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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  September 16, 2023 12:00am-1:00am PDT

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and don't forget life. liberty levin will mark saturdayy an, sunday nights, 8 . eastern. don't forget, the democrat party hates america hannity icon bookstores everywhere. programing note live audience shows wednesday and thursday. ticket s free. ha just go to hannity .com. and in the meantime, let nott your heartco l be troubles why? greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. you >> have a great weekend. okay. okay. okay okay get out of it it up. ' put your shirts back on. a br that's disgusting. and wear a ms.. it's friday, so you knowt what that means. let' let'ss welcome tonight's g. >> he's the tastiest snack from
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britain since and crisps.e from who said the killer interview with piers morgan availablex on fox nation. piers morganon has miss universe judge. she's an expert on dumb questions which make s her the emily perfect guest host of the hoop chat, emily austin, whether it's nfl stars or me, trap she's talking to a man in a jockstrap who said that michelle tafoya podcast michelle tafoya. and finally, he's soo dreamy. ng you can trace him to theht bedroom. host of fox news trace gallagher. oh, all right.gameda >> it's my game day. jersey is pretty cool. i know. you can order them at fot fox. >> yeah. okay, before we get to some new stories, let's do this. er
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greg's leftovers. yeah, it's leftovers wherew i read the jokes we didn't use this weeees k. and as always, it's my first time reading these, so if they ,we'l will joe machi and to feed his body to hyenas? r hain >> all right, here we go. god help me. during a hearing in the mexica n ufo, experts display two supposed nonhuman alien corpses. i say, big deal. we have those in our congress to fix all this. uckers how could you clap for that smucker's? smuckers is buying snack cakes maker hostess brands in kers hoa deal worth 5.6 billion, but only after hostess rejected a matching offer from another buyer. peopl e people are sick. >> hunter biden has been indicted on federal gun charges for allegedly lying to a gun dealer on a farm when buying a revolver in 2018.
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lega il experts are questioning his defense strategy, which is, quotct me i needed it to protect my cocaine. >> who doesn't? tennis star? open d novak djokovic. i think i said that right. he won the u.s. open despitees refusing the shot promoted by the event's sponsor, moderna . wow.o playerdis who did get the vaccine? >> must be rolling in their graves. yeah. democratic virginia politician susanna gibson gained national fame after someone leaked videosgi, her live shows, en and viewers were encouraged to tip the nurse practitioner, even if they coveredy covere th0 co-pay. >> oh, it's good. a bride fessed ufep to secretlyd overfeeding her sisters to makee herself look thinner at her wedding. shshe knew she had them when she asked if they wanted chicken or fish, and they replied o, yes,
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but that bride really said her plan went too far. when her sister caught the bouquet, then ate it, ing hi jussie smollett was back in court, appealing his conviction for faking a racist homophobic o attack against himself. he was originally sentenced to 150 days in jail, 30 months probation and a macramacramee, o he can make a more convincing news. >> in illinois, two biological males recently crushed the competition in women'sns cycling races, although they later tested positive for which is performance enhancing dogs. >> during jets and bills games e on monday night football star qb aaron rodgers left the game with a season ending injury. when asked how h fele felt, rods said great, since now i don't have to play for the jets.
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the poor guy. former teen idol donny osmond says he's never once curses anos entire life, althougmundh he was tempted that time, he hit his thumb with a hammer while stepping on a rake and listening to geraldo. >> what a subway restaurants in pakistan are now promoting ay half sized subs. it's the first time in the history of the world thabobraggn anybody has bragged about cha three incher. >> according to a new book, elon musk hatelos trump. this after trump claims he's never been more popular amonrefricang african-americansw and finally, new money saving trend shows that adults are now ordering food off kids menus trend. i've been doing that for years, said one man. >> oh oh, all right.
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>> let's do some news. okay. or so did dove soap just inherit the plight of our poor friends over at bud light? yep. a hate crime hoax are spreads fs fat, love and still scores a deal with dove. dove. nere has partnered with bm activist xana bryant. xana bryanactir a bryat to raiss about so-called fat liberation . yeah, get a load of her. xana bryand t. ironically, no relation to lane. true. >> could only enter like the kool-aid man. -aid man okay. and let's face it, iwit is kind of weird. she partnered with this dove ba notr and not this one hook. c >> but once again, here you have another massive company who didn't vet di, o gookespeople people preferring instead to go woke. back in 2020, bryant to destroy the life of a white college student by falsely accusing
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her of racism. oy bryant claimed the girl threatened to run over george floyd. protestersand call and called tm speed bumps. there was no evidence that ever happened. and bryant h later had to admit that she may have misheard it, but at least harassingg complea stranger made her feel as good as eating four cheesecakes on the toiler cheet. a oh, my. oh. and now for a boycott of dove, products are growing louder with taking to social media and posting pictures of dub dub soapve soap , the kid rock won't be buying dove or any soa p, for that matter. yeah, it's bud light all over again, though, this time with a better tastingr tast. >> yeah. a huge corporation groveling and virtue signaling to liberal activists who hate you. but unlike bud light, where dylan mulvany was slim enough, shaney wase still see her own. e >> ha ha ha. e obes this time, dove's goine.g after the obese. now hear me out.
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they hire an obese womansoap to haw, k their soap. s more i guess because more fat equals call surface are sa. and more surface area equals more soap. and more soap equals more profitss more pro. and my haters say all i am is at pretty face. on the other hand, maybe bryant is the perfect role model for the. >> if you spell r. o. l. l. o. >> gosh o piers. 't i don't care. >> you shouldn't. i don't. why should we cared we cou o about hurting her feelings? >> exactly. somebody who went out of her wahery to destroy a young femalh students life. she harassed her. she campaigned against her. she tried to basically cancel her from any civilized society. and what's her rewar d? rather, when she was caught being a liar, she gets canceledo . >> no, no, no. somebody. it doesn't. who are these people? are who?
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>> these people. it's like the one at gillette who said, you know what we're going to do? we have a new campaign, which is rather than saluting men for salut, it's going to sayff the all men are harvey weinstein until they prove otherwise. bot9 billion off the bottom li. and then you go to bud light and dylan mulvany in thatsomeon fiasco. and then someone at dove has gone that reallye ataid that foe companies. what we're going to do is find the single mos t unlikable. yeah. on. on personable. right. unconscionable human being in america. and we're going to make e person the face of our soap. and just purelt puy by the by wl is fat liberation. good point. good point. it's called moving your belt. right. this whole this wholf beines celebration of being gigantic. >> yeah. ridiculousri so,. on every level. this is now going to get the reward it deserves, whichto is that sales of dove soap are going to collapse, collthey areg to wonder why. the answer is because they have worked themselves intoe total carnage and they deserve all that they get. yeah. you know, if. >> fat fat acceptance
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is a straw man argument, because no one is condemningt fat people to death, but promoting obesitotiny is ite is actually promoting death. >> celebrate morbid obesitley. what you're saying is we think it's good that people are going to die. to makes which makes you somes of the sickest people in america. yeah. obesity is nowa po positive lifestyle choice. emily, being homely and attractivehoive like you as >> are you mad? are you mad?oi that dovnge is not doing ugly,s? positive soap commercial? i shou >> i'm mad that my mom told meld when i was 16 that i should start watching my weight because i'd have a lot more brand deals if i had an u approved. so i don't know. like you said, what is fatif liberation? if dove actually gave a gi about that, they would give people free gym membershipvee s. b like, i don't understand what the motive is behind showinehd ig like, hey, thisir is healthy, this is good and this should this is whatin should aspire to be. >> yeah, absolutely not. i don't blame people for ga stuff in the garbage because that's frightening to promote this as a beauty standard dard, no.
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no. yeah. like, it's definitely not. it's promoting wokeism pro overo like, life expectancy. th think this do is just pure woke virtue signaling or some kind of calculated economic decision because obese people use more soap? i like that theory. didnthey didn't teach us that iy master's of business course, but. oh wait, a dro tp that is. >> yeah. no flex the flex. i'm just glad wefa get to use ti word fat again because thought we weren't allowed to use the word fat. really, we are. as long as we use it with the termor liberation. s ju >> now, here's my problem with this. if thist s just slicing and dicing all of us more so now only are you a color, you are a gender, you are a pronoun and now you're a size. yes. beco met allows you to becom a minority, which allows you to ask for victimhood treatment. n right. so that's what this is. listen, fat liberation is not a thing you are. i haven't seen anyone who is obese be denied liberties,
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as we know that. you n right. >> so if you need fat liberation, it's in here. yonnern citadel in which you own everything about yourself, that you're faue that you're whatever you are and live with that. and if anyon probleme else hasibration a problem with it, that's on them, not on you. so there's fat liberatioffn stuf is just another woke ploy and it's. >> yes. hey, man. e >> trace, i have a study here that says that according to recent research, trace gallagher is the man. >> oh, that failed study. yes. and the whole concept dot t of s dumb thing is it doesn't quite have the impact for me that bud walk in andlight, you know, yok into the market and you see bud light cases stacked upg, peopl e ceiling. people like, i'm not buying that stuff. boycotting dove yeah, kind of like boycotting handi wipes, right? hoo hooces? it'so. >> notice it's not like whymy the dove? what about daddy wipes? >>i never use them on my hand.o. >> you're never right.
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oh, god. heis there are the quicker pickr upper right. that's. well , something else. no, that's the quicker picker. the best way to wait for the quicker for picker upper.t but it just doesn't have the same, you know, the resihavt th ends that the bud light thing had because everybody bud light was kind -- of the number dov one light bud light beer brand and dove in quite heavy, >> yeah. you know what? yeah, i got to go. likbut interesting thing, piert is it's like i doubthe that all the dove executives are obese, so it's kind of like r rich,o rich liberals who tell the poor how noble it is to be poor. so you have these rich, skinny executives telling you how noble it is to embracee ri the worst risk factoskr for everything from covid to heart disease to diabete ds and theyoe think that they're helping. tomorrow night, i'm going to be in redding i , pennsylvania, for the next stop on my book tour. and there's a few tickets stil l . i got some special guests, including shillue, jamie lissauer a, jim norton, joe mackey, nick di paolo,
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go to g. gutfeld dot com for ticket. up next, trump jokes aren't flyin, says conan. i'm john morgan of morgan and morgan. with so many mesothelioma lawyers on television, how do you choose the right firm for you and your family? our goal to get you as much as you deserve. >> $30 billion was set aside for mesothelioma victims like you. if you've been diagnosed with mesothelioma. we'll come to you within 24 hours so our team can get to work right away. call us now. there's only one morgan and morgan. 1-800- 512 1300. >> if you need dental implants, we have great news. reset. is a dentist approved more affordable way to replace your missing teeth from home? no dentist office visits required. just go to reset. smile .com and order your at home impression kit. mail it in and we'll custom make your new smile with our advanced 3d technology using the same material trusted by dentists in millions
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all 50 states. we've got a problem. a global lyme alliance, a plan. >> they have hope. they have help, he wrote. sm welcome back. a smattering of applause. a smattering. al >> all right. we'll ma still get a laugh. without his writing staff, hout bill maher announced he's bringing back his show without writersn in the wake of the ongoing hollywood strike. he posted ond abc's quote, real time is coming back. unfortunately, sans writer s writing. i never like the word sans jus to say without bri it has been five months and it is time to bring people backnot to work. i think his reason is sound. it's not the well-paidthnt
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and talent who are suffering the most. it's the below the line people who suf below now can't h the caterers, the prop and set design , the hair and makeup artist and the zookeeper who keeps joy bakers cage clean ,terrible. meanwhile, conan o'brien explained on a podcast why he never really joked trump, like fellow comedians have. p ce >> so i always thought that that when trump came alonne ,what a lot of people have to revert to is, doesn't he . >> i hate that guy. he's an apple. and those aren'tjokes. jokes. and so i think it's just, you know, i'm really going out on a limb here saying that his greatest crimeates now is thaths he's i think he's hurt political comedy by being so outlandish himself. >> so trump's biggest crime wasi being outlandish. i want you to think about that because. s i said this every night fords
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years. it was always about his word an not his deeds. that said, all these lame, hairt on fire, i guess january 6 really wasn' t as bad as 911, abo was it? and it was never about foreign polin or covid. feeliforei it was because trump hurt their feelings and kept them froms an being. so i say good job.r year conan except you're about four years, too. >> what's next? a hot take on the finalef sein of seinfeld. look, i'm glad conan sees the lame sameness that infects all of late night. except not here at this show. >> that's the one thing i'm noty infected with. >> that's a joke, by the way. m i mean, for most of the month, it's a joke. >> emily. do you know what late is? you're, what, 12? i know. my birthday was last week. biri'm 30 oh, excellent. wow. good forr you. you, i think. >> i think that means leo dicaprio can date you. i have. i have a couple more years.
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>> i do?thing, yeah. so what are your thoughts on this whole thing? it seems like late lnight exce , except for this show is falling apart. >> absolutely. i think people aren' peoplt funy anymore. i think comedy has died because diedd to get few canceled nowadays. besides that, few handful comedian s, there's this one guy, what's his name? greg gutfeld. he's really funn andy but also outrageously attractive. yeah, some have some have argued. yeah. and with that being said, it just because comedy's dead and somebody like myself who loves dark humor and bad jokes, like we kind of losd jokm that with the sensitivity. and secondly, i mean, coming from someone like his li m, like,s hu you weren't that funny to begin with. >> so would you say that trump's biggestg comet wasl hurting comedy? >> first of all, is he canceled now for saying for that?. >> because that sounds insensitive. he waited. he waited, trace. wht withy it with the left andon conan's maybe not the left, is in thet put him entertainment world. they always comes to things three years too late, whether it's crime or immigrationing. action or recycling. >> yeah, but but the biggest
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travesty of late, that is in emily's right, they stop being funny. >> i mean, they stopped y pi sidesbeing funny ago.,000,0 they pick sides and you see, you know, johnny carson had, what was, 20 million people i wa watching tonight. they've got they've got a lon tt less than that. and the whole concept here is that bill maher's right when he talks about the writerss wris writers are the ones that are striking, getting all the attentiohen. and california's thinking about giving them unemployment benefitsbenefi. >> but the under the lower level workers, they have no name. namer, thee they have no careero they've been working all along till the writers go on strik oke and now they're unemployed and they're not going to get unemployment insurance some hours. ce, this right. >> that this helps the lower level employees? no, i agree completely. >> it it's like he you know, and they're calling for abs head, michelle because, bece of this and because he's the firsr peopt one to actually talp about these other people. but again, here's anotheler example of an industry. being destroyed by wokeness. >> yes. it's lik crazy.e crazy.y don' i think part of the otheril reason they don't like bill maher's because he's really kind of got a levela head on some political that
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they are afraid to get a level head on. yeah so he'sclassibera more a cc liberal, whereas they're illiberal. i though momentst one of the best moments in late night television was when jimmy rustled donald trump's hair and he got eviscerated it right? >> they're normalizing trump, they said. right. but it was a great a humanizingp mode. he apologized like 60 times. i know. and he continuesed to apologize for everything else. and that is what is ruining late night wheightn are beholder to this big group of woke you better apologize or we're walking away. then you're no longer in no longt, you're no longer funny. >> and i think bill maher retains some independence. you know, pier pendent.s, a comedy show without writers, of course, was first pioneered by james corden, a lousy>> you tipper. >> you already said that know h- you know, he's a friend of mine, and you put me in a very difficult. >> i didn't know that. is he really a bad tipper? he's always been fine. i've been out with this band>> i from the restaurant that offer s up? >> yeah, yeah, yeah, i think
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they made up, actually. but i want to hear. about what? againsactuallynt at him?e is >> not. not from, you know. okay, i was going to call hi hm that, but i don't know him, though. he's. he's a good guy. he's a good guy. and there's two things about this, isn't it? your rise has been extraordinar a t y to watch, as has the demise of all the others. what's the common theme? they go into incessantss trump bashing, which is noant very funny because they can't be funnier than trump himself. who is what?e hila you know, whatever you think of his politics, all the stuff he does, he can be hilarious public s as a public speaker. but secondly, as bill maher has said, i'm a huge a fan of bill's the woke left. i'm now far to take the off than the right. right. ght. ithey used to be that all comedians could survive by exposin g the insanity of the right. now, the insanity of the woke left makes the right look normal. yeah. so actually, they've made a sort of double made mistake h. a they've tried to out laugh trump himself, who is funnier than any of them. and secondly. they've missede l the real of modern comedy
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which is attacking the woke left for being mad. >> i love that you. love th >> yeah, that is like the mosted underused word. tha >> it is, you know, like moist ,moist, just natural because go together they you know what?f every time i do this show, i have to remember they cut rto your face right aftery ente remember my entire career may yu hinge on whether i'm straight face laughing laughing , all of great - them. you have to just remember, i think i'm on camera, comes to m- do you e. that's what you what that is a o great idea for a prank fore my show where we edited so that we take it when people are laughing. when i say something really, really glum. >> all right. up next, we do our bestsi to answester.r your with jest. >> hey, i just got a text from my sister. you remember rick, her neighbor? >> sure. he's the 76-year-old guy
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who still runs marathons, right? >> sadly um, we're not , not a? >> wow. have we need life insurance conversation again. >> ah, we know we're havingh. though. >> we are getting coverage so we don't have to worry about it conversation. that $9.95 pla you're calli5 a month plan from colonial penn. >> i am we put it off long enough. >> we are getting that 995 plan today. if y about the 995 plan? >> i'm jonathan from colonial pen life insurancoue. sometimes we just needju a reminder not to take today't u for granted. if you're age 50 to 85, you can get guaranteed accept his whole life insurance starting at just $9.95 a month. numbers, so you can't be turned down for any health reason. number one most popular all life plan option started fof just $9.95 a month. just $9.95 a month. that'sre less than $0.35 a day.
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my u.s. manufacturing jobs and to make room for this, we're clearing out a line of our per kill bed sheets and to thank you. i'm bringing them to you at closeout prices. use your promo code and you get my king size for only $39. that said queens 35, falls 29 and twin saves just $25. i'm interrupted this commercial to let you know that we received the last two shipments of these percale bed sheets and. because of this, i've been able to add more colors, sizes and even print and there's still a closeout prices. so go to my pillowcase or call the number on your screen. now use your promo code and you'll get my king size. only $39 is set. queens $35 for $29 and twin size just $25 order. >> now, once they're gone, they're gone for good. >> thursday, it's baseball night in america on fox, the crystal a play playoff ball and bryce harper and the
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50 looked to take command and held while in a battle against peter lutz and rival men's four at the race and the audience have sights set on at least crack as they take on jose ramirez at the garden. it's baseball night in america thursday at seven eastern on fox. >> do you know where you are? i'm in a dream that in my dream, we no longer have any hope of increasing our numbers. tell me why you went today. >> nowhere tonight. i take it then, that you are yourselves among the afflicted. we don't consider ourselves afflicted. good to see you here. good to see you here. well, then, let's get started. >> yep. >> you're watching mailing it in. yeaho mail. w,
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>> welcome to mailing it in. you write, i read and you'll learn somethin tllg. ce. sh >> that's a lie. all right, let's go to alice. j she asked is a pretty goodec question. if you could inject truth serumn into anyone. who would you choose? would michelle.rst. >> oh, gosh. tha you came to me first. that's s w>>o. come on. >> come on, trump. donald trump, i think, is the least. noause. , he's the no. because, you know, he tells the truth all the time, even while he's got his lies or truth. ha ha ha. o me but see. you came me first. i went there. but see, i think. i wonder if ther theree is a lie another part of the truth in him that is like, more based on. >> hmm. interesting. that's. have her escorted out. u ha >> you know, he says you had kamala. joe biden. and you choose the greatese tht president we've ever had. r biace trace.
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i think you're right. joe biden, kamala harrisde and i have heard of. a >> and jimmy >> i mean, that's a whole thing. you know, jimmy kimmel would like to sit there and say, manit ,would like to be funny again.e, i would like to do the jokes that people are going to like, chos can't. >> they have chosen a side and they are if they're going to go. exactly. they can'tways. >> i always think that late night hosts are governed by wives. yeah i don'twhat, i don't know whatm meaneas, piers. >> i would actually i'd like to seebi hunter biden and jake, too, which is, you know, when you probably get addicted to it. yeah. yeah. oh, yes, it you can imagine the first question after he's had the injection, you just say, hey, hunter, hunter just out of interest, when your dad says he knew nothing about any of your businessesrin. >> that's alive. yeah. yeah, that's a lot. that where the horse? yeah yeah,. y clinto
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emily, i don't know. no one said this before. we t hillary clinton. >> i want to know where all those emails were. i want to know.t in i just. there's so many questions. ohto, the first question is,s how did you get into epstein's cell? >> yeah. >> oh, that's a great one. f yeah. trace, you know,ox because i god do fox because my contract negotiations a are up. really? yeah. i have enough money foh y r you. >> shut up. all right, that's just warningaa . >> this is pretty good.y what is something that you did that was really baba fd or forbidden when you were younger that your parents figured getti figured out? >> oh, tracengn getting thrown in jail. they know. yeah, i never figured it out because that was, in. r i was mistaken. in the old days when you'dge get pulled over, you get a fix,t a ticket for a light. for a tail light. right? you going to fix a ticke o fix t and? if p you didn't have the money to fix the taillight, they would put a warrant out for your arrest.
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there. warrant your no computers. the next time you got pulled over, they would take you to jail. arrl becaus way beforright becy it was before computers. now they can check you out l and yod and take the jail. and then you walk in and the guy's like, oh, you're just out. you get out. but yoe justu actually get arred and rot in jail. so my parents found out. sod >> it was a it was a brokenody n tail light and not the body in the trunk. >> that's not the body and dru g because they never looked in the trunk. >> exactly. the smell was overpowered inhed right. still kicking back there. yeah. yeah. here's i was just thinking, i don't think there's anythingal that mready parents haven't alry suffered from. vicky. that's true. you are? nythin yeah. they've had to suffer a lot. i don't think there's anything really that'ge thats left on the that could be worse than what they've actually had to. you are being very careful i . , >> i know you did something. i did? yeah. yeahfe, yeah. plead what is he thing? truth serum. yeah fif, i'm. >> you can plead the fifth in this country, right? right. yeah. s is >> we don't have that. clean it even here. emilably a hy, again, this is py a hard question for you, given that you're 13.
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>>? watch well, i know my parents are going to watch this. i'm sorry. it's actually not even that bad. tbut used to get in trouble a lot in high school. and at one point i didn't want ane dean m to keep calling my parents. so i went on our house phone machine and i blocked i d the number. so they never heard the voicemails. and er heardi never told them t. and yeah, sorry, guys, s but isn't that smart? that's very smart. i was smart. o i, i thought of this just now that for one of my dad's birthdays. f one of his coworkers gave himy a playboy, and it was the only in our house. and donund out where it was hidden. >> and i was. i don't know how old i was at 40, but i would. i would it was in the laundry ad closet outside my bedroom. and i woul jusd go and just look at it. but i was before that age when you knew do what you were supposed to do with it? >> yeah, it did. >>th it's still a mystery. e, ta
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>> oh, this is a real upbeat question. you skipped me. >>at was>> oh, my god, weak. >> oh, my god. i'm sorry. i shouldn't have said anything. >>ey on honey, turn on the television. >> also, the kids can't see ites . >> oh, i have children. yeah, that's the secret no. >> oh, wait, you keep them. >> no, no, no, i. roomd a boy in. >> my room.ow oh, how old were old w you? >> at least one boy. yeah. not that there's anything wrong with. >>, i was 17. >> wow. through the one daughter. t no, no, through the window. through the window wincaus. acl lived on the ground floor. wow. and my dad actually knocked on the door, and i stuck a chair under the door handle and said, i'm done going to sleep, daddy. >> and it was a it's. >> i kind of lives in mymy dre nightmares and my dreams. noam>> wow. wow. now i'm aroused. .
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gordon ramsay here. i'm terrified. what is that? this place is a stack try. shut it down. kitchen nightmares returns monday, september 25th on fox market and move on.rtland >> time for market and move on.b first up, a portland bikike. thought it would be funny to crash into a naked dude on the sidewal ak. >> whoade. im hidden bro. oh no. oh, yeah. >> you know what, bro? oh, port portland.wa >> the clip was posted on reddit, and it's not clear how long the beating actually went for.emin
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michelle, does this remind you of that bedroom? would >> it reminds me of what would have happened to me or him after the bedroom had my dad gotten out the door. he would have been the bicyclist. >> this is so portland doesn't. it's sad. it is saland wasd portland. he was is a jewel.w it's a jewel. and noitw it's just. >> oh, my best friend is leaving portland for. for portugal. >> really? yeah. well, i don't know if that's much better. i don't even kno i don'tboutw anything about portugal. that was a terrible thing to say. i'd like to apologize to our viewerlikeos in. >> we do have them there. i thinnk the number one lategh night show. >> piers, whose side are you on, naked guy or the bike rider? >> well, nobody seems to find. n it unusual. there's a bloke wandering around in the middle of the high street, for one. although when i used to be a judge on america's got os go e were running out of crazy people to do as i saw, everyoneu can have a good laugh. the call. we got to get to portlant,d. yeah, because they just had an
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irrationally high number of people would do things like wander around naked. now i think if you were walking down your local high street orse on a bike or whatever, and you see somebody naked. >> yeah.don' walking along, i would just avoid them. yes. they don't seeuitem me to be que the full ticket, as we would say. bad guy, so best avoided that guy got. unfortunately. what happens if you run over a naked guy in the streeet. i like the fact that you said high street. yes. yeah that's britis highh for main try street. >> yes. yeah. try to stick to our customers. everythingk to in everything inr country has a higher place. yes. >> you know, you live just for u the team is heavily. whose side are you on here? this is like a little david de goliat like he came with a weapon of mass destruction, and he's gohi--t his, you know, f around and find out moment. it's just kind of sad because i visite id then it waseel li beautiful. and now i feel like it's turned it's social lifeke experiment. >> and we see that it's not working out. it'gbut we're at a point of no return now. so nike even closed, which wash their flagship trades, europe,
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europe. i don't know if, you know, that trace was a professionakiee water skier back in the day, used to perform at seaworld marine world. how how do you judgetic that athletipec performance?e gu it was pretty good. the guy was actually wearing nike. the only thing and i was niks at so he was able to grab the guyer on the bike and beat him up. that is what the west coasyb wt and all the notre dame? yeah. everybody in the west coast is naked in southern california. g nakethey're having naked part. yeah. where you gon in anand you pay0 bucks and you disrobe and you go and you join the whole party. you're thinkin50g, do you really want to see your friends? >> that's how. and that reminds me of what i didn't tell my parents right?r i waeds at a party in southern california. yeah, i went wen in around a few hundred years. i went to do a study, see how peers in our dress the same . do a story on the naked party and who's over there in? >> a blue shirt and nothing else for 150 bucks.h, you're disgusting. all right, nex boyt up. oh, boy. a japanese man. aren't they all was guys
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who gained internet fame for going out in public wearing a $22,000 dog costume is now looking fo r bit. he said he'd like to meet a woman who also likes to dresss in a dog costume. oh, interest . you know, emily, i'm thinking if he wants to be authentic, he's got to learn first how to lick himself. yeah, you know, funnil yy, a i didn't know he was looking for me. >> i went to college, and this is a true stor stoy by way, with a girl or in it that identified as a cat. oh, really? i don't know, like how that would be compatible. coe would meow lick herself, li multiple times during clascks and. >> it was a jet. it was a japanese sexuality class. i don't know why it tookt wa th, but no, no, no. it was part of my journalism major guys. it was actually mandatory and i could set them up if she's still a cat. >> yeah, that's so funny. so there was a a girl who identified it as a cat. yes. >> and, ah, so cat identifies as a girl. i know.
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yeah. i don't know ithatf she's goingi to like that one trace. if this guy find love, anyone can. >> i mean, that's good news for kilmeade. it is, but there's>> it is g kil >> yeah.ik, i mean, if you can find loved like that, if you can identify as whatever you want to and find love and, then go crazy. p >> my whole point iseopl, is tht you look at of these people, i had a buddy when i was playing football who would wear this andg hat and these dog in. kind of shoulder pads every day to warm upt in and didn't identify as dog. >> but like, what? what's the reason he would say, well, because you know chicks pl love it you think really see you have no ideae' what gamegoin is and this appears to be one that's not going to take him far. >> it makes me think, you know, when couples are about to get marrie whe d, they have these serious discussions, michelle, about like, do you want children, don'have do you don'tt to have children. do you think they might have to discuss who's getting neuteredin>>. >> yeah, maybe they should, , one each one get spayed ones that gets neutered because i'm not sure enviprocreation in this environt
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is a good idea at all. but this wei-- is the weirdest r i'm sorry i'm still hung up on a japanese yes, you have a man. it's mandatory. this is wher e are in education today. you know what? you should check out the xpositions, specifically spe the godzilla. >> why dcificallo you know that? i don't know what i'm talking about. i just thought i'd say godzill a . >> godzilla, a japanese sexualitlla.y class. >> here's you have to get this person on your show.e stor well, i was trying to think. which is your favorite story? ever it wa? e mass yeah, itiv was that teacher with the massive, right? as i think now thin s has takenm over. exactly. i want them to mate. yes, that could be. is that be if you have with a man who identifies as a dog, is that. >> well, what it is, this is the natural result of a societactivelyy which now activy encourages not just fat liberations se, but limitlessow self-identity. yeah, right.
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and as a result, i am now from frs brad identifying as brad pitt pi and i'm sure if b he's watching, brad will also be identifying as piers morgan yeah and i'm all for it i think we should all be to sayt li what the we and if you don't like it, then i'm afraid you're in the minority. >> i think this is just an excuse to sniff people'sxcus. no different than president biden. all righright.t. up next. thank thank you.they rthey arrived first class after getting some in-flight. there's a new victim of identity theft every seconds and checking your credit score. bank statements not be enough to alert you. that's because identity threats appear in more places than you realize. identity thieves can use your information to open loans, transfer home titles, even commit crimes. someone stole my information. try to buy a car in my name.
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>> let's engaged and in the moment get a hearing health check every year. >> oh, jean, see? oh, welcome to jeans scenes. this segment where we showcaser artwork made by in-house sketch artist jean nelson. his renderings allow us do the stories that feature amazing pictures and videos, . e but frankly, we're just too hot for tv. >> here to explaino his latest masterpiece is our resident rembrandbrandt, t g. you. nelson. thank you. thank you, gregg.k so, okay, so earlier this week, a young couple joined the mile
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high club while on a flight to. and the moment was caught on camera when the flight attendant opened the bathroom door. >> and here it here is. >> as you can see, the happy couple was caught. e >> the heat of passion. talk about the upright position.hat the >> but the guy, his mom actually said later the two of them had just met right before the flight. >> so that's pretty cool . but police were notified of the incident and.e no arrest records have been found so far, but the cops dider report that their handcuffs were missing. >> so either ways in the, love , the air. >> back to you, greg. >> i know you know the guy. you know, he goes, no, no. so the guy, the the man in story who's actively there in the thing. >> his name? pierce. abd if i told you hohow rarew ra my name is, i've only met about five pairs in my entire life.
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and the first time somebody gets caught on camera joiningub' the high club on an easyjet flight. yeah, it's a guya gu with my na. so now everyone in britain is like, i knew there was something about itng. >> that guy. they did put the easy and easyn jets in trace. >> what's the appeal? hav the mile high club. what about the mile below club? have ine sein a submarine? i don't know why they call itleg the mile high club. i mean, the mile a milh clube ie 7000 some odd feet. ar you're wayil0, so late to the game. if you're not doing until 35,000 feet, re you're tofusing the game. i'm not sure why they call. so it's kind of confusinbueg but the whole idea that this guy was caught on camera. >> yeah. with with the japanese sexuality kind sexua on he met. his money, met his mother,>> rig revealed he met her at the airport. >> right. i ask hey, can i ask a question? >> in england? do you call it the 1.6 kilometers club? miles?
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oh, you do, bob? >> yes. i don't. i don't believe him. concd club to join was the concorde club. and concorde used to go when it hit macht mach? w yes. and you go twice the speed of sound? yes. and he got the full. and by the way, we can still do that. but for some reason, we don't have fascan that, forson we ans >> you know what? that's a more interesting topic. let's talk about that for 2 hours. kt thatgood. >> >> wait. i need to understand this. so you're on the concorde? rs, 8 on concorde. and then you want. it's a two minute. 2 hours. fr58 minutes to get from was a new york to london. so there was a club where the clubently.. in apparently. i love. i love how you baroness this here. tell again i'm taking the fifth topic. have you ever participated in the mile high club, michelle yeoh or naelle? y? >> unless you count my room and points the meet. oh, wait, you went all the way.> whoa. wow. oh, i feel like piers morgan. i nailed you. >> you really did that, right?
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>> going on as always. somebody else line. >> emily, i'd like to apologize for the nature of this content.d you're a fine young woman and be subjected to this.n >> my parents signed anit's authorization form, and the. ut it's okay. you won't get in trouble. no, i want to talk about that video for a minute because i legitimately have probably almost went into cardiac arrest for holding my breath. every singleo time i go to the restroom on the plane. yeah. and i literally i don't just hold my breath. i like my shove something overeh my nose and they're exchanging , shnose ande exchfluidsan the i don't i don't get it.ny i literally it's selfish becaus e i you know, i have a tiny, you know, imagine waiting, you know, while they're doing that. >> it's very selfish, don't you think? yes. >> trace. , right.dn't >> yeah. i wouldn't take long for it.
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i'm going to leave now. we'll be right back.locaust many holocaust survivors are impoverished and suffering today in their final years at this holocaust museumthis g in israel. in israel. you see the names,re of witn ths of that were brutally murdered. this greatmfort my people. clous cries out to us. comfort, comfort my people. >> we're in a race against time to reach every holocaust survivor in israeley have and, the former soviet union. many are poor and hungry, and they have nowhere to turn from personal appeal. so hungr >> amazing. all now raj has had such a harda life from the day that she was born into the holocausvet. we were so hungry that we would go with my mother and find no o the leaves and grass and we would pick them up and eat >> still today, she with no one there to help her. dare we turn our back on her
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1:00 am
sack of potato suffering. >> sack attack like that one. we are outt of of. thanks to piers morgan, emily oster, michelle tafoya, traceanu gallagher, and our studir o audience. fox news ignite with a dreamy trace. s gallagher is next. he's going to run to californiea and do the show. i'm greg gutfeld. and i love youthat's i , america. >> i'm laura ingraham. this is my angle from washington tonight. thanks so much for being with la us, special counsel jack smith. to donald trump in the middle of a presidential election. elece going to rip apart this shocking development in moments. will rifirst there, america.ts that's the focus of tonight's now whose america is this? the people in power who act like it's theirs to give away to the highest bidders. wall street, big tech, the big donors because


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