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tv   Hannity  FOX News  September 15, 2023 6:00pm-7:00pm PDT

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great job expanding your music library with the 60s woodstock soul of sly and the family song. we've been playing sly for quite some time. where did you send him this week? it's an ivy week. always remember, i'm tawwets and this is my world. >> sean: tonight an important warning about the democrat party, traditional liberals, moderates, they no longer have a place in the party that they once called their home, far left authoritarians have now taken over and now they are using the democratic party as a vessel to destroy our great american way of life. they don't believe in freedom or individualism as much as they claim or inalienable rights, instead they prefer government, mandated collectivism, for them the bill
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of rights is standing in the way. common good they want to control where you live, how you travel, what you eat, what you wear, what you drive, and of course what you're allowed to think and what you're allowed to say. god for guide you say the wrong thing, they force you or shame you to follow their healthcare demands, eliminate self-defense, self reliance and force everyone to comply with mother government. and according to these democrats, well, they are going to do all of this is for your own good, thank goodness they are in your life, in order to achieve this left-wing utopia, department of justice to enforce radical position, squashing any dissent, god forbid you speak out against a school board meeting, the political persecution of donald trump, far beyond anything in this country has ever seen, it's never happened in history before. first they attempted to destroy his presidency over a real conspiracy theory hoax. now
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he's facing hundreds of years behind bars because of a variety of far fetched, overreaching indictments all timed for maximum political impact and a lead-up to a presidential election. at the very same time the doj is seemingly ignoring very real evidence, corruption, possible bribe rear he money laundering against president joe biden. in other words biden is weaponized doj, trying to imprison his chief political rival, all the while giving joe a free pass. that is what you see in a far left banana republic, or the old soviet union. political enemies get locked up, those in charge live privileged lifestyles, no you roadways at all. affords two lavish residences in delaware, despite his life in public service? the far left department of justice doesn't seem to care, they are not curious at all, that's because his last name is biden and not
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trump or clinton. in the case of clinton or biden or trump, you know the difference. and the bidens are always willing to tow the party line. our friend mark levin has a brand new book entitled the democrat party hates america. and tonight, rejoin us for the full hour, explain the deep history of how we have gotten to this point. and just how bad this has become. we also know him as a nationally syndicated radio host, life, liberty and levin right here on the fox news channel every saturday, sunday night 8:00 p.m. great one, mark levin, great to have you, sir. >> well thanks for having me. i think this is is a very important topic, i appreciate you spend be time with it. >> sean: let people take a look at it. you know, i read this now cover to cover. it is an extremely comprehensive book. exhaust ily researched. and we
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talk about the real and there is distinction, you call it the democrat party hates america, we'll get to that in a second. few americans likely know about the deep history that you go into, a lot of depth here. some of the history i knew, some i did not know as i was reading this. and more importantly, the danger that they represent to the country today to fundamentally change our country. so, in many ways the history is relevant to where we are today because, you know, most americans i meet, they are extremely troubled about the direction of the country. i will let you take it from there. >> well, sean. i really want the american people to understand what we're dealing with here. for over 150 years the democrat party has done everything it can to undermine this country. the party of the confederacy was the democrat party, the party of slavery was the democrat party. the party of the klan, the party
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of lynching, the party of segregation right up into the 60s was the democrat party. the party that supported the intern the of japanese americans was the democrat party, the party all hyped up in support of eugenics used against blacks, by the way. was the democrat party. look atwood row wilson, the clans man, a racist, segregation u.s., franklin roosevelt, i spent a lot of time on him, the lies on roos vet is immense despite the documentary and books. the first big social u.s. anti-constitutional u.s. elected to the presidency. he was a racist, he was a segregation u.s. and an anti semite. lyndon johnson with the 1964 and 65 civil rights acts, lyndon johnson was a racist and segregation u.s. to the day he died. i explain that in the
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book. joe biden, joe biden came into the senate, he immediately sought mentors who were racist and segregation, mostly from mississippi and alabama. he has been able to conceal that because he is quite the camille jan. this is the history of the democrat party. the head of the kenny klan. who are in dose anti-semite so bad, he was support of the early third reich that roosevelt had to yank him back. margaret sanger she found planned parenthood, supported birth control, mostly because they wanted to control the population, particularly blacks. she was a racist and so forth. so, when you look at these issues, not just the history, you look today, the democrat party cannot survive without racism, segregation, it's now busy resegregating society, ask
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the asian community, anybody who goes to colleges or universities today. read critical race theory. they moved to that, they moved to american marxism. what they don't accept is americanism. here is what is very very crucial to understand. the democrat party is not just a political party. the republican party is a political party. they try to win elections. they do a very poor job of explaining what they stand for most of the time they don't know what they stand for. and people tend to vote republican because they don't want to vote for the democrats. of course that's not good enough. maybe that will be a book for another day. when it comes to the democrat party they don't want to just win elections they want to permanently win elections, they want to monopolize the political system, the voting system, they want to monopolize the government and right now they're succeeding. the monday onizing the culture as well. look at the media, so the democrat party is what i call the state party. there is
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not a dime's worth of difference between what the democrat party doesn't support and the bureaucracy, massive, that legislatures every day, issues regulations and fines. will determine whether we have automobiles that can run on the combustion engine, determining what kind of fixtures can you have in your home, what kind of appliances you can have in your home which means they can determine anything and everything. we may have a government shut down. there is always a government shut down, why? because the democrat party for the most part, not exclusively, but for the most part, created this massive fourth branch of government that is not even in the constitution. and they want to make sure it gets all the resources possible, all the manpower possible, 87,000 more irs agents, more fbi agents, whatever it is, they don't care if the private sector shuts down, that was righteous during the pandemic, if you shut the government down for 24, 48 hours, what i call a long holiday weekend, they will tell you the sky is falling, why? because they've created
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centralized, washington d.c. massively powerful and crew big to you, unelect the golf. even when they lose elections, their policies are implemented, the republican president is sabotaged by this massive bureaucracy. take a look at the democrat party. woodrow wilson, franklin roosevelt, lyndon johnson, joe biden, more today you have bernie sanders, bernie sanders is a marxist, he almost won the nomination, he said more influence on the biden regime than anybody else perhaps obama. what is obama? mentor was a marxist. hung out with domestic terrorists as you recorded over and over again. who else is there? aoc. at that lobe, omar, breastly, bowman. two dozen who are marxists and proud of being marxists. they don't call themselves marxist, they are shrewd but they are what they
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are. the democrat party is all about 150 years ago or today. abolishing our declaration of independence, wilson hated the declaration of independence, obama cut words out. biden doesn't support the declaration of independence. he doesn't even say he does. they despise the constitution which is why they embrace the 1619 project pulling down the founder statues, calling us a nation founded in white supremacy even up to this day. they want to abolish our traditions, our customs, they are trying to destroy our language. they use censorship, they use intimidation. more. again, it's more than a political party. it's an autocratic party. it is a tyrannical party which is similar to these kinds of parties throughout europe and other parts of the world. it is an anti american, really alien entity and it has caused more hardship, more blood, more i
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above requirement, if you think about it, if you think about it, the democrat party if we didn't have a democrat party, if we had a legitimate opposition party, the republican party, that accepted losses. that had comity. that wasn't trying to destroy the elections, through repress, not just censorship, but trying to put opponents in prison, parents, pro livers, whether they are members of the catholic church, donald trump, if we had a political party that was a legitimate pure political party, rather than an autocratic party that was founded in evil, that has lived through evil and perpetuates evil, this would be a far better and greater country than it is today. that's why i called the book the democrat party hates america. i gave it the title when i finished it. just to finish this point, sean. when is the last time you heard
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a democrat criticize any of the individuals that i mentioned? fdr they love fdr. lyndon johnson they love lynn done johnson. woodrow wilson, same thing. margaret sanger, gets billions and billions of dollars. we can go on. you never hear them speak up. in favor of the founders of the country. in favors of the framers of the constitution. in defense of the constitution. they try and twist it like the 14th amendment to accommodate what they want. but they don't support them. they support people who hate them. and they are trying to destroy them. and they are surrogates that teaches unions are doing a hell good job of that brain washing our children and diverting them from getting an education to other things. so, the point is, the democrat party is an autocratic party, and by the way, like most autocratic parties and you to be creases they camouflage their true purpose by claiming they are doing these great things for the
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people, especially the poor. they are doing great things because they defend democracy, how? by destroying the voting system. how? putting an opponent in prison, destroy the electoral college where only democrat cities are represented. populating it with left ring radical bomb throwers. intimidating supreme court justices, exactly how does the democrat party promote democracy? >> sean: let me ask as you go through this rhies row of wilson and margaret sanger and lyndon johnson and robert byrd. filibustered, you point this out in the book, i talk about it often in 1964. fast forward, the president today, guy by the name joe biden and you mention other democrats when byrd passed away, they praised him as their mentor. but joe biden took it
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even a step further because he stood with byrd in the 70s against the integration of public schools, he didn't want public schools to become, in his words, racial jungles. and my question is, politically today, because -- you are right about democrats, every two and four years, almost basically every day, they claim that republicans are racist, that they are sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic, trans phobic, they want dirty air and water, grandma and grandpa thrown over by a cliff. they do this all based on a lie, they claim they have a monopoly of compassion for the poor and people of color in this country, no, they don't. they don't care about minorities in this country. my question is, if more minorities knew the history that you're laying out here about the people in this party including the former
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president not wanting integration as fools, would they vote differently? are they influenced by the propaganda thrown at them regularly by the democratic party? >> this is a great question. let me take a minute to answer it. first of all, much of what's in this book isn't even know by republican senators or house members. if they had the information you would hope that they'd be able to respond when they are called racists or anti-semites or bigots. one of the great con jobs, racism today whether it's antiblack racism, antiwhite, anti-asian racism is that the democrat party managed to project on to the republican party its own history, its own belief system. it is shocking to me. we have republicans in the senate who don't even understand or know any of this. to answer your question about minorities, of course. one of the reasons i wrote this book is because ideas
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have consequences, the truth matters. we are not at the precipice looking into the abyss, we are in the abyss trying to crawl out. as some have said in the past, truth shall set you free. who is behind this? the democrat party, i will get into this in a minute. i think when the black community learns that franklin roosevelt invited every olympic participant in the 1936 berlin olympics to the white house except jesse owens, that night, that might have an effect that jesse owens voted against fdr and appalled by fdr and he was asked if hitler snubbed him. i never met hitler. fdr snubbed me. he never invited me, he never did anything. fdr refused to ever talk to the naacp. fdr i can kicked out most plaque
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journalist, fdr never lifted a finger for the black community. despite what others have to say. as a matter of fact, in 1940 a bipartisan federal law was placed on fdr's desk to outlaw lynching, a federal lynching law that would outlaw lynching and he refused to sign it because he was running for his third turn and afraid he would turn off fellow democrats in the south. same with the jews. fdr refused to allow jews into this country, even though the cap for the number of european jews had not been met. he and his state department allowed jews in the country at the height of the holocaust which resulted in many many dying in gas chambers. refused to bomb the railroad tracks leading into auschwitz even bombing facilities five miles from the railroad tracks. he worked with the "new york
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times" and other media outlets to try and sensor what was going on in europe and the holocaust during his presidency. and he was a bigot and he was a racist and if people don't agree with that, read it. and i've got the end notes to prove it. he was all those things. just as lyndon john son, lynn done johnson, the great civil rights leader, a racist to the day he died. he didn't have. >> andrew: epiphany. he wanted to be president. own biography said he opposed every single piece of civil rights legislation until 1957 when eisenhower was pushing a civil rights act of 1957. he goes to eisenhower and he says i am going to kill this bill unless you take the enforcement mechanisms out of it. then he goes back to his fellow segregation, in the senate, the democrats and he says to them, okay, i got eisenhower to take the teeth out of it, we are
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not going to filibuster this. why did he do that? he was planning on running for president. 1964, 1965 civil rights acts, those laws would not have happened but for the republicans period. so, the republicans have supported every single civil rights act since immediately after the civil war up to and through present times. ronald reagan, he was the one who signed martin luther king's birthday into federal law. signed a 25 year extension of the voting rights act which had never been done before in american history. can i go on and on about this. the democrat party doesn't give a dam about people. it's got propaganda, it's the state run party, it's got its massive bureaucracy and it is a state run media. a state run party, that is a party that monopolizes the culture, that monopolizes every day politics,
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monopolizes our government. they need a monopoly of the media. we talk about our free press, we don't have a free press, we have a press that is free to lie to us, free to expand the positions and the propaganda, the democrat party, again, there is not a dime's worth of difference between the press and the agenda the democrat party in this country. there is a reason for that. if you are an autocratic party, if you are a tyrannical party, you are not just a political party, you must control thought processes. you must push the propaganda. you must decide what can and cannot be said, who's good, who's bad, people who went through the third reich, mao's china stalin, they wrote books on totalitarianism. control the language, you are to control who's good who's bad. you are to
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change the language. you are to control the thought processes. so, we've reached the point now and i explained in the book in great detail, this is where the great democrat party is that we are not even free to say what a woman is and man is. this whole transgender movement is antinuclear family movement, this anti-parental rights movement. it is intentional. it's right there in the communist manifesto. marks. we all talks about marxists now, we all talk like marxists now, we don't talk like a free people. you never hear individualism. private property rights. freedom. liberty. limited government. you never hear this discussed anymore and yet these are the core founding principles of america. you wake up every day and there is an effort by the democrat party to destroy one part of the bill of rights or another part of the bill of
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rights, trying to destroy people's reputations who want to pray, who want to speak on behalf of their children, who believe in life as opposed to abortion on demand. people are censored, they are censored about medicine, they are censored about science, their knowledge is censored. and so, who is behind this? it doesn't just happen. this isn't nature. it is the democrat party. why? because the democrat party hate this is country. when obama said, when michelle obama said, when bernie sanders said, when hillary clinton said, when joe biden said, i go way back, they want to fundamentally transform america, that's the give away. fundamentally transform it into what? well, you've got to destroy the belief in the country. you've got to destroy the country's customs and beliefs. you have to destroy our value system. you have to rewrite our history. you have to destroy our family. so, there
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is no more connection to the country and that's what you do if you want to advance a radical marxist or left u.s. agenda and that's exactly what this party is doing. and my point is, ladies and gentlemen, it is a very very evil party. >> sean: left u.s. heads are exploding, the book is called, "the democrat party hates america" right now if you want a first print edition, bookstores all across the country. great one mark levin as we continue this special edition of hannity straight ahead.
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>> this is a news update in washington. new england on high alert tonight as hurricane lee
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marches north toward maine and canada. the massive hurricane bringing strong wind, heavy rain and high surf to the region. lee is expected to make landfall east of the u.s. in nova scotia tomorrow afternoon, boston and nantucket could feel lee's impacts. conditions are forecast to improve by sunday. >> prosecutors and former president trump's federal election interference case are asking the judge to further limit what he can say. special council jack smith accusing the former president of repeatedly attacking multiple people including potential jurors and perspective witnesses. smith says the order is needed to protect the integrity of the trial. former president trump questioned smith's reasoning calling him deranged. a decision yet has to be made. back to hannity. >> sean: we continue now with the great one, mark levin as new book is called the democrat party hates america, available
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preorder,,, bookstores around the country tuesday, september the 19th. that's this tuesday coming. mark, we spent a lot of time, talking about the history of this party and the issue of race. and a lot of america doesn't know this, you rightly pointed out. a lot of members of congress republicans, constantly on defense being accused of being racist, et cetera, ignoring even joe biden's history of associating, you know, with the likes of robert byrd. you also -- you are interweaving within this book where america is today and at one point you actually say, in america freedom -- free speech, academic freedom are shrinking. the police state is growing. as is monitoring and spying on citizens. the government is banning and regulating more and more household products, crime is out of control on our streets. public transportation and schools and while police budgets are slashed and
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prosecutors coddle violent criminals and borders are wide open. and you talk about the democrat party seeking to control our governmental institutions, delegitimize, eviscerate the constitution, abusing the rule of law by targeting political opponent this for harassment. in so many ways it's relevant to everything you and i and others there is not a lot of us discuss every single day but it really -- you tie together the history of this and where it all came from. this battle, if you want to call it the deep state, whatever you want to call it. can you not read this book and not come away with a conclusion, this battle has been going on for the heart and soul of this country for a long time and i argue right now it's probably worse than it's ever been, eight least in my lifetime. >> well, you are 100% right. what don't we ever say? who's ever responsible for this. we'll
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talk about biden, this one, that one. horrendous what is happening. excuse me. there is a reason these things are happening. the democrat party and surrogates are doing this to our country. they are doing this to our country. >> sean: you actual write in chapter four in the book talking about radicals and how they appeal to the masses by focusing on the paradise they promise in the future if only every individual surrenders their free will in part or in whole to a small cabal of activists, revolutionaries, ultimately autocratic, masterminds who claim to speak and represent the people. now what's amazing to me about this, this is the exact battle we're now engaged in in this country. this is what new green deal is, you know, guaranteed government wage, guaranteed job, guaranteed healthcare. you know, pre-k, free college. you know,
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everything is free free free. my first question is, the same -- these are the same people that destroyed our public school system, we spend more capita with the worse results. these are the same people that have brought social security and medicare to the brink of bankruptcy. these are the same people that gave us obamacare with the false promise you keep your doctors, you keep your plan and the average family saves $2500 a year. but here is my point to you. i want to you he with in on this. is that i don't care what name it's given, climate alarmism, new dealism, socialism, i don't care what manifestation it takes on. i did a whole chapter about this in my last book, you go into the history of this. and it always ends the same way, these lofty promises that are unfulfilled, you end up with more poverty than you begin with, calculate at the end of this ridiculous
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experiment how much of your freedom you gave up in the name of false security. but yet it's appealing to people that they'll empower one group, their government to take one group of people's wealth that they pay taxes on even, and they will redistribute it to another group of people. that's the utopia they always sell and a better life they promise that never ever is fulfilled but yet it gets, you know, repeated throughout history, doesn't it? >> yes, it does. and talking about climate change. this movement was invented in the 1970s by european marxists, i explain it, they met, it's the degrowth movement. they hate capitalism, they hate mankind, they hate prosperity. they are marxists, redistribute wealth, the industrialized country are stealing all these minerals and so forth from the third world. nobody is stealing anything from anybody, the third world,
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marxists are paying capitalism, they could make maximum use. we are a wealthy country, because we invent things, we are a relatively free country that follows entrepreneurship and capitalism. that doesn't work with the oppress sore, oppressed model. now as for the rest of it, this is where we get to the propaganda line. everything is done in the name of the people. everything is done in some kind of all true is particular and righteous -- altruistic and righteous act. this is how all of these genocidal maniacs and not yet genocidal maniacs, radicals do it, why? they lie, lying is the coin of the realm. why? because marxism is an impossibility. socialism is an impossibility. the green new deal or whatever they want to call it, climate change, is camouflaged for socialism.
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redistribution of wealth, the destruction of prosperity and growth, that's exactly what it is. they can talk about electric cars, joe biden doesn't know electricity from gasoline if his life depended on it, it doesn't matter, it's an ideology. they think they've come across a nomenclature in a position, as you project on to them, people can't have a prob with it. equality and inequity. what does that mean? what does it mean? we are free people. we are individuals. some do better than others. some are smarter than other, some are physically than others, some have more luck than orthers. what does equality mean? founders it meant equality under the law. you should be treated justly under the law. i call this the new civil rights marxism. if you don't buy off on marxism and they have taken over the entire civil rights movement which is an economic movement. if you don't agree to the destruction
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of our economy, if you don't agree to taking wealth from those who create it and giving it to those who don't, democrats. if you don't agree to those things, then obviously you are a bigot, you are a racist, white supremacist, and in fact, it's just another outrageously clever way for the democrats to push their hate america agenda. >> sean: all right. we'll take a break. the democrat party hates america. the great one, mark levin, we'll have more mark on the other side. a first print edition,, next tuesday bookstores across the country. more with the great one on the other side as we continue.
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>> sean: welcome back to special edition of hannity back with more with the great one. "the
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democrat party hates america,",, tuesday, september 19th, next tuesday, in books all around the country. i want to go to chapter 6, if i can, mark. you talk about the communist man fess tow. mark's add could vatting for the abolition of family and communal education of our kids. you say in this chapter the democrat party does not want to discuss the intact nuclear, biological family because as you describe in the chapter, it doesn't believe in it. and specifically as it applies to the african american community, said to be off limits like so much the else that the democratic party silences and sensors. here is the question, based on that comment because we're now debating things i never thought we'd be debating in this country. we pay more per capita for our kids' education than any other country in the
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industrialized world. we may more. the worse results. you know, when you look at test scores, reading, math. our proficiency levels in some cities are in the 20s, 30s, 40s. we are failing our kids on a spectacular level. and then i look at how is it possible that we have a group of educators holy alliance with the democrat party and teachers unions, and they feel that they know better than parents, and that they ought to be the right to indoctrinate our kids, not teaching them reading, writing, math, science, history, computers, they want to teach about gender identity. they want to hide from parents issues of great importance involving their own children if they can. they want to advance crt. and other political agendas. and it is -- it's breathtaking to me the arrogance that they feel so -- i guess confident that their views are superior, that they feel that it's their right, their
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duty to circumvent values that parents want to instill in their children. because that's what's happening right now, things i never thought we'd debate. >> i think it's all ideological. the teachers unions exist because of the democrat party. and the democrat party exists in part thanks to the teachers unions, the teachers unions if not number one, number two of the biggest supporter of the democratic party in every presidential election. 2.5 million members 80% of whom who work on election day to elect democrats. they take care of each oath are. this is appendage of the democrat party so, they are pushing an ideology, it doesn't matter whether they get superior or inferior, it's not that they sit back and think about what we are doing in a moral or ethical way. and so marxist makes it clear,
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you have to destroy the status quo, we can't get to paradise, the centralized iron fist of the genocide allstate. what the democratic party knows, bernie sanders knows, obama knows, they all know, all of those taught under hillary, they could talk up the family, but they don't really believe in it. and we know from looking at elections, the greatest demographic, the democrat party has, and people don't know this, this is all in the book, is single women who are child less. not nuclear family. they are the most reliable voting block today that democrat party has. it's also one of the reason they keep talking about abortion, abortion, abortion. this is their obsession. they talk about abortion to bring out that demographic to vote. you need to look at the democrat party through the lens of power. it
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does everything for power. marxism is the ability to centralize the state while claiming you're not. marxism is the ability to do fascistic things but claim you are doing it for the people. which is my prior book, "american marxism" we focus on what entity is doing this. we talk about two systems of justice. why do we have two systems of justice? why? because of this. we don't have one system of justice, we have two systems of justice, who's behind it? the democrat party is behind it. now let's talk about voting for a second if i might, because you raise that early, so why do people vote for this? throughout history where we've had elections this has been a problem, i want to read you a short piece from the back of my book. inevitably the democrat party infinity cultural economic and political interventions always in the name
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of the people and some virtuous and worthy cause, lead to the steady decline of liberty and steady rise of totalitarianism and exploitation of the people. fewer and fewer masterminds with an ever increasing army of bureaucrats and enforcers, reign over the citizenry and decide what is and is not good for them. power is limitless. and slowly but surely the people get used to it. even vote for it. until one day its grip is too tight and then it's too late. that's what's happening in america today. >> sean: mark levin, the book is called "the democrat party hates america" right there. you can get a first print edition,,, tuesday bookstores around the country. mark levin stays with us, we continue with the specialas edition ofhi hannity, thank you
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>> sean: all right. we continue with the great one, mark levin. this week right here, "the democrat party hates america" now available preorder, first print edition., bookstores everywhere as of tuesday. chapter 7, mark. you go into great detail, the war on our constitution. there is no greater issue that is in your wheel house. you talk about packing the court and you talk about dc state hood and puerto rico state hood. you talk about the assault on our first amendment, second amendment, electoral college and on and on. i never thought we'd have these battles the way we're having them either but we are. why? and what should we do about it? is. >> why? because the bill of
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rights specifically protect the individual against the federal government. the democrat party has attacked the first amendment, free speech over and over and over again. chuck schumer introduced an amendment to the first amendment first limit free speech. we are not trying to limit the speech of the average person, just the corporations, just the groups. the government shouldn't be limiting anybody's speech unless it gets to that point where they are actually threatening violence against another individual or something of that sort. we are not talking about that. this is why they hate elon musk, they go after elon musk, they didn't go after twitter before. and that's the thing about the democrat party. you are not allowed to object to what they say, you are not allowed to even lightly challenge them. you are not allowed to debate them. you are not allowed to have contrary views, they put in the most
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extensive censorship, more than woodrow wilson and fdr to silence people on a whole host of things. so, they don't like the first amendment, they don't like the free exercise of religion, so they are targeting pro livers as i speak at the department of justice. they want to eliminate the second amendment of the constitution. which was intended to protect us from the government. protect you from the government? what do you mean by that? and you look at due process, i don't know is donald trump gotten due process you look at the whole host of issues that are presented in the bill of rights that the framers experienced against the crown, against tyranny. against monarchy, and the democrat party rejects a whole bunch. the democrats never speak out for liberty, never speak out for free speech. unless of course people are rioting and their name is blm or antifa. not a single democrat is concerned
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about what happened to the january 6th folks who didn't break into the capitol building, maybe they walked on the capitol grounds. they don't care about any of that. just remember again, the lens of power, the democrat party is not a typical political party. it's not like the rubble -- you don't see the republican party doing things to children in classrooms, you don't see the republican party putting pornography in elementary school library. see the republican party try to destroy american sovereignty or aspects of americanism. as bad and weak as the republican party is, the republican party doesn't hate america. it loves america. it just has very weak leaders in many respects right now that don't have the foggiest idea what is swirling around. so, they give aid and comfort, many of unwittingly, some lazy to those who destroy the
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country. let us make this very clear, when you are trying to destroy parental rights, religious rights, free speech rights, second amendment rights, due process rights, federalism, when you are trying to use the 14th amendment to keep a presidential candidate off the ballot or the 14th amendment to empower joe biden, to have complete control over what congress' core powers are that is borrowing money, spending money, so forth and so on. when these things are happening, if you don't believe "the democrat party hates america," then my question is this, how do they love it? >> sean: mark levin thank you for being with us. more on this special edition of hannity right after the break.
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>> sean: thank you for joining us, unfortunately that's all the time we have left. set your dvr so you never miss an episode of happennity, life, liberty and
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levin, saturday and sunday nights, 8:00 p.m. eastern. "the democrat party hates americas.",, live audience shows wednesday and thursday, tickets are free go to hannity got com. let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld putting a smile on your face. have a great weekend. >> okay. okay. no, no, no put your shirts back on. that's disgusting, and where a bra, miss. it's friday, so you know what that means, let's welcome tonight's guest. he is the tastie s