tv Americas Newsroom FOX News September 25, 2023 7:00am-8:01am PDT
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in a campus lake following a worship event at the school. auburn's head football coach helped out. it angered the wisconsin-based freedom from religion foundation and sent a warning to the state school saying in part it is unconstitutional and inappropriate for public school employees to direct students to partake in religious activities or to participate in the religious activities of their students. in response, governor kay ivey, the head of the board of trustees for every state university, called their interpretation of the constitution misleading and misguided saying in part requiring college officials to entirely remove faith from their lives could well violate those officials own religious freedom. the first amendment protects the free exercise of religion as much as it prohibits government establishment of religion. the atheist group pushed back
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reminding her that 20% of the state is religiously unafailiateed. think confirmed it received the letter but has not commented further. >> bill: this happened a week ago, right? >> an ongoing battle. >> bill: nice to see you, lauren. now to the images of migrants flooding over our southern border by the day getting worse by the day as well. but now there are new alarms on the awful exploitation of migrant children. children sent across the country forced to work dangerous, dirty and grueling jobs thanks to flagrant failures by the biden administration. we hit new records again, folks. brand-new hour is now. bill hemmer live in new york. dana perino is on debate duty. good morning, how are you? >> martha: i'm martha maccallum in for dana today. more than 300,000 migrant children have entered the united states by themselves since president biden took office
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thanks to a big loophole in the president's policy that blocks them from being deported back. where do they go? who are they with? the department of health and human services has placed many with unvetted sponsors for these children. in some cases leading to their exploitation and leading to forced labor. >> we are talking about tens of thousands of children involved in child labor being exploited in america right now because of this loophole. >> martha: mike tobin is live in the midwest bureau to dig into this important story. >> the year president biden took office a number of children coming across the border without families nearly quadrupled from the previous year and continues to increase. the president of league of un united latin american -- families know that kids aren't
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deported with a promise they will find work and send money back. minors stopped at the border are supposed to be linked with relatives, sponsors or foster families but the numbers are so great that guardians aren't thoroughly scrutinized opening the door for people who would exploit children. >> a lot of what we call recruiters. if they know there is a child not going to a family member they are at the bus stops and they will get them and say we have a job for you and they wind up in the slaughterhouses working 10, 12 hour shifts. >> investigations by the department of labor have found underage immigrant children doing the dangerous work in the slaughterhouses of meat packing and poultry processing plants in eight states. the meat packing companies subcontract labor. the labor secretary brought a civil action against one of the subcontractors, packer sanitary services for $1.5 million for
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using child labor. minors were working the overnight shift at a meat packing plant in grand island, nebraska killing the equipment on the killing floor. the company has a 0 tolerance policy against employing anyone under the age of 18 and fully shares the department of labor's objective of insuring compliance at all pssi location. it is not limited to one plant or town. there are tens of thousands of kids slipping past authorities and being exploited for cheap labor. martha and bill. >> martha: thank you very much. >> bill: thank you, mike. go to california now. four minutes past the hour. the second republican accountable debate goes down at the reagan library in california. less than four months away before the first caucus in iowa and my co-anchor dana perino one of the moderators joins us now.
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nice to see you up early. great looking background there. a couple things we want to point out. i don't know what kind of ripples this gathered during your conversation. nbc news poll. trump and biden tied at 46. abc poll had trump up 9 or 10 points. biden up a point on desantis and nikki haley up five points over joe biden. then as we move to the republican primary preference in the same nbc poll you see donald trump with a whopping 43 point lead over ron desantis who checks in at 16 and donald trump 59. with that as a setup, tell us what is the concentration for this week in terms of what the candidates need to do in this race that -- the debate that millions of people will be watching? >> dana: bret and martha set the
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stage in milwaukee. this is where the rubber meets the road. many of these candidates, seven on stage, they have supporters and donors who are wanting to see do they have what it takes in order to become not the top. no one is going to topple donald trump's lead at this point in this field, but can one of them have a break-out moment to show that they can be the main rival? so i think you will see some pointed strategies, some aggression probably. and that nbc poll it is interesting. nikki haley has dong said the biden administration is most worried about me in this race. so she will probably try to use that. certainly i think what's interesting is at this point you can imagine there is a lot of drama on the republican side but guys, i have to tell you, the drama on the democratic side from the polls yesterday is really high. >> martha: one thing is clear. there is a stage full of individuals who would love to be the republican nominee, right? the democrat side, there isn't.
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there is not a stage full of people waiting to step in in the potential possibility that joe biden turns out to do a lyndon johnson and say i've served my time and i will move on. so here is the latest look at biden underwater among key voting groups. 18 to 34 he is at 46% approval. women 46%. latinos 43%. independents 36%. what is your take on this in light of this poll that came out over the weekend showing a nine-point spread between biden and trump? >> dana: the weakest than any president has looked on a poll in the history of abc's poll are you better off than you were four years ago? that was ronald reagan's question to voters in the 1980 race against jimmy carter. joe biden is breaking records and certainly not the kind he wants. in addition, i talked to some
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democrats yesterday who work in democrat politics not at the presidential campaign level. more for house races. one of the things they said was at this point they believe they will have to go to the campaign with the candidate they have. it is getting late to make a change. however, on wednesday night when we're here for the debate somebody will be in the audience that's interesting martha and bill. governor gavin newsom. is he doing opposition research of his own for his possible future? >> bill: great insider there. give us three of us right here. can you give us your best question? >> dana: best question is who is the ninth wonder of the world, bill hemmer indeed. that's the answer. >> bill: right on. you behaved very well. we will talk again tomorrow and then again on wednesday. so good luck in the prep. it will be an amazing night.
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let all viewers know that 8:00 is the pre-game on fox business and 9:00 the debate goes down with dana, stuart varney and ilia calderon from univision. good luck. you guys are crashing with your questions and topics. >> dana: i will go hideout in the room there. it's cold. good thing martha told me to bring a blanket. >> martha: i always try to give the most fantastic advice. we can't wait to see you guys. you will be super prepared. it will get interesting. we can't wait to watch. great to see you. see you later. >> dana: thank you both. >> bill: do you want to give us -- when you did milwaukee, there were eight on stage, right? i think we're at seven. no more than seven. is it an advantage to have one fewer as a moderator? >> i think so. an advantage for the candidates as well. they are all clamoring to get
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on. we had some late additions then and they may get another one at this point. we'll see what happens. you know, it gives everybody another 30 seconds, minute and a half. that's a lot, though. it matters in these moments when they are trying to build their argument. they are up against a lot. you see these numbers with the former president. so they really have to put themselves on the map. nikki haley is in great position going into this. we'll see if she can keep the momentum going. >> bill: if you get your answer and nail it and you get ad and tv time in the days and weeks to come. >> martha: you can use those moments to connect with the american people. sometimes they get so revved up with the answer that they are trying to remember that they forget to just be human and connect with people and tell them what kind of president they would be. we'll see if that happens. >> bill: good advice. >> martha: the justice
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department agrees to let u.s. attorney matthew graves sit for a transcribed interview on the hunter biden case. republicans say that graves was key in blocking federal charges against hunter biden in the district of columbia and now he is willing to talk. that will be interesting. david spunt joins us live in washington with more on this. hi, david. >> house republicans have wanted to talk to u.s. attorney matthew graves for the district of columbia for months. it appears they will have their chance on october 3rd. graves will sit for a transcribed interview on capitol hill to answer questions about the hunter biden probe. many house republicans believe that he prevented delaware u.s. attorney david weiss from charging hunter biden in the past in the nation's capitol. gary shapley said he heard mr. weiss complain about this issue. >> in october 7, 2022, said the d.c. u.s. attorney's office will not allow us to charge there and
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then he added that he would requested special counsel authority and was denied. in that meeting, i even had him repeat that because i knew how important that fact was and wanted to make sure i understood it. >> both david weiss and matthew graves deny the allegation from shapley. jordan expects david weiss to testify in the coming weeks. there was original plans for -- it will happen in the near term. the d.o.j. writing the department is committed to taking this step because we remain deeply concerned about any misrepresentations about our work that could harm public confidence in the even-handed administration of justice. source familiar says weiss will come before congress. dates are being worked out. republicans want it to happen swiftly. he is eyeing charges for hunter biden in either washington, d.c. or california for potential tax crimes.
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>> bill: so we have ourselves an educational disasters sparking outrage in the city of baltimore. only 7% of students are proficient in math and that's what the new study concluded and that is no good. >> martha: a growing partisan divide over free speech and censorship. whose side are you on on all of this? it could depend on your political party. >> bill: the u.s. senate taking a look at the dress code order a week ago after reducing the rules for fetterman? are some traditions worth keeping? >> aren't there more important things rather if i dress like a slob? ♪ you're in a hurry. i'm off to america's best i heard what you said about not overpaying for glasses. two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95? the exam alone is worth... 59 bucks. i mean, people deserve breaks, right? yeah, brakes...! [out of control] book an exam today at
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>> really don't have a dress code in the rules of the united states senate. what we need to do is to reach an accommodation that is realistic. >> martha: majority whip dick durbin commenting on the senate dress code. they are complaining about that because fetterman like to wear sweats. clay travis joins us with his thoughts. mark meredith live from washington. >> bill: lawmakers suggest there may be a compromise soon to appease senators from both parties upset with the changes to the dress code. earlier this month senate majority leader chuck schumer relaxed the formal dress code for senators seemingly out of the blue. without giving his fellow lawmakers much heads-up. the move was widely seen as an effort to help john fetterman be more comfortable at work. he is often spotted in hoodies and shorts. he presided over the senate chamber without the traditional
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suit and tie. democratic senator joe manchin is expected to file a bipartisan resolution to require senators to go back to the old ways, back to the suit and tie. for what president biden thinks so far, white house not saying too much. biden served in the senate for more than three decades. >> you know the president and seen him for the past as vice president and senator. he dresses better than most of us here. and so i will just leave it at that. i won't comment on how senate is running their business and the decision they made. that's up to them. not for us to decide. >> senator fetterman is trying to capitalize selling shirts highlighting some of those who criticize him and vowed to wear a suit and taiwan more times if house republicans avoid the shutdown later this week. >> martha: thank you very much. >> bill: several democrats pushing back on this. i don't know if it's a done
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deal. clay travis is here. we heard from dick durbin. joe manchin. one more time on cnn here is dick durbin. >> the good news is the conversation continues. i believe there will be an agreement. i hope very soon among members. it is experienced in the senate to see individual senators and individual fashion taste. >> bill: he said with such great enthusiasm. what do you think? does this fetterman get his way or is schumer talked out of it? >> they have to fix this, bill. this is ridiculous. john fetterman. first i question whether -- what is going on with this guy? this is not normal adult behavior. if you went to a funeral or if you went to a wedding or you went to any sort of fairly august occasion and wore shorts and a hoodie, you would be embarrassed if you were an adult and made that choice.
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i was an intern back in the day on capitol hill and used to give tours of the senate floor and house floor. the idea that i would wear shorts onto the senate floor it would never have crossed my mind. i was 18 and 19 years old. and also remember this dress code exception doesn't apply for all the staff. so you've got fetterman walking around in a slofsh enly fashion looking like uncle fester from the adams family and his staff still has to be dressed up in adult clothes. this is a really bad move by chuck schumer. i think it is not partisan in any way. democrats, republicans, peggy noonan had a good column about it in the "wall street journal" and also i hope you guys saw credit to the "new york post." they sent one of their writers dressed like fetterman all over new york city to fancy restaurants to see if he could get in or not in that outfit. which is a brilliant idea. this is, i think, just degrading of the senate as a whole.
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again i don't see it as a partisan issue and obviously if dick durbin is speaking out they have to fix it. >> bill: an article that has been published has to do with censorship in the modern media age. it involves a lot of social media. clay, you are on radio several hours a day. you are on a website, right? you used to work at espn and work at fox news and written some books. the conclusion on behalf of this writer. it is called is censorship a partisan issue? he writes vigorous support for the first amendment has waxed and waned between the nations political parties for two centuries and often reversed rules. what is different in the 21st century is the zeal with which mainstream media luminaries have excused and in some cases pursued the censoring of politicians and even fellow
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journalists with whom they disagree. i don't know if you agree with that. if so, that would be a change in the current modern media age. how do you see that point that he is making? >> i agree with that conclusion, bill. i think we've entered a really scary time in our country where we've moved from basically an embrace of the marketplace of ideas in a robust first amendment where you can argue for or against almost any policy under the sun to a position where democrats believe that not only should the government itself be censoring opinions they don't like but in the position of determining what can and cannot even be argued, this is to me what is a real threat to democracy because the first amendment is the foundation of all american political rights. if you don't have the ability to argue for or against any different issue, then you are already -- our national discourse. typically the first amendment
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was more minority rights as much as it was the majority rights. remember, many different issues that initially start off with minority appeal grow into a majority perspective by allowing themselves to be argued over hundreds of years sometimes. that's really kind of the entire purpose of supreme court dissents. you are putting out an acorn you hope will one day turn into a tree because you may lose a case in the short term and win it in the long term. the people who are arguing for a more restricted first amendment are actually undercutting, very often, many of the policies that they may be in favor of that may not be in the majority now but over time may come to be approved by more and more people. i think this is the biggest threat we face in the country. >> bill: the idea about big tech has already been proven. what i don't think we know now is whether or not big tech changes its ways.
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this is going to play out in a prominent way come the national election next year in november of 2024. nice to see you, clay. thanks for coming on today. >> martha: big news conference coming this morning in a short while. new jersey's democratic senator bob menendez is going to speak, we are told, in about one hour after he and his wife were charged with multiple bribery counts and also giving sensitive information to the egyptian government. plus a new flood of migrants overwhelming borders yet again. agents say that their august encounters set a new record. that is no surprise given what we've been watching. where is the border czar, vice president harris, on this emergency situation at the southern border? and how do voters rate her performance on that topic? ♪
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can be expensive. with an affordable home loan from newday, you can pay cash and own the car or truck of your dreams. >> bill: the daily drumbeat of day yes on the border putting more scrutiny on vice president kamala harris as border czar. i believe she still has that job. >> no replacement for her in charge of the root causes at the border. she has been making the rounds talking about anything but the border. mostly she has been talking at historical black colleges and universities. today the vice president has a meeting about historical black colleges and universities with the president here at the white house. recent poll shows her favorability rating according to nbc is 31%. this is what we've been hearing from the vice president in front of favorable crowds.
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listen. >> we tried to ban assault weapons, they tried to ban books. we want to keep guns out of school, they want to keep books out of schools. and it does not stop there. >> meanwhile the border looks like this. customs and border protection sources tell fox this fiscal year will be another record for people illegally crossing the second fiscal year in a row. republicans and some democrats now say the president went too far allowing too many people to cross illegally. >> don't watch what the white house is saying. watch what they are doing. their processes are promoting this catch and release and why we have record numbers. bringing in all these people from venezuela and then saying here is work permits as well. it's the wrong way to do it. until we secure our borders and control the input. >> over the weekend secretary
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mayokas took the honduran president to the southern border to see the situation from mcallen, texas, vice president kamala harris, the border czar, did not go with them to talk with the honduran president about the root causes. she has been to the border only once. >> bill: the beat goes on unfortunately. edward lawrence at the north lawn. >> martha: everybody will be watching this about an hour from now we'll hear from new jersey senator bob menendez for the first time since federal prosecutors charged him. they also charged his wife with three counts of bribery and conspiracy. they say they found hundreds of thousands of dollars in perfectly lined bills in envelopes in jacket pockets and other places stashed around his home. gold bars stashed around the home as well. we have an attorney joining us now. we have through this indictment. the second time they've gone after him. i would assume that they will
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try to have all their ducks in a row this time around. >> it's very embarrassing to lose a prosecution once. to lose it twice would be catastrophic. it looks as though they have put together quite a case here. it has about every element of very laid out in the indictment from the money being shoved in pockets and the gold bars and cars. all of that classic bribery type of stuff going on. the influence that was peddled through it seems to be something well laid out in the indictment as well. >> bill: did the egyptian government get anything in return that was proven in that indictment >> it doesn't look like the egyptian government benefited from it but there may have been certain favors that were done through the arms deals that were essentially opened up. i don't know that menendez mass a direct link to the egyptian government through this but that very well could come out throughout the course of the trial. >> bill: one thing we were talking about earlier today is
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that he has been through this before and yet the democrats give him the chairman seat on the senate foreign relations committee. >> you have to wonder what's going on there and who he is essentially has in the back pocket. is there somebody else he has influenced in the course of this? it's a troubling process to go through and see all that has happened over a years' long period with his wife and the three business partners connected to egypt through all of this. i think this is something that will continue to play out. i think there are going to be other people that perhaps are implicated or at least are peripheral witnesses to this. i think there is a lot that will comet. >> martha: politically she knew these people before they got married. i'm curious to learn more about that connection. she was friends with these individuals and there are text messages about lifting the ban on the weapons. did he get that ban lifted? how instrumental was he in the
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process? in terms of the evidence and pulling together this evidence, they have to link it to these actual activities and we expect that he is going to, i would imagine he will come out and say, you know, i'm innocent. he indicated that on friday. whether or not he says if he will run again we'll find out at 11:30. >> his wife seems to be the middleman and seems to be the one communicating directly with these business individuals, the three other co-defendants here. when you defend a case like bribery and corruption you need a fall guy. who is the fall guy? is he going to throw his wife under the bus and pointing the finger at her? it could be. >> martha: that will make it very interesting. >> bill: their recent -- 5 or 6 years. >> he didn't know these individuals. the wife is the one who knew the individuals and introduced him. >> we'll find out more at 11:30. stick around for this, however. a grammy winner winging it in
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vegas. we think she was winging it. check it out. singer kelly clark son stopping to watch a street performer and getting in on the fun. roll this. ♪ >> bill: wait for it. there you go. it's kelly clarkson. she was on her way to sound check at the iheart radio festival. do you think it was accidental? were they just doing that on an ad lib? >> martha: does anything spontaneous? somebody always has a camera. >> bill: cool by kelly clark son. >> martha: you are the celebrity expert. i'll go about whatever you say. police in new york city arrest two migrants at one of the
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processing centers after two separate incidents of violence over the weekend and a shocking report in baltimore. 13 public high schools, not a single student proficient in math. how does that even happen? parents are up in arms. >> if we don't have a leader that prioritizes students and families, it starts at the top. then that leader doesn't inspire a parent to be engaged and to be held accountable. there's something going around the gordon home.
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good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together. this is spring semester at fairfield-suisun unified. they switched to google tools for education because there's never been a reported ransomware attack on a chromebook. now they're focused on learning knowing that their data is secure. ( ♪ )
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simulcast here on the fox news channel. your moderators dana perino, stuart varney, ilia calderon. seven candidates qualified. all looking for a break-out moment. tim scott said he will be himself. see how that goes down on wednesday night. beautiful shot in simi valley. well done. two migrants arrested for assault in separate incidents over the weekend that happened at the new york city hotel that is now serving as an intake center for asylum seekers and this place is busy. bryan llenas outside the roosevelt hotel in manhattan. what happened? >> good nypd tells fox news both men were arrested over the weekend for hitting women. they were charged with assault here at the roosevelt hotel which serves as the city's migrant welcome center as well as a shelter for migrant families. we're told this was essentially
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a verbal dispute that devolved into violent domestic incidents. 23-year-old was arrested after a 20-year-old woman says he choked an punched her in the face. saturday 23-year-old menendez was arrested after a 25-year-old woman said he punched her in the leg and arm. the "new york post" reports menendez was arraigned and released without bail. both men are reportedly asylum seekers. now tensions continue to rise inside and outside the roosevelt hotel over the city's migrant crisis. yesterday there were protests in the bronx outside of manhattan college where the city is planning on turning a former dorm into a temporary shelter for migrants. guardian angels founder and dozens of others protested against the shelter while pro migrant counter protestors shouted across the street. >> they know this is wrong. they're bringing migrants in not vetted and we have families
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around here. >> migrants have done nothing to anybody. they deserve to have a place to live anywhere. >> democratic mayor eric adams a-- they can only stay in shelters for a maximum of 30 days. it was 60 days. homeless advocates say a dramatic increase on migrants sleeping on city streets. >> bill: we'll watch that and see how it develops. bryan llenas in mid town. thank you, bryan. >> martha: it is called educational homicide. not a single student across 13 baltimore high schools is proficient in the subject of math. not one child is proficient in math. so that is the result of an investigative reporting that uncovered this troubleling statistics. the community is calling for the school ceo to resign.
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seems reasonable. fox business and fellow parent sean duffy great to have you with us. it kind of shocks me you would even have to call for the ceo to resign in this situation in any company in america if you had that kind of result you would be out. >> 13 schools, 0 kids getting a proficient grade in math? some might say we need to spend more money on the schools. they spent $1.6 billion last year in the 33 schools that make up the baltimore city school system. they have $8 hundred million in covid money. this is not the first year of the problem. this goes back to 2017. the same study was down five years ago. the same schools had 0 kids proficient in math. i bet they can tell you all about queer theory and crt and global warming but can't do math. a sham, a scam, a fraud on the taxpayer. parents should stand up and not just say the leadership of the school system should resign. they have to demand choice and
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options. if your school system is failing you have to send them to another school system that will work for them. the shot of the american dream comes through an education. 60% of these kids are black children and so i go where is al sharpton and abraham kennedy protesting in the streets this is a civil rights issue. you don't have education, you can't succeed. they should demand that there is leadership change and changes to the constitution that give parents a right to choose schools for their children. nowhere to be seen and children are failing. >> martha: these are taxpayer funded schools and have a mission in the hierarchy of the government structure. their mission is to educate america's children to make sure they can read, write, do math. so when they fail, they should be shut down essentially. these kids need to have other options as you point out.
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north carolina is the 20th state in the country that is now allowing portable dollars for students to go to schools that they choose, which is a great development. one baltimore parent. >> our budget is $1.62 billion. 1.62 billion. the school ceo earns more than $4 hundred thousand. she has ten chiefs under her which earn $2 hundred thousand each. so the curriculum needs to be completely overhauled. we need a complete overhaul of curriculum and get rid of the ceo. >> martha: this woman is paying close attention. she wants her child to be educated. the idea it's more resources calls for more money. in cities across the country in most places cities, the kids -- dollars are supposed to be spent on them versus many overperforming schools across the country. >> more money doesn't give you
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better results. we've seen that across the board. i did the math. i'm not a math major myself. it's over $40 million. i am proficient. over $40 million per school system. the problem you have is the teachers unions. the democrat party, which runs maryland, relies on huge contributions from the teachers unions and therefore if you let kids out of the school system the teachers don't have jobs. they aren't doing their job. but then the politicians will say we can't let that happen. they are political allies. so the consequence is you have students that pay the price. instead the teachers and administrator should lose their johns because the mission is the children, not the teachers union, which these politicians don't understand. >> martha: well said, sean duffy, thank you very much. good to see you, sean. >> bill: important stuff. like that mother, huh, she cares. see whether or not she can
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succeed. an asteroid traveling billions of miles through the universe and nasa spacecraft hitches a ride. then takes a sample and brings it back to earth. how do we do that? what secrets does it hold? you are about to find out. come on back for that as we take another look at the reagan library. i'd like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know so many of you have served our country honorably. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is the eligibility for a va loan for up to 100% of your home's value. if you need cash for your family, call newday usa. with automatic authority from the va, we can say yes when banks say no. give us a call.
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>> harris: bob menendez of new jersey defiant in the face of felony bribery charges and mountains of evidence against him. he is set to speak for the first time since the charges were announced. the indicted democrat menendez is holding his own news conference. we'll take it live. plus joe biden is facing the worst polling of his presidency. what is the next move now for democrats? and a severe education crisis in
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a big city in america. what on earth will they do to fix it? "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: thank you. coming up in a moment here. we're getting breaking news from the border. customs and border patrol sources telling fox news they have recorded 11,000 encounters in the past 24 hours. they say it's the single highest day in recent memory and that town of eagle pass in texas alone eagle pass saw more than 4,000 this weekend. a lot of these are live images now that we've been watching throughout the morning and screen left is from sunday. we saw something very similar just two hours ago. so it's not ebbing in case you are wondering on that point. martha. >> martha: a year's long nasa mission collecting sin
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scientific treasures. this is an asteroid made thousands of years ago. the early universe. jonathan serrie gets to dig into this one today. cool story from atlanta. hi, jonathan. >> very cool story. the culmination of a seven year mission that took the spacecraft on a journey that went for 4 billion miles to an asteroid. the mother ship a small capsule contained one cup of gravel after a fiery reentry the recovery team collected the capsule and delivered it by helicopter to a temporary clean room. scientists say it is a relic of the early solar system and clues who ow life got water and other things. a small risk of striking the
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earth during the next century researchers say it will be good to get a better idea of where the asteroid is going and what it is made of. now that it has dropped off its sample from the asteroid, rex. it heads to another asteroid. the spacecraft will reach it in the year 2029. >> bill: awesome stuff. how do they figure that out? before we go just a reminder here big debate on wednesday. see you later this week, right? >> martha: wednesday i'll be here. >> bill: dana is crashing for the big test. best fastballs they can find. we'll see you at 3:00? it's only monday. here we go. here is harris. >> martha: see you later. >> harris: a democrat in deep trouble. fox news alert. new jersey democrat senator bob
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