tv Outnumbered FOX News September 26, 2023 9:00am-10:00am PDT
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lines have popped up, more people coming out. the president's michigan visit as the strike enters the 11th day, first time a sitting president will ever have marched alongside striking workers. you're watching "outnumbered," i'm harris faulkner. here is emily compagno and kayleigh mcenany, here today is lisa boothe and for first time on "outnumbered," is it really the first time? this is awesome. long overdue, larry kudlow. >> my pleasure, my great pleasure. >> harris: our pleasure to have you. president biden visit to michigan coming as his administration is looking to push americans to go electric in what they drive. the autoworkers strike is putting the agenda in serious jeopardy. president biden says workers deserve their fair share. >> president biden: i think the
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uaw gave up incredible amount back when the industry was going under. they gave everything from pensions on. they saved the automobile industry. and i think that now the industry is roaring back, they should participate in the benefit of that. yes, i support the uaw. >> harris: okay. the white house will not say if president biden supports the demands of four-day work week and pay hike. >> should we take from the visit that the president issic taking the side of the union workers as opposed to companies? >> he's been clear, he is pro-uaw and pro-workers. >> does the president endorse the latest proposal uaw leadership? >> does he support the pay
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increase and the 40-hour per week work week? >> he cited he is siding with the workers, he is siding with the workers. >> he is siding with the autoworkers. >> harris: edward lawrence is live in wayne county, michigan. last hour wee talked about transition to ev's 40% fewer workforce. that doesn't sound kumbaya to me. >> that is what i'm hearing on the lines here. a split message for folks supporting the president and not supporting the president here. this is a tricky situation for
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the president. he says he is most pro-union president, his policies are incentivizing these jobs out of existence. they feel full effect of inflation, which spiked under president biden. >> inflation went up, gas, groceries, i mean, rent, everything. we need to be able to stay balanced, be able to afford things without living paycheck to paycheck. >> in the statement from the three big automakers, they say this is not about politics when talking about the presidential visit and acknowledge there will likely be record contract when this is all done. the companies say they need to ensure survival, president biden policies pushing for ev's. ford says they will lose 4.5 billion this year trying to make that transition. back to you guys. >> harris: that's a chunk of
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change. the president shows up and news warrants we'll go back to edward. what is he selling, this president? >> malarkey. bologna, just a silly photo op, which he will be in tennis sneakers to stay aloft while he's picketing or whatever he's going to do. edward lawrence was spot on, point we've made many times in recent weeks. in a sense, my heart is with the uaw for several reasons. one is the point that woman made on the picket line. under joe biden, we've had 17% increase in consumer price index, but necessity like food and gasoline are higher and rent and being wellity, much higher. the uaw has not had a cost of living adjustment since the
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financial crisis deal that was made with ford then chrysler, now stellantis and gm since 2009 or 2010. you do the math, almost 15 years. prices have been relatively stable until recently. they have fallen behind. this is joe biden's achilles heel, this is why bidenomics is ranking 30% approval now and 60% plus disapproval because prices are rising faster than wages. second point, sneak this in and you can eat it up, if you want. the green new deal, which in my opinion is far left radical item, unnecessary. the green new deal is destroying jobs. the green new deal and the mandates and regulations, not to speak of the taxes and idea in 10 years you have everyone, electric vehicles, not
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gas-powered cars, electric vehicles will cost the uaw perhaps the better part of their membership, even nonunion car workers, autoworkers get slaughtered by the green new deal. they know that. leadership won't come out and say that. rank and file knows that and they are very unhappy with joe biden. >> harris: emily, when the president touches down, trying to sell that message of transition to ev and grids are overburdened, 40% les workforce, how does he sell that? does he put ice cream on it? >> emily: the woke left media, main-stream media will put out and amplify any false malarkey, any narrative he puts forward. most unfortunate part, everyday americans see right through it, to your point, larry. 40% of americans say we were worse off than before you
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assumed presidency. this president enjoyed 40 million and almost half that amount from green groups. which is it? he tries to tow the line and capitulates to china, vast supporter of the green new deal and the dependent on batteries and for unions. people can't forward electric vehicles and there are not enough charging stations. they are disparately placed around the united states, no real world application to the narrative he puts forward. he will keep trying to sell it. >> harris: lisa. >> lisa: it is brazen to be doing this, he is selling out the workers to china. "new york times" acknowledged this will accelerate unionized work because electric vehicles require less parts and les
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assembly. ford is losing 50,000 per vehicle sold. only 6% of car sales are electric vehicles. only one who wants this is china, he is not scranton joe who stands with unions, he is china joe who stands with the chinese. >> harris: merrick garland was talking about with regard to crime and other issues, they are going to hold china accountable, that would require president having not said in recent days, we're going easy on china. we don't want to push them too hard. we have 99 problems with china. >> kayleigh: i like how politico put it, 99 problems for joe biden and auto strike is just one. this is a huge problem for the president. i have a very hard time believing president joe biden will walk the picket line. if he does, it will be controlled. when you create a strategy, and
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the white house, you want to minimize risk and maximize chance of your boss looking good. joe biden is not beloved by union workers. i wonder the degree to which this has been astro-turfed. >> harris: they did it here in new york. >> kayleigh: i have a hard time thinking he's going to walk among the union workers. he is not loved because of his beholdenness to the green agenda. if he walks the picket line, he may get shouted down, inflation repercussions. >> those workers, hard hats, construction workers, people who work with their hands and assembly lines hate the green new deal, it is end of their job and economists talk about knock-on effects. when they lose their jobs, people in diners and grocery
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stores and dollar stores and local motels and whatever, they all lose their jobs, too. you may cost yourself $500,000 autoworkers or 500,000 related job losses, that is how damaging the green new deal stuff is. >> harris: makes you wonder how many asterisks will be by this president's name when he leaves office. coming up, illegal immigrants heading to our country's border and they are waving their country's flag and even planting, i saw this in eagle pass, they will plant in the center of the river, if there is a sand bar, they will put their own flag on that and they're doing it in texas again, next.
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>> emily: back with a live look at the migrant crisis overwhelming the border. u.s. customs encountering 2.2 million migrants, making the crossing into the u.s. this fiscal year alone. you see eagle pass, texas, the port town far past its breaking point. this is courtesy of congressman tony gonzales shows eagle pass. we are told it is 300% over capacity, with more on the way. new footage from south of the border shows hundreding piles on the top of trains heading toward the u.s. many are waving flags of the country they are fleeing. this video getting national attention, a group of migrants planted a colombian flag on
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american soil in the rio grande. the images are sparking new outrage. larry, what say you? >> trouble with biden's story here is he's doing nothing. he favors open borders. he's now going to give them work permits and id cards, we have no idea where this will lead. minimum numbers, 7 million illegals under biden, number could be eight million plus, about the size of new york city population and of course new york city is getting killed. i want to say, a solution here will go back to catch and deport, first of all, not catch and release. second of all knock heads and bring mexico back. trump administration, we had even left wing provided 15,
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20,000 troops and that helped with remain in mexico. i suggest, you will have to use u.s. military at some point, either to plug holes in the wall and the wall should be completely built or to go after the cartels, which are dominating the border. if you have to chase the cartels to mexico and hot pursuit, so be it. that is only way you will solve this border problem and only way you will solve the fentanyl problem. >> emily: larry says we don't know where this will go. we know where this has gone. last hour you had the mother of a mom who had lost her child to the fentanyl crisis, just today the u.s. border patrol owens tweeting this, with fiscal year 23 coming to a close in a few days, u.s. border patrol has seized 69,000 pounds plus of narcotics between ports of
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entry, including marijuana, meth, cocaine and 3000 of fentanyl, where just the slightest tiny increment is enough to be fatal. >> harris: when you put the numbers out, they are mind boggling, almost like you are talking about a decade, we're not, we're talking a short period of time. getting back to something larried, even if we have to chase them to mexico, fight them at the border. this now is war and type of relationship you are going to have to have with mexico is decidedly different. they can get onboard or get out of the ways, otherwise we're being overrun. >> it is not a war act against mexico. >> harris: no, it is against cartels. >> that is correct. bear in mind, anybody in the upper region of pentagon will tell you the u.s. military has
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extremely good relation with the mexican military. they have integrated training all the time. >> harris: do you think they would help? >> yes, they did in the trump administration and he had to be tough and threaten big tariffs, they came through. biden gave up on it and withdrew troops, opening the border. kayleigh was around and my colleague in the white house. somebody has to go back in tough negotiations with mexico. mexico must be part of the solution, not the problem. mexico is part of the problem right now because biden has withdrawn any law enforcement down there. customs people are babysitters not law enforcement people. >> harris: they are overrun. >> i'm all for immigration with great tradition in the u.s. as long as it is legal. >> harris: have to be ready to fight. >> kayleigh: push the mexican president to the table.
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up to three latin american leaders have criticized president biden. he's been called the migrant president by latin american leaders. you have a president who made leaders understand strength and consequences. you saw it with nato and immigration. >> lisa: this is intentional, look at how kathy hochul is using the national guard, not to deport and stop the crisis, it is to integrate them. one more thing, putting a foreign flag on u.s. soil, does that not depict and paint the picture of what is happening right now? a country is defined by borders and we no longer have borders, we are no longer a sovereign nation. >> harris: we have to push the cartel back. >> emily: i spoke with two d.e.a. agents that took down
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pablo escobar, they said your point, larry, we have to work with the mexican president and central and south american leaders and who would know better than they how to take down the cartels. more to come, including this. hillary clinton is warning president biden about third-party can'ts who may be throwing a wrench in his re-election plans. s who may be throwing a wrench in his re-election plans. s who may be throwing a wrench in his re-election plans. dis who may b throwing a wrench in his re-election plans. ds who may be throwing a wrench in his re-election plans. ates who may be throwing a wrench in his re-election plans.
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his political rivals. clinton pressed biden to take third-party threats seriously and come up with way to compensate for it, one of the sourced. biden and his allies face ace conundrum about white house concern according to people familiar with white house discussions. they want democrats to know they are aware of threat they face from third party and want to avoid stocking panic. biden himself is worried about it, one of the sources said and those concerns are reflecteds in polling. page 14 of the nbc poll, you see former president trump leading president biden 39% to 36% in a hypothetical general match up. look at this, when you factor in the third-party candidates, lisa, when you add five for libertarian, five for no labels, for the sake of argument, 14% to
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third party candidates. now pop up our fox news polling of the democratic headlining, they deny he's going to be on libertarian ticket. if he was, polling 17% against biden, that could be biden's achilles hill. >> lisa: jill stein helped cost democrats the election. wisconsin and pennsylvania, had votes gone to jill stein, hillary clinton would have been the president. i'm sure they are having nightmare going back to that. joe biden is probably weakest president since jimmy carter and democrats are teeing up indictment against donald trump and trials to ashgsz line politically. eve of super tuesday, january 6 trial, trying to tee up where that is the dominant message,
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not the economy, not parental rights and immigration, but convictions against donald trump. i think that is with intent. >> kayleigh: larry, when you look at the nbc article, it fell to 2% in 2020. joe biden picked up those votes. this could be the name of the game in 2024. >> i think president biden could face a third-party threat. i think his biggest threat is the second party, republican party. biden is not doing well in any of the polls by a longshot. whatever questions you have about the poll, it was a block buster, i'm sorry, only so much liberal media can do to dismiss that. other polls show similar approval/disapproval. biden has problems and may have a problem with michelle obama. i'm hearing so much talk about
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michelle obama. i don't know if you are hearing it, same way, people are saying, you know, get to the democratic convention, joe biden will have to withdraw for health reasons and by acclimation, they'll bring in michelle obama and the obama machinery is already gearing up for it. i'm not predicting, just saying, i'm hearing this from everywhere. >> kayleigh: whatever you want to say, gavin newsom is up to nothing, debating ron desantis on sean hannity's program on november 30th. he's going to be in the spin room after the debate, he's up to something. >> harris: doug schoen who worked for bill clinton and with hillary clinton when she was senator and ran for president, as well, told me last hour, this is an affront to kamala harris as vice president. what a slap in the face. the president designated gavin newsom, california governor of a failed state, it is.
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to be his surrogate in that moment. so to deliver the rebuttal, the spine, that flavor after republicans get on stage, all of whom are tied or beating him in hypotheticals. nikki haley outside margin of error for the second week as we look at polls, still beating joe biden by 5%. what a slap in the face to the vice president. what does this mean? he is not just thifrsy, he is getting out of the straw. i don't know if they can get him on the ballot, deadlines are coming up. are you laughing at my straw comment? >> fabulous metaphor. >> lisa: appreciated by all. >> kayleigh: this comes as voters say president biden is not with it, he's too old. we saw in michigan, the short staircase out of air force one,
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not by accident, don't let him trip. goes through mission of team biden not to let him trip. he is doing exercises and wearing different shoes. democrats are terrified he will have a bad fall in a nightmare scenario weeks before the election. >> emily: of course, i'm one of millions of americans appalled by his failure to recollect pacific island initiative that $40 million tax dollars were going toward this weekend. i was apauled when he said he was from baltimore. appalled when he refer to an african american he was honoring as boy. i am, appalled by him everyday. i see him for what he is, abject embarrassment not befitting the office of commander-in-chief or president.
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i note, i was just at crime con, i'm wondering hillary clinton meeting with president biden himself, why? isn't decision-makers around him crafting any type of strategy whatsoever. when we talk about the obama machine, what happened to it? gavin newsom doing his own thing, everyone doing their own thing, they are excising this president he is no longer a part of the machine. it is rolling on without him, i wonder why she bothered meeting him, he is not making decisions. >> kayleigh: very good point. one day from the gop primary debate, republican primary hopefuls will go head to had the. stuart varney and dana perino will with ilia calderon. tomorrow night 9 p.m. eastern time on fox business and simulcast on fox news.
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larry kudlow will kick things off with countdown to the debate 8 p.m. eastern on fok business. what can we expect? >> pandemonium, i went through the schedule and i have 14 guests that hour. >> emily: incredible. >> you have anchored a long time, i have, this is a real challenge. >> harris: lightning round for an hour. >> coffee. >> i don't know how we'll do this, i will do the best i can and they are powerful guests, very smart guests. >> harris: can you give us a taste? >> yeah, kellyanne conway and karl rove and bret baier and sean hannity and laura ingraham and the list goes on, very >> demarco: quiet people like myself. not sure how this will work, it will be great fun. i love the ronald reagan presidential library. we are doing our own show from
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there. >> it is beautiful. >> not as much fun as this show. >> kayleigh: we will be watching, tomorrow is debate day, excited, america. coming up, native american group wants the redskins name restored to washington's n.f.l. team and they are not playing around and filed a massive lawsuit, wow, next. ♪ we're not writers, but we help you shape your financial story. ♪ we're not an airline, but our network connects global businesses
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>> harris: a native american group is taking legal action against the n.f.l. washington commanders football team and it is not because they are not winning. it is over the change of the long-time name redskins. the guardians association accuses the new owner of defamation. redskins name was dropped by the team's previous owner. new owners are suppressing native americans by keeping the new name. commanders is a fitting name for oppressors. the name redskins carries emotional significance honoring warrior spirit associated with native american culture. the only team in the american football league to honor an actual native american. that refers to blackfoot chief
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whose profile inspired the redskins logo. if you command, it starts on the gridiran. what do you make of this? >> emily: it is fascinating argument we have not heard before. they are saying by switching to commanders, they are erasing small bit of history the n.f.l. represented for an amount of time and argued the redskin name is based on historical figures that furth erred american indian representation and by naming them commanders, they say you are doing what you proported not to when they changed the name. the national congressional group of native americans sasay they are erasing identity and we want a seat at the table. >> harris: what is fascinating and true about what emily said,
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how much a seat at the table did they previously have? were they making decisions without the people most impacted by this decision? >> kayleigh: yes, they were. i thought of a 2016 "washington post" article, nine and 10 nativeern ms say they are not offended by the washington redskins name that shows how few ord ordinary indians had been portrayed. you had 90% saying this and they were ignored because woke society must take precedence. >> harris: it is hard to get 90% to agree on anything. >> woke, this is distinct group of minorities or eggheads trying to change the culture, this is one little way the washington
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redskins, any reference to indians or braves they campaigned to scrap this stuff and in professional sports, they made the cleveland indians, what is the new name? guardians? it is not right. washington redskins are the washington redskins, you just said you were a redskin fan. >> lisa: i used to be until they changed the name. native americans were onboard with the name. hail to the redskins, hail victory. >> harris: you know what kansas city chiefs can do with the tomahawk. i don't know what other teams are going to do, maybe take a page out of this and bring everybody to the table, as emily had said. if you make decisions, have everybody there. >> i want the giants to whip the redskins, the giants can beat
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them properly. >> lisa: same thing as latin-x, only 4% want to be called this. no, we're going to call you latin x. native americans fine with it. and i am a pregnant person or men struating person. >> harris: wow, baseline generic, i'm just a person now. young people struggling for the american dream and some say it is out of reach. not that into saving, are you? -whoa, dude... -money. cuz... cuz you paid too much for those glasses. next time, go to america's best where two pairs and a free, quality eye exam start at just $79.95.
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here. join john roberts and me live as "america reports." ♪ >> kayleigh: america's younger generation can't seem to buy into the american dream and they are blaming it on lack of financial stability. poll finds 65% of gen-zers say they are starting worse off than their parents. one 26 year old said, baby boomers, i heard how they worked in the summer and saved up money to go to college and get their lives started, something a lot of people in my generation, myself included, find impossible now. this makes me sad, emily, home prices are up, interest rates, if you want to afford a house. i don't blame young people,
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child care cost. i meant to say i was a pregnant woman last segment. >> emily: interest rates on buying a home exceeded 7% with no end in sight and prices are rising with wages decreasing. college admission and tuition 50% higher, for what? for better education? no, not at all. the bleak atmosphere they are entering into is really clear in black and white and all because of biden and the economics. of course their inner pa's life was simpler generation, so was ours. it probably doesn't help they do not have skills to prepare them. current social climate and hysteria they get wrapped up in not doing them any favor. >> kayleigh: older generations,
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i am a millennial, they were saying, you are living in your parent's basement. when you have urban honolulu unaffordable, median sale price for a median home is 1.1 million, 6.6% increase. >> first house i brought, interest rate was about 15%, 15. 15 is higher than 7. 15 is more than twice the current. hard to imagine. in real inflation adjusted terms, it was low, inflation rate was about 20%. i think we're in a lull because of bad fiscal policies from the bidens. i think it is a temporary lull. they are going to lose. big government socialism is out of favor and that is what polls
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are telling us. republicans will sweep. a second comment, there is too much complaining and you have liberal left chorus of complaints and i think it is done deliberately to psyche out younger generations, for example. done to tell them this is not the great country that it really is, america doesn't afford opportunities it does when at its best or free market capitalism works and instead we have to have a massive central planning government socialist approach where they dictate everything you can do and cannot do and want to tell you how to live. this comes from the left and articles are coming from the left and no reason hard working young kids can't get ahead and open up with new incentives, that is coming, biden era will go down the drain. >> lisa: it is hard to get ahead
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when you have 60% of americans living paycheck to paycheck. >> you can't give up. >> lisa: it is difficult when you have joe biden actively doing everything to kill the american dream. i don't bemoan people, i live my parents briefly after college when i was making $23,000. >> my first job, $12,500. 1973. i left princeton graduate school, $12,500, i was thrilled. >> harris: my first job 9,900 dollar as reporter in greenville, north carolina. my family loved and supported me, they said, you are on your own, this is your dream, we know you can do it. >> kayleigh: i'm with lisa, i appreciate when parents help when they can.
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>> harris: the president is making his way to wayne county, michigan to join those united auto workers who were picketing. moments from now we expect him to arrive, because air force one has already touched down, we have seen remnants of a motorcade go by at a certain point, we can show our audience a little bit of that away from the air strip and so he's headed to the scene that you see here. and this is where our reporter, edward lawrence was, and he told me a couple hours ago now that this was like a pop-up picket. so, this was not one of the main ones like warren, michigan, but it's bigger over time, the
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president is going there. how is biden going to be received? larry kudlow, we have loved having you on "outnumbered" today. >> larry: thank you. >> harris: is he going to get in line with them, i'm on your siders and against the corporations, sucks up 40% of the workforce on electric vehicles. >> larry: hypocrisy is so heavy and i think, look at -- the people who are on the assembly line or on the picket line are not stupid people and they understand full well even though this guy is coming in and he's saying i'm your best friend, reality is his policies are going to cost them their jobs and the biggest beneficiary is china. they know this. they know this. and that's why his approval rating on the economy is so low. i mean, the "washington post" poll, it was down to 30%, 28%,
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i'm just saying the people on these picket lines are not stupid people. >> harris: look, lisa, quickly, the reality for those people is everything costs more money now. so, for them to hit the picket line, they are serious at this point. >> everything costs more, they are struggling financially and on top of that, you have job insecurity with joe biden doing more for china than destroying and accelerating the demise of their jobs. >> harris: breaking news we are covering, this will go into "america reports" as the president of the united states who says he's a union guy, union joe, gets ready to go arm in arm with the uaw. "america reports" now. >> always have gone up, it's citywide. the robberies are up 26% citywide from last year. [indiscernible] not part of the format
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