tv The Ingraham Angle FOX News September 23, 2023 1:00am-2:00am PDT
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sleaze help expose who is lie you are a cop. you can detect snake oil. how much would you risk? they get excited and like to spend your money. go big or go home. the con is on let's play snake oil series premiere wednesday after the masked singer on fox. >> so here's what you do guy gets a sack you go thank you very much what else? >> how about sack of all trades ? >> boom sack like a sack aronian cheese i want to sack roni and cheese. starving. i'm too for this shirt. well, you could say that. >> i would say sacrilegious, but that be sacrilegious. okay. you ready for this one? sack any sack, don't sack back. >> this was a really bad idea. sack of potatoes. oh, how about suffering sack attack like that one? >> thanks to time, pyro. awesome. michael out. this time our studio audience rushes and everything else does that. i'm greg gutfeld, and i love you, america.
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i'm will cain in forr laura ingraham on this special edition of the "ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. i want to wish a veryon big congratulation to the biden administration because they have hit a brandw new recordrecord. u're goi we did it. we did it. joe, you're going to be the next president of the united states. las >> they did it. we just learned that last month they had the highest number of illegal immigrant apprehensions at the border ever for the month of august. and so far in this fiscal year, there's been nearly 233,000 apprehensions already beating out last year. that's basically importing basi, a boise, idaho, a spokane, washington, and a scottsdale, arizona, every month. so that's joe biden's closed bor borderder.. it's so locked down that we needed to go now live to eagle e pass, where fox news national correspondent griff jenkins is there to. show us exactly how tight this closed border is by the biden administration.
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griff. hey, will. good evening . happy friday to you. and it just doesn't stop the numbers. baming coming and coming here in eagle pass. you walk along the riverbankwilu will, and you see that this is a crisis. texas putting the miles of thiss dense, dangerous barbe bd razoro wire which isn't stopping the migrants from coming throug h in. fact let's go to our drone in the sky right now. and you can seettinge it's gettg hotter in the afternoon. the groups have been smaller in the last few hours, but wrs.e see, still just a coupleat c of migrants. the back paramt of, a larger group that came earlier, they're still struggling to negotiate that wire, tryingwt to get through. why? because they know that this are administration favors mass catch and release and they are likely to be guaranteed the ability to stay, get ay wo notice to appear in a court date years from now that they won'show uand t show do it now.a in the case of venezuelans, many will be able to a workt th authorization and get work, which is the reason why they lefs tot their countriesy
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to begin with. but economic insecuritisn' y enough to qualify for asylum undert, ti herelaws. this administration has created an incentive to get them here and you talk about the tour str and 32,000 a month of august. it's juseat in long string of this year, fiscal year. we now know cbp sources confirming to us will that thergrane is nearly 2.4 million migrant encounters, the most ever on record breaking year's, all time high record of 2.3,ping seven, 8 million. and it's just not stoppingof with 2400 in the last 24 hours. here. now, let me show you some of video thd the video that we've been shooting all day today and yesterday of the migrants gointhts goingg through that ram but not all of them make it, will, in fact just a few hours ago, they pulled yet another body from the river, just feett from where we're standing. it's the third drowning in an sg many days, three drownings in three days that is why theser agents are having to see this. and they're reaching a breakinet point, will. they're overworked.
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they're overwhelmed. aney don't see supportppor fromn administration. they don't see policy changes coming in. yed, yett the numbers keep risig and rising, and now miey're having to pull bodies out of this river or treat wounded migrants coming throughh . the razor wire now here in maverick county, the sheriff, county, tom schrei, that is the maverick county where eagle pass is a part w of. i asked him, can you sustain this? can this continue? >>sustaihere's what he had to s. take a listen. can maverick county these numbers? >> no. no way. no way. as yyou can see there's people e walking and they're not runningb away from anybody because they know that they're not going to be stopped by anybody p . and here in eagle pass, that's the situation. but other sectors are getting hammered as well. in ethey are see, in el paso. they're seeing the same surge in numbers. and in three cases they've hadne in the last 24 hours, confirmed cases of tuberculosis, highly contagious disease. and it is hard to overstate
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how difficult it is for border patrol agents to mitigate having overwhelmed numbers in your shelters over capacity. so you have nowhere to put them. and now you have to contact trace among two, three, 4000with people a day with tubercular t. doses running through it. it's absolutely a crisis in every sense o of it and no sign of it slowing down. >> we're live imagesimages right there. griff, you're giving us of people trying to make their way through that razor makr wa wireo the united states. thank you so much, griff. authoritieos from mavericktellin county, texas, to new york city telling you somethingouldg. y is actually, we should not make light of that. we should not joke if this country changing right before our very eyes and we cannot handle the influx of illegalimmn immigrants. and all the while, the biden administration not only refuseso to take responsibility for this crisis or provide a strategyr pr resources to stop it, but they provide incentives the to make these numbers a mere drop comihe bucket to ensure that we will explode the number of illegal immigrants coming to this country in the future.
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the democrat mayor of eagle pass for griff has been says biden is 100% responsible, by the way, for what happeningab to his city. >> i haven't heard from anybody in theody nobody administration. nobody has bothered to call me anyone in the city staff saying, hey, this is the federal government. we know what you'rwe areede goig through. we're worried about you. this is our plan of action. nothg we're here, are abandoned. we're on the border. we're asking for help. inisisunaccept is please. we have thousands of people coming in without one single consequence. it's just not fair fai. >> a democrat, just like the mayor of new york city, join. presida democrat >> joining me now is brandon john, president of the national border patrooll council. brandon, great to have you on the program this evening. randonjoe, brandon has said that the real fault in thisrelies w situation does not lie with his administration, but actually reliessn't with a man who hasn'ttrump, been in office for two and a half years. wh still blames it on presidenrt trump. >> he blames it on maga
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republicans. what do you sao you y? well, let's fact check him in real time. that's false. r all we have to do is look admi. t was took place under the trump administration. we had the most orderly immigration systemmy in the in n my history in 25 years of doing this job. i'd nevehave nev seer anything e more orderly than under president trump. then you look at the numbers nup that we apprehended under president trump, we dropped to 45 year lows, something t yeh that this administration completely ignores. look at the number of. look of fentn ou at the amount d that was on our streets. it was at all time lows undeentr president because we were able to go after the criminal cartels in real timel time.thats fact checking right now. when you look at what's goinnisg under this administration, we are seeing more fentanyl on our streets than we've ever seenzenw before. we're seeing more deaths of united states citizens than we've ever see befn before. we're seeing more crime than we've ever seen before we as in theossingnt united states. we're also seeing more deaths of those we are people are crossing our borders illegally. we're seeing more drownings than ever before. we'rre seeine more deaths in thr
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deserts than we've ever seen before. everythingecs is at record highs under this administration. and it's all based upon their they changed policies that were working that president trump implemente changd. aos on and because of those changes, we're seeing a complete chaos on our borders and everything is allowing our cart is allowinhe carteg the cartels to generate more profit than in any time in mycitize 25 year career, which again,nsav is killing more unitede tostratn states citizens. we have to care. we hope that this administrationd care m care mort the american citizens than their political aspirations. but unfortunately, that's that's what we're seeing. we're seeing them are morelicy. about their political aspirations than the american people. >> more on those policies in just a moment. brandon, takmoment take ae look at these tha numbers here in the tucson sector. i believe you can see the numbers. what's happening just in that ss sector alone, 11,000 apprehensions this week. as you mentionedios ., the manyo other angles of this entire tragedy. you can see the number na events and human smuggling involved as well. but i want to move to a potential solutionsohink. and i think everye american respects and appreciates the jojob border
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patrol does even with at times it's hands politically tied. but many americans have asked fore.r more, not necessarily frm border patrol, but from any politician. they've asked foe governorr sta. governors to declare an invasion, giving them powers to invoke their own nationalproi guard to address the problem. governor greg abbott of texas today did so. brandon he put up a declaration. he invokede article one, section ten, clause three of the united states constitutioton, which he says gives him the power to declare an invasion and do the following things y on your screen, which is most importantly, probably that bottom would repe one.l migrants, he said in that declaration, by the way, to the border. 's normanow, brandon, that's nog a job of border patrol, but i think at this point, americans saying anyone, everyone stop triage the, stop the bleeding. is this something you believe will helu bep? e >> it will as long as we removeh unitle immediately. if we end catch and release, if we end the reward that releasesz people in the united states, people will stop coming. that's what's so amazing thaten.
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what is what what biden is doing. if he would simply enacts to pom that would allow us to remove s people immediately from the unitedtates, w, we would sew immediate decrease in illegal immigratiothatn and we seeyes, i that immediate decrease. then we're able to go after the cartels. yes, it willp whatovernort wills what what governor abbott is going to do, let's just hope that he does it immediately. >> that's right. let's let's watch and make sure it's executen texad texas. >> brandon judd, thank you so much for being with us tonight. g me nowme now, monica crowley,s assistant secretary of treasuryi for public affairs, and lee zeldin, former new york congressman new york c. and gubernatorial candidate. great to have you both on the program this morning. i saidi saida , monica, just a t ago that i was going to return to those policies of the biden administrationadmini, sere as incentive. i want you to watch this clip, if you would, of joee bi c at te congressional hispanic caucus last night saying, exactly what he plans to do that in my estimation, monic, willa wily continue to serve as a magnet for this problem. legaen, this. >> we're significantly
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expanding legal pathways for entry so businesses can get the workers they need. i'm also directingalso my to mah historic increase in the number of refugees admitted from latinh america. we've launched outreach campaigns helpined campaigveg an eligible migrants apply for work permits we are acceleratinl the process for work permit applications. right noicatiow, monica, he's al more illegal immigrants to claim asylu immigram, get joi in americaca. the yeah, he slurred his ways through that statement. the incentives are very obvious, to the american, but also to people around the world who want to come into tthe united states and do itth illegally. he's made that very clear. look for, all the people.l well, who talk about, well, why doesn't joe biden have a plawitn to deal with the out of control border and these massive wavesl. of illegal immigrants coming into the country? this is the planu know. e seeing >> you know, any normal politician when they're seeing the negative fallout, you know, the negative economic, humanitarian
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urit and nationalar security implications of this wide open border for nearlyorret three years now. any normal president would have correcteedd the course. change the policy. we have not seent seen one secod of that. he has not changed policy at all. so this is the plan. the pland th is to flood the country. you know, the old communist radicals clobbered. piven talked about the most effective way to destroy the united was to overwhelmr wa her systems. y to dand what better way to dor than to have a wide open border where you haveon millionse coun of illegal immigrants coming into the country, bringingnghe i tsunamis of crime, drugs, disease, the massive on all of our resources, from medical care to education. >> this is the deliberate destruction of the country. yeah, and le e, every politician just about who is affectedrk by problem, including very prominent democrats like right here in new york cit, s mayor eric adams are saying the system is overwhelmed. to monica'toa's point and new y.
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by the way, i mean, i have nehard time extending to new york as someone from texas or anywhere along the southern border. but new york is now absorbing hundreds of thousands immi immigrants. yor and the governor of new york was calling for this a couple of years ago. you ha electedd democratic elecd officials cheering on president biden when he was instituting this you is, as you and monica haveo been pointing out, this is on ct purpose. no border, no country. more democrats re are realizing that. no border, no reelection. you can' t the american publiciden about biden nomics. nationalomic security and homeland security. health care. child traffickind ing,g. combating fentanyl. and the list goes on. ifg to be delibe you're going t. deliberately implementing this policy at the border thi, i thiu that this is an existential threat, not just for mancountryy challenges for our country on the substance and the policy, but politicallhtmare y it's a nightmare. so it doesn't make much sense,
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especially as 24 gets closer. >> you both have said something th intelligent tonight that i just want to underline it from both of you. monica, you're absolutely right. this is noicy failt policy fail. this is a policy success for ish the biden administration. this is the execution of a policy. and there's no natio. n there'se dest no nation state without a border. onitedwatching the destructionru purpose successfully of the nation state of the united state s. >> thank you both, monica and lee, for being with us tonight. r at >> coming up, why are we better at protecting ukraine's border than our own? plus, cash, gold bars, bribery,a pockets full of money. i'm not talking about our latest gift to ukraine. i'm talking about now indicted new jersey democrat bob menendez. menend the are next. >> police have arrested 31-year-old jeffrey dahmer. >> he's being called the cannibal killer to hear jeffrey dahmer have a conversation with his father
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e one minute prediabetes risk test today go to. >> do i have pre-diabetes, dawgs ? >> gold bars, hidden cash, fancy car. sounds likike e a rap video. it's not. it's the indictment agains t senator bob menendez. fox news senior congressionalch? correspondent chad pergram is here with all the details. th chad evenind, good evening. >> there are now calls for menendez to resign his seae t. democratic new jersey representative frank wante senat. the senator ou
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so does the democratic governor, phil murphy. ret it's unclear i iatf will happen. >> if bob menendez wersie to resign or be removed fromil office after a conviction, ns bill murphy's term runs until january 2026. the idea would be if menendez had leave or volunteered to leave, it would give the r an>> sen governo opportunity to appoint a replacement. >> senate majorityat chuckeppe schumer says menendez temporarily stepped aside as chairmaairman on of the senae foreign relations committee. senate democrats must cede their gavelsgravel if they facef a felony indictment. and you have the foreign relationor s chairmann accused of illegally helping a foreign government, egypment t in exchange for gold, cash and a car. this is the mercedes benz what we allege that uribt yoe provided as part of the scheme. what you see here, three kilograms of gold. logramthese three kilograms togr are worth approximately
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$150,000. and of course, here you can see just a fraction of the >>sh that was uncovered as part of the schem te. n >> this is the second time menendez has faced a corruption indictment over the last17 bec decade. a court cleared menendezause o in 2017 because of a mistrial. >> look i'm innocent of the charges. i'm going to prove that the government here.. i'm going to be exonerated. but what's most importans t, that nothing is going to back me down on my critical views on behalf of the people of new jersey and my service to the. and that includes on iran, on cuba, on other foreign policy issues. f >> well. menendez accuses the fedsmisr of misrepresenepret ing his sen work. he also claimed prosecutors targeted him because he is a, te quote, first generation latino ba to the senate.thank back to you. all right. thank you, chad. so let me see ifyo me see i i got this straight. a high level democratic politician was acceptin brig bribes to sell influence to foreign powers in the case of bobas menendez.
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>> it was through a family member. his wife. on and tell me the difference between that situation. hunter biden and h joe. joining me now, louisiana congressman clay higgins. congressmafo n, thanks to beget on the program, i want to talk to you about ukraine in just a moment. >> but first, i would loveyorea to get your reaction to something put out by the house republicanpuuss. and here's what it saysbo in 2010,b me bob menendez wanted to meet with then vice president joe biden to host event. but instead of going directly wh his office at the whitehouse, house, menendez chief of staff part to eric schwerin, who is eric? well, that is hunter biden's business partner. so whe bonendezn bob menendez wantedl to do a dirty deal or when bob menendez, who does dirty deals, wanted to do deal with the vice president's office, they didn't go to the office. they weno hut to hunter's busins partner. >> your reaction par? oh, a tangled web is we've correct. i first of all, let me saydotr i don't trust anything coming out of theust g out of doj, andt
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put it beyond them to go after a menendez as s a as like a sacrifice to whereby could pretend that they would would willingly and effectively obvistigate things like this. give them a little cover for obviously not and helping the oversight committee apologiz set ie in the house to. investigate the biden crime family, i don'. so i don't know if the senator did anything wrong or notdo hopeful that the justice system will figure that out. but i do not trust the department of justice. >> a great point. a great it's a great point. and look, on the surface, i mean, while there, we have found stacks,et of cash in themn jacket pockets of joe biden. i mean, , the framework of thise is the same family members, family members who make the connections for, high level politicians to sell influence to foreign powers.
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you know, one one would think that all americans should be alarmed that we potentially have a compromisedad pres presin the white house, that that connecclearly is connected to ss of millions of dollars of suspicious monies coming shel from foreign nations through 20 shell companies to 12 of his family members. any reasonable man would would say that's very suspicioussuspi yes. and personally, i call itable impeachabl.e. aine. >> i mentioned i want to talk to you about ukraine. let's talk about that for just one moment. the united states appears to be zelenskyy is suggestiny isg tha. you know, she is going to sell him some long range missilesnswe and we can't seem to answer a very simple question. i thinuurself hk one that you yf have been asking, how much have we spent at this? how much have we spent in ukraine? john kjohn kirby doesn't seem tu able to share the answer. >> watch this piece. >> talk about exit strategy. you're talking about getting
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american troops ou that of, a warerican zone, that kind of thing. it's important to remember that w troe have american troops in ukraine. the united. th on their soil united states is committed to supporting ukraine for as long as it takes to succeedtl the battlefield. >> congressman jake sullivan said to the question of how much we've spent he saidm not gr i said, i'm nobyt going to stand here and give a precise figure. and john w kirby says, i can'te? tell you when we're going to leave ukraine. when does this end ha? >> how does this end? at what cost? it does not end well, not charlie, not for america or for europe or the world, because this is a never ending cycle of just feeding the military industriali . a i mean, we're sending them and. abrams tanks, f-16 now long range missiles cluster, bombs.r. we've given them $120 billion so far. they want 25 billion more. and they've already indicatedhe that's only for funding for the first quarter of next year. it's is out of control.
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they don't know where this money is. and i' abilityount and completely opposed to it. most conservatives and now weptd know as well that any funds devoted to ukraine will bee ha exempted from any threat to a government shutdown. >> we we sure have made it clear our priorities. >> it is not united states. >> it is not our border agents. ukraine. >> wil >> congressman, thank you so much. well, speakingl: so m of the biden administration's focus on ukraine, mine and many hasf a had their focus on the people of china. suffesuffered the deadliest wie in modern united states history. lost everythit everything. and as i mentioned, many, many charitable people have stepped up on a mission that i was proud be part of to helph starts welcome the task force behind it, which starts right here in las vegas, nevada, where lasa vegas corporation has donateda
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a 747 full of goodsto to corporations across america to head to maui. >> what las vegas sands decided to do this? well, you know, we have a very philanthropic company. our owner,y philanr ow mary mad, is very philanthropic. our flight crew want to do something to helmething p and. so collaboratively, we all made it happen. i can't tell you how appreciativel you how i am of t. >> and like, this is amazing. you can see more ohaf that stors . >> the tarmac in las vegas to the distributio in point in maui tomorrow on fox and friends weekend. >> i hope you'll join us. wellg to , we're also going to update you on this. i was afforded the honor here on, this network, to ask you the permission to help the people. h mo lahaina and you, the foxre viewer, raised to go fund me. worth than $2.5 million that io personally promised would make its way into the hands of people devastated in lahaina. we went this weewe met many ofkt went this week.hens we met many of those people. and i want to share with you the stories of the tha, yo
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americans that you are helping. again, you'll see all of that on tomorrowdsu of "f, sundr edition of fox and friends weekend. so make sure to set your dvrs af and thank you. >> and up nextowin, a shocking admission from one teen accused of mowing down a retired police chief pol and filming it. and filming it. >> the details nexwant a mt. our kids, we need to find our kids, we need to find more sustainable ways doing. things. >> america's plastic makers are investing billions of dollars in new technologies and creating plastic products that are more recyclable, that are more recyclable, durabl our goal is a cleaner, healthier planet for generations to come for a better tomorrow. we're focused on making we p today. >> we planned well for retirement, but i wish we had more cash. do you think those two have any
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idea that they can sell their life insurance policy fore cash? they're basically sitting on a gold mine. i don't think they have a clue. d nds oflicies fthat's crazy. >> well, not everyone knowst be countries help thousandsliev of sell their policies for cash, even term policies. i can't believe they're just sitting up there sitting on all this cash. >> al it to c if you want a life e policy of $100,000 or more,meon you can sell all or part of itne to country, even a term policy for cash othey'rer, a combinatia of cash and coverage with no future premiums. >> someone! to tell them they're sitting on a gold mine and you have guys! d idea, hey,f you're sitting on a gold min ye >> do you hear that?t toda i don't hear anything anymory e find out if you're sitting on a gold mine. call coventry direct today at 809 eight 6200 or visit coventry direct comm attention former marines and family stationed at camp lejeune. if you lived or worked at camp lejeune, carolina, for at least 30 days from august 1953
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>> america is watching.ha will the teens facinrgesg murden charges for intentionally mowing down a retired police chief and filmining it are showing absolutely zero fos. se for their action fox news chief correspondent jonathan hunt is here with all the detailsjon >> jonathan, good evening. well, the video of the hit and run shocking as two teens laugh before mowing 64-year-oldp andreas probst, a retiredh this former police chief, as he rode his bike in las vegas. watch this the haunted responser of the alleged driver after his arrest is equall arresy shog 18-year-old hazel scialfa. according to las vegas outletd klas told police, quote, you thinu think juvenile blank is going to do some blank? i'll be out in 30 days. i'll bet you it's just a blankso
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hit and run slap on the wrist. but the clark county s districat attorney says ayla and his alleged passenger, 16-year-old jamir keyed passenr 16s, who mae their first court appearances yesterday, are likelto facy to e multiple charges, including murder. in the criminal justice system. withou are a minor, then you are eligible to be charged with the crime of murder. e ad you are automatically sent to the adult system. i am confident that is what is going to happen in this case. >> iowa and keyes had allegedly been on a crime spree the day murdr, stealing three cars in all, including th the one they allegedly used in the fatal hit and run>> a that they recorded on video. >> a very appalling video lacks morality, its complete lacke of conscience on the part i of it. and the worst part about it in the video is you hear that everythintional>>g intenti >> now, the two teens will be
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back in court for a bail hearing on tuesday. well, all righht, thant thank yt jonathan. >> so this is all just so horrific. and it leads to the questionuesu is going on with our kids. it seems like they're becoming more involved in heinous every crimese every day. they should be riding bikes, but they're hittin bikesg people whohootin are riding bikes. why are kids shooting and stealingg an and sometimes t caring about the consequences? what can we do? to?ust change this? take a look at some of these other stories from just this weeksted i. a a 16 year old was arrested in a. violent carjacking of a connecticut ma thn. f hi you can see the suspects here punching him over and over before they pull out of higarag and a 14-year-old was just arrested for fatally shootinangh his mother and injuring her boyfriend. the aftermath and the teen had a gu a gn at his head, was caugo on police body cam. >> i don't want to hurt you, bro. i do not want to shoot you. want to enn. you don't want to end it this way. you don't want to end it this way, brother. i promisappeney, ie. . whatever happened today, it can be fixed. >> don't pull the trigger. put it dow will: jn.
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>> joining me now, bob woodson, president and founder of thereri center. you know, bob, there's a lotf di of different kind crime. there's a lot of different type of youth crime. we often see when it comese to violence is something like gang criminal activity. but what we're allof watching he in all of these instances is just general mayhem. why well, for one thing, we're sending a lethal message,cularl particularly to black kidsy, fo that you are exempt from any personal responsibility. in fact, that's even racistlity. to talk about personal responsibilityve the. eaders, you have the hypocrisy of some of these leaders, like the minnesota vice chair of the republican forum amid the democratic-farmer-labor party, who are the leaderpolice in defunding police aftert george floyd. >> and what happened last week , is that she was violently assaulted by four young black men with guns breaking her legs and getting severe
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lacerations to her. but it was the police she that saved her.der ad th and now she is a law and order advocate. the questiontion is is, why doe these leaders in these city cities continuing to preach exemption if you're black? >> the the crisis that we have t is moral and spiritual. munity >> and it can only be solved by going into the community suffering the problem and recruiting moral mentorstors and character coaches who serve antibodies from within that community. and i've seen that work. can you witness to these young people? >> can you outsource that, bob? you know what i think about the things that might be contributinbob?thatgenerag t. i do think, by the way, that generally human beings have been dehumanized through this device, through constantly being on technology and alwaysda far away. >> i think religion's role in this, in the declinas you pe of religion is part of this, as you point out, lack of accountability, but als ult o
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it's evolved. the foundational structure of society is the family. youn and when we see young people go wrong, i can't help but think you can'n't fix it unless you have that foundational element. have. rogate but there are surrogates that have been effective in redirecting young people. i can give you the names of terrorists daily, curtis monroe, other young people, many them ex-offenders who who were who were themselves veryd troubled, who became transformed and redeemed. and i've seen just four ofg these young leaderleaders reacht to 120 middle schoolers and, coach them in football, and have these young men take directions peoplheir from people the alliance of concerned men. so there are surrogate parents e that are available communities,e but we don't invested that we in baton and shot. we invest in social workers. we do no dett where the solutior
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exist. hand you will never hear anyhoe of these indigenous leaders who are positively redirecting these young people worrying about racism or injustice. they preach resilience, personal, but the qualities that make them effective make, them invisible. we've got to we've got to change that righte that . well, i appreciate that answer twofold, bob. that note of optimise m. one, we need solutions. we need optimism. nuecause iand number two, becaue that you're a man who's been on the ground and gives him that answer from a placexperieno experience and someone who has helped find those solutionr sha thank you for sharing that with us tonight, bob woodson. all righti fort. >> now it's time for our political palate cleanser. you see, know, domy a little espn. >> first, take my sparring partner, my friend friend t stephen smith. >> he didn't have a shining lat yankt night at yankee stadium. >> oh, oh, the oh one hop.
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oh oh for playing stickball. >> that all that stuff. it's -- it's supposed to go all over the place. stephen a you know, not to ov you don't hit the grass before the plate is supposeer td to ovr the play into the middle. long he's taking it well he's laughing along. so bravo for stephen. i haven't been on the mound. so there but for the grace of god, go i. up laura's powerful interview with a pregnant woman whose doctors told her sheoctors needn abortion to survive a rare brain cancer. shs us the decision she made next. >> stay there. donald trump failed to defend our border. joe biden has no clue how to fix the problem. we need a president who understands the crisis at, our border. stop treating everybody that comes in this country as an asylum seeker. treat human smugglers and drug traffickers as terrorists. organized nations address root
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think you will do. >> i can be the winds of change your health or your baby's life . which would you choose? well, that's a question that no mother would ever wantt to m to ,but my next guest had to.shwas0 last year, she was 20 weekssha pregnant with her second child, tasha khankhan, diagnosed with h rare and aggressive form of brain cancer. >> she needed chemotherapy and radiation, her doctor said, and she needededed i it right al they urged her to have an abortiond so she could start her treatments. she said no. 2 mont they told her she should only have 12 months left to livehs lef.
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yet she still said no. she wawas determined not to aboh her baby regardless of what it wid to her own healterh or her own life. >> tasha khan joins me now, along with her husbandth, taylor and daughter, gracie. i hear her there, tasha what ala beautiful family. mifirst offirst of all. most people hearing about stories like this and youg and your husband have had to go through so much. tasha and every cancerthroug is different. i had to go through chemotherapyh chem radiation like 17 years ago. so it's no walk in the park. but your cancer is extremelybra aggressiveca and brain cancers t are very tough to trearet. why did you decide to choose b >>ur baby's and life and put yours on hold just for that exact reason? because i knew how aggressiv as. the cancer was and how hard it would be to treat. i didn't think it would my possible to treat it so
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putting my baby before me wasatw more importantha and that's what i decided to do. >> taylor did you for any moment think that you could dissuade your wife or anyone, i should say, could dissuade your wife from making this decisionde, knowing her as k you do? >> no,new as soo i as soon as ty mentioned it, it was not a great because it was never ann option for her. and you must love e especially her and i think she made the best decision that we all could. beeand it's been wonderful. ba tasha, tell us abou>>t it. tell us about you, your health. and i want fai to get into kinds of your faith and your probation fo k goingr and what's keeping you going, because i know this has been a very tough year. my family keeps me going god keeps me going. you know, the doctors telling metellin i wouldn't survive prey
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and i did. and then telling me i had have chemo and radiation and it would be my only options for survival. and i refused that.d and i still had stable, stable scans over and over again. rea they kept telling me, you know, we don't kno w, know what's going on, why the cancer isn't spreading. d radi they just kept pushingat the chemo radiation, which madeo no sense. the cancer wasn't spreading. why would i do a treatmentdo t:n that could kill me? >> when you thin yboutk about t past year and you know, there are women all across the countrwhg y who are going yu through similar things, i mean, you have to take thi this. and if you don't take this, you could die or you'll be irreparably damaged healthwise. if you don't get an abortion. >> given your own experience, what might women you say to thoe women facing that same choice?
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>> abortion. abortion. their abortion is never an option. what da what does a baby have to with your health? >> it just i mean, you you have to look at all the options, advocate for yourself. you know, doctors look at you a as a patient. >> maybe they are noto th your babies as a patient. you know, the baby's in their watheyy. so the first thing they want to do is get that baby out of their way hav. well also, you have to consider that and think, bab of, you kn, well, what's the baby really going to do with md that'sy. >> and that's what i said. you know, when it comes to my brain, that's my baby. have to do with my brain. you're an inspiration, tasha taylor andu ar of course. >> gracie, thank you for sharing this story. ank you ing yourh you all the b. >> thank you so much.xt , all right. up next, a special fridayfailla edition of what the feiler featuring, of course,. jimmy feiler. >> stay ther e. >> i met directly in front
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your first three months of fox >> ion for 199. >> well, now it's time for what the fella. joining me now, jimmy fallon, host of fox across america. >> jimmy, good evening. good sir. good to see you, my man. i thought i should introduce you formerly with that good siod . got to class up the joint. not going to be senator john fetterman, who's c up the , of , everyone knows how he dresses. and when called the questionjoho >> now he's getting a little emotional. the committee hearing, jimmy watch. you know, because i live in apoi political environment, i wasti ridiculed and made fun of because i wasn't able to process thicause i s thing sometimes or say things things out. i'm so sorry that i'm sure many of you had to go through this kind of thing. >> please, mr. doyle, pleaseth continue. >> there you go, jimmy. come on, man. a li the fact that he's playing the victim card here is a little ridiculous to m e. he was mocking this whole thing a week ago. a week? do you remembe r? w he did the whole boo hoo video. what's the big idea? here's the bottom line he b.
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and you know this. you know this and i know this. okay? it's the senate. espect okay? we should have some respect. democrats like to lecture us about, to lect january 6th,e guys who stormed the capitol r-d better than the guys who work in the capitol. and it's not supposed to worot k that. >> okay. the only time a senator shouldlm be showinghowing u up in sweatsf someone from the biden administration stole their luggage at the airport. oh, my. there you go. >>you. you're hey, real quick, on a serious note, if you're having trouble processing language, you're not fit duty in the united states senate, where your job is to process language and draftedt into laws. it's just a hard truth. by the way tru., jimmy how do you think he winds down? like, what's john fetterman put on after a hard day's work at the senate when he just kicks his feet up at home? >> how do you dress that down? >> i, i listen, man, he looks like he's starring a rom com called debbie does carnival workers. oh. as much as i got, i got a lot
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of i got a lot of empathy for t the guy. he shouldn't have taken the gia ghim un ,but i don't wantit to judge hio until we find out what type of senator his wife turns out to be. >> okay. bottom line, basketball shorts and hoodies. all right, jimi, earlier this to, the military lost $100 million f-35, and we finally got our hands on the 911 call. >> listen, sorry. what happene d? we got our pilot in the house. i guess he landed in my backyard and they're trying to see if we can get an ambulance to the house. we had a military crash. i'm the pilot. we need to get rescue rolling. i'm not sure where the airplane is. it would have crash landed somewhere. >> i ejected. she keep bris him like normal.1u 911 questions. you know, like, where are you hurt? are you bleedingons like like, , i just ejected from an f 35. we need to get on that the the most part of the story is when he showed up to their house in a suit with a parachute. they assumed he was a senator.
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like a of washington, d.c.. is that what happeneden in ukraine to basicalled iy that was top gun two. yeah. listenn , "top gun: maverick". a lot better than top gun biden i'm not going to lie, but this is crazy. i mean, the government wants us to keep trackazy.ants us a a transaction in our bank accounts, but theycc can' ce a $100 million plane. right. and well, to bare clear my iphoe has a tracking device and i don't even have a phone i'm not making. . yeah. i'ank i'm rocking i know, but i'm rocking like an iphone too. okay find the plane man embarrassing. let's stay with flying issues real quick. avid b let's go to the airport. "new york times" columnist he'sdavid brooks, he's getting roasted because he said he spent $78 and i believe it's called the smok he ent $70e house restaurant in newark. and people are saying, wait, wait, wait, wait g wait. burger and fries does not cost $78. so the restaurant itself $7, 80%wo dou of his tab was. bl i think he got two doubles. jimmy yeah, well, listen, i am
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clearly not the type of guy who should judge anyone for getting two doubles. to be clear.r. okay, they look me. de pod >> i look like i get paid in tequila and tie pods. but let'but s stay focused for a second, okay? >> every tim e i open up the newe i' york times, i feel likem i'm watching a game show called with the truth because this was such a demonstrably false attempt to give an excuse for the economy. itd here's the thing econo. the democrats, it's so laughable. it's like they make up excuses fo make upr the as if people wot notice they have less money. right. you knowwon' what, i'm saying i the if the democrats ran the titanic, they'd be like, it was a goodtitanic with a messag problem. >> yeah, these stupid elitismlim that won't be the case where you can check out jimmy, show's on the road. chec. this.k it out. check them out at fox news across america. i'm will cain in for laura ingraham. you >> check me out tomorrow on fox and friends weekend. it's time for jesse watters prime time to holler. wellyb
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