tv Hannity FOX News September 20, 2023 11:00pm-12:00am PDT
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relationship is from amarillo, texas. >> you rock and my boyfriend s, your show. so that's the relationship. got it. well, you guys have great taste. dave from little rock, my daughter just pointed at the tv and asked, is that the guy you're alwayd s texting? . i don't want any trouble. all righs strit. strictly professional. jim naples. >> jesse, is jesse junior old enough to do the. i am watermy wors. this is my world. he's close. i have him saying jesse watters prime time. he can say, welcome to jesse watter priime.s time, but we're not at the you know, he's not a trained monkey. > wwee really do that. >> but we should. y and maybe i'll videotape him doing that tomorrow and have it in my windowwialways. my always remember i'm watters and this is my world.
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wow. we have a rowdy studio audience here. thank you all for coming we. we're so glad you're here. grab a seat. get comfortable. i feel like arsenio hall. thank you for being here. you sound all right. coming i got to get the show started. thank you all for coming. we do have a greatea show tonight. great lineup. >> vivek ramaswamy on set with us right here in studio, senator tim scott right here, studio. and in just moments, we're going to hear from house judiciarciary chy committe chairman jim jordan. yeah. now, today, jordan and other republicans confronted big time
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the attorney general, merrick garland, who frankly needs to be impeacheo frankly d durinl n explosive, explosive hearing on capitol hill. more than half of the countrr ty no longer trust garland and for good reason. biden's so-called justice system has become weaponized and politicized like fbi. beyond belief, unequal prosecution, unequal appl sentencing, unequal application of our laws, we don't havewh equal justice under the law. and a sittin courg president, of course, has been shielded, protected from any and all legal scrutiny, while his chief political rival, donald j. trump, has been targeteden with dozens of stacked chargesri in one of the most aggressive prosecutions in american history. this his. never happened to a fr president one time. it's happened four times. >> perfectly timed. interestingly enough, even02 though these issues go back years for the 2024 election i season, but this is all newse
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to merrick garland. the attorney general believes he's done a heroic job. leadin he thinks he's great, leading a fair, righteous department of justicetmen . but for some reason, well, garland just wasn't willing to abl wasn'te toe or able to ar questions in any direct or forthcominnyt org manner, as i d of predicted. >> take a look. u hahave you had personal contat with anyone at fbi headquarter se about the hunter biden investigatiohunter bn? no. >> no. i don't know. i don't recollect the answer to that question. but the fbi for the justiceu do' department. it's i'm sorry. i'm sorry you don't recollecrect you don't recollect whether you've talked with anybody at fbi headquarters about an aig investigation of the president's son? >> i don't believe that i di >>. >> i don't believe. i don't remember. i don't recall. willfuwillfue was the thl ignore of the day for merrick garland. >> question aftetion aftr questn after question. no clarity whatsoever. garland didn't to know muchy by about anything, to be honest,
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like likely by, i would think,e garland. >> he's not a fool on daknewy. p he knew that the old biden family business was a huge. problem.e solu but luckily for garland and of course, joe bide wan, the solutn was already in progress thanks to a federal prosecutor. cutodavid weiss. weiss has seemingly never ending investigation. nonevew, over five years long io hunter biden, allowed garland qt to distance himself and ignore all the questions about the allegations against joe and hunter. when he became special counsel. i told you this would happen. at the same timed pu, garland pt a big show about his integritys ,independence, bragging that he and weisd ths, an and undisputed power to bring charges anywhere, any owin, knowing full well that weiss was not using that authority at all and told the irs whistleblowers they didn't have the authority'm and contradicted himself to both jim jordan and linseo ja graham after getting turned
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away by biden, appointed prosecutors in the district where weiss was reportedly just simply content. plan a was to charge hunter with nothing and, you know, close the investigation. it was over. and all of a sudde suddee n we . those irs whistleblowers show up and sound the alartake >> take a look. you said he had complete authority, but he'd already een turne he w brid down. you can't bring an actionsaid in the district of columbia. and the u.s. attorney thereh he said, no, you can't. and then you go tell the united states senate under oath authore that he has complete authority. >> i'm going to say agaithe auts that no one had the authority to turn him down. hey could refuse to partner par with him. >> they could not use whatever language, refused to partner is turning reftner is down. >> all right. fromland w the looks of alasl t, either garland was lying under oath or wasted all the dirty o bury h while the attorney general was pretending to bury his hea d in the sand. now, of course, the weiss case r is now a disaster in every single way multiple serious allegations of misconducconductm
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government whistleblowers and an fbi whistleblower followed followe by a highly unusual sweetheart deal that was rejected by the judge. remember, that was plan b because didn't plan on originally charging hunter biden oc whistleokay blower show up. let's act like we'll give him a slap on the wrist. welle willon thest, insert in ta agreement in the gun chargeer. provision, a diversion program of full immunity for hunter no jail time. and after five years of investigatinginvest weiss,ru he allowed the statute of limitations to run out e of the most serious tax charges that are during the burisma years. in what a what a coincidence. well, despite all of this, thisc you who garland appointed a special counsel to clean up david weiss's mass. >> he appointed david weiss, of cours a davide. e go it's almost as if the goal is to protect the big guy, joe biden. instead of actually prosecuting. serious crimes. >> look at thi s. back >> mr. garland, didn.
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you consider i just want to go back to this question. d you consider anyone else when when david weiss requested special counsel designation on augus eighth, mr. weiss asked to be made specialco counseunsel.l, and i made an i d not consider an alternative. >> i'm going to be clear. he was the only one under consideration. it was either no special if thes specialore wa counsel, it was going to be the guy who presided ovethe invr the investigation for the previous five years. they made an intentional decision to say, we'ree a de t n to let the statute of limitations lapse. and i want to knownto who decidd that and why they did it. >> mr. weiss wasin a supervisor of the investigation at that time and at all times he madeo s the necessary appropriate decisions. and you'll be ablek hi to him ks that question and he will know why they did it. >> everyone know wy dis they dit it mayhe not say it. everyone knows why they did itve . they didn't risk those tax years. that's that thate dealt with the in de threat that involved the president. it's one thing to have a gun charge in delaware that does involve the united states, a. >>ism
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oh, my. that goes right to the white house. we can't havarlande that. >> why would garland ever consider anyone else? why so ready to based himself in court? sacrifice. you're right. hee his reputationt on to protect joe biden. right on cue, though cue, a coue of gun charges. plan c now against hunter p not against joe, the low hanging fruit. now that the plea deal of course, imploded, thanks j to that delaware judge that actually read the pleaudge pros agreement asked the prosecution, have you ever seen a deal like this beforee ye ? he and they gave the answer no, they never saw one. it why are you offering to them? and a federal judge demanded action. ral judg by the way no fara violations, the tax charges, statute of limitations go away. nothing that would implicatente hunter's father, the big guy joe, who hunter gave halfo his income to pops and paid all pops his repairs.bout and we have the emails proving that. and by the way, who lied?was up joe biden has lied and changed his story repeatedly. tand up to his eyeballs engagia
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with hunter's business partnerse ,both here at home and abroad. he doj, they'll go to great lengths to serve joe biden s, forher democrat that matter, if you are part of the blm. federan a federalr courthouse in 20 2574 riots. if you docs doctor conservative supreme court justices home, you surrounded them with angry obs,mobs. biden's doj was more than happy to let you off the hook. ebortioyou wer accused of obstructing a sidewalk outside of abortionnc legally, get ready for a swat team to come knock on your door. guns drawn, full tactical geares followed by several serious felonies and a lengthy prison sentence. you all know it's true. we don't have equal justice. s >> biden's weaponized doj has for, much contempt you know, what half the countryr that they're criminalizing conservatives while protection and protectingot
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the likes of the toda clintons, the bidens and anyone that's a democra'tt today.simplq garland couldn't even give a direct answer to this simple question about traditional catholics or allegedly targeted on by the fbi and the doj because of their deep abiding faith. >> religious views. look, attorney general, through the chair, i ask you, dots? you agree that traditional catholics are violent extremists>> i h, and i have noa what your what the traditional means here. guy let me just go to church. ma>> may i y i answer your question? yes, i did that. someone with my family background would discriminate against any religion is so>> mr. outrageous. >> is so absurd. mrttorney t was. attorney geners your fbi that did this. it was your fbi guy that was sending. and we have the memos. we have the emails were sending. undercover agents into catholic churches. a now our justice system is broken. our attorney general is an
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arrogant political hack, and the vast majority of employees at the doj are far left. democrats with trumph trum synd. it is a dark day forderangem american justice, but we around. are still just one election sary chom turning all of thi around. ai >> here with more, house judiciary committee n is with us.e]rda mr. jordan. so garland said that weiss hasrn always had the authority to charge hunter on under any. circumstances anywhere, says weiss -weiss never changed hisu i watched you contradicto go that in great specificity, in detail. would you care to go over that? so everybodyat in america that might have missed it canth hear it. >> the fundamental question is if he alreadye authy the authorityak ,why doeess he neede. the authority? i mean, that that that to me makes no s exactl sense.d to m but that's exactly what he tried to say. oh, no, he had it all along. but i stilakecial to make him a special counsel so i don't get it. mmerthe three letters they sent
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to us this summer, two to our committee, s one topoint senator graham, tells three different stories. and the poini t i always make is the story. who's been consistent has been the two whistleblowers. their testimony has not wavered. and they werand theysubjectee sd to about 3 hours of cross-examination from s. crat the oversight committee back in july. never forget, july 1, on july 1, david wise tells senator graham, i have not soughtt tao special counsel then authority. then on august 11th, the attorney general attornera . announces that david weiss will be a special counsel. pened in those 3what happened i. > what took place, the whistleblowers came forwardo with their testimony and the plea deal that they were sweep to sweep everything under the rug. judge whd by acounseine judge who did her job. and that's why we got a speciaew itcounsel they were going to get away with all this. but fotr those two brave job. whistleblowers and that judge in delaware who did her job, let>> lete as me ask yu you had a line of questioning with the attorney generatl about, the statute of limitations and why the statute of limitationsimitao
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lapsed and why it was important in the years 2014 and 15. >> these were the burisma tax years. exactly. and then barisma you four factsr think are critical are this cane you break that down for this audience? >> well, the facts are real bars simple fact number one, hunter biden gets put on the board of a reasonably he gets paid sillionmillions of dollars for e tax year 2014 2015. tmefact number two, he wasn' qualified to be on the board. in fact, he said it, not me.d he gotnhe said he got the position largely because of his last name, devon archer, in his d thbran, the brand was joe biden, the biden name. fact number three, the burisma r biden,osecutorunte can you help us? we're under pressure from the prosecutor. can you help? d there's a call made to dc. fact numbec r four, joe bideann goes to ukraine, starts the process and actually successful in leveraging forour tax dollars to firether the very prosecutor who was putting the pressure on burisma. those facts are not in dispute. they are as soliispute. ared as. and here's what's interesting. that fourth fact is exactl eye b what the confidential human
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iource told the fbi and the fb recorded in the 1023 form the same 1023 form christopher o . wray didn't want to let congress see those said that it's all spelled out in therve ce.e. so you got corroborating evidence. that's the pattern. and then they let the statut e lapse there's probably no one any person in your audience, that raucous studio audienceient you have right now, if they owe hundreds of thousands of dollars, if they owe hundreds of thousands of dollars, i bet the doj doesn't let the statute of limitations lapse for them, but they, bu did for the president's son because burisma goes to the white house, joe biden is involved e. on the gun charg they can do that. that doesn't involve joe biden. but on burisma, it goe bariss t biden. let me ask the fundamental question here isndamenta , as garland was pleading ignorance all day longhe, does the attorney gener? not have to sign up? we had for the first plan was no charges. the second plan was, okay, we'll do the slaslap o ap on tht
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deal. we'll put it in the plea greement, an immunitye gu deal, and in the gun diversion portion of this. thankfully, that judge caugh cah t right then plan c was, oh, i guess we're going to have e indict him on the gun charg . but at least that still protects joe. if if hunter has to be e he'ssacrificed, he gets sacrid because he was pleading. >> oh, no, noro independence for weiss. well, no attorney general have to sign whons are n on whateverw are made here. >> well, you would thinkounk, se particularly when supposedly david weiss goes and this is testimony we've got,o the david weiss goes to the us attorney of the district f columbia, and he declines to allow him to prosecute there. you would think the attorney general would weigh in the in, but it looks like he did it now. he's weighing in with the special counsel,sel. the ot the other thing i think is happening here in this third plan, i think the specialws him tl allows himn to extend this out even further. so we'll see what thatoctobe all means. david weiss is scheduled to be in front of our committee o havee on october. they committed to have him come in front of our committee. rmane they will honorment. their commitment. >> chairman jordan, great job today. thank you foeat job.
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r being with us. thank you. all right. ahead of hunter arraignment for gun crimes, the president's son requested more specialyste treatment from the legal system, asking to appearm in court remotely through a webcam. the federal judge deniedal judge request, thankfully, and hunter will now appear in-person like everyone else. here now with reaction, fox news contributors kellyannnnee conway, ari fleischer. >> okay, i'm glad about that that hunter has to dokelly an that. kellyann, lee, let me start with you. >> and i'd really like to know, you know, you look at this in total and you look at the aggressive d of donald trump, who you work for, for all thoseh ears. and you look at the the absolutely . osite treatment >> no prosecutor would prosecute subpoenaed emails, 33,000, no problem. a dirty dossier four locationscs . top secret classified information foed inforor joer j no rage, no charges, nothing. m
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>> what is it?ia what is what should the average thiican, especiallyll a conservative, think about law and order and justice in this country?y, that there is special treatment i thought the delaware judge, christopher burke, did today. ean, was masterfuerful.l. finally, for the first time in years, if not decades. unter biden andades family are being told no special treatment for you. here's a guy, hunter bidenhere , who we're told lives at the white house, has time to fly to arkansas on a private jeta p friends jet to deny paternity and compensation birthright and his and the family name to his daughter, but has noong i time has no time to go to delaware, where he is ar too often, along with his father, to go and appear in front of court. so thi the wals is i think thisv wall starting to break a little bit for huntee har bid. people have had enough. this gun charge is serious. other people have been prosecutedosecuted and and pun. and he'll have to under oath admit also he lied about using and being addicted to narcotics- as part of that, as partinvolved
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of that same time period. also, he at the time was involved in a relationship with his deceased brother's widow, hallie who it is also alleged through one of hunter's , but into a been the a container behind the market. so. all this stuff that the white house denies as just pickinoorg on poor hunter, well, the president is proud of his son. leave him alone alreadone alreae that's all going to be under oath now. we're going to be able to see that. and it's time for this becausev, the conservatives and not just conservativep s like donald doubl trump is beating joe biden in most polls by double digits among independents among, shawnd ari. >> and the reason is because of what you just laid out, sean, people are so tire od. this people who are deep into government to begin with. but i think we're start we're e.not a finally starting to see. and you know what, not a lot of democrats seem to be they seem to be supporting bidea biden as a nominee, but they don't seem to be defending his son and hid hiy are tum in . >> so i think if the bidens are hung out, they'll, you knoow
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,they'll they'll turn around and find somebody else to be on the ticket. >> what about the joe part? >> fleischer lies repeatedly s a candidate, as afleische pr, about never speaking to the hunter, his brother or anybody e for that matter, that we findu w all these meetings that take lace in the in the white house with, as you know,re with hunter's partners here in america. then we have all the phoneat calls that devon archer talked t about with hunter and his foreign business partners. then you have the meetings hwith like the russian oligarch and others at cafe milano, a russian oligarch. wh >> what did hunter do?io why this? whusy the suspicious acty activity reports 170, why the shell m embecorporations? et paid? how did nine biden family members get paid? what did huntewhatr do whenan he admits he had no experience and admits he was an addict t e? d?im what are the grandchildren that colmer says got paid? what did the they do for>> their money? >> any of this makes sense to you? ident's >> oh, sure it makes sense. that's what you do if you're the president's son and your las.t name is biden.f th >> no other president's son has done this. mayb maybe he e he can adopt me.
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>> i'll be pretty rich.biden. sean, you're better than a biden. want tha you don't like. that was a joke. , but listen, here's the here's the problem that i have with all of this. sorry. hunter biden said that his father i'm sorry, was a hunter who said it. the people making the accusations agains bi t hunter biden are who? it's not jim jordan. it's not republicanshunter's. eo >> it's hunter's business partners. with w people who he workedarta with who know the facts, who are on the inside. >> these aren'n t partisan republicans, they're eyewitnesses. and what did they say they testified under oath that joe biden got o, 20 times t on the phone to help his son with business deals. that in and of itself is aacn at corruption by the then vice president of the united states. i cannot imagine any of the congressmen, senators or he presidenor prest ever worker getting on the phone to influence business deals for
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their children because they're sitting members of congress. they knos unethical anw unethich it's wrong. but joe biden did it anywaey and he did it because he thought he'd be protected. he thought the press wouldn't come after him.finall. s case and finally, they are, because the facts in this case are soe if bad for hunter. but there's still those other to see if gete hope that other shoe drops. now, beyond the gun charge that doelose house bs get closee white house because it involves his father's behavior, a great piers and nancy and nancy mace and james colmer both said to me this week they think the bidens alone, they're going to get north of $50 million. when it's all said, just the the bidens bid they can track now, maybe more. thank you both. bwhen we come back, joe biden embarrassed himself in front againreactiders yet today. what a shock. we've got the tape. we'll get reactionnd vivek ramaswamy in studio next as we continue.
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the number one choice of online sellers. go to ship station .com slash, try and get two months free. all right. president biden still here in new york city. what a great crowd today. >> and for more meetings with world leaders. boy, i wonder what impression they walked away with. and, of course with, more fund raisers. but things did not wellgo particularly well for j. >> your president take a look to see to present president biden. thisis i is a story for a moment for brazil and for the u.s. president. biden, can you hear me? know you can >> yes. good. i know i'm not supposed to speak again, but myn, butd ud to have an expression when was growing up. my father had an expression. my fathe father was did not hava
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a college degree, but he was a well read man. , he worked very hard his whole life. you say, job i joe, the job is t a lot more than a paycheck. >> it's about your dignity. t's about self-respect. does that include her job? i'm just askin ang. and despite biden's constant struggles in his mumblin strug, bumbling and very low poll numbers, his team is now g worried democrats to relax because apparently they believe that by focusingo on donald trump and abortion, they're going to be ableea to wn easily next year. excuse me. anyway, joining us nowstudio lie in studio 2024, presidential candidate mitt romney's running man.ood to how are you? good to see you. >> i've noticed as time has gone on, you've come under more fire. what do you think that is?
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well, look, i think that it's politics. the race you have the start o that was at 0.0% in the polls. thnobody cared about me in the race. now we're verging on second and third in most national polls. and you're going to run for us president if you can't ., handle the heat. i you stay out of thcae kitchen so i can handle the heat. and it my view , sean, is wemedia, talk to all media, left-wing media, right-win lg, no wing media. >> if i'm not willing to sit across the table froit acrosm the people who disagree with me, then i'm not willing to sit ready to sit across the table. >> whyt next to the of fake news. >> cnn or most dnc? don't you feel like you're wasting your time, by the way? noe letive]t many people are th watching fake news cnn. >> you know, the fact of the matter is, there are timesat but i feel that way. >> but i'm not running to lead a political party,y, sean.hed. >> i'm real and wanting to lead a space. i want to be watched. k well, you know what? peo i think that my view is we havel to talk to thesagree people who disagree with us because every time we do it, we show up and we win. you'll remember with don lemon, that last interview that he did s of his last ones before he got kicked off the air. >> so we're doing services through thisces thro
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. ne so you got don lemon fired.w that's what the said.consermes" you know, i don't thinkva it's very complicateink we bd te a conservative. >> i think we believe in limited government, lower taxe ins, more for secur individual freedom. and then, you know, look at the things we want. wee wa secure borders. we want law and order, safety and security. ye wans we want energy the independence. we want constitutionalists on the bench. webench ane in believe in peaceh strength, and then leave us the. alone. >> that's about right. that hard. and you know what, sean? here's the rea l in the country. th that's not even a republican versus democrat idea are basic american ideals. >> the i think 80% of this couny agrees on the ideals that you just listed the american dream, the idea that you get ahead in this country, not color on cr of your skin, but on the content of your character. i think 80% of people in this country agree on that. >>e agre and half the 20 are pee younger than me who never learne youngerd those ideals inh first place. we're going to bring them along, too. and if wemng tooe do, sean, i te
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can win the 2024 election in a i landslide with a multi-ethnic working class coalition. and leavleave no state left be. no city left behind. i think that's the opportunitysu . this failing president from the economy to the porous border. this we have is our opportunity. if we have the courage to actually stand up for our vision. that's how we win deep and profound. th has to believe th the party of working men and women. >> yes, i believe that i>> yes. t alsorities has to be the party that brings. minorities on board that have been lied to and frankly r disappointed pointed regularly by the democratic party. they have been failed. the schools are failing, no doubt about it. i'll tell you in inspiring themc safe and secure. >> sean so i've gone to places like the southago or side of cho or kensington and the inner city of philadelphia. >> you didn't get sh. t get shot in thisird-wo campaign. >> well, i mean, i'vrld countren to third world countries growing up that you go to the third world,d you go anywhere. >> you go go to kensington in philadelphia today. but here's what i sa saw oe souh w0%
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on the south side of chicago, 90% black group, supposedly mostly democra okt. ll t >>ar that is a room that fully agreed with me on militarizing the southernrising t border, ont that border crisis that is impacting their communitting tht as much as republican communities across this country. and america. >> first, immigrants, all americans. that's what i say. every american should not be suffering under biden's economy. his idiotic energy plans. d >> we shouldn't have opent. borders. ral know, we need law and orde . that's just not the basics. these are all preventablble problems that he caused. o y do you think he chose that patsah? yigl, look, i want to sa something about biden and why i don't talk about him h on the campaign trail. >> i don't even think he's really the one running the country. thean. i ink he ijohn. >> i think he is a puppet for he managerial class in the administrative state. >> and you mark my words, when i'm the nomine they art e, not goingext to let him run against me. it's going to be the next puppet that they tro .t out. so we have to recognize that this is a broken system. system we have to stand up to t
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managerial class, shut down three letter agencies. it's not biden that's alone. the problem. three-le and the it's the three letter as and the deep state. we have to get in there and shut upper it down. >> >> but the upper echelon tend to control every the manageriala class. >> and so, yes, there's 25% of people in those agencies g important work.govern but i think that we haveme to downsize the government significantl y. >> 75% headcount reduction. that's what i'm bringing .. ashington, d.c yeah. vivek ramaswamy come ramas back. john fetterman forces pressure to accommodation up in the senate so he can, you know, feel right at home on the senate floor and cut it short. well, sentiments colleague south carolina senator 2024 presidential candidate tim scott is next. >> straight ahead. i know you everybody in prison says they're innocent.
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and news headlines on sirius xm. anytime, anywhere. fox news radio on sirius xm america is listening. >> all right. nyway >> a so we have this isse with the uaw, and it's getting pretty interesting. en and one number one republican nominee president is decidedt fm to take it on. and that would great be senatorh scott from the great state of south carolina. let's give a war carolm hannityo audience. >> welcome to senator scot t right. how are you? great to see you. okay. right >> you know, on "hannity". t. righ h, we love having you. great to see you again as well. absolutely. e in southreath you. carolina with you. >> thank you for coming down. we always love to see you inoveh carolina. >> south carolina better than here. you brin wg we all love south carolina better than new york.
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absolutely. all right. good to be home. don't thii think i often disage with you. >> we've been friends a long time. that's true. r commentsout and i heard youra about reagan and the uaw m and you strike. >> you get fired. yes. here's whereiffe fr little i m' from you a bit and tell me where i might be wrong. i'm lookinlooking g at the uaw - and they, by the way, their four day workweek, 32 hours. >> take that proposal. no way. hou a okay. i work like 90 hours a week.nobo sorry, i don'tdy g. don't k nobody gets a four day workweek. okay. yes. i don't know anybody that doesn't wor k, you know, 16 hour, 14 hours a day. >> but here's the thing. hours they're getting they are joe bid totally losing their jobs becaus ae of joe biden and this push towards a levy vehicles. >> absolutely. 4.5 billion dollars profit losso on the even th line of ford this year, that they are killing s. e worker >> that should be what recourse they have without any question. any timent who have a presidento who drives us to inflationarnay
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levels of 16%, this is likeo the sequel to the jimmy carter . it is devastating and it's devastating working clas i devad americans. they've lost thousands of dollars of spending power. and without any question whether you're a nonunion or a union worker, you're being devastated vastated. y th the biden nomics. devastated. one of the things i focused on, john, that's really important is the fac t that in the first year we remember that 1.9d trillion billion covid package deal passed in 21, there wasat'r $86 billion to bail out >> the unions. >> that' that's terrible. uni >> they keep offering unions of forcing the democrats. >> you know, they're you hold them , they own them, they on them. and when that happens, the taxpayers, there's no such thing as a federal dollar. >> they're your dollar a dollas your all your dollars, putting t 86 billion dollars of your money into shoring up unionisin
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pensions because they keep overpromisinangwho sa and under-delivering. it's just wrong. we need a presidenyset who sayse are not going to subsidize unions. >> period.. you made the deal. you live by thif ie deal. >> if it goes belly up, it's not on the back of the taxpayer. how do you like thiss idea ideas i mean, usually ceos and there's been a lot of talk about disparity ceo pay for most of their pay. most time not all timesy ha is based on performance. >> yes. what imef they had the same typi of performance where everybody has skin in the game? yes, everybody. if the company does well, these guys incre get massive pay incr, onuses, as well as the ceos would that would keep it a that have everyone pulling in the same direction. better p the world a better place. here's one of the things that happens. there's a company called nucor stee steell in south carolina we many of the workers there make six figure incomes because they get production bonuses. go 189 half carat anniversary bands 399 one carat 699
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we should encourage and incentd compensationincent to the produn two carat three stone rings, 1490 thousands of gifts of a company. when you make the company guaranteed to appraise for money, you should share in the double the jewelry exchange profits of that company. direct. >> what's this? >> that' profits common sense. in america. >> that's for pepper. all right. let me move to the >> you keep dog food in your fridge. it's not dog, it's fresh bread. the controversial issue of abortion. >> and lately you have distinguished yourself you dista >> real meat, no veggies. it's dog food food. with some of your fellow candidates. >> and i rea. d it with great interest because i think he was so right about her. do you struggle to fall asleep hat the issue politic and stay asleep? of abortion, not the moral side tune off. sleep support has a unique of this, although i can probably intertwined, but the blend of five key ingredients that can help you fall asleep political side of it is i think faster, stay asleep longer so you can wake up refreshed. probably the country politically is that dobbsid the qnol the brand i trust vacation brings you closer. decision 15 weeks 12 weeks and yoreu said there should be a the truth. now is the time to be ban after 15 weeks that theke completely honest with exclusive crime you can't states that will now make the decision shouldn't be able see anywhere else. you believe the killer is still to go longer than that. out there. >> absoluteln they shoy well, number one, that's what i believe. all part of fox justice on fox if you think about the fact nation. sign up and get your first that at 15 weeks that baby can, three months of fox nation for his or her thumb, feel pain.15 e 199. t. >> three out of four americans say 59 weeks is the exact right place to be as it, all right.wa howard stern got famourd stes
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relates to stopping radical being offensive oc. he was proud of it. states like new york, but now howard has oward ha reborn as a california and illinois. on having abortiondemand u on dp woke social justice warrior. kn until the day of birth. >> howard, what happened? . >> i kind of take that as >> that's just wrong. a compliment. exactly. then i'm woke. e th i'll tell you how i feel we as a nation, we're betterr ou than that. we have to learnr rights to stap about it. to me, the opposite of woke for our rights and make suresi is being asleep. and if woke means i can'tnk i every single child in every single thing that was saying it get behind trump, which is it tb right. and that means we could be antia think it means or that iende support people who want to bee, national winner. and i want my entire presidential. transgender or i'm for d the vaccinude,e. ] want all the presidential candidates, brothers, ron, nikki, >> dude, call me woke is you. want i'm not for stupidity. the former president, they should all join mek limi >>love i am woke and i love it.. and support a 15 week limit. wet. can't trust californiathis >> i'm one. wore is rew. with anything. >> think about this.ornia to here now is reaction outkick think about the toneke awa founder clay travis as well. [bo in california today. > you know,os i admire him as a they will take away a parent's ights to their kids if broadcaster. and one of the things that was
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they don't agree with the quintessential howarthings ts qs gender decisions. is he took criticism, dealt with it head on and gave an . s >> that's wrong. we should stand up against tim honest answer that defines that. , greasenator tim scott, great y his career. i'd give him a lot of credit you. fo.r that. thank you. joe bid i don't know what happened. the guy that i felt, i listened by the way, coming up, this might be joe biden's dumbest idea ever. to would have lovedaigh and iconoclastic, hard hitting >> the american climate corps, brian greenberg will joie coren guy like trump. he he not be hiding in his us next and talk about it. >> and we'll see you soon. thanks, senator. this world world, america needs closet, afraid of covid. you know that. that's not the guy that i thought i knew. i mean, it's well said, shawn. a 180 degree change from the direction we're joe biden is taking us right now. and look, he is a radio legend, and you and i both talente>>d. a conservative governor and business leader doug burgum daly so we understand what thar. requires but the howard stern joe biden's wrong on the economy. he's wrong on energy and he's wrong on national security. today would, as you said, hateer as north dakota governor, burgum supercharged the economy absolutely hate the howard by passing the largest tax cut in state history, cutting of 25 years ago and vice versa. spending by. and i think he's an emblematic balancing the budget and eliminating red tape. example, shawn, of what happens conservative doug burgum a new leader for a changing economy. when people got broken by donald trump and covid. the combination of the two of best of america pac is responsible for the content
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of this advertising. thursday it's baseball night them. this guy didn't leave his house hou. r shot half years in america on fox. the push to the play on ball he just left his house toby t go get his covid booster shot by thehe peopl way, how many pen and bryce harper and the phillies look to take command your audience are going to get r shot at anygeste of the nl wild card in a battle point? >> how many people going to get against pete alonso and rival max paul and the rich and the your six month old like the cdc old have their sights set said, the covid shot, parthoward of howard stern's popularity, at least crack as they take on posing with mirror in the sean, was his rebellion againstc garden. it's baseball night in america the status quo. >> now he's become a zealous ,thursday at seven eastern on fox. fox sunday, a new comedy joins advocate of the status quo. and of aut authority.u sa fox animation domination he's become the opposite of what he used to be. that will make you want to shout out to shout, shout, and you saw already with after congressman boebert to forward that dress that she wore. shout. >> he said it was too much. le >> welcome to . apple is now chair from >> this is a guy who usedon to have having on the radio pea the inventive mind of rick and morty co-creator dan harmon. >> i call them pants. live on the air. and now he's now he's grabbing , fainting each leg has its own togo to pants comes caramba is . on the couch because an attractive woman wears a dres? part of fox animation domination sunday on fox s . he is the guy that said
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i visit dry eye drops made with hydrating polymers, is equal ratings. he didn't say that. yeah, yeah. moisturizing hyaluronic acid lookhas a t and revitalizing tree for , it's fine. everybody has a chance to evolve. he wants to get as many shotntss instant dryness relief that lasts up to 8 hours. as want. i believe in freedom. i don't think anybody's agains t i vizier we see a better way a personal choices of adults, but we don't want our kids indoctrinate. aided by teachers at younger and younger ages into transgende sustainably salmon in every r ism gender identity. i just prefer reading, writing, math, history and computers. bite. jinx is real dog food made >> you know? stick to the basics. by real dog people. yeah. what i would sayn. >> it's really important sean when he defined woke to me, woke means identity you that we take care of ourselves politics over everything. for our sake and the sake of our family. you don't care about anythinotg bells and nature gives what i other than who you vote for, what your race is, what your need to make up for what's lacking in my diet. gender is. taking balance in nature. that's how the woke ideology has taken over in americ i a. i just feel better. i'm counting on balance and nature to help keep me i don't think howard healthy and active for a long understands it. i think he's lost. time to come. a rebel. 's stopped happy national fruits and frankly, i think his show is boring, which is the and veggies month for the month ultimate indictment>> i of september get 35% off of everything it's going to be. >>s prou i think he's just proud of your first preferred order when you use discount. of it. he's being honest that i can >> fox news jesse watters prime applaud and appreciate.
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time going to represent, inform i do. that is to find him his whole and entertain everything we doei career. but i kind of like the othert wa guy a lot better. that was irreverent over the back to let me in come back to and liking girls in int good in dresses. i can't believe when that was the guhey but yo getu knows wet but he gets paid more money almost probably second to god when it comes to entertainment . anyway clay, great to see you, my friend. than thank you.minder >> all right. unfortunately, that's all the time we have left. quick reminder, a live studio audience show. we have a great time. i'm enjoying ie and se.t. tickets are free. can yeah, we think studio guests tomi lahren, jimmy fallon and special gues t. in the meantime, let not gutfeld your heart be trouble. why greg gutfeld is standing i. by and he will put a smiles. on your face. >> thank you for being wit
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on things like new clothes eating out because they can y co the essentials 61% living paycheck to paycheck. meanwhile, biden's border crisis is now stretching the budgetstretchis. local governments around the nation right here in new york, $40,0 , $40,000 this yearr every illegal immigrant. al >> but they're a sanctuary city. all right. all thl e way out to denver, which just announced it spent $25 million on housing illegal . re -- s >> are they housing our veterans that are homeless and what is joe biden doing ab about these issues? >> he's whatouese issu? thank you. ameri he's launched something called the america and climate corps. young kids going to be paid p young adults $15 an hour put to work implementing energy efficient technologies and advancing environmental justice. e gee, that's great news. anyway, here with reactione bi, he is the host of the big moneyb show. co-host is brian greenbergrian,
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who, by the way, is going to be co-hosting an education on don't miss this with a fake who's with us. and former education secretary betsy devos.. >> that's at 1 p.m. tomorrow on fox business. don't miss it. tickets are free, by the way. you got a what is eventbrite.comot look for big money. senator tim scott's going to be there too. it's going to be great. everybody' >> he s going to be s basically picking the piggy back. >> it's like, let's take y and do it at 1 p.m. tomorrow on fox business network. i like it. look, i got i got to say this this american climate. first of all, this thing's got to be unconstitutional. how can the president do this wheness hasn't pas congress haso this? but the other part of it is this. he talu inflation andk about in you talk about interest rates, you've got more spending comings from this president. you've got more spending coming on migrants. y inflation's going up. that's why you can't afford a house. that's why you can'ts can't fi find one on the market right now. all of this is related. g >> all right? you won't go to jail. you can't do that. so the fed's passed on raising rates even though the last
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two months inflation has gone up. okay. bacw we have gas back to $4 a gallon, $100 a barrel gas fors oil, which a means that in two months gas price is going to be 450 a gallon, maybe higher, mark. to so inflation has to go up. gin that means interest rate.s will to go up yet again. t >> i mean, bad news is it'sicki already beenng up again becauseight oil's been going up again. and you're right, as that raises, then the fed says, well, let's see, is the going to cutna cu spending? are they going to do anything to help fight inflation? they're not going to dnot goinoe >> they just want to keepmone the money flowing. and so the fed'sowing. in this 5 where they raise interest rates. you're payinr g nine and a half percent for a new car that costs $50,000. can middle america afford that? they can't because the president, for all he talkas with unions, all he talks about with middle america, middle out h bottom up, he doei not care a whit about then average working american in this country. and i don't you don't take my word for it. just look at the wealthy. o thatadd to that the insanity.
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they want you to change your gas stove. they want you to get rid of your air conditioner. right. they want all these other f away from you.ay. okay. who's going to pay for all of that? they want the bureaucratgo sho t shopping for you, and then they put it on your bill. nt can't afford it, they start handing out government cash and they put i t on the taxpayer's tab. but do you get it? biden-nomics33 trill, it's all 33 trillion. >> yeah. new debt going. >> yeah and it'. only going up until you get a new policyt until you get is a new administration. you're not going to fix that problem, folks. it's a generalneration issue f r your kids and grandkids sake. we've got to get a handl a he on republicans in the house need to hold the line. >> they got to force a spending issua spe. brian greenberg, we'll see you tomorrow. all right. coming. howard stern says he's broke. he's proud of it. reaction play travis straight ahead as we continue to an
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unthinkable took the lives of 6 million and thousandso beli of jewisevh survivors are stilla suffering in poverty today. suffering in poverty today. ct in him to act on his word.y comfort, comfort my people. >> these elderly are weak and they're sick. they're living on $2 a day, they're living on $2 a day, whic ion >> they don't have enough money to buyus food. >> it is a miserable situation and they have nowhere else to turn but to ask for help like this now is how god's children are. hate this time to send a survival food box to theseur forgotten. food b >>ox the international fellowshp of christians and urgentlyth. need your gift of $2 to help provide one survival food box with all of theitamin essentialss they need for
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