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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  September 15, 2023 7:00pm-8:00pm PDT

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nights, 8:00 p.m. eastern. "the democrat party hates americas.",, live audience shows wednesday and thursday, tickets are free go to hannity got com. let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld putting a smile on your face. have a great weekend. >> okay. okay. no, no, no put your shirts back on. that's disgusting, and where a bra, miss. it's friday, so you know what that means, let's welcome tonight's guest. he is the tastiest snack from britain,
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host of the killer intervie from piers morgan, host of fox nation, piers morgan. as a miss universe judge, expert on dumb questions which makes her the perfect guest. emily austin. weather it's nfl stars or me, she is talking to a man in a jock strap. who said podcast michelle. and finally, he is so dream me you can trace him to the bedroom. fox news at night trace gallagher. all right. my gameday jersey, you see gg, pretty cool, i know. can you order them at fox nation. okay, before we get to some new stories let's do this. >> greg's leftovers.
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>> yeah. it's leftovers where i read the jokes we didn't use this week, it's my first time reading these. so, if they suck we'll water board joe makki and feed his body to hyenas. god help me. during aer haing in the mexican congress, ufo expose alien corpses. that's a big deal, we have those in our congress, too. how could you clap for that? snuckers, snuckers is buying snack cake makers hostess brand in a deal worth 5.6 billion after hostess rejected a matching offer from another buyer. people are sick. hunter biden has been indicted on federal gun charges for buying a gun in 2018, defense
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strategy which is, i needed it to protect my cocaine. who doesn't? tennis star i think i said that right, he won the u.s. open despite refusing shot promoted by the event's sponsor moderna. wow. players who did get the vaccine must be rolling in their grave. yeah. democratic virginia politicians susanna gibson, leaked videos of her live sex shows, encouraged to tip the nurse practitioner even if they covered the $30 copay. a bride fessed up to secretly over feeding her sisters to make herself look thinner at her wedding. she knew she had them when they wanted chicken or fish and they replied yes. but bride
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realized her plan went too far when her sister caught the bouquet and then ate it. jesse smollett was back in court appealing his conviction for faking an attack on himself. 30 months probation and a macrame class so he could make a more convincing neuse, illinois crushed the competition in womens cycling races, although they later tested positive for ped's which is performance enhancing -- during the jets and phils game, star qb aaron rodgers left the game. when asked how he felt, great, now i don't have to play for the jets. poor guy. former teen idol donny
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osmund said he never cursed in his entire life. what a -- subway restaurants in pack a stan are promoting half size subs, first time in history of the world that anybody has bragged about a 3-incher. according to a new book, elon musk hates donald trump after trump claims he has never been more popular among african americans. and finally, new money saving trend shows that adults are ordering food off kids menus, trend? i have been doing that for years said one man. all right. let's do some
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news, okay. so, inherit the flight of our poor friends over at bud light. you have the hate crime hoaxers spreads fat love and still scores a deal with doug. partnered with blm activist jennifer a bryant to raise awareness about so called fat libration, get a load of her. no relation to lane. proves she could only enter like the kool-aid man. and let's face it, it is weird, she parter thissed with this dove bar and not this one. but once again, here you have another massive company who didn't vet their spokes people preferring instead to go woke. bryant tried to falsely accusing
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of her of racism, threatened to run over george floyd protesters and called them speed bumps. there was no evidence that it ever happened, admit she may have miss heard it, harassing a complete stranger made her feel good as eating four cheese cakes on the toilet. now calls for a boycott of dove products are growing louder with conservatives taking to social media and posting pictures of dove soap in the trash. kid rock won't be buying dove or any soap for that matter. yeah, it's bud light all over again, this time with a better tasting product. yeah. a huge corporation golfing in virtual signaling to liberal activists who hate that. dylan mulvaney was slim enough, she could still see -- this time dove is going after the obese. now hear me out, they hire an obese woman to who can their
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soap, i guess because more fatty calls more surface area, it means more soap and more soapy calls more profits. and my haters say all i am is a pretty face. on the other hand, maybe bryant is the perfect role model for the brand. if you spell it roll. piers, i don't care. >> and you shouldn't care. >> i don't. >> why should we care about hurting her feelings? >> exactly. >> somebody who went out of her way to destroy a young female student's life. she harassed her, she campaigned against her, she tried to basically cancel her from any civilized society. what is her reward? when she was caught being a liar she just canceled, no, no somebody at dove, who are these people? who are these people? gillette, do you know what we are going to do, new campaign which is rather
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saluting men for being great. $9 billion off the bottom line. bud light and dylan mulvaney and that if i as could. someone at dove said that really worked for those companies, we are going to find the single most unlikeable, unpersonable, unconscionable human being in america and make that person the face of our soap -- and just purely, what is fat libration? >> good point. >> it's called removing your belt. >> whole celebration of being gigantic is ridiculous. so, on every level this is going to get the reward it deserves which is sales of dove's soap is going to collapse. they are going to wonder why, because they have woked themselves into total carnage, they deserve all that they get. >> fat acceptance is a straw man argument, no one is condemning
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fat people to death but promoting obesity is actually promoting death. >> if you celebrate morbid obesity what you are saying we think it's good people are going to die, it makes you some of the sickest people in america. >> obesity is a positive lifestyle choice, emily. being homely and attractive like you are, are you mad? are you mad that dove is not doing ugly positive soap commercials? >> i'm mad that my mom told me when i was 16 i should start watching my weight, i would have a lot more brand deals. you said, what is fat libration? if dove actually gave a dam they would give people free gym memberships, i don't understand what the motive is behind showing people, this is healthy, this is good, and this -- this is what you should aspire to be. absolutely not. i don't blame people for throwing dove in the garbage, that is frightening to promote this as a beauty standard, no. it's definitely not. >> promoting wokism over life
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expectation. michelle, do you think this is just pure woke virtual signaling? or some kind of calculated economic decision because obese people use more soap? >> i like that theory. they didn't teach us that in my masters of business course. >> way to drop that in. >> little flex. little flex. i am grad we get to use the word fat again, i thought we weren't allowed to use the word fat, long we use it with the term libration. if this is just slicing and dicing, all of us more. so, now not only are you a color, you are a gender, you are a pronoun and now you are a size. and that allows you to become a minority which allows you to ask for victimhood treatment. that's what this is. listen, fat libration is not a thing. you are -- i haven't seen anyone who is obese be denied liberties as we know them,
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right? so, if you need that libration, it's in here. have your own inner citadel where you own everything about yourself, you are fat, whatever you are, and live with that and if anyone else has a problem with it that's on them, not on you. so, this fat libration stuff is another woke employ and it's -- >> amen. >> trace, i have a study here that says according to recent remember trace gallagher is the sexiest man alive. >> that is a failed study. listen, the whole concept of this dove thing, it doesn't have the impact for me that bud light had, you walk in and see bud light cases stacked up to the ceiling, people like i am not buying that stuff. i mean, boycotting dove? like boycotting handy wipes, who notices? it's not like you see the dove -- >> i never used them on my hand. >> right. >> oh, god. >> they got the quicker picker
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upper, right? what's the quicker picker upper. >> depends what you ate. >> wifer. >> it doesn't have the same residents that the bud light thing had because bud light was the number one light -- light beer brand and dove is -- doesn't quite hit it. >> give it time. >> i gotta go, interesting thing, piers, it's like i doubt that all the dove executives are obese so it's like rich liberals who tell the poor how noble it is to be poor so you have rich skinny executives telling you how noble it is to embrace the worse risk factor from everything from covid, heart disease to diabetes and they think they are helping. tomorrow night i am going to be in redding, pennsylvania for the next stop onee bookstore, there is still a few tickets avai available. go to g
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trump jokes aren't flying, says conan o'brien. >> with voya, considering all your financial choices together... can help you make smarter decisions. for a more confident financial future. hey, a tandem bicycle. you can't do that by yourself. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. (ella) fashion moves fast. (jen) so we partner with verizon to take our operations to the next level. (marquis) with a custom private 5g network. (ella) we get more control of production, efficiencies, and greater agility. (jen) that's enterprise intelligence. (vo) it's your vision, it's your verizon.
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tv: try tide power pods with 85% more tide in every pod. who needs that much more tide? (crashing sounds) everyone's gonna need more tide. it's a mess out there. that's why there's 85% more tide in every power pod. -see? -baby: ah. ♪ with fastsigns, create custom graphics that get tails and tongues wagging. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement.
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- [narrator] wounded warrior project helped me find the strength to go further than i ever thought possible. - [narrator] i was able to come outta my shell and really connect with others. - [narrator] so i can feel like part of a team, part of the community again. - [narrator] it's possible to live better. - [narrator] it's possible to have a voice and to be heard. - [narrator] to feel understood.
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- [narrator] to find peace. - because i've experienced firsthand that anything is possible. (inspirational music) >> yeah, welcome back. a smattering of applause. sma smattering. all right. will marr still get a laugh without his writing staff. bringing back his show without writers in the fake of the ongoing hollywood strike. he posted on x, real time is coming bark, sands writers or writing. i never liked the word sans just say without. it has been five months and it is time to bring people back to work. i think it's reason to sound, it's not the well-paid writers and talent suffering the most, below
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the line can't make rent. the hair and makeup artist and the zoo keeper who keeps joy bahar's cage clean. terrible. meanwhile, conan owe bryant explained why he never joked about trump like fellow comedians have. >> so i always thought that when trump came along what a lot of people have to revert to is, doesn't he suck, i hate that guy, he's an -- and those aren't jokes. and so i think it's just -- you know, i'm really going out on a limb here saying, that's his greatest crime. >> it is. i think he's hurt political comedy being so outlandish them self. >> being outlandish, i want you to think about that. i said this every night for years, it was always about his words and not
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his deeds. that set all these lames on fire. it wasn't as bad as 9/11. it wasn't about foreign policy or immigration or covid, trump hurt their feelings and kept them from being funny. except you are about four years too late. a hot take on the finale of seinfeld? look, i'm glad conan sees the lame sameness that infects late night, the one thing i am not infected with. that's a joke, by the way. i mean, for most of the month it's a joke. emily, do you know what late night is? you're like 12. >> my my birthday was last week, i'm 13. >> good for you. that means leo day pap rio can date you. what are your thoughts on this whole
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thing, late night except for this show is falling apart. >> absolutely. i think people are not funny anymore. comedy died because everyone is afraid to get canceled, a few handful of comedians, greg gutfeld, he is really funny. >> and also outrageous leah track testify. >> some is argued. with that being said, it sucks. somebody like myself who loves dark humor and bad jokes we lost that with the sensitivity. coming from someone like him it's like you weren't that funny to begin with so just say that trump's biggest crime was hurting comedy. first of all, is he canceled for saying that. >> he waited, he waited, trace. why is it with the left, konan is the left, i put him in the entertainment world. they come three years too late whether it's crime or immigration or recycling. >> but the biggest travel he see, they stopped being funny
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years ago, they picked sides, johnny carson had 20,000,000 people was watching. they got a lot less than that. and the whole concept is bill mahr is right, the writers are the ones triking, getting the attention it, california is thinking about giving them unemployment benefits, right? but the under, the lower level workers, no name, no career, they've been working all along till the writers go on strike, they are unemployed and they are not going to get insurance, this helps the lower level employees. >> i agree completely. they are calling for his head, michelle, because of this. because he is the first one to actually talk about these other people. but again, here is another example of an tri being destroyed by woke necessary. it's crazy. >> i think part of the other reason they don't like bill mahr, he has a level head on issues that they are afraid to get a level head on. he is a
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classic liberal where they are a liberal. i thought one of the best moments in late night television was when filmily fallon wrestled donald trump's hair and he got eviscerated for, you are normalizing trump, they said, it was a great humanizing moment. >>' apologized like 60,000,000 times. >> and that is what is ruining late night. when you are beholden to this big group of woke, you better apologize or we are walk away, you are no longer independent, you are no longer funny. bill mahr retained independent. >> doing the comedy show without writers with pioneered by cordyn. >> you know he is a friend of mine. you put me in a difficult -- >> i didn't know that. is he a bad tipper. he is banned from the restaurant. yeah,. >> i think they made up, actually. i don't want to hear a
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bad word against him. >> i don't know him. >> he is a good guy. he is a good guy. two things about this, you're right it's been extraordinary to watch, what's the common theme, they go into incessant trump bashing it's not funny, politics, the stuff he does, he could be hilarious as a public speaker. secondly, as bill mahr said, i am a huge fan of bill's, woke's left are far funnier to take out than the right. it used to be all comedians could survive by exposing the insanity of the right. now the insanity of the woke left makes the right look normal. so, actually they made a double pronged mistake, a, they tried to out laugh trump himself who is funny than any of them. secondly, they've missed the real bosom of modern comedy,
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attacking the woke of the left. >> i love that you said the word bosom, that is the most under used word. like moist. just natural they go together don't they. >> every time i view this show i have to remember they cut to your face, right? i have to remember my entire career may hinge on whether i'm straight faced or laughing along. you have to remember, when the camera comes to me. >> that is a great -- do you know what? that is a great idea for a prank for my show where we edit so we take it when people are laughing when i say something really really glum. up next we do our best to answer your questions with jest. ...a clown! sorry, what app was it again? no, no. just give me a second... amateurs.
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ohhh! sorry everybody. directv sports central gives you access to every game... you never have to compromise on gameday. ...was that necessary? i was just illustrating a point. oh. get in the redzone with sports pack. call 1-800-directv (woman) what if my type 2 diabetes takes over? what if all i do isn't enough? or what if i can do diabetes differently? (vo) now you can with once-weekly mounjaro. mounjaro helps your body... ...regulate blood sugar... ...and mounjaro... ...can help decrease how much food you eat. 3 out of 4 people reached an a1c of less than 7%. plus people taking mounjaro... ...lost up to 25 pounds. mounjaro is not... ...for people with type 1 diabetes or children. don't take mounjaro if you're allergic to it,... or your family have medullary thyroid cancer,... ...or multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop mounjaro...
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or donate at >> yeah. welcome to mailing it in. you write, i read, you learn
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something new, that's a lie. all right. let's go to alice. she asked, this is a pretty good question, if you could inject truth serum into anyone, who would you choose, michelle. >> oh, gosh, you came to me first. that's so wrong. >> come on. >> donald trump. >> donald trump? >> that is the least -- >> no, because. >> he tells the truth all the time. >> even while -- his lies are truth. >> but see, you came to me first, i went there. see i think -- i wonder if there is another part of the truth in him that is based on reality. >> oh, interesting. have her escorted out. you had so many choices, kamala harris, joe biden, and you choose the greatest president we've ever had. trace. trace.
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>> i think you are right, joe biden, kamala harris, and -- and. >> wait a minute. >> and jimmy kimmel would like to sit here and say i would like to be funny again, but he can't, chosen a side and they are dammed if they are going -- >> exactly. i always think the late night hosts are governed by their wives. i don't know what that means. piers. >> i would like to see hunter biden injected with truth serum. >> he probably get addicted to it. >> yeah, yeah. >> yes! can you imagine the first question after he had the question. hey, hunter, hunter, just out of interest, when your dad new nothing about businesses, that's a lie, isn't it? yeah, that's a lie. >> emily.
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>> i don't know hillary clinton. i want to know what all those e-mails were. i want to know -- so many questions. >> first question is how did you get into epstein's cell. >> that's a great one. >> trace, i would do fox because my contract negotiations are coming up. >> really? >> yeah. >> not enough money for you. shut up. all right. that's just a warning. this is pretty good. what is something that you did that was really bad or forbidden when you were younger that your parents never figured out? trace. >> getting thrown in jail. yeah, they have figured it out because that was a mistake, in the old days when you get pulled over you get a fix it ticket for life, a taillight, if you didn't have money to fix a taillight they would put a warrant out for your arrest. they would take you
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to jail because that was the way it was before computers, now they can check you out. take you to jail and you walk in and the guy is yeah, you were just in, get out. you were just arrested and grout to jail. >> it was a broken taillight and not the body in the trump. >> not the body in the trump because they never looked in the trunk. >> still kicking back there. piers. >> i was just thinking, i don't think there is anything my parents haven't already suffered from me. >> that's true. you are piers morgan. >> they had to suffer a lot. i don't think there is anything left on the table that can be worse. >> you are being very careful. i know you did something. >> i did, yeah. quite a few things. >> the truth serum. >> you can plead the fifth in this country, right? we don't have that in england. please it over here. >> emily, again, this is probably a hard question for you given that you are 13, what is it? >> i know my parents are going
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to watch this, i'm sorry. at one point i didn't want the dean to keep calling my parents, so i went on our house phone machine and i blocked the number, so they never heard the voicemails and i never told them that. yeah. sorry, guys. but isn't that smart? >> that's very smart. >> that was smart. >> i thought of this just now that for one of my dad's birthdays, one of his coworkers gave him a playboy, only pornography in our house and i found out where it was hidden. and i was -- i don't know how old i was. 40. but i would -- it was in the laundry closet outside my bedroom and i would go and just look at it but i was -- before that age when you knew what you were supposed to do with it. it's still a mystery. this is a real up beat question.
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>> you skipped me, that was nice. >> oh, my god, i'm sorry. >> i shouldn't have said anything. >> come on. >> honey, turn the television off so the kids can't see this. i have children. >> that's in secret? >> no. >> where did you keep the -- >> no, no, no. i had a boy in my room. >> how old were you? >> at least it was a boy. >> not that there is anything wrong -- i was 17. >> wow. through the window? >> no, no, no. >> through the window? >> through the window because i lived on the ground floor. and my dad actually knocked on the door and i stuck a chair under the door handle and said i'm done going to sleep daddy, i kind of lives in my nightmares and my dreams. >> wow. >> wow. i'm aroused. am i? i
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don't know what i'm saying. speaking of, was a portland cyclist rude for crashing into a guy who was nude? that was fun. 't pump enough blood... so my doctor gave me farxiga. ♪ farxiga ♪ it helps my heart do its job better. farxiga helps keep me living life... and out of the hospital for heart failure. farxiga can cause serious side effects including dehydration, urinary tract or genital yeast infections in women and men and low blood sugar. ketoacidosis is a serious side effect that may lead to death. a rare life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this bacterial infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. more time with her? sounds good to me.
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but we help build stronger communities. ♪ we're not just any bank. we are citi. ♪ >> time for mock it and move on. first up, a portland bike rider thought it would be funny to crash into a naked dude on a sidewalk. watch. >> hit him, bro. >> no way. >> yes! >> this is the best ever, bro. >> no way. >> portland. the clip was posted on reddit. not clear how long the beaten went on for. does
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that remind you of that bedroom? >> it reminds me of what would have happened to me or him after the bedroom. he would have been the bicyclist. >> this is so portland. >> it is sad. portland was a jewel, a jewel, now it's -- >> my best friend is leaving portland for portugal. >> yeah. >> i don't know if that's much better. >> i don't know anything about portugal, that was a terrible thing to say. i would like to apologize to viewers in portugal. i think we are the number one late night show. whose side are you on, the naked guy or the bike rider. >> nobody finds it unusual that the guy is naked. when i used to be a judge on america's got talent, we were running out of crazy people to do the acts everyone can get a good laugh at. the call would go out, get to portland, they had an '
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rationally high number of people. i think if you were walking down your local high street on a bike, you see somebody naked, i would avoid them. >> yes. >> they don't seem to be quite the full ticket as we would say back home. that guy got unfortunately what happens if you run over a naked guy on the street. >> i like the fact that you said high street. that is british for main street. >> yes. >> try to stick to our customs. >> everything in our country has a higher claim. >> emily, whose side are you on here? >> this is a david and goliath. he came with a weapon of mass destruction and got his -- you know, found out moment. it's sad, i visited portland and it was beautiful, now i feel like it's turned into a social experiment and it's not working out. >> nike even closed which was their flagship, trace. i don't
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know if you know, trace was a professional water skierer. >> back in the day. >> used to perform at seaworld and marine world. how do you judge that athletic performance. >> pretty good. the guy was able to wear nike. what is with the west coast and all the nudity? everybody in the west coast is naked in southern california, they are having naked parties why you go in and pay 1 150 buc, you disrobe and join the party. do you want to see your friends. >> that reminds me what i didn't tell my parents. >> a few hundred years. >> i went to the story, pier send and i are dressed the same. who is over there in a blue shirt and nothing else for 150 bucks. >> you're disgusting. >> all right. next up. oh, boy. a japanese man, aren't they all, was -- who gained internet fame for going out in public wearing
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a $22,000 dog costume is looking for a -- he with like to dress in a dog costume. interesting. if he want to be authentic he has to learn first how to lick himself. >> yeah, funny enough, i didn't know he was looking for a mate. i went to college, this is a true story, with a girl or it that identified add a cat. i don't know how that would be compatible, she would meow, lick herself multiple times in a class. it was a japanese sexuality class. it was part of my journalism major. it was mandatory. and if she is still a cat. >> it's so funny, there is a girl who identified as a cat and on our show kat identifies as a girl. >> oh, my god.
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>> nice. >> yeah, i don't know if she is going to like that one. trace, if this guy can find love anyone can, that's good news for kilmeade. >> it is good news for kilmeade. >> yeah, i mean, if you can find love like that, identify as whatever you want to and find love then go crazy. my whole point is that you look at some of these people, i had a buddy playing football who would wear this dog hat and shoulder pads every day to warm up in. didn't identify as a dog, like what's the reason he would say, chicks love it. so, you have no idea what people's game is and this appear to be one that's not going to take him far. >> it makes me think when couples have serious discussions, do you want children, don't want to have children, who discuss who is getting neutered? >> maybe they should -- one gets spayed, one gets neutered, i'm not sure pro creation in this environment is a good idea at all. this is the weirdest -- i'm
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sorry, i'm still hung up on a japanese sexuality class. >> it was mandatory. >> this is where we are in our education today. >> you should check out the sex positions, specifically god zilla. >> why do you know that? >> i don't know what i am talking about, i thought i would say god zilla. >> god zilla and a japanese sexuality class. >> piers you have to get this person on your show. >> what was your favorite story ever? it was that teacher with the massive bosom i think this has taken over. >> i want them to mate. >> yes, that could be -- >> is that beastallity, if you have sex with a man who identifies with a dog is that beastallity. >> this is a natural result of a society which now actively encourages not just fat libration but limitless self identity. as a result i am now from today identifying as brad
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pitt. and i'm sure if he is watching, brad will also be identifying as piers morgan, we should be able to say what we are, if you don't like it you are in the minority. >> this is just an excuse to sniff people, basically no different than president biden. all right. up next, thank you. they ride first class after getting join in flight. but then, i remembered that the world is so much bigger than that, with trelegy. because one dose a day helps keep my asthma symptoms under control. and with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy helps improve lung function so i can breathe easier for a full 24 hours. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems.
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>> welcome to jeans scenes. this segment where we showcase artwork made by our in-house sketch artist jean nelson. his renderings allow us to do the stories with pictures and videos but too hot for tv. here to explain his master piece is our resident rembrandt, jean nelson. >> thank you. thank you, greg. so, okay, earlier this week a young couple joined the mile high club while on a flight. and
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the moment was caught on camera when the flight attendant opened the bathroom door. and here it is. as you can see, the happy couple was caught in the heat of passion. talk about the upright and lock position. but the guy's mom said later that the two of them had just met right before the flight so that's pretty cool. but police were notified of the incident and no arrest records have been found so far but the cops did report that their handcuffs were missing. either way, love is in the air, back to you, greg. >> you know. >> do you know the guy's name? >> no. >> the guy -- the man in the story who actively in -- his name is piers. and if i told you how rare my name is, i only met about five piers's in my life, the first time someone gets
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caught on camera joining the mile high club it's a guy with my name. everybody in britain, i knew there was something bad about that guy. >> they did put the easy in easy. trace. >> what's the appeal of the mile high club? what about the mile below club? have sex in a submarine. >> i don't know why they call it mile high club, it's 7000 -- you are way late to the game it you are not doing it until 35,000 feet, you are late to the game. it's confusing. but the whole idea that this guy was caught on camera with the japanese sexuality class. >> and he met her -- >> met her. >> mother revealed he met her at the airport. >> right. can i ask a question, in england do you call it the 1.6-kilometer club? >> no, miles. >> you do miles? >> yes. >> i don't believe him. >> the only club to join was the
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concord club. when it hit mach 2 and doing it the twice the speed of sound. >> we can still do that, for some reason we don't have fast jets anymore. that is a more interesting topic. let's talk about that for two hours. >> so you are on the concord. >> on concord. >> 2 hours, 58 minutes to get from new york to london. >> there was a club? >> apparently. >> i love -- >> again i'm taking the fifth here. >> does your mother. >> participated in the mile high club, michelle? yay or nay. >> no unless you count my room -- >> wait, you went all the way? >> whoa! >> wow! >> i feel like piers morgan, i nailed you. >> you really did. >> literally. >> not as much as he did.
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>> great line. >> emily, i would like to apologize for -- the nature of this content. you're a fine young woman. subjected to this -- >> my parents signed an authorization form. it's okay, you won't get in trouble. no, i want to talk about that video for a minute. i legitimately have a cardiac arrest for holding my breasts every single time i go to the restroom on the plane and i don't hold my breath, shove something over my nose and they are exchanging fluid, i don't get it. >> it's selfish, i have a tiny bladder. you know, imagine waiting while they are doing that. it's very selfish, don't you think? >> trace. >> it wouldn't take long. >> good one. >> i am going to leave now. we'll be right back.
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8:00 pm
>> we are out of time. thanks to piers morgan amelia austen, michelle trace gallaghe and our studio audience. fox news @ night with chase gallagher is next up you yet is there room to california do the show? i'm greg gutfeld and i love you america. >> good evening it's a pm on th west coast 11:00 o'clock and th greek city and this is america' late news. fox news @ night. >> breaking tonight fact economic news a sun indicted a and capped off a very bad no good horrible week. brand-new fox polls show suppor for president biden's cratering. including among groups that hav long supported him. at the national correspondent kevin corke is live in the nation's capital with a closer look at the numbers. >> not only has president biden 's job approval ratings continue to plummet, he's losin suppor


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