protected from the radiation of deep space. what we know about life on earth. whenever there is water, there is life. is that true on mars?
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we don't know but we should absolutely go find out and every day we think about the history of spirit and opportunity and then now curiosity and ingenuity and other capabilities on mars we are learning all the time perseverance on mars is in the river delta. there is a probability of potentially finding evidence of past life even that we don't know. >> bill: last question, tyson was talking about with everyone walking around with a camera on the phone. if you see something, send the picture to nasa. you can see all kinds of funky things on your phone. quick answer. >> i think what nasa can do is nasa will apply the scientific method to these kind of phenomena and ultimately make quick assessments if it's
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explainable or not. if not come up to the right approach to what it possibly could be. what you don't want to do and this was the point, you don't want to let every joe out there say that they saw something and then speculate about what it might have been without any evidence of what anybody saw. i think that just creates all kinds of conjecture and things that are not scientific. >> bill: i will hit the edit button and you guys can guess what it is. thank you for your time today and we'll speak down the road. thank you for coming in today, smitty. before we go, got a little something for you. old school tech gathering dust in your attic could be worth big money. talking about vhs tapes. turns out collectors are forking over thousands of dollars on e-bay for classic movies. all going for five figures. if you have a copy of the goonies, that went for well over $1 hundred thousand.
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>> sandra: beauty and the beast is mine. >> we ch >> this was fun, thanks for having me. >> sandra: biden shortly on the auto workers strike. desantis joining us at 1:00. >> bill: dana has you on short questions online. good stuff. have a great weekend. check out smitty at 1:00. here is harris, bye-bye. >> harris: we're witnessing on this friday for the very first time in u.s. history the justice department has indicted the child of a sitting president. he is a grown child, obviously. hunter biden is facing federal gun charges while his father, joe biden, is facing an impeachment inquiry by republicans. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the charges against hunter are new, nothing like original


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