tv Americas Newsroom FOX News September 29, 2023 7:00am-8:00am PDT
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the senate floor opens up now and they lose a long-standing members in senator dianne feinstein, a six-term senator out of california, first went to the chamber in 1992. it saw bill clinton go to the white house that year. she is dead at the age of 90. this is the chaplain now. >> we continue to believe in your sovereignty as we edge closer to a government shutdown, we choose to believe that you are still in charge. we continue to believe that the hearts of our lawmakers are in your hands and you turn their plans as you desire. we continue to believe that in everything you are working for
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the good of those who love you and that your purposes will prevail. and lord, we pause to thank you for the life and legacy of senator dianne feinstein. may her death teach us to number our days that we may have hearts of wisdom. have your way, lord, have your way. you are the potter, we are the clay. we pray in your loving name, amen.
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>> please join me in reciting the pledge of allegiance to the flag. i pledge allegiance to the flag of the united states of america, and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indi visible, with liberty and justice for all. >> bill: we will get statements from the democratic leader, chuck schumer, in all likelihood mitch mcconnell on the republican side. senator feinstein has been in ill health for a year. the more public images we've seen from her is when she made a move back to washington, d.c. and arrived there in a wheelchair to carry out several votes and went back to california for more care and was in washington just yesterday casting a final vote in her historical career. now the senate leader, chuck schumer, from new york. >> in honor of senator dianne
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>> bill: it is 7:00 a.m. in california and the folks in the golden state are waking up to a changing of the guard after six terms in the senate. let's get chuck schumer's thoughts now as we watch two dozen white roses placed on her desk on the floor of the senate chamber. >> dianne feinstein was one of the most amazing people whoever graced the senate, whoever graced the country. she had so many amazing, wonderful qualities wrapped up in one incredible human being. she was smart, she was strong, she was brave, she was compassionate. but maybe the trait that stood out most of all was her amazing integrity. her integrity was a diamond, her integrity shown like a beacon
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across the senate and across the country for all to see and hopefully emulate. dianne feinstein would typically say, when you asked her how was she voting on something, let me study this issue before taking a position. let me go home and read on it. and when she came back, if she believed the cause or the vote was right, and vital to many issues she cared about, she not only voted for it. there was no stopping her from getting it done. she would take on any force, any special interest, any opponent with relentless integrity and would wear those opponents down until she succeeded. again, her integrity just shone
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threw them and she won and won and each time made the country a better place. i saw this up close when she passed the assault weapons ban, a passion of hers after what happened to her in california. the nra was a relentless, often mean spirited and burt they didn't scare or stop her and failed against her. like most of her opponents, they failed against her. her perseverance, strength and most of all her integrity p shone through. i was privileged to carry the bill in the house after she had passed it in the senate. she guided me every step of the way and her strength and her integrity strengthened all of us
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who were fighting that uphill fight. and as we went through that bill, it became clear to me dianne feinstein is not like the others. she is in a class of her own. of course, it wasn't just the assault weapons ban she fought for. her accomplishments also included championing the violence against women act, protecting oversight authority during the investigation into u.s. torture. fighting for climate justice and fighting for marriage equality and fighting for reproductive justice, the list goes on and on. as chair of the intelligence committee, diane fought for what was right even if it was hard and difficult and took months and years to dig in and find out what actually went wrong. she never stopped. she took on the c.i.a. and asserted congress's oversight authority during the
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investigation into the united states use of torture. and through all of her accomplishments, this one and all the others, she always displayed the quintessential grace and strength. none of these sons of guns against her ever rattled her. i remember a few years back when a nasty senator tried to put senator feinstein down in a condescending, many would way. she acted with strength and poise and integrity and within three minutes she put this colleague in his place. and by the end of it, everyone in the room on both sides of the aisle were smiling. that was diane to a t, powerful, prepared, unflappable. she had to be. whenever she did something, she was often the first to do it. she was elected as the first
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woman president of the san francisco board of supervisors. the first woman to serve as mayor of san francisco. the first woman to serve as u.s. senator for california. the first woman to chair both the senate rules and intelligence committees. the first woman member of the senate judiciary committee. and the list goes on and on and on and on. our nation will be forever thankful to senator feinstein for the accomplishments she fought for. i too am personally indebted to diane. not just as a colleague, which i am in so many ways as a colleague, but as a friend and as a father of two daughters. diane's work extended far beyond the united states senate floor. as she gave a voice, a platform and a leader to women throughout the country for decades. she didn't just push down doors that were closed for women, she held them open for generations of women after her to follow
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her. she gave a voice, a platform, a model for women across the country who aspire to rise in leadership in public service who want to leave their own mark on the world, who want to make this country a better place for others. today there are 25 women serving in this chamber and every one of them will admit they stand on dianne's shoulders. so her impact extended far beyond the senate floor and far beyond politics itself. so today we grieve. we look at that desk and we know what we have lost. but we also give thanks, thanks
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to someone so brave and graceful a present that someone served in this chamber for so many years. in closing, let me just say this. the sign of a leader is someone who dedicates the whole of their spirit for a cause greater than themselves. the sign of a hero is someone who fights for others, who endures for others no matter the cost or no matter the odds. and the sign of a friend is someone who stands by your side to fight the good fight on the good days, and on the bad. dianne feinstein was all of this and more, friend, hero for so many, a leader who changed the nature of the senate and who changed the fabric of the
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nation, america, for the better. as the nation mourns this tremendous loss, we're comforted in knowing how many mountains she moved and lives she impacted and glass ceilings she shattered along the way. america, america, is a better place because of senator dianne feinstein. today i join with my colleagues in mourning our beloved friend and colleague. yield the floor. >> bill: quite a remarkable statement there when she was first elected in 1992 she made seven women in the u.s. senate. today there are 25, quite remarkable over the past 30 years. because this is washington, politics hard thing to avoid in a 50/50 senate. that will be talked about today and throughout the weekend and the days to come. we'll continue to get more reaction on the passing of dianne feinstein at the age of 90. stand by for that. more throughout the morning and afternoon here on the fox news channel. right now 13 past the hour of
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10:00 a.m. >> grandmothers killed by drive by shootings. children not old enough to drive stealing cars as the wild, wide west. do not confirm bowser's choice of chief of police when crime is at a 20 year high she chooses a park ranger when we need a marine general at war. >> bill: so this story in washington is stunning. a city under siege where residents feel no one is safe. you have a deadly rise in violent crime gripping our nation's capital again. a war zone. acting chief of police, trying to keep that city safe. other news to get to now. thank you for being with us today. i'm bill hemmer friday morning. dana has the day off. jacque is with us in new york today. good morning. >> jacque: a lot of news today. jacque heinrich. crime and violence in washington reaching levels we haven't seen in a quarter century.
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carjackings and thefts have skyrocketed. the murder rate continues to climate a staggering pace. these are the faces of some of the victims. majority of these cases, more than 70%, remain unsolved. the size of the d.c. police force has shrunk fora half century low. >> bill: lucas tomlinson picks up the coverage. a teenager was shot dead walking out of his high school one last time. what happened? >> a grim milestone reached in the nation's capital. a junior at dunbar high school gunned down two blocks from where i'm standing. he became washington's 200th homicide victim. a rate not reached this early in a year in over 25 years. residents are outraged. >> here to address the number one crisis in our city that has our citizens living in fear on a
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daily basis, made us the laughingstock of the nation and a city at war. crime is at a 20 year high she chooses a park ranger when we need a marine general at war. >> that's a reference to d.c.'s new acting police chief pamela smith who worked for the u.s. park police for more than two decades including serving as its chief. d.c. has seen a rise in violent crime. robbery up 66%. violent crime in general up 38% and motor vehicle theft has more than doubled. here is d.c.'s acting police chief saying gangs are to blame for the rise in violence. >> again, i think that these are crew on crew, historical things that have continued to happen. guns are being entered into these types of disagreements and what we have to do is really focus on how we can hit some of these guns off the street.
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>> d.c. mayor bowser herself is under fire, bill, for not doing enough to stem the rise in violence in all of those homicides. she spoke recently saying, quote, we need more officers. we don't have the officers we need. sadly, we lost 300 to 400 officers in the last four years. we haven't had officers in our schools and policies that make it difficult to recruit new officers. i did see a police officer on the corner of new jersey where that murder took place this morning as i was walking over here. the d.c. police force now at a half century low. it has been worse in the nation's capital in the 80s and 90s. homicides north of 400 and more than 500 in 1991, bill. >> bill: mayor has her work cut out for her. lucas tomlinson in d.c. >> the flow of people that is of such mag any tied leading to a
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collapse of social services where even new york is buckling under the pressure. >> bill: what difference at this point will his visit make, we wonder, right? elon musk getting a firsthand look at the border crisis in eagle pass, texas, ongoing surge of migrants swarming into the country. back to the border coming up here. >> jacque: the family of a missing colorado mother after her remains were found three years after she disappeared. >> law enforcement will now do what we need to do to find justice for her because that was the one thing that they kept saying. they needed her body. well, now you have her body. let's get justice where it is deserved. prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb.
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sad all at the same time when suzanne more fee's remains were found. i don't believe this is a primary crime scene. i think it was secondary. her body was dumped there and she was killed somewhere else. the seen was staged. >> jacque: the woman vanished during a bike ride on mother's day 2020. her estranged husband was arrested on murder charges but prosecutors dropped all charges last year. we're live in denver with the latest on this for us. >> hi, jacque. the autopsy and forensics with get this family some answers. suz suzanne disappeared after a bike ride. investigators say her remains were found in an unrelated search 40 miles from where she
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disappeared. the sheriff said although located suzanne's remains is a critical component of this investigation and for her family, we're left with many more questions than answers and it would be a disservice to conduct a news conference at this time. her husband, barry, was charged with killing his wife, charges later dropped due to a lack of evidence. prosecutors had alleged before disappearing she told family and friends she wanted a separation. her husband's attorney said the client is in immense shock and grieving. from what we know barry is as innocent as he was from day one. the d.a. and law enforcement got it wrong. we hope authorities will admit their wrongful persecution of barry to treat them like the victims they are and charge the person or persons responsible for suzanne's killing . he have said as much in an interview. >> they are wrong. they have tunnel vision.
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and they looked at one person and they've got too much pride to say they are wrong and look somewhere else. >> the prosecutors when they dropped the charges did so without prejudice. they could be refiled. >> jacque: thank you so much. >> bill: house republicans have gun presenting their case. investigating the biden white house in its first impeachment inquiry. at the close of that hearing yesterday the chairman, james comer, says the investigation is ready to enter a new phase. >> the evidence compiled by this committee justifies the investigation of joe biden's role and his family international business schemes and justifies the next step of this investigation. therefore today i will subpoena the bank records of hunter biden, james biden, and their affiliated companies. >> that was one of the major headlines at the end. shannon bream is in new york
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city today. they are pushing the bolder up a here or not? >> this is very much a test that people if they feel like there is smoke there they want to continue investigating. if we didn't have the two i.r.s. whistleblowers and house wasn't controlled by gop chairmen running these committees we wouldn't know a lot. the white house will concede that. what you found leads to no smoking guns as raskin was saying yesterday. they say there is no smoke, no gun, no nothing. republicans say look at the wire transfers, suspicious activity reports. congressman byron donalds who has done a lifetime career in finance says none of these shell companies. no smoking guns but republicans will keep digging and maybe find one. >> jacque: congressman timmons had an explanation why they needed to go through the iteration yesterday. let's get your reaction. >> this congress has a duty to further investigate whether vice
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president joe biden was a loving father simply taken advantage of by his delinquent son or a knowing participant who was complicit in the scheme and financially compensated for his role. that's why we're here today. to answer that simple question. >> fair to ask. a lot of this hearing had been drummed up that we would get the fire behind the smoke at the hearing. didn't happen. did they make a misstep in not having their first hearing be about the facts rather than about why we need to be doing this? >> they want to justify there is an impeachment inquiry. at this point that's what this is. we're just investigating the different threads. they have to come up against a couple of things. the speaker not lock ago said you can't get to this point without a vote in the house. they didn't take. everyone asks saying i don't think this is the right course of action for us to do.
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i think we were trying to set the table for justifying the inquiry itself. they aren't anywhere near saying the actual impeachment should be done. >> bill: could comer have done what he did at the end of that hearing before the hearing even happened? could he have subpoenaed hunter's bank records? >> technically. he had the power at the beginning of the committee hearing that he had at the end of the committee hearing. >> the gop candidates who keep crafting their every move around mr. trump are caught in the past. today's unhappy gop family wants to be inspired by a new optimistic future. she goes on to reflect like the reality for what a lot of americans feel about their current day-to-day and their daily lives and the struggles they're up against, who is giving that voice? i think that was the question before the debate began, right? >> the person you hear talking most in those terms in vivek ramaswamy saying i'm young, i have the next generation, i have
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an optimistic future. he is the one who keeps saying our best days are ahead. we're a great country, we can do these things. you have seen a few times on the debate stage we're in deep trouble now and have to talk the realities of where we are. he keeps trying to appeal to that president trump was a great president. everybody asks him why are you running against him? i'm a new generation that can take us to the next place. i believe american greatness is ahead of us. he has the most optimistic message. >> bill: "fox news sunday" who will we hear from? >> nikki haley and congressman byron donalds and french hill. they are the two sides of this war within the republican party over in the house about getting funding done. nikki haley and senator joe manchin as well. there is a lot between senator menendez, the passing of dianne feinstein and other topics to the senator.
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out in it. how bad will it get and how long will it last? >> it will last at least for another 24 hours, which is a huge concern, bill because of what we're already seeing in the subway. now i'm along the east river southeast side of lower manhattan and we're battling two things. coastal flooding and flash flooding from the heavy rain. the coastal flooding is improving. right now i can be next to the east river. about an hour ago at high tide the water was above my knee. i got a nasty taste of the east river that i don't recommend. the lowest point of this morning. the problem is, now we're left with the other issue, flash flooding. a flash flood warning is in effect for all of new york until at least 12:30. it might be extended. rain totals 5 to 6 inches. they will continue to grow. behind me where the ferry is, everybody is coming to work today. already we have issues on the subways, trains are being
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suspended. then you have to think about jersey transit folks trying to get to connecticut. the ride home will be tough. unfortunately, the flash flooding concerns are only growing for new york. >> bill: okay. buckle up, right? those are images we don't normally see with the flooding coming down there in the trains in the subway. thanks, britta, talk to you soon. >> jacque: fight to find the government ongoing in washington hurtling toward the deadline at midnight tomorrow night. overnight house republicans passed four appropriations bill. considered to be dead in the senate. they're significantly below funding levels that senators would accept. we heard from kevin mccarthy moments ago his work to try to avert the shutdown. listen to what he said. >> we continue to get conservative in return to regular order. we need a stopgap measure to allow the house to continue to finish its work to make sure our
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military gets paid and make sure our border agents get paid as we finish the job that we are supposed to do. another reason for the stopgap is to address president biden's historic failure on the southern border. >> bill: jacque, this is your beat, right? what will happen here? >> he is endorsing a stopgap measure to basically be a bridge to resume the regular order that the right flank of his conference want. they want to see individual appropriations bills passed for issues. we're at the deadline. not likely that can get through and also be able to pass the senate. he is endorsing a continuing resolution to try to keep the government funded and talking about how important that would be to some of the conservatives' most crucial issues like the southern border. >> bill: the federal government can move money around. they have in the past. they can get an extension. what is your prediction for sunday?
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shut down yes or no? >> jacque: absolutely a shutdown. i would be shocked if we didn't have one. what we are seeing happen now there is a resolution in the senate that can pass. you have leaders from both parties there trying to support a continuing resolution. mccarthy trying to support a continuing resolution. it's the mechanism to get it to the floor. whether they can do that in the house, or a motion to vacate for working with the other side to keep the government funded is another question mark. >> bill: all the time you spend on the hill is paying off. we'll see. there was this. check it out now from the border. >> this is realtime unfiltered. there is no pre-conditions, nothing. this is what you see is what i see. we should also not be allowing people in the country if they are breaking the law. it doesn't make sense. >> bill: there was that. elon musk livestreaming his trip to eagle pass on x yesterday. he was born in south africa, says he supports legal immigration and encourages it.
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president biden has yet to visit the border. a former customs and border protection chief is here. good morning to you. i know you want any attention you can get. maybe it changes minds in the end. what does musk's visit do, if anything? >> it opens the eyes to the rest of the country of the issues. not just concentrated in one area. south texas, arizona, west texas and california also. this problem exists across the country. we certainly need to continue to highlight the great work the men and women of the border patrol are doing out there. >> bill: i want to play another sound bite from elon musk. this went on for ten minutes, the signal went out and then went for 15 minutes. >> a guy came through who had face a tattoo including tears.
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that means that they have murdered someone. this person claimed asylum and we just let them in. most likely if they were murdering people somewhere else and proud of it they will continue in that tradition. >> that's exactly right. people are scared. people, american citizens, are scared. they don't feel safe. >> bill: we have heard that, sir, time and again. yet as we look at a live drone camera yet again in eagle pass today, this is the same drumbeat every morning. i don't see it changing as long as this administration continues to take this posture. do you? >> so i grew up in that area in eagle pass, i'm very familiar. i was the chief there. i can tell you they've seen the same tempo for the last 3 or 4 years. we have to have some policy adjustments if we're going to fix this border security issue we're facing right now.
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>> bill: thank you for coming on today and no break in sight. that's what i see. i think you agree with that. >> we need to make sure our men and women are taken care of out there with the shutdown. >> bill: thank you for coming on today. >> jacque: it has been six months since russia wrongfully detained american journalist evan gershkovitch, there is a new push to bring him home. an update of his boss at the journal. >> we would like to get him home tomorrow and shouldn't be there to -- we are working on his case and paul whalen's every single day. you can use your va benefit to pay off your high rate credit card debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday. rates on credit cards have gone up to 22%. for late payments, as much as 30%, more than three times higher than a newday va loan.
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>> jacque: today marks six months since evan gershkovitch was arrested in russia on spying allegations. his family writing almost a year since we were all together as a family. it is hard not to think about everything he is missing. close friends' weddings, holidays with family, 32 birthday an the job he loves. gordon, thank you for being with us. a lot of waiting for the family, for his colleagues.
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have you heard anything recently from the administration? back in july the president said that a prisoner exchange was possibly underway. what is the latest? >> that's right. so we don't have a lot of transparency on what's going on between the two governments. that's a frustrating thing. president biden has pledged to make this a top priority for the white house. we know u.s. officials are intentionally engaged. we have also seen on the other side among the various officials in russia discussion, you know, somewhat implied but indicating an openness to some kind of prisoner exchange. >> jacque: want to show the timeline. in march he was detained. designated as wrongfully detained in april. on the 18th of april moscow court upheld gershkovitch's detention. in may a russian court extended
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his detention and then in june a russian court upheeled that extension. it was july when the u.s. ambassador was granted access to gershkovitch for the first time and in august the court ruled he must stay in jail, bring us to september where the court has declined to hear his appeal. are you getting regular updates from the state department on his case? >> we get regular updates from our lawyers who meet with evan quite regularly. it is far from clear, prosecution hasn't said publicly at all when any trial might be. they also haven't detailed any of the charges against evan publicly. so it is a bit of a black box for us, the russian judicial system. >> jacque: the fact that they have not detailed these charges, how that could end up playing out and the risk for him and his family. >> well, it is an interesting
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feature of espionage cases in russia and just to be clear he was absolutely not involved in anything at all close to espionage. he was doing his job as a journalist when he was detained, a job for which he was accredited by the russian government to be a foreign correspondent. the lawyers who represent him, because of the top secret nature of the case according to the russian government, also very limited in what they can share even with us at the journal or with evan, i think. and so it's not an easy legal environment in which to confront the case. i think, you know, ultimately this is a political case, not a legal case. evan has ended up a hostage to geo politics and that's the situation that we need to resolve. >> jacque: we're watching it play out. their inability to discuss these
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charges that are -- the u.s. government has said are totally inappropriate and wrongful intention it is clear what the russians are trying to do with his case. gordon, thank you, appreciate your time. >> thank you. >> bill: need to keep the word out. fox news alert watching a potentially dangerous situation developing up and down the northeast coast at this hour. new pictures from brooklyn, flash flooding grinding much of new york city to a halt. the governor declares a state of emergency already. it has been raining for a week. this is going to go on for some time. stand by, more on that as we get it. in any iphone, and get the new iphone 15 pro on them. (vo) trade in any iphone in any condition for a new iphone 15 pro on us. only on verizon.
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>> harris: big backlash after president biden visited two border states but didn't go to the border where the crisis is raging. and violent crime, drugs bringing blue cities to their knees. what new york is now asking every citizen to do. plus which republican presidential candidates are rising above the pack? we'll hear from the voters' voices today live with me in studio. also mark t-- >> uaw will expand the walk-out in michigan. shutdown maybe happens on sunday. >> jacque: i bet it does. >> bill: senator feinstein passed away. a big, heavy news morning for us
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here and folks at home. let's leave on a good note going into the weekend. roll this here. ryder cup from rome. we teed it up and watch. [cheers and applause] four. hard to do. what are the odds of that happening? ready for this? 6 million to 1. the guy should have bought a lottery ticket, right? jacque, thanks for coming up here and see you tomorrow noon to 2:00 on saturday. >> jacque: lots to follow. >> bill: you will be active. thanks for being here on a rainy day in new york. >> here is harris faulkner. >> harris: fox news alert.
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